• " PAGE f - PLA1NPEALER - tVEg&QfcJULY t, UN Schools Montini Middle names top scholars The staff of Montini Middle School announced the fourth quarter honor roll for the 1963-84 ( r school year. In order to make a the honor roll, a student must m maintain a 3.0 or "B" average. f.T0 be placed on the high honor roll, a student must have a 3.5 m average. 10 The students cited are: ° EIGHTH GRADE 3.5-Amy Vacula, Tanja Nuhsbaum, Jennifer Freund, -r Brigid Lean, Michele Martinez, ,;Carol Masulunes. 'jr 3.0-Dawn Dixon, Peter ^Huinker, Dan Kunzer, Stacy Miller, David Ahern, Renee o«.» Faciana, Stacey Schmidt, Susan Vacula. SEVENTH GRA&E 3.5- Mary Kate Winn, Kathy Coughlin, Sharon Snow, Cindy Svoboda, Bridget Walls, Karen Coughlin, Jenny Tonyan. 3.0-George Buch, Julie Erickson, Joe Gilmore, Nicolle Jessie, David Martin, Tim Mauer, Sean Reilly, Mike Sena, Sue Wember, Dan Wray, Jeff Wygrzyn, Mark Zimmerman, Shari Ketchum, Anne Barthel, Katie Kurinsky, Bob -Gorman. SIXTH GRADE 3.5- Gregory Keller, Bryan MaleniUs, Holly Oeffling, Julie Semrow, Chris Sorenson, Steven Aleckson, Julie Erkenswick, Colleen Gorman, James Keller. 3.0-- Karen Vacula, Glen Toussaint, Patricia Quamme, Kim Mullen, Danielle White, Craig Neuhausel, Paul Wember, Ellen Sieverin, Joel Cejka. FIFTH GRADE 3.5-Amy Svoboda, Kristine Martinez, Beth Seavey, Julie Etten. 3.0- Barbara Martin, Matt Yegge, Janine Buch, Sean Dillon, Jessica Busch, Meredith Frett, Jessica Morrissey, Chris Novak, Brad McClellan, Amy Birk, Shawn Ketchum, Bill JHS sets honor roll •r The honor roll for the fourth ^quarter of the 1983-84 school • year was announced recently at i: Johnsburg High School. The following students .were named to the list. SENIOR 4.0-Gail Jakubicek, Joseph Majercik, Richard Michels, Richard Schaller, Ken Schoenig, - Brian Siudak, Rhonda Thayer | and Scott Tvaroh. ^ 3.5-Julie Anderson, Michele " Arnolde, Kathy Butler, Laura /Carlson, Lisa Carlson, Mary stAim Christie, Terri Cluff, Alicia •Evertsen, Michele Hancock, ^Kelly Hart, Theresa Hauck, Wendi Huemann, David Lind- berg, Wayne Peisert, Kim Pieper, Janette Ready, Norman ^Rokosz, Michelle Swartzloff, Lisa Thoren and Kathy Wester. 3.0-Tim Adams, Jason An derson, Marcia Crump, Terri Eichhorn, Diane Gagnon, Mike Gill, Jerry Harker, Trisha Herigodt, James Hopp, Jeff ! Jayko, Sarah Knight, Scott ,'Loesch, Trina Marundi, Shelly ,;Miedzianowski, Dennis Norton, -Traci Schmitt, Maria rSchroeder, Jane Smid, Tony Trevithick, Jo Anna Vrasich, Lynn Wilkinson, Tim Wirtala , and Gail Wroblewski. JUNIOR 4.0-Tom Meehan, Sheryl Scavo, Ralph Stark and Debbie Tvaroh. S.S-Lisa Confer, Kim Diedrich, Mary Dvorak, Ed Foster, Bill Kilcoyne, Robert Kretschmar, Laura Long, Mark Majercik, Lisa Matulka, Cris May, Mike Nedeihouser, Todd Newton, Kerry Rauhut, Cindy Swinford, Ray Tantillo and Bernard Wharton. 3.0-Angela Barth, Dawn Cummings, Melissa Davis, Christine Dohnke, Mark DuRei, Mark Dumelle, Bob Dunivan, Terry Eifler, David Gagnon, Michelle Glogowski, David Heil, Janice Kearns, Lisa Kelly, Tom Kinney, Tim Koeller, Roberta Kucharski, Terri Lamerand, Any Lane, Mike Lawrence, Kim Loesch, Kim Lyons, Michael Majercik, Laura Milium, Rich Miller, John Miskovic, Kevin Nielsen, Kristin Ort, James Owen, David Quinn, Patti Sch mitt, Mark Schoenherr, Robert Slack, Mike Steffens, Richard Thayer, William Wade, Michele Young and Lora Zielke. SOPHOMORE 4.0-Kathy Beitz, Larry Gibson and Laura Oeffling. 3.5--Kim Abell, Kevin Beitz, Sandra Bogacz, Tom Buccelli, Patti Butler, Laureen Charles, Cindy Lane, William Meyer, Mary Meumann, Christine O'Donohue, Kim Pollock, Amy Legal notice .bis;-, arte PREVAILING WAGE ACT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Stat* of Illinois has onactad "AN ACT regulating wagas of laoorars, mechanics and other worKmer emfMoyid in any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by any one under contract for public works, "approved June 26, 1941, as amended, being Section 39s-l through 39s- 12, Chapter 48, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1973, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Act requires that the Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12 of Mc Henry County investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workmen in the locality of •AAc Henry County employed in a performing construction of public works for said school district exclusive of maintenance work, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BV THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION OF Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12. SECTION 1: To the extent and as required by AN ACT regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed In any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by