PAGE 1« - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, JULY 6,1984 24 Help Wanted ittDED NOW • Maintenance C Cwril Factory. Working World Temporary Service. CryoW utm. m/4»4400. NCBOCD MOW - Secretaries, typists, general office, Working WarM, Crystal Lake, 115/45? WANTED PERSON for haavy laundry work. Molding knowtsdgi an asset or wo will twin. Sand letter wHh details to Box 441, Woodstock, IL.40090. LIGHT ASSEMBLY FULLTIME Apply Aft JECO INDUSTRIES XWOOS Industrial Barrlngton. IL (NeerRte. MAPeppei Rd.) BIO SISTER BebystWsr need ed. WIUUMIIULII. full ttma IMa summer, is or aSdr. acttvo a mpansWIa. Raft, ft reqd. SWMMm. SECRETARY--RECEPTKJNI ST 9-5; Good typing skills re quired. Writ*, P.O. Box 117. Gary, IL 40013 ELGIN COMMUNITY College. Secretary to Olroctor of off campus educational programs. Location primarily at Lakewood Cantor. Good typist; some evening work. 111,500 plus fringe benefits. Send letter of application & resume to Joan Lash, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin, li. 40120. Closing date, July 13, 19$4. Equal Opportunity Employer. JOYFUL NOISE Christian Preschool in McHenry Is grow ing. We are seeking an assis tant teacher to work 5 after noons a week. Qualifications: Minimum 19 years of age; minimum 2 years college credit with 4 hours In early cnlldhood education; professing Chris- Man. Sand resume, credentials and request for application to: Susan Maifield, Director, 247 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal ( 40014. JOBS JOBS JOBS , Fast growing company. Can earn: , Part time S7/hr. Fulltime, : $360/wk. Students welcome. Mr. Calfa 312/449-1920 NEEDED responsible reliable Owner/operators with good iafety record & D.O.T. qualified to complement our irowing fleet. Tandem or single axle tractors with or without trailers. Must have chains, binders, straps & full tarp. Ask about our fleet of 1 ton dual single axle units. Sellable rates. 40 state com mon carrier. Call 115/540-7225. CRYSTAL LAKE Dial a Ride, part time drivers. 115/455-5900 24 Help Wanted CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS: Are you looking for a congenial atmoephere and the oppff'tunl- ty to give qualify care? Call. Mrs. Mangano, $lS/4Sfr0590. WAITRESS, experience prefer red. mutt be over 21. Apply In parson or call Napoll Ptaa, 930 lake Ava., Woodstock, $15/330- 2430. Small Growing Company Seeking: •WELDER • PLUMBER •ELECTRICIAN (For Industrial Equipment) •GENERAL MAINTENANCE Experience Necettary Apply In Person: CUSTOM AUTOMATED MACHINERY Inc. 1150 Davis Rd. Elgin, IL.60120 TOYS- FUN- St Start now demons!f ating toys No Cash Investment Commission to 25% No Delivering or Collecting Car ft Phone Necessary AMERICAN HOME TOY PARTIES 312/420-0374 312/931-5204 312/423-0354 RN'Sor LPN'S, Full time, 3pm-11pm shift, oc casional 7am-3:30pm shift. Please apply in person. Sunset Manor, 920 N. Seminary St., PART TIME DELIVERY Must Have Own Car Apply In Person A LITTLE PIZZA HEAVEN 110 Washington Street Woodstock, Illinois NURSING ASSISTANT, full time, exc. starting salary ft benefits. Free meals. Apply in person Monday thru Friday, 0:30 to 5. Woodstock Residence, 309 AAcHenry Ave., Woodstock. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER If you are a quality painter who Is Interested in working year 'round in our high volume pro duction shop, Contact Mr. Bailey at 312/543-0101 24 Help Wanted FACTORY OUTLET Local appliance firm has im mediate opening* in our customer preview service delivery department. Company benefits. All positions are salaried Starting salary up to $300 PER WEEK. Call: Mon.