r PAGE IS - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, JUNE 29,1*4 Automobiles For Sale CASHFO FOR UNWANTED S. 7-OAY PICKUP S1S/J3H830 _ . REPROCESSED AUTOS all ̂mokes * "waft- Ahwys • -* i i tlnai 81m# all mMilt ,v flOT lMCnon. nw «II mooeis at all nnrn. Buy lust Hk# tak- ,1 |na over peyment*. From $41. month & up. Medtonkelly • tested car*. No ma|or body - - domegs. For full (totalis, you mutt art ter Mr. Barry. 3U/3K-3W0. --- NEED A flood usod car? Call Ray at Rwchart < lis/- Chevy/Buick. AMC CONCORD DL » 1 , low ml., 4 cyl, 258 eng., 4 , new tires, AM/FM cosette /equalizer. $4200. M7M an. S pm or woek- apd ̂now GS&t AMC MATADOR, 74, ps/pto. air. good cond. MOO. 815/455- / • * s Br OLDS VCtera Brougham, V4, front wheel dr., low milts, all rns. supar shape, rust pro-SCTO, 312/458-3348. CNEVE.74.4dr. radio, low mllos. Bost >15/305-1031. BUICK LESABRE. '49. air. naw fual pump, startor. tiros. SMOO mllos. WO. 815/344-38S7 NEW AT Zlotert: Radiator, heeler, powar flush, radiator repair, air conditioning ropair Sssrvlco, 312/430-5333. CHEVY MALIBU Wagon, 7». V-4, air, ps/pb, am/fm radio. >3500.312/424-2473 CHRYSLERTBC wagon. 71 Cruise, air, now tiros. Ex cellent cond., $730.815/54*4874. MUSTANO hatchback. 74, V4. 4 spd., am/fm storoo cassette, ps, pb, M00 mi., many naw parts. SIMO/bost offer. Call bet- waan 10 and 1115/337-0747. COACHHOUSE RECONDITIONED A GUARANTEED IMPORTS 74 VW Sun Bug *3,505 Beetle, 83,495 72 \ I I • I I '73 VW Super iVWBug,$2^W '71 VW Bug. $1.7*5 PRE OWNED IMPORTS 7V Audi. 5.000. $4,795 77 Doshor, $2,395 '75 Scirocca $1,995 74 VW 412 Wagon, $1,795 71 VW*I Wagon, $1,795 MECHANICS SPECIALS 74 Dasher, auto.. $1,295 73 VW Super Beetle, $095 73 VW Swer Beetle, $950 THE COACH HOUSE RfeSllMIVaMtyRd. McHtnry sis/atom CUTLASS CRUISER. 71 pb. air cond. $2S00/best $15/720-0993. 'X. Automobiles 98 For Sale HOHDA CIVIC 75 hatchback. 4 spd., naw altornafor, Michanllns. SHOO. 01S/4SMM7. MERCURY LN7. '02. exc. cond- doth int., am/fm, hat chback, grtat MPG, boat tfltr, 015/344-5449 or $15/459-4400. MERCURY MONTE GO. 71 low miles, runs groat, exc. trans.. 8790/best. 615/455-3800 IMPALA '00. 4 dr„ VI auto, air. ps. pb, r/def.. Wall main tained, burgandy In & tut. $4900,015/459-3042. OATSUN 280 ZX, 79, wHh GLP pgk., 2 +1 pw, ps. pbk p/sporf mirrors, valour A reclining seats, am/fm, 4 ipse ken. sun roof, rust proof 4 now paint, front bra. air, auto- $4300 or bost offer, 015/337-0103. after 5 p.m . anytime weekends. CHEVY CITATION, '00, 4* hatchback, pb/ps. 4-sp, good cond. $2000/offer. $15/923-2374 71 auto, A/C, search ican stereo, cruise con trol, deluxe features. Nice. Ex- ce. mechanically. Low miles. $2310.312/524-1501. CAMARO 'S3, Must sail, leav ing tar college. 4 speed, am/fm cassette, $7401 312/490-5550 or 015/720-1200 p.m. CAMARO LT 71 runs good, little ruet,S10Q0/bost. 312/437-4420 FORDT-BIRD, 'Ol.SSOOO.Cloon! 015/720-1402 CORVETTE H.loadad. air. T- tep. velour Inter., p/w, ox. cond. 814,700/offer. 312/931- 1411. ESCORT, '01 H/B. pa. pb, am/fm radio, clean I good cond., $3990,015/344-1023. VW01, Turbo Diesel RabbH. 2 dr. 4 spd. Sunroof, AM/FM cassette stereo, 55,000 ml. $3500/best. 015/499-0250 aft. 0 pm. CAMERO, '04.ZM.rad 990 VI loaded, ext. warranty, auto- dean, $11500. 