^gCTlON 2. PAGE 10 - PLA1NPEALER - FRIDAY, JUNE 2», 1984 Business mputers to advance real estate market By Yvonne Beer, executive lident of the McHenry Board of Realtors, ire is good news for prospective home buyers in a neir program being used by certain members of the McHenry County Board of Realtors. Realtors are now urfftg computerized real estate services for finding a home and may soon be able to find the way to pay for it almost in stantaneously. Selecting a mortgage bycomputer promises to be the wave of the future. Through a new program ealtors ECORD called RENNIE MAE (Realtors National Mortgage Access), realtors across the country may soon be able to gain access to an array of mortgages available from lending institutions around the country. This network will be able to display all types of financing available from len ders from New York to California who have plugged into the data bank directly from their offices. Within minutes, the system will be able to describe each mortgage offering along with Two McHenry people were among the 196 students who received their MBA (Masters of Business Administration) degree or the Diploma of Professional Management from the Lake Forest School of Management. Receiving his MBA was Jerome J. Benes, 2315 Oakwood Court, McHenry, senior cost engineer for Baxter 9 • Safe • Beautiful • Economical 31' X 19' OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS FAMILY SIZE SWIMMING POOL 24'xlS' SWIMMING AREA FREE SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE CALL NOW COMPLETE TJLL FINANCINL •ARRANGED! (other models available too) P. L*m I San. LTD 3JW N. Arlington Heights Rd Arlington Hts. ILM004 24 HOUR SERVICE-DAILY 4 SUNDAY 800-942-1798 Address Two receive degrees in management Laboratories. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Receiving her Diploma of Professional Management in the managers program was Carol Perschke, 5114 N. Westwood Drive, McHenry, an employee of Baxter Travenol Laboratories. Ms. Perschke is also a member of the board of trustees for McHenry Township. ^Comfort <Kgyed Wick Homes... 100 Degrees of Energy Efficiency. In this part of the country, where the temperature extremes can be 100 degrees apart, it's comforting to know about "Comfort Keyed" Wick Homes. You're looking at an insulation R-value of 49* (16tt fiberglass sheathing) in the walls. That's plenty of protection from summer heat and winter cold. But there's more. All windows (ex cept in garage) are triple-glased. That's even more protection and energy savings for you. Add to this all of the other Comfort Keyed Wick Homes features and you have the kind of living comfort you'll want for your family. Before you even consider the alternative, give your Comfort Keyed Wick Homes dealer a call. He's a good man to know at home buying time. 'Note Savings may vary. Higher R values mean greater insulating power. DON LECHNER-McHENRY S15/4SM3N J.M.ARNOLD-UNION SIS/923-4460 Wick Homes® A product of Wick Building Systems. Inc offering the solar advantage. ALE! ^andFÎ Enamel AC E <5 11 94 Gal. REG. 16.99 2 1 1 ) Gloss porch & Floor Enamel Tough, scuff & weather resis tant. Fast drying, long lasting. CUSTOM COLORS *12*4 wuTm-paBB ',RatLatei itousePadi ACE/ $Q94 jP Gal. Acrylic Latex REG. 16.99 House Paint (103) Quick drying, one coat ap plication. 5 year durability. CUSTOM COLORS $10M ^MilossLat®1 House Paint ACE, Gal. • . 18.99 Latex Semi-Gloss House Paint <159> Weather, sun & mildew resis tant. Covers in one coat. CUSTOM COLORS *12" RIOR STAIN SALE m m ifeii m RUSTIC TONES EXTERIOR STAINS Latex Or Oil Solid Tones, Oil Semi-Transparent •For Smooth or Rough Sawn Wood •Resists Blistering or Peeling •Long Lasting Beauty •Enhances Wood Grain SALE ENDS JULY 9,19S4 CHOOSE FROM 27 COLORS Brokers-sellers review set terms, fees and conditions. The two-way network will also make it possible for the homebuyer to complete a standard loan ap plication form and receive a conditional loan commitment without leaving the real estate office. This program has the potential for opening a new world of mortgage finance options to home buyers. Real Estate students and professionals planning to take the Tuesday, July 17, 1984 real estate salesperson and broker examinations can prepare for the tests and determine areas needing further study by at tending an intensive one-day or two-day review offered by Reus Real Estate School and Real Estate Education Company. The two-day review will be held Saturday and Sunday, July 14-15 at the following location: Quality Inn at O'Hare, 3939 N. Mannheim Rd., Schiller Park. The one-day exam review will be held Saturday, July 14 at the following locations: Oxford House, 225 N. Wabash and at the Pacesetter Park Plaza, 1038 E. 162nd St., South Ho^and. Sessions for the broker's exam will be held from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. each day of the review. Sessions for the salesperson's examination will be held from 9:30 ajn.-3:30 p.m. each day of the review. Both the one and two-day reviews are designed to cover all the information required to successfully complete the Illinois Salesperson and Broker licensing examinations. pre-registration is recom mended for Reus Real Estate School and Real Estate Education Company classes. To register or to obtain further information on the classes, locations, and times call 836-4444 or write the school at 500 N. Dearborn, Chicago, n. 60610. State studies new plan for delinquent taxpayers Sen. Jack Schaffer, R-Cary, said the Senate has unanimously approved a bill which will give delinquent taxpayers an op portunity to make peace with themselves while, at the same time, probably will bring multi- millions of dollars into the state treasury. The tax amnesty program is expected to be approved by the House of Representatives and signed into law by Gov. Thompson. The measure would allow delinquent taxpayers to pay their taxes during a three- month period, between Sept. 1 and Oct. 30 of this year. During that time, penalties would be eliminated and taxpayers would be charged 50 percent less in terest or one percent per month, rather than two. The bill applies to all tax payers who have failed to file their state income tax returns, to those who have under- reported their income and to those who are delinquent in paying past obligations. "I think this is an excellent bill," Schaffer said, "and I urge all persons who are delinquent in their taxes to take advantage of this amnesty program. Our State Department of Revenue now has some very sophisticated equipment and each day is locating more people who have failed to pay their taxes. I want to point out that for delinquent taxpayers who do not participate in the program, penalties would increase by 50 percent and each criminal of fense would be upgraded by one class." Study made on energy efficiency In the year 2000 an extra $3.8 billion could be circulating in the Illinois economy and 75,000 extra jobs could be available if energy consumers began to invest aggressively in energy efficiency. That is the conclusion of a study, entitled "Energy Ef ficiency and the Illinois Economy: 1980-2000," published by the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources (ENR). The study pointed out the economic damage that has resulted from past rises in energy prices. In contrast, the researchers calculated the benefits which mitt Jw expected if consumer behavior were influenced so that investments in energy efficiency preceded rising energy prices. Copies of the study may be obtained at no charge by calling E N R ' s I n f o r m a t i o n Clearinghouse tollfree at (800) 252-8055. * *m W4M Moms and Dads! Here is the Ideal opportunity for your child to learn dependability, earn their own speeding money, and learn how to manage their own business. 1 l? i 8 Earn Monoy I Hav* Fun I Win Priz+sl Bo Somebody I Help your child get o jump on life. Coll the McHenry Plain- dealer Circulation department today. Inquire about the route opportunities in your neighborhood. Call 385-0178 Today) 3»12 W. Elm Sf.. McH.nry