&TUBS. 8 A.M. to 8P.M. 312/428-1220 nOM MMtEKNTATIV! needed for expanding marketing Arm. Work from your own home in your spare time. Above average oarnlg potential. For mare Informa tion, please call: 015/455-2373 or 312/931-4100. MATURE Part Time Sales People wanted. Pick your hours. Average $200 per sale. Call: 312/4504154 after 5p.m. SCRUB NURSE or Technician Part time. Send resume to: BOX AOE Shew/Free Proas Newspapers 7003 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake. IL. 40014 TEMPORARY Part Time Help to help move factory. Ideal for student. Call >15/330-1540. LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENIST for dental prac tice In Dundee area. Full time, no evenings, competivlve salary, modem office. Call Dr. Matkusek at 312/420-5005. INDIVIDUAL WITH good com mun teat ion a Secretary skills for permanent part time posi tion with small manufacturing company In Richmond. 15 to 20 hours per week. Could work In to full time. Please sand resume to P.O. Box 492. Rich mond. 11.40071. RECEPTIONIST Woodstock area. Mature person, National firm, start immediately. Call 312/105-0755 PART TIME Prepare salads and serve lunch In our lovely Barrlngton Cafeteria. Hours are 0:30 A.M.- 2:30 P.M., Monday thru Fri day. Experience helpful. Call: 312/301-7000 Ext. 295, between »:30A.M.and3P.M. MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position In Barr lngton Dry Cleaning Store. Pleose call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -3 pm. at 312/301-2424. AUTO BOOYMAN A quality shop offering the most desirable type of work Is look ing for a booyman with at least 3 yrs experience. Contact Jerry at 312/741-0001 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES GROWTH POTENTIAL The Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group can of fer both of these advan tages to qual i f ied indiv iduals who are looking for a future and not just a job We are the tastest growing newspaper publ isher /commercia l pr in ter in the Chicago area and th is creates constant opportuni t ies that we cannot a lways f i l l f rom with in I f you are mot ivated and have the neces sary |ob requirements tor one of these posi t ions, p lease apply in person or send a resume. ADVERTISING PRODUCTION TYPESETTER: Two part t ime posi t ions requir ing accurate typing of 40- 45 wpm. Responsible for typeset t ing ads and edi tor ia l . Monday night hours required Posi t ions avai lable at McHENRY PLAINDEALER and CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD TYPESETTER: Ful l t ime posi t ions for accurate typists (40 45 wpm) wi th abi l i ty to learn quickly and use common sense approach to thei r job Would prefer typeset t ing exper ience, but wi l l ing to t ra in Posi t ions avai lableatCARPENTERSVILLE andCRYSTAL LAKE off ices DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION CLERK: Assist manager in schedul ing and logging ads and other var ious dut ies as assigned. Ful l t ime posi t ion for energet ic , organized indiv idual wi l l ing to .earn new res ponsibi l i t ies as necessary Pasteup ski l ls and typing abi l i ty a def in i te p lus Posi t ion avai lable at CRYSTAL LAKE off ice . CIRCULATION C A R R I E R C O U N S E L O R : Part t ime posi t ion of 20 25 hours per week assist ing Distr ic t Managers wi th h i r ing, t ra in ing and del ivery of E lg in Herald . Excel lent for s tudent or housewife . Must enjoy working wi th young people Avai lableatCARPENTERSVILLE of f ice . BUNDLE DRIVER: Ear ly morning, par t t ime posi t ion between 3 and 5 a m Monday Fr iday del iver ing carr ier bundles f rom Crysta l Lake to Cary and Fox River Grove. Must be dependable and provide own tran sportat ion (wi l l require larger car , t ruck or jeep) Avai lable at CRYS TAL LAKE off ice TELEMARKETING. Two part t ime posi t ions are avai lable