Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1984, p. 11

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PAGE U - PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 18,1M4 f \ \ I •RuiTdeaterf Sa^tu • lassified Advertisers, plaost check your od the FIRST insertion datevln the event of an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible lor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the od which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Coll Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Pcjrty & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment In advance muat be made ft* these ads: •Babysitting *80810088 Opportunities •Business Services •Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms, Apia, to Shara •Situations Wanted -Sublease, Re-rent, etc. • Wanted to Buy • Wanted to Rent. Ricljmattb Shaw Free Press Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8:80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra "Crystal Lake Morning Herald *Cardonal Free Press Morning Herald *Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette "Marengo Beacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon/Republican News •Sycamore News •Cary-Grove Clarion 'Barrington Banner "McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News •Hampshire Register •Horvard Herald *Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Cemeteries 8 lots Card of Thanks Notices Car Pools Lost 8 Found Personals Instruction. Auctions Help Wanted Child Core Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted.. Help Wonted Merchandise Wanted to Buy . . .31 .02 Miscellaneous Merchandise. . . . 32 .03 Garage Sales....! .. .33 .05 Merchandise Under $50 .. .34 ior Antiques . . .35 . n Bicycles & Sports Equipment.. . . . .36 . 12 Lawn & Garden Equipment. . . . . . .37 13 Boats ...38 . 18 Musical Instruments ...39 Cameras ...40 Aviation . .41 . 19 Pets & Equipment .. .44 .20 Horses & Equipment . . .47 .21 Farm & Dairy. . . .48 .22 Livestock .. .49 .23 Machinery & Equipment . . .53 .24 Business Opportunity . . .66 24 Help Wanted Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property. . .70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale. 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes.. 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Refit.. 80 Homes to Rent.. < 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent. . . 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent.. 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy. 87 Auto Parts & Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 1 Cemeteries &Lots RIVER VALLEY Memorial Gardens, Rt. 31, Dundee. Catholic and Naneactarlan tac­ tions. Burial spaces $390 ea., in­ cludes care fee. Terms available. 312/426-3031 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice tots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 81V459-0547 CRYSTAL LAKE Union Cemetery, single plot, $250. 8H/459-1M9 IW1NDRIDGE BURIAL Lots, vaults, markers. Perpetual flower care, children up to age 2S covered free. Must soil. $3,010. IIS/315-1749. Card Of Thanks PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy spirit, you who makes me everything, and you who shows me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the Divine Gift to forgive jgf forget the wrong that is donMb ma, and You who are with me. I in this dialogue want to thank yoe for everything and to confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you. No matter how great material desires may be, I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen. Thank you for your love toward me and my loved ones. Persons must pray this prayer three con secutive days without asking your wish. After the third day your wish wi be granted no matter how dif ficult it may be. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted PA. Notices PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell ~415/33l-14tt*M POX RIDGE/Wlndlng Creek Babysitting co-op Is having its thlra meeting Friday, July 30,9 a.m. For more Information, call Nancy, >15/344-4467. JULY & AUGUST SPECIAL SCHOOLGIRL PERM $25.00 Sat. Only, by Jane By appoi mil wiii. •15/315-2966 S0UTHGATE BEAUTY SALON 110 FRONT ST. McHENRY AS OF JUNE 15, 1M4, I am .