Whether you're The royalty of the 4-H continued from page 30 they belong, that helps them want to stay involved." Alicia Ragni, 18, is the daughter of Richard and Carmela Ragni, Crystal Lake. Alicia believes "anyone can be successful in 4-H." In her seven years' involvement, 4-H has taught her to be both self-motivated and responsible. "Dedication and desire" is how An nette Freds, 16, describes 4-H. The daughter of Anthony and Sandra Freels, Johnsburg, Annette feels they represent "the efforts, dreams, and surprises" that have accompanied her seven years in 4-H. A nine-year 4-Her, Kathy Farley sums up 4-H as "providing me with Enrr Small Cok» rKlLEi A Fries Bring in this ad and receive a FREE 12 oz. Coke and Small Order of French Fries when you buy a Submarine Sandvrich Sale good Aug. 1st thru 5th. I coupon per c Coupon must accompany purchase m «<**&£>** 315 timiri MK, -- ' * m--•• • I*-- 115-331-3443 • ITALIAN SPECIALTIES INC " Quality' Custom PICTURE FRAMING . SINCE , L 1973 A Of POSTERS A GRAPHICS fFRRmERV 54 WiNlams 459-4540 Crystal Lafct many experiences, morals, and friendships to last a lifetime." Kathy, 17, is the daughter of Art and Doris Farley, Ringwood. For Lynn Odden, Woodstock, the key to 4-H is friendship. "Without friendship, so much would be missed, and much would be unenjoyable," she says. Lynn, 16, is a seven-year 4-H member and the daughter of Lee and Pat Odden. "4-H is a super source of interesting people" according to Dawn Payne, 16, a nine-year 4-H member. The daughter of David and Marie Payne, Woodstock, Dawn has met many 4-Hers "who are now my good mans. A 10-year 4-H member, Dennis Ainger, Harvard, has discovered 4-H to be "people-new friends, and new experiences." He feels 4-H promotes the "learn-by-doing-but-still-have- fun" principle. Dennis, IS is the son of George and Kathy Ainger. "Through my years in 4-H, I have learned how to accept my mistakes and how to be a better person," com ments Dave Behrens. An eight-year 4-Her, Dave, 16, is the son of Dolores Pedersen and Jim Behrens, Crystal Lake. For 16-year-old Jamie Martin, 4-H has meant "nine great years of work ing with and enjoying people throughout McHenry County." Jamie is the son of Gary and Dolores Martin, Harvard. 4-H has helped Brian Olbrich, Har vard, decide on a future career. He adds, 'The greatest asset I have gain ed from 4-H is learning how to make friends." Brian, 16, is the son of William and Janice Olbrich. He is a nine-year 4-H member. P,*™> nitad ow last ytar't McHenry County *"d <OMf youna •""" ,re vymg as their successors this year. Pag* 32--Shaw/Free Prsss Medta Group. Inc .1984 Fair Quite -- Contests & competitors a masterpiece... YOUR BEST SOURCE IS roden's DECORATING CENTER PAINT « WALLPAPER