Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1984, p. 13

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PACEU-PLAINDEALER• WEDNESDAY! JIII.VB IMI a* Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Heto Wanted TUMI rilMimit - - - - - • • --A-- THREI CARPENTERS nee* ed for MMm small hornet. Pleeee call 311/3M-MX WAITRISS Part time. Rlver- view Raataurant, Call Mike cr Bnmi/4Si-«aoo. WLIC SCRECNER NEEDED Full Time portion. Experience required. Call: 312/495-2040 LICENSED Inauranoe person la produce for eatablMi- ed property l casualty aflency. Send resume to: Shew Free P.O. Bex 10013. All W CR. Can. IL «*-»--*•- ' COnTIOQmlal ELECTROPLATING SUPERINTENDENT & PLATING FOREMEN PLASTIC Leading multi-plant manufac­ turing corporation seekinngen •lectroplatlng superintendent * plating foremen to " within a super In m tor a division n a 100 mile radius of Memphis. Tennessee. Engaged In exterior & Interior electroplating of plastics on targa automate platers for automotive A appliance in­ dustries. Heavily involved In n»tntlnn R moiaing, km wiring a ly. Must be able to real­ ly understand the mechanics af, as well as be a hands-on manager In the operation of large fully automatic plastic platers. Also, supervise the chemical additions and/or purification of electroplating solutions running copper, A chrome on plastic ports. Salary & bonus ranging from S3S M ttISO M depending upon background, dedication A position qualified for. Send complete resume. Not an agen­ cy. BOX A K N SHAW FREE PRESS P. 0. Box 250 Crystal Lake, II60014 LAB TECHNICIAN Dependable and mature person to perform complex immunology blood tests in a busy medical practice. Lab experience desired. Full Time. Available im­ mediately. Good benefits, additional training provid­ ed. 815/455-1990 Mon.Tues. Thurs. Fri. 9 AM to 11:30 AM or 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM RNIerLPtrS. Part time, 3pm-llpm shift, oc­ casional 7am-3:30pm shift. Please apply In parson, Sunset Manor. MO N. Seminary St., EARL MORNING people «or part time work. Must be PART TIME Janltoral. evenings and weekends. Ideel for high school student. Apply in Mnon, Crystal Pines Nurs- IHQ HOflMt MAJOR APPLIANCE A Refrlgeretlon Technician. Minimum 5 years experience. Apply In person, Thompson's Appliance, 310 Clay Stmt, Woodstock. COMBINATION BOOT MAN sftrisrjm- c iissansvaB RNORLPN UROLOGY OFFICE FULLTIME Cafl9AMto4PM Monday thru Friday 815/344-0240 PERMANENT PART-TIME. 34 hour Convenient Store/Gas Station needs mature depen­ dable people. Varied duties A hours. Must enjoy working w/people. Previous cash handl­ ing experience helpful. Apply in person, 3702 Elm St., ««-»1 PERSON to help wash cars A various other small |obs, part time. Could work Into full time. MANAGER Supervision experience need- ApplyJn person, at SnWfpiici ThMtrtSf Crystal HARDWARE STORE is seek­ ing a mature adult wl math skills for office; to work part time some evenings and HUKWKn. wiim posiTrons irv also available. Apply at ACE Crystal Point Atoll Mail Room who can maintain and repair mall labeling machines (Cheshire 514). We offer opportunities for ad­ vancement and supervisory responsibilities. Applications are being taken with a brief In­ terview at MI Industrial Dr., Cary, IL (Weekdays 0 am to 4:30 pm). If you are unable to ly during these hours, call Mr. Scall at 312/09- Fox Valley Systems, inc. FOOTBALL COACHES Marian Hiah S_ IL. Stale 2A Cham Central School, pions, 1*13. State teachers cer­ tificate required. Principal; Tom Landers, Oil Head football coach- Don Pen­ za, 015/330-0440. Athletic Director- Hans Rokis, 015/330- 4220. WAITRESS OR WAITER • full or part fitwe (must be 21 or over) responsible A experience preferred. Apply In jnreon. Jallhouse Saloon, On the Square, Woodstock. 