PAGE If PLAINDKALER. FRIDAY, JULY 20, MM Livestock SALE Hindi StJMfc, »1J5/lb., bMf loins b. 312/3B-53M. Ask for Machinery* Equipment Boot offv. «i5/3iM»s, BALAHCIR, ir wwpî ir# Model 1731 w/ydil yfrd n w)nl witahtir H2/M-7774 or 31t7l» fiftS •19/49MS32 Business Opportunity rAURANT For Soto By on 1ft ocros, in .Ex- A oxl RoHrlna. Ex- A existing pvrchno of purchase A building. Soots IS-WO. too, moko offor. Coil USED CAK LOT •1V4SM»«or3m3M0C7 Wanted To Buy IfVATK PARTY looking for hovno/ any cond. I# 115/315-0241, Business Properties PRICED TO SELL by owner. II ostaWlahod end loceted. yn end Rosteurent, fully lOQuippod mousing inventory plus s large 3 bedroom opt. A1 leer gerege. IH/tO-4340. CRYSTAL LAKE. Good retell location. Ideel for muttl-tenert or develop as mlnl- sftopplng confer, U»W eq. ft. building w/peved parking lot, 1ft or » acres. High traffic area at Rt. 14 A170. Owner anx ious to sell end will finance. Reinvest International, Dixon, IL01V2M-22*. 72 Real Estate For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 brick bMovel, din. rm.. fem. rm., 2 baths, control air, 2 car gar„ desireble neighborhood, dooe to leko A shopping. S97 Loo Dr., mOOO. I15/3h5i 312/5434100. IS or REPOSSESSEDHOMES OUR CUSTOMERS CANT BE WRONG! WYrs. Experience In Ropoo11 AM Counties. From UM Down Sutton Raaity 312/625-0100 "Tha Leader In Rape's" tYSTALLAKE, •I BTErrEO VA9v> 1400 eq. ft., 4 bdrms., IS1® 72 Real Estate For Sale yOWTOCIC 433 Pleesent. Omi It wtth only J% down. Fine eesy weiklno eree Worth *AOIO.»1S/3llI-1S23. ELGIN WEST SIDE, 3 bodrm. asum, SSJE od kitchen, bath, new point & roof. WM00.312/10X104. WOODSTOCK, best buy, 3 bdrms* 2 baths, former 2 flat, thru Sunday, 7/22, 151,500. 124 Douglas, asking ISUI 015/330-04*. RENT OR OPTION. 3 yd. $375 mo. Sterck Reeltors. 311/430-5544. HORSE PROPERTY et af fordable price. 4 bdrm. home, fem. rm. w/flreplace, 6/1 sfeil bora huge loft for storoae, oerage or rente I, mooo. Call: Berbers Stecker, Century 21 Bell A Snell, 312/311-0100. CITY OF MCHENRY, 4 unit aportment, tax shelter, 9% In terest. 115/3054544. 72 Real Estate For Sale McHENRY by owner, 2 bdrm* J wooded lot, exc. view of perk end loke, Ml bemt., frplc., cerpeted, ell eppll. 554,900 I15/40MS03. CRYSTAL LAKE By owner. Four Colonies, 2 story contem- porery, 4 bdrm* Jft beths, bessmenl, elr, firplace, meture trees, belcony A sundeck overlooking 9 ecre park. Ex cellent cond* meny extras. No ^snh.̂ ^Must see, $111,000, McHENRY- Lekefront. 2 bdrm. ranch, alum, siding, full bsmt* hat water hoot, T cor gar., $05,000. By owner. •15/305-3404. WOODSTOCIL well maintain ed, 2 bdrm* large yard 10% down, contrect sole, $55,*00. $15/330-3207. CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry, 5 2400sq.ft. '• " • Meny extres, asking $04,500, I15/4SM -1177. Real Estate 72 For Sale McHENRY, Country Club Estates, 3 bedroom ranch, IV* eMod, full m car at tached gar* c/e, custom klt- chsiv Ig. reer deck, newer in- around nool w/mIat haitlnn i A euto. cloonor, fenced reer yard. $70 JM. $15/344-2515. CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner, 3 bodrm rench, 2ft car gar. Assumable 12% mortgege. Price reduced to $49,500. $15/344-2515. HAMPSHIRE, well built/well Insuleted, 0 yrs. old, brlck/olum., trl-ievel, 4 bdrms* 2 beths, fireplace, Ig. fem. rmJti. opt. 2 car eft. let, near park, good schools.Ownsr price, $71,900- bergeln. 312/403-2209. 