PAGE If - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, JUNE S2, 1884 24 Help Wanted MATUR1 part Rate w+m knowlodpt to to tenMeewn.Neboowy«*fc- Can altar l pjn. FULLTIME MATURE PERSON f Sft* r Fl Can tar 312/421-1700 Ask tor Sandy R.W.Moll Insurance Ctr. Dundee, IL. INDUSTRIAL Blue Joan Work Crystal Lake Area ftecrulttngi Day Only Tues.. JmM 24 Help Wanted FRONT OESKCLIRK Cibe mature «, i iWtali Ap- Slnpoiosnhy» MatoLsn •tat Mai brtaa Crystal FACTORY Wthavt tags in Crystal Late for: Call Dm TAO/Alpha Division 312/4904700 printed circuit boards, Machine piileri (No ex partem iwcanary). Stack room-knowledge of ion»ononl part values and color coding. Mamtenonce. and (fcaltty Can- Call Sharon tor times and loca tion: 3I2/MM444 KELLY SERVICES The Temporory Molp People EOE COMPANY OPE NW« Branch Office In McHmrv. Of taring new full-time positions. Surveyor's lS.oe/hr., no an- per tones necessary; Salos representatives, leads prwM- ed ft training potential. SLWO Trainee, experienced, w/good track record Call Sam llsTltt- WO. AUTOSALES r In BMTlR|loRf mklRp MiMmtn to grow wfth us. Ex- 24 Help Wanted MAINTENANCE/ MACHINIST A Mfca mmitactarr af apo Is looking ter a •sen to |oln ear Computer Resources CarvStat taduolrtel Park taCMcafoSt Cary.IL. CLERK Graphics Dept. Com- MILL WORKER, no ex perience nstoosary. Will train. Mother's hours eveUabte. Must be over II, W-40 hour work week. Please apply In parson between ta am ft 3am. Sequels Automatic «1» Factory Rd~ Crystal Lake. SCREW MACHRtE SETUP Must have minimum of 3 years Call tor ar set-up experience. •lS/4SMMJL*qU01 MATURE ADULTS Work l-ta hrs./wk. Can eernWMHO. Call Mr. WkMta. MF, tam-lpm. S12/«9Hd» APPLY IN PERSON to: RayUndberg Joe Regan Chevrolet JftT %Mt Una III 11 iM a I litant ITD ft. wonnwesT nwy. Barrington. IL. AVON WAREHOUSE, tull time peel ply In person to Kitchen wnoOaOOfa> Hwy.tnCary. RECREATION Activities ft athletic coordinator. Elgin Community College. Bechelor's Degree with minimum 3 yrs. experience galrod. IMMMtaJM. 12 mos. contract with excel lent fiinfs benefits. Sand resume wfth credentials te: Gavle Spartan 6r„ , by Jane 3ft 0/AA.Sed Elgin. IL. MUft tmECCIsanEO// MECHANIC Track ft equip- Musf have tools. Call tor Inter view, 3H/WS-13H WAITRESS, experienced, evenings ft weekends. Apply In person 3 PM to 5 PM, Sumy EnTs. Crystal Lake Plata. ^̂ 4̂ ̂ C Iia. TSSi1 ni.tLor̂ •o iOMny nocfwry. ci* 9iSRwtcSri THE PERSONNEL Of F ICE COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 300 4MN. Sixth St̂ Dundee, IL. Mlta 3I2/4M-13M »- > * ̂ C STYLISTS WANTED Guaranteed salary, liberal commission. The Hair Event, Crystal Petal Mallll VMMM4 REGISTERED PHARMACIST Join Oece naw, part-tlmo Phar macist needed. If you are a isglilofed Pharmacist In Il linois seeking part-time salary, goad benefits ft op-(-mil mmmny. »Or >wnniw cos* •iS/WS-m* or send resume to Oece Dn« 4222 Elm ry.lT Man. OSCOORUG TRUCK ORIVEIt Meal A iony wages ft Si Ceu Avenue In Crystal Lake. HVtfM2H APPLICATIONS are naw being taken for miscellaneous Assembly. Wiring. Soldsrtng ft Circuit Board staffing. Coll Tele Technology. 113/344-3371 BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH OUR GROWING COMPANY The Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Is the fastest growing news paper publisher and commercial printer in the Chicago area. Our growth rate creates constant opportunities that we cannot always fill from within, if you're looking for a future instead of just a job, please consider the following openings that you may be qualified to fill. ADVERTISING PRODUCTION CLASSIFIED PASTE UP: Full time position Monday through Friday 1:00 a.m. S p.m., although hours may vary on Monday and Tuesday. A fast paced job requiring organizational skills Slid ability to work under pressure Paste-up experience desireable. Position available at the CRYSTAL LAKE office. »aJM TYPESETTER: Full time