Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1984, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY, JULY 3,1984 Real Estate 72 For Sale McHENRY AREA By ownor. Spadour OMM sq. ft.) ex l*|| humIM M. •Hugo family room •Designer kitchen •2% cor hooted flerogo •Mbdrms.2beths •Finished room in full tamt. . plus much mora. Contract possible. Prlca reduced, tlUtao. ownor moving out of •lata. Principal* only. 115/344- »1. SALE BY OWNER 2 writ duplex, full bemfs.. 1444a'year rental Incoma. Good kwaat- mant. $44,«a/offer. 5 avail. I15/345-34W. McHENRY/ BRITTANY PARK. Must Sail- Moving Out Of Stat*. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, trl- >ke.. C/A. 2 > Assumeble. laval w/bamt., frplc*., C/A, 2 If. gar. 11-5% Assumeble. Ars. Call 115/345-7144 car aft. WOODSTOCK: Wall- melntolnod. startar home/two- flat possibilities. 3 bdrms., 2 baths. 124 Douglas. PRICE REDUCED to tSIJM. Call •1S/33M4M. FOX RIVER GROVE, by ewnor. 3 badrm ranch an igo londscapid lot approir. 12T x W.futT flashed --M oat baoo mont, 2 nrsplatoa. 2 car aft. aar. w/opamr. all sppTs slay. Qaaa to schools, train 4 shopp- Ing. in,MO. 312/43MWS or SIS/M44341 MARENGO aree. 3 bdrm. Capo Cod, 2Vj baths, fam. rm., for­ mal din. rm. TVs acres. matura trees. $129,900. Call 41S/»4*«aS4 TRANQUIL WATERFRONT BEAUTY Baautlful bom* on Island In Guttonborg, Iowa with axcap- tlonal view of Mississippi Rlvar flowing by. 4 bedrooms, larga living room with stona flraplac*. office or additional bedroom, dining room, custom built kitchen cabinets. 3 baths, larga deck. boat- house A dock. Landing strip clooa by; many amenities. $190,000. Call 319/2S2-31S6 for brochure or ap­ pointment RICHMOND, lust move In ft on|oy! Wall kept 3 bedroom home on nldy landscaped lot, attached garage, full base­ ment, conversation pit with outstanding stone corner fireplace. Walk to schools A shopping. $75,000. Call ownor, 319/252-3154. MCHENRY, Dutch Creak waterfront, 7 room Story Book, 3 bdrm., 2 baths. Heated In­ door pool, fireplace, steel sea­ wall & pier. Huge deck, $155,000. By owner. Call 415/345-2344. SLEEPY HOLLOW, 3 bdrm. ranch near school A park, $•2,000,312/428-7334. Misc. 32 Merchandise 72 Real Estate For Sale OPEN HOUSE Sunday. JULY Mb 1 Badrm brick Ranch, all v#rpwiNB» vwfirai RI ivmn# New washer/drfar, S44Ma. 111/385-1723 $12/14*4315 HAMPSHIRE Oak Grove Estates. 3 baths. 3 bdrm., llv_ MMfayi MM UkLU WMw aVwWM filly WmrKlIf flr„ r, r , » aa k IV^NKMf IIIIIHIVU WWRTWI baasmsnt, » car gar. on 1 acre. 312/344-7148 days or 773- tlMeve. DISCONTINUED MOOEL in Greenwood Meadows. 3 bdrm. SBtttMe lawillii muuh OTTTV IllllVmi WlnllY I UUIil; flraplac*. $71,990. Call wr appt. q&BMM or 311/MMW WONDER LAKE, S Rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, brick, aluminum extorter, woad burn­ ing finpiaca, larga fenced In yard. 2 car garage. 1,940 sq. ft. central air, all appliances. 4 m MM »-»• County Realty, 81V453-2841. HOUSE IN Sycamore araa. By Owner, 3 bdrm., mid Ws, >15/195^377 after 5 p.m. WONDER LAKE. 1 bdrm. han­ dymen. fenced wooded yard, pool, wwodbuming stave, great starter house. S&080. After 5pm, 415/334-0444. McHENRY WATERFRONT, vaca ̂ailyaar rout «d to theee 2 lovely homes on Lake Mat- thaw wfth easy accaea to the Chain Of Lakaa. boating, swim­ ming, skiing, snowmewllng, all at your front door, $79,NO ft $•9,900. Call Shirley at Century 21 Sketchbook. 