T.JULTtt, hii I §iit i RoD Call: House votes to raise debt ceiling Opponent George Miller, DCaUf.. called it "obtifatary" to reject the bill "if the BOOK IS going to stand up for ILLINOIS- PfafiMp Crane, R-12, voted do EX-PRESIDENTS-By a vole of ISO for and 233 against, the Boose rejected an amendment to cat tmQJM from the $1.17 mflUnn ap propriation for mpportm former piertdenfa Carter, Ford and Nixon in fiacal IMS The outlay covert their Wj800 pensions, Secret gerrice protection, staff allowances and other eapenses The vote occur ed during debate on HR 5798, later tent to the Senate. On s separate vote, the House cut the $1.17 mflboo figure by 1147 JM. Sponsor Andrew Jaeobs, D-Ind , noted that former presidents can parlay their government experience into huge lecture, book and corporate fees. "If you are malting $1 milbon a year, yon ought to at least be able to pay your secretary.. your office rent," he said. Opponent Silvio Conte, R-Mass., told Jacobs that "fighting for the tittle guy, toppling the kingi of our day, makes great press" but overlooks the legitimate expenses faced by Carter, Ford and Nixon as former chiefs of state. Members voting no were uppuoed to the proposed 76 percent cut in IMS outlays for former presidents. Careless drivers making River Road very dangerous ILLINOIS-Philip Grane, R-12, 883 CUT-The Senate voted, M for to As later lav, the bffl Your Legislators State Senator Jack Schaffer (R). 32nd. 56 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake. 111.. 60014 Phone: 455-0309 Springfield Phone: 217 782-6525 U.S. Senators Alan J. Dixon (Rj 230 S Dearborn Room 3960 Chicago. HI . 60604 Phone 312 353-5420 Room 108 Springfield. Dl., 62706 Phone 217 492 4126 United States Senate Senate Office Bldg Washington, D C . 20510 Charles H. Percy (R) 230 S Dearborn Room 3892 Chicago, 111. G0604 Phone 312 353-4952 600 E Monroe Room 117 Springfield. 111., 62706 Phone 217 492-4442 4 United States Senate Senate Office Bldg Washington, D C., 20510 State Representatives Dick Klemm (R). 63rd. 3 W Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake. HI., 60014 Phone 455-6330 U --l̂ trstton Bldg. ringfield, Dl., 62706 Phone. 217 782-8000 Ronald Wait (R), 64th 110 E. Second St. Belvidere, Dl., 61008 U.S. Representative Philip M. Crane (R), 12th 1450 New Wilke Rd. Mount Prospect, III.. 60005 Phone 312 394-0790 House of Representatives House Office Bldg. Washington, D C. 20515 McHenry County ( 56 N. William Sti Office treet Crystal Lake, 111., 60014 Phone: 459-3399 rptisnw Drancn ouogec. CHR5753) agencies by 5 percent over ISM levels, to fLSbflfion. Jake Gam, R-Utah, said he favors Membyitem rather than an indiscriminate acroas-the-board ap proach. Opponent Don Nkfclea, R-Okla., aaid: "For crying out loud, people have been telling us to get our house in order... we have to make some sacrifice our scire* if we are going to ask others to make sacrifices as wdL" Senators voting yes were opposed to a two percent acrose-the- board cut in the legislative briaich budget. IL~ Alan Dixon, D, voted no. Charles Percy, R, voted yes. DRINKING- By a vote of SI for and 16 against, the Senate ap proved legislation that pressures states to raise their minimum drinking age to 21 years. Staes not complying by 19S7 stand to love five pet cent of their federal highway money if fiacal 1987 and 10 percent in fiacal IMS. The provision was attached to HR 4616, which was headed for the White House and President Reagan's signature. The trill also provides financial incentives to encourage states to enact man datory sentencing of drunk drivers. Supporter Robert Byrd, D-W. Va., said the higher diinklug age will "help put an end to the earn ago on our nation's highways." Cahng the legislation "coercion and blackmail by the central government," opponent Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., said '1 believe it to be repugnant to the Constitution, inconsistent with sound prin ciples of federalism, and not in the best interests of our country." Senators voting yes wanted states to set 21 as their mi-im--n drinking age. IL.-Dixon did not vote. Percy voted yes. SUBSTITUTE-By a vote of 35 for and 62 against, the Senate rejected an attempt to water-down legislation (above) to bring about a nationwide minimum drinking age of 21 years. The substitute proposed that financial incentives, rather than penalties, be used to encourage compliance by states. And it enabled staes to keep lower drinking ages as well as full federal Lfrry Pressler, R-S.D., who supported the substitute, said th£ use of federal penalties "raiaes serious constitutional questions about states' rights in our federal system." Opponent Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said adoption of the sub stitute would mean "business as usual" on the nation's highways. Senators voting yes wanted to soften legislation to bring about 21 years as the legal drinking age in all states. DL.