position, would prefer typesettingexparienca but are willing to train a qualified applicant. To qualify yau should type 40 45 wpm, be able to learn quickly and be eble to use common sense ap proach to your job. Position available immediately at CARPENTERS VILLE office and CRYSTAL LAKE office. TYPESETTER: Part time position requiring accurate typing with speed of 40-45 wpm. Responsible for typesetting of ads and editorial. Monday night hours required. Positions available at MCHENRY PLAINDEALER and CRYSTAL LAKE office. DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION CLERK: Full time position assisting manager in scheduling and logging of ads and other related du ties Pasteup skills required and typing ability would be an extra plus. Must be organized, energetic and willing to learn new duties as neces sary Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD. PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION CAMERA/PLATE ROOM: Full time position Sunday through Thursday from 6 p.m. to 2 30 a m Responsible for pre press operations for two dailies and commercial work Experience with camera operations (line and half tone work), stripping, plate making and color work preferred Position available at CARPENTERSVILLE office CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT: Full l ime posit ion Monday thru Fr iday. 1:00 a m 5 p.m Must be able to work extra hours as needed Wil l learn & assist in al l areas ol Classif ied Telemarket ing Good typing and spel l ing ski l ls re quired, typesett ing experience desireable Must be able to work under deadl ine pressure Posit ion avai lable at CRYSTAL LAKE off ice CIRCULATION BUNDLE DRIVER: Part t ime early morning hours between 3 a m and S a m Monday thru Fr iday Responsible for del ivering carr ier bundles from Crystal Lake to Cary and Fo* River Grove Must be dependable and provide oun transportat ion (wi l l require larger car. jeep or truck) Posit ion avai lable at CRYSTAL LAKE off ice TELEMARKETING: Part t ime posit ion avai lable in our phone room Responsible for subscript ion sales for Cardunal Free Press Morning Her aid Must have pleasant phone voice and the ability to deal with people in courteous manner. E vening hours only, approximately. IS hours per week Posit ion avai lable at CARPENTERSVILLE off ice MORNING SERVICE REP: Excel lent posit ion for student or retiree. Re quires covering carrier routes in case of illness or vacation and regular service checks of customer satisfaction Hours are 5:30 10:00 a.m. Mon day Friday for the CARDUNAL FREE PRESS MORNING HERALD and Wednesday a ' te rnoons servicing the ELGIN HERALD Musi be able to deal with al l ages in fr iendly, courteous manner MORNING CLERK: Responsible for phone and office work prior to start of regular business hours, usually S-l a m Monday through Friday. Must be able to work well with others and have a pleasant speaking voice. Po sition available at our CARPENTERSVILLE office EDITORIAL PHOTOGRAPHER/REPORTER: Experienced photographer with writ ing ability to cover assigned news and photograph situations. Must be able to develop and process own film and maintain photo equipment. Prefer Photojournalism degree or equivalent experience. Full time posi tion with some overtime flexibility. Position available at CARDUNAL FREE PRESS MORNING HERALD and WOOOSTOCK DAILY SENTI NEL. SPORTS STRINGER : Part time position responsible for covering high school athletics, writing sports features and gathering statistics for county teams Knowledge of sports and familiarity with area teams re quired. Must be able to work weekends and flexible enough to handle last minute assignments. Experience with 35mm camera perferred. Car ne cessary. Ideal for student planning career in journalism. Position availa ble at WOODSTOCK office PRESS JOGGER/STACKER: Immediate openings with varying hours on an as needed basis. Entry level