•• 72 Real Estate For Sale McNENRY/ BRITTANY PARK. Must Ml- Moving Out Of State. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, trl- level w/bsmt., frplce., C/A, 2 lli% Asaumable. Low •att. WT Call 015/305-7004 73 Condos. • MCHENRY Whispering Oaks. Ranch condo. 2 bdrm., M ige. rim., carpatad, cent, air., att. dnpirln» iWHi gar.015/305%i62. CRYSTAL LAKE, Colony Squara, 2 bdrm., t baths, per- ' newly decorated, $57,' - 015/455-2913. By Appointment. ' WATERS EDGE CONDO, by . owner, 2-3 bodrms, IV* bths, 5 move-In cond„ *52,100. Call tor * appt. 115/344-0717 or 344-2922. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm., 2 ! baths, 1st floor, all appl., washar/dryar, cant, air, pool It clubhouse. built In starao A Ironing board. Professionally dacoratad. Exc. cond. By | ownar. $44,500. 81S/4SS-0113, fi after 5 pm. i MCHENRY 2 bdrm, Vh baths, $ all appliances, swimming pool, f glwiant view. $36,000.115/385- Heal Estate 73 Condos. 74 Tbwnhomes JjWJtllRY I bedroom, 1V> MNM, 41 appliance*. Including wether /dryer , newly decorated new carpeting, pool. $3MOO. 015/475-2031 ALOONQUIN, come sea this wttaue townhome in a secluded ssmng, J bdrm. IV* bath, original {cost $75,400 - pey $72,900 wid get additional $10400 worth of extras at no charge, 312/450-4430. Lots* 75 Acreage it CRYSTAL LAKE 4 Colonies. Ind floor, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, frplce., gar., club facilities, completely redecorated. $59,900.$15/455-0440. ALOONQUIN, come sea this wttaue townhome in a secluded ssmng, J bdrm. IV* bath, original {cost $75,400 - pey $72,900 wid get additional $10400 worth of extras at no charge, 312/450-4430. Lots* 75 Acreage it CRYSTAL LAKE 4 Colonies. Ind floor, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, frplce., gar., club facilities, completely redecorated. $59,900.$15/455-0440. COLORADO 40 acres. $10,995 full price. Ski, fish, hunt, roads & electric. 10% Int. financing. 312/450-4406. CRYSTAL LAKE, bright 2 bdrm., 2 bath, second floor, balcony, dub house, pool, all appl.. washer ft dryer. Near jfelf COLORADO 40 acres. $10,995 full price. Ski, fish, hunt, roads & electric. 10% Int. financing. 312/450-4406. CRYSTAL LAKE, bright 2 bdrm., 2 bath, second floor, balcony, dub house, pool, all appl.. washer ft dryer. Near jfelf BONNIE LAKE EST. Ad|. to Tumborry. * acre lots w/all utll. 10% own. or bldg. financial help. 312/2944114. CRYSTAL LAKE, bright 2 bdrm., 2 bath, second floor, balcony, dub house, pool, all appl.. washer ft dryer. Near jfelf JOHNSBURG AREA choice 3/4 acre comer lot In Boat ft Saddle, Johnsburg schools. River rights, no agents, 015/3054503 after 4. 74 Townhomes JOHNSBURG AREA choice 3/4 acre comer lot In Boat ft Saddle, Johnsburg schools. River rights, no agents, 015/3054503 after 4. CAR Y/Brlght Oaks, 3 bdrms., 2 baths end unit. All appL fam. rm., w/wet bar, fireplace, water softnor, C/A, 1 car att. gar. Immaculate. 12% financing- will sell on contract, $3,000 down. $40,500. Call 312/439-1204. JOHNSBURG AREA choice 3/4 acre comer lot In Boat ft Saddle, Johnsburg schools. River rights, no agents, 015/3054503 after 4. CAR Y/Brlght Oaks, 3 bdrms., 2 baths end unit. All appL fam. rm., w/wet bar, fireplace, water softnor, C/A, 1 car att. gar. Immaculate. 12% financing- will sell on contract, $3,000 down. $40,500. Call 312/439-1204. CRYSTAL LAKE/ Shenandoah Estates, Improved lot, 150 X 220, prime loca. /Must sacrifice, $17,500/best. Call collect, 313/401-4430. CAR Y/Brlght Oaks, 3 bdrms., 2 baths end unit. All appL fam. rm., w/wet bar, fireplace, water softnor, C/A, 1 car att. gar. Immaculate. 12% financing- will sell on contract, $3,000 down. $40,500. Call 312/439-1204. CRYSTAL LAKE,* acre lot. Seller will finance. 015/459-0030 or 499-7019. CARY/BRIGWT OAKS, 3-hM bdrm.. IV* baths. 1 car gar, patio. All appls. Incl. dishwasher & garbage disposal. Tennis ft pool, asking $50,900, 312/639-4354 or 312/59? 1674. CRYSTAL LAKE,* acre lot. Seller will finance. 