Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1984, p. 9

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Legal notice PUBLIC NOTICE No»«ce h hereby alyen ̂ owortuf̂ y far e public hearing it McHenry The „ TO (0# The ,n '&d improvement will consist of " - lo new »with a 24 •v, 2 foot ..parking along the side of the right of ... Tp increase safety associated with the parklng-unparking maneuvers, a 12 foot auxiliary lane will be constructed between ̂ the roadway and stalls, in con|u the roadway ir a storm sewer will be constructed. Approximately 1.35 acres of additional right of way and temporary construction easements will be required. The environmental effects of this proposed project have been considered and it has been ascertained that no significant adverse effects will result as a consequence of constructing the project. Maps, sketches, and other information pertinent to the location and design of the Improvement are available for inspection, review and copying at the office of the Highway Commissioner, McHenry Township Road District, McHenry, Illinois. Any Individual, group, business or public agency may request that a public hearing be held regarding this information by submitting a written request to John C Regner, Highway Commissioner, McHenry Township Road District, at the address given below on or before August 24, >964. However, all interested persons desiring more information are encouraged to contact the Highway Commissioner, McHenry Township Road District/ by telephone, (SIS) 385-3076, before requesting a public hearing. John C. Regner Highway Commissioner McHenry Township Road District 3703 N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 (Pub. 6-3,8-10-84) No.840410 Legal notice STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTYOF MCHENRY IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) NOTICE Public notice is hereby giventhat on September 13, 1984, I All file my petition Kevin James Bateman to that of Kevin James Koch, pursuant to the Statute in such case made and provided. Dated at McHenry, Illinois July 12, 1984 Kevin James Bateman (Pub 7-2743 8-1084) NO. 840402 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIALCLRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS DORIS ANDERSON, BEVERLY CARLSON and EDWARD WOLFF as residual beneficiaries under the Will of Otto Wolff, Plaintiffs -v- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, as Trustee under Trust Agreement Number 365, and ETHEL MAE MCGREGOR, Defendants N0.83CH149 ) Legal notice CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT I, Jon j. Mayor, Treasurer of iha city of McHenry, Illinois, hereby certify that the following statement of IvVvVipil Vny uv*uun«mann OT Tnf wITY OT /VCnCVvff Illinois, for the parted from April 3071983 to ^>rfl 30, to my bast • the period from April 1914, is a true and correct copy STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF MCHENRY Jon J. Meyer, Treasurer, City of McHenry ) ) )SS I > Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this Twenty seventh day of July, 1984. Barbara E. Gilpin Notary Public CITY OF MCHENRY ACCOUNTS General