-assaalfate fer my debts and signature only, also not respofr sMefor any liabilities incurred by Marshal Enterprises, Genoa Oty, Wise. Mark amid. MEIER PRODUCE FARM N0W0PEN For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 9AMto7PM 8103 Golf Course Rd. Crystal Lake Notices 12 Personals • CRAFTERS WANTED For Fifth Annual Prints, Pots & Potpourri on August 26th. For more Info, call terry Reece at $15/459-2107 HONOLULU ft MAUI, 10 nights, $3,000 deluxe pkg. Must sacrifice for $1,500,312/639-7313 after 5pm. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell $15/338-166$ JOIN THE CLOWNS) Fifty Funny Faces wants you "would be" and present clowns to join us. Call 312/426-6147 10 Car Pools SHARE RIDE To downtown Waukegan. Weekdays, 8:30-5 pm. From McHenry area. $15/728-0271. NEED ride from Mc Henry to Crystal Lake, morning & even- Ing. 815/385-9738. 1L L(St & Found LOST LAB MIX, 7/6 In Cold Spring Valley area, all black male, red collar w/tags, answers to 'Charlie'. Reward. 815/338-7050. CAT FOUND, July 7, vicinity Lamb ft Charles Rds., Woodstock. Young charcoal gray male, very affectionate. Call 815/338-6865. LOST Long haired black cat, St. Catherine- Genoa Area. 815/784-6281 LOST Mk. Great Dane, male, wht. tips. Reward 312/931-0400 or 669-3367. FOUND one swim board from back of a boat. Found between Cary ft Algonquin on the Fox River. 815/3444909. LOST- GRAY COCKATIEL Sat. July 14, Mc Henry area i them face, orange cheeks. $100. Ver have, please call: 815/344- Wlngs have white on them, yellow face, orange cheeks. Reward $100. Very dear pet. If P LOST ROTTWEILLER, 07/15 vicinity Dean St., Woodstock. Lg. Mack/ browm male, flea collar, answers to Herschel. Reward. $15/33$-8158 or 338 9550 days. WALLET tound near St. Marys school In Woodstock. Must Identify, 815/338-2125. LOST 16 yr old female white poodle, vicinity of Country Club. $50 reward. Call 815/459 1672 12 Personals • THE FREEZE has a Delicious New Special every Tues. & Wed.! Stop in for a real Taste Treat at W0 Vlrglna In Crystal Lake. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. $15/385-2999 • "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS..$15.00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 FAMi l. PROBLEMS? Call the free end confidential stress ^ S ] Mntlnnr I - 1 INVITATION TO BID UNUSUAL PROJECT FOR BUCKET TRUCK OWNER/OPERATOR ̂ The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry is soliciting quotations for the installation and rerr«val of Christmas decorations m the Woodstock Squar® Project requires bucket truck for installa­ tion of Mahts on 30-foot trees. Contact the Chamber at 110 W. Calhoun St., Woodstock, for detailed specifications, 338-2436. Quotations will be accepted through August 3, 1984. SUMMER PARTY? See us for complete catering packages, from just $1.50 per person! C.L. DELI, 105 North Main St., $15/499-3443. Individual sessions for weight loss & smoking. For Informa­ tion and/or appointment, call 312/426-4070. 13 Instruction RIDING LESSONS - Summer Specials. Board, training, shows. Our Farm, 6703 Bull Valley. 815/344-0951, 312/438- 3790. PIANO LESSONS Ages 5 thru adult. Call Debbie at 815/385- 4854 19 Child Care RELIABLE PERSON will babysit your child in my home, full time only. 815/459-0937 BABYSITTING Available in my C'vllle home. Reasonable rates. 312/426-5583. WILL BABYSIT 13-yr. old girl, full time- $30; part time- $15. McHenry Shores. 815/385-4731. INFANT ft CHILD CARE In my Crystal Lake hdme. Max. of 25 hrs per week. 615/455-4596 RELIABLE MOW, exper., lots Of TLCTIbr 3 mttis. to 5 yrs. Ploy yd, swing set, ret. 312/639- 1055. WILL BABYSIT, my McHenry home- Lakeland Pk. area, beginning Aug. 20.312/639-7921. WILL BABYSIT in my McHenry home, full time preferred. 815/344-2594. 21 Situations Wanted WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793. Situations Situations 21 Wanted 21 Wanted NEED new siding or roof? Call the "House Doctor"- J & L Home Improvements. Fully bonded 8. Insured. 815/455-4226 or 815/455-3888. Ext. Z. W E W I L L D O Your housecleaning. Reasonable. Call 312/639-8163. NEED new siding or roof? Call the "House Doctor"- J & L Home Improvements. Fully bonded 8. Insured. 