PAGE 9- PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JULY 11.1184 • 1 «Raiffdealer§ m |§ (Sprite mt lassified Advwliurt, pleas* check your od the FIRST insertion date.ln the event of an error or ommission, P°P*r w'" responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be lioble for only the portion of the od which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Coll Classified Display Ads: 815-385 0170. Private Pqrty ft Commercial Line Ads: 815 344 ' 4800. Richmond 678-2581 • * Payment Inadvanca must be made fat- these ads: *Bat>yaittng • Business Opportunities *Businees • Out of Shaw Frse Praea ftirbtmmb Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 o.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS $8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS V Shaw P r-- Press Newspaper Group Services •Qarage Sales • Moving _ Apis, to Share •SHuatlona Wwited • DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots 02 Card of Thonks 03 Notices 05 Cor Pools ,..10 Lost 8 Found 11 ' Personals! 12 Instruction 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Core 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 Clrculatton Area • Political • Rooms, •Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. Re-rent, etc DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY •Woodstock DOily Sentinel *Sotorday Extra ^Crystal Lake Morning Herald •Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon/Republican News 'Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner *McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News •Hampshire Register •Harvord Herald *Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales.... T 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles 8 Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments...... 39 Cameras 40 Aviation 41 Pets ft Equipment 44 Horses ft Equimpeo! 47 Farm ft Dairy /T. 48 Livestock 49 Mochinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity. 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wonted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share. 79 Apartments to Refit 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores. Office & Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent . . 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted »o Buy 87 Auto Parts & Accessories. . 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreotion Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries a Lots McHCNRY COUNTY Msmertol Park, 2 grave SUN value • Wlfl sec mobs oWor. H5/MM410. CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choke Ms ivolliblt m low m Including perpetual cars. »- e>.' ••"WH •etTWfl. I WiTla« 8IV48KS47 •RAVE LOTS, (4). In vt, ON aadi or an offer, 015/45P-52N or Card rWTh.ntai 1 ON BEHALF OF MYSELF ft my family I want to thank all fffr mono* m rUVTivVS TvT TTWr iiw^Wa Ol priyirif during my rocofit IIHpVISIwvTlwl wi WBjW a hurt surgory. All wars vary much appreciated. Loren L Notices "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 34 HOUR HOT LINE n 2/934-9233 PLASTERING KOSToroiionur new VornonT. Kopsell 015/330-1440 PLASTERING ItaakiraHnn fV " KOOVOrvTVOn l»ww VornonT. Kopsell --015/330-1440-- WE HAULALL luaacaN. - ARE YOU THINKING of par- I taolll tonoi proiecnonr i win sons you an Illinois Firearm Owners •OOfWITlCOTiOn oppncoTioii Iwm. All I need Is your Self Address- ed Stamped Envelope. McHenry County Firearms. IWi >1. WOWiwi WWWwy* ARTISTS a CRAFTSPEOPLE Wanted foe. lOfh Annual all- lurtod Fall Craft Show, Sept 2t Kane County Fairgrounds. St. Charles. For Info, ft table apace Call Hy. Karon-31 2/34M103 Your Invitation fror Backus of Woodstlck, to meet Mm at the grand opening celebration of Joe Regen Chevrolet, 495 Northwest Hwv, Barrlngfon. 312/301-2500; July IX 14..Jeeturlng Jim McMahon of the Chicago Bears. Win a mlnl-lndy race car or other prlies (no purchase necessary). Free load and liensiaiies Step In and say "HI" and enjoy. POKRIOGE/Wlndlng Creek Babysitting ceep is having Its third meeHng Friday, July20,9 a.m. For more Information, caH Nancy, 01S/344-4447. LOOSE WEIGHT N0WI Ask me howl The 180* natural her- RESPONSIBLE FOR My OsMs a Signature Only as of July l, W84. Robert J. Shulda, 511 W. Bald Knob Rd~ 2220 Lane, 1384 N. Front St. y<IL Lost u & Found FOUND. Chicago i 81V49M940 Set of keys In store. 