Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1984, p. 15

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, JULY 20,1984 24 Help Wanted AWAY ABETTER JOB W i ' n R « d L o b s t e r , Americo's fastest-growing, full service seafood resteu- rant, and as we grow, so do our job opportunities. Right now,- we're looking for: •Waiters (Waitresses •Bartenders •Night Kitchen •Dish Washers We're proud of our. out­ standing benefits package which includes Top Pay, Group Insurance including Dental A Maternity cover­ age, Paid Vacation, Holi­ days, No Tip Splitting, Uni­ form Maintenance Alio wance (where applicable) AND MORE! NOEXPERIENCE NECESSARY Apply In Parson Between 2-4 pm REOLOBSTER INNS OF AMERICA 701 Springhill Ring Road WEST DUNDEE •qual opportjhity employer m/tAh/v PERMANENT PULL TIME-- Mechanic/ welder/ heavy equipment operator. We have only rell Individuals an opening for an experienced Individual; only reliable, responsible Individuals need apply. We offer paid holidays, paid vacations, paid sick days, ft Insurance plan. Please call to set up an Interview. Larry Hay. Greenwood Township, $15/640- MEAT WRAPPER, weekdays ft Saturday. Apply In person to Stone Hill Poods. MO Rte. 22 in Foot River Grove. IL. RENTAL ASSISTANT for apt. complex In Woodstock area. MUST assist property manager w/ renting opto., collections, lease renewals, ft tenant calls. Typing required. Must be Aft ja flVflllCDIV TO wOTK WWKBTIQSi W hr. work week, competitive salary ft fringe benefits. Call $15/330-23$3. PERMANENT POSITION. General factory, some wood* working experience helpful. Apply to Jadee, Inc. W04 Main sTTnsbron. IL. TRI III COMPUTER. 2 disk, 41 Hmoitoi V111, prlnty. loads of software, disks, boohs, paper, etc. $l,200/best. Jadee. Inc. •WMB-SW1. ART STUDENT: Graphic ^ pliplj part Hffls freelance help. Iflftll tratoas pMoMslitint, for graphic work. Cad P A R T T I M E f l o o r maintenance In Woodstock, 7 am-10 am dally. Call 015/330- 9300 7 am-10 am ohly, ask for Floor Malnt. Mgr., or 312/350- 077? after 4 pm. CASHIER Primarily Night Hours (Some Weekend Hours) SXSO/hr.-Apply In Person MINUTEMAN CONVENIENCE CENTER 131 Washington " » WDSWIUli.IL -tfyUl WAITRESS Pari time. River view Restaurant, Call AMke or Bill 312/450-5200. 24 Help Wanted A LEAPING publisher In near­ by Berrtogton has openings CLERK TYPIST gyjres a detaH-orlented person awsas-ssiF CLERK TYPIST Strong clerical background with record keeping ability. Average accurate typing skills ability to deaf with required. CRT experience a plus. For interview appointment, Ctll: Shirley Lerum 312/381-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING 1301S. Grove Ave. J Barrlnaton, IL 60010 Hurt awipnuwWy swpteyer m/f Customer Service A leading publisher In nearby Banington has openings for: •CREDIT & COLLECTION ASST. Must hove ability to deal well with customers over \the telephone. Typing speed of 45 wpm, knowledge of calculator and computer terminals re­ quired. Previous accounting experience a plus. •CUSTOMER SERVICE kills. REPRESENTATIVE Excellent secretarial Skill superior typing, ft of bookkeeping required. Must be well-organuod and detail For Interview appt., call: Shirley Lorum 312/381-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING 1301S. Grove Ave. Barrlngton, IL GENERAL OPPICE and Receptionist. Good typing skills rewired. Full lime. Competitive salary and benefits. Easter Seal From McHenry County. IIS/DO-ITW or $15/338-0433. NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, excellent starting salary ft benefits. Free meels ft park­ ing. Apply In person Monday thru rrlday 1:30 to 5, Woodstock Residence, 309 ILiUmmj ft|^ Wnnifel n r If mCrWIHy MVCw "WUaTOtft. RITSOR LPffl part time. Ex­ cellent starting salary ft benefits. Free meels ft park­ ing. Apply In person Monday thru Friday 1:30 to 5, Woodstock Residence, 309 | | n | , i y - % f t f f i n r S a l n r l r lYocnenry MVC.