Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1984, p. 8

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PAGE S • PLAINDEALER . FRIDAY, JUNE ». 1*4 fticfpnotifc mmRainttealera j|§ $o$rttc« lassified Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of pn error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the od which is in error. In cose of on error, notify the Classified Deportment at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-38S-0170. Private Pqrty ft Commercial line Ads 815-344- 4800 Richmond 678-2581 Shaw Fr«« Press Payment in advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting *Bua of Stow Free Preaa OcutaBon Area • PoMcal Opportunttee *Buaineea Services •Oarage Sales • Moving Safes • Out of Shaw Free ftreaa ClrcuiaHon Area • PoWcal ~ Apta to Share *Situattona Wanted •Subieeae. Re-rant, etc. *Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rant Office Hrs.M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra *Crystol loke Morning Herald *Cordunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald • Rich mood Gazette "Morengo deacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycamore News •Cary Grove Clarion •Borrington Banner *McHenry Plaindealer •Genoo-Kingston-Kirklond News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FR1. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Cemeteries & Lots 02 Card of Thanks 03 05 Car Pools 10 Lost & Found .11 12 13 Auctions ... 18 Help Wanted Child Care *19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted . 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy v 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise. !.... 32 Garage Sales . * 33 Merchandise Under S50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musicol Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation -41 Pets & Equipment .44 Horses ft Equipment 47 Farm ft Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Mochinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wonted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sole 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreoge 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sole 77 Real Estate Centals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Shore 79 Apartments to Reht 80 Home* to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent f...... 82 Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent 83 Forms. Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks Troctors ft Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries &Lots 5 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as law as ffli, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 115/AST-054 7 4 GRAVE PLOT In McHenry County Memorial Park. Garden Of Peace Section. S500. Call collect, 013/230-3665, ask for Mildred. Card Of Thanks Notices 12 Personals 12 Personals WE HAUL ALL JaatrtvoeaacaN. IUUW4 11 Lost & Found THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST. JUDE 3f Holy S: Jufle -DCS'e anc Martyr, great vî ufcanc r'cr ir m,.ni l' kinsman n* Jc.uS Chi" >-•' fui IntP'Cesvir of a't yyt>* V*F yO'ir .recp-l •ĵ twnsig® m • -ip pf r.eerl, io yWJ rtr- ,kp r)«»pth i •, 1 • -• r t vnnbi, ' ?q <•} a'.,,!- r. - Q,.-r - *• y ' rf. Upir, r, p n rn, ptcnnt • i<qrrr In n.'iim > pron*-se 'I you' -am" urow " cause vO'j '0 t-i vnM 1 .a. ' y nl W '̂y s fath-r - aitf Glor Re cnnsw. -'i\fc P ,»• <wiP tre r'"'""" • oUrte r̂ay '->< >' all t . •? »our ac i'.'tV .