Fund / - Water Sewer Fund / Federal Revenue Shoring Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Police Pension Fund Special Service Area No. 1 Bonds General obligation Bonds Const. DCCA Grant Fund Payroll Account SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Capital Development Fund General Fund MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS General Fund Water Sewer Fund Developer Donation Fund Police Pension Fund Special Service Area No. 1 Bonds General Obligation Bonds Const. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT water Sewer Fund Developer Donation Fund Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Capital Development Fund Bond Reeerve Fund Depreciation Reserve Fund Police Pension Fund 15462.97 24,291.00 16470.96 1,806.01 282.49 10,952.43 3400.51 22,530.41 2,000.00 16,979.20 8447.34 7,370.37 29,622.18 19,786.69 3405.96 147,547.17 58,811.93 150,000.00 170,000.00 230400.00 315400.00 235400.00 98,450.50 37406.66 1,213,965.96 DEVELOPER'S REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNTS Total of Cash on Account 43421.86 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Balance on Hand April 30, 1983 Receipts: County Collector-Property Taxes State of Illinois Sales Tax State of Illinois Income Tax State of Illinois Replacement Tax Township Replacement Tax Vehicle Licenses and Fines Matured Investments Interest Earned Park Revenue and Donations Parking Permits Building Permits Franchise Fees Received from Developers Received from City Clerk Other Income Expense Reimbursements: Communication Desk Salaries Property Damage Officer's Training Police Grant Sidewalk Construction and Repair Public Works Reimbursement Transfers from Other Funds: Water Sewer Fund Developer Donation Fundi Capital Development Fund LaKetahd Park prindpal H Interest Fund < T 9ftO* Lakeland Park $33465,78 887479.47 1,150418.01 258,259.29 19,568.07 918.96 46,937.00 1400428.22 4,940.01 88,727.23 3,795.13 27,538.50 13478.04 13432.76 264,938.77 4439.63 12450.00 11402.05 4,014.52 5484.61 1455.33 27,253.86 509,167.96 172438.34 16,150.00 40400.00 3400.00 86,030.84 2M00.03 12468.53 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU ETHEL MAE MCGREGOR, Defendant, that this case has been commenced in this Court against you, asking the termination of your life estate in the following real estate: Lot 21 in Conway's Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principe! Meridian, according to the piet thereof recorded August 16, 1923, ar Document No. 60164, In Book 4 of Plats, page 99, In McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly Known as: 2904 West Route 120, McHenry, II. 60050. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appoerance in this case in the office of the clerk of this court, McHenry County Courthouse, Room 301, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or JSSGMSNT SR" DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED . IN THE COMPLAINT. (SEAL) WITNESS, July 31.19* Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Angola Richardson sJf 4 for Plaintiffs 66081 (815) 675-2349 NO. 640417 TOTAL RECEIPTS 5411,735.16 TOTAL AVAILABLE 5445400.94 (Balance 61 Receipts) CASH DISBURSEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-1984 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS GENERALFUND Ace Hardware 12,855.61 A A A P r o p e r t i e s 7 5 . 