# VTOUUSTOCK. MATURE PERSON tor hostess at lunch, Monday thru Friday. Also Gift Shop clerk, evenings ft Sunday. Call 312/05M441. CARPENTERS and Fremers wanted. Apply at: Algonquin Lumber Co* 417 S. Harrison Cft ALfiniini iln wif WywmUlili PIZZA COOK, evenings. only. No ly efter 4 pm, "P Restaurant, CD Lake Ave* Mature ft experienced phono^atlfcAppty in g person on- PuniaM's CUIMMIIILBBn IWIfel£L Ci«M iyr111 - • pwgye avewauw. ̂ ppff If- III Bmwmm Y VII I VIM I# rvvlwO person, 9 am-Noon, I intorarttoo, 22192 N. Rd- Barrlngton. IL. PART-TIME FACULTY MCHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE MCC is seeking applicants for the following part-time faculty positions for Fall Semester: Agriculture-Pesticides ft Chemical Applications Basic Nurse Assistant Training Chemistry-MS in Chemistry required Economics-Masters in Ecoomics required English-Composition I ft II Masters in English required Math-MS in Math required Philosophy Ethics4 Religions of the World Masters in Phisolophy required Physical Education-MS in P.E. required Photography Beginning ft Intermediate-Masters in Photography required Speech-Masters in Speech/Theatre or equivalent required Theatre Technical Director/Lighting Designer ft Costumer needed for Fall Season. For details regarding the positions, please contact the Personnel Office 815/455-3700 EO/AA Employer M/F NEED IMMEDIATELY ENTRY LEVEL Industrial Mechanic Mutt be qualified to learn to efficiently and thoroughly repair electric motors and related mechanical equipment. Position requires, as a minimum, high school diploma, interest in lifetime work in heavy mochinery repair/rebuilding, references, own tools. Electrical and machinist knowlego a plus. • GOOD SALARY * 50/50 GROUP • PAID HOLIDAYS INSUR. W/DENTAL • UNIFORMS * PAID VACATION McHDKV ELECTRIC CO.- 4012 Main Street • McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-5530 JUNIOR INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Manufacturer of f ract ional horse­ power motors has an immediate opening for an inaiv idJ -1 with 0-2 years exper ience in industr ia l engi­ neer ing. Responsib i l i t ies inc lude t ime and mot ion studies, rout ing up­ dates, methods improvements and workplace layout rev is ions. A 4 year technical degree desirable. We of fer a compet i t ive salary and benef i t package p lus opportuni ty for advancement. If interested call or send resume to: 815/459-7204 Caiman OEITI. Inc. 7510 Virginia Road Crystal Lake, IL 60014, An EeJit OwirMiii C ' VE OFFER YOU MORETHAN Just adusrttobtg to make you successful) Besides sponsoring a pre-llosnst school ft addi­ tional 40 hour unequal training, ERA ha| the ON LYHome War­ ranty ft Guaranteed Sale pro- grem In the Industry. There ere " associate participation ft ttsefeSS^ERA Is also of- -- NEW heme privy only to ERA. MfffRESTED? Call for ndioBior you are --jod or thinking of olnlng the fascinating Reel Estate Industry I NOW TS THE TIME I. ERA/Ceravan Reel Estate, Inc. 312/430-3610 DEPARTMENT STORE HOUSEKEEPING pso iiwo potnnon waRoMo In the Spnrn Hill Mall area. Hear for i nd eastern* hours s sllslili. KELLERMEYER BUILDING SERVICES At our home office In MIcMgen tell tree durtwg business' 1-100-521-3114 H H*p Wanted SILKSOUEENER NEEDED Full Time position. HELP WANTED PETLAND Spring Hill Mall Full ft̂ Parf Time positions available for outgoing responsi­ ble Individuals. (No