-•a has ne.t< nee- • 0 n MLK LOST: SOLID Black, mala Cat, dec tawed, w/ftea collar. Miss­ ing since June 20. around Cooney Heights Subd. Reward! If found please call. Carta, 115/770-073* or 015/305-5400. FOUND Doberman, Black ft tan. 5-7 years old, no tags. In Elgin area. May 1st. If owner doesn't claim, will give away to good home. Trained ft has new shots. 312/209-7717 LOST: 4/25/14, vicinity of Hillside ft Rte. i», Eastwood Manor, white, female poodle. Reward! 015/305-3507 or 115/344-1451. LOST WALLET, red. name of Miller on front, vcc. of McHenry Outdoor, 015/497- 3930. L O S T ! G o l d e n Retriever/Golden Lab mix. Dog cream color, female, 2 yrs. old, vicinity Bay Rd., Reward! 015/305- 6292. POUND dec tawed, healthy kit­ ten In Ryders' Woods, - ii aaiti i ttOuuSTOCK WBTiy wnrrw Wnn tabby face. back. tall. 015/JB- 1522. LOST: 3 finger baseball mitt, at Canterbury School, Friday June 22nd after T-Ball practice. Reward! I1V459-1735. FOUND Brown ft white cat, vicinity Rte. 25 ft 1-90, 312/564- 3496 or days 312/742-9364. FOUND. Kitten, long hair, calico coloring, near Ringwood ft West St., Pistakee HighTands. 312/497-3319. FOUND Long haired, white Persian cat with brown eyes and a flea collar at Haeger Pool. 312/426-7901 Notices CAT FOUND, 6/26, vicinity munico Crysta| Lakt Rd & |ndlan Trail, L.l.T.H. Young female, white w/tabby face ft back, declawed, very friendly. Owner please call 312/650-9245. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING I-4MEDIATE RESULTS 2i HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. K op sell >15/330-1660 PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell »««015/330 1660»«« E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro­ blems such as love, business, marriage and all other pro­ blems of life. Call for an appointment. 1100 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL. 60120. 312/931-1193. SMALL ENGINE repair, reliable, Woodstock area, call Bob. 015/330-1332. STRAWBERRIES! I Bring your own container ft pick 7:30 am-Noon, 7 days a week! Call for picking condi­ tions. Lazy Day Trees ft Strawberry Farm, 2 miles west of Woodstock at 1609 Hobe Rd. 815/330-3042. FAMILY FARM DAY, Our Farm, 6703 W. Bull Valley, McHenry. July 8th, 12-5pm. Pony rides. Hayrldes, Fun, Food. Visit animals. ITS, arey female, declawed, named Boo. Black w/white female, named Muffin. W. Judd St. Woodstock. 015/330-7566. 12 Personals • ions. • Notices BRING A FRIEND AND RECEIVE SS.M OFF1 Offer expires Ju y 7th 1984) ^thjuxritu, NAILS By Nancy Sculptured Noils For Appt. Coll (81 5) 385-2966 <> \- * A » \ Truly Caring - Services, INc. oW*ri: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANOICAPPED 4 hrs. to 74 hrt. - 7 days a week Mr»l I'rrpiralinn Also a\jilahle SSo|.pi/ig Nursing Car* i .ighC Ilrgislri rd i\ursrs I atindry I tc. I'tarlir i! Nursrs IVr<onsU'arr llomr Care 14 Hr. Answering Seryires SIS Set .' -Ml Prival' (V> in Iwtfitlii ot xwihif hiiiwi Rifi IS/, INW W#sbwe*W» Mirnf*. II. LmmWt 9mn4t4 C m»Mrrrnnl «|>ncr WEI6MT WATCHERS Ice Cream. Bvy 6(et 1 free, bwy )0 aet 2 free. GoMan Eagle loe Cream. Rt. 31, Algonquin. 3n/«anni. DtSCOURACEDOVER Heetth insurance Coats? Let us help vou develop a plen yen can af- wrd. Permanent or re^nporery, Sundoriaae Inaurance Agency. COMPLIMENTARY COLOUR ANALYSIS and Colour rejuvenation. Dist. Avail. Call: Smanat«lS/»6*-llS2 PREONANTT NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office opanMlam. And from 7-0pm. Mon. ttiru Tburs. 14 hour answering service. 815/3»5-2m LOANS. 1 million A up. For agricultural or commercial pwrpeaaa. Lang farm fixed lew ratea. Call 115/32^3554. 