Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 29 - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, JULY »fllM 80 Apartments To Rent MCHENRY. 1 1 Avail. 1/1. r. 1 bedroom art. er garaoo4340/rr Cairoi5/j65-5714. garden apt wtlh garage. Avail VIS. ON/mo + utll. 312/*» J447 ' MARENGO, *>ocious 2 bdrm.. range, carpet, 6323/mo rlc. neat ftofher utll*. Included. 420 Telegraph Rd. Ca« after Spm,»H/4M0467. WOOOBTOCK. 1-2 badrm apt. nr. square. Redecorated, appl'*. wafer, carport, ON. m/nni* WOOMTOO, nice 2 room 1st floor apt. Stove. refr. All utll. TWnfWWQ VWCi *»•»'. 6/1. 6M0. Sac. dap. No Pat*. 615/336-02*. 81 Homes To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE countryside. 3 bdrm farmhouse, on 3 acres, harm welcome. Avail 1/1. 1425/ma *ac dap. required. •1V4W-3443 <toy*45»-4432aftar •p.m. 81 Homes To Rent MOOCRN RANCH 3 bdrms. 2 full tamt., Johnsburg Avail. Aug* k 115/344-1 pat*. 64M/ mo. IH 1-1375. FtSTAKCC HIGNLANDS. nice 3 bdrm. ranch, cabinet kitchen, stove. refrigerater. a/c unit, basement. dock ft gar. Aug. 4HK SS15 month, laaaa ft sac. chock, tlVMM98. NCW S bdrm. 3 bath. tam. roam w/frplce. 2 car att. gar, M9l/mo. I15/72M131 Condos., Townhomes To Rent McHBNKY. SUBLET. 2 m bath Condo, ilng pond*, w/gar. S420/mo. Call 115/344-5170 aftar WKST DUNDEE, by owner. at­ tractive 2 bodrm Condo In Old World Villaga. Call: 312/4M 1253 aftar 5 p.m. WONDER LAKE. Watorfront, 2*3 bedrooms, woodbumlng firaplaca. stova ft rafrig. References. >4*5. Cantury 21 Cara. Mary Elian Shlna, 115/344-1833. WONDER LAKE 3 bdrm ranch, 7 yr* old, 6405/roo. Six month laaaa. l mo aac. dap. 312/497-4427 MC HENRY 3 bdrm*., 5 baths, 2"» ' «--*-- • a a I • tft Riiuwiii inooor poo*. iwfiin to month. Rsforsncos ft Sacurl- ty. >450. >15/3154575. RENT WITH Option to Buy . 3 bdrm Crystal Laka ranch with frplca, partially flntshad bamt. and garaga. M00/mo. Ask tor Bruce. ERA HousohoM Raalty, 312/43*2000 CRYSTAL LAKE Covantry, 3 bdrm., apllt, IV* baths. 2 car gar., family rm., utility rm„ dining rm., appl., carpat*. drapes. >500, sac. dap. ft raf. Aug 1. 61S/4JMM6. WONDER LAKE, *uest Housa, ranga, rafrl >275. Laaaa, dap. H1/453-! CRYSTAL LAKE Handyman naadad tor small 1 bdrm noma who will do rapalrs with landlord. >2M/mo. Avail. Imm- «d. I1V4W-0777 WOOOSTOCK. 1 bdrm. apts. in bu'ldlfwundar new ownership; complata ramodal Ing undar way. 1 yr. laaaa. no pats. >345/ mo. Coll 312/362-1520 or 615/336- 4225. MCHENRY, 3 bdrm. housa, short farm laaaa, all appl. in­ cluded, >375 month, + aac. dep., 115/675-404*. CARY AREA 3 bdrm. ralaad ranch, on nicely landscaped double lot. Fam. rm., laundry rm., ft X Large, 2 car attached heated gar. Avail, Aug 1. >500. Call 312/43* 2547 or 7*4-14*4 evening. JOHNSBURG/Sunnyside, 2 bdrm., stove ft refrlg. furnish­ ed. ref„ ft sac. deposit re­ quired. >375 month. No pets, >15/3)5-3523. CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bedrm/full in Covantry MCHENRY 2 bdrm. condo. IVk baths, all appl., full carpat, swimming pool. >350, + aac. Avail. Aug. 1. >15/315-2)40. After 3:3) pm call HV453-*434 MARENGO, 2 badrm. Townhouse, 1% baths, full D8fWT.