- Dixon did not vote. Percy voted no. Man injured in traffic accident «<^kor: I reed the article on the ducks that have been killed on River Bond snd I want to say thank von to the person who spoke up. My cat was hit and killed on River Road in a 30 mph zone. She recently bad a litter of kitteau who miss her very much. As of late I have seen the cruelty of many animals being hit on River Road and slot of the made of McHenry. Animals hate a purpose other than being targets. They are beautiful just to watch. When I'm crossing the read Just to get my mall I have a real fear Ym not going to make it either. Its unbelievable the careless driving on River Road, Everyone's tempers are up so hi* of the sM bridge Itnieytearforthed as an the bridge when it I cars on the bridge. so dose to heart stop I I Bte River Rood and I get Jnat as hot and tired in traffic aui I atffl slow down and watch the read. lite is too short aa H is. To take it away by being carries* is a great loss. Many people driving In McHeary need riot more patience, caring aad ffnmai sence. CX\ Store personnel at fault "Edttor: "Something distur '̂g happened recently at the Eagle here in McHenry. I was in the produce section at - a f•••n the one. Along came two young teenage girls laughing and carrying-on. There alao was a produce clerk working in this section. I don't know what made me notice, but I glanced at the girls and saw them poking their fingers in the cut slices of watermelon. They weren't trying to get a piece of it- just destroy it. I hollared at them to stop, and they laughed at me. I went and told the produce clerk what had happened, and he ignored me! He just kept on working. The girls watched me tell the clerk, and seeing be did nothing, laughed and went out the door, in no big hurry. TUs isnt earth know, but It isnt the first time I've asked an employee of a store to do something shout a crime (the other time I saw couple of young cartons of cigarettes), and nothing was done. These girls will continue to damage merchandise and the boys will continue to steal, because they get away with it Not only that- they saw that the store personnel will do m4b*ng about it.. Who ends up paying for all this but us, the customers. The store wont lose a dime. I resent this. should be done to If the employees choose not to stop crimes in progress, thai why dont all of us walk out with our groceries unpaid for? After all, who's going to stop you? Observer happily notices cleaner look among youth Erasmo DeLeon, 19, 5706 W. Broadway, Richmond, was taken to Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry, by Wonder Lake Rescue Squad following a one-car accident at 2:30 a.m. Sunday on Thompson Road north of Illinois 120. DeLeon told sheriffs police be apparently fell asleep at the wheel of his northbound vehicle. Early Saturday, aheriff's police investigated damage to trucks at Mass Grinding k Grooving, 4400 McCullom Lake Road, McHenry, where one truck had been used to strike another truck causing Hnm«g«» to the hood, cab and radiator. Police also found that a brick had been thrown through the window of one of the trucks. 'fEditoriri'. '<a< n« •« >f$ Having attended "A Taste of Chicago" and the recent fireworks show in Chicago's Grant Park among some 500,000 people, my wife and I ex perienced some unexpected delights. R has been several years since we last mixed in a throng of such proportions. We were pleasantly surprised at the orderliness and affirmative demeanor of the crowd. We witnessed no unruliness, a minimum of pushing and shoving, and (wonder of won ders) an absence of littering. Invariably, trash carefully was deposited in available con tainers. We saw no drunkenness and could identify no "pot" smokers. Hey, McHenry, things are changing out there PRICES OOOO JULY IS-JULY 24 The Best Small Lift For Big Business Introducing This Week You Could WIN Available Now at 2314 W.RT. 120, EAST OPEN AT SAM Cigarettes F McHENRY Lejon Brandy Budweiser rtltt TAX *8.98 24-12 OZ CANS Use as a personal lift..or boom crane... reaches working heights of 38 feet s6.99 Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Free, or S.F. Pepsi Free Traveler's Club Hamm's 24-12 OZ CANS 0-14 OZ SOTTIIS Usher's Green Stripe mmmm •One man operation •Easy tow •Convenient Size 7Up, Crush, Dr. Pepper or Like Cola Cribari Wines Major Peters Bloody Mary Mix 11-12 oz ICAMftfl Cribari Champagnes and Spumante Glenmore Vodka HAVING A PARTY> Why not have it catered by Muller Pinehurst 2% Milk *1.49 Glenmore Gin 0 marked improvemttt in the clothing and "apple pie" ap pearance of the crowd. People are much neater than they were a few years ago. We saw almost no straggly beards, few torn T- shirts with dumb sayings in scribed, and much shortened and trim haircuts among both men and women. If some of this is due to the slick Michael Jackson influence, then go out and buy his records! m endure the incomprehensible beat for some old-fashioned neat, any day. So, put away the bowling shirts. Stash the tavern hlasers. Burn the painters' overalls. Break out the rasors and the hair-cutting shears. The pen dulum again may be swinging back to the scrubbed look and elegant clothing styles. Take heed, McHenry. R may be time to start dressing up - even when we go to church. Al Marrow RaiUdealSf" McHenry Herald (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phono 815-385-0170 McHanry. Illinois 80090 Publishod JEvary Wednesday S Fridoy of McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postoga PAID at McHanry. Illinois by SHAW FIIEC PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Sand oddross changes to McHanry Piaindaolar 3812 W. Elm St.. McHanry. Illinois 60050 Subscribers ara raquastad to provide immadiata notice of efcons* 6f «<Wross to tho McHanry Piaindaolar. 3812 W. Elm St., McHanry. III. M080. A deduction of one month from tho axpi ration of a subscription will bo modo whore a chonQa of oddross is provided through the Post OHica deportment. Thomst C. Miller-Publisher Donna Bcrtulis-Editor fltoarfc Winning Hetospaper MftWMMATIONAl AMOCIATION wwcarfion rates *<***•< Week ffaw. $19.00 to McHenry County ' raw* $27.00 rCbenty