13 Tngtrqctlon Rapid Reading/ Study Skills CLASS BEGINS JULY W 7th-Mh GRADE • Learn To Study A Write Effectively • Crack The Report Barrier • Increase Reading Rale 2-3Tlmee • Improve Reeding Comprmnsion • Snacks. Swim, Break Learner Support Program^ Inc. 815/459-0931 312/381-8418 CLASSES FOR ALL AGES SCULPTURED NAILS CLASSES STARTING AUGUST 13th, 7-9 PJW. Clasaes will be each Monday evening from 7 pm to» pm, for 5 sessions starting August 13th. This class Is to learn the techni­ ques of applying acrylic finger nails. Even If you have short bitten nails. The class Includes a starter kit. Call for more Info. Instructor: JOYCE HUBER at 312/658-2019 Clasees limited Sign up now) Valley Christian School, Grades K-\i Afctotaroted Christian Educa­ tion Curriculum. Piogiam In- dudae: Music Art, Foreign Language, Typing, Office Aid; Physical Educatton & Racrae- ttonei Teams. HS/SSdK3 for 19 Child Care BAtYSITTING In my Carpentersville home. ' rates. 312/436-5513. NOT REALLY happy wtth your bebjrslftai ? I offerlwing qwii- ty chlldcare. In my licenced E. Dundee home, Lois of fug call 313/4»-y611. CHILD CARE In my Crystal Lake home, meals A ref. School age only. 815/455^4163- YOUNG MATURE Adult who loves children will Babysit weak-days or eves. Crystal Lake. 815/455-4164. TEENAGER WILL babysit days, evenings, In Aloonpuln H2/69MM2. Situations Wanted PAINTING ft PAPE RING Feliy leaurad - Free Eatlmalea -nail ktwmm\.twm tm WILL STEAM ctean carpets. Living room, 331. Additional rooms. IN aa., 9 yrs. asp. 815/M3-47W. OFFICE CLEANING, daily or 19 years experience, ble. 815/33S-M54. 21 DJ. 4000 watt, I13JOO sound system with lights A lor ail. 313/331WU. • HOUSE FAINTING, interior, A exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-353t. WILL STEAM deen carpets. Living room, to. Additional rooms. <10 ea., 5 yrs. exp. I15/MM7W. WILL DO furniture upholstery, else will make drapes and cur­ tains. 30 yrs experience. Free Estimates. 815/455-Q64 "CREATURES UNLIMITED" Leaving on vacation? Want r w favorite pet taken card of its own home? Radons Ibis 17 yr. old will provide T.L.C. for |_1_ A-- tvirymmQ irony TBrrfrj TO Tiin. Raasonshli rates, call 01V43»- 6323. Crystal Lake area, ask for "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have tang beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS. .$15.00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 HYPNOSIS Stop smoking in 1 session, lose weight easily through controlled eating. In­ dividual/group sessTc 312/426-4070. Notices THE FREEZE has a Delicious New Special every Tues. A Wed.! Stop in for a real Taste Treat at 140 Virgina in Crystal Lake. NOTICE July Brush Pickup will commence on Mon­ day, July 2nd, thru Fridoy, July 6th. The resolution governing the brush pickup policy of the City is as follows: THE FOLLOWING POLICY GUIDELINES WILL BE FOLLOWED BY City personnel engaged in brush and tree limb pickup operations, it being understood, however, that clear emergency situations may arise which will justify a departure from these guidelines: 1. Brush and tree limbs shall not ex­ ceed four inches in diameter nor five feet in length and shall be neatly placed, in accessible locations of compact piles at curbside or two feet from the edge of the pavement where there are no curbs by 7:00 AM on the first Monday of the mon­ th. , 2. Brush and limb pickup will com­ mence on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 AM and once our crews have canvassed any giVen street in the City, there will be no call-backs to any location previously passed until the first Monday of the following month. 