4 BEDROOM Victorian, built in 10*0, 31000 feetures, $99,500. contrect purch lift % interest, $15/344-1432, $15/305-4544,115/344-074$. ikvnjni Victorian, duiit in 1000 sq. ft* many unique es, crty of AAcHenry, #. Contrect purchase, TALK TO US-We Listen! CAPE COD A fovaly country kitchen can be yours with the 3/4 bdrm Cape Cod. Full finished basement and attached garage add space for activates. Large lot. Asking S48.200. 1/3 ACRE LOT I Easy care 2 bdrm, 2 bath ranch has Ian updated kitchen, new appliances, J new carpeting, security system, 2 car I attached heated garage. Enjoy ex pended vacations and feel secure I with the security system. Aluminum I siding is maintenance free and adds (energy savings. A beautiful package. I $61,900. m CLOSE TO SHOPPING 1 ' V , d bnveniently located ranch has remodeled kitchen with lovely custom cabinets, nbw carpeting. Pleasant colors, good traffic flow floor plan. Attached garage. Asking $49,900. ALL BRICK RANCH Nice large lot is the location of this 3 bdrm brick ranch with family room, fireplace, 2 baths, full bsmt, attached garage. Large deck in back for sum mer enjoyment. Fenced back yard. Asking $79,500. Northern Illinois Realty 3815 W. ELM ST. (RTES. 120 and 31) McHENRY RED CARPET 815-305-2340 ^R^g^gR^gR^y owwg ̂gR ̂ Housing £> Automobiles Far Sale I family rm.w/frpke. quattfM purchaser will like , m flexlblo rarmt oftafed in cluding a 12J% 5 year balloon mortgage. Asking SWtJOO. Call 115/wN <2 for oppolnimsnt. NEAR McHENRY DAM, nice area, by ownsr, 3 bedroom, 2 both. 10,500.9Vb% aeeumaWe. For appdntmsnt $15/305-7247 after 4pm. CARY 7 rm* 1150 eq. ft* frame ranch. 3 bdrm* 1 bath; stove, rafrta* curtains slay, lft car drained ger* partial basa- NaTural wood trim throughout floors m bd bdrm* 10 ft. by 27 ft. ch privacy A Call days or shade. $41,000. evenings, 312/43^0591 MC HENRY 3 bdrm. ranch In Country Club Estates near the golf course. It has a large eat-In Utchen, Ige. lot, full bemt* air cond* hardwood floors. Come A see whafs new, $15/305-3425. WONDER LAKE/Woodstock area. byOoner. 1ft mlls<from Rte. 131. Alum, sided. 3 bodrm ranch home w/lft bfhs. Living rm has bay window. Lgs. fully appllancad kitchen Incl. dtshysher. Full finished carpolad baeemenf w/laundry rm, fam. rm. A roc. rm, IV* car aft. gar. w/Macklop drive, Ige. cyclone fenced yd. w/dog run. Walk to store, bank A gas. Beach/lake rights. Low taxes. S5A900.015/73M792 after 4 pm. • LUXURY LIVING IN FOUR COLONIES Golf course view is one of the amsnlties this fully-equipped 2 « - -a- 11L -a--- *' IHKill. COflOO WlTTl o#n vllVI !• Featuroo 2 baths, fireplace, slate patio wtth gas grill, esrago. Mbit move-in condi tion. Immediate occupancy. $02,900. Cantury 21, Cardinal Really. 312/4344400. McHENRY EDOE BROOK 3 bdrm houss, ctose to echool A park. Priced to ssll. $99,900. Ask tor Steve 015/3004499. HARVARD, 3 bodrm, 1 bth ranch w/2 car garage on your lel,<imo. 0l5/fe-3l47. TOCK Brick A cedar duplex (tewnhouse style). 3 bdrm. lft baths -I- 2 bdrm* lft baths. Asking $01,500.15% dwn. balance 4 yrs. 12%. 015/499- OMA before 9:30 pm, or write Boa AKL Shaw Free Press Nswspopsrs, P.O. Box 290, Crystal Lake, tL. 40014. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm. ho Good starter, rsMrenwnt, rental houss. Ex& location. $27JM. Call: 019/W-5320 for IS ACRE ESTATE In r_ • rms* 4 lbafhs,frplce*2V»< sewn cedar et 1139,900. McHenry County ReaWy, 015/453-2N'. ask for Jshn Kfsngor. SALE BY OMMER 3 unit 1 ImmA* tliflfl̂ fiBr I EPRRM wggwfww mont. $4$,900/offer. 5 avail 015/305-3490. LAKE M THE HILLS, custom m. great room w/fpk, w/preakfast bar, 3 bdrms* 2 bath, bsmt* lft gerege. Must sse this Im maculate tow malnteni .