SECTION 2-PAGE f-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1*4 4-H fundraising campaign reaches milestone County museum to salute schools imiMitii •>!• ilriiia fna llin <1# Kaah Ant^vtnvlrAil nc 4.U T^Air in A J -- - A.!--fi - Vr Total county pledges for the "I million for W' campaign have reached to over $5,000 for the year, Alberta England, chair man, has reported. McHcnry county's goal over the next three years is $24,000. October 6 marks the beginning of National 4-H Week and has been earmarked as 4-H Day in McHenry County. Volunteer 4-H members, identified in green cobbler aprons with the 4-H emblem, will be positioned throughout the county on that day with collection cans. In return for donations, members will be handing out 4-H pins. Another fund-raising activity planned for this year will be the prize giveaway of a doll house. The doll house, valued at over $800 and donated by the Henry Tomlinsons and the Busy Three 4-H Club of McHenry, will be on display at the McHenry County Fair in August. f KingKod ISPHfl COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND FREE DELIVERY 8*. WITHIN 40 10 AMERICA'S •! SPINE SUPPORT MATTRESS F KngKoi SPINALQUARD SAVE UP TO MOOftET VALUE SALE PRICE TWIN SET *4000# *219" FULL SET $500## !2W QUEEN SET *7oo»o *379" KING SET $9000# *499** SOLD IN SETS ONLY DAILY 9 TO 5:30 MON & FRI 9 TO 9 CLOSED SUNDAY |890 LAKE AVE| WOODSTOCK, ILL 1(815)338-04041 Browsers Are Always W*lcom«! The names Maple Hill, Hickory Grove, Evergreen and Oak Glen, to long-time residents of McHenry County, conjure up memories of "readin, ritin and rithmetic" in the rural "one room" schools that once dotted the county. Those schools were just a few of the 134 or so such institutions in the area. On Sunday, June 24 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. the McHenry County Historical Society will salute early school memories with a special Sunday program at its museum in Union. Fran 1837 when Caroline Cobb taught the first school in Coral Township to 1962 when McHenry County's last "one-room" school, English Prairie 9 in Burton Township, closed, the schools and teachers were the source of education for the children who later went on to become the citizens of this area. The schools along with churches served as social centers for the many rural communities. As part of the program that is being arranged in cooperation with members of the Retired Teachers Association of McHenry County, Joseph A. Grimm of Harvard, who wrote the education section of the "1968 History of McHenry County," will be speaking at 2 p.m. Following his presen tation, Mary (Mrs. Charles) Vycital of McHenry will recall some of her early experiences as a teacher at Coral School. Also included in the formal part of the program will be some reminiscing by Harry Simons of Marengo who was a student at the old Nolan school on Carmack Road and later became a school director for Poyer School. owe rwoo 'Your Profettlonel Nurfry Garden People" , k,i SPECIAL SALE GERANIUMS - Extra Big A Beautiful in 4'A"Pots 99* «•. 10 or more *1.29 slagly Choose from Red, Salmon, and Pink. \\& i to Api iR .nancp Spec u l i s l ASSOCIATE • DEALER • PRESERVE-A-SHINE SEALS & PROTECTS NEVER WAX AGAIN • HAND WASH . VINYL ROOFS RESTORED • PAINT SEALANT AND TREATED • BUFF WAX . LEATHER A VINYL • BUFF OUT TREATMENT • PAINT TOUCH-UPS . SUN ROOFS • INTERIOR DRY CLEANING . nN STRIPING ft • INTERIOR SHAMPOO SPLASH GUARDS . INTERIOR PROTECTION . KEY SCRATCH • ENGINE CLEANING GUARDS • RUSTPROOFING . WINDSHIELD GLASS • UNDERRATING REPAIR • VINYL LEATHER • VINYL ft CARPET FABRIC REPAIR DYEING WILL Pick-Up and Deliver OPEN FOR BUSINESS Throughout Eckert Hall and the school room of the