1st Federal ef key chain. Call CAT POUNO, am, McHenry Awe. area. Crystal Lake, young female, white w/Mack a brown spots, well cared for. Owner please call 015/4554041. POUND FOR River Greve Vaaetlan LOST: LADIES Gold Bracelet, at Wary Dencs ̂JeNwbur ̂ 015/305-7000 0Rt 2217 or 23M; After »m, 015/305-2045. LOSTTURTLE at Clay a Todd, tlen prelect, substantial reward. OIS/MMOIS. 11 Lost & Found POUNO: JULY ChacolateB Miniature Algonquin Park In Algonquin. Please call: 312/4SMOO. LOST: White a orange kitten. wif ̂rvi.-«-t-- ri -i "•v. W UVYmon wT.j ffPOOSTOCK. nvsttm. CAT POUND, July 7, Lamb a Charles Rds., wuuumuck* Tvuviy cnercosi gray male, very aftacttanato. Calf115/330481$. LOST Long ha St. Catherine- 015/704491 haired black cat, 12 Porann"1* HYPNOSIS- Slop smoking In 1 seaslon. kw waWif easllv eating, sessli through dlvlsual/greup 312/4344070. Ilt- ons. THANK-YOU During my recent hospital stay, I w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k a l l m y tnends- for cards I flowers, also the clergy, and my family & rela tives for assisting me with my work at home. Sincerely, Florence C. Freund • THE FREEZE has a Delicious New Special every Tues. a Wed.! Stop in for a real Taste Treat at 140 Virgtna In Crystal PREGNANTT NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 911am And from 7-fpm. Man. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering a 015/385-am SCULPTURED NAILS, Done professionally Call Llnda312/450-4533 • "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS.. 115.00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/430-4505 DISCOURAGED OVER Heeith Insurance Costs? Let us heto you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or fempera^r* Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 015/330-3XN. WANTED male partner 40-50 for Country a Western m a s • Evenings, Ballroom a Square dancing ~ tags, 015/344-5273. SUMMER PARTY? See us for complete catering packages, from |ust 01J0 per poreonlC.L. DELL 185 North Main St. 015/450-3443. 18 I MDMA LESSONS 'Mil1 IH* [».)» Speclels. Beard, training, snows. Our Farm, 0703 Bull Valley. 015/344«0«, 312/430- 3700. Notices UNION LIONS Schwabenfest UNION, ILL. July 14 and IS - Rain or Shine. Parade at 1:30 P.M. Saturday, July 14 flsaMnkst • Ptr Roaat Horseshoe Tourn. * German Foods 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS CLASSES STARTING AUGUST 13th, M P.M. Classes will be each Monday evening from 7 pm to 9 pm, for 5 sessions starling August 13th. This dass Is to learn the techni ques of epplytag acrylic finger naNs. Even If you have short bitten nails. The class includes a starter ktt. Call for more Info. Instructor: JOYCE HUBER at 312/658-2019 riaMaa Hmltari UPNI llmlTlO Sign up now I PIANO INSTRUCTION Experienced Instructor 312/4304912 Ideas Computer Academy Intro ind odvmcod clMtot for •II agss. Special Clesoes for Word Processing end Business • -- -- MMicanon. 105 E. Main St. Barrington 312/382-2777 PIANO LESSONS Ages 5 thru adutt. Call Debbie at 015/305- FORMING ART Clasoee In my home, tar the young, 0 yeors ft up. Class for adults also. Lake in the Hills. 312/450-4404. 19 CMldCare RELIABLE MOM Expor. Lots of TLC fbr babies a toddlers. ef, rata. snWms. RELIABLE MOM Expor. Lots of TLC for beMes & toddlers. uSWross. swing set, refs. W/5 yr. boy will babysit, your homo. Experienc ed, neve refs. a trans. 312/439- 37X1 RELIABLE PERSON will babysit your child In my home, full time only. 015/499-0937 BABYSITTER fbaa Soy OMRs year houoo i mbie.Su/M8841. child care in my home full time. Indoor, out- door play area. 815/455-3597. WILL SIT, begin Aug., after school, 24. Olson- St. Mary's area. 815/338-9500,3384077. 2L Situations Wanted OFFICE CLEANING, dally or weekly. 10 years enorl " 015/3304054. WILL STEAM dean carpets. Living room. 080. Additional rooms. 818 on* 5 yrs. exp. 815/9484793. NEED new siding or roof? Call the "House Doctor"- J a L Home Improvements. Fully bended a Insured. 015/4554220 or 815/455-3000, Ext. Z. 21 Situations Wanted PAINTING, Interior a ex terior. 