SECTION 2 - PAGE 19 - PLA1NDEALER . FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1984 Neighborhood --ws Lakemoor/Lilymoor: Summer reading program ends in fun Hie sweltering heat did not dampen the spirits of some 45 youngsters as they gathered at the McHenry Nunda Library for games, awards and refresh ments. Coordinating the culmination of the summer reading program were Vickie Delp, chief planner, Lorry Deeke, Jackie Grom and Marie Stumpf in charge of activities, and Peggy Glus in charge of refreshments. The orange drink and prizes were supplied by McHenry businesses. Margaret Karas 385-4934 Awards for reading the most books were presented to Jen nifer Agnes, Patricia Jaimes and April Ducat, who wasn't present to receive her special prize. Many parents had donated a precious commodity to the libary during the summer reading program-their time and assistance. Readers who brought stories to life to the little ones included Trade Bonesz, Tammy Sexton and Patty Jaimes. The next affair at the library will be the checker tournament Friday Aug. 17, for the young people. Story time for pre schoolers will begin again in September. TRAGEDY The birthday party Saturday Aug. 4, was fun for a group of young people. Afterward, seven of them returned to a local spot to top the evening's joy, riding around in a jeep. Seven young r >ple jammed into Jesse strado's vehicle-and the agedy struck. The top heavy jeep rolled over, crushing out the life of young Steven Watkins. Services for Steven, who had graduated from McHenry East Campus this year, were held Wednesday, leaving the distraught family, parents Sara and Jesse Watkins, sisters Chris and Sherry, and a shocked and saddened com munity. Safety in vehicles is con stantly being taught, but somehow the lesson is never learned except by personal involvement. For Steven, heartbreakingly, the lesson is over. For the others remaining? Let it not be repeated. Not only are we sharing in the Watkins family tears, over the loss of their son and brother, but also for Steve himself, and the years of living which he will never have. May he be at peace now. NEW HOME Former Lakemoorite, Mrs. Othele Brady called to say she and husband Harry are enjoying their carefree condo home in McHenry even though there are twinges of sadness when thinking of the years spent in Lakemoor. Mrs. Brady's parents had bought the summer home in Lakemoor in 1928 that was to develop into a permanent home for the Bradys in 1950. Thirty-four years of raising two sons, one now in California and the other a judge in Waukegan, and helping in Lakemoor's growth, makes moving a bit difficult. CELEBRATION TIME Pam Messman wanted to be sure her sister and brother would have their birthdays remembered, so wishes for happy ones go to Mary on the 8th and Joe on the 11th of August. Pam's is coming up the end of August, so is there an ulterior motive? One of Lakemoor's most vibrant personalities, Anna Brzezinski, will be celebrating her birthday Aug. 10. She will be entering a new decade, but to talk with and observe this exuberant lady, belies the statistics. Have many more birthdays, Ann-always looking forward to new adventures; and accepting author Norman Mailer's challenge, "Grow, or pay more for remaining the same." MORE CELEBRATIONS Remember the baby who was born too soon, and wasn't given much of a chance for survival? Dean Riley Roberts, son of Patti and Don Roberts of Lilymoor will be three years old on the 11th, the recipient of loving care of his siblings. Robert Gurske will enter his second teen year Aug. 13. Two Lakemoor teens share'the 14th as their birthdate-Heidi Delp and 14-year-old Bruce Biggs. Younger brother Chriss Biggs will be 13 on the 16th. Volunteer fireman Philip Mieszala will be wished birthday happiness on the 15th. Phyllis and Mike Odarczenko will celebrate their tenth an niversary Aug. 10. Hope you add to your supply of tin and aluminum! WELCOME VISIT Herbert Baker, Jr. of Foun tain Valley, Ca., stopped for a visit with his mother Marge Baker, on his trip with his wife Carol and younger daughter Cathy, to enroll Cathy