* PAGE 15 - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1984 Wanted To Rent • LOOKING FOR HOUSE lrt Carpentersville irn, 3/4 QM^MA|MkAl Ig.ML. m ^Wniljr W 9f 312/4MU55 or $15/»-a587, ask tar Stove. RETIRED COUFLE looking In iVf'i w «• iiwvm in nw vara u» Crystal Lake. NNM by l/MM. 312/8M29Mafl. 2 pm. WANTED TO RENT M bedroom homo or farm In range of $425-$525/mo. 115/344- 4411 WOODSTOCK AREA Family of 4 needs by 8/13 bdrm. duplex or houoo w/optlon to buy. Gor. lb b»mt. proforrod. $358- »4H/mo. 115/459-3195 or MS/M3-SM4. HANDYMAN looking tar houoo ta ront noor Woodstock. Good tot. A out, rspalrman. Aloo tako prldo In lawn A gardon work. Havs rotaroncoi. $15/943-7348 Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share MALE LOOKING to share 2 bodroom apartment with soma, an utilities. $15/338-9510 aftor SHU, • ' , • RESPONSIBLE poraon looking tar tamo to shore expenses of boaoonoar FOR Rlvor. Call aft. 4pm.nl/344-a03D OLD CARFENTERSVILLE Ito rooms tar ront In 3 bdrm house. Would prefer nan- pwwttlowl person. Nlco roswsntlal aroa. IWmo + sac. dsp. + to ufttlHao 312/4204541 CRYSTAL LAKE, apt. to shar% SM9 month + to fho ujjttles A soc. dap., 815/459- kit., laundry, A pool, M, DM moi dsp. Asharoutll. awSKfiJ WOODSTOCK. S looping room tar working gontlomafv clooofo town. Ili/MMW aft. 1 pm. woman to to Crystal PROFESSIONAL share beautiful 4 wffh samo. Vow conv Woodstock. McHenry, LAka. Very large private room, ,.l. , | | | ,l| - - - !/»!-« I.. pnWWwlHV QBo • WTwMn pv IV* MS/wk. Wrlto Box OAA % Dal ly Sont'on Wbodstock, Sentenel, PO Box 70*, M.l 80 Apartments To Rent MCHENRY DEFOT HOTEL Rooms from S49/waok. Cablo hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call I1V3IM73I aftor 2pm. Real Estate 72 For Sale Apartments 80 To Rent GARDEN QUARTER AFTS. I15/3M-21I1 PaatiianHal i. *»-«« wi if» RNcnsnry Patio/Balcony units aval labia FroaWator Froo trash pickup I aihw ŵ IkjiIIIIIm lea Wl jAm UMww 7 iKlinWI wl PWJ. WPnw*TTK'K LAKEWOOO APARTMENTS «Studlos*lA2Bdrms. Froo Gas Hoat A Cooking ww uwumma ^pmnciSr wall-to-wall carpeting, laundry facilities. cablo TV; pool A SEIRO^^ZEIPDISCOUNT FROM8M9 •815/33$-23$> RICHMOND KKJIMWIQ /YHH IIIIVML 1A 2 Bdrm. Deluxe Apts. Wall to wall carpaflng, fully ap- pllancod kltchon, bMUfltoily landsciped grounds, pliy am# laundry facilities A full tlma lanloi Cltlzans Discount From$2M/mo. Call 312/517-1277 DELUXE 1 A 1 Bodroom Imi |M M,IIM In alj., UUUa--. ^pwinipiii» Ri Ciif mcnenry, sscurlty, privacy, luxury. No Ptil. Mil Iw miw ndTlOn Wir 5pm, 115/315-3192. BURNHAM MILL Apartments, Elgin accsi tar 1 bdrm. carpaflng, central air, sacurlty buildings. Rrants ara subsidlz-Ml fjur allnlhla it -a. Fnr I*" EIIUIDlW j^|| Mp nR IIMl Iiiiwo iiftTwii CVII Wl visit, I2«7 Ftoatwoad Dr., Elgin. 312/497-SMI. Equal Housing Opportunity. WOOOSTOCK Secand floor apt. nm w senior ciimn or roflrod oldsr parson. Garapo A wator IncV. Raasonabla. Sand references to Box AJX, Shaw Froo Pross Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. MOM. MEHENRY 1 bdrm., Idoal tar slngto adult. All utll. bath A gar. 870/wk. I15/3M-4M9. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 duplex, naar train. $43S/mo. In- d. hoot. Idoal tar adults. No pata.ll5/45MM2. CARY, l bdrm. apt. w/goraga. Avail. July 1, Idoal for mwlywsds. No pata. 312/439- 7002. PERFECT FOR WIDOW nM| In i|r»anri. mem HI mcrmwy. Ishod apart- •15/MM5M. • CRYSTAL LAKE 1st floor. 