position for person wanting to invest theie time and energy in developing a career, not just a job. Must be II years old Positions available at CARPENTERSVILLE OFFSET PRESSMEN: Full time positions for web pressmen with ex perience on Goss Suburban ft Community Presses. Advancement possi bilities Must be able to work days or nights. Position available at CAR PENTERSVILLE office. You may pick up an application at any of the Shaw Free Press Newspap ers tor the positions listed above. Applications should be forwarded to the Carpentersville office, personnel department.'Successful candidates will be contacted for further interviews. No phone calls, please. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP Shaw Free Press 250 Wi,M*ms Ro*d * Carpentersville, IL 60110 Newspaper Group EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 24 Help Wanted OFFICE HELP WANTED Must have typing ex perience and good phone skills. Com puter knowledge helpful but not re quired. Full time. APPLY IN PERSON NOMACLTD. 211 Berg St. Algonquin IL. DATA PROCESSING Operator/Program mer i t o r c x peilencad System 31 Operator able to program and RPG II. Warking hours W am. to • pjn.. yndoy thru Friday. Ap ply in Pam or send resume. HAEGER POTTERIES, Inc. 7 Maiden Lane East Dundee, IL. MEowtn»«rtiw»|Ei PART TIME • MAINTENANCE I lU^kie r»J| IVIRVR3 wll «pnn| vUn f̂ffy part-time person ta all machinery_ta plant. 2-3 de^s preferred Meal tar retired b dtvtduoi. Apply In ponen er c a l l : JfeMar̂ r msttaaJ mcmnry IMMR E X P E R I E N C E D SALESPERSON. Apply In per son only ta Me. Sullivan at Vik ing Dodge, Ml West Terra Cet- ta. J> Crystal Lake. 24 Help Wanted SECRETARY TMs Is an aartaMly tar an exceptional Secretary aiaioltag our staff of pretamienata. Yau must he would be botaM. We altar a uimpotttlv»ifattractive salary ita< er apply In person ta: PERSONNEL SUN ELECTRIC - CORPORATION One Sun Partway CryftMLafea, )L«Ofl4 HMpph*" Wanted 31 TO Buy WRPMWurt ttser Juke bones. eld slot ma rotated parti chines plus any or Hems, cash 311/4M-SM1 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper. Brew. Batteries. Aluminum. Aelimublli Radiators. Gold ft Silver. T ft C Metal Co~ M St- Crystal IL. Men Rww Fri -1 ta 1 Set -1 10 4.115/49M44S. WANTED: OR! alartar set af drwmst complete Reasonable. IIVISMIMor I1V4WM evenings. MOVING? Cleaning house? Buying antique furniture. Lhki peer etc.llVWMUl. BUY, SELL er TRADE OanftOM Shells and IIVSNDI. • DAYS SCRAP METAL We buy cam. capper. braM, scrap aluminum. Open deity. 74pm, S^OO r̂vs 304 Brianvootfr CryUtal Lahfc IU/4M-77S1 • OLD WOOD planes. old wool taob. I1S/BM374. 24 Help Wanted WORKING FOREMAN in bindery and press room. Must have ex perience in coordinating production and full knowledge of the printing trade. Mini mum 7 year's experience. Good salary, excellent working conditions, benefits. Hi laMaan or 312/658-4858 • PUNCH PRESS SET UP • PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Familiar with press set-up up to 200 tons; experienci >ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply to person nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, 1L <.0033 8151943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS NEEDED! We have expanded and need additional qualified men & .women here is your opportunity to join a rapidly growing company. We offer ambitious self starters an extensive package of training pro grams »o keep you on top of the latest develop merits in the business. We also offer some of the most innovative sales tools available like The Buyer/Seller Protection Plan, The Sellers Secur ity Plan, The Moving Machine, and over 31 methods of creative financing as well as mortgage applications, taken right in our office. If you're self motivated and interested in making an outstanding income, call us. We'll help you earn what you're worth For Confidential Interview call: SIS/3SS-9394 