ggCHON 1 - PAGE 4 - PLAINPEALER , FRIDAY, JUNE 2t, 1W4 Nqtionql news Newer films likely to spur For love of flag and county • a! „ a By United Press International community," she sakl. "Knowing Changes in ratings system By Frank Sanello *' UPI Entertainment Reporter HOLLYWOOD -- The Cuisinart juicing of a monster and grisly demise of an Indian in Steven Spielberg's latest films may have been the catalyst to alter the mo tion picture rating system. Reports of angry audiences marching out of theaters after the mother in "Gremlins" stuffed a ti tle monster in the microwave and another beast in a fruit juicer, along with even greater dismay over an Indian priest who uses his bare hands to pluck out a victim's heart in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom/' have finally convinced the industry to sub divide the PG movie rating. Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture Association of America, told UPI that after haggling for years he was holding meetings with the studios, distributors and exhibitors to create "some category that will contain more in formation and a strong ad- onitory caution so parents will IOW if the movie is something more than PG and less than R." Founded by Valenti more than 16 years ago, the MPAA's Classification and Ratings Ad- minstration puts all member studio films in one of four categories: G (for all audiences), PG (parental guidance), R (restricted: under 17 not admitted unless accompanied by a parent or adult guardian) and X (no one under 17 admitted). The new rating, which will pro bably be called PG-13. will warn parents that preteen children should not see the film. Unlike the R and X ratings, the new PG- 13 will be voluntarily enforced by parents. I POOLS N STUFF EVERYTHING YOU NEED POOLS-SPAS-SAUNAS U.P.S. A D.H.L. DROP OFF STATION HOURS MON-FRI 10-9 SAT A SUN 10 5 l 8 1 5 4 5 9 0 5 0 0 C R Y S T A L L A K E P L A Z A By United Press International CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. - For Elizabeth Froemsdorf, working on Old Glory is a "labor of love.*' Mrs. Froemsdorf Is a modern- day Betsy Ross to the residents of Cape Girardeau County. She has saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars over the past two years by repairing the tattered flags of the County Farm Park War Memorial. County Court Commissioner Gene Huckstep calls Mrs. Froemsdorf a "super senior citizen." It was Huckstep who first brought the problem of the damaged flags to her attention. The memorial, which was com pleted about two years ago, sits atop one of the highest hills In the county. Because the flagpole rises 80 feet above the hill, the flag Is often buffeted by strong winds. The original flag, measuring 15- by-25 feet, soon was badly torn. County officials have ex perimented with several different types of flags, but all became rag ged. Mrs. Froemsdorf, 73, first learn ed about the situation while hav ing coffee with Huckstep and some friends at a pancake house. Huckstep mentioned to the group that the flags needed repair, and an initial bid was $100 per flag. "I said, 'Gene, I'll fix those flags cheaper than that!" ' Mrs. Froemsdorf said. "I don't do anything else for my community," she said. "Knowing the county Judges like I do -- I've lived here all of my life and I know all three of them real well -- I thought, 'Now here's an op portunity that I can do something forthecounty.'" The county reimburses Mrs. Froemsdorf for all the materials she uses. But she donates her time for free. Huckstep has told her that she has saved the county more than $2,000. "That made me feel real good," she said. Mrs. Froemsdorf lives In an apartment above the Acme Elec tric Co., a business run by her three children. When she is work ing on a flag, it takes up most of the space she has. "It's a chore," she said. "It stretches clear into the living room from the kitchen, through a hallway. You have to walk over it togetout." "I've always done It just alone and thought nothing of it," said Mrs. Froemsdorf. "I didn't even dream that it would amount to anything. I figure I live in this county and that's something I can do for my county." Mrs. Froemsdorf, who flies the Stars and Stripes outside her apartment, said she notices the condition of the hilltop flag everytime she drives by. "I keep an eye on it," she said. "I do it as a labor of love for my county." Jhu&l/aSwi. HARDWARE STORES We've got what it takes ANNIVERSARY BUNT DAYS SAVE Weather All \ Set-n-Hue end Mervelustre" Reduced to Spring 1980 Prices! SfeatherAl RUTES MoslerCord B ̂ v 1 PAINT FACTORY-TO-YOU SAVINGS! Over 6 OOO True Wue Hardware Stores ft Home Centers Own 3 Efficient Tru-Test Paint ft Stain Factories with 75.000 