at Notre Dame University in Indiana. On hand to renew old memories and have a time of games and food, including tomatoes from Marge's gar dens, on Saturday, Aug. 4, were sister Lynn and her baby son Brian, niece April Baker and her family Lily Ann and Clarence Fisher and Trisha and Billy Goebel, nieces Rebecca and Carrie Baker and their mother Peggy, old friends Irene and Ray Ferwerda, Margaret and Bruno Karas, and Maggie D. with Glen, Brian and Eric Spath. Margie's granddaughter Cathy, received a full scholarship from Notre Dame on two counts, being a 4.0 student and a champion volleyball player. Cathy wat ched the Olympics with special interest, as she has had personal contact with members of the volleyball team. And what was the major sport of the af ternoon? Volleyball, of course, with hostess Margie outlasting many of the younger group, being undone only by grandson Brian on his tricycle. Memories of many evenings spent in the Baker's yard, sitting around a glowing bonfire were relived. Herb leaned back in the lawn chair and looking up said* "The same sky I used to look up at some 30 years ago and it's still there!M It is good to meet again, to see. the growth and appreciate the. roots. RAIN, DON'T GO AWAY Tuesday morning was a special time for the plants in our area. After a few sharp stabs of: thunder, the quiet pelting of: large rain drops began, and. behold-under all the dust ana dryness of the past weeks, the leaves and grass responded to this life-giving moisture by turning ever deeper shades of healthy green. So, back to cutting the lawn. Praise the Lord in all things. GOD BLESS Ringwood: Local twisters take 3rd in contest Free puppet show Aug. 15 The McHenry Public Library "Summer Reading Program" will be culminating with a free puppet show at Peterson Park on Wednesday, August 15. Shelter "A" will be available from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. "The Little People", with help from puppeteers Ann-Marie Cina and Gloria Stewart, will present a new version of the classical fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". The performance will start at 12:30 p.m. and the show will run approximately 40 minutes. Members of the public are invited to attend and bring a picnic lunch. For further information call Dolores Rogers, children's librarian at McHenry Library 385-0036. Just found out that we have celebrities in Ringwood; Barb and Bill Scharm. Seems they entered the jitterbug dance contest at the Fiesta Days celebrations in McHenry last week, and ended up in the twist contest instead. But they won third place in the twist dance contest, so maybe it just means that they are better twisters than jitterbuggers. Oh Well! Congratulations to both of you, anyhow. Katy Christopher 385-8037 Doris Low 653-9262 SURPRISE 55th Wife, Martha, had a surprise fifty-fifth birthday party for her hubby Bob Betts, on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 5. Bob's bir thday was Monday Aug. 6. There were about 40 friends, neighbors and relatives present for this celebration. All enjoyed horseshoes, and volleyball provided for the entertainment, plus, just sitting around and visiting. All the food that Martha whipped up was delicious and enjoyed by all for this special occasion. Congratulations Bob, and we wish you many more happy birthdays. CONGRATULATIONS Aug. 11 finds Terri (Christy) Anderson, Michelle Kreutzer and Sara Scholling all adding another candle to their cakes; with Frank Cerny, Beth Ferrara and Jim Huinken doing the same Aug. 12. Charles Sowers will celebrate Aug. 13; as Alan Olson will do Aug. 14. Aug 15 is that special day for Brock Rybacheck (Jackie Aissen's son), Debbie (Betts) Bork, Linda Adams and Drew Penrod. "Happy Birthday" also to Helen Junt on Aug. 16 and to Bob Baker, Nicky Billikas and Ellie Nabor Aug. 17. Linda Van Every and Frank Visconti will be celebrating thejr special day Aug. 18, with Tommy Hogan, Jim McGowan and Amy Zvonar doing the same Aug. 19. Aug. 20 finds Earl Son- nemaker, A1 Nabor and Kendall Street adding another candle to their cakes; as Sherry Pechous Low, Dorothy