ERA ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE 4507 W. Elm St. McHenrv 2L Wanted To Buy GOLD & SILVER Cab* DtamandhClaae Rings Uwder bretan Jewelry, Start taoFtataw%Cer " ~ FAMILY! ft INVEST) 3MVIrtaRtaSt(Rt.M) CrystalLahfc IMnois ttVMMIW HX.COM ft STAMP GO. WE BUY ft SELL N Crystal I 115/45 Misc. SI Merchandise MOtbROLLA Lew MM watt mtmmm. SUM er beat Altar S:3Mm. I15/3M-WP7. TRADE-W SALE -yew- aata- •Mftyeur Weller's mattress sat-125 Fur*. Factory Outlet. M1> W. Rt. 17*. Crystal Lake. I15/4M VILLABE RESALE SHOP Needs Year Donations r , iiHin.,rijLft_i •runinŵ vwfww •Any Re-Sataabta Items All Dm wll--Tax Etaductiili 4$ East Woodstock St. Crystal I M AM to 5 PM Mon-Sat I15/45I-3M1 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman HoMltal Auxiliary (Crystal Laka Branch) LARGE SELECTION of recon ditioned refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges. andTV'j ~ swtth fy. Thompson's Appliance, IU^mmiT. PEAVEY special, 131 amplifier, 2 channels, Scorplan speaker and fender, Nulocaitar copy w/caee ft SI ft. straight card. Both like brand new. asking S43I or best eftar. 312/4*54775 er 931M21 Scatt. WASHERS ft OR YERSk Racon- dNtsnad ft Guarantaed. SM/up. IU/3MM31. FATHERS DAY BALLOONS F a n t a s y F e s t T v a i Costume/Magic Cantor, 432 Virginia St. Crystal H5/4S54V1I. EUNICE'S EMERY (All Hems Made From Real Eggs) Now Featuring: Confirmation, Father's Day E| 'Sltts. Open wsekdeys. Call first tar eves, ft weekends, HS/455-4«S«. 1M North Main. Crystal Lake. Decoupaged Ej • your ol a new High Efficiency si gas fired furnace, d Jonnson Heating ft Air REPLACE your old furnace natural • Harold Johnson Heating i Conditioning, I15/45f-007l GIRLS FRENCH Provenclel "Bii-,1 ,l|" « '* DWNWII DNfOOm lUTnlTUrt. 11 pleceM drawer dreieer, 4 drawer dreeeer mirror, desk, chair double hutch, 2 •MA girts. Ilnew, would awelMM, all it pokes S RATTAN HANGING CHAIRS (2),SMu MVM3SWIaffer5:3»m Misc. 32 Merchandise WHY PAY MORE? LanayFtae Furniture J12/742-7M1 FOR SALE ORTRADE Large Mm. 115/385-2335. MUST SELL. IT72 VW Van. SUM ar bast altar. 115/34* CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers flie Ctann tar Partlei. Plctaics. and HoRum Baltoom OoL Pup- jNta^Maglc ft Morel S1S/VO- P I R E P L A C E W O O D dNivered. Mi par face cord. CaN 312/9MM43 SAVE • BUY dfrect from r pata, patio, cement bon- ft cement, IMS to make inches arc menhele ft dry Concrete Products. North Illinois St* Crystal Lake. • SI years to business. I1S/49P- 2137 GIRL'S FRENCH Provincial "II 11" li • |L II inn f 1 111* im-m BWmT Dvuroom TurniTure, 11 pes. i drawer dreseer, 4 double hutch. 2 ilendSi 2 twin headboards ft frames complete. Enough tar 2 girls. If new, would sell far < I14M. All 11 pes. far I •15/475-4342. RATH SHOP Inventory reduc tion seta. Up to SS% off on mamr Hems. Bore's Plumbery ft bath boutique. 375 N. McLean Blvd. EUta. PROJECTOR, I ft super; golf ctabe ft cart, bawllno ball 4 pndon Fog coat 14; tall lengm mlr- •II 2 HUMIDIFIERS 2 Scliwinn bikes. 2 couches H5/4SP-2M3 DINING ROOM Table w/« chrs. SSfc Coffee Table, SiS; Poker Table w/4 chrs. S25; 3 Window fans. SW aa.; Cheat af drawers. SIS; Dreseer. SSI. •15/MUMS. HOT DOG COOKER. Slack chain, bar stools. aMor cocktail tobies. I15/4SM7M. KENMORE electric stove, ful ly automatic double over, w/pull out burners, copper, SIM/bsst offer; I Hp. Mustang riding mowsr, like new, S29I. 115/455- llke 1279 after 5pm. PIONEER SX 129ft stereo MMIIM* lift IMAMA A iwCfiVwi W IMTIw i VCMNMnC towsrspeekers, very powerful - system, STOO/best. I15/72I-122I. AIR CONDITIONERS, win dew, 2 • 110 v. excellent cond.; antique oak pew. HV4SMO» Misc. 32 Merchandise °0LECCODeLuxe Swim PpoL M X M redwood w/ llnfpet. ft Ndmmer. Needi punw ft liner. 127V beat. Call 115/453-3171. TABLE SAW, 10". 