* PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,1M4 RI McHenry. m lamdealer m § ®a^«e m lassified Hirbmonb Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable lor only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Forty & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment in advance must be mode tor these ads: 'Babysitting 'Business Opportunites 'Business Services *Garge Sales 'Moving Soles 'Out of Shaw Free Press Circufotion Area 'Political 'Rooms, Appts. to Share 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease, Re-rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wonted to Rent. DIRECTORY 3 LINES, 5 DAYS \»8.80 Shaw FRM Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS N«W»pap«r Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Morengo Beacon/Republican News 'Huntley Beacon/Republicon News 'Sycamore' News •Cory-Grove Clarion 'Barrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindeoler 'Genoa-Kingston-Kirk land News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald *Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Car Pools 10 lost ft Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions ,18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Gorage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation. .. . .41 Pets ft Equipment 44 Horses ft Eauipment. 47 Form ft Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wonted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House *. 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 4. 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent.^» 78 Rooms. Board, House Automotive Apartments to Share Apartments to Rent Homes to Rent . .79 . 8 0 . 8 1 Autos for Sale Wanted to Buy Auto Parts & Accessories 86 87 . 8 8 Condominiums & Townhomes 82 Trucks. Tractors S Trailers 89 90 Stores. Office & 83 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles. . . . Recreation Vehicles . . 91 9? Farms, Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent . . 84 . 85 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 381-Barrington 695-Elgin 382-Barrington 697-Elgin 426-Dundee 740-Round Lake 551-Dundee 741 Elgin 639-Cory 742 Elgin 669-Huntley 888 Elgin 683-Hampshire 931-Elgin 815 AREA CODE 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385 McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal loke 568 Marengo 648-Hebron 653 Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728 Wonder Loke 895 Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard Cwnct^r les ft. Lots 11 Lost A Found 13 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETAR Y Chalet lots available as low as 127$, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/439-0547 t ©RAVE SITES, McHenry County Memorial Park, Wlpodilocfc II. Includes prt- arranoament plain, $2,900. Call H$/4»-3$22 anytime. Notices EXP. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and all other pro Memsofllfe. Call for an appointment. 1100 Dundee Ave.7Elgln, IL. <0120. 312/931-1193. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 NATURAL FOOO COOP Join Us! Buy butfc save 25% to SO* on honey, nuts, cheese, sasusaga. etc. 015/305-4094 PLASTERING - Restoration Or New Vernon T.Kopsell ois/AFFII BOYS M «h, 7th ft 0th grade, m Dundee area, Interested In playing Tackle Football, call 312/420-3353 or come to Carpentorsvllle Middle School, Monday-Friday, 5:30-7:30pm. STAN'S HAULING We haul all. Just give us a call. 115/338-0074 Free Estimates. .» ( • Car Pools RIDE NEEDED Round trip, HWBBdslock to Crystal Lake, weekdays (have 9-5 |ob). Call 01S/330-3410 eves. 11 Lost 4 Found FOUNO, male, Benji type, brown w/black back, 015/305 0170 ask for Pom. GERMAN SHEPHERD Pure bred female. Dark Mack & tan, found 0/10, off Klshwaukee Volley Rd. 015/3304261. LOST- LAB MIX, 0/10, N. Riverside Dr., McHenry. Med. size male, long hair. Child's pet- reward. Call 015/305-0301. LOST OtAMOND RING, Mar quts. Crystal Lake. If found call, 312/397-4403 eves. Hand some Reward LOST MALAMUTE Male, 10 mas. Gray w/black mask, tags, Fox Ridge. Reward. 