# new DTICK DIQQW INQWRN kHch„ stova. fridge. No Pats. 6340/mo.. 115/45*-170*. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 ToRent CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of flea, secretarial service ft utilities provided, >325/mo., I1S/4M-MM. OFFICE M0 aq. ft. or 1,000 sq. ft. store, located at Pyott ft Algonquin Rd*. 01S/4M-34M. WOUUSTOCK- Excellent Loca­ tion. 4)0 aq. ft. office avail. Im- mad.; 540 sq. ft. office avail. Aug. 15. Heat ft air cond. paid. Long/ short term lease. I15/&M175. OFFICE SPACE, 360 sq. ft. $350/mo. utilities included, McHenry. Call days. >15/3)5- >373 or evenings 115/365-6424 ask tor Ray. CARY OFFICES. Idaal for Mta. or Salaa Rep. Answering, sederarlai ft copy svea. avail. 312/43*-23S1 or43*-3137. 2 MONTHS Free Rant. 20x20, >251. Utilities included, recep­ tion area available. 615/720- 0404 or >15/3)5-0)54. WOOOSTOCK. 1400 sq ft light Industrial ipeca, office 12X12 door. 200 amp 3 ph electricity, Avail. Aug 1st. 615/3M-W5 Office space tor lease. 110 sq ft to 2000 sq ft, 101 N. Main, Crystal Laka. 61V4SM*Sft I am to5pm. Agent FRESHLY DECORATED M0 plus square toot office with 2 or 3 private offices, conference torn, reception and storage roes. Call H5/45*-7M) to aaa. 101 CORPORATE CORNER eftor7p.m. WOOOSTOCK 3 bdrm, stove, refrlg. carpeting, cant, air, finished bsmt, fenced-in back yard. IV* car gar. Sac dap -f (ease, OMO/mo. Avail l/f/l >5)0/mo )15/*23-420* STATELY 4 bdrm anglish tudor in wooded prestige area. >*50/mo + sec. dep. References required. Call Baird ft Warner >1 S/4SM6S5 WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm. far­ mhouse. Kit. din., Ilv rm., den. Utll. not Included. >400/mo. ft MOO/sec. dep. ret. req. No pets. >15/33) *02*. HARVARD, ) rm. home incls. mother-in-law apt. Sac. dep., refs., >500, >15/*43-5142. v » ' , J F « r t t t a n d 84 ToRent BARN ft pasture land tor rant, Wonder Laka. Call after 7 p.m. 312/72**3335. 85 Misc. ToRent m CAR GARAGE In city of McHenry, >45/mo., ft one I2'xl2' storage building, >3S/mo. >15/3)5-31*2. SMALL HALL, all occasions. Liberty Hall, 304 Park St.. McHenry. >15/3)5-22)1 aft. 5pm. 77 Farms For Sale --SMALL FARMS FOR SALE--1 35 acre* with full sat of buildings 1 mila north of Johnsburg. NE corner of Spring Grove Rd. ft Ringwood Rd. Exceptional land ft location. Widow moving to town. May sell buildings with lass acreage. 5 acres or more with full set' attractive farm buildings. 4 bdrm house. Suitable for horses, cattle £ kids. Located on Alden Rd., 7 miles NW of wood- stock. $89,500°°, with 5 acres. GORDON STADE McHENRY, IL. 815-385-7032 Automobiles 86 For Sale PFAFF AUTO SALES "Jhp Largest Auto Dpah'r m Brai/trful Downtown Hunllr 1962 01DS CUTLASS SIERRA 2 Or *7M5 1961 P0NTIAC PHOENIX 2 Or, Sharp *5300 1961 BUICX CENTURY limited 4 Of... *749$ 1979 FORD GRANADA 6 cyl., auto. *3300 1978 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 dr *2500 1979 FORO THUNDERBM) One Ownsr, Sharp *4500 1974 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME . Good runner!... *1800 1978 BUCK CENTURY 4 Or *3600 1978 PINTO WAGON Power