PAOt 10 SUNDAY. AUGUST S companion foe o lonely boy, hs CVMIM problems foe Ac family the neighbors. Sttvt Fonwt, My Mumy, Eisa 1969. Rated G. ® to Bo Announced 9 MOV* Teacher* l»ot A hard-botled city editor biconw •waived wiHi o woman professor and lurm into her <tar pupil. Clark Gable, Doris Day, Mamie Van Doren. 1958 light*! 6 O MOV* "Poor Uttte Rich Girl' A lonely Me rich girl rum away and is befriended by two vaudevfflrans who manogo to put her into the act. Shirley Tem ple. Afce Fay*. Jock Haley. 1936 • ruii wi w % nvaaMiv nfwi 12:30PM B8neplediB*o Day Q§ip§| Country Ovm Wei Street Weak Louis Ru- kcywr qndyte lh# %80» wMt e (ID CD ® Market to m ̂ A i/ WWW BVWy UUWJf RIWWI I And If I'm Betted I TMi Week h I New York at Pittsburgh 1:00PM 8 I tig VoRey I <5$ Ma I W* Ve let 1:30PM O Hut (D Cooking 80Mwovi 9 ® lorry 4:00PM O 1:45 PM 2:00 PM f 0 Firing lino (5$ 0 ® I IB Awl* >nh| "M: CART Fievlmi V--1800 fcom Mkhml ̂ «- BLriLt-f. My* mmn i nvavni (3D @ Ufe*tyies el the Rkh Part VII. bratot the 100»h tmnivorsary of lHi firm and Erica's liutbond it •wpriiooid foe dhkomtf butintti procticos. (40 min.) (Ootid Cop- >0 I Star Trek IB Ttriee of MM Unexpected A - - •» - A- • -W# vwto roinwn IntefnotiMiel Ait Stiew 9 M0VK The ThriB of H AR7 A doctor's wife disrupts their Me by becoming a TV 'pitch' girl. Doris Day, Janus Gm imt Aritnt Francis. 1963. I God'* New* Behind Life ® ® Kwng Fw 0 High Chaparral 9 Vegaf 4:30PM 0 Fight Back w/ Yenifviy ttuntor Shew O MOV* The Far Country' ® MOVK; *T takes a herd to Alaska and fkidi nothing but trouble. James Ste wart, Ruth Roman, Corkwe Cal vert. 1955. 0 Drag Racing: IHRA tton in starch of treasure. Johnny WeioimuRor, Maureen 0*SuK- van. 1941. (33) 0 ® 2:15PM | 2 : 3 0 P M B Q ^ F I © W W.V. Grant © Wild Werid of Animais Today in BMe o Country Sportsman 0€3> MOVK i>r . Who and the Dnteks' An inventor is acci- oernuiiy Transporrea OTT corrri m a time machine to a futuristic city inhabited by fluiefci. Peter Cuoh •ng, Roy CosMe, Jonrae Linden. 1966. O (u Lead-off Man * ® MOVK *Gun Fury' A man searches for Ms fiancee who was abducted with the aid of the ab ductor's girlfriend. 1953. /Grand . 01* Claeeic Galf o Opry (B MOVK: 'Tea Huflbondi' A huibond ratumi from the dead end finds Hit wift re-morned. Jion Afltiur, Frod MocMucray. 1940 €B The Third (ye 4:45 PM 9 MOVK The W 5:00PM 0 O 0CK B MOVK YeBewheerd- Night of at Leaet W Runaway en the (9 Summer of The Lave Seng to MOVK: it Came From 0 0 MOVK The WRd Wfld Wott Revisited' Wet and Gordon or* brought out of rntiro 2:45 PM CD Reflections 3:00PM B C * » ̂ ln. •* t «. nI TOt ntv HvOiJo Of IH ITLKIi Spain, Russia and tho Unitod States. Robert Conrad, Rots Mar tin. 1979 MkOVK: 'Red-Hoodod O Behby Bora A Friend* v (33) 0 ® MOVK 'Navy B*tt A senior boooeos ewoked in intrigue due to a library book. Mary Brian, Dick Pureed. 1937. 0 It Figure* 6D FnmBy Tie* 2><-harito* B (58) Climb That Mountain r in I 1:15PM Q TM* 3:30 PM 0Ya»IMagadne Reaching the Oat or Limit* 5:30 PM B Ge*pei Country O & WKBP in OndmraH (33)® (39 B t?t First Lutheran Church ® ABC Newt B @ Dr. 0. Jemeo One Ch»b (3I) 0 ® |mU, Week Louis Rukeyser anaiyies the "80s with' a weekly review of BH You Can't Do That On TV 6:OOPM 0 O O 0 60 Minute* Seedey ̂VSA 8 Country fpirtimaw XXK of the Groat Choft/San (33) 0 ® Bh Feetival 0 MOVK Enter the B A Whole Flew Yea BBDr ® Chineeo World TV Dr. D. Jomte* », - --1 - .L., -- » . U|aay ̂ HVyyiV AKRWII • Www Of ® ® 700 Oub • ̂- - _R ni-ll Dtll wV ^^R^PeRU 6:30 PM O Hut 0 Taking Advent eg* bbb Dinnor at Jelto's (33) 0 ®1 B C«l«hiR| Chef* B @1 Jack Van hge 6:45 PM 0DTV 7:00PM 0 O & 0 Qoo€|r|Jg 1̂| IS 0 MOVK 'Baggody Man' B This Week in Country MOVK: TraR of the Pink m" MOVK Heidi Come* 0 MCK ROCKS: Video to Ga ® Hardy Boy*/F Our null II w^̂ ^g • iniTw vvmtIQ. when Susan gats caked out for her first dole. (R) 000Knight Rider Mi- chad Knight and UTT end-up being buried akve during an in vestigation of the theft of heavy construction *quipm*nt. (R) (60 min.) 0 0 NFl * Groatoet i 0CajauluA| f PL J •nwe «pOw anonu: The Perfect Predator*.' Peter Ben- chley narrates this look at Ike dh- ersity of the shark specie*. (R) (60 min.) (doted Copifen*iJ| (33) 0 ® National Geographic Special 'Ram Fo rest.' Tonight ! program look* at lh* variety of plant and animal fife in an environment where weR over 300 inches of rain fdh an- nuaRy. (R) (60 mm.) (Oo*ed Cap- I Nature of Thing* I MOVK '• I MOVK X