815/455-4226 or 815/455-3888. Ext. Z. DJ. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights 8i records for all. 312/584-0882. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, deteriorated bricks replaced & roofing. 312/526- 3151. DJ. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights 8i records for all. 312/584-0882. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, deteriorated bricks replaced & roofing. 312/526- 3151. RESPONSIBLE 18 year old, seeking painting |obs, Woodstock or Crystal Lake, 815/338-4586. HANDYMAN paint, electric, carpentry, auto, plumbing, yard work, window wash, qut- ter cleaning, odd lobs, 815/459- 0932. RESPONSIBLE 18 year old, seeking painting |obs, Woodstock or Crystal Lake, 815/338-4586. HANDYMAN paint, electric, carpentry, auto, plumbing, yard work, window wash, qut- ter cleaning, odd lobs, 815/459- 0932. WILL BABYSIT from Aug. to June. Ideal for teachers. Prefer infants. 815/459-5434. • HOUSE PAINTING, interior, 8i exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. TRIAL OFFER. 20% off (with coupon). Barry's "cleaning lady". No obligation estimate. 815/895-3099 • HOUSE PAINTING, interior, 8i exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. TWO LADIES are looking to clean large homes In Dundee Area. 15.50 an hour each. Phone: 312/426-5205. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. 1 WILL BABYSIT In my Hamp- TWO LADIES are looking to clean large homes In Dundee Area. 15.50 an hour each. Phone: 312/426-5205. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. 1 WILL BABYSIT In my Hamp- PAINTING LI DECORATING Call 815/385-5888 FREE ESTIMATES shire home. Carol Witt. 312/683- 3530. OFFICE WORK done "on call", your office. Hour, day or week. $5/hr„ $15/338-4577. PAINTING I. PAPERING Fully Insured-Free Estimates Don Johnson, 815/338-4850. RESUME SERVICE ft all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. Household 23 Help Wanted PET SITTING I _ daughter team, experienced with all animals. Algonquin, Neubert school area, 312/658- 3396. RESPONSIBLE COLLEGE student will do yard maintenance. 815/459-7591 BERLEY PAINTING Si DECORATING Free Estimates Interior & Exterior Call: 312/428-4182 Ask for ANDY WHITE GLOVE expert housecleaning, we do windows, homes, offices, stores. House sitting also available. 815/459- 8742. 18 Auctions AUCTION Saturday, July 21,1984 at 1 o'clock. Eatato of Loatar Schnulle to ba aold at Hansen Pavilion at McHanry County Fairgrounds, locatod Rt. 47 and Country Club Rd., Woodatock, III. Dar, furniture, tools & electrical materials, etc., 1979 3ontiac Lemans 4 dr., 6 cyl. with air, P.B., P.S., tilt wheel with 35,500 miles; 12 H.P. New Holland Tractor M/\ Snow blade; Toro 21 inch S.P. lawn mower; rubber tire wheelbarrow; 2 wheel flatbed tilt trailer; elec. weed shopper, temporary service on poles; 2 tool boxes with ots of hand tools; set of open end & box wrenches; set Df socket wrenches; skilsaw; tap & die set; chisel set; ots of elec. testers; knock out punches; elec. material; shop vac; cigar lighter air pump; window air conditioner; shovels; post-hole diggers; ladder set; pruning shears; aipe wrenches FURNITURE, ETC., Ward's color T.V. with remote con> trol, 3 mo. old; 2 pc china closet; round wood dropleaf table w/t extra leaf & 4 captains chairs; Frigidaire comb, refrig. & freezer; Ward's Microwave oven, 1 '/* yrs. old; semi-elec hospital bed; blond chest of drawers; nite stand, Zenith A.M. & F.M. table radio; living rm chair; wood T.V. table; cuckoo clock; clock radio, ottoman; 2 office desks; file cabinet; antique oak drop front desk; B & W T.V.; cedar chest; tape player; Ward's calculator; Bteel serving cart, humidifier; Kirby Vac; foot fixer; Sanyo teleph; glass top plant stand, toilet seat (wooden); plant stand, 3 steel folding chrs.; set of china; lots of odd china & knick knacks; 4 slice toaster and many other articles too numerous to mention. ESTATE OF LESTER SOHNULLE, Owner -- Terms - Cash or good check W.H. Russel, Auctioneer Paul Weidner, Executor, James Berner, Attorney AUCTION LOCATED 3 MILES SOUTH OF ALDEN, IL (173) ON CORNER OF ALDEN RD. AND THAYER RD.. OR 3 MILES SOUTH OF HEBRON ON ROUTE 47 TO THAYER RD., THEN WEST TO ALDEN RD. ON: SUNDAY, JULY 22.AT 12:30 Reason: Remarried, sold home and moved. ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, TOYS, FARM TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, LAWN MOWER Duncan Pfyfe dining table w/6 chairs, chest of drawers, butter churn, twin Jenny Lind single bed, round oak table, wooden ice box, kerosene lamps. 2 gal. brown jug, crocks, antique bed, old Morris chair, stereo Hi-Fi, oak choirs, rocker, old chest, Singer elec. sewing machine, roll-a'-way, lamps, corner table, fireplace screen, Maytag wringer washer, Speed Queen gas dryer, large upright freezer, wooden clothes dryer, lawn chairs, Lionel train set, metal childs play stove, port, air com­ pressor, heavy vise, 4 tier chicken battery, 300 gal. overhead tank w/stand, 20' ext. ladder, 8' McC grain drill on RT, 8' McC field cult., platform scale, antique 8' thistle mochine. 8' ladder, 5 rolls barb wire, steel crib vent, toy pedal tractor, hand tools, pile 1" angle iron, steel fence posts. 5 lengths 2" pipe, Winpower belt driven 2000 Watt generator, hond scythe, oil barrel and pump, B&D circular saw, '/«" drill, log niuifi.. *ump pump, wooden wagon wheel, riding lawn mower, do^ h»vse ond much, much more. Mrs. Leila Birk Hanson Auctioneer: Gordon Stado, McHonry, IL •15-3S5-7032 LOVING MATURE Woman to care for teacher's children, 2 r. Si 6 vrs.-lst grade. 7-3:30, my McHenry home. Own transport. ft rets, required. 815/385-1987. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 6 months old boy. Two davta week, 2-5 p.m. Own transporta­ tion, my Coventry home. 815/459-1044. MATURE RESPONSIBLE babysitter for 3 children. Full time p.m.Need own trans., ref., call 815/455-2675 before 2 p.m. RELIABLE LOVING WOMAN needed to care for Infant, Monday-Friday, In my McHenry home, starting Sept. 3rd. Must have excellent references. Good salary. 815/344-5435. INDIVIDUAL, 13 yr old or older to supervise one 8 yr. old, well behaved boy 3 days a week until school starts. Call after 5 p.m. or weekends, 815/338-0721. SITTER NEEDED Ideal for mature person with own transportation. 5 days a week, flexible hours, for Summer and efter school. 815/455-4145 RELIABLE SITTER for 2 children, 4 days/wk.( my Crystal Lake home or yours, ref. required, 8-5 p.m., 815/459- 9544 after 5 p.m. MATURE WOMAN to babv sit 19 month old In my home. Part- time, flex, hrs., overnights, good pay. 815/459-1949. M O T H E R S HELPER,responsible loving woman to assist working mother. 4-4 p.m., Mon. thru Fri., in my Lakewood home. Must have own car, 815/455- 4182. evenings. BABYSITTER for boy, 2Vi & girl, 10 months, Crystal Lake, 12 to 15 hrs./wk. Prefer mother w/young children. 815/455-1674. RELIABLE person to clean my home on a regular basis, in Woodstock. 815/377-0797. BABYSITTER needed. 3 days/week, school year. 2'/» ft 5 yr. old. Must be within walking distance Dean St. School, WOodstock, 815/338-0231. 21 Situations Wanted BABYSITTER for 2 children- 4 & 6 at my home between 3 & 5. 815/385-5917. Chapet Hill Rd. 24 Help Wanted OWN YOUR OWN business in Crystal Lake <i McHenry. In­ surance sales, multi-line, na­ tionally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid­ ed, college grad preferred, female/male. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, 11.60050. ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459-5757 RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton ft Associates. 312/428- 9255. REAL ESTATE SALES Posl tions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings 8i sales. Earn what you ' re worth wi th ERA Household Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential Interview. 312/639-2000. G E N E R A L T R U C K MECHANIC. 5 yrs. min. ex­ perience. Own tools & Impact tools. 312/669-5146. Ask for Rob or Dennis. J O B S J O B S J O B * Fast growing company.' ' Can earn: Part time $7/hr. Fulltime, 8360/wk. Students welcome. Mr. Calfa 312/449-1920 DENTAL ASSISTANT Needed. Part time 2 to 3 days per week. Experience necessary. Please callfor Interview. 