2 W III. WT. HfWTy I WVUJI LLVUF wffh laundry tocHltle*. Walk to train. |47S/mo. hoat Incl. Rats, no pals. Avail. July 1, 015/455- Apartments 80 To Rent Homes Condos., Townhomes WEST DUNDEE 3 rm*. fully •«V*wi IWTHI# IMN>> gas. watar tod. Na pm. Pvt. parking, sacrvlty 3I3/4M22S2. nnsiMr 115/330-3040 ALNNQU9N lot mw effi ctoncy. Elm St. Etoc. boat, air, cMprt A aapfs, IMS mo +1WO oac. im.Tref. No Pats. Call WockRaal Estate, waok-daysl ajn.toNoon.3l2/MM1l2. TWO BEDROOM MM. t parking, In 1 Ca«l1S/g$-34W. lax. oIf Nal 115/540-7540 WOOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm. m WW MUX* IWM • rfiriOM garo^MMma ̂115/3304910 $MI+ssc. dsp. 312/27*8941. WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm. downslalrs, gar. spacot haat A »- -T-T A- -jr̂ S •DDIS. inCIVWBf WW caaifs^m-7122. WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm., 3 Mnrba Lwm 4^ ,̂̂ MM/m< » •www II Wll WfUDrw/ IHwnw T uflfs. Sac. dop A rota req. no ppfS. $15/475-4884. CARY, 1 bdrm. «27Vmo. plus vMo. AOS ~ July. ONI aaMI* A itIHj J >A Aiiall wtllS. fl SVCWtTTJB^DWPT. ATIII< all 312/43»-2037. J -«t . ,.ii,k|, • -«- f .̂l| hlwiiY/ VTVIICDIV wWr »• will after 5pm, $15/385-5573. WOOOSTOCK 1 bdrm. apt. blocks to squara. All utfl. i capt atoct. wooT 312/4M-3211. 81 Homes To Rent STATELY twdor Inwi |950/mo + soc. dop. winBiriwr rvwniQ. wWi BairdAWarnor 115/459-1055 WOOPSTOCIL 1 bdrm. apt. In compMt rtmodtllng unotr way. 1 yr. toaao, DP pats, KMO/mo. Call nî M-lSM or MS/HA4M1 MCHENRY, I bdrm. gar. nfrlfly slwir IMT medical MM^M IIMMMI fMyl GPRiif B3VVr WTVVTIDO* 9VID IWI«» Proa Prooo Nawspapars, Box 250, Crystal Laka, 40014, % PO Box AKA. P.O. III. WONOER LAKE,2bdrms.ap---at ^_a« a- » a-- a piwncilr I1IVI DSITIT.# VQ. yirflf MM/mo. +1 mo. socurlfy. Call aftar 5 pm, 312/439-344f. 81 To Rent 82 ToRent (XBCUTIVE/FAMILV Retreat. A beautifully woodsd country home for raw. MM sq. ft. Mwrm, Includes hugs fami ly room end kitchen, ffrpka, MXM Mgrtf pool, garage. 2+ acras w/orchard. Very prlvato qatot, S mln from town. Avail tola Aiif/Sept. Call Lasll at 815/459-3145 I til 5, 45* 7443 CRYSTAL LAKE conda 2 bdrm. 2 bath, appl. pool. No pats, sac. dsp. $445, avail. Im- mod. 312/358-5951. (XBCUTIVE/FAMILV Retreat. A beautifully woodsd country home for raw. MM sq. ft. Mwrm, Includes hugs fami ly room end kitchen, ffrpka, MXM Mgrtf pool, garage. 2+ acras w/orchard. Very prlvato qatot, S mln from town. Avail tola Aiif/Sept. Call Lasll at 815/459-3145 I til 5, 45* 7443 Stores, Offices Industrial 8S ToRent CARY, 3Mnns. rac. rm. Scar •It. aar. Option avail. M2S/mo. CaH 312/459-1237. WOODSTOCK, 2*0 sq. ft. of retell space near Square, one. parking, 815/338-5411. SMALL HOUSE In McHenry. Baaomant, garage, nice laca- tom. I3M. Cafills/M5-34M. WOODSTOCK, 2*0 sq. ft. of retell space near Square, one. parking, 815/338-5411. SMALL HOUSE In McHenry. Baaomant, garage, nice laca- tom. I3M. Cafills/M5-34M. CARY OFFICES, naw bldg. Ideal tar mfg. or sales rep. Answering, secretarial A copy service avail. 312/439-2351 or 439-3137. WONOER LAKE, 2 bodroom bom* sndoaad porch A deck, Mjl/fHQ, hq pftg. McHenry County Realty, Inc. aak tor Tarry Matoews, 115/453-2041. CARY OFFICES, naw bldg. Ideal tar mfg. or sales rep. Answering, secretarial A copy service avail. 