7 yrs. experience, references. Call Kan, 312/439- 3093. • TOUCH UP-BRUSH UP Inferior Exterior Painting Free Estimates 015/3384205 DJ. 4000 watt, 012400 sound Ih lights a '5044082. for all. 312/5 HANDYMAN paint, electric carpentry, auto, | yard work, window wash, for cleaning, odd lot 8932. £* '459- CERTIFIEDTEACHER will tutor elementary grades. 015/4594200. • HOUSE PAINTING, Interior, a exterior, reasonable rotes. 015/455-3559. DUALITY CARPET Cleanli at prices you can 015/459-7194 after 5 pm leaning aflnre aTTora. HARD WORKING Family man would Ilka dairy form llko employment on possibly loodlnQ to ownership. NhowMqi of oil ass of farming a machinery. 1312/475-7777 CONCRETE Patios*Sidewalks Garages* Basements FREE ESTIMATES 815-459-7314 WILL DO gereral house deen ing In Genoe. Call Sharon, 015/784-2 1-2392. I WILL BABYSIT In my Hamp shire home. Carol Witt. 312/083- 3530. RESPONSIBLE, loving lady aveil. weekdays for sitting, light housework. Have trans. 015/330-1079 Household 23 Help Wanted RELIABLE SITTER needed, starting end of Aug., Mon. thru Wed, only, 11:30 to 0, for 3 school age children. Prefer Canterbury School area, or my Crystal Lake home. 015/455- 8359 oftorP:30 p.m. LOOKING FOR en older per: eon to sit in my home, 3 night a wk„ 3:X to midnight, 015/459- 0923. PERSON to watch elderly women 4 days a week In my home. Plstekee Bay area, no experience necessary., 312/085- TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, InrtfrfhMM deteriorated brides replaced a roofing. 312/520- 3151. PAINTING a PAPERING Fully Insured-Free E s t i m a t e s Den Johnson, 815/3384850. COMPETENT SECRETARY -•-- a iiai >a«-- i_ r\« owns Twmmt pootrion m ur. office. Prefsr McHenry eree. Can handta variety of duties, a trans. Hrs. a After 5 p.m. salary nag. 015/305-2205. BABYSITTER needed, my Carpantersville home. 7:45 em to 4:45 pm, for 4 children, 2 to 0 years. Ref. req. 312/420-9371 effort. rED. 3p.m approx 0 p.m. weekdays for 2 grade school girls. Noil' distrid. Your house or mine. Permanent position. 015/330- 4832 after 8 pm. RESPONSIBLE SITTER need ed for 4 kids, weekends, my McHenry homo. 815/3054327. LIVE IN light housekeeping a light cooking. Crystal Lake, for more information, call 312/039- 3105, after op.m. " Auction* AUCTION Hindi gone into * nursing home we will sell the personal property of Frank McKeown. Location: six miles NW of Genoa on Genoa Belvidere blacktop to Davis School Road, turn right 1M mile to Shattuck Rd.. left 1 miles to Englesen Rd. right 1 mile. SATURDAY, JULY 14.1SS4 TIME: lOtOO A.M. NCY GRANGE LUNCH fAIIM EQUIPMENT: Rumeiey oil pull tractor "1918' runs |ood. John Deere "A"4; "B"-2; 0 1. 2 Allit Chalmers. WC t WO tractors seed some repair. Allrs Chalmers round baler: John Deere 4S combine •ith |om I gum heads: 2 wheel trailer: ll It. seeder. Massey Ferguson 7 ft mower: 5 ft. woods rotary chopper: fanning mill: brooder house. a» compressor: ladders: water tanks: many tools: saws: drills: acetylme cutting torch i welding set with tanks: small lathe: grinders: small mow ers and more ANTIQUES: boh sled, one man saw on frame walking plow oak kitchen table wainscoting cabinet senenl pieces ot wainscoting wall oak tele phone, ot yoke small glass showcase library table 2 dressers, two odd tables many wagon wheel* wood 0 steel, chairs, many old tools, and more FURNITURE bed small table Coldspot refrigerator Maytag wringer washer corner table, many other small items. MISCELLANEOUS Handyman iack gas tank 0 stand many wood 0 steel posts, uses Tyco train set HO. including 2 engines many cars tracks and accessories several wicker baskets, wrought iron table and planter John Deere IB" trimming mower Bolens 22 mulching mower IHC Cub Cadet mower 1000 Sunbeam Stewart dippers and Andes hair ctipp era with many extra blades several pieces of fishing equipment, tons ol scrap iron VEHICLES 1950 DeSoto car. 19(9 Mark 3 collectors item pickups 1979 GMC H ton Chevy 'i ton OWNER: FRANK MCKEOWN GUARDIAN ALICE BIDERB0ST Some brought in items to be sold also Auctioneers: Clarence Floit Sycamore 895 6288 Rei Nelson Kingston 784 5366 TERMS cash oi checks with proper identification No property to be removed until settled for NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Household 23 Help Wanted SITTER NEEDED In Cary, to a for e 1st grader a Oergartener, from 7 am to school a from school to 0 pm. Must be ebie to take children to 1st St. School a pick them up. Call 312/031-9005 evenings If you can care tor one or both. HIGH SCHOOL Student need ed, bright end embltlous, for lots of summer work. Auto care, yard work, end generel malntenence. Age no berrier, Emery Woods eree. 115/330- 8349 SITTER NEEDED In High Hill area by teacher with 3 mo. old. Your home or mine. References required. 