815/459-1214 PART TIME Janitor work, 6:30-10pm weekdays, must be energetic & have valid drivers license, $3.50/hour to start, McHenry area . Also Housekeepers needed, days, part-time. 815/385-1877. BARTENDER to assist with bowling center operation. In­ terviews at Richmond Bowl, July 148,21,13pm. TOOL«. DIE DESIGNER Must be experienced with high speed progressive dies making close tolerance Intricate parts for electronics and information processing industries. AAA Shop, excelilent working condi­ tions and company benefits. Send resume to: BRUNKTOOLCOMPANY Box 149 Lake Geneva. WI. 53147 DENTAL HYGENIST needed. Pleasant family practice. Woodstock. 815/338-3815. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR Must be certified. Part tlme- posslble full time. Apply in per­ son at Gait Airport, 5112 Green­ wood Road, Wonder Lake, Il­ linois. k WANTED: Experienced ser­ vice station attendent for even­ ings and weekends. Must be clean, honest, and have general automobile knowledge. Apply at Coventry Union 76, Crystal Lake, 815/459-7411 CRYSTAL LAKE Optometrlc office needs part time help for Receptionist and dispensing duties. Experienced preferred Call: 815/459-5433. 18 Auctions LARGS AUCTION Saturday, July 21; 10 am Rte. 72 to Gilberts, then 1 mi.N.onGalligan Rd. Modal A Ford Car & Trucks, collectibles & antiques: 3 old IHC tractors, 1020-W30 1530; also IHC thrash­ ing machine, 22"; Farmal 1 Cub w/mower; Model A tractor, IHC; Singer Sewing Machine; roll top desk, needs work; washing machine; egg crates; milk bottles; mason jars; milk cans; Wooden wheel wagon; sleds & bicycles; blacksmith forge & tools, antique bathtubs & sinks; antique Century boat w/trailer. Runs.; Lge. iron kettles; old grain cleaner; cream separator. TRUCKS: 1978 S Model IHC semi-tractor, 1973 Ken worth semi-tractor w/sleeper, 1975 Single Axle IHC Semi-tractor, gas; Chevy four wheel drive, needs work; 1974 Ford 3/4 ton pickup; 1969 Ford Van truck, w/16' box; 1975 Ford Van truck; 1969 Ford grain truck, 6 wheel; 1969 Chevy pick up-3/4 ton. CARS: '79 Lincoln Towne Car; '76 Fiat Spyder, needs trans.; '76 Honda Civic; '72 Cadillac El Dorado; '62 Chevy Super Sport; '67 Buick Electra, 4 dr., no title, '72 VW Beetle; '72 Chevy 4 dr.; '72 VW Camper FARM EQUIPMENT: Smidley hog '"Her; hog water ers; tanks, '*'-nwino crates; old grain dryer; old augers. MISCELLANEOUS: Air Conditioners; table saw; mott flail with Wisconsin engine; meat band saw; 100 wood trusses • various sizes.^misc. engines; auto., truck, gasoline, electric, transmissions; exercise bike & belt; garage d*v>r; complete aluminum com mercial building window -•'are heaters; cars & truck tires; house shifters & windows. •••CTKMIEERSsHarold Nelson & Floyd Carlson PART-TIME WAITRESS Flexible Hours Must be 21 CALL 344-1520 AND ASK FOR JIM or come in to fill out an application pi&p 4301 W. Elm Street McHenry FRENCH RESTAURANT look­ ing for an apprentice Chef. For appointment call 815/385-8223 after 12 noon. GENERAL OFFICE, part time, approximately 25 hours a week. Skills required: Typing, calculator, computer entry, good handwriting, pleasant voice, proficient with gram­ mar, hardworking, easy to get along with, mature, creative 8i ambitious. We are a profes­ sional practice seeking so­ meone with above credentials to join our team. Send resume in confidence to Box A K J, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake. 1160014. HYGIENIST NEEDED 2 years min imum exper ience, Thursdays 11:30am-8:30pm, 815/385-1360. OWNER/OPERATORS to haul 312/426-5&4 MOLD MAKER, retired, hours optional, call Dick 815/338-1353 between 7 am <i 5 pm. WAREHOUSE Delivery Man, full time, own van - if possible. Call Weilers Furniture, Crystal Lake, 815/459-3363 for appoint­ ment. SECRETARY/RI for busy office. Switchboard handling and secretarial skills required. Call: 312/428-5000. 24 Help Wanted PART TIME counter help wanted. Days. Short hours, perfect for housewife. Must be 21. Apply in person after 2 pm. The Crossroads. 7608 Virginia Rd- Crystal Lake. MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES We have several management opportunities available In our saw. credit, collection, ft ̂ hip­ ping departments. No ex­ perience necesssary. Must be over a. Salary, commission, bonuses 8i other fringe benefits. Some part time positions also exist. Must be available from 4 to 10 pm A Saturdays. Call 1-800/892-8002 Ask For Personnel Dept. X - R A Y T E C H N I C I A N Experienced, part-time for doctors office In McHenry. 