any one under contract for public works, "approved June 26, 1941, as amended, the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workmen engaged In the construction of public works coming Under the jurisdiction of this school district is hereby ascertained to the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in AAc Henry County area as determined by the Department of Labor of the Stateof Illinois as of Junt4, 1984 a copy of that determination being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The definition of any terms appearing in the Resolution which are also used in the aforesaid Act shall be the same as in said Act. SECTION 2: Nothing herein contained shall be aonstrued to apply said general prevailing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employment except public works construction of this school district to the extent required by the aforesaid SECTION 3: School Board Secretary shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by any interested party in the main office of this school district this determination of such prevailing rate of SECTI ION 4: The School Board Secretary shall mail a oopy of this determination to any employer, and to any association of employers and to any person or association of employees Mfto have filed, or file their name and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stat/ng the particular rates and the particular class of workmen vrtiose wages will be attecrea by such rates. SECTION 5: The School. Board Secretary shall promptly file a certified oopy of mis Resolution with both the Secretary of State end the Department of Labor in the State of Illinois. SECTION 6: The School Board Secretary shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the area a copy of this Resolution, and such publication shall constitute notice that the determination is effective and that this is the determination of this public body. PASSED THIS 26th day of June, 1984. APPROVED: John C. Heidler President of the Board ol Education (SEAL) ATTEST James W. Preston, Secretary, Johnsburg Community Unit School District 12 Board of Educatibn (Pub 7-3-84) NO. 840349 NAME OF TRA0E RG TYP CI HOURLY KATES I WKLYIOVERTIME MATE I HftLV FRINGE RATES LI I HRS I I SI IIASIC FORMN | IWKOV/SA/SU-HLl WELFR PENSN VACTN ASBESTOS WRKRS BOILERMAKERS BRICKLAYERS CARPENTERS CARPENTERS CARPENTERS MILLWRIGHTS PILE0R IVERS CEMENT MASONS CEMENT MASONS ELECTRICIANS BLO BLD 1 BLO BLO HWV RES BLO BLO BLO HWV BLO I I II 21 GLAZIERS t B^O IRCN WORKERS S BLO IRON WORKERS W ALL FENCE. jERECTORS f ALL MACHINERY MVRS I BLO ORN IRON WRKRS F ALL LABORERS BLO LABORERS HWV OPER. ENGINEERS . BLO OPER. ENGINEERS BLO. OPER. ENGINEERS BLO QPER. ENGINEERS BLO OPER. ENGINEERS HWY OPER. ENGINEERS HWV OPER. ENGINEERS HWY OPER. ENGINEERS HWY OPER. ENGINEERS HWV WFLL ORILLERS ALL NELL ORILLERS ALL PAINTERS BLO PLUMBERS BLO PLASTERERS BLO SPRIMILR F1TTRS BLO ROOFERS NW-BLO ROOFERS COMP. BLO SHEETMTL WRKRS BLO STONE WORKERS BLO TILE LAYERS E BLO TILE FINISHERS BLO TRUCK ORIVERS ALL TRUCK OBIVEftS ALL 21 19.850 TRUCK OR IVERS ALL TRUCK DRIVERS ALL I I I 18.000 19.000 | *0.0 | 2*0 2.0 2.0 I 1.575 18.400 19.400 | 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 1.600 16.860 1 7.860 I r40.0 I 1.5 1.3 2.0 I 1.750 16.800 17.800 | *0.0 | 1.5 1.5 2.0 I U640 I 17.300 18.800 | 60.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I I.000 I* 0T/9TH MON-FR1/1.5 I 15.960 16.960 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.660 I 16.800 17.800 I 40.0 | 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.640 . I 16.800 |T.800 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.640 I 18.050 18.500 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 i 1.500 I 18.050 18.500 | 40.0 I 2.0 2*0 2.0 I 1.150 I 18.350 20.190 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.001 l« PENSN-3I CF GROSS MTHLY LABOR PAYROLL I 16.300 17.050 I 40.0 I 1.5 2.0 2.0 I 1.580 i 20.1 TO 21.520 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 1.980 t 17.000 17.850 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I .215 I 11.840 12.840 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.200 I 14.405 15.405 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 1.920 I IT.100 1 7.850 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 2.200 *?.6S0 14.150 I,40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.520 13.650 16.150 | 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.520 18.400" 18.900 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 2.100 17.100 17.600 I 40.0 1 2.0 2.0 2*0 I 2.100 31 15.450 15.950 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 2.100 4 1 15.700 14.200 