Steering mate *2400 1979 0ATSUN PICKUP line Bsd. Auto *3300 1977 MAUBU 4 Or, loaded-- 1977 Q€W MONTE CARLO *2000 1981 AMC EAGLE 4sft 9mf *2100 *5200 1977 IMPALA 2 Or *2600 1977 VW RABBIT Front Wheel Or *2500 1978 PONTIAC GRAN PMX Sharp *45*5 1975 CHEVY * TON Pickup. Loedsd *3000 1978 PHOENIX 2 Or, 6 CyL *3000 1977 CHEVETTE 1 Owner *2300 1977 AMC HORNET 4 Or *1600 1976 OLDS CUTLASS 4 Or, Loedsd *2500 1978 MONARCH 4 Or,6 Cyl .Autt *2600 1978 MALIBU CLASSIC WAGON Like New .... *0700 1978 CHEVY CAPRICE WAGON-lotded 'MOO 1978 PONTIAC TRANS AM T TOP-Loaded *0000 1978 FIREBIRD 6 Cyl., Auto *3200 1978 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME *1200 Automobiles 88 For Sale Automobiles For Sale NEED A good uood car? Call Ray at Relchort Chevy/Bukk. >15/45*-4)001 NEW AT Ziehen heater. poiar flush, radiator repair, Mr conditioning repair ft service 312/43**5333. CONCORD DL 1ft 1 . low mL 4 cyl, 25) eng., 4 spd. new tknea. AM/FM casahe payer w/equeltzer. 64000/best. 615/736-1774 aft. 5 pm or week- OOOGE RAMCHARGCR. T*, VW SUPER Beetle, 74. Red; g--IIL- Al_^, IMWDft tngintf IIKI ntw iini« good body. MM firm. Call 615/3M-5a87 after 5:36 pm. PONTIAC LEMANS Sport Con­ vertible Wflft auto.. a.c„ am- fm stereo, all power, axe. cond.. 63,400/bast of far. 615/365-OCS, 615/3M-6141. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Mark III, 1*4*, full power, tri­ ple white, needs help, MM/best offer. >15/3)54)25, 615/3M-6141. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Mark III, 1M*. toll power. 40,00) miles, good cond.. 6ft400/boet offer. 815/3tt4Mft >15/3)54141. PACKARD, 1*50,4 door, needs work. 5450/best offer, 615/365- •BS, >15/3)54141. JEEP a ft 1*71 3)4 V-ft wHh headers, roll-bar, custom wheels w/10-15 tires. >l.20)/best offer. 615/3BSM2S, >15/3)54141. SHOPPING FOR AUTO INSURANCE? 'Let our Angers do the walk tig." Phone Quotes welcomed, (undertage Insurance gancy. I15/33S-332S. MEVELLE MALIBU, '73, air, i, good cond., best offer. Must >15/33)4*43. or 455-447). REPROCESSED AUTOS- an makes ft models. Always a * , ,|a rllnn IIn4 mil ••• n rlala OWN wtCTion. WR an moowi at all times. Buy just Ilka tak- Ing over peyments. From M. month ft up. Mechanically tested cars. No ma for body damage. For full details, you must ask for AAr. Barry. 312/5)4-3*00. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes ft models. Always a oood ssleclkai. Not all models at all times. Buy |ust like tak­ ing over payments. From M. month ft up. Mechanically tooled cars. No ma|or body damage. For full details, you must ask for AAr. Barry. 312/5)4-3*00. FORO GRANADA, 75. Dodge 115/495-Wagon. 5701 '«*. >350 each. >15/4 FIREBIRD HO, '47. no motor or trans.New floor pans no essmbied. >750/best, >15/344- 3112. CHEVY CITATION. ̂ I, 2 dr.. ps/pb. 4 sp.. exc. cond., >2,**5. Call)15/4»-lM3. BUICK LESABRE, '72, ps/pb, runs good. Body rusted. >l)5/bost. After 4:30, )1V45*- 7455. BUICK LoSABRE, 7). good work car, runs good, §350, 312/42H1M after 5 p.m. FORD MAVERICK. '72. 4-dr̂ auto., 75,000 miles. >475. 312/43*4791. TOYOTA COROLLA. 