Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1984, p. 25

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Supermarkets may help make savings easier SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22,1964 By June Fuller Dear June: I found a super­ market in my area that goes to the trouble of distributing to its customers envelopes full of manufacturers' refund forms. Each time I go shopping, I pick up one of these envelopes and find a variety of worthwhile offers. I thought this was such a good idea that I wrote to the other supermarkets in my area, suggesting that they do the same thing. The response has been very favorable. Not. only did I receive a reply from the managers of each supermarket, assuring me that the matter would be carefully considered, but they also sent me several refund forms that happened to be available. If this idea seems like a good one, why don't you ask your readers to write to their local supermarkets and make the same suggestion? It could start a whole new way of distributing refund forms.-Ann White, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Coupon Clipper point of view, any distribution is better than none. I say, let's give it a try. So, I am urging readers who shop at supermarkets that display few refund forms to write to these stores and ask that they test a system of distributing the forms in envelopes available at the customer service desk or the checkout counter to shoppers who ask for them. If a store in your area tries an envelope system for distributing refund forms, please let me know. Give me the name and address of the store so I can call the manager and find out whether the store's experience with this system is favorable. Write to me in care of this paper. Here's a refund form to write for: A $1 refund or $2 cash- coupon refund. TRONOLANE Savings Offer Certificates, P.O. Box PM 209, El Paso, TX 79966. Send you name and address on a 3-by-5 card. This offer expires Dec. 31,1984. While waiting for the form, save entire front panel showing the net weight or sup­ pository count from Tronolane cream or suppositories (except trial size), and the register tape. Here is this week's list of refund offers. Start looking for the required refund forms, which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspaper and magazine advertisements and from trading with friends. Meanwhile, start collecting the needed proofs of purchase as detailed below. Remember, some offers are not available in all areas of the country. Today's refund offers have a value of $10.60. . .Dairy Products, Oil, Margarine, Diet Products(File No. 2) These offers require refund forms: DOLLY MADISON Snoopy Kite Offer. Send the required refund form and one Universal Product Code symbol from any Dolly Madison product, plus a check or money order for $1 made payable to Snoopy Kite Offer for each kite ordered. Michigan residents add 4 per­ cent sales tax. There is no limit on this offer. Expires Sept. 29, 1984. ESKIMO PIE Coupon Offer. Receive five 40-cent coupons. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code symbols from three 6-packs of any Eskimo Pie Branded Ice Cream Snacks. Expires Dec. 31, 1985. KRAFT Singles Refund Offer. Receive four 15-cent coupons each good on 12-ounces or 16- ounces Kraft Singles. Send the required refund form and two back panels with Universal Product Code symbols from any size-flavor of Kraft Pasteurized Cheese Food Singles. Expires Dec. 31, 1984. MRS. FILBERT'S Golden Quarter $1 Refund. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code sym­ bols from five 1-pound packages of Mrs. Filbert's Golden Quarters Margarine. Expires Oct. 30, 1984. ' PARKAY 3-Pound Light Spread $1 Coupon Refund Offer. Receive four 25-cent coupons good on Parkay Light Spread. Send the required refund form and the label from one 3-pound bowl of Parkay Light Spread. Expires Sept. 1, 1985. WESSON Oil Bonus refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund or three $1 coupons. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code number printed on the back of the 64- ounce bottle of Wesson Oil copied on a 3-by-5 piece of paper, plus the register tape with the purchase price circled. Expires April 30, 1985. Write to me in care of THE COUPON CLIPPER, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10166. odstock belief studio On the Square 113Vi Benton Street Dear Ann: I like your suggestion. Supermarkets that would put refund forms in en­ velopes and offer them to customers would certainly win a vote of thanks from a lot of refunders. This method would also prevent a lot of "pad grabbing." After considering your letter I wondered what the manufacturers would think of this. I decided to call several marketing people who are responsible ' for refund promotions. I told them how enthusiastic you were about the system and asked for their opinions. A few of them were quick to express reservations. They said they would rather see their refund forms diplayed right under the refunded * product at what they call the • "point of purchase." And, although it appears only a small percentage of the refund form pads are ever displayed on the shelves, these executives said they would leave it up to the supermarket to find the best way to distribute the refund forms. They said that if the store chose to distribute them in envelopes, then they had no objection. I guess from their > Ol ( AN RK.N I AN AQl A SKNTHY W A T F R C O N D I T I O N E R •LOW MONTHLY RENTAL •NO INSTALLATION CHARGE •FREE WATER TEST •30 DAY FREE TRIAL Detergents H I C K 5 D A S Soaps, •Eliminate Chores ' • Spotless Dish Drying icksgas, Int H 11023 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK I CALL TODAY 815-339-1299 Corner of Old Route 14 i 4 7 Woodstock, Illinois RIDAY AUGUST 24 SATURDAY AUQUiT 25 Fall Registration Saturday, September 1 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Session Begins September 4 Classical Ballet Begin, thru Adv. Jazz Teens, men* women Ballet Exercises Adults Primary Ballet 5-8 year old Lydia Randolph or Linda Pohlman 815/338-5610 AUGUST 26 ELGIN & WOODSTOCK IN PARKING LOT -- BARRINGTON INSIDE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE MANY SAVINGS: 12 x 14s Queen Royal Green Velvet. Reg. $265.50 SALE $125.09 1 2 x 1 2 Q u e e n B l u e M o o n S c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 3 0 3 . 2 0 . . . SALE $139.99 12 x 133 Mohawk Coral Blush Suede. Reg. $299.51 . SALE 9139.99 1 2 x 1 3 * Q u e e n D a y t o n a T a n S c u l p t u r e . Reg. $293.96. . . SALE $199.90 1 2 x 1 1 Q u e e n C a m e l V e l v e t P l u s h . R e g . $ 2 1 5 . 6 5 . SALE $99.90 1 2 x 1 2 Q u e e n R u s t t o n e s s c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 2 7 1 . 2 0 . SALE $129.90 1 2 x 1 2 * Q u e e n D o w n M i s t S c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 2 8 2 . 9 0 . SALE $129.00 1 2 x 1 4 1 0 Q u e e n B e i g e V e l v e t P l u s h . R e g . $ 3 4 5 . 9 8 . SALE $159.99 1 2 x 1 0 * Q u e e n I n d i a n C u r r y p l u s h . R e g . $ 2 8 0 . 