SECTION 2 - PAGE •-PLUNDEALER -FRIDAY, JUNE 1 Church 91 Jewish synagogue serves needs of many McHenry County resident By Joanne Springman Plaindealer newt service The McHenry County Jewish Congregation really got its start as a formal organization when a group of wives from Jewish couples in the area had lunch one day in 1978. "They were talking about the fact that the closest synagogue was in Elgin," said Stewart Bailenson of Woodstock, a member of the congregation, "and they said, 'Let's start our own synagogue.'M So the wives, including Carol Bailenson, told their husbands and six or seven couples sub sequently got together and decided to start holding religious services. Most of those couples were members of the synagogufe in Elgin and had children who attended religious classes there. In fall 1978, in an office building in Woodstock, Bailenson conducted the first regular Friday evening service, attended by about 20 people. Bailenson said news about the services was spread by word-of- mouth. "The main problem was how to find and notify Jewish people in the county," he said. "We Son of pastor in concert David Conklin, son of Pastor and Mrs. Merle Conklin, will present a concert of sacred music and sharing at the Wonder Lake Bible Church this Sunday, July 1, at the 6 p.m. evening service. Dave is minister of youth and music at a Chicago church. He received his Bachelor of Sacred Music degree at Moody Bible Institute and the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. His concert will present a balance of music that will lead to challenge and worship. Also, this Sunday morning, Pastor Conklin will begin a series of new messages entitled, "Building Up One Another," with the first message, "Members of One Another." Communion will be at the conclusion of the 10:50 a.m. worship service. There will be no 8:20 a.m. service as this is Family Sunday. Pastor Conklin is teaching the junior high and high school Sunday School classes in a Christian Truth class, preparatory to their par ticipation in believer's baptism and church membership. The Sunday School hour meets at 9:90 a.m. each Sunday, and there are classes for all Hie public is invited to any of the services at the church, which is located at 7501 Howe Rd., Wonder Lake. Members and friends of the church are asked to remember that the Sunday School picnic is to be held this Saturday, June 30, beginning with games and a hayride at 3:30 p.m., a meal served at 4:45, departmental games at 5:15 and program at 6. Everyone is invited. Children perform at service Almost 300 children and staff members met daily at Shephefd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 404 N. Green St., McHenry, in the Daily Vacation Bible School program. The students will perform Sunday, July 1, at tW 8:30 a.m. worship service, presenting music selections they learned at the school. During the r- week4ong program, the students studied parables of Jesus and how they apply to life. In addition to discussion times, there were opportunities to work with crafts, enjoy recreation and participate in opening devotionals. Participating as staff members this year were Birdie Bergdahl, Shirley Humann, Karen Gibbs, Chris Lawson, Betty Thompson, Glad Weyland, Sharon Caulfield, Flynn Tiffany, Karen Lubing, Roberta Denley, Julie Perley, Linda Kath, Karen I POOLS N STUFF E V E R Y T H I N G Y O U N E E D POOLS-SPAS-SAUNAS U.P.S. A D.N.L. DROP OFF STATION HOURS MON-FRI 10-9 SAT * SUN 10 5 8 1 5 4 5 9 0 5 0 0 C R Y S T A L L A K E P L A Z A t\t* 0** Woiids IAuto AppiMiancp Special ists ASSOCIATE • DEALER • PRESERVE-A-SHINE SEALS & PROTECTS NEVER WAX AGAIN • HAND WAiH . VINYL ROOFS RESTORED • PAINT SEALANT AND TREATED • BUFF WAX • LEATHER A