Hosier, Len Spencer and Stanley Hunt will be doing Aug. 21. We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" goes to Harry and Georgia Hogan this week on Aug. 12 Also to Clayton and Virginia Bruce and to Paul and Althea Walking ton on Aug. 16. Ted and Pat Mai will celebrate their special day Aug. 17. We wish all many more years of wedded bliss. HOMEWARD BOUND Linda and Bill Billikas and children, Nicky, Charlie and Becky, left for home Monday afternoon, after spending their vacation time with Linda's parents, the Walt Lows. They spent some time with friends in Dubuque and visited many friends and relatives in the area while here. They came and wedt home by Amtrak. SCHOOL DAYS Late registration will be held Aug. 14, 16, 21, and 23 from .8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the district administration office for those parents and students that were on vacation or for some reason unable to register Aug. 8 or 9. Monday, Aug. 27, is the first day for all students K-12. High School, 7:25-9:20 a.m.^ Ringwood 8:45-9:50 a.m.,-Bush and Middle, 8:45-10:20 a.m.-jf: High, 8:10-10:05 a.m. Full day of school Tuesday, Aug. 28. CALENDAR * Aug, 12-Worship Service-^ a.m.-Ringwood Church I Aug. 23-Sewing Circle Aug. 27-First day of school GOD BLESS t SHEPHERD of the HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 404 N. Green St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Sunday Church 8:30 & 10:45 Sunday School 9:15 Nur»ery Servtce» Available WONDER LAKE BIBLE CHURCH Phone: 728-0422 or 728-1687 7501 Howe DrrWonder Lake. Ill Merle D. Conklin. Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service 10:50 am Prayer Hour - Wed 7:30 p.m. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mixouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Rd. (Rt.120) Rev. Hermann F. Graef j 385-0859 385-1616 Sunday Worship 7:45 & 10:30 Nursery Services at 10:30 Education for Eternity. Sunday School Children & Youth 9:00 a.m McHENRY COUNTY FRIENDS MEETING (QUAKER) 1 st & 3rd Sunday 11:00 a.m. For information call 385-8512 or 312-683-3840 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Lincoln Rd & Eastwood Lane Sunday Service fit Sunday School 10:30 Wed. 8 p.m. Reading Room Tues & Thurs 2-4 Saturday 11-12 Noon ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 W. Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer 7:30 p.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH lOHNSBURG Rev. JohnC. Holdren, Pastor Rectory Phone: 385-1477 Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30 p.m. Fulfills Sun. Obligation Sun. Masses 7, 9 & 11 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. doin Us In Worship IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS 312-587-7727 (Office) Rev. Roger Elliott Sunday Schedule: Worship Services 8:15 & 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15a.m. VILLAGE CHURCH OF WONDER LAKE 4918 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake. Illinois Phone: 728-1091 Pastor - Dennis Shaw Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7 p.m. MARANATHA ASSEM8LY.OFGOD. (Charismatic/Pentecostal) Pastor Lawrence Thompson 1309 Court St. 344-0557 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wed. Family Nite 7:00 p.m. Thurs. Youth 7:00 p.m. .* i v H s * ' w * , ¥ - v % , L i k M NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. WONDER LAKE RD.. WONDER LAKE 653-3832 ST. FRANCIS POUSH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH Flanders Road East of Ringwood Road Sunday Masses 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month 2 p.m. . Rev. Martin Wachna 1 McHENRY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 3031 Lincoln Road 344-1111 Church Pastor Rov W'isner 1-653-9675 Sunday Service 10:30 Sundav Eve Service 6:00 p.m. Sundav School 9:15-10:1 5 FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2107 West Lincoln Road (Across from outdoor Theater) Worship 8:30 flc 10:45 Children & Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Bible Study - Weds. 9:30 a.m. Pastor: Dr. Eric J. Snyder Phone 385-5388 or 385-6460 Nursery