PAGE t - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1W4 Life Today State festivities Mellum takes top honors in speech contest MR. AND MRS. TONY LERCH Coon Creek Country Days in Hampshire, 111. is a two-day extravaganza to be held Saturday, Aug. 4 and Sunday, Aug. 5. The event -features sidewalk sales, hot dog and corn boil cooked by steam engine, flea market and craft sales, ice cream social, petting zoo for children, industrial displays, antique machinery and car display, square dancing and old- time movies in the evening, plus much more. Saturday's activities start at 9 a.m. Sunday, there will be a walk-run for beginners and advanced, sponsored by the Hampshire Park District, starting between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. Laura Ann Mellun, age 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton J. Mellum of Johnsburg, has been chosen speech winner in the speech and talent 1964 Miss T.E.E.N. Illinois pageant which was held in Naperville, 111. July 6-6. The pageant was the official state-wide finals for the National Miss T.E.E.N. which will be held in November. There were 100 girls chosen to par ticipate in the Illinois State finals. Miss Mellum's two minute speech was on 'Teens En couraging Excellence Nationally." The speeches were judged on content, delivery, originality and performance. All contestants were between the ages of 14-18, and must have LAURA MELLUM had at least a "B" average in school, having maintained this average for at least two years. Each one was required to participate in the volunteer community service program of the pageant, becoming involved in community activities by contributing at least 12 hours of time to some worthwhile charity or civic work. Miss Mellum's volunteer work was done at Bethpaghage Mission, a Lutheran home for the mentally retarded, in Axtell, Nebr., this past June. The entrants were judged on their scholastic and civic achievements, poise and per sonality. The panel of judges was comprised of educators, business and professional people from various locations in the state of Illinois. Miss Mellum received a trophy and a $100 savings bond. Observe golden anniversary Community calendar Tony and Gertie Lerch of McHenry celebrated their fif tieth wedding anniversary recently at a dinner with relatives and friends at Mara vela's in Fox Lake. The presence of their best man Bill Lerch and his wife Corinne, from Largo, Fla., and their maid of honor Dorothy Levins, from Orland Park, 111., helped make the day very special for them. Also traveling from a distance to join in the festivities were Mr. Lerch's cousin and his wife, Rudy (Prudy) Lerch of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. A highlight of the day was a beautifully decorated cake which had been made by the celebrants' niece Ruth Zet- tlemeier and her husband Hans of Orland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lerch had been summer residents of the area and moved here permanently 12 years ago. He retired seven years ago from Elm Systems in Wauconda. They have a daughter, Mrs. Jack (Elaine) Hoffstetter; grandchildren, Jeff and his wife Susan. Sharon, Phil and his wife Laurie; and two great grandchildren, Andy and April, all of McHenry. Births HE ALY-McGUE A baby boy, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz., was born June 23 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, to Michael and Deborah Healy- McGue of Woodstock and they named him Gavin Michael. BUCH Maternal grandparents are Edward and Nancy Healy of Crystal Lake. Paternal grand parents are Terry and Barb McGue of McHenry. Kenneth and Linda Buch of McHenry announce the birth of their first child on June 24. Christopher Kenneth entered 3lhe world 4a Goo* ttillyl erd Hospital, Barrington, weighing nine pounds. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nick of McHenry. Mr.and Mrs. H^nry E. Buch, also of MeHenry, are the paternH grandparents. JULY 26 Bachelors & Bachelorettes Sq. Dance Club-Pajama Party 6-11 p.m.-Johnsburg Comm. Club-Herb Oesterle Callers-Info. 344-4014. JULY 21 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. McH. Moose Lodge 691-Horse Shoe Pitching-Beer-Brats-Sweet Corn-At Lodge 10 a.m. Chicken Barbecue-Ringwood Church-Serve 4:30 to 7 p.m.- Tickets 728-0222 385-7646 385-8037. NAIM -St. Margaret Chapter-Picnic Potluck 1 p.m.-Gerloff's Home. JULY 22 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 a.m.-Public Welcome. JULY 23 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 1 p.m.-East Campus. McH. Woman's Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-McH. Pub. Library. JULY 24 McH. Garden Club-Lunch 11:30 a.m.-McH. Country Club-Mtg. 1 p.m.-McH. Pub. Library. JULY 25 Mary Martha Circle-Mtg. 1 p.m.-Faith Presbyterian Church- Lincoln & Chapel Hill Rds. JULY 26 McH. Moose Lodge 691-Special Mtg. 8 p.m.-For AJU Members. JULY 28 McH* tSperfewmlfe Oub-Weingart 1^-Practioe Shoot 1 p.m.