312/4394541. CRYSTAL LAKE, By Ownor, 3 badrm, 1900 sq. ft. ranch, 2 bath. 3/4 acre wooded country Full basement, C/A. deck, an sor-appfs, redwood ( vie* hospital a nearyby, Crystal I Lake Schools. Principals' only. $119,509. $15/459-4434. 73 Condos. WATERS EDGE CONDO, by ownor, 2-3 bedrms, 1\fc Whs, move-In cond. $52,900. Call for appt. $15/344-0727or 344-2922. MCHENRY 2 bdrm, IV* baths, all appliances, swimming pool, ^bMait view. $34,000. $15/305- McHENRY 2 bedroom, m baths, all appliances, Including washer/dryer, newly . $15/475-: csmtlng. 2035. -a ACT NOW ABSOLUTELY THE.EMD1 This is your last chance to get a big new 31 x 19 tamily size swim­ ming pool complete with deck, fence, filter & warranty for $929. Call 1/800/942-1798 RIGHT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! 74 Townhomes CARY/BRMHT OAKS. M*4 bdrm. m baths. 1 car gar, patio. All appls. Incl. dishwasher I garbage dhpeeal. TanNs A pew. asking 89M8SI 312/439-4354 or !312/W* MM. unlaual sotting, 3 bdrm. IVfc bath, ertglnal coal SIMM - pay $72.9*0 and gat additional SIMM worth of extras at no charge 312/MI <138. CARY/BRIGHT OAKS, lovely 2 bdrm. ranch, garage, pond PMITMi pOOl li rOlWl UHInl. By ownor- must sacrifice at MA900.415/4554354 or 312/439- CRYSTAL LAKE Four Col­ onies by owner. 2 bdrm, m backs up to creak. January oc- cupanry. W7JM. $15/455-039 75 Lots* Acreage COLORADO 40 acres. $10,995 full price. Ski, fish, hunt. A electi k. 10% Int. flnai 312/450-4404. financing. BONNIE LAKE EST. Ad|. to Turnbarry. * acre Ms w/all uttl. 10% own. or bldg. financial help. 312/294-4114. JOHNSBURO AREA, cholca 3/4 acre comer let In Beat A Saddle, lotinslwrQ schools. River rights, no agents, 015/30545Pefter4. MOVING MUST SELL 104 high rolling acres. $5,300 per Isold In one piece) Will w piece) w 15/305-4344. MOVING-MUST SELL. 0J4 high rolling acrsa- $5,300 per acre, (sold In one piece) Will consldsr terms. 01, e piece) W 5/3(5-4244. MARENGO 1 acre lots In Klshweukee Valley Estates. Mkhvoy btNvoon Minnoo J$ Woodstock off Klshwaukee Valley Rd. Reduced 1o $13,500 tor quick sale. 81S/49H810. CRYSTAL LAKE, V* acre, prestigious Lakewood Lot, across from Country Club, $31308, will finance. 415/455- 3937. McHENRY, Sumyslde, New subdivision, v» acre lots w/utilltles. Reduced prices. Financing possible. 312/347- 7077. CRYSTAL LAKE, bright 2 bdrm., 2 bath, second floor, bekony, dub house, pool, ell appl., washer A dryer. Neer shopping A schools. $45400, •15/459-3110 LOT 75 x 135, or trade as down payment on home In 1*' « i% i « «• -- __ WOOOSTOCK rrimt lOCoTIOn Oft St. Johns Rd. in Huntington Point. For more Information call evenings eftor 5 p.m., $15/330-0343. CRYSTAL LAKE, Wooded, sloping, 11* acre lot, in area of fine homes, perfect for hillside ranch, $33,000. Call Carol, 015/459-5400. McHENRY, 1.1 rolling wooded acre in Wood Creek Sub., call after 4 pm„ 015/455-5430. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2/3 wooded acre on a hilltop, 200 ft. deep • 155 ft. frontage on Ravine Drive In Country Woods - $34,900. Call Petti. ERA Byrnes Bros 015/459-5400 IERCIAL LOT, on improvements w/gas, qlactrfc, water, aowar to slfe«jfl|doop to Berkshire - $59,900. CaftPat- ti, ERA Byrnes Bros. 015/459- 76 76 Mobile Apartments Homes 80 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE. Royal ma Comm. i Jtotafyfcra, tram $14,100. No gsT adult comm. 015/455- HOUYPAKKMOMLi Home, M x it very good cond. Stove, rafrlg.. waokar /O f̂ir $lc cond- canopy, concrete steps. •15/704-2094. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN •15/337-0704 CRYSTAL LAKE arae. Skyjo parent loold î̂ p •or cofl̂ lo l̂iBls 2 bdrm. dwelling. Aprox. $32S/mo. rat- 015/943-5739. NEED small afflca. Call before 11 a-m.. Mr. Dotson. 015/4594441. RESPONSIBLE working cow- miIHI JMIA jJklljJ Lk M^MHA piV WVm ww CnHQ WVIIVB W rwii or buy 2 bdrm. or am. 3 bdrm. home eround $325 per month. Abletoholpflxup»15/47^3>71. SPORTSMEN ̂ CLUB would like to laaaa hunting rights tar state cantreilao hunting preserve. Call Hero McKaamoy, 312/35^Q43>. HOUSE IN McHenry, Woodstock, or Crystal Lake, 2-3 bdrm. Responslwe family of X 1 pot. exc. retarences, cell 312/404 5547 before noon. WANTED TO RENT or rent wmi opnon to Duy wrysni Lake, north or south, 3 bedroom house or tawnhouse ̂ m beths. family room. gar. August 1st. Reasenable. •15/455-3270. FAMILY OF four, with good retorsncos would like to loese three bedroom home In Genoa- Kingston school district. Must be clean quality home wtth alr- cond* A privacy. Call •15/704- 4311. RESPONSIBLE employed cou- pto, 2 boys, 10 A 11 need, 2-3 bdrm., apt- duplex, or house In Crystal Lake. Reasonable, ref„ 015/459-2405. after 4 pJW. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share MALE LOOKING to share 2 bedroom apartment wtth same, all utilities. 015/330-0510 after 5pm. RESPONSIBLE Christian tomato to share house with same. Crystal Lake, Call Days, 015/455-4494. WOOOSTOCK, tor gentleman. 0N0 or 330-7442. •arii 5/330- LOOKING FOR Roommate to shore large 3 bedroom homo. Wonder Lata. S270/mo. plus portion of utilities. Eves. 115/453-5074. ROOM FOR RENT $250/mo- $100 deposit, full house • " • •15/455-5274 tomele to share i bdrm. apt. •110/month + Vi UtfUfleS. Cafl 015/337-0333. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME, 12x40, located in Klrkiand, axe. cond., many extras. Call 312/302-2107. Apartments 80 To Rent DELUXE 1 A 2 Bedroom Apartments, In city McHenry, security, privacy, luxury. No pats. Call tor information 9am- 5pm, >13/305-3192. FURNISHED ROOMS WEEKLY RATES •U/3304045 TWO BEDROOM Duplex. • parking, In 1 Call I15/3K-3490. . Aug. 1,11 A|||y IPMi Vtw Wy Stovs ̂rafrlg., A wok ed. Gas heat. No. pats. Security dap-MM/ma. 31/M3-W33 after 5pjn. PERFECT FOR WIOOW 1 LaXMAM MM* BeBrvoni wmvineg mrt* mont In McHenry. 015/3054544. McHENRY l bdrm. lot ftoor, partial elect, aid, nopefs. 1 ml. to town, SlM/mo + sec. dsp. 015/305-40M. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm. 2nd floor «0t. near train, 0425 aaMMoAis lnrliiifaa Kaa# u|m| |nr nwiiiiii HiviWWI nfiii KMI w adults. No pets. 01V459-2H2. WOOOSTOCK. large 2 bids, heat, rafrlg. A stove, 1st floor, S3M/mo. •15^3M404. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL Pmum IMMM til/uMAk RwiliO IIW0II PO/WWR. VtBUlU hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call 015/30»973» after 2pm. WOOOSTOCK Furnished apt. All utilities Incl. $275/mo. •15/320-7442 or 3 CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm Isk w/att. gar. 0430/mo. dsp- A rata, required. 4394310 312/4 HUNTLEY 2 bdrm. air. appl. loundry, no pitio sec. dsp. LARGE 1 BEDROOM, heated, quiet, naar Spring Hill. No PON. <91.312/991-1423 eves. ALGONQUIN, furnished 1 bdrm. efficiency, oil utlls. Incl. air cond. no pirts. $200/mo + security. 312/45W14. LARGE UPPER 1 bdrm. apt. es West of Genoa, stove, refrig.,drapes I. No. pets, ref, A sec. deposit. 015/704-5130. GAROEN QUARTER APTS. Special 2101 •15/3(5-21 Resldsntlal area In AAcHenrv Patio/Balcony units evollable 2 Bathrooms Walk-in Clooet of Master Bdrm. Dishweshsr A Disposal Air Cond. Available Free Water A Trash Pick-up Laundry Facilities in Bldg. 81 Homes To Rent WONOER LAKE, White Oaks. 3 bedroom, m flrepleces, 2 garage, short term h &H/mo. E vantage (15/453- WONOER LAKE, 2 badrm, kit­ chen, ilv. rm. din., rm. 1% car gar. double lot, fenced In. $450 mo. + sec. dop A credit check. 015/72H47I after 4 pm. EXECUTIVE/FAMILY Retreot. A boeutlfuiiy wooded country home tor rent. 3300 sq. ft. 54drm, Includes huge foml-huQM fam I ly room end kltcheoTfrplce, _ . . _ 2+ acres w/orchard. Very private, quiet, I mln from C.L. •WM/sw. AvaH Sept. Ml. CaN Lasli at 015/459-3145 LAKE IN THE HILLS, Month To Month. 3 bdrm*. 1 bath ranch, tall bsmt. 2 car gar. •440/mo. Call 312/934-4492. STREAM WOOD, 3 badrm ranch, fenced yard. $550 mo. No Pets. 312/450-7299. UNION, 3te bdrm. country house w/bulldlngs. $400/mo + sec. dsp. Retarences required. Aveil July. $15/9234423 WOOOBTOCK, 3 bdrm. MCHENRY, 3 bdrm. jjd- gar. atovtA refrig. Walk- dsp. No pals, .015/305-7013. STATELY 4 bdrm engiiah fudor In waadad preatlge area. (950/mo -f sec, dop. RoOrlgoraOor required. Call BairdAWornar Q15/45»-1055 Condos., Townhomes 82 To Rent CARPENTERSVILLE, • rm Townhoaoot M0 ma. Sac. dip. utwitas tot lad. nvauSn •or 312/414- CRYSTAL LAKE, t bdrm, washer, dryer, pool, dldiwaihsr, clubhouse, ind ft. carpeted, no pots. Avail Aug. RofsA lease. 115/459-5023 Stores, Offices Industrial 88 ToRent OFFICE SPACE available tar 9, at call rant In waillflloui building, at MfesTinr * 10 E. 31S/M04M4. CRYSTAL LAKE, AON aq. ft. ind. bldg. w/430 sq.ft. office, all a/c 3-phase elec. elr lines. Will dhrldo. >15/459-9040. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of­ fice. secretarial service A utilities provided, S325/mo. 015/439-0400. CARY INDUSTRIAL Center from A0M to 1A0M oa. ft. tor lease In now bulldlngTSuttable tor Bght Industry, warehouse or ALSO Vacant M-1 to B-5 sites tor sale from 20J00 sq. ft. to 5 ecres. Easy forms. Todoc Corp., 312/4394400. WOOOSTOCK, 1400 sq ft light Industrial mm, 12 X12 door, 3 olecli icnp. Avail. Aug 1st. ph olocl •15/33A! 2995 eves. I MONTHS FREE RENT, 2fed0 offices. $250.; 10x10 of Ik*. $125.; Utilities Included. Recaption avail. $15/7204404, •15/3U4054. Misc. ToRent MOTOR HOME For rent. '79 Itasca. Slesps A air. 1/015^5- 7122. Automobiles 86 ForSale REPROCESSED AUTOS- all mekae A medala. Ahways a flOufl aaraCTKJn. rlvl §11 