312/426-9530. VW BUG, '44 new battery, brakes, starter, reliable, $500. best offer. After 2pm, 312/424- 7044. VW RABBIT, 79. 2-dr. hat chback. fuel ln|., radla exc. cond- $1450.015/943-7230. VW RABBIT, 79. 4-dr- diesel. 4-spd.. air, 50 MPG, 01000/best, 015/330-4444. CHEVY IMPALA, 1971 390, body rough, little rust, runs ox- -A 1- A » if# inferior cedent. 015/344-5123. groat, $550. FORD GRANADA, '79, auto, air, ps. pb, exc. cond. Call 312/301-4953. Automobiles 00 ForSale CORVETTE. 71 all options. S798S or bost offer, or trade for baa* tf equal value. 312/490- TRANS AM, 71401 engine, ps. p ̂aire, crulae control, eufo-- am/fm stareg Jsnasn speaker. p/w, naw tiros, exhaust, shocks, no rust, $4500 negotiable. 015/305-2111 or SOS- CARLO 74. Prime cond. White w/maroon hard- tap. P/S. P/B. AM/FM. swivel buckets w/censote. 350 cu.eng- new power train, mid 40 mileage. Sao 1 tost drive. Pric ed to soil. Call 015/499-1942 after 4 pm.' BUICK LeSabre, 74, ps, ob, runs groat. Must stll, $310. Call 015/305-3079. MERCURY BOBCAT. 79 sta tion wagon, 4 cyt- 4 spd- baautlful shape, no rust, clean. 83460/bost. Al, 015/338-0083. DODGE OMNI '01,4 ad- doth int- am/fm cassette. clean cond. 312/450 0029. low miles* 03490/offor. PLYMOUTH Gran Fury, 9 paiaengsr wagon, 1971 mint cond- 015/305-4494. MUSTANG II hatchback, 71 buckets, 4 sp- console, ps. pb, deeft 0L400.312/42M149. COUGAR XR 7, 79. auto- pj., pj>- air, gar. kept, 34J00 ml., $4,350,015/710-0125. OATSUN. 74, 2-dr- rspolr. has many useable parts 1 new tiros. 015/305-1721. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, '72, euta- ps/pb. good runner, good cond- $l,300/bMt. 015/330-4370 offer 4 pm. FORD GALAXY 900. '71 auto., a/c, 41000 miles. $00Q/best. 015/4550402 after 5 p.m. SUNBIRD '71 air. am/fm storoo, well cared tar, 015/330- 9134 after 4 p.m. E L D O R A D O ' 4 9 $ll95/best offer. 312/43M719 after 5:30 ALFA ROMEO, Spyder Con vertible. 71. 5 sp- many ex tras. exc. cond- $1450.815/455- 0421. CAMARO4X4,79, almost com pleted, needs motor, Z20 front end, 1900/best offer. Mechanics Special: 1970 Toyota Corona 1900, not running, body rusty, $150/best. 414/077-9092. GRAND PRIX- 71 fully load ed. 455 4 br- new tires, brakes. $1301 015/305-3241 72 Real Estate For Sale L TRIUMPH TR7, '00, air cond.. 5 spd. am/fm stereo cassette, yellow with blk. convert able, $4500 Nogoflble. 015/453-3124 Oft. 4 p.m. mm 86 Automobiles ForSale MERCURY MARQUIS, 79, tfrfrfj greet road car. $34! 312/302-4711 days or 400-5110 OLDS STARFIRE. 71 p.S., pA- auto-roar defog, am/fm «a MM MH,, CwSNTlfi ZV/UW milW new parts. $1900.81V45fr42S4. CHEVY IMPALA, '00, 4 dr.. alr, ps, pb, good cond- high miles, low price. Must stll. $1001312/450-3479. BUICKLASABRE. 1971 390 engine, runs good, $490 015/453-9947. MG MIDGET Convertible, 71, new tire* bottory. tap. stereo. Exc. cond. $1990.115/330-4277 FORD MAVERICK. 70. 49.000 mi- stick shift, runs groat, new battary, $450; Chrysler runs exc., VEGA WAGON. 74. good work car.$240/best. 015/711-1470 NOV* 1974 High mileage, $375 $15/305-4044 500. CUTLASS SUPREME, 71 2 dr., 350 eng., runs good, m some body work. $1. 015/330-1374after 4:30 pm. CHEVETTE. 1901 2 dr. hat chback. 