PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY, JULY t, lflM Insights RoU Call: Immigration law changes pending I j 'Illinois schools are facing financial problems for the 1984-85 school year. No matter how hard the governor and some legislators try to ignore the problem, it just won't go away", said Kenneth Drum, secretary-treasurer of the state's largest teachers union, the Illinois Federation of .Teachers (EFT). . The IFT has been receiving reports from one end of the state to the other as to the con sequences of this year's proposed allocation . for education. These reports taek into account increases proposed by the General Assembly above and beyond the governor's proposed budget. Drum noted serious poblems in Waukegan, for example, where that district is projecting a $2J mfflkwi deficit neil year, based on the governor's proposed package. The district, Drum noted, has suffered the losses of a 50 percent cut in elementary art, music and physical education classes, a 100 percent cut in instrumental music in grades K-4, no budget for new equipment-only replacements, science equip ment out-of-date, a limited number of computer literacy classes being offered now, all microcomputers cut out due to lack of funds, and instructional equipment budget cut in half. With few exceptions, the story is the same all across the state Reader notes cruelty to ducks "Editor: Between the hours of 5:30 and 6xme day, I stopped at the Little Chef for coffee. As I got out of my truck, some nut came barreling through and plowed ifito four ducks. Public pulse The next thing I saw was one of the ducks laying in the street In pain, after I came out of the restaurant. The poor thing was wobbling around like it was injured pretty bad. The obaracter that did it drove a red spurgeonv V W H E N R Y M A R K F T P I A C E f H O N f : 3 8 5 4 1 0 0 OPEN WEDNESDAY JULY 4TH 10 TO 2 four-wheel drive pickup. Something should be done about these creeps that drive like that. They should be put in the street and let someone run over them. This is the second time I've seen incidents like this. The other one was on River Road. Two people in a tan car drove across the yellow lines to deliberately try to hit one of those black and white ducks. But they were too far ahead of me to get their license number. They should hang those creeps. What I was told by the McHenry police was to get their license number and turn it in to them or report them if you know who it is. John Walters McHenry' WASHINGTON - Here's how area membets of Congress were recorded on major roll call votes June 1440. HOUSE IMMIGRATION -By a vote of 216 for and 211 against, the Boom passed and sent to conference with the Senate a landmark hill (HR 1510) that is the first overhaul of federal immigration law in 32 years. The measure seeks to curb the influx of illegal aliens into the U.S. primarily by setting fines for western growers and others who knowingly hire undocumented workers. Also, it grants amnesty under certain conditions to millions of who have lived in the U.S. since the beginning of 1962, and it creates a new Joguest worker" program to supply growers of perishable crofftTwith temporary foreign labor on shrot notice. Under the amnesty section, newly legalised aliens must watt five years before becoming eligible for federal medical and income- support programs. Hie legislation is expected to cost between $6 biUion and $13 UDion to administer over its first four years. Supporter Hamilton Fish, R-N.Y., said "immigration in our country is literally out of control. Reform is clearly called for." Opponent Pat Schroeder, D-Colo., said "let us not step backward by inciting discrimination against Hispanics, recreating the bracero-like temporary worker program, and burdening employers with enforcement...responsibilities." Members voting yes favored the immigrnHnn bill. Illinois-Philip Crane, R-12, voted no. STUDY--The House adopted, 247 for and 170 against, an amend ment requiring that illegal aliens receiving temporary resident status under the amnesty section of the hnmigratinn bill (above) make an attempt to learn rudimentary an ̂ educate themselves about American history and citizenship. Also, they place their children in schools and demonstrate they are free of a criminal record and unlikely to become a ward of the state. Sponsor Jim Wright, D-Tex., said "language is the thread...that ties us all together." Opponent Edward Roybal, D-Calif., called it "most unfair" to require immigrants who may be illiterate in their native tongue to learn English. Members voting yes favored the amendment. Illinois--Philip Crane, 4-12, voted yes. AMNESTY-By a vote of 195 for and 233 against, the House rejected an amendment to eliminate the section of the immigrnrtnn bill that legalizes the residency of millions of undocumented now living in the U.S. The amnesty would be granted to illegals who have lived continuously in the U.S. since Jan. 1, 1982 and are at tempting to meet certain assimilation requirements such as lear ning English Bill McCollum, R-Fla., who sponsored the amendment, said the amnesty section rewards lawbreakers and is "a great «i«p in the DISCOUNT DRUG ALL AMERICAN LIQUOR SAVINGS I PABST BEER 12 Pack* 12 oz. Cans REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE $3« ROSSO POLO WINES 9% Alcohol Great Summer Cooler Assorted^750 ML REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE WHITE VELVET VODKA 80 Proof* 1.75 Liter Distilled from 100% Grain REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE J62' WINDSOR CANADIAN 80 Proof*Liter Product of Canada I* REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE 565' DACARM HUM 80 Proof*750 ML Light or Dark * REVCO'S LOW. , LOW PRICE SC09 J ea. LONDON SQUARE GIN 80 Proof *1.75 Liter