312/650- 8100 Household 23 Help Wanted RELIABLE LOVING WOMEN needed to cere for intent, Mondey-Frlday, In my McHenry home, starting Sept. 3rd. Must heve excellent references. Good selery. 015/344-5435. PET SITT ING Woodstock erea. In the Mature, responsible person to welk very active dog while couple works. Roto, required. 815/337-0722 BABYSITTER for 10 month old In AAcHenry, 4 days e week, ap prx. 30 hrs., 815/344-3531. BABYSITTER needed by end of Aug. for 3 mo. old teacher's child. Work 0:30 to 4:30 daily In Woodstock. 015/330-4997. Household 23 Helo Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted WANTED Babysitter tar 3 cMMran tvwy Saturday, also aart-ttma at our houaa In Fox RMgrPtaaw call I15/3t5 7363. bttwMfi tOO pm. NURSES for geriatric care In long form facility. Love and Mgh quality cara glvan through team nursing. Call Mrs. Mangano. 015/4554)550 LEGALSECRETARY Law firm In Crystal Lake Is looking tar an marlenced Secretary/Word Processor Operator. Excellent salary ft group Insurance available. Send resume In confidence to Box A K F, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box m Crystal Lake, IL M014. LOVING MATURE Woman to cara for taactw's chlldron* 2 yrs. & 4 yrs.-1tt grado. 7-3:30, In my McHanry homo. Own transport. 4 rots, ropvlrod. 81S/3IS-1W7. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS: Are you looking tar a congenial atmosphere and the opportuni ty to give quality cara? Call Mrs. Mangano, 015/4554550. LEGALSECRETARY Law firm In Crystal Lake Is looking tar an marlenced Secretary/Word Processor Operator. Excellent salary ft group Insurance available. Send resume In confidence to Box A K F, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box m Crystal Lake, IL M014. LOVING MATURE Woman to cara for taactw's chlldron* 2 yrs. & 4 yrs.-1tt grado. 7-3:30, In my McHanry homo. Own transport. 4 rots, ropvlrod. 81S/3IS-1W7. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS: Are you looking tar a congenial atmosphere and the opportuni ty to give quality cara? Call Mrs. Mangano, 015/4554550. DENTAL NYCIENIST for modern busy preventive oriented prectke In Huntley. Days needed: Monday, Tues day, Friday ft 1st ft 3rd Satur day. Send resume to Huntley Dental Accociatos. 11430 Algon quln Rd. Huntley, IL 40142. INDIVIDUAL for houstwork. Will comMor young porson. 1 Ay par waok. 115/315-3717. WAITRESS, experience prefer rod, must be over 21. Apply In porson or call Napoli Pizza, 930 Lake Ave., Woodstock, 015/330 2430. DENTAL NYCIENIST for modern busy preventive oriented prectke In Huntley. Days needed: Monday, Tues day, Friday ft 1st ft 3rd Satur day. Send resume to Huntley Dental Accociatos. 11430 Algon quln Rd. Huntley, IL 40142. MATURE ft Rtllabk slttor, wantad In our homo tar Infant & foddtor, FoxrWgo aroa, tfNw1 yoar 7am-3:30pm. 115/315-4044. WAITRESS, experience prefer rod, must be over 21. Apply In porson or call Napoli Pizza, 930 Lake Ave., Woodstock, 015/330 2430. DENTAL NYCIENIST for modern busy preventive oriented prectke In Huntley. Days needed: Monday, Tues day, Friday ft 1st ft 3rd Satur day. Send resume to Huntley Dental Accociatos. 11430 Algon quln Rd. Huntley, IL 40142. MATURE ft Rtllabk slttor, wantad In our homo tar Infant & foddtor, FoxrWgo aroa, tfNw1 yoar 7am-3:30pm. 115/315-4044. TOYS-, FUN IS Start now demonstrating toys No Cash Investment Commission to 25* No Delivering or Collecting Car ft Phone Necessary AMERICAN HOME TOY PARTIES 312/420-0374 312/931-5204 312/423-0354 DENTAL NYCIENIST for modern busy preventive oriented prectke In Huntley. Days needed: Monday, Tues day, Friday ft 1st ft 3rd Satur day. Send resume to Huntley Dental Accociatos. 