-? Public Welcome. McHenry Business & Professional Women aid students The scholarship committee hosted the June meeting of the McHenry Business and Professional Women and a highlight of the evening was the appearance of the group's scholarship winners for this year. Kelly Hart, a graduate of Johnsburg High School, was unable to attend and Kathleen Moehling, chairman of the committee, read a letter ex pressing her regrets. Paula Hiller, a McHenry East Campus High School graduate, was in attendance with her mother, and she gave a very interesting talk. Jodi Beutel, a junior education major at Northern Illinois University, told everyone she was grateful for being chosen to • receive the Maurie Taylor Memorial scholarship and her personal association with Miss Taylor made the award even more special. Cathy O'Leary, chairman of the foundation committee, in troduced Debra Gust, recipient of the ongoing education scholarship for women. Debra is a self-employed artist who will be working to complete her bachelor's degree at McHenry County College. A graduate of Marian Central Catholic High School, she has attended Nor thern Illinois University and McHenry County College. Jt was very enjoyable and rewarding for the BPW mem bers to see and hear those who are benefiting from the efforts put for by the group during the past year. A discussion about McHenry's Fiesta Days resulted in the decision to sponsor a booth serving finger-food style desserts on the nights of July 23 and 26. All members are requested to drop off their baked goods or monetary donation, as soon as convenient, to Barbara Gerasch, G. G. Havens or Mrs. Gerald (Janice) Wegener. Those who have any questions, or wish to volunteer their ser vices to man the booth are urged to call Gloria Mack, chairman of the project, at 653-3711. It is hoped that everyone will support this endeavor to raise funds for the McHenry Business and Professional Women to continue their good work in the community. President Havens reminded everyone that the yearly dues in the amount of $23 are to be turned in by Aug. 1 or there will be a late penalty of $1.25 added. Checks are to be mailed to Karen Putnam, in care of McHenry State Bank. All working women in the area are cordially invited to attend any of the BPW meetings and get acquainted with the mem bers and how the group func tions. Those interested in more information are urged to call 385-0258. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH served every Sunday from 10am-2pm ADULTS *7.25 CHILDREN Cra) '5.95 s 820 N.JOHN ST., McHENRY 385-1072 f NORTHERN ILLINOIS NURSING SERVICE 7432 HANCOCK DR., WONDER liKE, IL (815)728-1040 •Private Duty In Home Hospital- Nursing Home •24 Hour Service/7Days A Week •Complete In Home Care •Licensed & Bonded A HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE TO EXPENSIVE HOSPITAL CARE z JOHN F. LAMPE AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE IN ALL AREAS OF LAW including: - • Real Estate and Zoning • Corporations and Business Law • Divorce and Family Law • Criminal Defense and Traffic • Civil Litigation • Wills and Estate Planning AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS PERSONAL INJURY WORKERS COMPENSATION HRS - MON.-FRI, 8-5. SAT. 9-12, EVES BY APPOINTMENT McHENRY OFFICE 3406 W. ELM ST. 344-3252 SERVICE Sport Coats •Suits CLEARANCE SALE •Sport Shirts •Slacks 'Sportswear and more Further reductions on all remaining spring and summer merchandise Savings of 30% to 40% SffTT-Slifiri d>*«« fir rflwrtm N durMct fees ^hrifltnjjbFrfi MEN S WEAR 3902 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY 385-4060 McH. Moose Lodge 691-Steak Fry 6:90 p.m.-Dance to Live Music of 50-60-70's. JULY 29 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Picnic k Championship Shoots 9 a.m.-Bring Dish To Pass k Wrapped Prize for Games. Children's Circus-5 and 7 p.m.-Petersen Pk.-Sponsor Pioneer Ctr.-Adv. Tckts. Chamber Office k Pioneer Ctr. 344-1230. AUG. 2 McH. Sportsmens Club-Weingart Rd.-Mtg. 8 p.m. AUG. 3-5 Rusty Nail Softball Tournament-Knox Park-Fri. Nite-Sat. k Sun. From 9 a.m. All Day. AUG. 4 McH. Sportsmens Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. AUG. S McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-McH. Pub. Library. AUG. 10 Benefit Fish Boil-Pearl St. Park, McH.-5 to 8:30 p.m.-Sponsor Pioneer Ctr. For AUG. 11 McH. Sportsmens Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. JW" We hope to see you at the FOOD FIESTA |V°2!£S? SUNDAY PETERSON 12 NOON JULY 22 PARK TO 8PM DOGSAI FOOD FIESTA MY.m COME VISIT 4224 W. ELM ST. - McHENRY CAVA- Vienna Dee/ CAN'T COME TO THE FOOD HESTAT OMEDME M-F11-9.SAT.11-7 CARRY OOTI CLOSED SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS Where the kids are always welcome -- Jiilhop Muffct FRESH, HOMESTYLE COOKING Because we are a family restaurant, we love Kids. We even have a special children's hostess to help you with the little ones as you select your food. We also have smaller portions, high chairs and balloons. Our goal is to make it easy for you and fun for them. Come eat with us soon. Spring Hill Mall