015/330- 4700. P A R T T I M E f l o o r iwlnhwnr • |M U/nn^lnrli T mairrrenance in woogstock# / am-10 am dally. Call 015/330- 9300 7 am-10 am only, ask for Floor Malnt. Mgr., or 312/350- 0779 after 4 pm. APPRENTICE PRINTER Wanted. Learn a trade. Pieeee apply in person weekdays 0 am to 4:30 pm. Ask for Mrs. Pino, Fox Valley Systems. Inc., 440 Industrial pr ̂Cary. IL. If It Is not possible for you to apply during these hours, please call 312/499-5490. »T>I menmwy. IIWIMIA WHIIM UIM, I IJB MWIBIB RV<I ̂ excellent Income while learn­ ing the Ins A outs of Com­ modore Computers. National ctfiloo company Is looklno for » 1- III- A 1 -- inTviiigoriT moiivfiiQ pvopiv> Full I. Part Time. Day, evening hrs. available. For Interview, call: ALEX at312/301-9244. MAINTENANCE Part-time, mornings. Send replies to P.O. Boot 521. Crystal Lake IL.40014 Part Time Receptionist for Doctor's Office Scheduling appointments, typing, tiling. Some computer experience a plus. Evening and Satur­ day hours. Must be friendly, neat in appearance, and enjoy working with people-NON SMOKER. Pleasant working conditions. Send resume and references to . BOX JU-2 do McHmry Waindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry. IL 60050 jmm* Crystal Lake manufacturer A Importer til horticultural pr ducts needs a ̂ Call 0:30 anhSpm 015/493-5140 parson 2 days per r aptitude a must. TELLER Union National Bankof Elgin is seeking a Part Time Teller to work epproKlmatley 25 hrs. per week, Mon. Tuee. Thurs. Frl. A Sat., 0 AM. until 1P.M. Ex­ perience preferred but we will train qualified Individual who poesesses good customer con* tact skil ls. Pleasecall: JANE KEITH, at 312/888-7500 COOK-WAITREIMUS ROY Help needed; Experienced only apply. Phone for oppolnf- •^015/3054335^* A^ssSrr̂ Berrlngton has openings for: •CREDIT & COLLECTION ASST. Must have ability to deel well with customers oVer the telephone. Typing speed of 45 wpm, knowledge of calculator and computer terminals re- quirt*. Previous accounting •xparianca a plus. •CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Excellent secretarial skills, superior typing, A bookkeeping required. Must well-organized and detail For Interview eppt., call: Shirley Lorum 312/381-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING 1301 S.GrovaAv*. Barrlngton, IL 40010 •quel cppertvnlty aiwployer iw/l MATURE PERSON for hastass Also Gift Shop t Sunday. Call 312/490-5441. evenings at lunch, Monday thru Friday. Shop clorit, r.Cafl 312/4! DIRECTOR OP TRANSPORTATION The Cary Elementary School DHttrlct 124 is seeking a qualified person as the director of its 12 bus transportation fleet. Must be able to perform routine maintenance service on buses and make minor repeirs. Position open August 4th, salary negotiable. Excellent benefits. Contact District % Administrative Office at 409 First St„ Gary, II for applica­ tion and details before 1 i Mon thru Friday pm. CARPENTERS and Framers wanted. Apply at: Algonquin Lumbar Co.. 427 S. Harrison St., Algonquin CLEAN UP and detail. Depen­ dable person only need apply Kings Motor Sales. 1134 Dundee Rd., Algonquin. BODY MAN. Qualified. 91 per week. Insurance ELECTROPLATING SUPERINTENDENT & PLATING FOREMEN-DIECAST A plating foramen (or a division located within a KIO mile radius of Memphis. Tennessee. Engaged In zinc dlecasting. automatic A hand polishing, buffing, painting A nigh pro- A|Aa4MMUA4llU> JMA oucnon HiwropiiTing on iiryi autamatic platars far automatlve. appliance A plum­ bing industries. MM! be able to really understand the mechanics of, as well as be a hends-onmanager In the opera­ tion of large fully automatic pwnre. i Alio, suotrvlsa tht chtmka! addition and/or puriTicaTKXi or 9ncn opining solutions, running copper, nickel A chrome on zinc dlecastings. Salary A bonus tanging from $35 M to $30 M depending upon background, dedication A position qualified for. Send complete resume. Not an agency . BOXAKO SHAW FREE PRESS P.O. Box 250 Crystal Later II60014 SHIPPING-RECEIVING Full time positions available. Apply In person, 9 em-Noon, Profocto Enterprises. 