Phone Cells) ELECTROPLATING SUPERINTENDENT & PLATING FOREMEN-DIECAST Leading multi-plant manufac­ turing corporation soeklnng en •Iccfroplatlng lupfflntniwiil ft plaHng foremen fore division within a 100 mile radius of Memphis. Tennessee. Engaged in zinc diecastlng, automatic ft hand polishing, buffing, painting ft nigh pro- QUCTKXT vifCTropiflTing on large automatic platers for automatlve, appliance ft plum­ bing Industries. Must be able to really understand the mechanics of, as well as be a hands-on manager in the opera­ tion of large fully automatic dlecast platers. Also, supervise II • - ha^lriBl • lirflllni -A . Tnt cntmicai aoaiTion ana/or puriTicanon or eiecTropianng solutions, running copper, nickel ft chrome on zinc diecasttngs. Salary ft bonus ranging from S3S M to $50 M depending upon background, dedication ft position qualified for. Send complete resume. Not en agency. BOXAKO SHAW FREE PRESS P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, 1160014 CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative Poeltton available tor an In­ dividual with at least 3 years In­ side customer service ex- will Include accurate gfharaLpffice skill t • • " affYfYt'y%n7>il_ assignments. We offer an ex* eel lent starting salary and full range of benefits. Qualified In­ dividuals please sand resume or apply In person to fill out an appRcaHon: Ann Beitner MacLEAN-FOGG COMPANY 5100 Wilson Rd. Richmond, IL 10071 » oppo^u f̂y owpteyor in/f M Help Wanted NTMNKT. Part flint lor Crystal Lake office. 2 deys, l evening. Call between 9 em ft 4 pm. 015/455-3123 BARTENDER Part time weekdays. Saturday ft Sunday. Call 015/435-0341 or 49M0M ELECTROPLATING SUPERINTENDENT & PLATING FOREMEN-PLASTIC Leedlng multi-plant manufac­ turing corporation soeklnng en otoctropiotlng superintendent ft ptetlng foremen tar e division located within a 100 mile redlus of Memphis. Tennessee. Engaged In exterior ft interior electmpleting of plastics on lerge automatic platers for eutomatlve ft appliance in­ dustries. Heavily Involved In ptatic molding, painting ft assembly. Must be eble to reel- S understand the mechanics ' •* **" u be a hands-on manager In the opsretion of lerge fully automatic plastic platers. Also, supervise the chemlcel additions end/or purification of electroplating solutions running copper, " ft chrome on plastic parts. Salary ft bonus ranging from $35 M re ISO M depending upon background, dedication ft position qualified for. Send complete resume. Not en agen­ cy. BOXAKN SHAW FREE PRESS P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, 1160014 LAB TECHNICIAN Dependable and mature person to perform complex immunology blood tests in a busy medical practice. Lab experience desired. Full Time. Available im­ mediately. Good benefits, additional training provid­ ed. 815/455-1990 Mon.Tues.Thurs. Frl. 9 AM to 11:30 AM or 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM OOOK«WAITRESS*BUS BOY Help needed; Experienced only need epply. Phone for oppolnt- --015/3054335-- 31 Wanted To Buy 71RPM Wurlltzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Items, cash 312/444-5461 < WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold ft Sliver. T ft C Motel Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crysfel Lake, IL Mon thru Frl • 0 to 5, Sat • 0 to 4.115/459-4445. ChV r tCU3 .a .H nlv.