in our phone room dur ing evening hours. Responsible for subscr ipt ion sales to area residents Must enjoy deal ing wi th people . Posi t ions avai lable a t CAR- PENTE RSVILLE of f ice CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT: Seeking indiv idual wi th good typing and spel l ing ski l ls to learn and assist manager in a l l areas of Classi f ied Telemarket ing. Ful l t ime posi t ion Monday through Fr iday Must be able to work extra hours as needed. Typeset t ing exper ience a def in i te p lus. Posi t ion avai lable at CRYSTAL LAKE of f ice EDITORIAL SPORTS STRINGER: Part t ime posi t ion responsible for cover ing high school a th let ics , wr i t ing sports features and gather ing stat is t ics for county teams Knowledge of sports and fami l iar i ty wi th area teams pre ferred Must be able to work weekends and f lex ib le enough to handle last minute assignments Exper ience wi th 35mm camera preferred. Car ne cessary Ideal for s tudent p lanning career in Journal ism. Posi t ion avai l able at WOODSTOCK of f ice EDITORIAL TYPESETTER: Responsible for input t ing edi tor ia l copy and working wi th copy edi tor to produce copy. Must be accurate typist wi th speed of 50 55 wpm. good manual dexter i ty , possess basic Engl ish and grammar ski l ls and work wel l under deadl ine pressure. Appl icants may apply af ter 3 p m to Richard R Kl ick i , a t the CRYSTAL LAKE of f ice . 7803 Pyot t Road MAILROOM DRIVERS: Day and Night shi f t posi t ion requir ing good dr iv ing record wi th some exper ience dr iv ing stra iqht t ruct ' i '>"*»»rred. Class C l icense an extra plus Dut ies include bundle >- i ivery to carr iers and miscel lane ous warehouse dut ies F lexib le hours based on work load. Must be de pendable and able to read and ' :ndersfand map direct ions. Posi t ion avai l able at CAR PE NT E R SVIL LE of f ice . MAILROOM HELPERS: Immediate openings on the n ight shi f t col la t ing newspapers and other miscel laneous mai l room jobs. Must be able to work f lex ib le hours dependent upon work load Posi t ions requires de pendable , energet ic indiv iduals Avai lable at CARPENTERSVILLE of f ice PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION CAMERA/PLATE ROOM: Ful l t ime posi t ion for indiv idual exper ienced in camera operat ions, s t r ipping, p late making and color work Responsi b le for pre press operat ions for newspapers and commercia l jobs Posi t ion avai lable in CARPENTERSViLLE of f ice . PRESS JOGGER/STACKER Immediate , temporary , fu l l - t ime openings on a l l shi f ts . Must be 18 years o ld , wi l l ing to work f lex ib le hours and be de pendable Possibi l i ty of permanent employment depending upon indi v idual 's abi l i ty Avai lable at CAR P E NTE R SV ILLE of f ice WEB OFFSET PRESSMAN: Ful l t ime posi t ions for pressmen exper i enced on Goss Suburban and Community presses Must be able to work days or n ights Advancement opportuni t ies for energet ic indiv iduals . Avai lable a tCARPENTE RiV I LLE of f ice . You may pick up an appl icat ion at any of the Shaw Free Press Newspap ers for the posi t ions l is ted above. Appl icat ions should be forwarded to the Ca'pentersvi i le of f ice , personnel department Successful candidates wi l l be contacted for fur ther interv iews No phone cal ls , p lease Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 2S0 Williams Road • Carpentersville, IL 60110 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 24 Help Wanted SALES POSITION Manufacturer of mowing equipment seeks an ao- gerasslve sales parson to assume full responsibility for sales to the commercial A in dustrial market. Our line Is proven l thouoands of units already in use. Distributor ft