PAGE IT-PLAINDEAIJEB-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST a. MM Business Many cities are returning to regional architecture Real estate class offered class will meet Wednesday By Yvour Beer, executive vice- presideat, McHenry Coanty Board of Realtors As travelers move around 'from one part of the country to another, they are amazed at the erences in types of housing. Architectural regionalism, that is used to define the in- vidual character of cities, is a sort of revival. Universal construction formulas aren't working as well as in the past, in part because of higher energy costs. Architects are realizing that they have to adapt buildings to such local characteristics as climate, lifestyle and ' availability of materials. As a 'result, some areas of the 'country are becoming more identifiable by the design of their homes and buildings. Homes on Cape Cod traditionally had long roofs facing north to protect against the winds and small windows to reduce heat loss. In contrast, homes along the humid Georgia coast had high ceilings that let warm air rise, tall windows to ease the air flow and shady ptorches. Even the position of rooms traditionally varied from one part of the country to the other. Homes in the south had parlors on the north side of the house. In the northeast, kitchens and breakfast rooms were found on the east side with living rooms on the west. Because of cheap energy and the growing use of air con ditioning after World War n, it was possible to be comfortable anywhere in the house without regard to traditional design Regional differences in home construction all but disap peared, and cities began to lose their personality. When Americans began turning down their thermostats, buying low wattage light bulbs, and installing storm windows and insulation, architects took a new look at utility bills and decided it was time to mab some changes. To the delight of cultural heritage and historical preservation groups, the value of tarditional design reap peared. While not all historic designs are practical today, new construction techniques com bined with a traditional ap proach appear to be making economic sense. * Real estate transactions, the basic course needed to obtain an Illinois sales license in real estate, wiD be offered in Sep tember and October Held in Schaumburg, the September class will begin Monday, Sept. 10, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Regional Training Center, 1375 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg. The class will meet Monday and Thursday evenings for 10 sessions. Hie October class wiD start Oct 17 at Red Carpet Wesley, 388 W. Liberty, Wauconda. The evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 pjn. and Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for 10 sessions. The basic procedures of real estate conveyance, broker- client relationships, contracts, property liens, financing, concepts of home owuei ship and various state laws affecting the purchase and sale of real estate are some of the topics that will be covered. Mote information is available at Red Carpet Real Estate of fices. SIZZLING Area physician inducted into ACOG Boon Charoenying, MD, ob stetrician-gynecologist at Northern Illinois Medical Center (NIMC), was formally inducted as a fellow the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). To qualify as a member of the organization, an OB-Gyn physician must be a board- certified specialist in ob stetrics and gynecology, and be approved by sectional, district and national membership. As a member of ACOG, Dr. Charnoeying w£Q have access to all its professional resources and opportunities for continuing medical education. Dr. Charnoenying has his practice in McHenry and Ingleside and has been a member of the NIMC staff since 1974. He and his family reside in McHenry. RFVCOS LOW. •LOW PRICE! K 750 ML • 53 Proof Product of Mexico $10.49 REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE AT&T changes its billing procedure Lose20,30,40Pounds or More AND PAY FOB HALF You can be 20 30, or more Pounds slimmer by September 30th. Mistake Proof constantly counting calories, no weighing or measuring foods No strenuous exercise Gourmet Meals Lose up to a pound a day while enjoying Nu System Cuisine'" foods international gourmet delicacies featuring such dishes as Chicken Polynesian and : Shrimp Creole \ Wetghtminder* Guarantee "• FoNow the Nutn/System program and . you must reach thegoal set by our exclusive Weightminder* Computer : or there's no additional charge for our services until you do OVER 700 CENTERS IN NORTH AMERICA TRY OUR NEW FOOD ENTREES THAT EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT. Kay Pederaon lost 24 pounds "I feel great! 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Suite B Crystal Lake • 15/459-9050-9AAA TO 7PM ^InSvSdlM^IMlgM loea sk nutri system S & -it a. Back-to-school Haircut 20% off Even Heat® perm, Special 35.88 JCPenney Top honors for Kids 12 and under in face-framing cuts at great savings Perms include shampoo, cut, and style Some not recommended for bleached or frosted hair. 20% off all retail hair conditioners. Redken and Ntuui products always available. Haircuts sala priced thru Sat.. Sapt. 1 st. Other sala prices effective thru Sat., Aug. 25th. CHARGE IT. OPEN SUNDAYS. THE STYLING SALON Brickyard, /45 0 $33 Ford City, b8 1 6376 Fo* Valley, 851 6400 Golf Mill, 299 0246 Joliet Mall. 439 M44 Lakehurst. 4 73 0340 Lincoln Mall, 481 2698 N. Riverside. 44 7 8793 Orland Square. 349 7390 Spring Hilt Mall, 428 6988 Woodfield. 882 7454 Yorktown. 629 7 760 '984 J Q Penney Company' inc 3 STORES! 1 LOCATION! 150 BRAND NAMES! i STOREWIDE! FROM SAMPLES TO SPECIAL ORDERS! Minimum 20% All Special & Custom Home Furnishings Orders! 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Reg. $36. Luxury with a practical side. Plush Ultron® nylon has built-in stain protection to help keep its elegant good looks for years^ln a superb collection of 16 solids and 14 subtle multi-colorations to 50% on our'Prestige' collection of solid and multi color nylon plush carpeting with durable Scotchgard* protection in a wide selection of colors. Installation and padding available at our everyday low price Percentage off represents savings on regular prices Sale prices effective thru Saturday, August 25th JCPenney Custom Decorat ing Percentage off represents savings on regular prices Call for a frqe in-home appointment with a JCPenney Decorator Consultant. No Obligation, of course. OtterGood NOW THRU t/2*/S4 ljm" 2 OFFERS PER COUPON OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK Illinois Brickyard 622-2779 Ford City 581 5621 Fok Valley Center851 6910 Golf Mill 299 1042 Joliet Mall 815/439-1442 Lakehurst. Lincoln Mall No Riverside Northwoods Mall Peoria 685-6111 Orland Square 460-1552 473-1811 Spring Mill Mall .. 428^970 481-2030 Woodfield 882-5558 447-8010 Yorktown 620-4562 Northwest Indiana: Marquette Mall .879-7361 Southlake Mall 738 235F 'IKM JC PennayCompany irw \ •