015/3U- 0742. POUND Parakeet, 3 ml. east of Cary 312/439-2210 KITTEN POUND, white w/gray markings, vicinity Col lege ft Uteg Streets, Crystal Lake. Call 4W-7574 after 6 pm. LOST Grey Cockatlel male. Woodstock arse, yellow face. Any Information would be ap preciated. Reward, 015/330- 12 \ PREGNANT? IEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. .And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 015/305-2999 a ATTENTION I Looking for 50 people to par- TKifMit in wtignT loss pro* gram. Fun-Easy and simple. N0% guaranteed. Herbal Bas Od. 312/450-0429. HYPNOSIS. Cassette tapes for 11• 11A I line I '---* Hm • nffar WtlunT IOSS. LlmllfU Tlmf OTTof only. Send $12.9$ check or order to ductlons, P.O. Box 201. Carpentorsvllle, IL. 10110. ALGONQUIN-LITH Counseling Service Individual s-Couples-Famllles Licensed therapist Insurance accepted Hours by app't: 312/450-3113 WANTED 5-man team for Thursday, 7 pm. - Men's bowl ing league at Maul's, West Dundee, 312/42I-9445. HERBALIFE • * si LOW iVVIQfiT HOW Ask Me How 10-29 pounds In 30 days. Money back guarantee. Call Nancy or Bill at >15/435-0390 " God, Jesus, Mother Mary, St. Anthony, St. Judo, St. Therese and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for favors granted and to be AS OF Aug. 27, 1904 I am responsible for my debts ft signature only. James ". wWflyit. WEIGHT PROBLEMS? Lose weight the totally natural way ft feel better than ever. Fast ft easy. 100% money back guarantee. 115/4554619. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, glorified, worship ped ft loved throutfwut the world now ft forever. R Instruction 19 Child Core COLLEGE EXAM PREP ACT/PSAT/SAT Begins September 5 EFFECTIVE READING/ STUDY SKILLS •Junlor/Ssnlor High Begins September 10 •Individual Tutoring •Adult Courses Learner Support Programs, Inc. 115/459-0931 312/381-8418 PHANO INSTRUCTOR, ' experienced teacher, 312/420- 0912. LEARN TO SING! Angela Amid now accepting beginning 0i advanced voice students. 01S/30S-1143. PIANO LESSONS, Beginning to advanced students. Call Pat, 015/499-7105. ENROLL NOW for PUIno Lessons by experienced Teacher. 312/420-3539 LEARN BASIC Programming on IBM personal computers. Intensive 12 week class. Ap plications oriented. Beginning ft advanced levels. Also In cludes Intro, to Lotus, Vlskale ft Wordstar. Limited registra tion. $99$. Call now, 312/000- 1t Child Core LOVING ft Reliable mother wHI babysit In McHenry home weekdays. References. For In formation call 115/344-4443 RELIABLE chHdcare mother w/proschool experience 015/704-5927 EXPERIENCED Mom, babysit my home, any age welcome, meals Included,-day- nlte. 312/650-9546. ] BABYSITTING by Christian Sunny Hill School area, 3 yrs. ft up, 312/551-1140. AFTER SCHOOL Child Care Greenwood School District on ly. Experienced sitter, mother of two. 26 years of age. After school snacks, large fenced yard. Reasonable price. 015/653-9205 DAY CARE- Crystal Lake North School area, by reliable mom. Nutritious meals, In dividual attention. Call 015/455- 1645. EXPERIENCED PreSchool director ft teacher offering child care In my Cary home. Walking distance from Oek Knoll School. 