11430 Algon quln Rd. Huntley, IL 40142. TLC NEEDED For two chlldrm full time days in my East Wondor Lake home. 015/TM-lMf, eves. TOYS-, FUN IS Start now demonstrating toys No Cash Investment Commission to 25* No Delivering or Collecting Car ft Phone Necessary AMERICAN HOME TOY PARTIES 312/420-0374 312/931-5204 312/423-0354 DENTAL ASSISTANT Needed Part time 2 to 3 days par week Experience necessary. Please call for Interview. 115/499-1214 WANTED: Free estimate to paint exterior of ranch home In Genoa. Ref. req. 015/704-5449. 24 Help Wanted TOYS-, FUN IS Start now demonstrating toys No Cash Investment Commission to 25* No Delivering or Collecting Car ft Phone Necessary AMERICAN HOME TOY PARTIES 312/420-0374 312/931-5204 312/423-0354 -MCOIfAL-- RNs or LPNs for night shift ot wsekands for private duly. In fant In Round Lake. Tap pay ft benefits. 312/294-1041. WANTED: Free estimate to paint exterior of ranch home In Genoa. Ref. req. 015/704-5449. 24 Help Wanted TOYS-, FUN IS Start now demonstrating toys No Cash Investment Commission to 25* No Delivering or Collecting Car ft Phone Necessary AMERICAN HOME TOY PARTIES 312/420-0374 312/931-5204 312/423-0354 SECRETARY/Racaptfanlst, 00% part time. Immediate opening, position requlraa plea sant telephone personality. Duties include: Typing, filing, general office. CRT ft dictation a plus. New small office, Cary location. Call Tom Dettman, Tues. Thurs., 9-12noon. 312/439 5500. OWN YOUR OWN business In Crystal Lake ft McHenry. In surance sales, multi-line, na ttonally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid ed, college or ad preferred, femato/mate. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Prass, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II. 40090. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER If you are a quality painter who is Interested in working year 'round In our high volume pro duction shop, Contact Mr. Bailey at 312/543-0101 SECRETARY/Racaptfanlst, 00% part time. Immediate opening, position requlraa plea sant telephone personality. Duties include: Typing, filing, general office. CRT ft dictation a plus. New small office, Cary location. Call Tom Dettman, Tues. Thurs., 9-12noon. 312/439 5500. OWN YOUR OWN business In Crystal Lake ft McHenry. In surance sales, multi-line, na ttonally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid ed, college or ad preferred, femato/mate. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Prass, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II. 40090. MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position in Barr ington Dry Cleaning Store. Please call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -5 pm. at 312/301-2424. BILINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- 9100, ask for Hoi iy. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. SECRETARY/Racaptfanlst, 00% part time. Immediate opening, position requlraa plea sant telephone personality. Duties include: Typing, filing, general office. CRT ft dictation a plus. New small office, Cary location. Call Tom Dettman, Tues. Thurs., 9-12noon. 312/439 5500. OWN YOUR OWN business In Crystal Lake ft McHenry. In surance sales, multi-line, na ttonally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid ed, college or ad preferred, femato/mate. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Prass, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II. 40090. MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position in Barr ington Dry Cleaning Store. Please call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -5 pm. at 312/301-2424. BILINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- 9100, ask for Hoi iy. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. AUTO BOOYMAN A quality shop offering the most desirable type of work Is look ing for a bodyman with at toast 3 yrs experience. Contact Jerry Ot 312/741-0001 AVON Now there are two ways to earn an Impressive Income. Call •15/459-5757. MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position in Barr ington Dry Cleaning Store. Please call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -5 pm. at 312/301-2424. BILINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- 9100, ask for Hoi iy. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. AUTO BOOYMAN A quality shop offering the most desirable type of work Is look ing for a bodyman with at toast 3 yrs experience. Contact Jerry Ot 312/741-0001 RESUMES Professionally prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton ft Associates. 312/420 9255. MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position in Barr ington Dry Cleaning Store. Please call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -5 pm. at 312/301-2424. BILINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- 9100, ask for Hoi iy. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. EXPERIENCED Individual with excellent telephone ft organizational skills tar small busy office. Typing 50 wpm. 312/093-1395 REAL ESTATE SALES Post MATURE COUNTER Person, Part Time position in Barr ington Dry Cleaning Store. Please call: Mrs. Cramer, 9 am -5 pm. at 312/301-2424. BILINGUAL SECRETARY preferred for medical environ ment. Accurate typist. 312/232- 9100, ask for Hoi iy. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Lunch Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. EXPERIENCED Individual with excellent telephone ft organizational skills tar small busy office. Typing 50 wpm. 312/093-1395 tions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for que lifted listings & sales Earn what you ' re worth wi th ERA ttousohold Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential Interview. 312/639-2000. NORTHWEST SECURITY Ser vice needs full & pert time security guards for weekends & holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk, 201 Jandus Rd., Cary. JOBS JOBS JOBS Fast growing company. Can earn: Part time $7/hr. Fulltime, 0360/wk. Students welcome. Mr. Calfa 312/449-1920 DEALERS, SELLERS wanted for new Flea Market, Harvard area. 015-943-3335. 18 Auctions REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF THE CENTURY 2685 ACRE NORTHERN PUMP COMPANY FARMS A AT McHENRY AND RICHMOND. ILLINOIS TO BE SOLD IN.35 PARCELS OF 3 ACRES TO 562 ACRES EXCELLENT TERMS AVAILABLE SATURDAY, JULY 14,10:00 A.M. AUCTION BE BE CONDUCTED AT ANDRE'S STEAK HOUSE ROUTE 12, RICHMOND, IL OPEN HOUSE JULY 7 8 8 - 2 to 4 P.M. OFFERING INCLUDES: 4.10 acres NE corner of Ringwood end McCullom Lake Rd., zoned E-1 4.14 and 3.3 acres McCullom Rd., zoned E-l w/ample road frontage 3.57 acres McCullom Lake Rd w/3 8R Cope Cod house 4 tracts, 5-10-15-20 acres, vacant, on east side of Ringwood Rd. 'A mile south of McCullom Lake Rd., zoned ag., high and dry f * * * * •U * * * * -v. 34 acre vacant tract, zoned ag., fronting on both Ringwood and Mc Cullom Lake Rd., high and rolling 21.5 acres w/buildings on SE corner of McCullom Lake and Ringwood Rds. Includes attractive and well kept 2440 sq. ft. 2 story house and 11,400 sq. ft. clear span building w/concrete floor suitable for Arena, livestock, storage or a variety of uses. Several other buildings and fen ced lots. Adjoins a running stream. 20 acre vacant parcel, outstanding land, located on Ringwood Rd., across from Modine Mfg. 40 acres w/large Victorian home, large barns, on Ringwood Rd. just south of Modine Mfg. 10 acres w/nice house and very large barn on Route 31, midway bet ween McHenry and Richmond. 5 acres w/house and farm bldg. on McCullom Lake Rd., 2 miles NW of McHenry 1 '/> story Cape Cod house on 1 acre, on McCullom Lake Rd., just east of Ringwood Rd., presently NP office ond managers residence. 37 acres w/large barn on McCullom Lake Rd., '/> mile west of Ringwood Rd., part zoned ag., part E-1, over 3000ft. road frontage 3 vacant parcels on west side of Route 31, between McHenry and Ringwood, 24 acres, 27 acres, 42 acres, high and dry, lots of road fron tage 150 acre farm w/complete set of bldgs., fronting on Route 31, set back off highway % mile, secluded yet only minutes to McHenry, includes 8- 10 acres of oak woods 140 acre farm 2 miles NW of McHenry, w/4 BR, 2 story hilltop house overlooking the city, large barns and sheds, fronts on McCullom Lake Rd., % mile from Petersen Park, V« mile off road on private lane i( 48 ocres w/house and farm buildings on Hart Rd., 1 mile west of Route 31, high rolling land. Approx. 