lT»OOwl® at all times. Buy |uet like tak­ ing over payments. From 040. month A up. Machanlcaliy tested cars. No mafor body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/504-3900. AMC CONCORD DL m 1 ownsr, low ml. 4 cyL 2M eng. 4 spd. new tires. AM/FM casette ployer w/equalizer. $4200. •15/720-1774 aft. 5 pm or waek- Homes Automobiles 81 ToRent 86 ForSale CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm*. gersas. t37S/ma. security A letaroncas. No pals. AvoM. Aug. l.CaK 015/45^4111 after 5 JEEP a 1. 1977, V4, 3LOOO mltss, hard-top' rail-bars, leck- aut hube; elltorreln Mres A *x- mo to appreciate, $A5M^eat after. After 4pm, 15/305-1097. IBOWSURANCET ur IM •*hone 015/B0-nA AUTO "Let our NEW AT Ztabart: Radiator, A service, 312/«3M331 VW RABBIT, IV, Mr. hat­ chback, fuel cond. $1450,1 VW RABBIT, 79, +dr. dtoaoi, 4-spd., air, 90 MPG, lUOMMflt, 015^1044*4. CURVE I IE, 75, all options, $7900 sr best offer, or trade tar boat af equal value, 312/090- OOUGAR XR 7,79, auto. p.s. pj». air, gar kept,"" k».0l5^2M18. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 72. auto, pa/pb, good runner, geod cond. <l,3M/bost. 115^304370 after 4 pm. MUST SELL, 1972 VW Van, $1,000 or bead offer. 015^44- PORSCHE 9U 1974. 2 liter, mileage, removable top, •.015/305-5274. DATSUN, '73. 24oZ stock Melaa# MHMI BIIMIIIIAIW onginoi, minT cono.# î pviviy no rust, many extras. Apprais­ ed at $7000, serious inqulraa on- ly. 015/495-5715. JEEP CJ A 1979, 0 cylinder, 44*000 miles, rag top A sun bon­ net, oxc. cond., custom bumpers A striping, $4J00/bost oftor. •15/720-1114. PLYMOUTH '79, Horizon, TC3, 4 cyl. hatchback, pj. eufo., em/fm, reer window defrost. Good condition. $Z900.312^41- 9474. days. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX *01, VO dleool, oxc. cond. warranty, loadad, (7,500, 312/490-Tm DOOGE OMNI, 'd, 4-spd., manual, gas miser, 4 door, 41,000 miles, (2,990, (15/459- 74, good cond. ask­ ing (075. Call (IS/455-1454 after 4 pm. CADILLAC ELDORADO Bier rtta, 1971, 55,000 miles, oxc. cond., (5,000/best offor. (15/3(5-9224. BUICK SKYHAWK, 7A>. elr, really good cond. $2900, nogotieble, (IS/459-5791. VW SUPERBEETLE, '72, runs good, body poor; tar parts. Ask- lng$395.312/4344444 FORD '7A 4 dr. LTD Landau, VA em/fm cassette, air, px, p.b. good tires, new muffler A brakes. Extra clean, 1 owner. •15/459-1437. CHEVROLET CHEVETTE 79. 4 cyl. auto, new tiros, very od. cond. runs groat. Asking SWO/oftor. 015/3054757. MERCURY LYNX LS, '02, 4 speed, loaded, well maintained, i to 40 MPG. $4900, 312/439- 0074. FORD TORINO, 74, 2 dr. meny new ports Inc. battery A muffler. Reverse bonds need fixing, otherwise runs greet. $250,015/3054244. DATSUN truck, '02, with mat­ ching cap, bucket seats, 5 speed, em/fm radio, miles, <4500,015/3054094. Automobiles 86 ForSale Automobiles 86 ForSale VW BKITLf 71 aherp took- ***1' bM< oW"r' PONTIAC MANO PRIX 77, mod condition, aaMng «UN, lU^Mtll. PONTIAC 9RAND PRIX 7X Beet Otter nvmn* IMPALA WMON. 19. rum •ooi. muet aed. S17M. 311/43P- WarDHM CAPRI 74 Vkeuto*m. 415/4M-JWS«flai 4:3»pm. PORD 71 Country Swire won. Sterea P/l P/bT landeu Martor. Very deen. MM. • CAVALICR m 4 md. air. P/S, P/B, Sunroof, SMB. 311/3^4543. •RAND PRIX, rm. needs wart. siM/best ofter. •lVi5»- NM. MERCURY TOPAZJNl 4dr. French Vanilla, 7JM adlaa. Air, eulA all power, enrtwewv frol,tm wheel S1JM under Hat. Beet offer. 