0 0 A.B. Dick Company 91.30 Adams Bros. Radiator Service 550.24 Adams Bros. Steel Serv. 5,206.64 Adams Enterprises 4,294.70 Adams Lawn & Leisure 155.59 Adams, Peter „ 180.00 Afeld, Hark 168.00 Air-Tech Ltd. 230.50 Albrecht, John 180.00 Alexander Chemical 2,103.13 Alexander Lumber Co. 2,449.95 Alliance Contractors 4,429.30 Allied Printing of Woodstock 186.80 All American Sports Center 273.00 Althoff, Mrs. Tod 10.00 Althoff Industries 5,648.07 American Blueprint & Supply 57.30 American Cap Co. 230.00 American Parade Float 375.00 American Red Cross 63.75 American Truck Parts 526.28 Anderson l/ee Service ' 3,545.00 jAndrews,^0rv1lie 100.00 Anschutjr, Katharine 35.00 Anzlnger A Son Excavating 100.00 Aqua Pressure Cleaning Equipment 243.97 I Arnold, Barbara 10.00 Art's Towing Service 24.65 Art's Village Servlc# 69.55 Arvldson, Ben & Sons 16.45 Arvldson, Marlene 10.00 Asphalt Institute 3.00 Aurora' Truck Body, Inc. 100.88 Automatic Data Processing 726.73 B B i U P r i n t i n g B & 0 Distributor BSN Corporatlon Badger Uniforms Peter Baker A Son Barber, Harold C. Treas. Barnes, Roger Barnes, Mrs. Terry Barrlngton Transportation Co. Baseley's 66 Service Center Bassl, Chris Baxter & Woodman Bazan, Nike > BedersM , Joann Belvldere Camera Center Ben Ames Motor Repair Ben Franklin Bender, Carol Bender, Matthew & Co. Bennett Welding Supply Berg Christian Enterprises Beyer, Thomas S. Bill's Tool Sales Bjom, Joe Blake, Dolores Blake, Edward ' Blay, Terry Bloom, Leonard Blue Cross/Blue Shield Bobbe, John C. I'S Colors International Bob' BOCA BoIgor Drugstore • Botts Welding A Tru(k Service Bowles, Mrs. James Bowman, Kathleen Boyd, R. Thomas 179.69 15.58 235.01 1,888.05 2,004.00 5.00 50.00 20.00 773.50 18.00 100.00 6,409.68 70.00 28.00 344.40 13.00 11.78 10.00 192.73 124.20 37.05 500.00 180.41 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 9,957.93 177.13 36.06 278.00 -371.76 4,325.00 114.75 785.26 10.00 10.00 38.40 Brand 011 Co. 2,685.83 BrankHn, Sheila 45.00 Breber, Geo.R., Music Co., Inc. 502.51 Brefeld, Mary Jo 20.00 Bright Star Industries 2.80 Broadcast Engineering 162.10 Brogan, William 400.00 Bruce Municipal Equip. 3,795.56 Bucaro, Jack 10.00 Buch, Dennis 12.00 Buch Bros. Plumbing ft Heating 232.75 Budreck, Carrie 10.00 Buhrman, William C. 50.00 Bureau of Testing Services 895.74 Burg, Gregory P. 610.00 Burke, J.E. Co. 347.20 Burke, Patricia 25.00 Burrls Equipment Co. 785.00 Burroughs Corp. 4,561.21 Busche, Renee 15.00 Buss Ford Sales 3,077.21 Busse, Steve 10.00 Busse, William 2,250.00 Butler Auto Parts 99.06 t C * C Products 575.30 Cable, Arlette 28.00 Capitol Lighting Products, Inc. 182.10 Carey appliance 261.70 Carey Electric Contracting 10,698.61 Carlson, Debbie 35.00 Carlsten, Janice 18.00 Carrlck, Therese 11.00 Casey Equipment Co. 308.82 Century Products, Inc. 4,430.00 Chancellor Datacomm, Inc. 1,284.00 Chapel Hill Country Club 200.00 Chapel H111 Golf Club 100.00 Chicago & Northwestern Transp. Co. 3,816.39 Chicago Cubs Ticket Office 568.50 Chicago Hospital Council 12.00 Chilton's Comnerclal Carrier Journal 10.00 Mrs. Chrlstensen 12.00 Chrlstensen, Susan 70.00 Christopher, Patty 20.00 Chick's Towing 381.00 Clchon, Elizabeth 10.00 Cwlak, Maxlne Moy 25.00 Circuit Clerk of Cook County 100.00 Clark, Frank 10.00 Clarke, Francis 10.00 Classic Trophies 838.50 Clement Communications 163.49 Clerk of Circuit Court of McHenry 42,338.50 Coast to Coast Stores ' 171.02 Coates, Janice 12.00 Commonwealth Edison 78,548.78 Comnunlty Auto Supply 1,567.12 Conlon-ColHns Ford 60.19 Connell, Cathleen 10.00 Connel1, Cathy 25.00 Conney Saftey Products 48.63 Constable Equipment Co. 428.44 Cook, Judith 125.00 Cooper. Walt 10.00 County Key & Lock Service 26.00 Covalt, Kathy 35.00 Covington D1st. of Florida 2,870.00 Coyote Race System 125.00 Cralns Chicago Business 32.00 Creative Kitchens & Baths 1,203.50 Crittenden, Grace 10.00 Home State Bank of Crystal Lake 613.13 Anna Mae Cuda Carol CulHson ™.00 Cummlngs, John C. 70.00 Curran Contracting Co. 1,674.74 Curtain Call Costumes 290.00 Curtis Industries 2,389.20 Custom Gun Repair 862.80 Cv1tkov1c, C1ca 10.00 Cy's Custom Paint 45.00 D.R. Building Supplies 443.98 D & J Automotive Supply 13.68 Dance Faslon; 495.65 Data Documents ,, 72-63 Datz, Edward 2,100.00 Dave's Automatic Transmission 277.10 Davis, Richard C. 25.00 Dean's Machines 70.00 Decker Supply Co. 73.75 Deja, Lawrence 65.00 Dependable Concrete Products 300.00 Mrs. Depner 10.00 Developer Donation Fund 900.00 DeVrles, Catherine 28.00 Diamond Chemical Co. 429.54 Diamond, Pat 18.00 Dlcksteln, Phyllis 20.00 Dlctaphope 757.00 D1edr1ch, George P. 3,666.64 D1Gloria, James 30.00 Dlmopolous, AngeHne . 8.75 Director of Labor 4,016.03 Donahue, Raymond J. 500.00 Donarskl, Lynn 40.00 Door Systems of Lake-McHenry 212.00 Drlscoll, Paul 10.00 Dura Print 90.50 Durabllt Fence & Kennels 227.18 Dura Wax 39.60 E 4 H Utility Sales 691.35 Ebert, Don 10.00 Eby Brown 5,491.81 Eckstein, Sandra 50.00 Economic Press, The 25.15 Ed's Rental & Sales 720.83 Lee Ekstrom 10.00 Electronic Specialties Services 199.53 Elgin Federation of Musicians 67.50 Elkhom Chemical Co. 106.48 Ekstrom, Paula 50.00 Empire Electrical Supply Co.- 564.43 Enterprise Ready Mix 5,721.52 Erkenswlck, George T. 400.00 Ewald Assoc. Architects Ltd. 814.00 Family Service & Comm. Mental Health 28.00 Fanning, Edna 10.00 Farm & Fleet 574.58 Farm & Home Publishers I 37.50 Farmer, Richard 10.00 Farr, Lorene 40.00 Fashion Star 1,248.49 "Feed the Ducks" Campaign 45.00 Fehrlnger, Kenneth 18.00 Fejedelem, Andrew v 10.00 Ferguson, Dawn " 25.00 Fernandez, Sylvia 12.00 F1na 161.60 Finals, The 1,072.75 Flnkblner Equipment Co. 329.41 Fireside Book 31.75 First National Bank of Chicago 218,975.00 First National Bank of McHenry 80,000.00 Fisher Scientific Co. 69.30 Fitzgerald, William F. 500.00 Fleming, Michael 126.00 Flowerwood 1,563.50 Flynn Drainage Products, Inc. 29.60 Foerster, Jeffery S. 500.00 Fouse, James A. 60.00 Fowles, Richard 10.00 Foxcroft Meadows 1,398.83 Fox Lake Office Supply 226.84 Fox Valley Marking System - 142.55 Frantz, Jeff 3.50 Franeke, Klaus 18.00 Freels, Sandra 