4 spaed, roar window def- em radio, good cond., .015/344-3 86 Automobiles For Sale OOOGE DART, 71 daan, new tiros. $9$0 or best crftar, 015/305- VW BUG, '09/ $190. Starcraft ellum- I/O, wHh new motor, 3i2/43wn42$ after »pm. MUST SELL 1971 VW Van, $1400 or boast offer. 015/344- 5494. PORSCHE 914. 1971 1 liter, new paint, excellent rubber, low mileage, removable tap, $1000.015/505-5274. FORD CUSTOM runs greet, $291312/439 '47, 3 spd.. 2/439-099s12. CELKA 77, 5 sp. ports (tiros, alt. Si 81,490. Call 015/453-7094 more) 86 Automobiles ForSale OATSUN, '73, 24oZ stock Mini |uŷ «l̂ f|||a4A|u ongtrw, nunr cono.f --wumy no rust, many extras. Apprais ed et $7001 serious Inquires on- ly. 015/455-5715. JEEP a 1 1979, 4 cylinder, 44400 miles, rag top 1 sun bon net, exc. cond., custom bumpers 1 striping, $4j000/bost offer. 015/720-1114. PLYMOUTH 79. Horizon. TCI 4 cyl. hatchback. p*., auto- am/fm. roar window defrost. Good condition. $1900. 312/741- 9474. days. CADILLAC ELDORADO Blar- rift. 1971 55,000 miles, exc. cond., 05.000/best offer. 015/305^224. must sell, $1,950. 1-3429. FORD T--BIRD, 77. $1,900; 1973 Ford Galaxy. $200. 1973 Cougar tar parts. 1974 Cutlass for parts. 015/305-5190. PLYMOUTH, 1945 4 door, runs good. $350,015/344-5043. BRONCO '00, 4 spd., extra dean. 3525. OLDS CUTLASS Broughm, '01 low miles. A-l cond., loaded w/optlons, 015/455-2200. PONTIAC FIREBIRD 70, mint cond- low miles. Ask tar Tim. 312/724-3444 days, 015/499-4405 CHEVY NOVA. 71 runs, but needs trans, work. $125 or best. 015/453-9970. FORD PINTO WAGON 77, 4 spd- am/fm. now cond- 81,3888/best. 1174. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, '79, 2 door, ps/pb, am/fm radio, many extras, $1000. 015/305- 4117. - OLDS DELTA 01 74. 09,000 miles, A/C, ps/pb, am/fm radio, $550. Coil 015/455-4507. MERCURY MONTEGO MX, '71 P/S, P/B, good cond. $900/ best offer. 312/450-7215. OnluiK Irri MAIN OFFICE SEWING THE GttATEX McHtMfiY AHA FROM TWO OFFia LOCATIONS 815-344-1033 M i l ' s - CARE REAL ESTATE RANCH3 OFFICE ' "SCO 3717 W. EM STRHT, McHENRY, U (Rio. 311 Rio. 120 • BR Slreof) B15-38S-8S21 2313 JefcuBorg bsi Ndksrr, 1 i tf t.M MEMBERS OP BOTH MchENRY & LAKE COUNTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE JUST LISTED! Brick ranch with thro* bdrms, one bath, F/P, family rm, 1'/» car attached garage! S50.000. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL I Tri-level with three bdrms, 2 baths, cen tral oir, all appliances stay, fenced yard, 2'/x car attached garage and morel S74.900. 14 ACRE FARMETTEI Five bdrm Colonial w/2 baths, formal dining, F/P, C/A, fenced yard, in-ground pool and many extras! $298,000. GREAT INVESTMENT! Two bdrm, 1'/» both ranch, formal dining, F/P, eat-in kitchen, breakfast bar, full bsmt. enclosed porch, 2% cor attoched garage! $50,000. Firecracker Specials! PRICED RIGHT! Raised Ranch w/3 bdrms, 2 balks, partial bsatr and double loH (65,900 OH THE RIVER! Two bdrms, one batb, formal dining, deck and beaiNfiri view! $64,500 GREAT INVESTHBIT! Two story office btdginbigk traffic area! Excellent tenants, carpet floors, paved parking lot! $315,000 ZONED FOR HORSES! Tri-level w/3 bdrms, 2% baths, f/p, pool and mani extras! $119,900 CUTE RANCH! Two bdrm, one bath, eat-in kitchen, attached garage and extras! $41,900 OUTSTANDING VALUE I Impossible to describe! 