Gallon Daily Capacity Paint Now-Pay Later You can charge your paints and acces sories on a variety of cards at True Value nwnvliistn- ulltCX W-GVk*, 12lflw . Hill Finish . Flat . Mouse V*1?. mi U Colors ft White MAHVELUSTBE" Latex Seml-filess This mirror-smooth scrubbable finish resists water grease and steam Perfect for walls and woodwork m kitchen or bath Dnes fast, soapy-water clean up £ Sat-N-Hue Latex Flat Finish You can use this premium paint to cover drywall plaster primed metal or wood in lust one coat1 No sheen finish dries velvety-smooth in minutes Washable P ' Custom Colon Higher Today's best protected homes wear WeatherAlls The best-protected homes can also be the best looking That's be cause WeatherAII combines beauty and durability--for a nch finish that resists fading, cracking and peeling Flat finish HPX Satin Finish in black white, custom colors SHP 11.31 Galon • Gloss Finish in black, white, custom colors GHP C M Gallon' exterior/solid color oil Stain and Wood Preservative «ri oi nciuw gjFl Oi Durable iMTFRlOftS E-ZKME " Latex Flat Enamel Our finest-quality wall and trim finish is ideal for every room in the house Dries to a rich finish that will withstand repeated scrubbings for years EZ Rawer Keller Kit Will let you do a professional 10b in a fraction of the time Comes with canister, roller arm 18-ft hose roller and tray 155001 (TRUTEST) (TRUTEST) JRU;TISTJ rstllCTJ exterior . . Latex Hedwood BARGAIN OF THE MONTH AT PARTICIPATING STORES ONLY --NO RAIN CHECKS ON THIS ITEM-QUANTITIES LIMITED While Supplies Lest Olympic Sports Bag Officially-licensed all purpose bag m navy or white with Olympic logo Water repellent nylon 5000 0 16-fl Oi Exterior Latex Redwood stain For previously stained or un finished wood--fences, siding wood shakes, or shingles Great for rough-cut lumber and interior wood paneling too l-RW Polyester Brakes These quality brushes are tapered, tipped and flagged for no-streak painting and even coating every time 1'/, hi 700? 2.44 2 In 0008 1 99 2V, In 4007 3 99 4 In 1107 499 kllWM KKI<1<IK<M* ittlW .STMPH* "Wiiii®1 «e»m» 3 UPI photo For Elizabeth Froemsdorf, working on "Old Glory" is a labor of love. She has saved taxpayers of Cape Girardeau County thousands of dollars by repairing tattered flags. Computer crackdown imminent By Barbara Rosewicz United Press International WASHINGTON - The House Judiciary Committee took the first step this week toward mak ing it a crime for home computer operators to break into confiden tial financial data banks. On a voice vote, the committee adopted an amendment by Rep. Dan Glickman, D-Kan., to a com puter and credit card fraud trill. His proposal would make it a misdemeanor to raid computer files containing private credit histories or banking information. Penalty would be up to a year in prison and a $5,000 fine. GUckman propose$ the amend ment specifically t6 outlaw such incidents as the r&ent raid by computer "hackers" on TRW In formation Services Division com puters that contain credit in formation on 90 million people. The term "hackers" is used for home computer oprators who break secret codes to gain access via telephone lines into private or government computer files- The bill, which now goes to the full House, also provides stiffer penalties for breaking into government computers and ob taining classified information or disclosing any confidential in formation gained through an il legal computer break-in. 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Main RICHMOND 9902 Main St. WONDER LAKE "Indicates stores not carrying housewares MKU COOP roa ONf «tK 0NU Pfkh aewiiriM |M|»U a Ckmf w«M« am lm mm, ararcM MM Mm ktf IIIIHII| •a MM TmH tmi em mSm --4 an m eMci*«a| Tm tain Nvemra Smm» m« Nm C.aars RAIN CHECK Seme mercfeendiee e»ey «et fee were**ate A pertiopetmf Tree VetM member will fee eleeeetf te previtfe a 'Rem Cfeeck yeeree wetftf tfee sale price ef any itea •uiTiorciB usriniiT HOPS WMotO" iM.. JUNE 26 thru JULY ?9 A llMtlrtiy of |iHp'lx)t<| thr < III VdO'OU* livr ill Ifijul. Mtjiijqi'S to tli'jn o|» Willi moil' tli*n jus! .1 vat omit Sta'tfcUinf Row*- Sunlit dill! out pro I«'M»oimI < JSt o< New York S(|inty At tot* CelMor w«»|f for wasim artnifuV k Ma- GROUP PLANS AVAILABLE v x / P M I t i e W . " l A I » > » » • 4 J O b u H 4S ft.u- A » 'ft IOW •.•••I O.M-MV4T 11 Jt) *»••*•» .*» .1.' U1 • |i't.t"«t4l'Oei «•»•«! « .« 1 815 568 7218 -• u b A) JMiurt Wfvi aj« Mevviiyu Mark Rosenberg, M.D. Richard C. Mervis, M.D. Judith A. Brown, M.D. Merry Collins, M.D. Announce the opening of an office for the practice of pediatrics at 490 Coventry Lane Crystal Lake, IL Call (312) 382-3550 for information. Affiliated with Good Shepherd A Children's Memorial Hospitals. 1