-'flS WIYaKRAPUBTAL^H3 ootF We buy cans, copper, brass, scrap aluminum. Open dolly, 7 K„ Sundays l-noon. 306 rwood, Crysfel Lake •15/459-7751 LOOKING FOR Menx kitten or Information about breeder 115/459-9255 before 9:30 am. PRESSURE CANNER ft Pollshsd Brass Fireplace tools. Cell 115/459-7400. PART TIME PERMANENT SALES Person to work in lighting & video showroom Some evenings & weekends necessary Hours negotiable. Apply in person only: Nelson Electronics Rte. 31 & Bull Valley Rd., McHenry JOURNEYMAN TOOL & DIE MAKERS 1st ft 2nd Shift Tool & Die Maker for expanding operation In plant fabrication work involving building and/or repairing progressive & compound dies, jigs & fixtures. Job shop experience preferred. Good wages & excellent company paid benefit package. Apply To Personnel Department GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F 2L Wanted To BUY Misc. 32 Merchandise GOLD & SILVER Coins, Dlemends. Class Rings of Drown jwnrYf 9rin* •no riiiwarv, wni®CTor riarw. FAMILY COINS ft INVESTMENTS ̂ 3M Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 015/455-4190 H.C. OOtN ft STAMP CO. WE BUY ft SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •̂ 015/459-3948 ̂ FURNITURE WANTED: Private Party furnishing sum­ mer homokWill poy cash for: Coppertone 3b" elec. Stove Avecado Washer Night Stends Comrtonc Rtfrigtrtfor ^oiorT.V. Console, End or Cocktell Tables w/mar- We Inserts l/ii-L il , ,|l , A . MIIIWIQIIWII9 SVT/ 312/301-3902,312/301-2997 OLD ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Any size or condition Toil free 1-000/5534021 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP nfvn TOMT uonrnmrn •FurnHure<MMn| •Any Re-Sslesbls Hems All DonetlonsTex Deductible 6S East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake lOAMtoSPM-Mon-Sat 015/499-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Shermen Hospital Auxlllery (Crysfel Uke Branch) APPLIANCES, Refriperatorfc washers ft diners, e ŝctrlc ft gMrenges. Cleen ft like new at reasoneble prices. All recondi­ tioned and guaranteed. Wehl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., McHenry. 115/305-1072. LARGE SELECTION of recon­ ditioned refrlgeretors, washers, dryers, renges, freezers end TV's with werron- Appliance, Bfisc. 32 Merchandise TRADE-IN SALE -your sofa- $100, your recllner-S50, your kitchen teble ft chairs-S50, your mattress set-S25. Weller's Furn. Fectory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Leke. 015/459- 3363. PEAVEY special, 130 empllfier, 2 chennels, Scorplan speeker end fender, stretocester copy w/case ft 50 ft. straight cord. Both like brend new. esklng $450 or best oner, 312/6954)775 or 931-4021 Scott. • REPLACE your old furnace with e new High Efficiency neturel gas fired furnece. Johnson Heating ft Air /459-Q070 Conditioning, 015/' RAILROAD TIES $3.90/oech. Landscape timbers, bulk grass ft pasture sseds. The eree's largest selection of lendscaplng supplies. Woodstock Farm ft Lawn, 015/330-4200. TANNING BEDS ft Saunas, spas ft hot tubs. Residential ft commerclel. Cell Tom or Tine, 312/301-5625, Mon. thru Frl. HOT TUBS ft Spes. coder decks ft pools. Portable ft custom dsugn. Call Tom or Tina, 312/311-5625, Mon. thru Frl. M A T T R E S S E S f r o m $29.95/pc.l The Linen Outlet, 10004 Meln St. In Hebron. Open Thurs. Noon-5 pm ft Sat. 9 em-5 pm. 015/6404320. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Reel Eggs) Gifts for ell occeslons. Decoupeged Egos, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves, ft weekends, 015/455-4056, 164 North Meln, Crysfel Leke. S GARAGE DOORS, overheed, 0 x 10, ell hardware Incl., ISO/each. Inside Bl-fold doors. 