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 2.100 II 18.050 18.550 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 2.100 21 17.500 18.000 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 2.100 31 16.350 16.850 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 2.100 4| 14.950 15.450 I 40.0 I US 1.5 2.0 I 2.100 5| |3«750 14.250 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 2.100 II 15.850 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.450 21 14.650 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.450 I 14.450 14.950 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 1.5 I 1.650 I 16.450 17.450 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.700 I 18.050 18.300 | 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 1.500 I 16.670 16.920 I 40.0 I 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 1.550 f*~ll.200 11.450 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .400 I 16.500 17.250 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.610 I 15.759 16.250 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .900 I 16.860 17.8*0 4 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.750 I 15.660 17.160 I 40.0 I 2*0 1.5 2.0 I 1.500 I 14.000 ' I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I 1.500 II 15.700 | 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .000 I* WELFR 863. PWK/PENSN 853. PWK/1/85-855. 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .000 I* WELFR 863. PMK/RfNSN 853. PWK/1/85-855. 31 16.050 | 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .000 I* WELFR Hti PWK/PENSN 833. PWR/I/8S-S55. 4| 16.290 I 40.0 I 1.5 1.5 2.0 I .000 I* WELFR 863. PWK/PENSN 853. PWK/ft/69-859. 1.645 2.000 1.100 1.600 1.500 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.060 .910 1.840 1.570 1.020 2.375 1.570 2.850 1.570 1.300 1.300 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1*350 1.550 1.000 2.650 1.060 1.600 .000 1.200 1.170 1.100 1.320 .830 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 •000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .-000 .000 .000 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Vavrik, Julie* Norton, Anthony Gioia. FOURTH GRADE 3.5- Kristy Justen, Chris Voight, Sharon Semrow, Matt Smulski, Annie Truckenbrod, Tom Wagner, Margi Reiland, Alison Ragalie, Brian Cun ningham, Mike Erkenswick, Kim Sasak, Brian Wigman, John Weaver, Jodie Wijas. 3.0-Julie MacKenzie, Jamie Carney, Jason Pankow, Patrick Kunzer, Terese Koch, Antonio Asevedo, Maribeth Koleno, Brian Rouse, Rebecca Kazniak, Brent Malenius, Margaret Vacula, James Wygrzyn, Kelly Hyland, Duane Nowicki. Debora Lynn Ransdell, 18, a recent graduate of McHenry High School East Campus has been named one of 50 James E. Casey scholarship winners selected through a nationwide competition. The value of each award ranges from $4,000 to $16,000 over the four years of un dergraduate study. Hie scholarships, presented annually by the UPS Foun dation, are awarded to children of United Parcel Service em ployees. Supported by grants from UPS, the foundation contributes to institutions and organizations engaged ' in charitable and educational activities. ' Ransdell wfll attend Northern Illinois University in the falL The James E. Catiey Scholarship is named for on* ol the founders of UPS who, with several teenagers in Seat&e, WA, started a small delivery service in 1907. CORRECTION . The name of Aimee Laskowski was incorrectly spelled in the list of honor roll students at McHenry West Campus. Aimee, a freshman, achieved a 4.0 gradepoint average. Vayo, Tom Walsh, Tammy Wettstein and Tony Zaremba. 3.0-Brett Bartkoske, Mark Bartman, John Biederman, Nicole Burnett, Sheila Chernak, Brian Dunivan, Brian Hauck, Troy Hetz, Beverly Hiller, Felicia Hog&n, David Huemann, Bob Kilcoyne, Nancy Kofler, Dennis Leary, Scott Lehman, Debra Linn, Tom Maiorca, Tom McNelley, Jason Perry, Sue Russell, Tracy Scheer, Julie Schmitt, Fareen Shedbalkar, Tim Shine, Don Thennes, Christine Wiser, Richard Wright and Joseph Ziemba. FRESHMAN 4.0-Gregory Hart, Kim Larson, Laura Lund, Steven Sterka and Randy Sundell. v 3.5-Kenneth Barrett, Chris Bonus, Daniel Burns, Paula Jargstorf, Christine O'Brien, Karin Ort, Lori Raycraft, Michelle Scavo and David Shedbalkar. 3.0-Craig Ames, Shaun Bean, Brian Berndt, Michele Bo we, Philip Cook, Lesley Davidson, John Dodge, John Drogosz, Rhonda DuPont, Kyle Geisser, Katherine Grams, Marikay Hopp, Lisa Larton, Patricia Novy, Tine Paries, Brian Peisert, Karyn Ramberg, David Savino, John Shiman, Cindy Swartzloff, Loreen Webster and Mary Wroblewski. Whether it Comes From The Attic a ....Or The Basement, Classifieds Can Sell It! i McHenry ̂ «since 1875 laindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II.