311/43M553. RID NOVA 7k 3H Hock, heeders. mega. axoa. cond. sum org. mnaa. 312/4*4531 efterSpm. MERCURY TOPAZJNl 4dr. French Vanilla, 7JM adlaa. Air, eulA all power, enrtwewv frol,tm wheel S1JM under Hat. Beet offer. 311/43M553. RID NOVA 7k 3H Hock, heeders. mega. axoa. cond. sum org. mnaa. 312/4*4531 efterSpm. PLYMOUTH 7k MU Fert LTD, 79. ti#$N. Carvalr 74 (far parts), 3H/44M7N. PORO TNUNOCRBIRD, 74. lew miles, elt mtirm. rum •eatf, mam some work, met, make offer, OTV40-M15. THRM CARS: 71 Fort Grenada, HSM; 75 Fart Grenada, SUM; 77 Bolck LeSabre, I15fl. Morfh American Titie Company, H5/49M4M,lto5. OLM DCLTAH. 77,4*. elr, VH 1 owner, new Nth 4 bet- no mat, tan. ni/m- THRM CARS: 71 Fort Grenada, HSM; 75 Fart Grenada, SUM; 77 Bolck LeSabre, I15fl. Morfh American Titie Company, H5/49M4M,lto5. OLM DCLTAH. 77,4*. elr, VH 1 owner, new Nth 4 bet- no mat, tan. ni/m- MONTC CARLO. 71 mod cond. Very reilebte. New brake*, fires. SSBB/baaf. S13/4MM11 OCVY MALIBU «MHM m EtiXSS&r** MONTC CARLO. 71 mod cond. Very reilebte. New brake*, fires. SSBB/baaf. S13/4MM11 OCVY MALIBU «MHM m EtiXSS&r** VW BUPKR B«iTLjL 71 good mochMCi. woo* How#*- heuet, tMB/beet. 311/49^7*2. TRIUMPH SPfTPWC. im, rum good mo* tome work, tLTM. Ceil I1S/3I5-41I3. VW BUPKR B«iTLjL 71 good mochMCi. woo* How#*- heuet, tMB/beet. 311/49^7*2. TRIUMPH SPfTPWC. im, rum good mo* tome work, tLTM. Ceil I1S/3I5-41I3. DOOGC DART, 71 daaa new ttrm t9Mor beat oNar, «S«5- 43M HONQAH, Accord LX, 5 elr, AM/FM caei . maroon, overhead console. tU9S. 311/491-7fH. DOOGC DART, 71 daaa new ttrm t9Mor beat oNar, «S«5- 43M HONQAH, Accord LX, 5 elr, AM/FM caei . maroon, overhead console. tU9S. 311/491-7fH. Wanted To 97 Bffl VOLARC 7k Premier ujn* 4 cyt P/1P/I* aul» air, enda ̂ tl li afTai mVMHB Wanted To 97 Bffl VWRABtrr, 74, Brown, 4dr, IMM. Cell H5/49MBM GRAND PRIX, '74, a/c. em/fm. tape player, S1J00, •15/S44-43M. CASH PAID For Junk Cars • 7 Doy Pickup 312/43»-MM VWRABtrr, 74, Brown, 4dr, IMM. Cell H5/49MBM GRAND PRIX, '74, a/c. em/fm. tape player, S1J00, •15/S44-43M. WANTCDTO BUY CADILLAC OR LINCOLN H. 11 or 72. In exc. cond. 312/4W4375 or *5- tm. AUDI Ma LS, 74.4 dr. 4 art. elr, euto. good cond. SlfN, 312/4SM372. WANTCDTO BUY CADILLAC OR LINCOLN H. 11 or 72. In exc. cond. 312/4W4375 or *5- tm. AUDI Ma LS, 74.4 dr. 4 art. elr, euto. good cond. SlfN, 312/4SM372. WANTED TO BUY |unk ft lepelrabla eutoe. 7 doy pickup, 312/43M19. CHIVY MONTE CARLO, It iBBdod. V4, pa. pb, air, fm, low miles. <7SMor offer, »15/4S»- WANTED TO BUY |unk ft lepelrabla eutoe. 7 doy pickup, 312/43M19. CHIVY MONTE CARLO, It iBBdod. V4, pa. pb, air, fm, low miles. <7SMor offer, »15/4S»- TOYOTA Collca GT 74, em/fm, 9 apd. rag. gas, 1- owner, oxc. cond., (2,100. •15/720-14471 BUICK RIVIERA 'OA VA 41,000 miles, loaded, oxc. cond. •9J0A 312/4504400. CALAIS CADILLAC '«A $750; Tandom Horse Trir. $700. (15/3304491 after 7 pjn. OPEL MANTA 74, 1900CC auto, $400, beet oftor, 015/305- 0734. FORD PINTa 1900,2 dr. stick, 41000 miles, now tires A brakes, (MM/eftor. 