Distilled London Dry REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE *63' * Prices ih effect Wed. thru Tuei., July 4-10. Items available while quantities last. McHenry*4400 W. Elm IT-xl 395-1125 cOPVffCHr «> iM* BY kvco O S . INC Montgomery Wad Important Notice Regarding Montgomery Wards Advertisement In Today's Paper On page 19 of this week's sale section, we are offering bias ply passenger tires for as low as 127.00 each: In error tour Ttftctration incorrectly shows a' '/Runabo$" glass belted tire. The sale tire is a bias tire not glass belted. We apologize for any inconve nience to our customers. Moms and Dads I Htrt Is His Ideal opportunity for your child to loom dopondability, oarn tholr own spondlng money, and loom how to manogo tholr own buslitoss. face" of those people around the world now standing in line to legally emigrate to America. Opponent Ronald Ddhms, DCaltf., said amnesty was imperative because "we cannot, practically or morally, embark on a maarive and expensive effort to deport mflbons at people." Members voting no favored the amnesty section. nUnois-PfaOip Grane, R-12, voted yes. SENATE COMBAT-By a vote of 63 for and SI against, the Senate tabled (killed) an to pffffrt President from -- U.S. troops into combat in El Salvador or Nicaragua without the prior approval of Congress. This occurred during debate on the fiscal 1985 defense authorisation bill (8J723). ̂ Hie amendment went beyond the War Powers Act, under which a president can deploy combat forces for up to 90 days before securing congressional approval of the action. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., who voted to kill the amendment, said "Congress should not tie the president's hands" because the Con stitution makes the president the commander-in-chief. Edward Kennedy, D-lftass., who sponsored the amendment, said that under the Constitution "the war-making powers are divided betweoi the president and the Congress of the United States." Senators voting no favored prior congressional approval of any U.S. combat action in El Salvador or Nicaragua. DHnois-Alan Dixon, D, voted yes. Charles Percy, R, did not vote. . . » MX-By a vote of 48 for and 48 against, the Senate tabled (killed) an amendment to sidetrack and possibly kill development of the MX missile. Vice President Bush cast the deciding vote. The amendment, offered to the $97 billion 1985 defense spending bill (above), sought to block further MX production until completion of a study of whether the MX should be replaced by the smaller, more mobile Midgetman missile as the nation's next-generation intercontinental ballistic missile. This vote preserved $2.6 billion earmarked for production of 21 additional IOC missiles in 1985. President Reagan tad requested 40. The House version of the bill funds only 15 copies, and withholds that money for several months to see if the Soviets will resume arms- control talks. Senators voting yes favored continued development of the MX missile. Illinois--Dixon voted no. Percy did not vote. EUROPE--By a vote of 55 for 41 tfw ftwato tyhloH (killed) an amendment to begin nulling U.S. troops out of Western Europe unless NATO countries contribute more to their own defense. This victory for the White House occurred during debate on the fiscal 1985 military authorisation bill (S 272S), which later was sent to conference with the House. Illinois-Dixon voted no. Percy voted yes. Reader says outlaw the leghold trap "Editor People, including furriers, should be made aware that most furs come from animals who have died horribly and slowly in traps - mostly "leghold traps." Ihe only ones not trapped are those which are ranched - chinchilla, much but not all L mink, and very few foxes. The barbaric steeljaw "leghold trap" stretches out Public pulse Happy Birthday infection) for periods which can last up to three weeks. These are the facts, available to any who care to investigate. Please buy fake fur and let's not cause more traps to be set v You can help to outlaw the "leghold trap" by writing to your congressman to cosponsor H.R. 1797, the bill that outlaws the steel-jaw 'leghold trap". .aicntiti ai 5u# **44 D. Hollander McHenry" * 1 CABBK8I Earn Money I Have Fun I Win Prizes I Bo Somebody I Help your child get o jump on life. Coll tha McHonry Plain- doalor Circulation department today. Inquire about the route opportunities in your neighborhood. Call 385-0178 Today! McHenry Plalndealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry SHAW FKI PRESS NEWSPAPER OROUP HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERM You haven I changed a bit! laindealer McHenry Herald (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscri»*:an will be made where a .i.unge of address is provided through the Post Off ice, department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Donna Bertulis-Editor fltoarb Banning Urtospapet MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier 50' Week 1 Yeor $19.00 In McHenry County 1 Year $27.00 Outside McHenry County McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB invites you to fine dining at MchENRY'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION --Wed. thru Sat. evenings beginning at 5p.m. --Luncheon served from Tues. thru Sat at 11a.m. --Live entertainment every weekend from 8p.m. Space is Limited McHENRYCOMITRYCLM 820N.John J5SST EXPERIBKERSI 385-1072, Coast!()Goast M c H F N R V M A R K F T P L A C E 3 8 5 - 6 6 5 5 OPEN WEDNESDAY JULY 4TH FROM 9 TO 12:30 ROFESSIONAL & SERVICE JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE in BONDS M». Nmi,Uh»i;niiiiln SSI0 W. Mm St.. McManqr 30S-3M0 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO. tm. MM State Farm In$. Co. Ml* W. ttm Mr**. 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