3 Wednesday, July 4th, being a holiday, there will be NO BRUSH PICKUP, however, brush pickup will continue on July 5th & 6th. Brush Pickup will continue during the fir­ st week of each and every month thereafter until further notice. Foul J. Halvensleben Supt. Public Works 21 Situations Wanted TYPING, bookkeeping, imaa, DtansTs Business Ser- vtce, Crystal Lal«, 015/455- NKD new sMng or roof? Call the "Houee Doctor"- J A L no Improvements. Fully dad A Ineured. 815/455-4236 or 815/455-3001 Ext. Z. • TOUCH UP-BRUSH UP Interior Exterior Painting Free Estimates IU/330-433S QUALITY CARPET Cleenlng at prices you can afford. 815/458-71*4 after 5 pm. CLEANING. Domestic/Com­ mercial. Dependable, reasonable, experienced. 815/W5-30K. X COLLEGE STUDENTS for yard work A misc. odd jobs. Experienced. 815/455-2531 or DO ALL CONCRETE Work. How's the time. Have It d o n e . C a l l 3 1 5 / 3 B 5 - 3 9 N . C A E 100 HOUSEWORK Cell Evenings Jan - 815/455-4639 TUTOR/ *«- caM HANDYMAN: Painting, eiec-Apia ayAfk aSftlfM^P IkJtMBllklaM ttic/ Ovrvr minor pvufTrovna# y®rd work# window wtsh« our- wr d--nlng, tfc. I1S/4SHW2 Household 23 Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for * mo. old boy In my Cary home 3 deys/wk. Own trans. A references ro<|ulred. 312/63M174. SEEKING RELIABLE woman »_ • i « ihw ww in prxTVKiing wviny care to my 3 yr. old on a.m. weekdays, 015/455-3603. BABYSITTER, wanted, part- time In my home, 3 sm. - - - - ft jJ Q cnitwuv ottctnoons, on or Day Rd. 815/305-5415 RELIABLE sitter needed star ting and of Aug. Man. thru Wed. only, 11:30 to6, for 3 school age UHNiVI. rrffir WMIIVI UUry School area, or my Crystal Lake home. 015/4S543S9 after 6:30 p.m. v RELIABLE Person needed by flight attendant to care for 2 children. Approx. 15 days per mj. I. M -a- * - -l L „ " , , mo. in my vvooostock nome. Must have flexibie schedule A good reference*. Salary, $400 per month. Send replies to BOX PAA. Woodstock Sentinel, PO Box 7W, Woodstock, IL 60090. NANNY WANTED to care for one child, live In preferred, some light housework, rural Elgin. 312/741-3369. C O U P L E D E S I R E S meticulous cleaning woman -3 times a month, Reforoncoo re­ quired. 815/330-9565. BABYSITTER WANTED full time In my Carpentersville home, far two children. Must be mature ̂ A have own transpor­ tation. 312/420^4364 after 5 p.m. WANTED Wort hauling grain. Owner operator w/sm. truck. Reliable, reasonable rates. Insured. Mike, 312/234-0903 OFFICE CLEANING evening or weekends, reliable twooomo will dean offices, etc, 312/639- 1036, after 4 p.m. AFFORDABLE Housecleaning li references. Call 815/499- *430 Ask for Cheryl. PAINTING, carpentry estimates 815/305-3533. ROOM, BOARD, A Salary for man In city of after 6pm, i of elderly woman In city of McHenry. Call 315/333-tJOO. MATURE LADY (35-50) to care for handicapped wife. Tuesdays A Thursdays, Crystal Lake area. Call 815/385-9353 evenings. 24 Help Wanted FULL TIME position w/busy Bldg. Malnt. Co. for person w/building trade skills. Only experienced & herd- working persons need apply. Can 815/455-5740. 18 Auctions AUCTION DATE: Saturday, June 30 TIME: 11:30 AM LOCATION Tskc Rte 12 South ot Waucondr III 5 miles to Millar Rd then West 1 block to Indian Trail Rd then 1 mile North to 146 Indian Trail Rd OWNERS: MIKE ft SUSAN GRIEGER RBBBBR: Movk( out of stat*. Vehicles & Tractor 1976 Chev Hi Cube Van i ton PS. New engine 4 Trent.. 1969 Chev Camero Convertible New trans 4 eihaust. 