IWLCE TOLD TALES Edited from our files of years gone by Sgt. Glenn Witt, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Witt, has been listed as slightly wounded in the battle of Satpari, according to word received fay his family. McHenry's first serviceman, lb our knowledge, to receive two Purple Hearts is Howard Voeltz of the Marines, son of Mr. and Mil. -RsadMMMliSk Howard was wounded in Safean a tew weeks ago and is now in a hospital in the Solomons. The extent of his injuries is not known by his parents. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (taken from the files of July 80, 1968) * Ray McGee, vice-president of the county chapter of the National Polio Foundation, is busy organizing a committee to proceed with plans for the emergency March of Dimes drive planned for Aug. 10 to 23. It is hoped that $3,000 may be realised from the namfurfgw it has been reported that to date, 90 per cent of the residents of the county have not received even one shot of the Salk vaccine even though it is well known that three shots are advocated, followed at a later date by a bmtim shot. • More than half of the patients admitted to McHenry hfffpftal live in McHenry and the im mediate surrounding * area, according to results of a survey conducted by the hospital. About 55 percent of admissions come from this area and 45 percent LAKE GENEVA FESTIVAL The 22nd Annual Lake Geneva Jaycees Venetian Festival will be held from Wednesday, August 15 through Sunday, August 19 in Flat Iron Park in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. For more information regarding the event contact: Jim Guilfqrle, Chairman, Route 3, Box 93, Footana, Wisconsin, 53125 or call Home: (414) 275-6244, Work: (414) 647-1950. \/ 015)344-1)44 *9VB MM QUINS 4 VAKIIMK * fXKIT MMIK KPT