4 Premium metched tires, sz. P215-75R 15, $25/ea., 615/455- 4505. • 0ll5ften,3ptace uptoO>%owB57l $15/730-0177. SWIMMING POOLS Must cleer immediately! Fac­ tory recondltlonod rectangular Kayak swimming pools. Struc­ tural guarantee. Flnenclng eveilawe. Unbelievable prices while they lestl Kayek Mfg. toll free. l-ON-THE-POOL Ext. 399 24 Help Wanted USED FURNITURE for sole. Lerge verlety, reasonable prices, Weller's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (dn Rt. 176 Vi block W. of 31). Crystal Lake. 315/459-3363. \ MATTRESS SALE, Twtn aet, $09.99; Full Set, 199.99; Queen Set, S139.99. Delivery eveilebie., Weller's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rt. 176 Vi Block W. of 3D, Oystal Lake, $15/499-3363. LAMP OUTLET HEBRON MINI--MALL Saturdays Only, 10 am-2 pm • NAME TAGS For your business or orgeniza- •law I awae and flBirUI thanM $0W>* bVWV WW OWVIVI WIWOT available. Desk ft door nemepletes avail, also. For detallLcall: CL. ENGRAVING $15/459-7077 STORE WIDE SALE On All Clothing Village Resole Shop mm»»' - - *-* »« ' OD fTOOuSTOCK OTT9VT Downtown Crystal Lake Mon thru Set ̂ 10-5 WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattreu sets, $09; Full size mattress sets, S109; Queen size mattress set, S109; Bunk Beds complete with mot- tresses. $119. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7001 MUST SELL gold couch, 3 tobies, hldoobod. rd. oek dining table ft buffet, hell mirror, hlghcholr. 01V459-5353. DEEP FREEZER, lft5,cu.ft., agatrfmenf size dryer, 312/650- VIC 30 ft data caseette w/10 tapis* 4 program broktj 7 toff* ware prografnt# incl. Mown Finance, Word Proc., Character Editor, 6 gomes, Super Expondor, asoembior. Learn Basic to adv. mach. language. Coet $497, sell for 1325. Will demonstrate. 015^30- 7041 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN YOUR AREA REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVES f* mutual funds and tax admntafid investments. Our 200 jnwitwwnt rfmhti atoilohtf Striis S or 22 km noedod. DISTRICT MANAGER for Hf> I Health Must be vMn| to lecnift, train and dmlop puplt as wiR IB pmidt patsonal production. INSURANCES SALES. Ufa, hmth, casus*, financial pionntni. axporiancad of wiM train. Ova 25 companies raprasontad. Ex col lent compcn* MJ|i| ,y,Lli«||iiMg ,!•••• H. Il.tlil •• -J uuRji Willi oumanoini Ujipw luniucj iui •owir cad traininf and future powth. Earn whit you ara Sind reMimt or caN fw ippoifrtmant EDWARD J. 0RSZUIA OUR FINANCIAL SERVICES af S5N.ANr-Hmard.IL 60033 £Mk SERVING NORTHERIN ILLINOIS YEAR 81B-943-3444 • PUNCH PRESS SET UP • PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS l$tA2nd Shift* Familiar with press set-up up to 200 tons; experienc­ ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply to person­ nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815/943*7411 Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F LIGHT A HEAVY COIL WINDERS (Experience Preferred) PART TIME EVENINGS ALGONQUIN PLANT 5 PM to 10 PM Monday thru Friday APPLY AT CRYSTAL LAKE PLANT 9 AM to 4 PM power conversion products inc *or>\ '\/>c eai* s'tee' c. c Dc« JSC c\j'a one- i tiOCK tfcref1: -it- Misc.. 32 Merchandise iir BALLOON •OUQUKTS for all occasions. Have "The Chicken" deliver tedeyl rMtlMIMi flalllflMflM •y«|| f deys a week. Bloomln' eays a HMHf 015/45HUVE. ROPC R bulH in oven, ST, cap­ per, wMh broiler, $75; Lowrey Genie eroea 0100. LOUNGE CHAIR covers with matching pHlows. Greet gift! S12J0 set. 015/49M103. W MAN TENT W/pes bun new prill, $300/best offer. Also canopy crib, like new, $1SM>est offer, iis/remn. COLOR TV, Zenltfi J5", coun­ try American cabinet, 2 yrs. old, ueed very llftte. Coet $M0, sell for $515. Mafag washer, good working cond., $00. 