10.00 Freund Equipment Co. 318.44 Freund, George P. Inc. 12,606.95 Freund, James 35.00 Freund, Loretta 35.00 Freund, Michael R. 35.00 Freund, Richard S. 161.14 Freund* Reboffc * it** PAGE* G11p1n, Barbara E. 768.96 Gilpin, B.E. - Petty Cash Fund 2,367.86 G<1p1n, Gary 25.00 Gladdon Co., Inc. 607.81 Godtna, Terry Printing 26.00 Goetz, Becky 10.00 Goodyear Center 562.94 Graber Concrete Pipe Co. 274.00 Graves, Jed A Sandra 10.00 Grayslake Feed Sales 116.00 Great Lakes F1re A Safety Equip. 230.86 Greco, James V. 203.00 Gregorlo, Ramon S. 612.00 Gregorlo, Mrs. Ramon 20.00 Grenell, Bob 300.00 Grossom, Kevin 10.00 Grove, Mary 10.00 Grove Products 64.21 Gust, Mrs. Phillip 20.00 Gustafson, Walter 30.00 Gypsy Glen Hunt Club 94.90 H.L.R. Corp./Lewis Leasing 18.00 Haines & Co. # 239.74 Halm Building Specialties 290.00 Haldgen Supply Co. 635.71 Halvensleben, Paul J. 125.00 Halverson, Kay 60.00 Hansen's Don Alignment A Auto Sup. 462.83 Hansen, J1m 10.00 Hardware Service Co. 5.78 Harms Produce ' 7.50 Harth, Terry 30.00 Hasmen, Chris 325.00 Havemeyer's 15.64 Hayden's Sport Center 78.38 Heard, Esther 10.00 Hennlp, T1na 20.00 Herdrlch, John . 10.00 Hermann, Marlann 10.00 Hertel, Alice 10.00 Hlller, Richard B. 10.00 H111er, Robert 10.00 Hilton Hotels 456.83 J.W. Hlnner Sales A Equipment 296.60 Hodges, Carmon > 10.00 Hoffman, Debbie 30.00 Holas, Frank 162.86 Holiday Inn, City Center 53.00 Holland, Beth 71.00 Holty, J111 12.00 Home State Bank of Crystal Lake 5,613.13 Hoover, Dick 50.00 Homsby's Store 366.81 Howell Tractor A Equipment 757.90 Hoyle Road Equipment Co. 672.33 Hubbard, Pam 15,00 Huemann, Joseph H. A Sons 522.95 Huppy A Leo's 348.84 IBM Corporation ITT Continental Ident1-K1t Co., Inc. Illinois Bell Telephone 13 111. CH1Id Passenger Safety Assn. Illinois Dept.j>f Conservation 6 Illinois Dept."of Revenue 45 Illinois Emergency Services Illinois F1re A Police 111. Municipal Finance Officer's Assn 111. Municipal Retirement Fund 322 Illinois Municipal League 1 Illinois Park A Recreation Assn. 111. State of, Dept. Conservation 3 Illinois Tool A Equipment Illinois, University of 2 Indus. Fuel Inject. A Diesel Serv. 4 Industrial Towel A Uniform 1 Institute for Management Instrument Sales Corp. Internat. >C1ty Management Assn. Internet. Institute Municipal Clerks Interstate Electric Supply Co. Iroquois Popcorn Co. 402.42 69.85 384.00 ,340.76 45.00 ,898.94 ,677.07 16.00 150.00 . 30.00 ,755.36 ,428.50 199.50 ,500.00 45.00 ,757.25 ,288.18 ,818.79 91.40 255.21 24.00 50.00 58.08 510.09 GVC Chemical Corp. Gallagher, Arthur J. General Electric Co. Gerstad, Mrs. Donald Gerstung, Mrs. Gllbertson, Chester 174.85 87,393.00 1,402.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 Jack's Maintenance 256.42 Jacobsen, Charles > -- 225.00 Jark A Co. 3,833.25 Jay, Elizabeth M. . 