• n:n i iiliii :r;ritfiiil T SHIRTS AND FAMOUS MAKER SKIRTS rAU*. 5 - rLAlNDUALEK - FK1DAY, JUNK S9, &IM Park department plans a variety of events around Fiesta Days . Among the many events to take place the McHenry Fiesta Days are a full roond of athletic Events, both for the participant and for the observer- appredator. : McHenry's City Parks and Recreation Department is the ^sponsor and Director Pete ^ferkel has organized a variety of events for Fiesta Days fun. / Beginning on the first day of Fiesta, July 20 residents can either visit Wrigley Field to see the Cubs game or can stay in iMcHenry and be part of the .finals of the adult Tennis Tournament. The tournament will take place at Knox Park' throughout the entire weekend until all matches are completed. . Hie trip to the Cubs game will be limited to the first ISO persons signing up, and the deadline for registration is July 18. Children under 6 must be accompanied by and adult but that is the only age restriction. Buses will leave City Hall at noon and return 8 p.m. It will be Ladies Day at the park, so there will be a $2 discount for all females in the group. Sign-up is at City Hall and registration fees must be paid at sign-up time. A $9 cost will include tran sportation and reserved terrace seats at the game. ($7 for ladies) The next athletic event to take place, which also knows no age .limit will be a Canoe Race, which will take place at Petersen Park Beach on July 21 as part of the "Family Fest." • The event is co^ponsored by the Chamber and J. and Argiles, Piano recital scheduled On Sunday, July 1, Andrew Belmonte will give his Senior Piano Recital, at2 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 1300 Kish- waukee Valley Road, Wood stock. Works to be performed in- elude pieces by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Gustav Hoist. Belmonte has studied piano for 11 years, and is currently a student of Christine Holmer. He recently graduated . from Marian Central Catholic High School, and this fall he will attend the University of Chicago. » Hie public is invited to attend the recital. Outfitters of Country Fun. . Registration forms are available at the Chamber office now and will also be accepted that day at the beach up to one hour before the noon event. Two-person and four-person races will begin and end at the beach with one turn-around only. The length of the course will be different for the different age groups, and prizes will be awarded according to age groups as well. AS with all Fiesta Days events, prizes will be ribbons and trophies. ' Advance registration is ad vised: $1 per person in ad vance; $2 per person that day. Canoes, life jackets, and all essentials for the race will be provided by J. and Argiles. However, a participant may use his own canoe if he chooses. For all the budding soccer stars in McHenry, the Chicago Sting will once again bring their camp concept to East Campus for the benefit of area youth. A full week of concentrated training will take place July 23 to 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, for boys and girls from 6 to 16 years old. Under the direction of Sting coaches, they provide. personalized and small group instruction and prepare each camper to perform as team members. Applications are being accepted at City Hall until all classes are filled. The fee is $80, with a $5 discount for ad ditional family members. On Tuesday, July 24, e the annual River Run will be held on the same Seven-mile course it ' has traditionally taken, in spite of the Route 120 bridge con struction. Since the event clears that construction-crowded area rather quickly, clearance has been secured to use the same course, which will begin and end at Pearl Street Park. Three- hundred-plus runners are ex-r pected this year, and registration is now underway and will continue until July 20 at 5 p.m., at $7 per person, which includes a "River Run" Fiesta Days T-Shirt. Late registration is |9 and does not include a T- Shirt. Trophies for best time will be awarded in age categories. More contests of athletic skills will take place on July 25 at McCracken Field: a Cham pionship Track Meet for ages 7 to 18. The event will begin at 6 a.m. and participants are asked to report early to register prior to starting time. An entry fee of $1 is to be paid at that time. Included in the meet will be: the 50 yard dash, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 880 yard run, mile run, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, and the Softball throw. Trophies will be awarded in age groups, and fans are cordially invited to attend and cheer participants to victory. Can outdoor roller skating be considered an athletic event? If they create races and endurance tests from that category, it certainly seems appropriate. On Thursday, July 26, at the