1966 Red Dale Camper Trailer sleeps 4 Clean! IH Super A Tractor w/ell hyd tdr & scraper blade Good Cend! Household Items Maple Dining Room Set 6 chairs & china hutch. Leather love seat, wingbeck chair. White living room couch. Cottee table. (2) End tables. Harmon Kardon Stereo «r/AM FM Base 1 cassette player. Pioneer turn table. White sleeper sota. Sears 19 inch color TV. Sharp VHS video Recorder. 19" Black 1 White TV. Litton Micra wave oven. (2) Bentwood Rocking chairs. End tables, (2) Chest of drawers. Chrome chair. Bookshelf. Wooden Swivel chair. Queen size bed. Dresser. (2) Nightstands. Love seat & chair. Oak office desk "Like New." High back chair. Adler electric typewriter. Gun Cabinet. Wall & Table Lamps. Pictures. Gas grill w/tenk Wrought iron Patio couch. Many more items! Antieues 4 Guns Small Cherry fold top desk & chair. Old Doctor's office exeminetion table. Horse collar mirror. Wail mirror w/hat hooks. Hurricane lamp. Copper boiler. Enameled pots i pans. WWI a II Swords. Civil War Re mington 4570 rifle. (2) Rueger 22 rifles. Sears 10 & 12 gauge shotguns. Winchester 270 Bolt action rifle. Scopes. Gun ceses. Goose decoys Hand tools. Garden toots Note Many items of interest and in good condition! TCRIIS: CASH er BMd Check. (•CtlMMTS: News JUctiM Stnice Dan & Mike Powers Crystal Lako, R. •15/455-1496 Situations M Wanted 3HARP PAINTING CO. Frank (81S) 338-4820 Unless Your House Is: •Scraped •Wire Brusî i •Sanded •Scrub Washed • Top to Bottom •Made Mildew Resistant •Primed and Painted •And Guaranteed Two Years in Writing Then it's not a SHARP job! Give us a caH and have your house painted the right way • the SHARP Wayl •We have references kuour area 24 Help Wanted RCSIMftCS Professionally _ _ m s/i__ /»*/• IBIa I i n fi • P^BP*ibO- Vlli/IHv »»w«WnTW" Norton & Associates. 312/421- • STYLIST Full S part time, for pro­ gressiva salon. Only ttaee ex parianood need apply. Great •ad apply. Groat opportunity lor ambitious pao- pK. All applications confiden­ tial. Changes Hair Design. I1V40-1815. OWN YOUROMM business m Crystal Lake B McHenry. In­ surance sales, multi-line, na- draw -I- bonus, training provid­ ed. cottage grad preferred, female/male. Sand resume to PO. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Press. P.O. Box 290, Crystal II. G E N E R A L O F F I C E SECRETARY, Growing com­ pany looking for full time par- sea experienced with general ledger posting, tup-• • -» ifi l««Lnai mg. iflOcosTtnQiOicTapnone ano an overall knowledge In recep­ tion. Good benefits, com­ petitive salary. Plaese sand resume to: Box JN 1, % McHenry Plamdeeter. 3112 W. Elm St. McHenry, 11.40050. SALES CLERIC 4am to Noon Saturdays B Sundays. Apply In person at Rlvsrside Bake Shop, 130* Riverside Dr. In McHenry. 24 Help Wanted SALES/TRAVEL, needjoaf have reliable car and time. Pdld expenees plus commis­ sion. 3iVuM0«. RN'Sor LPN*S, Full time, 3pm-11pm shift, oc­ casional 7am-3:30pin shift. Please apply In person, Suiwet Manor, 920 N. Seminary St, LOCAL FOOD Service com as a part tf vending a ipportunlty \ mpany. Uniforms and be provided. 312/M44050. perry has a part time poeltlon for a vending attendant. A greet opportunity with a grow- Ing compuw. training will ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 015/499-5757 MECHANIC Truck B oqulp- ment experience necessary. Must have tools. Call for Inter­ view, 312/093-1395. S T Y L I S T S W A N T E D Guaranteed salary, liberal commission. The Hair Event, Crystal Point Moll. 015/439-9*54 PART TIME CASHIERS 25-35 hours per week. Apply in Farm <• Float Routes u & 47 ; IL EXPERIENCED SMALL ENGINE REPAIRPERSON Full and Part Time positions avalloble. Apply in person: FarmB Flaat Routes 14B47 Woodstock IL TAVERN WORK cleaning, sandwich preparation, days, 32 hours/wk., excellent job for right person. Apply In person. Rusty Nail, 4520 Ringwood Rd., Ringwood. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS: Are you looking for a congenial atmosphere and the opportuni­ ty to give quality care? Call Mrs. Mangano. 815/455-0550. RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/420- 9255. SECRETARY B PUBLIC Rela tlons. Must be flexibie wotti good shorthamd and typing skills. Need car. $S.0Q/hr. Write: Wlndrldge. P.O. Box 117, Cary, ILdOOl* < p r * LIGHT ASSEMBLY Full time position, 7am to 3:30pm. Apply from 1pm to 4pm only. ALPHA PLASTICS MFG. 3905 W.Albany McHenry, II. C O M B I N A T I O N A u t o Body Man with own tools. 015/455-3510 24 Help Wanted VILLAGE OF CARY Needs Mechanic /Must have experience with trucks as well as automobiles, know how to weld and use cutting torch, have a "C" license or be able to obtain a "C" license, and have good references. We offer good fringe benefits including pension. Apply in person: Cary Village Hall 255 Stonegate Road CaryJL. TELEMARKETING Experienced inside phone sales people with talent In telephone communications. •Guaranteed Salary •Excellent bonus program •Paid training 24 Help Wantfti DESIGN DRAFTSMAN • to 10 years experience, pfiwrid. farmstead AMilfkiikofit M. ware. Send resume to 1 Prioducts Inc., P. O. Boa 190, Harvard, IL M033. ATTEN TiON: Product Engineering. SUMMER JOBS Meal tor 1214 year oMs. Wwfc eves. Mon- Thurs 5 pm - 9 pm and Sat. 10 am - 3 am. Carpentersville V. Roberts at 312/430-000 BI LINGUAL SECRETARY opportunities •Aavancement potential INTERNATIONAL HOME AAARKETING 312/658-2400 SALES TRAINEES Male/Female Salspeople can make a very good living. If you have thought about enter­ ing the sales profession but were afraid- don't be. We can gaurantee solid growth with an 11 year old company. • Continuous sales traning and company leads. • Advancement opportunities into management. • Excellent career opportunity with income potential of S15400-S25400 the first year. 312/658-2400 JOE WILLIAMS X-RAY TECHNICIAN Experienced, part time tor Doctor's office in McHenry. 115/305-9092 -- EXPERIENCED <*#li¥ft«y * A Bus Persons. Apply In per­ son, McHenry Country Club, 020 N. John St., Mcllenry. 015/305-1072. EXCELLENTSALARY Live-ins 2-5 days per week; cer­ tified nurses aides, RN's & LPN's for home health care. Work available Immediately. Call 312/650-0055 or 650-9000. mont. Accurate typist. 312/232 9100, ask for Holly. TRUCK ORIVER/Laborer. Must have Class "C" License. Salary + life & health In­ surance. Parrish Paving, Crystal Lake, 01V499^777. REAL ESTATE SECRETARY Essex-CosteUo Real Estate Co. In McHenry Is currently look­ ing for a fuil-tlme person to handle this varied and vary responsible position. Excellent typing skills and secretarial ex­ perience are important. Groat working conditions with profes­ sional staff and management. Some Saturday work required. For additional information and/or Interview appointment, call Mr. David Gslwlda at Essex-Costello. 015/305-709. AUTOSALES Potential earnings of S&000+ selling new & us­ ed cars. Must have sales experience, but will train to sell cars. Benefits In­ clude free automobile ft hospitalization. Call Mr. Sullivan VIKING DODGE Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-8000 E X P E R I E N C E D A U T O Mechanic for service station. 