015/45»-a»30. EARN TO RE REAOOVED, Ex­ cellent bem wood A beams. For Information call $15/305- KNOTTY PINE Paneling, tongue a groove, %fc inch thick. Reesooewe. Ceil 015/330-7173 KING SIZE BED WHh brass heedboerd, complete. Aleo 3 sets of linen. $15044-5051, after 4 pm. LITTLE CHRISTOmER RESALE SHOP 301 King St. Crystal Lake SUMMER'S END CLEARANCE SPECIALI BROWN BAG SALE All The Clothing You Can Stuff Into a Brown Bag For S3 July 17,10 am Thru Sat. July 31,13 Noon «WII( Be CLOSED Of July 33-July 3$ ToRooponTuos* July 31 CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers the Clown for Parties. Pic Inks, end Helium Belloom Del. Pup- wts. Magic a Morel 015/933- 1EAR WROUGHT IRON Table (3), M x 32 w/t choirs A 43 x 30 w/4 choirs. Glass lops. 313/43H7W. GAS DRYER, Kanmore, wht., $75; AAayfag washer, avocado, $100,313/0*0045. •••HAPPY GRAMS*** SINGING TELEGRAMS Male a Female Belly Dancers •**313/$0»-3M6~* AAErS GOLF CLUBS, lop of the line THeitst tour blade irons a matched set of Wilson Staff Persimmon tour Made ell stiff shaft, ueed 10 times, bag a accessories, etc., $400/ beef/ all. Call Don et 015/344- MUST SELL green sofa, queli- ty, chairs, best offers, 312/450- $5$3. EXCESS STORE FIXTURES Shelf units, gondolas, display cases. Floor model popcorn popper. Fenfesy Festival Costume/Magic center, 432 Vlrginie St., Crysfel Lake, $15/455-4910. MARY KAY COSMETICS 40% Off r ? HANDCRAFTED PIC IN IC Tabiee. 57 In round or larger, drop leaf tebie with or w/o ben­ ches. $100 for table, $150 tar fable a benches. I15/3I5-27W WASHER a DRYER Heavy du Ju all cycles. Refrigerator, ouble door. Like new. Reasonable. 313/095-3375 or 095- 0775. AQUARIUM 30 gal. complete, $45. Sunbeom 11" elec. lawn mower, $35. Girl's beginner 2 wheel bike, $15,313/039-9379. SEARS HOSPITAL Bed, elec­ tric, with mettress. $100. $15/459-4409 AIR CONDITIONER Window, 10,000 bfu, $150; Coleman camp stove, $30; Catalytic heater, $10; 9 x 13* tent, t&; Propeller tor 50 hp Mercury, $10. $15/459- 3500. POP-UP TENT TRAILER 1900, sleeps 0, Ice-box, furnace, teble, good cond., SSSO/best of­ fer. 015/720-1307 efter 11am. COUPON $10.00 Off Sculptured Nells tit WHh This < Expires July 31,1914 Clip Joynf Sunfaming 27 N. Williams 015/459-2442 Open Dolly 0-9; Sunday 10-3 FUR COAT, Wk; | 72 VW Beetle; old music a 7f s. 015/305-2031. AUTO SALES Some experience preferred. Will provide training foil right individual. Must be career oriented. Must pos] sess positive attitude and good work habits. We pro] vide demo, hospitalization, reasonable hours anc management support. Apply in person: Qfpvp Mprtpl WOODWARD FORD MERCURY Rt. 47 Woodstock, IL 815-338-6680 PARQUE top dining table. $50; llenredon end fables, $135 ea; eyelet/lace spread, shams. I drapes, table cover, S75 set; I Antiques: 5 light brass chandelier, $335; drop front desk, $350; Victorian mantle, $150; oval end table, $75; press beck choir, $40. All reftnlshed. $15/459-4395. Misc. 32 Merchandise Misc. 32 Merchandise K L I P S C N H K R S N E Y •Makers, 2; 1 Nakam ickl LX, i 3 speed casssHo deok wtth dolly; 1 Yamaha RI ' l bangi' '-- -- orwRli "'459-073$. SOFA m Choirs, SW ea; 4 Bar Stools $151; Glass coffee table A Send tbls.S4SS/bost of­ fer. 312/039-3*10. KITCHEN SET w/4 chairs, $30. China cabinet, $135. Solid oak dining room sal w/4 chairs a buftaf, good cond, $0flf. Table saw, S/jT Call after 5:30 pm. 015/455-5077 FRIGIDAIRE white Elec. stows In excel, cond., 015/459-1727 offer 0 p.m. DOUBLE OVEN Stove, avocado, $iM/best. Side-ty- side refrig., avocado, 0150/best. Free standing stove. 313/030-1347. OUNCANPHYFE Table With Sleeves a 0 chairs. $550.312/009-5921 REFRIOERATOR. $10. Twin bed set, S3S. 2 Kitchen tobies. $5 a $10.5x7 Photo Enlargor. Cue Stick, $5. + Misc. $15/455-393* LIVING ROOM Group, 3 pc. valour, eerfh tones; sofa, love seat a chair. 