24.00 Jenkins, Don * 35.00 Jenkins, Shirley 125.00 Jenkins, Thomas M. 500.00 Jensen, Kurt 25.00 Jepsen T1re 360.00 Jeske, Lucille 10.00 Jessup, Robert 60.00 Jewel, Pete 15.00 Jewel Food Stores 449.30 John's Sport Stop 3,510.20 Johnson, E.F. Co. 1,905.00 Johnson, Dale 15.00 Jon-Don Products, Inc. 268.23 Jordan, Virginia A. 125.00 Jorgensen, Phil A Linda 10.00 Joseph Electronics 533.26 Joyce, Patrick 2,040.00 K Van Borngandlen A Sons 156.93 Kadlsak T11e Co. 586.65 Kaiser, Sandra 30.00 Kar Products 62.35 Keevll, James A. 25.00 Kennebeck, Cindy 10.00 Kerr Associates, inc. 31.75 K1dd, Don 6.00 Adolph Klefer A Associates 766.75 King. Leo 25.50 Klnnerk, Daniel E. 500.00 Klrchner F1re Extinguisher 216.22 Knlgge 11.00 K11tz Cutting Tools 140.15 Kloeckner, J1m 10.00 Knoll, Mrs. John 20.00 Knop, Bob 70.00 Kollenkark, Wm. W. 125.00 Kondrltz, Rosemary 1,968.00 Korpan, Ann 10.00 Kranz, Anne 10.00 Kranz, John 70.00 Kranz, Robert H. 500.00 Kranz, Thomas R. 70.00 Klculk, Richard 16.00 Kuemmel, Mary 18.00 Kupstls, Fred 50.00 Kwlatek, Marie 10.00 Kyrotech Industries 107.50 Lake Auto Supply 300.56 Lake Co. Chief of Police Assn. 185.00 Lake County Radio Dept. 33.00 Lake Co. Truck Sales A Service 34.81< Lakeland Construction 1,358.79 Lakeland Distributors 11,345.32 Lamberty, William 137.50 Lamprecht, Scott W. 70.00 Gary Lang Chevrolet 126.98 Lanier Business Products ~ 1,111.75 Larson, Kordt 70.00 The Larson Company 2,535.00 Leach Enterprises 95.44 Leavltt Comnunlcations 805.00 Lee A Ray Electric 13,938.02 Leo's advance Theatrical Co. 49.19 Liberty Asphalt 9,486.68 Liberty Buick-AMC-Jeep 29.85 Lightning Powder Co. 162.75 L1on Photo 239.25 Llpsltz, Paul 25.00 Locker's Flowers 21.64 John Looze Memorial Fund 25.00 Low, Frank Insurance Inc. 30.00i Lueck, Tori 10.00 Lundeers, Patricia 20.00 Lunkenhelmer, Patricia 34.56 Lyle Signs, Inc. 5,648.86 los 198.70 Mack, Gloria 17.50 Main Paint A Decorating 479.44 Mar Ray Costume Shop 65.00 Marathon Petroleum Co. 131.75 Marengo Federal Savings A Loan 100,000.00 MaMnangel, James 75.00 PLA1NDEAUER - PltfflAY, MarinangeTT KaBv " ' Hi. Markovlc, Steve 10.00 Markwart, Ruth 10,00 Marozas, Mary Kaye 20.10 Marozas, Michael 16,00 Marshall, Uydia 9,00 Marth, Joan 36,00 Martin, Laura 10;00 Marunda, Emll 10,00 Mathews, Michael 50,00 Matte, Rich 35^00 Mauer, Ed 20,90 May, Mrs. Joe 92*1(1 May, Tony Enterprtaes 360,90 Mazurek, Frank 10,00 Meade Electric 5,050,73 Medlng, Barbara 10,4) Meetings Internationale 7,00 Meier, Richard P. 500,<10 Meier's Masterbllt 50.13 Meiers Wholesale Fence Sales 24,79 Melahn, Joan 3.90 Mergl, John 122,04 Merkel, Peter J. 770,00 Meyer, Jon J. < 1,500,00 Meyer, J.J.- Treat. Police Pension 46,019.01 Meyer, Marilyn 10,00 Meyers, Mrs. James 20,00 Meyers, Judy 30,00 Midwest Pump Sales 016.35 Mike's Tool Sales 103.20 Mlkus, Jerrie 70,00 Mlkus, Richard 35.00 Mllitano, Anthony A. * 500.00 Miller, Ann 155,061 Miller Associates 406,22 JJJ]]er» David 10.00 Miller, James 125.00 Miller, Richard R. 890.00 Mlllstream Coin Wash 10.00 Milwaukee County Zoo 147.50 Mlonske, Charles A. Inc. 555.00 Miracle Recreation Equipment 42.19 Mississippi Tool Supply 65.00 Mr. Don's One Hour Cleaners 153.00 Mitchell Buick- Oldsmobtle 151.18 Mitchell Lincoln Mercury 8.62 Mollne Service Cneter 116.42 Morgan Grampian Publishing Co. 20.00 Morte11, Robert* 50.00 Motorola, Inc. 7,556.00 Mueller, Edna 15.00 Mullarkey & Associates 132.98 Mullen, W1111 am 12.00 Municipal Clerks of Illinois 28.75 Municipal Code Corp. 1,128.66 Municipal Finance Officer 24.50 Music Performance Trust Fund 1,680.00 Mlynied, Anita 15,00 226.40 2,250.00 10.00 25.00 328.00 3,500.00 1,597.82 13,993.32 125.00 1,150.00 2,143.24 40,471.34 580,000.00 25,207.86 2,404.71 McCann Construction McClatchey, Frank McDonough, Suzanne McFadden, Vlrginie M. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce McHenry Area Economic Commission McHenry Auto Body McHenry Auto Parts McHenry Beaut1f1cation Connilttee McHenry Capital Dev. Fund McHenry Checkpoint McHenry, City of, Catipal Dev. Fund65,750.00 McHenry, City<of, Dev. Donat. Fund 120,900.00 McHenry, City of, Federal Revenue Sharing McHenry, City of General Fund - Money Market McHenry, City of Lakeland Park Principal Acct. McHenry, City of, Motor Fuel Tax Fund McHenry, City of, Payroll Account 1,124,256.89 McHenry, City of, Police Pension Fund 77,681.51 McHenry, City of, Pool Reserve Accounts 8,000.00 McHenry, City of, Water/Sewer Fund 382,512.21 McHenry Community High School 328.50 McHenry Country Club 1,430.08 McHenry County Building & Zoning Dept. •*- 22.50 7 McHenry County Clerk 11.00 McHenry County College 36.00 McHenry County Communications 700.00 McHenry Co. Emergency Services and Disaster Agency * 36.00 McHenry County Glass A Mirror 810.36 McHenry Co. Municipal Assoc. 1,040.96 McHenry Co. Recorder of Deeds 416.00 McHenry Co. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. 15.00 McHenry Co. Titles Company 205.00 McHenry Drapery A Carpet 216.00 McHenry Electric 18.50 McHenry FS 352.85 McHenry Favorite Sport Center 3,188.89 McHenry Floral 38.84 McHenry Hospital 50.00 McHenry Internal Medicine Assoc. 46.00 McHenry Lumber 4,035.38 McHenry Officials Assn. 720.00 McHenry 011 Co. 72,810.71 flcHenry Paint Glass & Wallpaper 244.82 McHenry Plaindealer 2,861.32 McHenry Printing Services 5,670.50 McHenry Public Library 162,549.37 McHenry band A Gravel 10,422.77 McHenry Savings 4 Loan 4,852.42 McHenry School Dist. 15 32,250.00 McHenry School Oist. 156 31,700.00 McHenry Specialties , 1,281.70 McHenry State Bank * 470,393.31 McHenry Tire Mart 2,817.00 McHenry Umpires Assn. 5,190.00 McHenry/Western Lake Co. MICU Program 25.00 McHenry Woodstock Disposal 4,820.00 McMahon, Carrie 20.00 McMahon, James R. 25.00 McNamara Reporting Service 328.00 NEBS Narusis f'Narusis National Arbor Day Foundation National Catholic Order of Foresters National Institute of Parks and Grounds Maintenance National Parking Assm. National Police Chiefs A Sheriff's Information Bureau National Recreation and Park Assn. Neely, Ramona Nell, Elaine NellIs, Betty Nelson Electronics Nemco, Inc. New England Business Service Newkirk, Christine Nolan, Elizabeth Northeast Multl-Regional Inc. North Suburban Swim Conference Northern Illinois Gas Northern Illinois Medical Center Northern Illinois Police Crime Laboratory Northern Key A Lock Northern Propane Gas Northland Equipment Co. Northwest Auto Electric Northwest Ford Truck Center Nylander, Dave 0'Donnell, Edward J. Oeffling, Dave Oeffllng, Terry Oeffling, William Office Shoppe, The Oliver, Michael Olsen Distributing Co. Olson, Mary Open Lands Project «»papa )• 155.70 75,423.15 10.00 10.00

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