Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1984, p. 10

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PJMSE M-njUNIMEAUEa-PmBMT.JCLTia.ttM Legal notice otyof tujn01* hctt*ce to cd*T«*ctors -- « a* 7, tor mm Or « MtHmnry. mj wry Ciw»i, IMM. MMfnoMKlvCity HB« ttMK 2B PAA AMpytf , u. *8* and **•»*•"• »~Z7sT *h oe M^cr opened arc * MarK t Oaacri JWUFt me Car**? A. ̂ cr»fH e» f»*e«i*»®. ie ne 9WX ar« MrarUtc •wear r e.«f« aa Me 7 Can**? t "*»* Merfc jsri'rt a# CDri*vcf«n of a «« 'aw ocr«*r»MB j»or r«a. truer «de and I'̂ iBKrat tfarxa add* or tm& •?**.. rneter t*A 7t\Jtk WBtJ Legal notice Ma «er Maw 9wc «**» »• am.. ft AtyJA tH to McHenry. *v*r-j0*n *6 4 B«iei?ar of Ms. the Care reserves the io reied ar>f or aft -murAsry pc* *"-w«gs. r< #e*res. e*ec*r«cef 'jmf'jn arte ***•*+ e*m •b*A" <"iOUS conce**. access 0^*, r< a i r*eer. j» «or%. 1 ojnrae a* me C-»r Ha«. * Ktwgffirjta barker 4 . inc.. U7t C 09T* e*3 »0*3. Cr/V# LJmut 1 «M eoeu Ok. « 9» plant. IW'-cTorrV propos*. -arrtrar* r« sac tor*** "#r » '«e •r̂ r me '"Wrt fta»*e* 4 ft'xcn*' inc., wee e»r"*^* o» *Z X per ia •or CY***r3 A. »"< IX 9 vf tr Ccr̂ iC B JC/r •e*ym r* *-* Legal notice De*ee a* Wc»ary, rwt «v» 2nd day a* July, J 8 BE G-4pir Oar* Pufc 7 11.7 13-84. «ac MC3M Legal notice NOTICE TEJWoew.v ROAD CLOSiMG Hanccor Speeded may Be awe--d a* McJttnr f "oanhc ft Dfcstr«ct efface. J7«3 M iedL AAcHanry, M.P 7 ® a m. 10 ^•OA T( *5-3674 Tomns»«p Road District tidders «n*rvc*iens app»r to »ms purchase Hg*"«e <s gr̂ er mar xancoo £>•'»€. from «rterseo*>or. 0# Em' larvae*- Lafce Road ^Soum B^a*rr *0 take Vwrt Or-*, «*t< oe rhuno «o *-at»>c or n and 12 Au&jsr. >984. try ,ca m to 11 p.m. 'Put 7 U. H84, KB WC374 Legal notice STATE of IUJNOS IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE MlMETE0<TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MtX E* RY COUNTY ba*<erslipe CQMPAJtfY RO«ERTL- MASON. PLEETA MASON. at Reeta Arm) VfLLAGE Of BUU. VALLEY, RJJNOtt HO TIC € TO CONTRACTORS 1. Time and Piece o* Opening BWt: Seeled Proposers tor the Snow and toe Control c r̂t'aci »ftti me VMege of BuM Valley of Mcltonry CoKrttY mtno*s, for the 1BB4 to 1BB5 aoeaon, arW be recerr* ̂at the VMege Ctort'a Office, S105 Sutfborg Cowrv the Village of Bull VeMey wrrtM |M PJf. on Augv&t 10.1884. Bids are to be pubftcty opened end 'eed at the VMege Board Meeting Auguat 1 J, 1BB4 at • 00 P M Such mooting wtH be hold at the McMonry Coon ty Farm Bureeu Offtcoa, 11 BOO McConnod Rood, Wootfetock. IIHnoto. 2 The prapoaad contract ahoB eonatot of die of ETAL y Ito-SaCH m NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, ROBERT L. MASON •-) Bpreedlng) b > Ice Control (Send and Salt Spreading Only) c.) Material Coot of Send end SeH applied 3 Information to Blddera: AM pertinent documents may be examined at the Office of the VMIege Clerk at $105 Sudburg Court, by appointment only. Coptea of Exhibits, Pro- poeaia. Contract, and Bond forma may be oMainod from the Ciertr « Office by meM. Hoi io«t than the prevaWng minimum rate of «*age« as found by the Village of BuH Valley of the Oepartment of Labor or determined by the Court of Review, shall be paid to aH laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract. 4 Rejection of Bids: The Boerd of Trustees reserves the right to re­ ject any or all PROPOSALS and to waive technicalities Dated at the Vlllege of Bull Valloy, Illinois this 11th day of July, 19S4. SANDRA I OST J. THOMAS STOREY Vlllege Cierk VHIege Preeident Pubush July 13 19S4 Legal Notice REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES OF The First National Bank of McHenry In the state of Illinois at tho close of business on Juno 30, 19t4 published in response to call mode by comptrollor of tho Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter number 15765 Comptroller of the Currency Twelfth District. <* S»otern<.-',t of Resource* and Liabilities Thousands of Dollars ASSETS r 'j\h or -j Mlon<« du« borr depository tr>*titut>on« H' ' ' b«forirg bolor c^gnd / ond tom 3,024 if.t*"* .t E,«rqrmg bolonce* 3,000 W.u« •».** 21 488 Fed«?'o' i*jr,r]% told ond tecuriti«» purchased under ogf b'- f. to m<.f \ in domestic offices of th« bonk ond of • ord Agreement subsidiaries ond m IBf s 1 625 toon*.'}' 11«-M*e financing receivables; I'^ar o'.d leases net of unearned income. . 12,160 I f ^ \ U j f / , o r \ ( t f l o r l o o n o n d l e a s e l o s s e s 1 3 9 \ onrj net of unearned income. allc ttanrt. and reserve 12.021 fremi't?-, ond assets (including rop'to ,/«.d leases, , .*. 524 Other asteK ^ 794 Totol rtw.