s Sports Calendar SATURDAY (NBC) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Dick Enberg. Bud Collins and JoAnne Russell host live coverage of the women's finals from the All- England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (NBC)BASEBALL California Angels at Boston Red Sox or Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia PhilHes. (ABC) U.S,TEAM TRIALS (ABC)USFL FOOTBALL Conference Championship Game. (CB8) SPORTS 8PECIAL Old-Timers Baseball Classic. (CBS) RACING SPECIAL Twelve selected drivers from different racing circuits compete with identically prepared race cars in Cleveland, Ohio.in the International Race of Cham pions. (CBS) GOLF Live third-round coverage of the $400,000 Western Open Golf classic from Butler National Golf Club in Oak Brook, III. SUNDAY (CB8) RACING Ken Squier, David Hobbs, Chris Economaki and Barry Gill report live on the premiere of the Dallas Grand Prix from the city's outskirts in Fairpark, Texas. (CBS) GOLF Pat Summerall, Ken Venturi, Verne Lundquist, Ben ..Wright, Steve Melnyk, Tom Weiskopf and Frank Glieber host live final-round coverage of the $400,000 Western Open Golf classic from Butler National Golf Club in Oak Brook, III. (CBS) SPORTS SUNDAY Tim Ryan and Gil Clancy host a live 10-round Junior Lightweight bout between Roger Mayweather and Tony Baltazar from Los Angeles; John Tesh reports from France on the Tour de France Bicycle Race. (NBC) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Dick Enberg, Bud Collins and Stan Smith host live coverage of the men's singles finals from the Ail- England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club in Wimbledon. England. (NBC) SPORTSWORLD Don Criqui and Al McGuire host live coverage of the United States Olympic basketball team and the NBA All-Stars from Iowa City, Iowa. (ABC) USFL FOOTBALL Conference Championships. TUESDAY (ABC) ALL-8TAR GAME FRIDAY (ABC)BA8EBALL TV TENNIS -- They've been playing hard-ball ten nis for a week at Wimbledon -- pardon, the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club -- but since most contestants are nobodies, the matches haven't gotten much TV time. But things change this weekend as NBC. in its 16th consecutive year of televising the All-England Championships, presents two hours of the best match of the day on delayed tape. And every night this week, the network airs taped updates of the day's play on late night television. In cases where big names are likely to be involved, such as the men's quarterfinals and both men's and women's semifinals. NBC will even inter rupt its soap operas to deliver sports' most tem peramental performers live. Next Saturday and Sunday, the network takes, advantage of the time difference and presents the final matches live as part of its "Breakfast at Wimbledon" (not to be confused with breakfast at McDonald's), from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. E.S.T. on Sat urday for the women's singles finals and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. E.S.T. Sunday for the men's singles finals. For the uninitiated -- those who haven't seen enough tennis to be charmed by lovable old John McEnroe -- NBC will have Bud Collins explaining things. Collins has been doing the network's tennis coverage since 1972 and has broadcast major tour naments for Public Broadcasting Service. He also writes a tennis column for the Boston Globe. Collins comes by his tennis expertise honestly, having played and coached the game. He won the National Indoor Mixed Doubles with Janet Hopps in 1961, and he coached tennis at Brandeis University from 1959 to 1963. Collins then started broadcast ing tennis on a local Boston station, and one year later was doing the U.S. Open at Forest Hills for NBC ©Co<nputog saturdavThJiyt™""™ © dS) El Club del Nino €D®1 Athletes in Action KB M* & Sobottion €9 38 MOVIE: Tonic in the Wilderness' © Hawaii Five-O 12:30 PM O0£3) m Children'* Film Festival O Country Clip* Q America's Top Ton CD Now Tech Timet 53) SI ® Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (E) SI C38) Better Way CD MOVIE: 'Swamp Thing' CD MOVIE: 'Snoopy, Come Homel' © (2D la Here de la Decision KM Adventures Of Black Beauty 12:45 PM © lr«nt MOVBI In 1:00 PM OQd CBS Sports Special: Old-Timers Baseball Classic O (B 6D Major League Baseball: California at Boston/or Atlanta at O Ernest Tubb Show O Soul Train GD Inside the (IJfl CD Lifeline (TP Q) (TO) Smithsonian World 'Crossing the Distance.' Tonight's program looks at the imagination man brings to, the challenge of getting from Point A to Point B. (R) (60 min.) (Closed Captioned]