0 0 $199.90 11* x 141 Bieglow Plush Solid Beige. Reg. $377.31. . SALE $1*9.90 12 iM>810 Queen Green Sculptured Shag^ Reg. $357.81 SALE $190.00 12" Queen Tan Plush. Reg. $280.69. SALE $119.99 12 x 11 \Queen Golden Earth Sculpture. Reg. $248.18 .SALE $119.99 1 2 x 1 0 ® Q u e e n C a r m e l B r o w n S c u l p t u r e . Reg. $242.89 SALE $199.99 1 2 x 1 2 Q u e e n S c o t c h M i s t S c u l p t u r e . Reg. $268.00 SALE $121.99 12 x 99 Custom Weave Carmel Tan Dense Shag. Reg. $363.74 SALE $99.99 1 2 x 1 4 * Q u e e n E a r t h e n B r o w n D e n s e S c u l p t u r e . Reg. $386.60 SALE $149.99 12 x 20" Queen Beige Blush Plush. Reg. $482.30. SALE $199.00 12 x 132 Queen Green Brown Sculpture. Reg. $297.64 SALE $129.00 12 x 26 Mohawk Lemon Yellow Saxony. Reg. $455.56 SALE $209.00 12 x 173 Queen Stucco Velvet Plush. Reg. $310.50 ". SALE $149.99 1 2 x 1 3 C a b i n C r a f t B e i g e M i s t S a x o n y . Reg. $385.59 . . .. SALE $139.90 12 x 11,0 Mohawk Steel Gray Commercial Velvet Reg. $350.09 ." SALE $129.99 12 x 112 Queen Brown Tones Sculptured Shag. Reg. $281.42. . . SALE $199.90. 1 2 x 1 8 ' M o h a w k D a r k B l u e C o m m e r c i a l ^ Velvet. Reg. $408.66 SALE $159.00 1 2 x 1 4 * M o h a w k R u s t Commercial Loop. Reg. $400.09 SALE $151.00 12 x 124 Evans & Black Carmel Short Shag. Reg. $253.09 SALE $109.00 1 2 x 1 5 * Q u e e n T a n B e i g e S c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 3 4 6 . 2 2 SALE $139.99 12 x 93 Queen Grape Plush Velvet. Reg. $274.34 SALE $79.00 1 2 x 9 ® G e o r g i a n C a r m e l D e n s e S h a g . R e g . $ 2 4 4 . 2 7 . SALE $99.90 1 2 x 9 * Q u e e n L i g h t G r a y V e l v e t P l u s h . R e g . $ 2 1 8 . 4 9 SALE $99.99 1 2 x 1 4 ® Q u e e n P a p r i k a S c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 3 1 8 . 2 5 SALE $139.90 11 * Custom Weave Dense Beige Velvet. $563.38 . SALE $139j 12 Queen Woodland Brown Sculpture. $271.20 . SALE $119.00 134 Queen Light Beige Plush. $292.50 .. . SALE $134.99 13® Queen Earthen Mocha Sculpture. Reg. $290.93 SALE $139.99 Dense Shag 1 2 x 1 0 * Q u e e n T a n tracery Sculpture Reg. $312.30 SALE $199.99 1 2 x 1 2 C u s t o m w e a v e C h a r c o a l Reg. $424.00. . .SALE $129.99 12 x 15T Queen Golden Earth Sculpture. Reg. $352.05 SALE $139.99 12 x 102 Queen Navajo Tan Plush. Reg. $229.84 SALE $199.99 12 x 122 Mohawk Grape Dense Plush. Reg. $375.10 SALE $129.99 1 2 x 9 ® C a b i n C r a f t T o n a l E a r t h P l u s h . Reg. $233.35 SALE $199.99 1 2 x 9 * Q u e e n S u n B e i g e P l u s h . R e g . $ 2 2 4 . 8 9 SALE $199.99 12 x 113 Queen Light Gray Velvet Plush. Reg. $254.25 SALE $99.99 12 x 1710 Queen Golden Brandy Plush. Reg. $380.32 SALE $199.99 1 2 x 1 4 Q u e e n T a n B e i g e S c u l p t u r e . R e g . $ 2 9 7 . 7 9 SALE $119.99 1 2 x 1 8 Q u e e n G r e e n S c u l p t u r e d S h a g . R e g . $ 4 0 6 . 8 0 SALE $199.99 1£ x 11* Queen Gray Plush Velvet. Fteg. $259.84_ SALE $99.90 Reg. $484.15 SALE $199.09 Georgian Rattan Beige Plush SAVE UP TO 59% AND MORE ON ROLL STOCK FLOOR COVERING EXCESS VINYL A NO-WAX TILE 25* sq.ft. EXCESS CERAMIC TILE 50* sq.ft. TRIM PIECES 20* - P.«. LAST CHANCE FOR SAVINGS ON OUTDOOR TURF.. Storting At •1.99 ^ All Sales Final -- All Examples Subject To Prior Sale. IF POOR WEATHER -- THE SALE GOES ON INSIDE! , 1039 Lake Av«. • Woodstock, IL 815-338-1000 117 E. NW. Hwy. • Barrlngton, IL 312-381-7507 663 Villa St. - Elgin, IL 312-697-2600 Carpets & Floor Coverings # «#. Mon., Thurt., Frl. 10-0 Turn., Wad., Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6 Barrlngton Location Only: Friday 10-5

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