22192 N. " Rd* Berrlngton. IL. HELP WANTED PETLAND Spring Hill Mall Full A Part Time positions available far outgoing responsi­ ble individuals (No Phone Calls) AUTO MECHANIC Full time, with experience Front end alignment, tune-up, brakes, and air conditioning. Apply In person. County Tire A Supply. 7210 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake. ANIMAL HOSPITAL Kennel Attendant, afternoons and •mm waak-amfe. raar round Wllia WWWn Wl IW«I S Wl » Wl !¥• Some veteraelrlan assistance and maintenance. High school rad. Call: Noyes Animal 11-1990. grad. < Hospital 1,312/301- CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative Position available tar an In­ dividual with at least 3 yeers In­ side customer service ex­ perience. Duties will Include accurate general office skills mc ssifocMS! a b 11 lfV. o n d re I a t e d assignments. We offer an ex­ cellent sterling selary and full range of benefits. Qualified in- dlvlduels please send resume to fill out en or apply in application BARRINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, part time Health Aide, 4V* hrs. a day. First aid ft C. P. R. req. (in oistrlct train­ ing pooslble). Call Personnel: 311/301-4300. _ RESUMES Professlohally • Wba/IIT ptBDwiEO. *wa»nnv» WBivOnw. Norton A Associates. 312/420- 92S5. OFFICE md helpful ,312/301-7700 JZS oeping Arlington Ann Beltntr MacLEAN-FOGG COMPANY 5100 Wilson Rd. Richmond, IL 40071 •fly#' opportunity tffiployjf m/f EXCELLENT SALARY. New rapidly expending nursing west areas. For RN's, LPN's, Certified nurses aides and I (ve­ in's. Call 312/4504055 or 450 DUE TO EXPANSION Must fill 10 merketlng A sales positions by August 3. Evening 8. week­ end hours available. Must be dependable and have transpor­ tation. Starting pay 04 JsTCall 312/741-19|0,3 pm - 7 pm only. SHIFT MANAGER Needed at Skelly Track Stop. Salary open. Contact Denny et Hampshire Fuel Stop or call 312/403-2040. r REGISTERED PHARMACIST ' Join 0§C0 now! Part Time Pharmacist needed. If you are a Registered Pharmacist in Il­ linois, seeking part time employment, OSCO otters goood salary, good benifits and opportunity. For interview call: 815-385-7744 or send resume to; OscoDrug 4222 Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 EqualOpportunity Employer m t APPRENTICE PRINTER WANTED Learn a trade. Clean, contem­ porary press room with offset presses, cutter and Bauhm folder. Please apply in person weekdays 8 am to 4:30 pm. Ask for Mrs. Starr, Fox Valley Systems, 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is not possible for you to apply during these hours, please call 312/639-5658. SUPfKVIIOR/CUSTOllfcK SERVICE Requires well organized person who is good with numbers, has strong background In supervision A has oxcaltont telephone communication skills to run a two parson, computerized customer service A order entry department. RMNtfFACWMNti/MDUSTRML ENGINEER Require* hands on experienced in process routing, time study, pre determined tim* standard, compu tar data based maintenance, methods A tooling, sheet metal fabrication, stamping, welding A assem­ bly. College degree in mechanical/Industrial engi­ neering would be a plus. Should bo ready to manage manufacturing engineering dep«i!ment within I to 3 years. The Company (o $ medium sited multi-product 200 employee manufacturer located 20 miles east of Rockford Send resume to: MX ioat Liberty vM« W. 6004$ An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS To Work On Custom Homes In Northwest Suburbs Q. W. Theil 312-991-7676 SALESSECRETARY We are seeking a mature, experienced Secretary for a responsible and challenging position. Typing and shorthand required. We offer good starting salary plus a complete benefit package. Applica­ tions now being accepted at : Autotrol= corporation 345 E. Prairie St..Crystal Lake, IL 40014 BIS/4503000 »ju»l P»«rtMmtT employer m t 1^7/ „ Opportunity In Agribusiness Combines advantages of |obs and busi­ ness. Ma|or feed manufacturer has sales service opening. On the |ob training. Good advance possibilities. Excellent be­ nefit program. Self-starters looking for a challenge should contact: MH(9 Kearns 347 N. Sacramento Sycamore, IL 60178 815-895-2406 NEED IMMEDIATELY ENTRY LEVEL Industrial Mechanic Must b« qvalififvd to learn to officiontly and thoroughly repair electric motors ond related machonical oquipmont. Position roquiros, as a minimum, high school diploma, intorost in lifetime work in heavy mochinory rapoir/rabuilding, references, own tools. Electrleri and machinist knowlegeaplus. it GOOD SALARY *50/50 GROUP • PAID HOLIDAYS INSUR. W/DENTAL # UNIFORMS * FAID VACATION McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 Main Straot • McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-5530 24 Help Wanted CARPENTER Part time, Experienced 015/455-0305. after 4 pm. EXPERIENCED License A Ti­ tle Clerk/Caahier tor auto fsalershlp. Apply in Gary Lang Chevrolet Front St., mcHdhry. WATER SOFTENER Service Man, 2 yeers experience re- quirod. Call 015/305-2232. WAITRESSES WANTED Ex­ perienced Only. Apply et Star Restaurant, 444 S. Main, Algon­ quin (Next to post office). Bet ween 5 A 9pm only. NOWHIRING Immediate Openings. Selary Sus bonus. Help take orders r the annual Merchant's Sampler Gift Book. Also, delivery help needed. Start Im­ mediately. Cell 015/330-4147 Or Apply At 1214 Seminary, Woodstock PLASTIC INJECTION Molding foreman needed. Must be dependable, assume respon­ sibilities end able to trouble shoot. Call Harwood Plastics, 312/000-2700. PULL TIME SYCAMORE. Position now available. Ex­ perience in retail hardware preferred but not necessary. Experience with tools and ap­ titude fOr sales helpful. Call 015/095-2520. PART TIME SYCAMORE DE KALB. Earn0100 delivering for 5 evenings. 4-10 pm. We provide vans. 01 J/095-2443. HELP WANTED. Now taking applications for fall help for lawn care. Deen Smith Lawn Care. Call 015/305-4047 after 5pm. JACK OP ALL TRADES, per manent part time days, maintenance for apartment building. Call after. 11am, 015/305-2101. PERMANENT Part Time Delivery. Cary, Lake Zurich, McHenry, Wauconda areas. Early morning hours. 7 days per week, 2 to 3 hrs. per day. Dependeble vehicle required. Salary plus auto allowance. Ap­ ply 4 a.m. to 12 Noon, 312/430- 3M0, Chicago Tribune. PULL OR PART TIME Salesperson wanted. McHenry erea. Call 015/344-1504. SECRETARY/ Gen. Office, full time Immed. opening. In­ surance experience preferred. Call Krumme, Robbins & Wise, 015/459-4300. HICKORY FARMS We are looking for seasonal personnel Interested in working through the holiday season, Iff lor- thwestern Illinois. Your own reliable transportation is need­ ed. This position requires so­ meone who is enthusiastic, ag- essive, organized and willing i work week-ends. Sena resume to: Hickory Farms, Spring Hill Mall, West Dundee. Attn: Linda. supervising our temporary oil centers to be located in Nw fS SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT McwMtfHonapinwl99tavirlt» ty cf duties. Accurate typInQ • mm*, current experience not BhamUMM I** 14# n • J Experience m woni • but will >1 Help Wanted MAINTENANCE Electrical/mechanical maintenance for paint line in Crystal Lake. General Maintenance, Trouble