015/455-3507 OPERATIONS MANAGER Trainee. Full time position for career- minded Individual wtth a business- related college degree. This portion could lead to advanced operations or soles- related positions. We are an equal opportunity employer. Please mail resume to GLS Fiberglass. Attention: David Forner, 1066 Diekmann Rd., Woodstock, IL. 60090. TRUCK MECHANIC wanted. Must have diesel experience. Oes Plaines Sod, 312/6505624 it FULL CHARGE Bookkeeper. Full - time. Must have ex­ perience w/payroll, payroll forms, posting, journals, ledgers and preparing monthly financial statements. Apply In person or send resume In­ cluding salary requirements to: CountrysMp.Flower .0 Crystal Lake, iL60014 JANITORIAL /Maintenance. 2 pari time, 1 full time. Call tl5/455-0099, Mon-Fri. 9 5. PRINTING OFFSET STRIPPERS FULL TIME Excellent Benetits GRAFTEK PRESS Crystal Lake Area Call: SHELBY 81S-459-9450 or atter 6 P.M. call: 312-381-4803 PURCHASING SECRETARY/EXPEDITER To qualify, you must have 2 Io 3 years purchasing experience in a manufacturing environment, ef­ fective communication sxills, type proficiently & be highly organized & detail minded. Expediting experience is essential, along with the ability to analyze inventories. We offer a competitive salary & a comprehensive benefit program. To Arrange For An Interview, Please Call Lorna Simpson At . 312/639-5383 GENERAL PAINT & CHEMICAL CO. A Division of Cotter & Company 201 Jandus Rd., Cary, IL EXPERIENCED SALAD Per­ son A Experienced Cooks. App­ ly In person. McHenry Country Club. 020 N. John St., McHenry, IL 115/305-1072. EXPERIENCED Individual i «ik •• -- * *-»-- » a Willi ixcciiciii wtpnonc m organizational skills for small busy office. Typing 50 wpm. 312/093-1395 COOK and Waitress Experienced Call 312/639-7000 WANTED Exp. sheet metal man, furnace and air condition­ ing Installer. 015/459-2300. ASSISTANT MANAGER and part-time help needed for gourmet retail store In Spring Hill Mall. Retail exp. necessary, apply at That coffee Place. SALESPERSON Ambitious, eager furniture sales person w/sales ex­ perience required, willing to learn, witn a flare for decorating and color coor­ dinating in home furnishings. 20 to 30 hours a week, baa* A commission. Old Vok> Fur­ niture, ask for Kevin, Monday thru Friday, 10-5,015/305-3096. CUSTODIAN Full time, McHenry High School West Campus. Call Mrs. Creutz, 015/305-7077. FULL TIME -Secretarial help needed: Typing and general of­ fice skills required Submit resume to: Country Com­ panies, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock IL 60090. FLORAL DESIGNER Rapidly expanding flower shop needs 4 part time people to work under the direction of shop manager. Must have some training in floral design. Apply in person Tues-Fri. Ask for Jody. The Atrium 49 E.Woodstock St. Crystal Lake TYPESETTER--EDITORIAL We are looking for a typesetter for the Morning Herald's editorial department. Person will be responsible for inputting and typesetting editorial copy for the Morning Herald, and working with copy ed­ itor to produce editorial copy, tdeal candi­ date must be a fast and accurate typist, have good manual dexterity, be knowledga- ble of basic English and grammar, and work well under deadline pressures. Candi­ dates can apply in person after 3 p.m. to Richard R. Klicki, managing editor, Crys­ tal Lake Morning Herald, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake. No phone calls, please. /PQFII SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP s•-,»/. f ">» W'tiia^s Road*Carpentersville. IL 60U0 O"'.fi , j »| hl'Ktl, 'liNM ( I Mt'iO'l > /

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