PAGE4- PUUNDEALER - FRIDAY. Jl'NE 22,19S4 Outdoor movie scheduled The mb sets • the dwftinrr and the aroma of pofxxirn fills the mr m the family gathers Ufeflm lor amlhrr evening at unities in the park. : ITbs wiD be the second movie shown of a aeries of seven films shown on Tuesday evenings at Pear! Street Park. The next movie to be shown wiD be "J and the Beanstalk" c Jm 26 The movie will be free tao the public and will begin at duk. nf • n i 11> • • i r> •!<» ...Til Wa • • 11 • •• J • 8 neiresnmenis witi oe provKKu by the McHenry lions CU. Those attending should tiring blankets and lawn chairs. County board establishes "prevailing wage 99 Free lesson in windsurfing offered Residents can rh»nr«» their hack at windsurfing on Lambs Lake, on Saturday. July 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free lessons aod all needed equipment will be provided by Munson Marine. Children under 19 must be ac companied by an adult. For landlubbers and other where wffl also be a flea maxket held during the event. Dealer inquiries are welcome. Far more information on Wind surfing or The Lambs, caU (312) 362-4636. The board voled il-W to an ordmanee to prevailing Expressing dissatisfaction wage - the same paid to iwiwi with a law on wages for laborers - to maintenance contracted wockers, the workers whoae ae* vices are McHenry County Board cnrtracted by Oe county. The narrowly passed a prevailing board, winch pays contrarted Undeliverable mail common during moving season USINC ALL FRESH & NATURAL I INGREDIENTS ASSURES YOll.fl no FAST KLIVIRY... IA It ANTE ED NOT! s, v.;* SN-TNRS the p^ *•" » FII A SAT 4-12:39 P!TL1\ Summer months traditionally bring moving vans to many U-S. residences, and with the move comes one of the emit haiing problems for mailers and the postal service: undeliveraMe- as-addressed-mail. "During this summer, the postal service is pitting out information it hopes will reach all householders who will move." says McHenry Post master Leroy Smith. "We want to remind those people to give the postal service proper notification of change of address and to provide their regular correspondents, such as friends, relatives, magazine and newspaper publishers, and organizations, at least four weeks advance notice of the impending relocation." To further this effort, the McHenry Post Office offers a free change-of-address kit to persons and businesses plazming a move. The kit a supply of post cants, one to send to the post office, and the others to send to credit card com panies, doctors, department stores, magazines, insurance companies, and the others who send mail regularly to the person who is moving. Smith notes that senders as well as recipients benefit from proper notification because mail that cannot be delivered as addressed is returned, resulting in waste of time, materials and construction woekers prevailing i more or less cornered the scale for main- workers by a state law which went into effect Jan. 1. Delate this year, contracted workers on government-funded projects did not have to be paid prevailing the General voted June that luimtHiayce workers have to be paid prevailing wage. The prevailing wage statute does not vply to regular county employees, according to county la^hway Superintendent James Rahow. Rakow said if the county board had not passed the or dinance, the Labor Dep artment would be able to halt con traction on highway projects, which are bid to private firms. County board member Ed Buss, who said be only reluc tantly supported some state mandates, said the prevailing wage ordinance for main tenance workers was one he could not even reluctantly vote for. > Thore Emricson, District 3 board member, said the dose vote indicated the county's dissatisfaction with the state provision. He suggested the legislative committee of the county board draft a resolution to be sent to Springfield to protest the wage provision. "I'd like to see 96 counties knock this (ordinance) down the drain," Buss said. To make it easier for correspondents to keep in touch with persons who move, the postal service recently extended to 18 months the time period during which first