Shooting, own Tools preferable. Minimum 2 yrs. experience. CRESCENT CORPORATION 0001 Rte.31, P.O. BOX 059 Crystal Lake, IL.40014 Sand resume/Fill out application, 0a.m. to4 p.m. Attn: Personnel WAITRESSES Afternoon shift. Full or part-time. Union 74 Restaurant, 1-90 & U.S. 20, Hampshire. Apply in person, em. TOOL A DIE DESIGNER (Fabrication A Stamping Dies) Minimum 5 yrs., In aluminum fabrication industry. Nor­ thwest suburuban location. Send resume/Fill out application, 8a.m. to5p.m. CRESCENT WALL SYSTEMS 425 Maple Avenue Carpentersville, IL. 40110 Attn: Personnel MOLD MAKER (4 Years Experience) Boring Mill Operator (5-to-l0 Yeers Experience) 50 hour work week. Group health insurance. Employer paid pension plen. SERV-ALL DIE >i TOOL 110 Erlck Street Crystal Lake 015/459-2900 BARTENDER, full or part time; Cook, pizza & sandwich experience, full time. Apply in person to Murphy's Pub, 110 Slocum Lake Rd. in Wauconda, IL. 34 Help Wanted COIL WINDERS & ASSEMBLERS Immediate Openings Coil-winding and electro­ mechanical assembly plant needs full time workers for the Night Shift: 4:30 pm-1:00 am We will train. Apply in parson. COILS/ INC. 11716 Algonquin Road Huntley, IL 312/669-5115 Ideal for women •quel aspoftwwWy wnptoyr m/f 3L Wanted To Buy Misc. 32 Merchandise ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POSITION Neighborhood Housing Ser­ vices seeks person for ad­ ministrative assistant position. Responsibilities Include generel office duties, loan packaging and counseling, melnfelnlng accounting records, preparation of finan­ cial reports, Board and com­ mittee minutes. Qualifications-. Proficiency and experience in typing eno handling of office equipment; knowledge and ex­ perience In basic accounting, effective communication skills. Must have ability to organize and work with socio-economic and ethnic groups. Must be willing to work varied and some extended hours. Two- week NHS training period available. Salary S10.000 to $12,000. Submit resume by JU­ LY 27,1904, to M. Camacho. NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES 324 E. Chicago St. Elgin, IL.60120 mm. wen î piriiî RYew# 312/434-4479. APPLICATIONS now being taken for an office expediter, accurate typing required. Please apply In person to Solar Flame lnc..225li W. Grant Hwy., Marengo, IL. 015/540- UPHOLSTERERS- Experienced. Full Time or Part Time Meedowdale Upholstery Call: 312/424-5770 /MAINTENANCE immediete openings for Maintenance Person with previous experience in building plant maintenance. Electrical and carpentry experience a must. References required. Submit resume or application ACT0WN 2414 Highview Street Spring Grove, IL. 60081 Now Taking Apllications for 1st and 2nd SHIFTS d fclt* J - - » : -in thctui rowing oeperrroenTs. •ASSEMBLY •CONNECTING •WINDING •FINAL INSPECTION Applicants must be 10 yrs. or older. Previous factory experience preferred. 2414 Highview Street Spring Grove, IL. 60081 TOOL A DIE /MAKER, Full or Pert time, to repair and sharpen progressive dies. 312/420-0404. NURSING ASSISTANT POSITIONS available for all shifts. We will certify you with no obligation. Call or apply in person at; Royal Terrace 803 Royal Dr. McHenry 815'344-2600 Equal Opportunity Employer ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS NOW Over 100 iota available starting the month of July with other openings com­ ing up throughout the Sum­ mer. Good salary and benefits package. Must be high school graduate bet­ ween 17-26 and willing to relocate. Call 1-800-942- 4839 in Illinois or 1-800/323- 4001 in Indiana, 9 am- 3:30pm, Mon.