015/459-0030 or 499-7019. CARY/BRIGWT OAKS, 3-hM bdrm.. IV* baths. 1 car gar, patio. All appls. Incl. dishwasher & garbage disposal. Tennis ft pool, asking $50,900, 312/639-4354 or 312/59? 1674. LOT 75 x 135, or trade as down payment on home In Woodstock. Prime location on St. Johns Rd. In Huntington Point. For more information call evenings after 5 p.m., 015/330-0363. Features: 4 bedrooms 3 baths sauna pantry 2 car garage 5 years ola Near: skiing boating fisKing swimming golf r H E r| id U A Ln E in Wonder Lake Features: finished basement eat in kitchen large corner lot lake rights 1 deck 1 patio Shown by appointment only No brokers please 312-469-4480 $78,500.00 75 Lots* Acreage WOODSTOCK, Choice Proper ty, 1 ft 1/0 acres, Ideally situated 5 ml. la Woodstock Sq., 5 ml. to down town Mirtngo. 4 ml. to Harvard. 2 saperate perk tests completed as well as sep tic layout and TOPO map. Quiet, limited number of homosltos in subdivision. All at least l acre. One of the highest elevatlens In sub- division, $16,500. 115/338-3020 after 4:30 p.m. MOVING MUST SELL 8.84 high rolling acres, $5,300 par acre, (sold In one place) Will 15/3854244. consider terms. 815 MOVING--MUST SELL 8.84 high rolling acres- $5,300 par acre, (sold In one place) Will consldar terms. 815/385-4244. RIVERDALE (Burton's Bridge), .by owner. 8 lots, waterfront. Must sail, $20,000. 312/526-0269. MARENGO 1 acre lots In Ktshwaukoe Valley Estates. Midway between Marengo A Woodstock off Klshwaukee Valley Rd. Reduced to $13,500 for quick sale. 815/49M810. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2/3 woodad acre on a hilltop, 200 ft. dew - 155 ft. frontage on Ravine Drive In Countnr Woods - $28,1)00. Call Pattl, ERA Byrnes Bros 815/459-5400 COMMERCIAL LOT, on Virginia Road, next door to Supreme Court Racketball, all Improvements w/gas, electric. water, sewer to slfe, goes daep to Berkshire - $59,900. Call Pat tl, ERA Byrnes Bros. 015/459- 5400 MCHENRY, acre homesltes in new develop., Johnsburg school district, discounts for ready to build. $14,900 - $21,900. For futher Info., call owner: 1-815- 385-1403,1-815-385-9499. 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new homes on site completely furn., from 814480. No pets, adult comm., 815/455-4600. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area 815/337-0704 WANTED TO RENT Garage, must have T garage door, •15/38^5353. McHenry area. JOHNSBURG School District, re! labia couple w/chlld needs 2 or 3 bdrm. home, excellent July occ, 815/728- CRYSTAL LAKE area. Single parent looking for comfortable 2 bdrm. dwelling. Aprox. $325/mo., ref., 115/943-5739. N E E D s m a l l o f f i c e , reasonable, downtown Berr- Ington area. Call before 11 a.m., Mr. Dotson, 815/459-8641. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share MALE LOOKING to share 2 bedroom apartment with same, all utilities. 815/338-9510 after 5pm. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share PROFESSIONAL woman to share beautiful 4 bdrm. house with same. Very convenient to Wbodstock, Mc Henry, Crystal LAke. Very large private room, Kvatebem, gar. Kitchen prlv /wk. Write Box OAA % Dal ly Sentlen »li «-»- -1 V* OOO STOCK# Sentlenel, PO Box 1111.40090. 709, ROOM IN LOVELY lake home, house prvlgs., $270 ,mon., sec. dap. Non smoke/drink, 815/459- McHENRY, elderly lady needs to share home (Whispering Oaks) w/neat reliable person. Details will be discusseoby ep- polntment only. 815/385-4993. RESPONSIBLE Christian female to share house with seme. Crystal Lake, Call Days, 815/455-4496. ' FEMALE TO share with same $165, V* utilities, 2 bedroom. No pets, non smoker, Mon-Fri., 815/455-1857. __ FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share house in Crystal Lake, 8125/mo. A share utll., 815/459-6749. WOODSTOCK, sleeping room for gentleman. Call 815/338- 0080 or 330-7442. LOOKING FOR Roommate to shore large 3 bedroom home, WOndar Lake, $270/mo. plus portion of utilities. Eves. 815/653-5876. WOODSTOCK, female to share 2 bdrm. apt., $110/month + V4 utilities. Call 815/337-0333. PAGE 13 - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, JUNE », ltM Rooms, Board Apartments Apartments Apartments 79 ToShare ad ToRent 80 ToRent ROOM FOR RENT $250/mo., $100 deposit, full house prlvlledges. 