class mail wfll be forwarded free for persons who submit a completed change of address form to their post office. PHONE 385-8116 i STUFFFD PIZZA TtAWDONAl SAIWnoe IW TIT OUI PAN PIZZA SAUCE fTAllAH Kff REGULAR TANGY SAUCE SAUSAGE PIZZA ) PIZZA m sauce COMMUTION ON AMUFFM NOW OPEN FOR LSNCH11 AM-3 PM 4 fr * MOORE HONEY 50 C MY OFF ™ p|ZZ* fOFFFR GOOD THRU 6 30 M £ (KOI VAIB WITH on*! SKOALS OtOffttSi MUST MFNTION AO*'€p'lSEV€NT WHEN ORDERING BY rHONC' ITJi TT RTCHNTOND RD E ."31" FROM NOW UNTIL MCHENRY'S FIESTA J>AYS WE WILL BE RELEASING "99 RED BALLOONS" V EACH WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS • COUPON IN EACH BALLOON (VALUES UP TO *50°°) WATCH FOR THEM IN YOUR AREA! "YOUR ONE STOP STYLING SHOP FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY (Sjrom McHENRY WE USE A RECOMMEND khawommw $R£DKE)sr - w CM4. 1309 N. Pork Street uA.t - t POVERTY FUNDING v continued from page 1 1982 and then soared to 625 Hiqwrtrd cases of child abuse or child neglect in fiscal year 1983. Even after that jump, this area only 13.3 out of 1,000 cases reported-much lower than the 19.6 per 1,000 statewide average. "A good portion of that is just making up for under reporting over the past few years," Teague said. But what about area legislators? Do they believe funding for such agencies is sufficient and if not, do they have proposals to help alleviate the overload on these agencies? In Northern Illinois, poverty does not seem to be one of the major problems facing legislators. "I don't think we're im mune to people in our district being needy," said state Rep. Richard Klemm. R-Crystal Lake. "I don't recall getting any calls from any of our agencies about not having enough funds to operate." Klemm admits that poverty can always be a problem, but says he is "chagrined" at the prospect of someone living in poverty within the district he represents. "Poverty is always a problem but I'm not aware of any people out there who are not already being helped," Klemm continued. "It appears to me that we have enough funding to meet the needs of these people. If we don't have the funds. Tm not aware of it. But We haven't had the phone ringing off the hook with this problem." RVSSELLS FURNITURE YOUR CHOICE CORNER UNIT$V ARMLESS UNIT |A WEDGE UNIT m gi SOLID OAK AT LESS THAN PINE PRICES • ft in , ' ,An 6 PC.SET YOUR CHOICE ?9 YOU GET THE PLASTIC TOP TABLE. EXTRA LEAF PLUS 4 SOLID OAK CHAIRS 9 312 COIL INNERSPRING MATTRESSES 8 YEAR WARRANTY FOUNDATIONS , PRICED PER SET INCLUDES FRAME TWIN 159* FULL 189°° QUEEN 23900 3611 HW 120 McHEMRy 3HM- 5 HOO McHENRY AMERICAN LEGION RINGWOOD ROAD-385-Q867 POST 491 OPEN FOR FRIDAY DINNERS 5 PM to 9 PM * COMPLETE SALAD BAR o WITH EACH DINNER •UPSTAIRS BAR OPEN ̂FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT •FAMOUS FISH FRY •WEEKLY SPECIALS •STEAK •CHICKEN •HOMEMADE BAKERY ITEMS WEBER COOKING DEMONSTRATION Cook on a legend...Come see, test, and taste the delicious difference in outdoor cooking--yours only with Genuine Weber® barbecue kettles. Live demonstration on four Weber® grills. fete lTIw --i»J "Hi Sat. June 23 TIME 11 AM to 3PM PLACE McHenry Hornsby Ordinary barbecue grills can fall apart, born through, or rust away long before you've gotten your money's worth. Insist on genuine Weber4 more thon ever...because only Weber* offers a limited warranty that covers the cooking and charcoal grills for a year... and all the other parts for a full 5 years. Weber* charcoal kettles are made of heavy guoge steel, porcelain-sealed inside and out! No rust, no burning, no staining! See Hornsby's for a great selection of Weber* grills and ac cessories at low discount prices. .7ft W«b«t* 14%" Smakcy Jot Grill. Perfect for pic nics. trowel, etc. WHh logs *10001 $43.7* Perfect for Grifl. touch *31005 A 22 Vi" Kettle Grill. The Legendary Charcoal KeMie perfected. Features owe touch system. *71005 hmm DAILY 9 TO 9 SUNDAY IS TO S YOUR ' QUALITY • s*"-- 4™ $143.17 Weber* 22%" Got Kettle Grill. Heats in minutes) Comes with 201b. LP took, tank holder and flexible hose with regulator. *211105 Block u- McHENRY STORE " Qm| ntirtf 4400 We KTie 120. AATUBMOV mv.ncnvi ¥