74, 4 spd., 73,000 miles, good running cond., new brakes ft exhaust, >1300, >15/4SM532. after 4 p.m. CELKA GT, 74, good cond. dependable. 30 mpg, M90/best. 312/43*4514 aft. 4 pm. DATSUN 3MZ. 71 Midnight Mua, 2+2, air, sunraof. crune. am/fm. new battery, gd. 1.312/45)-5170,efter 2 LINCOLN VERSAILLE1 7V. MM ******I VWM.i lONNb WrMW/DflTf 312/3)14W> or 312/3)24577. TOYOTA COROLA DLX, 11,4 dr* pa, mM air, Moreat super dean >44*1312/450-74*4. CALAIS CADILLAC'MM7M. Tandem Horse Trailer. >7M. )l5/33)-44»l after 7 p.m. 70, conver- . jsmpfcpfc aula, inifly near parts, saw >3200, 312/4M 1*544. , good oond« >1186 or bast of- ,312/4 PINTO, 77, auto, pa. «condw>r~" " 2/44*3773. 'OX 4M. deluxe, toran ̂ da sltvar, 4 dr. 5 spd. am/fm caaeefta stereo, mint cond. >7*00. )15/4»M3M. PINTO WAGON. '74. automatic air conditioning. 0*75. >1 V45*»M30 evenings. .M /̂MMMI. BUICK'LIB DATSUN 116 '7*, am/fm 4 spd. gd. cond. tor. >15/305-157), •m. RX7, exc. ft original cond. mechanically restored, call aftar 7 p.m. 015/450-3M7. HONDA CIVIC CVCC 1*77. " » » » - * M - J - -- f || , naicnoacvw 4 BNQI •fn*im radio, fair cond. Beat offer. >1V453-*04) after 4pm. CHEVY CAPRICE. 7», 4 dr. Vft air. loaded, >3100, call after 4 p.m. 312/43*4447. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE. 197ft 2 door, loaded, exc. runn­ ing cond. >X2S0/best offer. >15/3)54411. RENAULT WAGON, 'Ml 161, am/fm, air, 5 spd., rear defogor ft wiper, like new, MMM1S/7264M3 after 5 p.m. DODGE ARIES K')l, 2 dr., 4 spd. am/fm caseetto, >3)00, )l5/7M4M3aftar5p.m. CORVETTE M fully 15,ON org. miles, >13,500. 312/4*7-2754. CHEVY SHORTBED Step side Pickup. 197), tiH, auto, radial TA's.Best offer. >15^444474. OLDSMOBILE Regency fft'», 4 dr. w/tllt, am/fm, vinyl roof, 4-way pwr. seat, valour Int. brown/ tea 1 owner, >7^00. Call Tom, days- 312/744-2447; 497-3470. PINTO hatchback, 74 runs well, >500 312/43*3413. FORD LTD, 72, air, good tires ft brakes, new exhaust ft bet- tory. MOO/best. 312/43*-20M PORD TORINO, 75. 2-dr., ltd. edHion, ps/pb, auto, a/c 41,000 original, vary nice cond. >1450, 31273)1-23M. OLDS TORANADO Brougham. 1976, with sunroof, fully loaded, good cond. >3,200.312/43*-75*». CHEVROLET EL Camlno 76, runs good, needs minor work, 82360,312/4564*40. CHEVY 74. El Camlno. >350. Runs good. >15/726-1462. Zlobtthvd# >7,*00. Qualified buyers only, will consider offer. >15/750-14)7 1911 PORD MAVERICK Economical ft Dependable T ransportation • >500 Call 312/4244267 Automobiles 86 For Sale BUICK ELSCTRA. 7ft enty 4X6M. air ft extras, engine perfect, 6425/best. Kevin, 6U/49S4 DOOGE DART 74, custom, gaod beater, new exhaust system. MOO/best of far, >15/45*-ION. PORD GRAN TORNiaCouaa. 1*73. p.s .̂b., ax.raar window, detog.. eng extra rivnt goad, som Jehneburgi detog. engine hea>or, vinyl top, rims w/snow tires, runs t. MOO/oftor. | >15/344-2447. MUSTANG, '4ft Vft auto. New -fires, brakes, battery, >2500 or boat. 615/344-2434. CHEVY, 71, needs minor work. Asking >480, Call After 5 pm. 312/4M <6*>. ALFA ROMEO Spider. '6ft MM miles, mint cond. LIMITED, 731 good a4Mi/Î M4 rwwiing com., NW/DVIT ONVr# 615/4534655. FORD FAIRMONT Wagon 76. 