312/439- 0304. PLYMOUTH Berrecude, '44, (2^000. Muot aee. (15/499-1094 • NOVA 7144*000 miles $790/best offer. 312/4394021 BUICK CUSTOM CENTURY 7A oil cond. $100A 315/4994317. UNGOLM. tenMaonM 'Mark IV, 1974, 440 V4 angina, UM0 miles, (1,900/bost offor. 015/3304997. CUSTOM '47, 3 spd. runs greet, S29A 311/4304912. VW CONVERTIBLE, '04. Classki Runs good, body needs work. Call 312/431-2774 after 0 82L IMPALA '71, 350 4 pb. runs good, $3M or best oftor, 019/4994227. SB Accessories CRAGARSS wheels and tires, 4 used. 14X7 reversed 5 too Ford M in bolt drcto A H7« X 14 radial tires. Vary gaad cond. (179 tar complete oat. 015/344- 34M SET OF tour 4X4 rime. 19 X A 4 bait holee. oxc. cond. SIM. 015/330-4930 VW BEETLE 71 SaNtarparto. 01V4M-1190aftsr5pw. Trucks, Tractors 88 & Trailers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 7A 22 TT ̂IWI HIT*\wiTIITWL Î ^B B» AM/FM staraa air, awning, slablllHr lacks, excel, cono. 312/434-204}. TRAILER, M ft. flatbed,! neck, or pick-up. racks, alec, amir, (15/9434273. PORD F MA 197A 4x4, am-fm staraa ctaaiw SUM. 313/430- mrermMMM. CHEVY DUMP TRUCK, '<7,1 kAjMA* MMMI wn wills pw« WWW WHIM' •l2M/er trade. 015^434301 BRONC010.4 apd. pA, pA., extra ctoaa OAOM. 019/330- 3929. ELCAMM07X (IMA or trade for beat. 015/4994733. CHEVY STEP VAN, '4A ( repair, 4opd. V4, (K0, Call AHM, (15/4994142. ,,, UiMbBiMAB <. • • » ' ( • " i ^ ̂ w BATH REFINISHING TUB RENEW Porcelain Refinishinq Bathtubs Sinks Ceramic Tde Fioerglass Units Chips Repaired 312/6394055 or Answering Service 815/459-3888, Ext.'H' BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50c/Sq. Ft. For grading 8, blacklopp ing only, on driveways over 1,000 sq. ft. Parking Lots'New Drives • Long Lanes 'Patching 'Resurfacing *Sealcoating •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial !"*Hi)si, !»! "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands ot satisfied customers." SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid *New Drives •Resurfacing "Parking Lots •4eal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SAND&GRAVEL Spreading & Grading Topwality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO-815/459-8692 312/546-5600 __Gra^akeJ^ ̂ CLEANING 7 SERVICE HATE HOUSEWORK? Too Busy UnableToClean? We will do it for you! •One Time & Overall Cleaning Reasonable Rates Monthly, Daily. Bi-Monthly Ann Sailors & Assoc. 815/459-7628 BLACKTOP WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Established in 1954. We are now tak ing orders. Deal direct w i t i-. owner & save!! COMMERCIAL HlfStOCNTIAl Ca. - anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 1l?/367-0676 CONSTRUCTION BOUGHT CON STRUCT ION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL . ^ _ « . .. | | . |/ »i _« •vUlTOfTl nOfTiW •MTCTWnS •Additions *Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum Sidlna 4 Soffits EXPERT CARRNTRY CALL ANYTIME •15/33MM5 HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBING DRYWALL TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS BATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Quick! Call Dick 815/4J9 3IM Extension C 815/455-6353 After 5 p.m. HOME IMPROVEMENT T o 1 HOME IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Sottit* F asc ia*Gutters Roofing*Decks Low Prices & Free Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext.Z LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Wilt provide and plant Evergreens, Shrubs and Trees at discount prices. 