312/439-2351 or 439-3137. WONOER LAKE, 2 bodroom bom* sndoaad porch A deck, Mjl/fHQ, hq pftg. McHenry County Realty, Inc. aak tor Tarry Matoews, 115/453-2041. INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/STORAGE Space, 58'X** w/offlce, MC ovrhd. drs. leading dock, avail. Aug. 1; alsoSTxir, w/of flce, loading dock + 2 W ovrhd. drs. radiant haat, 3 phase, avail. July 1, (across from new Hoop.). Jand, 4450 WOOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm. far- mhooao w/femlly room, dan, dto. rm. eat-In kH. atos ufll. MM/mo. plus sac. dsp. Ref. raq. I1S/SM029. By appt. on ly. Avail. Juty 1st. Mo Peto. - INDUSTRIAL OFFICE/STORAGE Space, 58'X** w/offlce, MC ovrhd. drs. leading dock, avail. Aug. 1; alsoSTxir, w/of flce, loading dock + 2 W ovrhd. drs. radiant haat, 3 phase, avail. July 1, (across from new Hoop.). Jand, 4450 WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, 1 car gar. fenced yard, Sguars, $475/mo. July 1st, l15/»-2271. Bull Valtay Rd. McHenry, NSflBHM7 WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, 1 car gar. fenced yard, Sguars, $475/mo. July 1st, l15/»-2271. EXECUTIVE OFFICE Suite, 5M sq ft. 1st floor, available July 1. Call I15/459-74M. WOOSTOCK, large 3 bdrm. beuet 2 car gar. doae to Squara, monthly lease, MN/mo. Days, 815/459-7700, SKI. Ml. Evas. $15/330-2402. 11 umnmATc wDRNBR CRYSTAL LAKE, tar small shop or office, Rt. 14 A Plngroe * Rd. For more Information call, 312/223-2444. LAKEM00R, avail. July A 3 bdrm, Ito bath, appl, carpeting. MM + sac. ref. •U/M4444I. CARFENTERSVILLR, Route 31, 1/3 miles north of Spring Hill Shonolm Cntr. Retail Stores, Offices, Storaga, Restaurant, 312/4284474. CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm. A*gu|4 &44 W^WiA. DSmTf ITplWf Cn* VII* gar. w/deor op oner and morel MM/mo. Alsa 2 Naw Houees tar rent or sale, ssrs/mo and lip. I15/45M45I John F uhler $-5 CARFENTERSVILLR, Route 31, 1/3 miles north of Spring Hill Shonolm Cntr. Retail Stores, Offices, Storaga, Restaurant, 312/4284474. CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm. A*gu|4 &44 W^WiA. DSmTf ITplWf Cn* VII* gar. w/deor op oner and morel MM/mo. Alsa 2 Naw Houees tar rent or sale, ssrs/mo and lip. I15/45M45I John F uhler $-5 OFFICE 500 sq. ft. or unit of 1«8M sq. ft. Present tenant, Lake In The Hills Realty, Pyoft A Algonquin Rds. 815/459-3450. LAKE KILLARMEY 3 bdrm. mhiA In IrMnlkMi |»m||m rtnen, HTin Kircnevi# vwrviiy rm. walk to beady 1550/mo. Sec. dep. references. 1 yr. laaas. No pets. Avail. 8/1. 312/439-5842, after 4 pm. RURAL WOOOSTOCK, rent or sale, large workshop w/3 bdrm. apt. above. $400/mo, call Larry, 115/441-4071. LAKE KILLARMEY 3 bdrm. mhiA In IrMnlkMi |»m||m rtnen, HTin Kircnevi# vwrviiy rm. walk to beady 1550/mo. Sec. dep. references. 1 yr. laaas. No pets. Avail. 8/1. 312/439-5842, after 4 pm. OFFICE SFACE available for rsnf In prestigious building, at 18 E. Main sf In Dundee, call 312/458-8444. FOX RIVER GROVE Available for month to month rental beginning July I. Large 34 bdrm, 2 baft, with fenced-in yard, walking distance to schools A train. ISM/mo. 312/439-2000 OFFICE SFACE available for rsnf In prestigious building, at 18 E. Main sf In Dundee, call 312/458-8444. FOX RIVER GROVE Available for month to month rental beginning July I. Large 34 bdrm, 2 baft, with fenced-in yard, walking distance to schools A train. ISM/mo. 312/439-2000 COMPLETE MOLD shop for rent. Responsible individuals only. I15/459-80M • Leave misisgi FOX RIVER GROVE Available for month to month rental beginning July I. Large 34 bdrm, 2 baft, with fenced-in yard, walking distance to schools A train. ISM/mo. 312/439-2000 CRYSTAL LAKE, 5,000 sq. ft. tod. bldg. w/450 sq. ft. office, all CRYSTAL LAKE, 5,000 sq. ft. tod. bldg. w/450 sq. ft. office, all Condos., Townhomes 82 ToRent a/c 3-phese alec, air lines. . Will divide. 