VINYL • BUFF OUT TREATMENT • PAINT T0UCH-UPS . SUN ROOFS • INTERIOR DRY CLEANING . m STRIPING A • INTERIOR SHAMPOO SPLASH GUARDS • INTERIOR PROTECTION .KEY SCRATCH • ENGINE CLEANING GUARDS • RUSTPROOFING • WINDSHIELD GLASS • UNDERRATING REPAIR • VINYLLEATHER . VINYL ACARPET FABRIC REPAIR DYEING WILL Pick-Up and Deliver OPEN FOR BUSINESS 455-2003 * 5409 E. Northwest Nwy. Crystal Lake, IN. 60014 asked people to tell their friends." During six months of services in that building, the number of people who attended grew to about 40. Then, in spring 1979, the group began meeting in the Congregational Universalist Church in Woodstock. In ad dition to the Friday night ser vices, special services were added for holidays like Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. A bar mitzvah also was held in the Woodstock Opera House. - During the two years that activities like a Passover Seder dinner and religious service were held in the church, religious classes for children also were held in a home in Wonder Lake. A rabbi and his wife came from Chicago on Sundays to instruct the children. In addition, membership grew to 20 or 25 families from all across McHenry County. Finally, in June 1961, the membership financed the acquisition of a former grade school building on three acres of land at 8617 Ridgefield Road in Ridgefield, where the synagogue is located today. "It's a beautiful piece of property, and the building is just what we were looking for," Bailenson said. Moving to the new site in July 1981, a "very active mem bership" of about 60 families began to hold religious services on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, plus holiday services. The religious classes for children on Sundays also were relocated to the site. Rabbi Charles Knobloch and some teaching assistants came from Chicago on Sundays to conduct the classes for children ages 4-13. Then, about a year ago, Rabbi Morris Greenfield of Elgin, who had previously served the group, officially became their rabbi. He com mutes from his home in Elgin to conduct services on Fridays and Saturdays. He also conducts classes for children and adults on Sundays. About three months ago, a B'nai Brith Youth Organization was formed and 15 teenagers and their president, Yael Vodovotz of Crystal Lake, meet twice a month for athletic and other social events. "Things have really worked out tremendously," Bailenson said, "and it's been a very rewarding experience, especially for the people who started it all." The congregation's calendar now is comprised of a variety of events year-round, including a party for children during the eight-day Chanukah holiday in December, a Purim carnival and religious ceremony in March, bar (for boys) and bat (for girls) mitzvahs. There are social activities, like a family picnic in May, and fundraising events, like an auction, which also was held in May. About 135 people attended the congregation's last Seder Passover dinner. "It seems like every week I get a call from someone who didn't know there was a synagogue in McHenry County and who wants to become a member or send their children to religious classes," Bavftjoson said. "People are very ha^V to have a place here to find apier Jewish people." %:ot USING ALL FRESH & NATURAL I INGREDIENTS ASSURES YOUfl Leake, Sue Jordan, Betty Pagett, Marjorie Leary, Marcy Busse, Brenda Giacomin, Michelle Mauer, Sharon Han son, Wendy Hanson, Edna Pearson and Margie Bjorkman. Also, Mary Madura, Ron Tilling, Brooklyn Bean, Barbara Slater, Carolyn Besserud, Vicki Moravec, Gail Anderson, Pam Neumaier, Aleen Tiffany, Kim Rehfeldt, Joanna Mohnen, Rosemary Schneider, Sharon "Price, Howard Ott, Margey Sch weitzer, Colleen Campbell, Carol Franklin, Darlene