4 bdrm, 2% both Colonial F/P. breakfast bar, 2'/i cor heated garage and one acre plus of park-like setting! $89,900. UNDER CONSTRUCTION I New energy efficient home witl\^3 bdr ms, 1 '/> baths, eat-in kitchen and river rights! $59,000. EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD! Quod-level home with 4 bdrms. 2 baths, formal dining, breakfast bar, wet bar. family rm. 2% car attached garage and many extras! $69,900. WALK TO TOWN I Coloniol with 4 bdrms. 1V4 baths, eat-in kitchen, F/P, fenced yard. I'/t cor heated garoge! $58,900. CHANNEL FRONT! 2,000 sq. ft. Tudor with four bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace, eat-in kitchen, deck, boot dock and more! $70,900. issoc--»i«--imw<iCi'M'•«•*•* aeduSH-- to i mm< MAGNIFICENT E$T ATE I "9000" sq. ft., 5 bdrm Tudor 2 story home w/enclosed solar heated pool! Two fireplaces. 3 plus garage, and on 1.9 wooded acres! $258,000. - <1C-->•»> 11 a--ffall. C»ip»i«Hm. PiMbllJ.A. ffO. Ipwl M»--ln| Opp«rtw>W>. (V> PFAFF AUTO SALES "The Largest Auto Dpaler in Hrai/trful Downtown Huntley' 669-3381 669-3382 MB OLDS CUTUSS SKMM 2 Of NBKMIUCGMNO PRUiaM W1 PONTIAC PHOtNR 2 Or, Stop Ml BUCK CINTURT UnM40t m TOTOT* CEUCA GT S Sand 1SJ1 HMO VSJHBMO On Omm. Step 1S1 MMJ0U OASSC tSIATt WAGON nit sua ctNium «o>. ISJS MONTE CARLO I Omar. Liu few H7I AMC PACES WAGON km ISJS PSIT0 WAGON ISJS OATSUN POUT LM| M. AUB ISJ7 SKRCURY BOBCAT »7S9S *7800 •SI00 *7495 *5900 •SS00 *4S00 *5400 *3400 *3000 *1900 *2400 *3300 *2400 tsnMiu.su 4 Or, LnM 1SJJ OCVT MONTI CARLO 1077 BUCK PARK W1 MPAU 2 Or 1177 VW RA8BT FiM WW Or 1071 PONTIAC GRAN PRtt 9*p 1070 PLYMOUTH V0LARE Wign 107% OCVT S TON PUneUM 1070 PHOtMX 2 Or. 0 Cyt NTJOCVCTTI 1 Owmt 1077 AMC H0RNCT 4 Or 1071 FORD WWOOW V» 1075 F0R0 MUSTANG *2S00 *2000 *3800 *2400 *2500 *4595 *2995 *3000 *3000 *2300 *1400 *2400 *1000 Automobiles 86 ForSale PONTIAC GRAND MIX '81. ?• omiii tw. www. warranty, loaded. 87,S 312/W0-7O1I. BUICK ft 4 dr. moot naw perls, tires, very reliable. 08N. 312/382-58M days, or 312/IS0- S7420V0S. OOOCE OMNI, '81, manual, gas miser, 4 door, 41,000 miles. 82,990, 0IS/45»- 74. good cond ̂ask h«f 8875. CaH 81V455-14S4 after Id CHEVY NOVA 71. condition, runs good' MMM 0158,015/305-5536 between l Si 3 BUICK SKYHAWK, oir, roolly good co negotiable, Q15/45M7S1 nd.r OfOOr VW$UFCRBCCTLE. 72, runs good, body poor; for porta. Ask- IngOM. 312/4S0- FORD 78.4 dr., LTD Landau, VS. am/fm casaetto, air, p ,̂ p.b ̂good Rrao, now mufOar & brakes. Extra deon, 1 owner. 815/490-1437. CHEVROLET CHEVETTE 70, 4 cyl. aufo, new tiros, vorygd. cond.. runs great. Asking SM90/offor. 015/3K-4757. MERCURY LYNX LS, U 4 î KII leeeliiSwIiiMl wWQr NWQVQf wtii mainroHwu/ 30 to 40 MPG, 04100, 312/030- 0070. RENAULT GORDtNL 1070. convortable/hard-top. exc. cond., 02,500.815/455-2278. FORD TORINO, 74, 2 dr., many new parts Inc. battery 4 muffler. Rouoroo bonds nsad fixing, ottwrwlse runs greet. 8290,815/385-8340. VW BEETLE 71 sharp look Ing, must sell, best offer 312/A58-5M5. GRAND PONTIAC 73, Best Offer 312/030-0252 PRIX (312)669-3381 (312)669-3382 IMPALA WAGON, '70, runs good, must sell. 01705.312/430- 5b or 430-3308 Automobiles 86 ForSale FORD 78 Country Squire wan. Stereo, P/S, P/B, las Mortar. Very dean. 015/490- PRDC 1973. work. 81 JO/best offer. 