Page 54--Shaw/Fro Proaa Madia Group. Inc 1984 FairGujda Fair features Marlowes boast long fair association By. Don Peasley (or Shaw/Free Preaa Madia Helen Marlowe reflected on her answer, smiled slowly and spoke of her memories of the McHenry County Fair: "Hard work. Rain and mud. Many nice people. Helping and being with children. And the baby chicks." With her husband, Henry Marlowe, Helen worked hard at the fair to develop the Marlowe Feed and Hat chery exhibit and to prepare their children's 4-H projects for exhibit. Henry Marlowe, who died last May 25, was one of the major guiding lights behind the revival of the McHenry County Fair in 1949. His leadership as a fair director, officer and RICHARD A. ADAMS ADAMS ENTERPRISES 3017 W. RTE. 120*McHENRY, IL 60050*815/385-5970 TRAILERS Car Haulers by Owens Classic, Wells Cargo Horse & Stock by Campbell Coach, Stidham. Kiefer, Rustler. W.W. Grain & Equipment Trailers by Hillsboro, Trail Eze. Owens, Beck Enclosed Trailers by Wells Cargo HITCHES & ELECTRICAL ROOKBPS TRUCK BODIES by Crysteel and Knaphekte SNOW PLOWS by Western SALES* SERVICE* PARTS 24 HOUR TOWING BODY REPAIRING & PAINTING O V E R 3 0 Y E A R S E X P E R I E N C E 'NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL* Auto & Truck 24 Hour Towing * Com plot* Body Shop • All Mokos-AII • Insurance Work Modols Wolcomod • American 4 Foreign •Color Matching Specialists CALL (815) 385-7448 R & D A u t o Service O N E M I L E S O U T H O F M c H E N R Y • W E S T O F R T 3 1 4 2 5 0 B U L L V A L L E Y R D M c H E N R > a natural evolvement of his leadership as a 4-H leader and as the Huntley vocational / agriculture department teacher. The baby chicks hatching at the fair in the Marlowe Feed and Hatchery exhibit was a highlight of those early fairs. Helen recalled they had a Honegger's buildingr constructed because there were no buildings for exhibiting -- only tents -- for several years. Henry was a member of the first board of directors when the fair was organized in time for a fair in 1949. It was a 4-H agricultural and home economics fair and open class com petition for county residents under 21 years of age. A 441 leader for 25 years and a vocational agriculture teacher for 20 years -- his Huntley Future Farmers of America chapter dominated district competition -- Henry understood the importance of a good showcase for youngsters to exhibit, compare and learn. A 1956 photograph featuring the Marlowe family around the kitchen table pointed out the family was en joying "cherry pie a la mode, made by Ann, a six-year member of 4-H." Chickens were a natural 4-H project, but the children also showed sheep and steers. Helen and Henry Marlowe started the business soon after they came to Huntley, Henry recalling at the 50th anniversary celebration of his business last October that he did it to support the modest income the voca- continued on page 55 The late Henry Martowa-and his wife, Helen, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary at the McHenry County Fair in 1970 by serving cake to JM5HUYH SHEET • "The Corner Bank With The Dock" Member FOC