815/455-5274 even ings & weekends. Apartments 80 ToRent GARDEN QUARTER APTS. Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedrooms 815/385-2181 Residential area in Mc Henry Patio/Balcony units available Free Water Free trash pickup Itles in bit Laundry facllltk bldg. MCHENRY DEPOT HOTEL, Rooms from $45/week. Cable hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call 815/385-9738 after 2pm. DELUXE 1 A 2 Apartme security, pets. Cal 5pm, 815/385-3192. Bedroom Apartments, In city McHenry, privacy, luxury. No pets. Call for Information 9am- FURNISHED ROOMS WEEKLY RATES 815/338-3040 TWO BEDROOM Duplex. Private basement, yard, off street parking. In Harvard. $350. Call 815/385-3490. • PERFECT FOR WIDOW 1 bedroom furnished apart- ment In McHenry. 015/385*566. WEST DUNDEE. Ige. 1 bedrm, heated, quiet, near Spring Hill, $380/mo. 312/991-1623 eves. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm., good location, ideal for adults, no pets, $405/mo., incl. heat & water, sec. dep. req.. 815/455- 5550. McHENRY I bdrm., 1st floor, partial elect, aid, no pets, 1 ml. to town, $260/mo + sec. dep. 815/385-6000. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrms., appl's, carptg, drapes, $300 + utiIs. Gas heat. No pets. 312/381-4946. _ ~E, 2 lg. b rooms, plus kitchenette. Fully carpet., & panelled, stove, refrlg, gas, elect., prlv. parkind. 312/426-2252. CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm.., 1st floor apartment, all utilities furn. except elect., adult building, sec, dep. 815/459-5296. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm. apt. in duplex, near train station, $390 per month, sec. dep., & ref. required, no pets, 815/459-7331 after 4 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm., 2nd floor apt., near train, $425 month, Includes heat. Ideal for adults- No pets. 815/439 M82. RINGWOOD. 1 b d r m , $200/mo. Avail. Immed. Call after 6 pm, Kurt, 815/385-8067. RICHMOND, 1 bdrm., newly decorated, gar. space avail., $300 + sec. dep. Incl. all utils except electric. 312/991-5069. WOODSTOCK Immaculate, 1 bedroom, upper apt., large yard, gar., $285/mo.. sec. dep., Includes heat. 815/338-2543. WOOOSTOCK, large 2 bdrm., Incls. heat, refrlg. ft stove, 1st floor, $365/mo., 815/338-8404. Real Estate For Sale TALK TO US • We Listen! JUST LISTED WOOOSTOCK on Schryver. By owner. Moving out of state, 3 lots in a row, $24,000. Each lot 60x240,312/234-4414. CRYSTAL LAKE, V4 acre, prestigious Lakewood Lot, across from Country Club, $32,500, will finance. 015/455- 3937. WEEKLY SPECIALS Extremely well cared for home has a fourth basement teve^plus huge deck and swimming pool. Fenced yard. Johnsburg schools. $64,900. Picture perfect home in Fox Ridge. Full basement is partially finished. Central air. Fenced yard. Really pretty I McHenry schools. $73,900. CALL BOB POPOVtCH 815-385-2387 CENTURY 21-CARE 815-344-1033 NO MONEY DOWN Get into a new Mill-Craft home, complete with lot, ail hookups in cluded, gas heat, full basement, carpet, thermopane windows, all •° *48,750 MARCH BUILDERS Inc. 4721 W. Elm Street AAeH«nry, IL £ »,«. 815-365-8 ISO A MILL-CRAFT HOMO* McHENRY Whispering Oaks! III! One of a kind, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, formal dining room, paneled family room w/fireplace, screened porch, large kitchen w/pantry, dishwasher, disposal, washer/dryer, 2 car paneled garage, double front door, large foyer w/cathedral ceiling, many closets, carpeting, central air, on .23 acres. MANY EXTRAS I Walk to shopping. %QJ £QQ BY OWNER. NO AGENTS. 