815/4S9-90M. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of fice, secretarial service A utilities provided, $325/mo. 815/459-8408. MC HENRY North FOR con dominium apt. 2 bdrm. ito kî k -- • aaMlliUa * Dim, pool/ uTiiiTies NiQ excepT alec. $42S/mo. 115/315-5344. a/c 3-phese alec, air lines. . Will divide. 815/4S9-90M. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of fice, secretarial service A utilities provided, $325/mo. 815/459-8408. MC HENRY North FOR con dominium apt. 2 bdrm. ito kî k -- • aaMlliUa * Dim, pool/ uTiiiTies NiQ excepT alec. $42S/mo. 115/315-5344. OFFICE SFACE, McHenry, 500 sq. ft. $350 Including utilities. Call days, 115/30? •373. eves 115/3158424. CARY, BRIGHT OAKS, 2 bdr. Ito both toanhouse, $475 month + eoc. 312/499-0009 or 254-0000. OFFICE A COMMERCIAL Great downtown location. 120- 4MI sq. ft. all 1st floor. Call 115/459-0651 John Fuhler, 1-5. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent CARY INDUSTRIAL Cantor from AMI to 1AM0 o% fl. tar IWD IFL WW DUILUINY. DUITIOIF for light Industry, warehouse or offlco. Todoc Corp. 312/439- & Misc. To Rent SMALL HALL all occasions. Ltoorty Hall, 3M Park St. McHonry. 115/305-2211 oft. !d ONE CAR GARAGE. 10'x20'. naar Crydal ILaka Train Sta tion, parfact for storaga. $45/mo. I15/45M937. 14, M ft. ipai, fully oqulppod. datos still avail. Waokly mllaaga allowanco. 015/470-4447. MOTOR HOME For rant. '79 Itasca. Sleaps 4, air. 1/115/315- 7C22. LAKE OF THE Oiarfcs. Naw 1 bdrm furnlshad watorfronf con- do. 050/nlght. Call avanlngs 015/459-9275 HARVARD AREA: Mobllo homo, 2 bodrm. 1225 + socurl- ty. 015/943-7472 or 94^3252 Automobiles 86 ForSale SHOPPING FOR AUTO INSURANCE? "Lot qy flngars do too walk ing." Phono quotas walcomad. Sundarlaga Insuranca goncy, I15/3M-3&I. NEW AT Zlobort: Radiator, Imlif, power flush# radiator ropalr, air conditioning ropalr A sorvlco, 312/439-5333. CHRYSLER Cordoba, I cyl. full powsr, extras, axe. cond. MOOO/oftar, 312/495-4021 or 312/420-7150. CADILLAC, Eldorado, 74. Full powsr, sun-roof, now radials. altar. I exhaust system. 54,000 mi. Can be seen at 151M Klshwaukao Valley Rd. Wdsfk. asking >2500. CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS. 7-DAY PICK UP CALL 015/330-2120 CUTLASS SUPREME '00, ', vary good cond Ir, tllfT am/fm crulsa, air, cassette, 44,000 miles. $5,500. 312/439-9274 REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes A models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all tones. Buy |ust like tak ing over payments. From $41. month A up. Mechanically tasted cars. No ma|or body damags. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/5l4-3f00. The Affordable Dream * gi \tfSll( 111.J Oil .51 ̂ » I BBgnr S. RICHARD EASTY s DEALER/GENERAL CONTRACTOR (312)639-4242 authorized dealer for: WORT. 22SUITE 208 FOX RIVER GROVE v • The Bradford B-2752-3-2 D O CM TM KM CM Mknn 0 LUXURIOUS RANCH with many deluxe features. Garages & Basements optional. MODEL LOCATION, Route 22 at Route 14, Fox River Grove. Shown by appointment. The Chatham C-2440-2 Roomy Cape Cod. Main level complete. Upstairs standard unfinished/optional upstairs. Complete with front and rear dormers. The Harsax H-2440-3-1 Vi Priced right for that Starter Home, that Getaway Weekend Home, that perfect Retirement Home with 100% maintenance-free exterior. i mm 7 models. 200 floor plans •in Automobiles 86 ForSale MM 'M, ovordrUo, am/fm, Automobiles Automobiles 86 ForSale »6 ForSale luggage rack, boot, exc. cond. $5,200/oftar. Stave, day, 312/442-2300. Evas., 312/450-7422. BUICK REGAL *M, black w/burgandy Inferior. Must sell. SS^OAmesl. Aftar 5 pm, IIV4M- CHEVY Maltau Classic, mo, gar. kept, loaded, exc. cond. Musi see A drive. $4M0 or best, call Jim, 312/49*0110 Ext. 309 days A931AS19 evenings. PONTIAC CATALINA '72, auto, air, runs but needs minor rapolr, $125. CaH 01S/MMW9. FIREBIRD 'a, naw 3M engine, body good, 12400/best. 015/330-420 DATSUN, 'II, loedod, mint cond., $4,350 firm 312/65M032. BUICK REGAL 79 auto. It. blue, air, pa/pb, 17M0 art. ml. firm. Gloria, 115/455-17W. MERCURY MONTE GO, 1972, low miles, runs great, axe. $750/boet offer. transportation, l 115/455-5109. DATSUN PICK--UP '12, white, cop, good cond. 4 mod, 27,000 miles, $4000,115/45M445. after 4:30 p.m. or 312/551-4313 before 4 p.m. TOYOTA COROLLA SR-5 lift- back, 'II, 5-spd, ps/pb, am/fm, sun roof, rust prfd. , polyglycoat, looks and runs parfact, must see. $5200. I15/72»0I43 OLDS '10, custom cruiser, low mileage; exc. wheat straw, 50 acres. 115/195-3147. AMC CONCORD DL M f,2Meng 'FMcasatto owner, low ml. 4cyl, 250 eng., 4 I,AM/r" spd. nv (X. w/equallzer. 1774 aft. 5 pm or week- CHEVROLET NOVA 19M, re cant tires, brakes A muffler, MM/oftar. Call aftar 4pm, H5/344-0523. CADILLAC Coupe do Vllle, '71. Runs very gd. new tires A much more. Body rusted. 4400/best offer. Call Jim, 115/471-4244, aftar 4 pm. FORD GRANADA, 74, 4 door, work, MM, Hi body not 115/330-0 W4. a little as FORD FIESTA 'M, axe. cond, low mHaa. garage kept, 4-spd, cassette, Micnelln tires, MMI/oftor. 31I/439-54M OLDS LUX 75. Air; new tires, battery, A muffler; good runn ing car. MM. 115/344-4013, aftar 5pm. CHEVY WGN Caprice Estota.74, I11M; PONTIAC 73, $275; 312/424-3645 Sp.m. HONDA '02 accord, 2 dr. hat chback, 5 sp. air, am/fm radio, rust proofed, exc. cond. gar. kapt, 20,000 miles, $4700, or best Oftar, 312/439-3125. RENAULT Alliance, '14, 4 door, 4 speed, metallic silver, ctoto Interior, am/fm stereo cassslls, I15/54MI52. TRANS AM 'M. White, turbo model. No rust, great cond. Best oftar. 115/344 2309. DATSUN *M 211 sun'roof, good cond. 5 spd. Beige. $3900. 312/42MI07. PLYMOUTH. M, TC-3. 2 dr. hatchback, auto, air, am/fm, pa, pfc rw dofog, vinyl interior, low miles, $4^95, 015/455-4454 after 5 p.m. 'aoon, New FORD PINTO Station Wa 79, 4 sp. 54J00 brakes, shocks, exhaust system. Extra clean, $1200. 115/315-5353. PORD EXP. '13, exc. cond. tow miles, sun roof, am/fm tope, 5 spd. $4,5M, after 5 pm, IIS/455-3437. MUSTANG GHIA 'M, auto. 3 door, pb/ps, air. Asking $4AM. 115/458-0041 after 5pm. DATSUN rht)a r»r • cmwcK, DeLuxe 210 hat- am/fm low miles, exhaust system A brakes, axe. cond. Must sell, $330,312/742-4074. , 'M, 5 sp. rust proofed, V dutch, exhaw VOLVO WAGON, 72, extra tires, runs OK, new brakes, first $450 takes, 115/453-3971. EL CAMINO, '49, $150; 71 Olds Delta, $150; '73 Grand Am, $4M. 015/330-2155 FORD MUSTANG, 79,4 cyl . 