Neuman, Sally Manktelow, Mil Albrecht, Julie Jessup, Carol Sproull, Dorothy Ott, Jean Soling, Robin Steinman, Kathy Horn, Carol Keevil, Jerry Roland, Cathy Neiss, Sherri Sitz, Carolyn Lawson, Connie Van Treeck, Carol Mueller, Robin Steinman, Nora Brown and Rene May. mo FAST DELIVERY... {GUARANTIED HOTI NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH! PIIW PHONE 385-8116 OPEN AT 11 AN MON-FRI OPEN AT 4PM SAT OPEN AT 3PM SUN | STUFFED PIZZA TRADITIONAL SANDWICHES TOO! TRY OUR PAN PIZZA SAUCE ITALIAN BEEF MINI MOORE PIE... I REGULAR TANGY SAUCE SAUSAGE PIZZA ) PIZZA B-B-Q SAUCE COMBINATION ON A MUFFIN! OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 AM-3 PM i £ MOORE MONEY 50(f i any OFF ™ pizza fi LUNCH 0MY*1HM-3PM (OFFER GOOD THRU 71514) (NOl VALID WITH OTHER SPECIALS OR OFFERS) MUSI MFNTION ADVERIlStMENT WMFN ORDERING BY PHONE! lTo"TrRi^T^NDRD~TSE.l»™™7AcHEN^ Why we're just a little fussier FRESH, HOMESTYLE COCKING The way we figure it. if we do extra things to make our food better, you'll enjoy it more and come back. That's why we cook in small batches. This makes sure your food is hot and good when you eat it. A little thing? Sure. But so important. Come eat with us soon. Spring Hill Mall CLASSES MADE WHILE YOUWAIU (SINGLE VISION PLASTICQNiY) . 0 jfl OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY METAL OR PLASTIC $*f| FRAMES CLASSES MADE WHILE YOUWAIU (SINGLE VISION PLASTICQNiY) . 0 jfl OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY METAL OR PLASTIC $*f| FRAMES ••1 €Wi®:v> KIDS FRAMES $|P METAL OR 19 ••1 €Wi®:v> 1 PLASTIC | SENIOR CITIZENS-FREE FRAME- \ WOODSTOCK MA, N STRKKT - Just Off thf Squ-r . ^dulls *2; I I A I ndrr M .50; Matinee* ' >0 fHEATRE 815-338-8555 Starting Frida> PRINCESS STAR TREK THE SEARCH FOfX 5POCK M FRIDAY ft MONDAY-THURSDAY: 2:00, 7:10 ft 0:10 SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 1:10; 3:10; 7:10 ft 0:10 n Gr i HELD OVERS "PART HOCK V; ZZ PART-STAR WARS'.*: Redford has never been better l̂k NATURAL „ (PQ) Starring Robert Radford FRIDAY ft MONDAY-THURSDAY: 2:00, 7:00. 9:20 SAT. ft SUN. 1:00, 3:20, 7:00, 9:20 SHOWPLACE 1-2-3-4 >l 111 ' l K ii f B > % I AI .Ant 1S5 1 005 \ I AOI I l I , \ H ' ' Mi | i k |N MR Ml ldn i . A t - • N i h , I ' w ! A t 11 KN i M >N NHOV. ONI m V.* v * , ** '•« T Thf Knmkmi l ( nmr r i v o f the Summer 1 FRII SAT 2:15-4:15-4:45-8:45-10:4S SUN THURS 2:15-4:15-4:45-1:45 HARRISON FORD ft KE.HUY QUAN LIVE THE ADVENTURE FRI ft SAT 1 45-4-4B0910:55 SUN THURS| 1:45-44:30-9 wtmHG m Lwom NO BARGAIN PRICE OR PASSES FOR THIS FEATURE XjREMUNS-2 FRI I SAT 2:30-4 30 7 9 10.45 SOU THURS 2 304 301 9 .3 The Karate Kid k 5 FRI I SAT 1:45 4:154:301:4510 45 SUN-THURS 1 45415430845 (3.50 ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN (lift under) SHOWPLACE 5 D O W N 1 O V \ N I S 2 0 0 0 $2.00 BARGAIN PRiCE FIRST AFTERNOON SHOW ONLY ji£ DAN AYKKOYD G DILLM1 iRfW GHOST DUSTERS." THE SUPERNATURAL COMEDY FW 4 SAT 2-4 154:459 1045 SUM THURS 2 4 15 4 45 9 DUNDEE THEATER MAIN STRUT 4?8 3600 SI 00 ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS BREAKIN DAILY 2 304 30 7 9 PC McHENRY 1-2 ADl l lTS S? SO CH l in i I & undo . S i SO $1 SO F i r s * A f te rno . - • Sh , >v On ly Movie? What movie? STAR TREK IIIp4 THE SEARCH FOR SPOCh DAILY 2 304 30 7 9 from tit* maktrt of th* original "AMMAN! t" DAILY 2:15-4:154*4:30 GRAYSLAKE OUTDOOR 3 I ? ? 2 3 RISS S? SO ADl II T S C Hit DR{ N M S IINI'I k' I VI I ' McHENRY OUTDOOR 81S 344 0444 S? SO A [ )U l IS C M i l Uk t N I 1 8 JNOf R H i£ fc ! OPEN ALL Wf IK STARTS AT 8:90 STAR TREK III w PLUS BACHELOR PARTY r FLfcAttAlkttAt&RAYSLAKE OUTDOOR EVERY SUNDAY B TO 4 OPEN ALL WEEK STARTS AT 8 30 CANNONB ALL II PC v PLUS CONAN THE DESTROYLRp*