dealer organizations establish ed, but need to bo expanded. Equipment sales experience required. Send resume with saury history to: MATHEWS EQUIP. CO. 500 Industral Ave. Crystal Lake. IL <0014 LEGALSECRETARY Law firm m Crystal Lake Is looking for an experienced Secretary/Word Processor Operator. Excellent salary a group insurance available. Send resume In confidence to Box A K F, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box 290, Crystal Lake, IL 10014. WELDER WANTED. Must read prints. Pay based on ex perience. P.W.F. Corp. Barr- 312/301-3530 COOK and Waitress Experienced Call312/439-7$00 FULLTIME COOK Nights. Apply In person. V Wage Squire McHenry. DENTAL HYGIENIST for modern busy preventive- oriented practice In Huntley. Days needed: Monday, Tues day, Friday ft 1st ft 3rd Satur day. Send resume to Huntley Dental Accoclates. 11*20 Algon- quin Rd, Huntley, IL, <0142. MECHANIC adult, part-time, flexible hours, small engine rspair knowledge, Mc Henry Go-Kart Track. 115/305-9736, 1- 10pm. BI LINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- •100, ask for Holly. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. PART TIME Janitor work, 0:30-10pm weekdays, must be energetic ft have valid drivers license, $3JO/hour to start, Mc Henry oroa. 115/305-1077. DENTAL ASSISTANT Needed. Part time 2 to 3 days per week. Experience necessary. Please call tor Interview. $15/499-1214 '--MEDICAL-- RNs or LPNs for night shift or weekends for private duty, in fant In Round Lake: Top pay ft benefits. 312/296-10<1. SECRETARY/Receptlonlst, 00% part time, immediate opening, position requires plea sant telephone personality. Duties Include: Typing, filing, generol office. CRT ft dictation a plus. New small office, Cary location. Call Tom Dettman, Tues.-Thurs., M2noon. 312/439- 5900. Factory SETUP/ OPERATOR i 1-3 years experience setting up multl-splndle and single spln- dle drill presses end pwch presses. Must be eble to read blueprints and precision meosurlng equipment. Will be responsible for Instructing operators and monitoring the quality of their set ups. RAE CORPORATION 5801W. Elm Street AAcHenry, IL 815/385-3500 î uilflpportunltywnployir m/f 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Individual WITH IXC9IL€NT IVUBNONI A organizational skills for small buoy office. Typing 90 wpm. 312^93-1395 VILLAGE OF CARY NEEDS Qualified Water Treat ment Plant Operator. Mutt have Class "C" or "D" I E PA certif ication, a minimum of three years experience with water In- rspalrs. Salary negotiable dependant on experience, nnw itiiM ippucvnon in CARY VILLAGE HALL 2S5 STONE GATE ROAD CARY, IL IDEAL POSITION for person w/exceptlonal selling ability In female oriented business. Salary + commission. 115/459- WANTED: MATURE, male with mower to mow lawn, pull woods, trim. Mornings about 10:30am. $15/33$-0572. DEALERS, SELLERS wanted for new Flea Market. Harvard area. 015-943-3335. RELIABLE AND MATURE people needed full or part time for day or evening work at area laundromat. Call 815/4554467 for mora Info. TYPISTS 4 DAY WORKWEEK We are seeking eccurate typists with speed of 45-50 wpm. You must demonstrate good typing skills, but no work ex perience Is necessary. We offer a 35 hour/4 day work week with excellent working conditions. RESERCH CLERK Part Time. Permanent Im mediate opening with some ftexblllty with hours. Requires light typing and detail work. For interview appointment, please call: Shirley Lerum 312/381-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING A Co. of the Dun ft Bradstreet Corp. 1301S. Grove Ave. Barrlngton, IL 60010 •otm/f RADIOLOGY RECEPTIONIST We have fine permanent and temporary part time day and aerly evening positions (with