$70J0A 312/450-3794. CRYSTAL UAK* By owner. J Wanl. rcnOI. ATT. 2 Cflf wBTS r̂ waiK vo tcnooi • iaico« a* LAKE I A. Aft. 2 $15/499-7429 1984 CORVETTE SAVE THOUSANDS 0FSSS $22,995 CONVERSION VAN & TRAILER '79 FORD VAN-460 V8; Auto. Trans; Air Cond; Power Steering & Brakes, Gasoline or Propane And Like New Michelin Tires. '78 CHARISMA 32' TRAILER- Roof; Air Cond; Side Awn ing, T.V. Antenna; Seperate Rear Bedroom. Sleeps Six, Ready For The Road. COMPLETE PKG. FULL PRICE *16,995 1984 RENAULT ENCORE 81 MIRAGE SUNDOWNER MINI-MOTOR HOME 7 FuMPrlce All Fiberglass body-3,000 Certified Miles 6995 *8,995 WFMDTMIMMMiao Red & White, Sharp Car Full Price *4,995 79 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 Dr. Sedan; All White & Priced Right Full Price *2,995 78 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT Super Economy FollPrlce MANYM6HT6 *2495 NKFtNANCING J I M D A N C A OLDSMOBILE Providing you with the same quality products and service ai the same location, by the same owner for over 28 years. rt ts. 31 X 176, Cryst . i l Lake 815-459-2288 tftl TOMI^UiTiliri Real Estate 78 For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 bdrm. 1 •era lot, 24$$ aq. ft. of living iMoa, $139,991 Call attar 4pm, $^5/459-4t44. CRYSTAL LAKE Forwt Hills. By ownar.9 rm. trl -level, for mal Ibr. rmM din. rm., foyer. Country Jclt. Ig. fam. rm. w/atona flraplece, 3 bdrms. 2 baths, uHl. rm. 2*4 car gar. A ihad. On beautiful woodad acre, $114,000,115/499-9149. 73 CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 brick bi-levei, 2 btbs, fam. rm., din. rm. central air, 2 car garage, nice naighborhood, doaa to lake A shopping. Reduced to $CL5$0. 312/543- 4TM, ext. 291 days or $lJ/459- •SlSr BY OWNER, Burlington, 2 bdrm. home. HardiMOd floors* Much more. Must toe, asftng only $44.910. Call 312/4»3-2442. WONER LAKE, lovely brick A cedar bi-level, 1500 aq. ft. 4 bdrm. 2 car gar yard. $40,000, 015/305-1790 tvtn./wMk wd$. WOOOSTOCK Income property tar sale by ownor, 5 units, oldor l|«r atlnn Helyinwi iAwy« IOCOTKpvi. Low Interest financing w/20% doom. $140400 or oner. No agants. 015/459-0447 after 5 pm. WOOOSTOCK, completely radocorated 9 room, 4 bdrm., M both home on double lot noar all achools. 519 Forest Ave. 015/330-3471 or 312/524- 0225. I BUY HOUSES Regardless of Condition Brian -312/439-4039 CRYSTAL LAKE, quality built 5 bdrm. home, 3M baths. C/A, frplce. In liv. rm. 2 car gar. oak cabinets A tr im throughout, tanced yard, near all downtown conveniences, $119400. Call 015/459-0340. McHENRY, 125* on Fox River, 3 bedroom, 0 room home, at tached gar., 9% Interest. 015/305-4544. CRYSTAL LAKE, sharp 14 yr. old modern store A apt. building containing 4 units on 1 acre of ground. Good tax shelter Investment. Price drastically reduced for quick estate settlement, 40501 Rt. 174. Cal l Attorney Gene ,312^74-9400. Condos. 75 ROCK LAKE lekefront csndoa. Special financing or land con tract. Year round or aaeaonal living. Modal open. 414/440- 5705. CRYSTAL LAKE 1st floor 2 bdrm. 2 baths, specious 1250 sq. ft. appll. cant, air, laundry facH. gar. $59,900.015/415-5411. McHENRY Whispering Oeks, ground floor, 2 bdrm., air, ap- pll. garage. 015/305-5404. CRYSTAL LAKE, perfect loca tion. 2 bdrm. 2 baths, 2nd floor, all appl. Fecee South, pool, dub house, neat achools, shopping, train, mid $40,s. 015/459-3110. CRYSTAL LAKE, Colony Square. 2 bdrms. 2 baths, 2nd floor, overlooks courtyard. Leased through 3/1/05, exc. cond. 049,900. Days- 312/499- 5443; evoa- 015/459-3709. CRYSTAL LAKE 4 Colonies. 2nd floor, 2 bdrms. 