815/385-8829 CONCRETE WE DO ALL CONCRETE WORK. Nom^s the time. Have it dona. Call«1S/3tf-3SM C&E CONCRETE McHenry CONSTRUCTION Bucci Construction, Ltd. Specializing in Concrete Installations: & Replacements Foundet ions-Floors Patios-Driveways Exposed Aggregate Expert Craftsmen Fully Insured 815/455-6644 312/658-6023 LANDSCAPING THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call & compare prices. Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. FERTILIZING*DE-THATCHING*SOD SEED BLACK DIRT*DECORATIVE STONE*TREES SHRUBS'EVERGREENS (Installedor Delivered) Railroad Tie Construction FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 LAWN CARE GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Yard Clean up Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service & Design 815/455-5536 LAWN MAINTENANCE %AINBOV' Landscape Maintenance Services Commercial/Residential 312/669-3880 312/669-3245 Huntley, IL. MOVERS LOCAL MOV ING ANDHAULING Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 PAINTING DECORATING Commercial A Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! > Interior Painting ' & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work Quickly & Professionally Done Ask For Roger 015/4S5419O PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 115/728-0176 REMODELING REMODELING CARPENTRY CABINETWORK PLUMBING, ODD JOBS. No Job too small. Call TIM PIGOTT 115/365-2037 After 4pm. REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Cltlren's Discount DEMODE LI NQ "Kitchen VBath •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks -•Room Additions •Construction of New Homes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE **315-4937 . 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: 81&/459-3M8, Ext, 'Of ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING •10 Yrs. Sh'na'e ExDe '̂se •Qua , ;*y Ma*e r a's • insured : • •Free Es*ima*es •AH work guaranteed 815/385-0009 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWINGMACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service & Parts Household & Industrial In Home Service Free Pickup & Delivery KEENER&S0N 815/728-0672 TREE SERVICE MARSHTREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Call 815/675-2427 or 815/675-2465 TYPEWRITER CALCULATOR SERVICE WATER CONDITIONING JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and caretul restore tion of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets Also chair reglueing 815/315-4024 AUTHORIZED SERVICE For Major Brands Typewriters 1 Calculators Sales & Service Prompt Service at our Store On Cleaning & Repairs KNUTH'S OFFICE - Supplies A Machines WOODSTOCK 815/338-3535 Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTNER For S3.00 Per Month For The First 3 Months Cell Collect >15/338-3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING WOOD RESTORATION To Place Your Dial •A* Service Ad Call 344-4800 i l I

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