alternating weekends) in our fast paced Radiology Depart ment. Reception experience, light typing ability and telephone skills are required. We provide a good starting salary. Please contact the Per sonnel Deportment et: 312/301- 9600.ext.lM7. EVANGELICAL HEALTH-SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrlngton, IL 60010 •quel opportunity employer m/f CARPENTER with replace ment window or aluminum siding experience. Call after 6pm, 015/455-5310. REGULAR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Typing & general office skills required. This position is available every summer. Ideal for student taking business courses. Position lasts till August 10th, begins again in June 1985. Reply to: Box IN 2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois60050 DESIGN DRAFTSMAN 5 to 10 years experience. Associate Degree preferred. Products include farmstead equipment 6 building hardware. Send resume to: B Project Engineering STARLINE PRODUCTS, INC. P.O. Box 190 Harvard, IL 60033 WANTED DEALERS ft SALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR EAGLE BUILDINGS We can set you up with an exclusive territory and provide you with - Business Consultations Dealership Training Sales Training Printed Sales Material Accounting Procedure Advertising Co Op Operations Procedure Contact: BUD CAMPBELL, General Manager The Eagle Flys American £agft? Buildings, inc. Post Oftice Box 426 Annawan, Illinois 61234-0426 Telaphona 309/935-6201 14 Help Wanted • BRIDGEPORT MACHINIST Full Time- Day Shift Extensive Milling Machine Experience Necessary Apply In Person Only GK INDUSTRIES 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Lake# Illinois EXPERIENCED Spotter and Saamstraas wantod. Call: 312/743-1211. YARD PERSON, part tlmo or full tlmo, yoar round. AAust ba able to work without supervi sion S take care of lawn equip ment. $15/333-4445. GENERAL OFFICE Soma switchboard a cashier ing. Auto experience preferred but not necessary. Good star ting salary, 5 day week. Con tact Louise, Joe Regan JAT Ml - - * a im I I VnvVrOtwT# 4VJ VfvST NOrTnwWT Hwy., Barrlngton, IL 40010. NUNAOER Supervision experience need ed. Apply In person, at Showpiece Theatre, 1-4 or 5, Crystal Lake. GENERAL WAREHOUSE, Night time position open, 11:30pm-7:30am, 5 days/week. Apply In person, McHenry Eby Brown, 3710 W. Elm St., DUNDEE CHIROPRACTIC Perceptive, self-motivated health conscious person with pleasant personality. Typing, filing, bookkeeping, Insurance claims, patient work. Part time to start. 312/42$4$S0 EXPERIENCED Medical Assistant wanted for General Practice office. Fluency In Spanish and Enollsn is necessary. Please call: 312/420- 0400. BUS BOYS A Experienced Waitresses & Banquet Waitresses. Apply In person, AAcHenry Country Club, >20 N. John St. McHenry, $15/305- 1072. JOURNEYMAN TOOL & Die AAaker. Small progressive die experience required. Im mediate opening. Burnex Corp, 20W039 Commercial, Barr lngton, IL 312/312-2144 Security SECURITY AGENT DEVELOP YOUR SECURITY CAREER ... with a retail leader! Marshall Field's seeks a full time Security Agent for Its store In Spring Hill Mall. Ex perience Is preferred. Flexible hours and schedules. Suc cessful completion of pro- employment polygraph Is essential. We can otter options for career growth, a good salary and liberal benefits In cluding merchandise discount. Apply In person to: Personnel Off Ice MARSHALL FIELD'S Soring Hill Mali 1000 Spring Hill West Dundee, IL •quel opportunity fnpleyr m/f PART TIME exp. sewing & counter person. Apply In per- son, Buckley's. 310 clay St., Woodstock. HUNTLEY, sales associates looking for secure long-term posltilon with well-established Realtor. Member Multiple Listing Service. Must be