Petersen Park parking lot, kids of all ages, can join the fun of skating to music with their friends. The only requirement is a pair of skates. There will be no admission charge. And as a way to start off the final weekend of Fiesta Days, a Bike Hike through Moraine Hills State Park will bring the beauty of the countryside into full focus and yet get everyone back home in time to rest and relax before Theme Nite that evening. Assembly will be at Pearl Street park at 8:30 a.m., and the younger children will be boarded into trucks to be«?i their cycling at Moraine. AH others will cycle to Moraine, through Moraine, and back to Pearl Street Park by 1:30 pjn. Registraton will take place that day only at 8 a.m. for a fee of 50 cents per person. For further information, contact Pete Merkel at the Paries and Recreation Depart ment or the Chamber of Com merce at 385-4300. ' Complete information wijl also be included in the Fiesta Days Guide, which will be delivered to all residents in the greater McHenry area right after the fourth of July. Shopping days to benefit seniors The McHenry County Senior Citizens Council will hold a Shop and Share Fundraising program on July 2,3,4 at all Jewel Food Stores and Jewel grand bazaars. By shopping at Jewel on one of those days, five percent of the total purchases, excluding tax and Osco merchandise, will be donated by Jewel to the organization. The McHenry County Senior Citizens Council will use the money generated by the Shop and Share to further the services offered by the council, some of which are transportation, social services, information and referral, and the nutrition program. \ Anyone interested in helping the seniors in McHenry County by shopping at Jewel on those dates will need a Shop and Share coupon, and should contact Laurie or Judi at (815) 455-2157 or toll-free at 1-800-892-3273 to obtain a coupon before shop ping. in Registration is still open for a wide range of Fiesta Days athletic events. To register, contact the Patty (left) or Pete in the city Park and Recreation department. Museum • \ to celebrate . There will be a picnic and band concert at the McHenry County Historical Museum in Union Sunday, July 1 from 1:30 $o 4:30 p.m. • Bringing together memories of old-fashioned Fourth of July activities, the county museum is planning a Sunday afternoon of putdoor music and picnic space for museum visitors. • Under the direction of Marengo High School Band Director Bob Tirk, the Marching Indian Summer Camp Bands, fnade up of Marengo and Union students, will be playing a selection of Sousa marches beginning at 1:30 p.m. on the museum lawn. Continuing the Concert for the rest of the af ternoon will be the Marengo- Union City Band. * Refreshments will be available on the museum grounds from the Union Lions £lub and visitors are welcome to bring picnic lunches. ' The museum will remain open throughout the afternoon with a free admission day for residents M Coral Township. P AR WASH • The McHenry Varsity Pom tan Squad will hold a car wash from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 30 in the McHenry Plaindealer parking Jot. Cost will be $2 per vehicle. ¥ ' JDFFICESCLOSED LA11 Secretary of State offices id facilities will be closed for Independence Day, Sec. of State. Jim Edgar announced. All offices and facilities will be closed Wednesday, July 4, and will reopen Thursday, July 5. SUMMER CASUAL FOOTWEAR SPRING JACKETS AND PANT COATS *19.99 to *59.99 jackets and pant coats, orig. $29.99 to $99.99. For summer and beyond, our entire stock of jackets and pant coats at savings. Choose from Braetan, Izzy, Members Only, Fox Run and others. Misses and petites, sizes 6 to 16; junior sizes 5 to 13. Outerwear. FAMOUS MAKER KNITS $5.99 to '8.99 T shirts, reg. $8.99 to $11.99; '12.99 to'16.99 skirts, reg $23 to $30 Mix and match the cool and easy way, with T shirts from Jason Maxwell and Knit Focus; in a variety of styles and colors, polyester and cotton blends, sizes S,M,L. Then choose assorted spring and summer skirts in styles galore, including split skirts in poplin, duck, kettlecloth and twills for sizes 8 to 18. T shirts and Moderate Separates. HOLIDAY STORE HOURS: WEDNESDAY. JULY 4TH, 10 00 AM TO 4:00 PM 1000 SPRING HILL MALL, WEST DUNDEE, ILLINOIS 60118 PHONE 428 1^34 STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIOAY, 10:00 TO 9:00; SATURDAY, 10:00 TO 5:30; SUNDAY, 11:00 TO 5:00 *16.99 striped espadrille, reg. $25; '19.99 sneaker, reg. $29. The shoes that keep you cool in canvas with a variety of summer bright colors. Choose from the shoes pictured as well as airy sandals. In 5V2 to 9 and 10M. Shoes. *19.99 reg. $27.50 to $30. The shirt every man wants. Classic style you'll recognize in a minute. Perfect for your weekends. Assorted stripes and solids in pure cool, cotton. Sizes S.M.L.XL. Knit Shirts.