819/490- RED NOVA 71 310 slock, mags, exce. cond. I. miles. 312/438-4531 after 5 pm. FORD THUNOERBIRD, 74, low miles, all extras, runs goad, needs some work, rust, make Offer, 815/455-5815. VEGA 75. auto., low miles, bedy good, call after 0 p.m., SM,fflS/NM48t. OLDS DELTA 88,77,4 dr. air, V0, 1 owner, naw tires & bet- tar̂ , no rust, 82908, 312/439- CHEVY MALIBU Wagon, 1901, M«MW Mr cond ̂rwmmm+ 8£ACANSISMML83. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, runs goad, needs some 82,798. CaH 815/3854183. 1979, TOYOTA Wagon, 74, new tires. rouah, gd. bask transpor- V W0/offer. 815/499-7905. 87 Wanted To Buy • WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 815/728-1887 Auto Parts & as Accessories ENGINES, ail makes. 8M0 & up; trans, all types, foreign A domestic 8100 i up. DeHvi-y & Installation available ",815/344-9114. DIESEL ENGINE, *81. own plofe, 8190. 488 Transmission, 0190,815/4904404. T-TOPS for '48-77 Corvette, 75, pouches, 015/943-7389 after 4 p.m. PINTO 74 Far parts. 815/385-4118 CA$HPAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/430-2028 WANTED TO BUY CADILLAC OR LINCOLN '88. '81 or '82. In OXC. cond. 312/095-3375 br 095- 0775. WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable aulas. 7 day pickup, 312/039-8199. CRA6AR SS wfwels and tires. 4 used, 14X7 reversed 5 lug Ford 4Vt in bolt circle A H78 X 14 radial tires. Very good cond 8175 for complete set. 815/344 3458 1 TIRES FOR JEEP. 9-1$ LT, spoker wheels. 8198/ all foru JeepT250, * cyllndor carburetor A manifold, 875.015/385-9295. SET OF four 4X4 rims. 15X0.6 boH holes, exc. cond. 8150 815/338-4530 Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 4, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer lacks, excel, cond. 312/420-2047. ST GOOSENECK TRAILER Electrlcbrokas.Call : 815/453-4584. after 4 pm. CHEVY 3/4 TON Pick up '70, Good cond. 8975/best offer. 815/338-8703. CHEV 1/2 ton 71, w/panellcd cap, runs exc., body rusted. 8375.312/439 7774. TRAILER, 28 ft flat bed, goose nsck, or pick-up, racks, elec. brakes, offer, 815/943-4273. GMC PICKUP 3/4 ton. '78, good. cond. S1800. 015/923 2305 Because of recent road construction 1 lost space t 1984 Chrysltr 5th AVBMM Luxury Equip. Inc., Leather Cassette >272" per MO.* !9M Chrysler Sth Avenue $14,290* 1914 Chrysler Laser, Auto. Trans. A.C. Tit. whl. •168" per Mo.* 19S4 Chrysler LaBaron Town& Country, Loaded!,jgjn per M0." 19S4 Plymouth Turismo Duster, Auto.Trans. P.S..Stereo Spoiler & Rally Wheels *110" per Mo.* 1984 Chrysler Laser $9780.71' 1984 Chrysler LaSaroti Town& Country $10,444.24* 1984 Plymouth Turismo Duster $7263.17* 1984 Chrysler LaBaron 4 Dr. Loaded!! *182w per Mo/ 1983 Chrysler LaBaron, 2 Or. Exec. Driven, Low mileage. SAVE tttt 1984 Chrysler LaBaron si0378.39* 'Bans M 87500 CM* or tradeM n Seea peyweat sies TT-L * Dart Faa (0 mm at 13.72% Wl wHtk a» 1983 Chrysler LaBarOfl SAVE SSSS WTWWPTHE DEALERSHIP RUN BY PROFESSIONALS YOU GET MORE! AT ClIFFOSOCOLSY WHERE QUALITY COMES FIRST' 61N. MAIN ST. CRYSTAL LAKE 815/459-9000 Hours. Mon. Thurs .ttot Fri.N, Sat t to 5 Closed Sun. Per State Law