815-385-7686 FORECLOSED HOMES McMEMY CMHTY Local lending institutions - V.A. & HUD. Mortgage options On some with interest rates as low as 10%. Most homes with NO POINTS. V.A. & HUD-low,down payments. CALL SHAMROCK REALTY 7514 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake, IL 60097 8*15-728-0424 OVER V. ACRE OF EXCEPTIONAL WOODED PROPERTY Move right in to this spectacularly well maintained ranch. Almost 2000 sq. ft. of living area. Formal living for the discriminating buyer! Just listed at $79,900. JUST LISTED Well kept ranch shows like brand new! Large level site. Open kitchen has wood cabinets. Full basement, new roof. $53,900. IF WHERE YOU LIVE IS IMPORTANT... You'll fall in love with beautiful cedar ranch. Seven rooms plus 2 baths. Fireplace, all appliances, full basement. Nice landscaping! Just $66,800. LARGE HOME/$MALL PRICE You won't believe the amount of home for the money. Four to five bedrooms! Garage and un finished basement. Aluminum siding, fenced yard. Just $39,900. SHARP AND CLEAN Three bedrooms and 1 '/» baths. Full size deck with access from dining room and master bedroom. Family room with L-shaped bar. All appliances. Secluded dqad end street! Great price! $57,500. 385-6990 4104 W. Rtc. 120 Mchenry m WELL DECORATED NEWER HOME Delightful raised ranch with appealing landscaping. Formal dining, bright modern kitchen. Family room with fireplace. All appliances plus central air. $64,900. 653-2061 7313 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake McHENRY COUNTY REALTY • ' • - ilNC 72 Heal Estate For Sale CHAPEL HILL OAKS 1 ACRE LOTS FOR SALE 10 OUT OF 32 LEFT. *15,000 FULL PRICE TERMS AVAILABLE! CALL AFTER 6:00 B15-3854783 * OR 312-5294583 Like a SOLID home? Plaster walls...no cracks, hardwood floors, fireplace in living room, full basernent, newly aluminum sided. 2 car garage, double lot w/lake rights. Only $58,500. WATERFRONT i SUN RISE RIDGE This 3 bdrm, 1 bath home has hardwood floors throughout, plus a full basement and is situated on a corner lot-across the street is a park for kids and one block to private beach area. Asking $61.900. 4721 W ELM ST McHENRY IL 815-385-8700 On a Bay in a like in the Chain O' Lakes, this 4 bdrm, 1% bath two story has a full walk-out basement, 3 plus car garage. Deep lot and beautiful view from the deck and living room out to the water. Fireplace for chilly times and lake breezes for hot days, a nice com bination. Asking $139,900. ALL BRICK -. ...-f y Brick ranch with a nice floor plan has 3 bdrms, 2 baths, all good sized rooms. Full basement, attached two car garage gives added storage and convenience. Asking $67,500. MINI-ESTATE 41 This 2 bdrm, 2 bath ranch has a new kitchen and new carpet and new ap pliances. Two car heated garage. I Security system for when you leave I for an extended vacation. All located on a beautifully landscaped Vj acre. | Asking $61.900. Northern Illinois Realty 3815 W. ELM ST. (RTES. 120 and 31) McHENRY 815-385-2340 E MIS RED CARPET ammmrn\ T- Each office it independently owned and operated. Equal Houting Opportunity, (y) Automobiles 86 For Sale TOYOTA • 6 Tercels • 8 Corollas • 7 Camrys • 6 Celicas • 27 Trucks USED CAR SPECIALS 1983 Toyota Tercel 1982Camaro Berlineta 1982Camaro 1982 Plymouth Horizon 1982 VW Rabbit 1981 Datsun B-210 1981 Toyota Corolla, 1981 Toyota Corolla 1981 VW Rabbit LS 1980 Buick Skylark . 1979 Cadillac Seville 1979 AMC Spirit 1979 Plymouth Horizon 1979 Toyota Corolla 1978 Honda Accord *6895°° »899500 *6995°° $499500 *4995°° $469500 $589500 *5695°° $4995°° S449500 *6995°° *199500 #399500 *3995°° $159500 1978 Mercury Wagon 1978 Pontiac Sunbird 1978 Volvo 264GL 1978 VW Microbus 1977 Chev. Monza 1977 Volare Wagon 1976 Plymouth 1976 Ford Wagon 1976 Dodged X 4 1976 Ford Van 1975 Jeep Cherokee 1974 Volvo Wagon 1974 Ford Galaxie 1974 Cadillac Cpe $24 9500 $34 9500 *6495°° *5595°° *2395°° *199500 *139500 *995°° *1295°° *3995°° U99500 $129500 *99500 *695°° YOU WILL NEVER FIND A BETTER CAR Volkswagen TOYOTA CRYSTAL LAKE dlQ 7100 RT 14 JUST NORTH OF RT. 31 |W 1 OJ I 1 WW