4 cyl. auto, air, yy îow miles, gd. ( >15/3444)14. FORD FIESTA 7ft am/fm cassette, new exhaust ft )lSM/best. >15/337- OLDB DELTA 8ft 7ft 4 door, runs ft looks md, >1306/ bast. Call 312/43*-1271 FORD GRANADA, 7ft 44r, 4 cyl aula am/fm stereo, air, exc. cond. Must be seen to ap­ preciate. >145). >15/455-4547 FORD 7ft F19ft •w/top.6U | [m/46MU)J VW SUPPER BEETLE 71, need clutch, >2)0, >15/3)5- 42Mjfter4:»p.m. CHEVELLE '47 Good cond. >1500. H5/33M3M TOYOTA COROLLA '6ft 4 dr. 5 spd. am/fm, M5M, 615/49*4204. After 4, TOYOTA CELICA GT Lift- back. 77. 5-sp, air, am/fm cassette, good cond. Runs ft drives like new. 62375. 312/456- 75*4 TOYOTA CELICA GT Hat­ chback, '7ft auto, am/fm, ps/pb, a/c, exc. cond., ROM/offer, after 4:30, >15/455- 3)3). FIAT X19,7ft black, new tires, headers, exhaust, paint. Body I, after 4 pm. >2,000, 015/34447M VW BUS 7), 74 pass., 2 heaters, new tires, ft battery, auto, shift. Can be seen at Fergle's Farmhouse Tavern, 522 S. Rt. 31, AAcHenry, III. or call >15/3)547)4 or 3)54292. >43*5. VOLVO 244 DL 7ft exc. cond., new engine, no rust. Asking >2300/best. 312/9314313 days. After 6 pm, 4954404 FORD MUSTANG, 7*, 4-cyt., 4 m/fm ste ,312/43*-7Ml. spd., am/fm stereo, 32,450/best,: BUICK SKYHAWK, '75, >400, 312/420-3105 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Brougham, '7ft 4 dr. white, all power, ffftdtd. sunroof A real beauty. >4300,615/72H235. 5 spd. exc. 815/344-53*0 or >15/3>5- 0700 ask for Neal. OLDS STARFIRE, Vft auto, po, ph, roer refog, am/fm cassette. 70400 miles, >1500 or best. AAust sell immediately. >15/455-4254. Automobiles 86 For Sale VB^Tĵ tqjl̂ sp ĵm/Mi )15/3)54*W. alter 6pm. PUT STRADA, m 5 spd. am/fm radio, 22.6M arig. 815/xft- PORD CHATEAU dub waaen, rBi ^Wt ntOwiTvn^Mf IWIT aqulped. 6ft6M or baet aftar. 615/S54411 after 3:3) p.m. 47 TEMPEST, '47, new brakes. U-Mnts. alt. Gaad 2nd car. MM/Mtor. 312/439-7921. MG MIDGET 7ft Sft666 FAIRMONT '76. air. new transmission, asking >1166, 312/4564IM. VW VAN. 7ft axe. cond. 7 pn®" cl*aft, 44*0)̂ 1 ̂ ^ l̂l̂ is, IftMft >15/3)5-11*1. VW RABBIT LS. *61, tow miles, exc cond. 2 dr. fuel Infected, >3,7)6.312/4S6-51M. DATSUN 316 GX, hetchback, 40. good cond. ftl*5/oftor >15/33)414). CORVETTE 77. ps/pb, air, am/fm cassette, leather, cruise. Exc. cond. >7456. )15/72)-0024. LINCOLN Cent Mental '66. AAark Vft 4 dr. excel, shape, leather Inter. 6)200. 615/923- 23M. TOYOTA CELICA GT. hat­ chback. 77.5 spd. good cond. must soil. >1766, )1S/14>46M. CHEVY VEGA, 77, hatchback, auto, rsbullf eng. needs minor bojfr work. 6556/ofter, 312/495- MOVMG TO ENGLANO must sell Dodge Challenger Trlanca, '63. 1*400 miles, like new. )7JM/bost offer. 615/3364617. BUICK LaSabrs, 74 with 79 engine. 5546M miles. >3M. Call 81M364297. Automobiles 86 For Sale CAMARO. 71, pa/pb, Mr. am/fm isseslts, looks ft runs gsodl >14)ft 312/45644M. PORD DE SOTO '5ft 2-dr,'4 cyl. aula, clean, sharp, original, tow miles. >329). 312/456-7922 evenings FORD MUSTANG '67. 5406/best offer. 312/456-2379. after 4pm. PORD GRANADA. '62.34 L 4 cyl, cruise, rear window defrootor. 4 r̂. orlg. earner, new brakes, shacks, struts. Ex­ cellent candltlon. >5566. 