-Wed. STYLIST part time for pro­ gressive salon. Only those ex iperienced & with following need apply. All applications confidentlel. Cahanges Hair Design, 015/455-1815. PREP COOK-DAYS Waitress. Days or Evenings Experienced Cell 312/639-7000 P. C. DESIGN MANAGER Previous experience in high quality multi-layer and double sided printed circuit boerds. Position Includes P. C. Design, Taping, Managerial Respon­ sibilities In client contact. Elec­ tronic packaging experience a plus. For immediate and confidential consideration, send resume Including salary history and requirements to: P.O. BOX A KQ Shaw/Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 40014 EXPERIENCED MEDICAL Assistant for Generel Prectlce office. Fluency in Spanish and English necessary. Pleasecall: 312/420-0400. RN'S A LPN'S. full time, exc. starting salary A benefits, free meets & parking. Apply in per­ son Mon. thru Fri., 0:30 am to 5 i, Woodstock Residence, 309 iry Ave., Woodstock. E X C E L L E N T f o r teechers/homemakers. Coor­ dinate art in offices/homes. Part time/will train. Ansll Art. 312/430-2794 I N F A N T C A R E , 2 2 hours/week, S4/hr., my Woodstock home, rets., 015/330- 5330. n RPM Wurllfzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Items, cash 312/444-5441 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL Mon thru Frl - % to 5, Sat -8 to 4.015/459-4445. WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer Trains >i old toys & baseball cords. 015/675-4379 after 5:30pm. DAYS SCRAP METAL We buy cans, copper, brass, scrap aluminum. Open dally, 7 Sundays 8-noon 6pm., Briar 306 VI arwood. Crystal Lake. 015/459-7751 GOLD&SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl­ ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS 0, INVESTMENTS 364 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 015/455-4190 ILLA6E RESALE SHOP •Any Re Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 45 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10AMto5PM-Mon-Sat 015/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) USED FURNITURE for sale. Lerge variety, reasonable prices, Welter's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 174 (on Rt. 176 V* block W. of 31), Crystal Lake. 015/459 3363 MATTRESS SALE, Twin set, $09.99; Full Set, $99.99, Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available.. Weiler's Fi"ni*ure Outlet, 4412 W. Rt 176 !'J(1 Rt 176 VJ Block W. of 3D, Crystal Lake, 015/459 3343 WESTINGHOUSE STOVE w/double oven. Avacado, manuals incI., $150. Call 015/455 4524. LAMP OUTLET HEBRON MINI-MAIL Saturdays Only, 10 am 2 pm N.C. COIN A STAMP CO. WE BUY 0, SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •«Ol5/459-3940*" MOVING? Cleaning House? Buying antique furniture, china, glass, etc. 015/670-4141 OLD ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Any size or condition Toll free 1-000/553-0021 LOOKING FOR Manx kitten or Information about breeder. 015/459-9255 before9:30 am. PRESSURE CANNER & Polished Brass Fireplace tools. Call 015/459-7600. PIBER DRUMS WANTED With Tops 015/330-4400 WANTED, set of used wood kit­ chen cabinets in good condi­ tion. 015/455-61*3. pm, W< McHeni SANDWICH MAKERS wanted. All types of hours available. Apply In person. Beef Villa, 1125 N. Seminary, Woodstock. FARMHAND Wanted: Farm hand experienc­ ed with farm equipment and hay. Must have good work record and be mechanically in­ clined. We offer competitive pay, full benefits, and full time year around work in Marengo. Call Mr. Ripley at 312/639 5458 or apply in person at Fox Valley Systems, Inc., 440 In- dustrlal Drive, Cary. IL 60013 ART STUDENT: Graphic refrigerator in good condition. 015/330-5 " WANTED: Apartment size -5490 WANTED: Back yard storage building. Used in good conoi tton. Reasonable. 815/330-5307. Misc. 32 Merchandise WANTED: Glassware Depression, Heisey. Cam bridge, Fostorla, Candlewlck, etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Waller, Rosevllle. etc. 015/095 6033. TRADE-IN SALE your sofa $100, your recliner-$50, your kitchen teble & chalrs-$50, your mattress set-$25. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459 3343. PEAVEY special. 130 amplifier, 2 channels, Scorpian speaker and fender, stretocaster copy w/case & 50 ft. straight cord. Both like brand new. asking $450 or best Offer. 312/495-077$ or 931 4021 Scott. • REPLACE your old furnace with a new High Efficiency natural gas fired furnace. Harold Jomson Heating & Air Conditioning, 815/459-0078. help. Will design A photo studio part time freelance help train as photo assistant mechanical drawing skills re­ quired for graphic work. Call 312/439-0909. EXPERIENCED COOK, Part time weekends & Experienced part-time Waitresses. Call the Woodstock Country Club, 815/330-2191. NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. starting salary 8> benefits, free meals & parking. We will train-Appiy in person Mon. thru Frl., 0:30 am to 5 pm, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodsdtock. 24 Help Wanted EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Gifts for all occasions. Decoupaged Egos, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. & weekends, 015/455-4054, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. 2 GARAGE DOORS, overhead, 8 x 10, ail hardware incl.. $50/each. Inside Bi-fold doors. 4 Premium matched tires, sz. P215-75R-15, $25/ea., 015/455 4505. SWIMMING POOLS Must clear immediately! Fac­ tory reconditioned rectangular Kayak swimming pools. Struc­ tural guarantee. Financing available. Unbelievable prices while they last! Kayak Mfg toll free. l-OOO-THE-POOL Ext. 399 / MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN Interesting, diversified work with electromechani­ cal devices. Duties include product performance life testing, product failure analysis, detail reporting, testing, taking electrical measurements and many other related responsibilities. We offer a complete benefits package and a good starting salary. Applications now being accepted at: ^ Autotrol -< Of portion 345 E Praine St Crystal Lake II 40014 815-459 3080 PART-TIME CASHIERS & STOCKBOYS Must be willing to work nights and weekends. Apply in person to manager SPORTSMAN'S LIQUOR MART 2314 W. RT. 120 McHenry NAIL SCULPTURIST 8 1 5 / 3 8 5 - 7 0 1 0 SHIPPING SUPERVISOR Working supervisor needed to manage the activities of shipping department in a ra pidly growing electronics company. One to three years of strong supervisory experi ence will quality a detail oriented indi vidual for this position. Crystal Lal^xDlant will afford excellent working condition^' Call for interview. JOHN REGAN 312/669-33T3 "-i QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS Rapidiiy expanding manufacturer of small motors has immediate openings for qualif cd persons wish ing to become an important part of our Quality Con trol Department. Persons experienced in light assembly, punch press, screw machine, molding, gauge calibration, •Itctro-mechanical testing operations will be consid trad. Experience in the use of various measuring devices and blueprint$ is a must. Chosen canoio«M. " em-y a competitive com­ pensation and benefit package, Applications now being accepted at: z2J Autotrol~ rO 'DOrs * p r \ 345E. Prairie, crystal Lake, IL60014 (815)459 3080 equal ooportunity employer m/f FULL TIME OPENINGS FIRST & SECOND SHIFTS We have immediate openings for assembl ers, coil winders, and coil finishers on our First Shift, 7:15 am-3:45 pm, and on our Second Shift. 4 pm 12:30 am. We offer a full benefit package, including paid health & life insurance. 