312/639-0154. LICENSED child care by lov ing mother In Crystel Lake, full or part-time, days ft eves.,' drop-ins welcome, reasonable.' Call 115/455-0911. EXPERIENCED Day Care, rny home, Monday-Friday, McHenry/Johnsburg area. IIS/344-2071. PRE SCHOOL TEACHER will babysit near Crystel Lake Con keel School, meals, activities. Indoor playroom ft outdoor pier equip 015/455-5662 after 1 ESI CHILD CARE jn my Carjr SUA area 2/639-3629. MOTHER OF 2 will babysit days. Low rates. West School 015/455-5600 LOVING MOTHER ft nurse will babysit for your infant in my Lakeland Park, McHenry home, days. 015/344 3097. CHILD CARE, Full or Part Time. Drop-Ins, day, evening. Have day care experience. ROSS. Rates. 312/639-5457. MOTHER WILL babysit In my Algonquin home. Full time on- ly. $12/6513269. EXPERIENCED Babysitter Available afternoons for West School kindergarten students attending morning session. Transportation provided to my home. 015/095-0092 WILL BABYSIT in my home. 2 yrs. ft over, fenced in back yard. c#ll Carol, 312/420 3353. IB Auctions 13 Instruction TUTORING available, my McHenry home, teacher w/11 years experience, certified in warning disabilities. 015/305- 0127. IB Auctions AUCTION: 3 MILES EAST OF CRYSTAL LAKE, BEING 2 MILES EAST OF RT. 31 ON RT. 176 TO VALLEY VIEW RD., (THE WEST EDGE OF SUN ELEC.) THEN SOUTH •/. MILE TO NORTH PARK AVE., THEN EAST TO GREEN VIEW, THEN SOUTH TO $514 GREENVIEW RD., (OAKWOOD HILLS) ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, AT 12:00 COLLECT ABLES, HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS AND GARDEN TOOLS: Monarch metal working lathe. 15" swing complete. Atlas table saw model 3060. Darra belt and disc sander No. 320. Atlas jointer-planner No 6000. Atlas shaper- cutter No. 3500 Duro metal cutting band saw.No. D22TG Miller power hacksaw Bellsaw planner No. 90, floor mounted grinder, floor mounted but fer flexible shaft. I"d vac, vert, sander, arc welder, gas welding equip, eiec. kiln. Porter cable belt sander. elec. sanders. cases of sond paper, belts and disks, boxes of nails, many band saw blodes. cir saw blades elec. drills, pulleys pipe fittings, drill bits Millers-falls elec. screwdriver bits, cutting bits, chucks, etc.. hand trucks, fire ext.. occiliscope. elec test equip air comp., pipe wrenches and hand tools, production spray gun. socket sets, charts large vises. 24 saw blade many ant. wood boxes wooden filing cabinet, pneumatic tire coaster wagon grape crusher, ant. light fixtures, oak buffets 9 pc. dinmg room set. 3 pc. living room set bedroom set. German radio and tape player dishes kitchen utensils, pictures etc J D roto tiller, Toro lawn mower and cult., new Briggs und Stro'on qas engine No. 143302, Airens snow blower antique tools and 2 mon saw. and much, much more. ESTATE OF FRANK MIEDLER Auction«or: Gordon St ads, McHenry, IL 815385-7032 RISPECfEt ABCTtOMS JUKI 19S1 ( REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., SEPT. t, 1M4 1:30 P.M. N. of Garden Prsiris. II on Gardoit Prairie R<L to end of Rd.. W mi. to Caoron ltd.. N. 2 mi. to auction site, or S. of Capron. II.. on Capron Rd. to Angling Rd. % mi. East This 425 acre Boone County Farm to be sold at Auction is one of Boone County's finest Farm will be sold in five (5) Parcels. Psrcsl NSL I--160 acres with a very nice house, garage, machine sheds, corn crib, silos, horse barn, & cattle feeding yards. Psrcsl No. 2 - WEST SIDE OF Capron Rd., 75 acres Bare land. Psrcsl Rs.3-North side of Angling Rd., 42.7 acres, bare land. Psrcsl No. 4 --North of building site along Angling Rd., 67.2 acres, bare land. Psrcsl No. 5-- Corner of Cspron & Orth Rds., 78 acres, bare land. Parcels will be sold separately, and not offered as one (1) parcel". Sellers will furnish a recent plat of Survey on all parcels except 160 acres (Parcel NO. 1), and will furnish merchantable title and title insurance commitment Tans: Seller will pay 1984 taxes due in 1985. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance & possession in 60 days or less. Possession in 60 days except that land which has 1984 crops to be harvested. Possession when crips are harvested. OWNER, SIDNEY FRYE ESTATE Executor of Estate'; Trust Dept of Belvidere Natio- al Bank & Trust Co., of Belvidere Phone (815) 544-2400 Attorney for Estate: Jlohnson, Tobin & Ramon (815)544-0316 Auctioneers: Jerry Maris (815) 547-7543 Eugene Frederick Fer further information or inspection, csll AANSBBCCBMWTE made day of sale take precedence ever printed material. Child Care BABYSITTER NEEDED In our home. Hrs. flexible. 815/459-2807, anytime. LOVING & reliable mother will babysit. Holiday Hills, (McHenry home) weekdays, ref., for infor., 115/344 3190. LOVING MOM Is looking for children to watch. Any hours, In Crystal Lake area Call Anytime. 815/455-5997 EXPERIENCED Child Care, my home, Ige. inside play room, Ige. fenced In yard with playhouse, very clean cond. 1 Opening starting Sept. School months only. References. 115/499-4005. MY FOX RIDGE HOME S40.00/week 815/344-1774 19 Child Care CHRISTIAN CENTER in Crystal Lake has Day Care openings, full or part time, ages 2-4; Nursery School open Ings, ages 3-4. call 8 am 4:30 pm, Mon. - Frl„ 815/459 7578. WILL DO babysitting in my home at Ellen Oaks in Genoa experienced 815/784 6069. 21 Situations Wanted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Weed Chopping Finish Grading. Sodding or Seeding, Call 815/459 8945 CARPENTER & HANDYMAN No |ob too small Reasonable rate*. Bob Holden 312/742 9063 WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20 Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex parlance. 815/943 4793 24 Halp Wanted PART TIME CLERICAL DUIIIS: Data input, some statistical typing, filing, occasional receptionist duties (MIAUFICAllQltS: Accurate typing skills a must. Computer experience o plus, but not required. Confidence with numbers an asset. NON- SMOKER necessary. Good positiorvfor mom with school age children^Please respond to: BOX AU-2 - C/0 McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II 60050 Foreman GENERAL FOREMAN Northern Illinois manufacturer ol sheet metal products is seeking a technically knowledgeable "hands on" Ge neral foreman to assist in our production. Duties include the responsibility tor quality and production ol shearing, punch press and press brake departments as well as related personnel supervision. The ideal candidate wii have five years experience in related metal fabrication with supervisory experience We offer and excellent salary and benefit program Please send your resume to: Mr. Andy Penrod STACK ON PRODUCTS 1360 Old Rand Rd Wauconda. IL 60084 equal opportunity employer m/f Who in the restaurant industry offers exclusive benefits like these? Nobody but WAG'S RESTAURANTS! /Major Benefits: 2 Weeks Paid Vacation Major Medical 6 Paid Holidays Profit Sharing/Retirement Plan Employee Discounts Walgreen's & Wags Stock Purchase Plan Opportunities for Advancement We are seeking motivated individuals for the following positions: COOKS Prep Cooks (Will Train) Line Cooks All Shifts Open Full & Part Time WAITRESSES 2nd & 3rd Shift Full & Part Time HOSTESSES 1st & 2nd Shift Apply in Person: WAG'S RESTAURANTS 6606 N.W. Highway 4228W.EImSt. (Crystal Lake McHenr y - Equal Opportunity Employer 21 Situation* Wanted 21 Situations Wanted PAINTING ft PAPERING Fully Insuratf-Frae Estimates Don Johnson-815/338-4850 HOUSE PAINTING. exterior, & Interior. Reasonable rates, 115/455 15# QUALITY CARPET Cleaning •t prices you can afford 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. PAINTING Interior & exterior 15 yrs. ex perience, guaranteed work, free estimates. Call after 6 pm, 815/385-7144. MATURE House Sitters Available. 