41VM64411 VW DUNE BUGGY.'4ft 4 cyl 4 spd. runs great, new tk Mn,)15/3>5-4929 after 4 pm PONTIAC GRAND PRD( U, 40, pa/pb, air, astro roof, rear •, power seat, am/fm cc. cond. AH service 312/741-13M after 4 d; STURDY OLD Faithful 1974 4- dr. Bulck Limited being retired. 615/36543M PLYMOUTH FURY, 7ft 4 r̂, aula ps/pb, V-ft new brekes, runs well. >350.312/43*4472 CADILLAC '71, runs good, MOO/best offer >15/344-4544. CAMARO, 7ft looks good, rum rL fully powered, Best Of-312/43*4400 Ask for Todd BRONCO, 79, Aula Vft air, fflt, 43,000 mltos. >5200/best. After 4 pm, >15/336-4523 COUGAR XR7, 79. Vft auto, air, cruise, tilt, 54,000 miles. >39M/best. Aftar 4 p.m., 615/336-7474. RABBIT, Diooel, 79. Rust- proofed, FM stereo. Good con­ dition. 622M/oftor. 815/3364504. BUICK 7ft Estate pfc pw. po. 4 or best ofter, 615/344-2)15 offer 1p.m. Estate wagon ps. 44M6 miles. >1400 OOOGE OMNI '7ft exc. cond. air, pb, ps, 74,000 commuter miles, >2500, call 615/45*4734 after 4 p.m. NOVA 74. Gd. cond. new tires, springs, muffler ft exhaust. 61 MO^est. 615/337-0755. MERCURY BOBCAT, 77, very ' cond, no rust, asking 615/3364444 after 4 pm. PONTIAC TRANS AM, 77, Mlu/blk. loodod, exc. cond. CT00, >15 )̂5-342* after 5 p.m. BUICK CENTURY. 74. small V-ft am/fm, ps/pb, p/w, good cond. >450.312/43*33*4 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 71. 340, V-ft auto, P/S, P/B, air, clean rune good, 6375. >15/344- 4445. PLYMOUTH Grand Fury 9 -- -- --. /win" 5 pm. pass, wagon 75. AAlnf cond. 615/36544M, after i BUICK RIVERA, 41, miles, loadad, exc. cond. brown 0*400,615/4764177. DOOGE DART 74,4 cyl. Good runner, 6406/ofter. 312/426-7445 after 5 pm. CELEBRITY, '02. commuters car, high mileage but super condition. Cruise, air, cento see. >15/45*-4035 MUSTANG 72 Grande, high perf. 351, auto, with shift kit, ps, pb, headers, spoiler, hood scoop, body ft Interior supor.Show car, must sell, >MM/bsst offer, 312/4394115 afterSp.m. PORD T-GIRD, '79, full power, low miles, votour Interior, mag wheels, exc. cond., 53,900/besf, 615/455-53M. TOYOTA SR5 Pick-up, 'Ml red, 4WD, 12400 miles, paint seal, am/fm storen Asking >*400. Call after 4 pm. 615/3M-7M1 SUPER BEETLE 7ft AM/FM stereo, sunroof, 1 owner, garage kept. >14*5. 312/456- ni4. CAMARO, 71, 0*,000 orlg. miles, runs good, needs body work, 6300/bost. >15/45*41*4 CHEVY MONZA, '79. brawn 2 dr. coupe, om/fm cassette, ps. sport wheels, tan valour In­ ferior, exc. cond. w/tow tow •mileage. Has been well token care of, must see to appreciate. >2*00 or best offer, 6lt7054446. VOLV0145 Station Wagon 7ft auto, tool infection air, new angina tap mechanical cond. axe. body, Michoitn tires. >1750,. 615/3654M1. KARMANN GHIA, 71 auto, stick, vary good cond. first >1 J6ft 312/42ft2714. KARMANN OHM convert. '4ft 4«d. exc. cond. first >2,70ft312/4M-2*S3. miles, exc >5,000 or best offer, 615/365- 9224. CUTLASS BROUGHAM Sedan '81, M,000 miles, all ac- casssories Including toafhar, excellent condition. >7200/best. 615/455-1930 Automobiles as For Sale SKYHAWK.'7ft 6456, 312/420-3IM PLYMOUTH FURY III. 72, original owner, axe. cond. >1400or best, 615/365-30*2- RIVIERA. 