815/385-9092 i 24 Help Wanted ̂ SET-UP MAN v 2nd Shift High-spaed printing machines. Set-up experience preferred. Apply In person: SANFORDCORP ISOOMcConnell Rd. Woodstock, IL SITE MANAGER Needed for Senior Citizen apartment com­ plex. Real estate experience helpful. Full time position. Ap­ ply in person, at Burnham Mill Apartments, 1287 Fleetwood Dr., Elgin, Mon. thru Fri., 1 pm thru 4 pm. We are an equal op­ portunity employer. EXPERIENCED Breakfast ft Lunch Cook; Dayt ime Waitress. Apply in person after 12 noon, 205 5. Main St., Algon­ quin ̂ GENERAL OFFICE Duties in DENTAL ASSISTANT, Cary area. Part time, possible full time. Eves. ft sat. hrs. a MUST! 11 312/639-5300- leave message. DENTAL HYGIENIST Must be licensed. Cary area. Part time- Tuesday/ Thursday, Incl. eves. 312/639-5300 leave message. School District 1200 needs the following high school coaches for the fall season. Must have an Illinois Teaching Cer­ tificate: Head Cross Country Assistant Cross Country Head Golf Freshman Girls' Volleyball For More Information Contact: WOODSTOCK HIGH SCHOOL 501 West South Street 815/338-4370 SALES RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary. Full time, 5 days In­ cl. Saturdays. Sundays- Weekday off. Crystal Valley RV, Crystal Lake. 815/459-6611 MOLD DESIGN ENGINEER We are seeking an aggressive, self-motivated individual with a minimum of 3 years ex­ perience In Injection mold design. This Is a newly created position. You will have the op­ portunity of working for a cor­ poration with a complete benefit package. If interested, please call Greg: 815/338-3880 PHILLIPS PLASTICS Woodstock, IL MANUFACTURER has Im­ mediate opportunity for assembly and machining. Machine shop experience desired. Good potential for orowth. Call 312/639-3858. Calco Controls, 427 Lincoln, Fox River Grove. SERVICE CLERK Position, day time availability, must be 16, some heavy lifting. Apply at service desk. Jewel, 4222 Elm St. McHenry, 815/344-1408. d. filing, light typing, phone work . Ar l ington Fastener Co., Barrlngton. 312/381-7700. MATURE ADULTS Work 8 10 hrs./wk. Can earn 880-1220. Call Mr.Wicklln,M-F,9a.m.-0p.m. 312-658-6826 MATURE ADULTS Work 8-10 hrsVwk. Can earn $80-8220. Call Mr. Wlcklin, M-F, 9 a.m.4 p.m. 312-658-6826 MATURE Responsible person, experienced in Chemical blen­ ding and miscellaneous in­ dustrial functions. Class " C" license a plus. Call 312/6954700 for appointment. IWM Corp., Elgin. EXPERIENCED Keyline/Paste-up Proofreader Typesetter 815/455-38X PART TIME PIZZA DELIVERY Must Have Own Car 20 To 25 Hours Per Week Averages $7.50 Per Hour Please Apply In Person A LITTLE PIZZA HEAVEN 110 Washington Street Woodstook, IL 815/338-8132 E X C E L L E N T OPPORTUNITY: Cleaning 8i maintenance of Crystal Lake restaurant 8i bar. 20-30 hours per wk. Ideal for retired per- son. Call 815/459-2660. LIGHT ASSEMBLY FULLTIME APPLY AT JECO INDUSTRIES 28W005 Industrial Barrlngton, Illinois (Near Rte. 14& Pepper Rd.) BEAUTICIAN W/FOLLOW ING to Rent Station. Call 815/338-3593 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES GROWTH POTENTIAL < The Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group can otter both of these advan tages to qualified individuals who are looking for a future and not just a |ob. We are the fastest growing newspaper publisher/commercial prin ter in the Chicago area and this creates constant opportunities that we cannot always fill from within. If you are motivated and have the neces sary job requirements for one of these positions, please apply in person or send a resume. v ADVERTISING PRODUCTION TYPESETTER: Two part-time positions requiring accurate typing of 40 45 wpm. Responsible for typesetting ads and editorial Monday night hours required. Positions available at McHENRY PLAINDEALER and CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD TYPESETTER: Full time positions for accurate typists (40 45 wpm) with ability to learn quickly and use common sense approach to their job. Would prefer typesetting experience, but willing to train Positions available at CARPENTE RSVILLE andCRYSTAL LAKE offices DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION CLERK: Assist manager in scheduling and logging ads and other various duties as assigned Full time position for energetic, organized individual willing to .earn new res ponsibilities as necessary. Pasteup skills and typing ability a definite plus. Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. CIRCULATION CARRIER COUNSELOR: Part time position of 20 25 hours per week assisting District Managers with hiring, training and delivery of Elgin Herald. Excellent for student or housewife. Must enjoy working with young people. Available at CARPENTE RSVILLE office. BUNDLE DRIVER: Early morning, part time position between 3 and 5 a.m. Monday-Friday delivering carrier bundles from Crystal Lake to Cary and Fox River Grove. Must be dependable and provide own tran sportation (will require larger car, truck or jeep) Available at CRYS­ TAL LAKE office. TELEMARKETING: Two part time positions are available in our phone room during evening hours. Responsible for subscription sales to area residents. Must enjoy dealing with people. Positions available at CAR PENTERSVILLE office. CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT: Seeking individual with good typing and spelling skills to learn and assist manager in all areas of Classified Telemarketing Full time position Monday through Friday. Must be able to work extra hours as needed. Typesetting experience a definite plus Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE office EDITORIAL SPORTS STRINGER: Part time position responsible for covering high school athletics, writing sports features and gathering statistics for county teams. Knowledge of sports and familiarity with area teams pre ferred. Must be able to work weekends and flexible enough to handle last minute assignments. Experience with 35mm camera preferred. Car ne cessary. Ideal for student planning career in Journalism Position avail­ able at WOODSTOCK office EDITORIAL TYPESETTER: Responsible for inputting editorial copy and working with copy editor to produce copy Must be accurate typist with speed of 50-55 wpm, good manual dexterity, possess basic English and grammar skills and work well under deadline pressure Applicants may^apply atier*3 p:nr: to Richard R.^jWieki, at the-CRY-STAL LAKE^ot^ fice, 7803 Pyott Road. MAILROOM DRIVERS: Day and Night shift position requiring good driving record with some experience driving straight truck preferred Class C license an extra plus. Duties include bundle delivery to carriers and miscellane ous warehouse duties. Flexible hours based on work load Must be de pendable and able to read and understand map directions Position avail able at CARPENTE RSVILLE office. MAILROOM HELPERS: Immediate openings on the night shift collating newspapers and other miscellaneous mailroom jobs Must be able to work flexible hours dependent upon work load Positions requires de pendable, energetic individuals. Available at CARPENTERSVILLE of fice. PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION CAMERA/PLATE ROOM: Full time position for individual experienced in camera operations, stripping, plate making and color work Responsi ble for pre press operations for newspapers and commercial jobs Posl tion available in CARPENTERSVILLE office PRESS JOGGER/STACKER: Immediate, temporary, full-time openings on all shifts. Must be 18 years old, willing to work flexible hours and be de pendable. Possibility of permanent employment depending upon indi vldual'sability. Available at CARPENTE RSVILLE office WEB OFFSET PRESSMAN: Ful l time positions for pressmen experi enced on Goss Suburban and Community presses. Must be able to work days or nights. Advancement opportunities for energetic Individuals Available at CARPENTE RSVILLE office. You may pick up an application at any of the Shaw Free Press Newspap ers for the positions listed above. Applications should be forwarded to the Carpentersville office, personnel department Successful candidates will be contacted for further interviews No phone calls, please Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville, IL 60110 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER J

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