815/455<1254 between 5pm & 7pm. RELIABLE, experienced cleaning lady will clean your home. (Tall 815/385-4752. PAINTING, CARPENTRY Estimates *1157385-3533 PROFESSIONAL HANDY MAN Call for Free Estimate 115/455-6516 after 1 pm. DIRTBUSTERS'S our name, Cleaning Is our game. Carpet cleaning, floors, etc. "We Fuss Over Your Muss" Business and Offices Only. Free Estimates A Billen, 312/526 2548; G Ben ding, 312/639 2623 DUSTBUSTERS Dependable duo to clean your •15/459 6721 or 459 5030 ESTABLISHED Life A&H in surance agent looking for 1 or 2 successful agents to form associated partnership for pur pose of sharing office space, secretarial, office equipment & etc.. In Algonquin. Has G.A. contract to share with A+ mutual company. Contact Terry Marynlw, 312/658 9251. 23 HOUSECLEANING Reasonable 815/315-8898. RESUME SERVICES, all typ Ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. TYPING in my home, fast, accurate, reasonable, 815/455 3991. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean Ing - reliable cleaning team 312/639-0922 TEACHER needs Baby Sitter for 1 yr. old, 9:30 to 4:30, Mop day thru Friday, my home 312/658 2317, Algonquin. Household H«lp Wanted BABYSITTER Respons'ble person to care for 4</2 yr old boy, 2-3 days per week. West Wonder Lake area. 815 '653 9848 after5:30pm. ALGONQUIN Housekeeper Sitter. My home, 7 yr. eld boy, Mon.-Frl., 2:304pm. Gd. pay 815/385-2100, days (Frank) 312/658 7144, eves. 24 Help Wanted PERSON WANTED To work in local hardware store, Basi hardware knowledge helpful. Apply in person at: ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. ELM ST. McHENRY 815/385-3660 £ DISTRICT MANAGER Immediate opening for energet ic career or iented ind iv idua l to recru i t , train and motivate our carriers m McHenry area. Must en joy work ing wi th young people . Fu l l t ime pos i^on squi r ing sa les ab i l i ty and des i re for tu lure advancement . Apply in person McHENRY PLAINDEALER SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 3812W Elm Street • McHenry, IL MEDICAL SECRETARY/TRANSCRIBER FULL TIME • 5 DAYS PER WEEK Excellent typing and dictaphone .>'!,|<; necessary. Responsibilities include typing laboratory i e^u, >« diversified secretarial duties for Laboratory - .or and a variety of other duties on our word processing equipment.Excellent benefits and competitive salary. For interview call Personnel Department Noimw fcnots CLINICAL LABORATORY NORTHERN ILLINOIS CLINICAL LABORATORY, LTD. 1110 X NORTH GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINQIS60050 815/344 1603 Sale*, SELL MEMBERSHIPS IN THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Few Sales People Have As Much Going For • .A prestigious, needed organiiXion. • Doors are open to you. • Unlimited prospects. (Every business owner) • Salary-paid training • $25,000 the first year very possible. • Exclusive territory. • Quick close. (Usually 30 minutes or less) • Satisfying, gratifying career. ^ Territories now open include McHenry and vicinity CALL (312) 986-4850 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. To learn more, and arrange an interview, call Mr. Bob Gunter at (312) 986 4850 Or forward your resume in confidence to Mr. Bob Gunter CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES 1200 Harger Road. Suite 606 Oak Brook. Illinois 60521 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F CJI Houaahotf • I « »" _ ntlp WBmwv SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 1 Permanent Part-time - Evenings Two positions open; 4pm-Jpfa and 5pm-i0pm. Woekond hours; any 4 to * hour shift btf- woanlam&9:30pfn Saturday or Sunday. Appro* 20 hours pn> Must nave neat hand writing, pleasant mature voice, and