museum, pictures, school materials and records along with a map showing the location and district numbers of the early schools will be on display. The Society is encouraging those who have school-related memorabilia to bring their things to display that afternoon. It is hoped that many who were involved with rural schooling will come out and share their memories with other museum visitors. ' For further in formation, contact the museum at (815) 923-2267. Movie about alcoholism to be shown "Chalk Talk," an in formational movie about the symptoms of the disease of alcoholism, will be presented at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 22 at Grant Community High School Theater, 285 E. Grand Ave., Fox Lake. Sponsored by the Northern Illinois Council on Alcoholism, it is a part of a free educational community service for the public. Patrick Kenny, coun selor at Victory Memorial Hospital, will facilitate the movie which is narrated by Father Martin. OPEN HOUSE The public is invited to an open house at the St.. Anthony Hospital Medical Center, Rock- ford, from 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, June 24. The open house will include tours of the new facilities, as well as some current ones. It is designed to acquaint the public with the new health care capabilities at the hospital, and also to demon strate how they fit into the program of continuing care already available for critically ill or injured patients through the Regional Trauma Center. SAVE LOOK FOR 20% 455-2003 G» 5409 E. Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake, IN. 60014 "HI i< Paints and Stains BLOOMING BASKETS ?9 .95 BEGONIAS, IMPATIENS, BROW ALIA? VINCA AND MORE... Values To $22.00 ALL BLOOMING LARGE POT ANNUALS IN 4 Vi" POTS... •1.49 es. (Reg. $2.19) TO 50% "BLUE RIBBON" UNADVERTISED SPECIALS ON * EVERGREENS * FLOWERING SHRUBS • SHADE TREES New Specials Every Week •2 YEAR 100°7o GUARANTEE ON ALL NURSERY STOCK* PERENNIALS 1000's for Rock Gardens and Borders WEEKEND SPECIAL: SUNRAY YELLOW $-| OQ COREOPSIS... L|. Qt. Pot (Re* 2.59) SALE: ALL VEGETABLE PLANTS 2 FOR 1 SALE SWEETHEART STRAWBERRY Plant Some In Gardens or In Pots SWHETHEART STRAWBERRY $1.49 $9.98 4 Pack Flats on Famous a U/ann Warning Mmaster Gas Grills The Ultimate In Quality and Outdoor Cooking] Performance U9 Models *189 With Ground Poat (Rog. 254.00) »269»»~ Portable L.P. Tank (Rofl. 377.00) Mot |NC% Al Pictured SUMMER SALE THE LIVING IS EASY Finest Umbrellas Under The Sun... SPECIAL SAVINGS ARLINGTON HOUSE Wrought Iron 48** Table, 4 Stackable Chairs (Reg. $410.00) *289.00 ALSO AVAILABLE: 42" Table (Reg. $381.00) *269•©() Umbrella Not Included in above prices) JUST ARRIVED: New Outdoor Table Covers - Many Sizes and Colors 20 •UU A up ALL SALES END SUN.. JUNE 24 - WE ACCEPT VISA, MATERCARD A AMERICAN EXPRESS ML 14 ft 17i • Crystal Lake, IL 816-460-6200 Mon.-frl. 9-6; Set. 9-6; Sun. 9-S SOLID LATEX u • Hides color and grain of wood •Covers painted surfaces •For wood siding, shakes, shingles •Water clean-up m Regular 13.95 SALE *11.95 m SOLID OIL • Hides color and grain of new wood • Penetrates to protect • For siding, shake, shingles, trim and fences Regular 14.95 SALE *12.95 FLAT OVERCOAT •Long lasting, flat finish •Dries fast • Water clean-up •For painted wood, hardboardstucco and galvanized metal Regular 17.95 SALE *15.95 SEMI- TRANSPARENT OIL • Real oil stain •Lets color, grain texture of wood show •For wood siding, trim, fences, decks, interior woods Regular 14.95 SALE *12.95 Paints and Stains fc OLYMPi We've got the inside on outside protection. WI8BST0CK UMBER 1101 Lake Avenue • 338-0075 • Woodstock, Illinois Hours: Daily 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday till 3 p.m.