In dependent, success oriented In dividual. VENTURA 312/449- S2S5. PART TIAAE poslton available, Wed. afternoons. Locker room & day care attendant. Must ba a patient person & enjoy work ing with children. Apply In par son at Lake Region Y.M.C.A., 7315 South Rte. 31 In Crystal Lake. 24 Help Wanted MANA0EMENT TRAINEE Leading Midwest distributor of consumer housewares wuduvlt Is now aTTfp*'n applications lor a few full time management trainees. AAust be o*br 21 a transportation, go, $20,000 first year commliaton. Thm post* Horn are ava la We immediate* ly. Only tne serious neeo apply* Extensive train!no prooram provided In our reotonal office. Call 100/9924102 EXPERIENCED Keyline/Paste-up Proofreader Typesetter 815/455-3830 24 Help Wanted STABLE HELP experienced Full Time Call 115/455-3020 Tailoring ALTERATIONS Full Tlmt If you have experience and knowledge of man's and women's alterations, you should consider this opening with Marshall Field's. We seek a full time alterations profes sional for our store In Spring Hill AAall. Flexible hoursTcom- petltlve salary and liberal mer chandise discount. Apply In a, person TO. Personnel /MARSHALL FIELD'S Spring Hill Mall 1000 torlng Hill West Dundee, IL •quel opportunity wnployr m/f 31 Wanted TpBuy 71 RPM Wurlttzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Hams, cash 312/444-5441 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Coppar, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold a Sliver. T a C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, AAon thru Frl - • to 5, Sot • • to 4.015/45M445. GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware. Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 344 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois I15/455-41W H.C. COIN a STAMP CO. * WE BUY a SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza S15/43F-3M0 WANTED TO BUY Mini or AAotorhome. Reasonable, will jMiy cash and pick up. 1415/177- WANTED: 26" womens bike. Also large bird cage for cockatiel, reasonable. 115/315- 4191. DE HUMIDIFIER, good cond., reasonably priced. Jon, 815/459-3554. Misc. 32 Merchandise TRADE-IN SALE -your sofa- $W0, your rocllner <10, your kitchen table a Chalrs-S50, your mattress set-S25. Waller's Fura. Factory Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 174, Crystal Lake. 115/45*- 3343. P E A V E Y special , 130 amplifier, 2 channels. Scorpion speaker and fender, stratocastar copy w/case a 50 ft. straight cord. Both like brand new. asking $490 or best offer, 312/6954775 or 931-4021 Scott. • w.c your ola nirnoco i new High Efficiency I gas fired furnace. I Johnson Heating a Air REPLACE your old furnace with a new Hi<' -- " natural naroio jonnson noering i Conditioning, 115/459-007$. WHYPAYMORET Twin size mattress sets, $09; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress sat, $119; Bunk Bads complete with mat- trasses. $119. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7101 F I R E P L A C E WOOD * PUNCH PRESS SET UP • PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Familiar with press set-up up to 200 tons; expertenc -ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply to person nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 8151943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F FULL TIME MECHANIC Farm mechanic to work on nursery equipment including trucks, tractors & small gas engines. Diesel & welding e x p e r i e n c e h e l p f u l . Year-round work with fringe benefits & security. This may be your only chance at a one-man shop. Apply in person; Synnestvedt Nursery Co. Rte. 120 & Fairfield Rd. Round Lake, IL 312-546-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer M/P Misc. 32 