10 paid holidays per year, and two weeks paid vacation af ter one fiscal year. Apply In Person, 9 am to 3 pm GUARDIAN ELECTRIC MFG. CO. 2500 S. Eastwood Or. (Rt. 47) 975 Lake Ave Woodstock, IL. 60014 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M- F • NAME TAGS For your business or orga iiia tion. Logos and special shapes available Desk & door nameplates avail, also. For details, call: C.L. ENGRAVING 815/4597877 WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, $89 Full sire mattress sets, $109 Queen size mattress set, $189, Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $189 Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 DEEP FREEZER, 15 5, cu tt. apartment size dryer, 312/658 3071. BUY YOUR Vattress 'actory direct, save $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, Or by appt. 615/338-M74 or 815/338 • BALLOON BOUQUETS tor all occasions Have "The Chicken" deliver today! Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. 815/459 RAVE. BARN TO BE REMOVED, Ex cedent barn wood & beams. For information call 815/385 0825 •••HAPPY GRAMS-- SINGING TELEGRAMS Male 8. Female Belly Dancers •••312/888 leiiyD T060" POP-UP TENT TRAILER 1966, sleeps 6, ice box, turnace, table, good cond , $550/best of fer. 815/728 128? after nam TWIN BED t DRESSER Boy's, $125 815/385-0566 REALISTIC STEREO System Exc. cond. $135/bes1 For info. Call: 815/459 8484, dsk for Mark. UPRIGHT FREEZER Sears frostless. $125 815/338 2686. -ANTIQUE dmeer w/mUror, $175, buffet, $35,10 speed bike, $88,312/639-3379. APPLE II Disk Drive $95 815/459 0863 CENTRAL AIR COND.. con denser & coil. 42,000 BTU's, us­ ed one season, $575; washer & dryer, $125; water softner, $125, 815/728 1482 __ _ WHITE UNIFORMS sz 12. exc. ccnd.. 4 Wh'te Swan pant suits, 7 lab coats, 7 wht. tops, l dress. $60/or will separate 815/653 7301. FOUR PIECE, solid walnut, bdrm. set, exc. cond . $500. 815/344 3963 BDRM SET. $200 dinette set, $75, 9 HP boat motor, $250, elec. trowling motor, $25; 2, 10.00-15 tires. $25. 312/458 3125 or 885 2800. _ BREAKFRONT, dark wood. $350 ; 2 brown velvet chrs. $50, rose & cream custom drapes & bedspread. S'Ob; stereo ' & speakers, $25, ski boots, Tt ladies, 8 track tapes & other misc. 312/639 8492. •_ SOFA 4 LOVESEAT. navy, like new, S500/oMer Queenslze water bed w/do'ible hutch head board 8. etched qlass mirror, $325/0ffer . 615 385 8959. WATER BED Queen Size. $750 815'138 8473 TRUCK bed camper, $875, freezer, $95, wedding aewn, sz 10, $95 behlves, SAO 815/648 2316 ONE YEAR Old box sprir»q Queen size. Bes? otter 8'5/344 5751 SEARS steel util Min' Trailer, 44 X 57 bed, stee! cover, fenders, lights, s»50 317/568 7860. KITCHEN CABINETS, steel, good quality & cond. $5/ea , 40 in. sink 8. dishwasher unit, $50. 312/658 7860 _ SNOWMOBILE, Scoirian 440 $220. Speakers. sMii boxed. $500. Bike, $75. All prices negotiable, 8J5/459-6056 UPRIGHT FREE7ER 15 cu. ft. $100, 312/639 7517 DIRT & ROAD BIKE, 100 cc $150 or best; youth bed,/$70 bathroom sink w"auceti $15, 815/344 4566 V BEDROOM SET spc , $Mor best offer Ca'l a'ter 6 pm, 312/428-5171 OAK ICE BOX. 6 door Restaurant stove, icemaker iuke box, pool table. 815/943 5162 LOVESEATS,(2). 62 Rowe, oak arms, earthtone, uneven tweed plaid. $225- set 8b 499 5167. SEWING MACHINE Singer Incl 8 10 disks bu*'on ^oie maker, zipper ft., etc 3I2'<28 5539 SEWING MACHINE cabin $10; treys, w/wheeis, 36 by by » Ml, $90 eedv 1.36 by 18 by 75" tail. $1 eech; 2 Ceteco recherg elec. 3 wheel bikes, $98 •IS/499-0424 SOFABED w/mattress. 7? black velveteen, $30. Rocker chair, $10,815/455 5463. » I SWIMMING POOL. 16 x 3T above ground Complete wift 175,000 btu natural aas hit. Filter & pump Dasn needs liner besf o'fer 815/455 6046 after 5 pm D R A F T I N G T A B L E w / parallel bar, S'00; '76 VW Scirocco, runmno cond - needs work, $200, '78 KZ650 w, winf |ammer, $1,000. Call 81S/45I 3119 eves.

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