-ti 42.476 asiun§ for a Judgment for Foreclosure with respect «o the following described property Lots * ana 7 m Btock 11 in McHenry Shores. Unit Ho 1. a Subdivision of part of me Fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 1. lying an »>e Westerly voe of Pox Rhrer. efso pert of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, all in Towntf>ip 44 North, Range • East of me Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May T7, 1954 as Document Ho 271461 in Book 11 of Plats, Page 111, in McHenry County, Illinois (Commonly known and described as "717 S. Rrversids Road, McHenry, Illinois") and far ether relief. UNLESS YOU file your frte LIABILITIES O^poti's In domestic offices fi</nintef»rst bearing lr.»e'<rSt beonng Othe- liabilities Total liabilit 39.460 6.215 33.245 . 382 39 842 case MI the office of the dork of this court McHenry County Court House, 2200 N iemmary, Woodstock* Illinois, an or before August 13,1914. A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY • BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT. WITNESS, July6,1984 Vernon w. Kays, Jr. (Clerkof the Orcuit Court) By: Ak (Deputy) Seal of Court (Plaintiff's attorney or plaintiff if he is not represented by an attorney). Name THOMAS G MC CRACKEN Attorney for Plaintiff Address: 128 James Stre* City: Geneva, Illinois 60134 Telephone: (312) 232 7980 (Pub. 7 13,7 20 & 7-27,1984) No. 840375 Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on July 9, 1984, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting me business known as THE TAILOR'S CLOSET, located at 1212 N. Green Street, No. 4, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Dated July 9, 1984. Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk (Pub. 7 13,7 20 A 7 27, 1984) No. S40373 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE NINETEENTH JUDICIALCIRCUIT • McHEN RY COUNTY, ILLINOIS EQUITY CAPITAL Common sto<> 670 Surplus 095 Undivided profits ond capital reserves ... 1,079 Totol equity capital 2 634 Totol liabilities limited-life preferred stock, orid equity capital ...... 42,476 We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correc- 'riets of this statement of resources ond liabilities. We declare that it has been commed by us, ond to me best of out knowledge and belief hos been prepared in conformance with the instructions and is true ond correct M J Marty. Jr -Morion H Busse HOrry P. Stinespring, III Directors I William J Busse. Executive Vice President of the above named bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true ond correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William J. Busse July 10. 1984 (Published July 13. 1984) No 840377 ITT THORP CORPORATION a Delaware Corporation Plaintiff vs ELMER M FRITZ, DIANE L FRITZ individually andd-Oa FRITZ'S JOHNSBURGINN: KENNETH E HOE RR, trustee J. THOMAS . JOHNSON, » Director of Illinois Dept. of Revenue UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS, No. UC HI 30 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit etc Ea#erty lew of Crystal Laxe Road, a DWance of K46 fee* Horeterty tine of Lois 1 and 2 r Buck 1 of U4 ***f«n a dVance of UU feet «a the Easterly line of 9te Crre# Lafea Rood, mence 5ou"*-«es»ert r a distance of M O tee* to the piece of oeg rwting, in McHenry Coun»y. Itli 41« H Cryssac Lake McHenry, ItlroiS. and tor other re*«f, Rsat summons «as (My out of me tad court, you as pioeoed by lew, and mar the s*d suit <s st» you, the abore-named defendants, file your arnaer to the complaint in sa<d su<t or olherwHe meke your appear vice merean, in me said axrt held in me aourmouee in me City of Woodstock, iffinas. on or oetore me t3m aey of Jkigus*, H84, default may oe entered against you and eecr of you at any time after mat day and a Decree entered in accordance «r*m me prayer of said Complaint Doted July 9, 1984. Vernon w. Kays. Jr. Clerk of theCour» ROESER, VUCHA A CAR BAR Y 920 Devis Roed EJgn. II. 601X 312888 1820 'PuO 7-13,7 20 A 7-27,1984; NO 840376 WAS YOUR PICTURE R> Hsvr !« 'j* s. r A-iC* r a* WLrteafw tikjt# I . . / itafl «»fe i.aNwb»i i' TOltt" ycfei Ai are fci-j.r wt-rtt 51 7 SuBSChbtH '3.50 NON SUfc'-XfOBtn '6.00 8 x 1 0 suescwKh l6.00 NON i»U6StRl6£H M0.00 Order Yours Today!! ALLOW 1 DAfS FOR PROCESSING McHenry Plaindeater 3812 Wesi Elm Sueei PHONE 3850170 Chock the PET SECTION in Classified RECEIVE THIS SIGN FREE! When You Place Your GARAGE SALE Adv. With Us* W-W* f, \ « *rrW r J' \ jmf f '• T « - 7 * Sorry All Goroge Sole Ad Must De Pre-Paid in our office. THOSE ft UNWANTED ITEMS INTO CRSH To Place A Garage Sale Adv Call 344-4800 McHenry aihdealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHeriry, II. I i

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