4 TAM tires aaNettadmaawheatalHNaM WNf tlnii wmmr nMtnM.swm-Tm. • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male ft Female Betty Dancers. Call 31W WATERBED Queen, bwkcaae ruiiftina-if padded side-rail*. Mty ininiMm Exc. cond. MSVbest. 312/4M-70M. HAMMOND SPINET Ornan S4M. Tore riding 1500. Top shape 15/3MMM. AIR CONDITIONER, oldsr model Whirlpool. 4 tan, SMJ0. I1S/33M277. 3 STEP VANS ft 1 pickup truck. Not drtveobie. Greet for ports, beet offers. IIV4W-MM ask far Allan. FREE I Trader tires (all sitae) greet for sandboxes. Call Crystal Laka Park District 115/499-MM ask far Kirk. I am faSpm. CHINA CABINET, ook English Country, 34" wide, exc. cond, attar 5:31.11S/455-3M7. • BALLOON BOUQUETS tar all occasions. Have "The Chicken" deliver today! Coetumod deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. I1S/459-RAVE. MEN'S GOLF CLUBS with gold bag. 1-4 woods, 2-9 irons ft WO/best offer .115/315- AIR COND. IftOM BTU, Saors, 5 yrs. oWl good cond. asking SlSft 015/4SM7M. CAMPER JACKS Never med $50 II5/49f-92f9. ' MOPED In excellent cond. ft 2 blue von seats. Call after 4:3ft 115/499-4299. HEAVY DUTY pool Utter, pool tender, vacuum net, S4M, »15/33M34»aftar4p.m. STUDIO COUCH (double) w/tabia, Ml; picnic table, S12; roc liner rocker, SM; TV cert SIS; 2 antique tables S35 ea.; 2 patio chairs, S3/balh; ft ft. Christmas tree, S12. 115/315- 1993. USED FURNITURE tor sole. Large variety, reasonable prices. Waller's Fum. Factory Outlet, M12 W. Rt. 17*. Crystal Laka. 115/499-3343. SECTIONAL SOFA, 3 place, neutral color, exc. cond. S200, 312/4514427 after 4 pm. GJ. PORTABLE Dishwasher, Huffy 20" bicycle; Sunbeam electric lft" snowblower; 015/344-2797. DINING TABLE, oval mahogany, w/4 Duncan Phyto S400. coffee table, bran table rlth black french green upholstered art 2M0 ( fridges. 015/435-5143 24 Help Wanted SPANISH TEACHER V2 time, State Certification required. Johnsburg High School Contact Mr. Rob Gough 815/385-9233 FRIGIDAIRE, 40" electric QOUDW OVwTi ttfCTTi CRRIt H30» 015/455-3314. WURLITZER SPINNET organ. '79, model <30, orbit syn- phones. Three keyboards, pr̂ gram mod rythym orchestra and much more. FruHwood ranni pefiwv Zenith am/fm iMTs. Baal eftar. Cat! altar ft pm only. 115/305-1434 CHEST FREEZER. Wards 10 ft., usad 1 season, S175; Criterion Dynascope 4 In. telescope, S7S; Soars electronic -> ana. ̂ a |ln •• • •io CUVmi IW/ Hfw I Willi sewing machine w/cabinet, S2S; Ward's Ice creem maker, TIW. MO.» WIVFTVNOS» or EVES. 312/439-1015. Misc. 32 Merchandise INSULATION. WnalkefftiSt 115/eadL 015/730- WASHER ft Electric Dryer, RE REFRIGERATOR. WMTA excellent candlttan, S200, 015/344-2S70. OAK DESK, 7 eel lent condition. INO. Call 312/49MSN after 5pm. • GOING OUT OF I SALE 10% off on si to S15 S0%offenSMtaSM MeffonSSitaSM 40% off an SM and v- CERAMIC STOP l22N.MataSf. ilL /4S5-27M Crystal I 115/49 CLOTHES DRYER, WMrtpool OeLuxe. gas. SM0; double bawl stainless steel sink. 025; 015/455-1311. APPLIANCES, Rafrtavatan washers ft dryer* etactrtc ft ges ranges. Clean ft Itas mm at reesoneble prices. All Used Appliancas. 1SW Caurt St. McHonry. 015/30S-W72. WINE PRESS ANTIQUE. SWO. Mac tool boa. SSS; em bike, 115, Gym Pec WM ft system, oio. 015/344-2M4. USED ft NEW < files, bookcases, storage twlilaa Cpwiwi* ovnww iww y conference tables. Large setae- tlon at budget prtcos. Brand Equipment f Supply Ca. 1X7 N. Main St. CrysMLakA 015/455- AIR CONDITIONERS: Efficient Word's unit, BTU, SIM; Emerson Quiet < unit, SM. CaR 015/455- t,Eu3B Net Cool TOUCH TWO 2-Uno 1 business systems, built In Inter com, ̂ ood dialing. Call tar Ml details. Virginia Wood, In terstate Communlcatlans, 312/9M7190 SEARS Freet free refrigerator, white, 14.1 cu. ft. top framr, S100,312/439MM. JOHNSON OUTROMUX Sta hp, w/tank ft stand, anc. cond. Wi; 3 Sets Drapes: Batae- 1M X 9ft SM; Green Print-lilx91 SM; Black w/Goid- 1M X M, 175. All good cond. Call after 4 pm, 312/43MMS. DINING ROOM, set, solid eak. table w/4 chairs ft fackar ft cradta, 312/439-1231 SMO/best. Antique beat offer. QUEEN SIZE Waterbed. Newest style. Bon spring, mat- trass and frame. MM. OlS^SM- 7M4 TRUCK TOPPER. 