77, 994M miles, runs fine, MM/bost. 312/424- 3744afler3pm. BUICK LESABRE. 7ft pa/pb, air, am/fm. MM, 61V4M-3474 after 4:30 PM. BUICK ELECTRA, 77, 44r sedon >2995/best. 312/49S46M or 6*7-1745 PINTO 7ft 514M mltos, ex- cepTionaiiy ciean un HI ITion in- side, oufslde ft undsr the hood. RUM good, 91M6. >15/344-2714, tmnnmiwiwiwiiMB. T-BIRD 7ft auto, air, p.b. p AAA/FAA, 1 accident, high mileage, exc condition )ilM. Call312/456-75M. GREMLIN X 7ft air, i 615/7M4572 OOOGE OMNI. 79, 2 dr. hat­ chback. Mua TftOM miles, good cond. 62,500/best, 615/7M-15M after 7 pm. Tracks, Tractors at BTrsfloni JEEP PICK UP, 'M. v» ton with 7% ft. hydro turn plow. Autg pa/pb. 615/476-3741 TOYOTA PICKUP. '77. GMC 'M shod bod slop- sMa pickup, 4 cyl. Call after 4 pm. 312/4M-31V- '5ft 1/2 tan stop side L 3M Ford engine 4 pm, 312/456-3157. some rust, 615/344-374*. shocks, tires, >1,600/ firm. QIEVROLET 1 ton^stoyvan 7ft runs good, i.., . 81 toe. 31M3H441 aftar 9:M ! OOOGE, W ton pick-up. 1939, \ body good, rastorable cond. or • parts. No tlfla MM or after, : 615/45*4174 after 4 p.m. 1OWENS CAR Trailer, '64, with tire rack and tool box. 81966/besf. 312/43*-5250 Ask tor Don 87 Wanted To Bnv CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/43*2426 WANTED TO BUY |unk A rape Irable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/43*415*. • Auto Parts & 88 Accessories FMC AAodel 55M computer truck wheel balancer. Valve face ft soot grinder set, 5 hp air camprassor, engine hoist, 4M BB Ik *- «- halUsM TT» ID. Torque wrencn* Nnvry load tester, set King Pin roomers. 615/336-3647. I FORD 3*0 engine with C4 trens. Runs good, 8175 31&6M4914 VW ENGINE Runs, AAake Offer Call 312/439-2774 PICK-UP CAP, full size white aluminum 817ft 312/43940M. Trucks, Tractors 89 ATraflers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 7ft 22 ft. full self-contained, sleeps ft AM/FM storoa air, awning, stabilizer lacks, excel, cond. 312/424-2047. IH STEP VAN, '4* w/bins. needs repair, V-ft 4-spd. 8500. Call Allan 615/45*4142. FLATBED TRUCK. 1*46, needs restoration Bast offer. 815/3654625,815/3654141. TOYOTA TRUCK ta, lux­ urious AAdavs Special Ltd. Edi­ tion 15,000 miles, mint cond. torttdj all options. Indud. sunroof. Cost 694M, sacrificing at 875M. Call: 312/4M-2343 or 312/4264MI, Dorothy. '61 PORD F160 Pickup. u a fnnii f f . r a * Wl, Bl* #•» VWJ. PORD 4 X 4, 7ft PjJb '̂OW mltos, cap. Good Sacrifice U300.615/45344M CHEVY PICKUP, 3/4 Ton 7ft ps/pb, good cond., 61766, 615/45*41*0 after 5:30pm. CHEVY STEP VAN 75. Runs gd. 8795. 815/4534444, before DATSUN PICKUP, '7ft w/top- per. Good cond. 81400/best, 615/336-2411. UTILITY TRAILER, S x ft heavy duty wrtf flraa New end. 847ft 619/46M6M ill. 6 PORD FUft 79, 3M4 cyl. 4 sp- p«/pb. heavy duty cap, am/fm 8 track, 16 X 15 spoked wheels ft tires. 82,256 or best of­ fer. Call 815/455-2297. 