must be reliable. Apaly weekdays 9:30-11:30and pm at the white house on Mil corner of Dole & Virginta >15/439-7133 HOUSEKEEPER, cook to cw$ for elderly person 5 or 6 day* per week. References required. IIS/459-2517 WANTED dependable to care for 3 school age chl in my home V> days. Kathy, 015/315-9218 after 5: P"i- BABYSITTER needed in ooe Wonder Lake home, full time days, ref. required. Attar 5:30pm, «15/7» 1241. Q WE NEED a loving,^ depen? dable, mature sitter, in o0r Winding Creek home, for ttfreg small aiildren. Tuesday halT day, Friday full day, alternin^ Ca»»i5/3»5-5743. '> HOUSEKEEPER To live in fot two adults. Gd. home, o*n room & bath. Top pay. Able tq drive our car preferred. Reft required. Call 312/742-6646. YARD MAINTENANCE 1 day per wk. Student* welcome. 312/426 9242, after * pm. r RECENT widower need* woman to provide child care W his Woodstock home for 2 pre- school children. LlgKjf housekeeping also required! Approx 7am 6pm. Live-In ar rangement possible. Must be experienced & provide references. Between 10-3. can >15/331-7979. LOVING MOM Or Granny needed In my LITH home tc care for my 2 & 3 yr. olds. !•.' days/wk. during school day Must be reliable. 312/658 3399. ! 24 H«lp Wanted PART AND FULL TIME Can earn part time $7/hr ./> • $1440/mo. Students welcome Mr. Alagna, 312/449-1920. ! RETAIL SALES T \ Bright intelligent computer literate sales person wanttf F lexlble hours. Apply in Per$on at. The Protect© Catalog Show Room, 2292 N. Pepper FTft 1 Barrington, IL. 312/312-5108. , AVON Now there are two ways to eab) 1 an Impressive income. Cill I 815/459 5757. v AVON Have territories in your area Call Ann, 312/426-6470 . , CARPENTERS, Growls | tractor looking f*- .^erienced i car*w>*~rr- ^piy at Cunat ' ( inc., 5400 W. Rte. 120, I McHenry . Several openings. DENTAL ASSISTANT 4 Approx. 35 hrs. week. 5 yrs. exp. minimum. v Call: 815/385 1408 HELP WANTED to fun therapy program. Must have own transportation. Hours 9-1. Call »15/6a 2564 , RESUMES Professionally prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome Norton & Associates. 312/428 9255. SECRETARY for medical environment. Good phone skills and accurate typing required. An Equal Opportunity Employer Send resume to: •' Box A L Q • "K Shaw/Free Press Newspapers P.O Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 ^ NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World. Crystal Lake, 815/4*5 4490. NEEDED NOW Maintenance & General Factory. Working World. Crystal Late, 815/4S5 4490 OFFICE Hart Time, Including 1 evening and Saturdays Healljv professional office seeking hardworking, enthusiastic ^It- starter You will enjoy ex cellent benefits along wfth varied and interesting work. Requirements: Good phone voice, typing, calculator skills, neat hand writing. If tAis sounds like the opoirtunlty you are seeking, please send resume to: Box A L R Shaw/Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 REAL ESTATE SALES Posi tions available for career minded sell starters Top nptclti training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings 8i sales. Earn what you ' re wor th w i th ERA Household Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential interview. 312/639 2000 WANTED MEDICAL Assistant In Doctors office, in Wonder Lake area. Previous medical experience manditory. For for ther information call 815/455 .. 6680. • ' CASHIER 1 Mari time eves, and weekends. 815/338-8850 2 Full lime DISTRICT MANAGERS Stow ttnr ,m The McHenry Plaindealer is looking *or 2 ful l t ime Distr ict Managers^ Auto a must, previous experience a plus, but wiil train. This is a salaried position w/excel- lent bonus program. Call for appointment: 815-385-0178 Ask for Jim Freeman CIRCULATION MANAGER