4 sp. am/fm stereo, $2,400/ best. Call 312/439-7M1. VW BEETLEE/73, 4 radio, no rust, exc. cond. $1,325, $15/305^929 aftar 4 p.m. TRANS AM 1977, excellent cond. low miles, well main tained. 312/439-5250 72 Real Estate ForSale DOOGE DART Swinger, '73, new brakes, good tires, $550, •15/455-2943. CHEVY MONZA 74, 4-cyl. good cond. 51,000 miles, $1,300, 115/330-1124. n WE an RESULTS tEAlTY WOKLD S49.900 FOR THE NEWLY WED OR EMPTY NESTERS. 2 bedroom aluminum sided ranch and freshly decorated. Large kitchen, hardwood floors throughout and nice size deck. Corner site - city conveniences. *56,900 LOVELY, LOVELY, LOVELY 2 bedroom ranch with full size dining room, more than enough new cabinets in remodeled kitchen. Attractive patio with furniture overlooking park like back yard. SEE IT NOW! S47.S00 'f>, v • A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY, A ftfTLE JGL CITY. 3 or 4 bedrooms, larj^emmtry kitchen, walk to park and beach. Woter and city sewer. McHenry Schools. $94,900 FANTASTIC WATERFRONT. Great tor the entertaining family. Large deck on the water, boat hoist and yard lights. Four bedrooms and 2 baths. FHA ASSUMABLE. THE RESULTS PEOPLE FOUR OFFICES: McHenry Crystal Lak® Cory Woodstock REALTY WORLD Durbin-Stovall. Assoc., Inc. 4213 W. Elm St. (Rte. 120) McHenry, IL (815)385-8060 ERA-Advantage Real Estate 4507 W. ELM ST., MeHENRY ' 815-385-9394 LOTS OF ROOM - DOUBLE LOT Attractive house on large double lot with 2 car Gar. Lots of room for family. Large screened in porch that leads to beautiful deck for summer fun. Also in cludes ERA 1 yr. Buyer Protection Plan. •64,900. FIRST TIME BUYERS Just the house for family starting out or renters tired of paying rent. Close to shopping & schools with wooded lot & lake rights. See this one today - Priced to ". *39,900. FOR THOSE WITH EXQUISITE TASTE Truly unique A stunning custom built home on huge wooded property. Living room w/cathedral ceiling A fireplace, has walk out to deck which overlooks beautiful ravine A wooded area. Large master bedrm. has separate office area A both. Full walk-out basement. Lake A beach rights. *87.900. WHERE'S THE BEACH? Right in your own back yard! This ex ecutive waterfront home is just right for the active family. 2 acres ol lovely property surrounds this elegant 2 story home. There are so many great features, they can't be listed here. Call today for you personal viewing •ihiE»»Tw>nfllwEm« W« H«lp TH fMI Vj- , < A p ' M m PERFECT PRICE, PERFECT LOCATION You can't afford not to see this sharp 2 bedroom home w/super large wooded location. Ajso included ore a beautiful woodburning fireplace, full basement, and water rights to the chain of lokes] right across the street *48,900 REDUCED' 7 yr. new cedar raised ranch with 4 bedrooms & 20 ft. family room on large corner lot. Over 1900 sq. ft. in all & many extras. Reduced to *67,900. Must see! A super buy at KIDS RUN In '/« acre completely fenced yard. Lovely 3 bedroom, aluminum sided ran ch w/full basement, beautiful new kit chen. Only S46.900. WHY RENT? Invest your money in this 3lbedroom home in move-in condition. Garage - fenced yard, Buyers Protection Plan for only $32,900.