60 Vans CHEVY VAN Walum.l 815/336-2 Beautiful alum, body, 1-2304 VW VAN, 1947, good cm Inside ft out, OMMost 815/45M536. OOOGE MAXI VAN 7ft 31ft 44K. piushly carpeted Interior, 816M. 312/4964402. FORD ElSft 7ft Ml V4 auto, air, cruise, pa/pb, am/fm 6 trad, custom Inferior, good tires, rusty, asking >1,600, 312/434-2731 < PORD VAN, 71, 8 passenger, removable soots, runs good, 8406/bOSt. 815/726-1141. Motorcycles & 01 Snowmobiles KAWASAKI 1ft 440LTD, 2ftOM miles, exc. cond. -f 2 Helmets, 814M/0ftor. 312/4264145. SUZUKI RM 8ft 1978, naw piston good cond. 8365/best of- tar. 815^654625.815^654141. KAWASAKI KZ 450,197ft 4 Into 1 header, naw tlraa ft paint. 81466/best. 615/33646M. GMC PICK UP '79. New diooel engine. Many extras. 84400. UTILITY TRAILER, Coleman Caboose, used only twica Ilka brand new, 8366, 815/455-2*M after 4 pm. UZUKI RM125. Runo. 1258/beot. Call aftar 4 pjn.aok tor Al. 615/7264321 «?•« "SIRS, W cu4to4 ̂ paint, chroma now brakes ft tirss. more ex has. 629M. 312/436-13M Automobiles Mi ITnv fiala t Sunday OF CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS DRIVE A HE* 1384--NO MONEY DOWN! PLUS CASH FOR YOUR TRADE-IN! OMNI 4 DOOR ARIES 2 DOOR Per Month Per Month £ CHEVY BLAZER 4 X ft 7ft auto* ps/pb, 774M ml brakes, sxhaust, Sunday Per Month WE FEATURE THE FINEST USED CARS IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. FULIY RECONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT & SAFETY PLUS 100% GUARANTEE! . 82 BUICK CENTURY LTD. AA. Auto. air. power steering, brakes, seats JT MMK ^ windows door locks, tilt A cruise; AM/FM stereo. J Br Br Br ?82 DATSUN P.U.4x 4 ~ .a. ̂5i spd; bucket seats & console; power steering; jQ.Jyj W trailer hitch, enclosed bed. ^ F *82 TOYOTA TERCEL Front Wheel Drive. Auto.; Power Steering; AM/FM stereo. Rear Defroster; Radial Tires 81 RELIANT WAGON S E Model; front wheel drive; luggage rack, auto. air. power steering & brakes; AM/FM. 81 FORD MUSTANG 4 speed, bucket seats & console; power steering & brakes; AM/FM stereo. $4,695 7} COUGAR XR-7 V-8; auto; pwr steering, brakes ft windows; cruise ft tilt whl;AM/FM cassjadial tires; low mi $4,495 $3,995 79 JEEP CJ-7& PLOW 6 cyl; 4 spd; tilt wheel; two tops; Meyer s Plow. $3,49$ $4,69$ »tlCEUCASUHM ^ 5 spd . power steering, brakes ft windows; tilt CO jlQC w h e e l f t c r u i s e ; a i r ; a m / f m c a s s e t t e w w w 3. 81 DODGE PICKUP ^ D 150; shortbed. auto., power steering ft ^ brakes, am Jm stereo; low miles $5,295 81 CHEVY IMPALA WGN Auto power Peering ft brakes; air; tilt wheel ft cruise. AM/FM stereo; luggage rack. 80 CORDOBA CROWN COUPE Auto; power steering, brakes, windows, seats; tilt wheel; cruise; AM/FM stereo; leather interior 80 OMNI 4 DR. Front wheel drive; auto; power steering ft brakes, air; bucket seats ft console $3,99$ $5,19$ $3,99$ $3,395 TOIKMDA CIVIC WCII. Front wheel drive; power steering. AM/FM radio; rear defroster; tinted windshield radials 77 CHEVY MALIBU WGN. _ Auto.; power steering ft brakes; air; radial C 1 QQ C tires. AM/FM stereo; low miles. | w Br Br 75 FORD MAVERICK 4 Dr; 6 cyl; auto, power steeimg, AM radio; new tires; runs perfect • ?. $1,09$ 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 - 3 3 8 1 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 - 3 3 8 2 UBB MB w 1 I

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