0 ft. fang, white, one. cond. Aaklng S28. 115/3300735 aft. 4 pm. ATLAS ft" metal lathe w/ben̂ 3yrs.o>iLS300;baw|s spd- Schwinn Hurricane B" btafc <75.015/305-2111. ̂ OAK FIREWOOD SM PER FACE CORD Call 015^44^3411 Eves RAILROAD TIES S3J0/oech. Landscape timbers, bulk grass ft pastors seeds. The area's Jwoesf wtcfton of londKipM wamllaa rm WuO^R^vK ' Mi" M Lawn, 015/330-42M. 24 Heip Wanted Medical Opportunities JOIN THE 6R0WIN6 HEALTH CARE FIELD! RN$-LPNt...FuS or Part Time Use your valuable skills while enjoying a flexible schedule Recent acute care or home health experi ence required Positions now available Days PMs Nights NURSES AIDES...Full or Part Time Use your 'feills while enjoying a flexible schedule Work as little as l er 2 hours a day or up lo a full day Positions now available: Days PMs Nights Past aide experience or prior aide training required Must have own transportation COMPANWNS...Fril *r Pwt ThM Mature adults who have managed a household to as sist elderly with daily activities in their homes Must have own transportation CRN TOTFAY For Mora IwforaiatioH: UPJOHN HEALTHCARE WOODSTOCK 815-338-8840 ffl SECRETARY MARKETING DEPARTMENT An interesting, diversified position is now available for dependable individual with excellent communication, general otfice & secretarial skills. Must have • neat appear ance & high energy level. College preferred but not necessary. This position will report directly to the Marketing Manager. We of fer an attractive salary & a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, life & disability insurance, profit sharing & retirement plans. Please send resume to or call: MEA MARKETING MANAGER niversmL- INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION suee«>«*M' o* 6200 Three Oaks Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815/455-4333 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H BARTENDER WAITRESS & COOK ELM STREET INN 3311W. Elm St. McHenry 815/385-2368 between 9am-5:30pm PARTS INSPECTOR Molding Inspection 12 PM to 8:30 PM Qualified applicant must have a mini mi m fc 1 year inspection experience in Hi? inspection of close tolerance phi;it'dedparts. This position requires working knowl edge of al! basic measuring instru ments and ability to read blueprint. We offer good starting salary and an excellent fring package. Please for an interview. 815-675-2321 PJTEPMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60061 Equal I tunit •M/F (r an equal opportunity employer MOID MAKER/REPAffi MAN An outstanding opportunity currently for a Mold Maker/Repair with the following qualifi cations to join our well established, progressive company... •Nmimum 6 to 8 Years Experience •Knowledge uf Kot Runner Molds •Basic Knowledie 01 Plastics •Ability To Troubleshoot Jobs In Production •Ability To Make Fixtures From Sketches And/Or Verbal Instructions This secure, 5P>our work weak position offers the successful salary commensurate with ex perience. excellent working conditions, compre hensive benefits including profit sharing plus advancement potential. For confidential sideration please contact: Don Garrett 815/648 2416 FILTERTEK INC.. c«m< oooortwuty tmplon' «/l T) AA Modine Monufocturing Compony A world leader in the hegt transfer industry, has an opening in its Ringwood Illinois plant for a MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN The successful candidate will have two to lour years plant experience. Knowledge of 110 thru 440, 3 phase electrical systems, & machine electrical schematics is required. Familiarity with punch presses, conveyor systems & spot welders is preferred Applications will be accepted at personnel office Modinw Manufacturing - r~ Ringwood Road Ringwood, Illinois 12 miles north ol Ri 1201 An equal opporiumiy emptoyet M/F