Merchandise CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers IHrlalra IM WWWI TOT RINIFIF • icinica» and Helium Balloon Dal. Pup- frts f̂ttogic a Morel $15/923- • NAPPY 6RAMS Singing Telegrams. Mala a Female Belly Dancers. Call 3l2/$a$- USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, raaaonatole prices. Waller's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 174, Crystal Lake. 015/459-3343. RAILROAD TIES $3.9t/each. Landscape timbers, bulk grass a pasture seeds. The area's l§fnut ntaction of Itndioplno supplies. Weodstock Farm a Lawn. $15/330-4200. NEED YOUR Oak Floors nrintsnoo WITH pi uiinionai raoutts? Call $15/456-1791 for an estimate. WASHER A DRYER Heavy du t y , a l l c y c l e s . REFRIGERATOR, double dear. Like new. Reasonable. 312/495-3375 or4954775. TANNING BEOS a Saunas, spas a hot tubs. Residential a commercial. Call Tom or Tina. 312/3114425, Mon. thru Frl. HOTTUBSa Spas, cedar docks # luukl* B. misImii & poois. rorowt m custom design. Call Tom or Tina, 312/311-5425, Mon. thru Frl. M A T T R E S S E S f rom $29.95/pc.l The Linen Outlet, 10004 Mtln St. In Hebron. Open Thurs. Noon-Spm a Sat. 9 am-5 pm.'$15/44043M. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Gifts for a l l occasions. Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves, a weekends, •15/455-4154, 144 North Mala Crystal Lake. • BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Have "The Chicken" deliver todayl Costumed del Ivories avail. 7 days a week. Bloomln' days a ween, i Balloons. S15/499-RA' iVE. G.E. AIR COND. 23,000 btu's, $250; Brand New Trailer hitch a lights, $119; 2 loo. windows, $50 ea. 312/3$£5340 days 312/451-5742. MOVING SALE, antiques, fur niture, collectibles, ate. All must 90.312/439-5401. X GARAGE DOORS, overhead. • x 10, all hardware IncL $50/each. Inside Bl-fold doors. 4 Premium matched tires, sz. P215-75R-15. $25/aa., 015/455- • GOLF CLUBS, LI piece sets, $115 a up. S plaoa metal woods, S»t04*l0yyilar$15/7»4177. COMPUTER TRS $0. Modol-1 monitor, 2 disc drives, double density 4$K«xpenslon, RS 233 Modem, software, exc. cond. $775. $15/305-7$3$ Or ALUM. TV TOWER w/rptor a control. Very good colli JM. 015/3054214. SINGER Sowing Machine w/cabinet, good model, newly overhauled, new goer system, ell attachments. SIM. 3)2/439- COUCH a chair, rust; ottoman a chair, 00- ordlnete stripe, S125/all. 015/455-5901 or 455- 3005. ̂ DISHWASHER, port., Sears Konmore. digital control, al- $275, $15/459-0427 afhwTp.m '̂ ALLUM. storm windows, two 40 by 5& one 39 by 20. also 90 ft. log chain, H", 015/7204234. PIT GROUP 10 pc. never used, .1111 « • IM|BL -- « » -- Sill 1 DOXOO/ iw» on 1 ron nyioci, oak construction. Cost $2,399; Sell $090. Can Del. 312/741-5229. SALT SALE. Pol let arade. $4.75/00 lb. Every 1st Sat./mo. Huemann Water, 3407 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, II. 015/305-3093. CAMPER TOP Very oood cond. Slesps 5 or 4. $200 or best. See at 4MSTFIrst St. After six. KARASTAN all wool, 9 X 12 oioe rug, fringed, gold tones, good cond. $3* Is/beet. 015/455- SEARS KENMORE auto dishwashar with hygienic rince, 3 yrs. old, oxc. cond- $100 or best offer. 015/3374700. GE REPRIG, older model, large capac.; brass chandelier; air hockey game. All In good condition, best of fers. 015/499-4455. LIKE NEW refrigerator a gas dryer • Ar lens 7 hp. snowblower, dehumldlfler. weight bench a bar bells. Call 015/455-1444 Misc. 32 Merchandise HWWMB ̂POOLS. Must clear knmadlatstyl Fac tory romndllkmod radonmdar Kayak swimming po ̂Struc tural guarantee. Financing available Unbelievable prices STORE FIXTURES. Shelf Floor model popxrn popper F a n t a s y F e s t i v a l Costume/Magic Center, 4H Virginia St. Crystal Lake, 015/4554910. JUST MOVED Into summer home. Excess items for saie:Ktt. sat; 1 yr.oldapt. sin Whirlpool washer a dryer, al mond color; studio couch cover; fishing poles tackle; antique: kit. Items- chlMrons scatters, high chain. 