0 wks. old, ll«t- $1,500 nsw. 0975/bOSf. 015/330- 1435. SEARS FREEZER, Chest, 17 cu ft, Good cond. $100.015/459- COLOR TV 13", exc. cond., $100; White sewing machine, cherry cabinet, $50; misc. Oc­ cupied Japan peices; clarinet, $1W,01S/4SMft0. OLD COMIC BOOKS Call Phil before*:30pm 312/439-0456 DOG HOUSE. Large• Ta be given away as Is. IPnV •WriirTlJI FOLDING PMG PONG fable a ecceseories, axe. cond., $50 Arm; weight set a bench, $30; 2 entique wood burning stoves, needs work, $35 firm, men & women's crose country wood skis, boots a poles, $50,015/344- 1473 or 344-1037, RUG PADOING, 39 sq. yds., Vi In. Never ueed best offer, 015/330-5330. TWIN BEOG DRESSER Boy's, $125 015/3050544 PORTABLE DISHWASHER, Sears, can be built In, 1 yr. old, $300/offer. 312/039-7921. TABLE Oek, Sponlsh style. 4 gadded theirs. $150. 312/420- DINING SET, Queen Anne: ovel table w/2 leeves a pads, sMoboord, $S00/all, 312/449- 5945. MARLIN 3030 Lever octlon ri­ fle. Limited edition w/Weever 4X Marksman scope and caae. $150. Winchester model 1300 12 gouge shotgun, 3 chokes and case, $130. All guns are In ex­ cellent condition. $15/330-5307 oftor4pm. MOVING SALE. Duncan Phyfe <IIAIM ijuuii TkKU A ownng rouni 9VT« I VDI«/ O choirs, buffet, chine cabinet, $700. Master bedroom suite, $050. Soto end love eeet, $100. Roclinor, $35. $15/455-0939 POOL TABLE Ping pong top, Like new. 5000 W.fclm, McHenry. IL.01S/3444M2. OUTBOARD MOTOR is hp., Johneonw/tank. Beef Offer. 015/455-4476 DOG KENNEL golvanlzed, w/dog house, $150 or best offer, 015/330-403*. UPRIGHT FR|EZER Seers frosftoes, $125 015/330-3M4. ANTIQUE 0171 buftaf, $31 101 GAS RANGE. 30 in. w/hood vent, capper, continuous clean, $75. Calf$12/42M104. APPLE II Disk Drlve-$95 015/45V -0003 CENTRAL AIR COND., con denser a coil, 42,000 BTU's, us ed one seesoa $525; wesher & dryer, $125; wotor softner, $121 015/720-1402. BEDROOM SET 3 pc.. $375. Like new sofe, $400. Bress lamps, $00. Office chair, wicker choir a 015/943-7030. rustic chendeiier. FOUR PIECE, solid walnut, bdrm. set, exc. cond., $500, 015/344-3903. BORM SET, $300; dinette set, $75; 9 HP boot motor, $250, elec. trow ling motor, $25; 2, 10.00-15 fires, $25, 312/650 3125 PIONEER component stereo, 045/best offer. Mary Kay pro ducts, 25% Off. 015/560 5650, BREAKFRONT, dark wood, , $350; 2 brown velvet chrs. $50, roee a cream custom drapes a bedspread, $100; stereo a speakers. $25; ski boots. 7</> todies, 0 frock tepes a other misc. 312/639-0492. SOFA a L0VESEAT, navy, Ilka new, SSOO/offer. Queensize watarbed w/doubie hutch head­ board a etched glass mirror, $32S/oftor. 015-305-0959. WATER BED Queen Size, $250 015/330-0473 TRUCK bed camper, $075; freezer, $95; wedding gown, sz 10, $95; behives. $60, 015/640 2316. A L L T I M E C L A S S I C , Nepoleen Hill's "Think a Grow Rich" on cessette tapes, special sale for 2 days only, Ju ly 19 a 20, SlO/each, Carol Vavroch, 015/450-0997. ONE YEAR Old box spring. Queen size. Best offer. 015/344 5751 FLATBED TRAILER 6x1 after 5 p.m., 312/639-1036. SECTIONAL Couch, gold; Thomas organ, cocktell teble, exerciser, exc. cond. rees. 015/305-5406. RASPBERRIES tor sole. $2 per pint, picked. $15/330-2202. REALISTIC STEREO System. Exc. cond. $l3S/best. For info, Call: 015/459-0404, ask for Mark. WHITE UNIFORMS sz. 11 exc. cond. 4 White Swen pent suits, 7 tab coots, 7 wht. tops, l dross, SOO/or will separate 015/653-7301. SNOWMOBILE, Scorplan 440, $220. Speekers, still boxed, $500. Bike, $25. All prices negotlebie, 015/459-6055. , UPRIGHT FREEZER 15cu. ft., $100, 312/639-7512. DIRT a ROAD BIKE, 100 cc $150 or best; youth bed, $20; bothroom sink w/feucet, $15, 015/344-4566. AQUARIUM, NO gel, conwtota sol up with wrought Iron stand. $490,015/330-7667 BEDROOM SET, 5pc., $200 or best offer. Cell ener 6 pm, 312/430-5171. LIVING ROOM SET, 8 pc. rustic w/reversabie cushions. Exc. cond., $675/best, 015/455- 5906. 