2 , gerege, dub facilities, leloly rodecoreted. completely rods $57,900.015/455-0440. 74 Townhomes CRYSTAL LAKE Four Col- ' owner. 2 bdrm, 1V4 car gar., new deck, backs up to creek. January oc cupancy. $07,500. $15/455-5*3? 75 Lots& Acreage JOHNSBURG AREA, choice 3/4 acre comer let In Boat A Saddle, Johnsburg schools. River rights, no agents, 01S/3054Sttafter4. HAMPSHIRE, for sale or ex- chenge, 5J acres \k ml. South of Rt. 72 on Getzelman Rd., E. Goschen, 4419 Misty Dr., Col oredo Spring, Co., 303/999-7511. WONDER LAKE, eost side, wooded lot, 05 X 150, $4000. Owner financing avail. 312/497- 4427 CRYSTAL LAKE/ Bull Valley. 7Vi acres, creek, tillable, woods, $49400, terms. 312/524- 4221. Lots* Acreage * ACRES choice wooded percel with creek, on rolling scenic country side. Blacktop county rood to corner of pro-ia »-- u --j »*«- - ' « PWfV• Iw Ifllfl# W WOO^RDCK. Musi sea to appreciate. Asking .Call 115/459-0417. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share 80 SCHNEIDER" ESTATES, McHonry, acre homoaltes in i develop., Jehnaburg school hrlct, $14,900 • $21,M0. For futher Info., call owner: 1-015- 305-1403,1-015-305-9499. FOUR (2) Acre Parcels, Island Lake area. Parcel $15400 end up. 015/330-2304. BONNIE LAKE EST. Adj. to Turnborry. 44 acre lots w/all uNI. 10% own. or Mdg. financial help. 312/2944114. SEMI BUILOABLE, 50 x 100 camping lot In private, rustic campground. Near tha Wise. river. M400,015/459-4001. McHENRY, 1.1 wooded rolling ecrea In Wood Creek Subdivl- ston, $21,900. Call after 4 pm. 015/455-5430. FREE LOT to build on. 2+ ecres. Crystal Lake coon trysido. 312/439-3394 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new & used homes on site com pletely turn., from $14,100. No pets, adult comm., 015/455- 4400. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area 015/337-0704 WANTED: 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. /house in or near Wfeodstock. By Aug. 1st. $275- $375. Pets Ok? $15/337-0040. MCHENRY eree, 2 house, w/securlty 0, exc. ref. Needed by Aug. l, 015/30*4391, after 4 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE/Woodstock area, 2 bdrm. unfurnished apt., townhouse or home. Call Mor ton Thiokol. 015/339-1000, ext. 209. ROOM IN LOVELY lake home. i prvigs., $270, mon., sec. dsg. No smoke/drink, $15/459 SENIOR CITIZEN needs same. Aftoif & look toptthtr for house to rent«, share expenses. Must hove car-312/450-3049. ROOMATE wanted to find & share apt. or houae in Crystal Lake or Cary. After 5 pm, 312/439-0579. WOOOSTOCK: Family will share large house wtth female. Own room. Call 025/330-3144. RESPONSIBLE Christian female to share house with same. Crystal Lake, Call bet ween 7 am 0,3 pm. 015/455-4494. RELIABLE WORKING female student, with older child would like to share house or apt. with someone wtth child, 0, share sit- tkg equally at night. 015/455- WORKING WOMAN will share with seme 2 bedrooms In coun- home, $70/week, $15/330- ROOM FOR RENT, ssant, r, pleai comf., turn., In quiet res., to meture female. 312/420-0912. 80 Apartments To Rent GARDEN QUARTER APTS. 2 Bedroom Special $15/3$5-21$l Residential area In Mc Henry Patio/Balcony units available 2 Bathrooms Walk-in Closet of Mester Bdrm. Dishwesher & Disposal Air Cond. Available Free Water & Trash Pick up Laundry Facilities in Bldg Apartments To Rent RICHMOND APARTMENTS 1 0,2 bedrooms available. Wall to well carpeting, fully ap pllancad kltcnens. Individually controlled heat, facilities & play 312/507-9277. laundr a ALGONQUIN, 2 Bedrms star t ing at $390, 2 bedrm Townhouse at $495; 3 bedrm Townhouse at $535. Carpeted, elr cond., appl's, laundry facll.. Incl. gas, heat 0, water. Ar rowhead Apartments, 312/45$- $443. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL Rdbms from $45/week. Cable hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call $15/305-0005 after 2pm. WOOOSTOCK, 1 bdrm. apt., 2 blks. to square, all utll, except elec., $300.312/420 3211. WOODSTOCK Upper 2 bdrm. stove 0, refrlg furnished. $265/mo Sec dep. & lease. No Pets. Available 9/15/04. 015/923-4209 FOX RIVER GROVE 2 bdrm apt. Carpeting, garage, large yard. Sec. dep 4 rets. No pets. 312/639-9392. MARENGO 1 bdrm, appl., air cond. Avail 0/15. Sec dep 8. lease. $265/mo. 015/560-6706 HARVARD Large new 2 & 3 bdrm apt. In the country. Carpeted, i yard & patio 6611 utility room, large $350/mo 815/568 LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS Specious studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Free heat & cook ing gas, color coordinated ap- pl iances, wal l to wal l carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV, pool fc playground. For more information, please call 015/330-2303. MARENGO, 2 bdrm., carpet w / s t o v e & r e f r l g . Washer/dryer faci l i t ies, storage room. No pets, $300, 015/923-4444. WOOOSTOCK. sub let 1 bdrm , $340, newly decorated, 815/330 8494 or 312/931-4777 _ PERFECT FOR WIDOW, 1 bedroom furnished apartment. In McHenry. 815/385-6566. McHENRY, furnished, clean, 1 bdrm. Pay own utilities, $255/mo. sec. dep required, 312/367 4475. WOOOSTOCK Sublet 1 bdrm apt. Newly decorated. $340/mo. Call 015/338 8694 or 312/931-4777 MC HENRY Unfurnished apt avail, immediately. Near everything. 3 rms., all utll., heat & air cond. Incl. Lease 8. sec. dep. req'd. $375/mo. 815/385-8130, after 7 pm. JOHNSBURG, 2 bdrm apt pay own utilities, call for app bet-" ween 7 p.m. 8, 9 p.m., $260 month, 815/459 2851. Automobiles 86 For Sail \ car you can believe in. 1984 VOLVO SEDAN 1984 VOLVO 740 GLE Customers who can afford higher priced luxury cars are rolling in it. USED CARS YOU CAN DEPEND ON 1983 SAAB 900 Air, Stereo -12 Months/12,000 Miles American Warranty* 1983 VOLVO STATION WAGON Like New -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1983 VOLVO 4 DOOR Automatic, Air, Stereo -12 Months/12,000 Miles American Warranty* 1982 VOLVO 4 DOOR Air, Stereo, auto. Trans. -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1981 VOLVO STATIONWAGON Air, Stereo -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOR Sun root, Very Clean -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1981 AUDI 5000 TURBO Fully Loaded • 12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1981 HONDA ACCORD 12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1981 PEUGEOT 504 WAGON Air, Stereo .*5700 1980 VW RABBIT 1980 RENAULT LE CAR 1980 BMW 3201 Air, Stereo -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1980 DATSUN B310 12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1980 VOLVO GL Air, Sun root -12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1980TOYOTA COROLLA 12 Months/12000 Miles, American Warranty* 1979 HONDA PRELUDE Clean Car 1979 BMW 320i Nice Condition 1979 VOLVO 2 DOOR Excellent Condition 1979 VOLVO GLE Fully Loaded 1978 DODGE ASPEN WAGOfr Exceptionally Clean • 12 Months/12,000 Miles American Warranty* 1978 DATSUN 810 Priced to Sell 1978 FIAT SUPER BRAVA Clean Car $1900 1977 DATSUN 280Z $2500 1977 DATSUN 280Z $900 1976 VW DASHER $900 *Please consult Sales Personnel on American Warranty 300 N. HOUGH (Route 591 BARRINGTON "VOUVO INCORPORATED BARRINGTON.IL 312-381-9400