312/742- 74*2. • Ft. POOL TABU » ac cessories. fair cond. Asking $299.312/490-7991 m PYRAMIDAL ArborvNaa. 74,9 a 10 n. stxee. Vary Reasonable. 312/430-5101 PREE HIPI, Cash Register, $10; 9900 BTU Air Condlflonor. $100; 4 Piece Couch Sat, $125. 015/3)0-7230. FOR 2 WEEKS! All Clothing From 2nd Floor Tues. JulyJThru Sat. July 14 At 1/2 Price. Shop Open DaHy Tues. Thru Sat-10 em to 3 pm EARLY AMERICAN fam. rm. furn- 5 pes- sofa, lounge chair, parly ottoman, a 2 and tables, pine finish. Olefin upholstery. $3$0l 015/499-3740 after 4 p.m. SHARP COPIER, Model 1U. oood condition# Tocrory i rained, $090.312/000-17$!. BEAT THE HEATH All brass 92" calling fan, wood blades. 3 sad. reverse, fits sloped or flat celling, $40.99 + • Light Kit FREE w/AD. Voos Vacuum a Sewing, Marango. . $15/540-7477 WATERBED. Williamsburg', king sin. complete; bids, linens. Call 312/439-9490. PARBERWARE Rotlsserle broiler A 2 table lenws. $90. : illilll •• viyw/w LADIES NEW Golf Clubs, 4 irons. 2 wHwfti palter + bag; Extra Golf Bag. double wash tub mini lumper, ges ' 015-3304271after0p.m. REFRIGERATOR Runs good, $90.; $15/W-73M VIC 20 -I- data cassette, w/10 tapes, 4 program IwwLs. 7 soft ware programs Incl. Homo finance, word proc- character editor, 4 gomes, super ox- pander, assembler. Learn basic to adv. math, langage. Coat $497. Sell for $325. Will • 1/2 PRICE SALE All Summer Clothing JULY 1st thru JULY 31st DAILY-10 AJM.-5PJM. » SUN.-JULYlst-10AM.4PJM. ' ALL OTHERSUNDAYS 12 NOON-4 PM. DUNDEE RESALE SHOP ' MS. River St. East Dundee 312/4304070 DOG RUN Chain link, 0 X 10,0 f ft. high, with gate, $100. OM ; m o t o r s c o o t e r , $ 2 0 0 . , Bridges tone 390 cc motorcycle, > $400,312/434-2709 AVACODO side by sMa RafrtgTfraasar. Avacoada» otsvoaoKhowt head. Gd. cond.4 iwrwam,. f COUCH, CHAIRS. $3$$; mans > w e d d i n g b a n d , S S 0 ; bedspreads; curtains; lamps; best, 312/4504993. 4* WASHER, Seers, heavy duty a ̂ Gas Dryer, 0150/bolh, 312/434- r 3791. 30 LARGE BALES of mixed % also some small bain. \ CREDENZA, 44". DouMa bad sal * * l̂n • A *_ •••• w*wp»i ww oinvnv iKt 312/301-05n after 4 pm. }- MAGIC CHEF stove w/hood. # like new. avacada asking $340. 0 X 10 tent. Asking $45. Will > take offers on bolh. tall after S pm. $15/337-0014 ALFALFA a Bronte, approx. 125 bales of first cuttings, $1J5 per bale • you haul. 015/459-5405 after 5 pm. WOOOEN SWING/ gym sets. Built to last gsnaratlons at bargain pricn. 312/450 4001 SOFA neutral color, quality; Schwinn exorcln bicycle, 015/4994403. after 3;30 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE tumbfar. auto, washer a electric dryer, $400, best offer; MGA console, 29" color TV, $290, best offer, 015/499-7347. 24 Help Wanted OUTSIDE COMMISSION Sales Persons to work in Lake & McHenry Coun ties. We give you 4 pre set appointments per day in an allied Medical field. If you have a pleasant personality, are honest and possess the ability to close on one call, you can be successful in our bu siness. Full training provided. Call for an intarviaw now, 815-728-1090 MACHINIST Wells Manufacturing Company, Dura-Bar Division is currently seek ing an experienced machinist. The qualified applicant must be able to perform diversified close tolerance work that requires a high degree of skill, technique and experience. We offer a competitive salary and fringe benefits. Interested applicants should apply: Wll.l.S M\ N K I A ( I I K I N ( , ( O . M P A S Y •1 80098 I NIK* HAM INVt* 1800 Waat Lake Shore Dr.. Woodsiu. Phone 815/338-7800 I