24 Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT Mature, responsible full charge bookkeeper. Plea­ sant personality essential for customer relations. Conscientious with good accounting skills. Able to complete basic corporate reports, required tax sta tements, payroll, inventory i handling of materials management. Typing, communication a writing skills essential. Pleasant environment, benefits, op portunity for growth. Respond to: BOX AKP Shaw Free Press P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake. IL FOOD SERVER PART TIME We are looking for part time help to serve lunch in our Railroad Dining Car. Assist in preparation and serving, 4 to 5 hours a day, executive & office personnel. Contact JOHN MCGRATH 8 AM to 4 PM 815/459-2400 J®r TC Industries Inc. V* Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity Employer ARMCHAIRS, vantt* w/ehaW. dinette set, humidifier, rear seet Blazer, truck wheels. All rood cond. Reasonable. 15/305009 OAK ICE BOX, 6 door. Restaurent stove, icemaker, iuke box, pool table. $15/943- 5162. LOVESEATS,(2), 62" Rowe, oak arms, eerfhtone, uneven tweed plaid. S225/set. 815/459 5167. QUANTITY OF Old Barn Lumber. Few pieces of oak beams, some kindling wood. Also other old building to be torn down. $15/640-2746 SEWING MACHINE Singer. Incl. 0-10 disks, button hole meker, zipper ft., etc. 312/420- 5539. SOFABED w/mattress, 76" block velveteen, 130 Rocker choir, $10,015/455 5463 SWIMMING POOL, 16' x 30 ebove ground. Complete with 171000 btu natural gas htr. Filter a pump. Dosri needs liner, best offer. $15/455 6046 after 5 pm. CHINA CABINET, 2 pc., sliding glass doors, bottom 6 drawers, call anytime, Both $100,015/499-5042. ANTIQUE coal lamp, $20, full size box ^>ring a matress. $20; car scat, owd cond., $25; Alfrod Mooklns dinnerware set, best oftor; sm. drop leaf table, $30,312/420-9140. FRIGIDAIRE freezer, 13 cu. ft. upright, used only 6 months. call $1V45H)303 after 6 p.m. CAPE HART console, am/fm radio, $ track, record player. $15/305-1592. UPRIGHT MOTPOINT freeier. 24" wide, 64" high, $200, 015/305-5477 DOUBLE BED, complete, exc. cond. $75. Tripple dresser, fair cond., $100. After 4 pm, 815/330 4277. - - THREE hand-fed organically raised baby beef for slaughter. Approx. 700-0001 s., 67t/lb Side or whole. Will deliver. 815/330 0112 or 015/3304795. ADVERTISING PRODUCTION If you can type accurately and are not phobic abou t strange looking equipment that you 've never used, we have three TYPESETTER positions available that may be a challenge to you. Two positions are part t ime at the Crystal Lake and McHenry off ices. The th i rd is a f u l l time situation in Carpentersville. These positions require typing of 40-45 wpm and the abil ity to learn and apply knowledge quickly. Previous typesetting experience a plus, but we will train. We also have a full time production position that requires basic pasteup skills and organizational abil ity The ADVERSTISING PRODUCTION CLERK 'S duties will include scheduling and logging of ads and other related tasks as instructed by manager. Person must work well under deadline pressures. Typing skil ls considered an additional plus. We can offer excellent fringe benefits and advancement opportunities. If you qualify for any of these positions, apply in person or a resume. No phones calls, please <*> Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville, IL 60110 C O U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y F V P I O V E W

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