25 acres wooded, near Glacial Park and Nippersink Creek. v 3 vacant parcels, 84 ocres, 41% acres anid 75 acres, adjoin Nippersink ̂Creek ond McHenry County Conservation Area, fronting on Keystone Rd. The 84 acre parcel has a large barn. 43 acres w/outstanding farm bldgs. and house, creek frontage, Keystone Rd. ̂114 acres vacont, over 1 mile frontage on north side of McCullom Lake Rd., minutes to MicHenry, zoned 1 acre estate, mostly tillable and lays high, excellent development potential ̂130 acres vacant, fronting on west side of Ringwood Rd. midway bet ween McCullom Lake Rd. and Ringwood Village, also has road access on extreme west end on Ridgeway Road, excellent land, mostly tillable 220 acres, adjoins CNW RR, Right of Way, borders proposed 420 freeway on south, adjoins Modine on north, access on Ringwood Rd., zoned ag., farm it now and wait for development. V 472 acres, uninterrupted by roods, water or railroads, 1 % mile long, '/> mile wide, fronts on SW corner of Ringwood and McCullom Lake Rd. In* dudes 5200' asphalt airstrip and 2 sets of farm bldgs. w/3 houses. Largest single piece of land in McHenry Township. Many possibilities. ir 545 ocres, the Northern Pump Valley cattle unit. Includes 3 housing units and large complex livestock facilities suitable for horses or cattle. Adjoins McHenry County Conservation Area on 3 sides. Improvements appraised for over S700.000. Adjoining parcels con be added. A true ranch only 40 miles from Chicogo. V 1)8 and 90 acre vacant farmland parcels fronting Hart Rd., west of ' Route 31, zoned ag. a part of McHanry County Harritago. Remember, you must do It on Saturday, July 14. <^(Sold because of the death of the owner, John B. Hawley. Former home of world famous Herford cattle. TERMS: Sellers will finance up to 70% of selling price for per iod up to 5 years at 10% and 12% interest. Interested buyers may call for details and brochures. AUCTIONEER: Cordon Stade McHenry, IL •15-385-7032 FARM MANAGER: Brad Scott McHenry, IL •15-385-7170 WAG'S RESTAURANTS EXPANDING OUR STAFF! (All Shifts) • Hostesses • Waitresses • Grill Cooks • Prep Cooks 6606 N.W. Highway 4228 W. Elm St. CRYSTAL LAKE McHENRY APPLY IN PERSON Equal Opportunity Employer FULL & PART TIME POSITIONS Available for telephone sales work. Year-round employment from our Woodstock office. Hourly wage plus bonus. For personal in terview call 815-338-6950. WELDING-ASSEMBLY Manufacturer of industrial ovens netfds person with welding experience to ork in assembly department. Ability o read blueprints helpful. PRECISION QUINCYCORP. 220 North Madison Street Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-2675 Manufacturing PUNT SUPERINTENDENT Metal Fabricating Company in the EIgin area with IS 25 ' shop people is in need ot an experienced hand ons manager Person must be familiar with the fabrication and welding of meta*s to include mild steel stainless, aluminum, and hastalloy Experience with the manutac ture of rotating equipment would be a definite plus We are looking for a results oriented person who can sue cessfuliy manage people in a union shop environment Excellent salary and benefit package to qualified candi date Send resume with references to Box AHG i Shaw Fr*« Prm Ntwtpaptri 8 P O Box 250, Crystal <_ake. IL 600u ^ equal opportunity employer m f EXTRUDER/MIXING OPERATORS Small growing plastics company is seeking ma ture reliable individuals tor work at our Lakemoor facility. Must be able to work any shitt, excellent benetits Above average starting pay Apply in person at: CHROMA CORPORATION 430 Wegner Rd. (Lakemoor) McHenry, IL Sheet Metal SHEET METAL DEPT. Manufacturer of industrial ovens needs experienced sheet metal workers. Blue print reading, layout and set-up helpful. PRECISION QUINCY CORP. 220 North Madison Street Woodstock. IL 64MW8 815/338-2675 • PUNCH PRESS SET UP • PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Familiar with press set up up to 200 tons; experienc- -ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply to person nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. - 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 8151943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer M F N M