Services Available Home of The Joyful Noise Christian Preschool George R. Justin Funeral Home 3519 W ELM STREET McHENRY 385-2400 Frevnd Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DRIVE WONDER LAKE w 1-728-0233 Peter M. lusten Funeral Heme 3807 W. ELM STREET McHENRY .385-0063 Glaviano's Intoriors 414 S ROUTE 31 McHENRY 385-3764 McHenry Savings & Lean 1209 N.GREEN STREET McHENRY 385 3000 This space available to advertisers for pennies an issue. Brake Parts Co. P 0. BOX 11 McHENRY 385-7000 First National Bank off McHenry 3814 W RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-5400 McHenry Paint, Class & Wallpaper 3411 W ELM STREET McHENRY 385-7353 A co Hardware 3729 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-3660 McHenry Pluindealer 3812 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 3B5-0170 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUICK -OLDS 903 N FRONT STREET McHENRY 385-7200 McHenry Track Line, lac. P 0. BOX 575 McHENRY 385-0712 McHenry State Bank 3510 W ELM STREET McHENRY 385-1040 This space available to advertisers for pennies an issue. MOUNT HOPE UNITED METHODIST 1015 W.Broadway. Pisukee Highlands Church Phone 312-497-3805 Linda Misewicr. Perconte. Pastor Personage (312) 497-3024 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Summer Worship 9:30 a.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH J 3717 W. Main Street Church Phone 385-0931 J Thomas Lowery. Pastor J Parsonage Phone 385-1352 1 Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. j Church School 10:45 a.m. 1 PENECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4010 Westwood Dr.. Wonder Lake 815-653-9980 Janie A. Long, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 am Sunday Evening WoAhip 6:30 pm Friday Bible Study 7 pm Wed Bible Study 6:30 pm CHRIST THE KING j CATHOLIC CHURCH \ 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road j Wonder Lake. Ill Sun Masses 8, 10 am & noon i Sat Evening Mass 5:00 p.m. 4 Fulfills Sunday Obligation J CHAIN O'LAKES EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 4815 N. Wilmot Road Church Phone 497-3000 Parsonage 497-3050 Rev. Marlowe Shoop Morning Worship 10 a.m. Church Time Program for age 2-5 Adult Bible Studies during the week RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH ] Ringwood, Illinois Pastor Gordon Smith Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 j Sunday 9:15 a.m. ^ Church School 9:45 a.m. J NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Boy 157 Wonder Lake. Illinois Phone 653-3832 Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. (Nursery Facilities Available) ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH i 3706 St. Paul's & Green 385-039M Rev. Marion Mailey, Rector Sunday Services Nursery Provided 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Christian Education 10:00 A.M. Family Eucharist Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Holy Days as Announced ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 3500 W Washington 385-0025 Rev. Edmund Petit. Pastor Sat. Eve(Sunday Obligation Fulfilled) 5 p.m. Sunday' ' 7:15, 8:30. 9:45 11 & 12:15 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCK 509 Front St. 385-0083 ^ Thomas R. Roberson. Pastor j Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service 6:30 p.m. UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 258 Sunnyside. Lakemoor Rev. Nolan Hilderbrand 312-279-6289 Sunday 9:45 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Fri. 7:30 p.m. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Friday 7:30 p.m Youth Service CHURCH OF GOD OF McHENRY (Pentecostal) 3813 John St.. McHenry. Ill Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Kevin Grissom. Pastor Phone 344-2032. 344-3950 THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 1403 N. Richmond Rd.. McHENRY 385-0024 Rev. James G. Gaynor. Pastor „ Rev. James Novak. Asst. Priest Rev. Walter Johnson. M.M. Rev. Stanley Ryzner Rev. C. Alfred Dietsch Saturday Evening Man 5:00 p.m. (Fulfills Sunday Obligation) Sunday Masses 6:30. 8:00. 9:30. 9:45. 10:45. 11:00. 12 noon I