PAGE 16 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2t,1184 Sports For some, two-handed backhand proves to be easy shot Walt Htrrick, Jr. USPIA "Well, mein Pro, mein little pumpernickle, Henrietta, iss now talking to me again tanks to you. I told her about der rules for douples players, unt about how to treat your partner," began Major Gottfried Von Hittenblastem as he entered the clubhouse. "What did Henrietta say, Major?" I asked. "Oh, she vas ever so nice ven I told her you said I vas a bad boy for criticizing her backhand during the match. In fact, she iss comink over to take der lesson today instead of me. She tinks you must be something fo tell me I vas a bad boy," he added. "Now, M&jor, I only said you should be more helpful and positive during your matches," I continued. "Ya, ya/I know. But everyting iss OK now, unt what mein little pumpernickle doesn't know won't hurt her, alright?" FEELING QUITE DIPLOMATIC that day, and seeing the Major's "little pumpernickle" walking toward the clubhouse, I decided to drop the matter right then and there. "Hello, Gottfried dearest. Iss dis the pro you were telling me about?" asked Henrietta in a piercingly shrill voice. "Gottfried has told me sooo much about you that I decided to take a lesson on the backhand." So began my lessons with Henrietta Von Hittenblastem. We started out hitting a few backhands. Having learned her tennis many years ago, Henrietta hit a one-handed backhand. Un fortunately, her backhand was weak and she hit many balls in correctly and did a lot of chopping and slicing. My first suggestion to her was one I give all my students with weak one-handed backhands: try the two-handed approach. This suggestion was met with a look of disdain. "YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL, and you are telling me to hit the two-handed backhand? I thought the two-handed was for little junior players who couldn't hold the racket with one hand. In case 1 TUMBLE-WEEDS r ALL REGISTRATION AUGUST 28-31 3PM-6PM _ CALL (815) 728-1800 •NON-COMPETITIYT>COIVIPETITIVE*PREBEGINNERS •NOVICE*BEGINNERS*INTERMEDIATE*ADVANCED •BOYS AND GIRLS •AGES 4 TO 21 •2 CLASSES PER WEEK •FAMILY DISCOUNT •CLASSES START SEPT 4 CLASSES HELfrlN 2 LOCATIONS McHENRY & HARVARD * i PUBLIC NOTICE A NEW DISTRIBUTOR OF "SAKRETE" QUALITY PRODUCTS AT GRAYSLAKE SEALCOAI AND SUPPLY CO. 45 SEYMOUR ST. GRAYSLAKE, ILL A FUEL RESISTANT COAL TAR EMULSION SEALER THAT •BEAUTIFIES •PROTECTS •PRESERVES ASPHALT SOLD IN BULK OR BY THE CAN WITH INSTALLING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR •CONTRACTORS •HOMEOWNERS •BUSINESSES •AND OR WE CAN PROFESSIONALLY INSTALL IT FOR YOU FOR DETAILS CALL 223-7878 • 455-772L you didn't notice, I am a big girl," exclaimed Henrietta in a tone similar to her husband's. "Yes, I'm well aware of that, Henrietta. You've got to realize the two-handed backhand isn't just for kids. It works just as well for grownups as it does for juniors. I think you should give it a try. You won't be sorry," I replied. And she won't be sorry. The two-handed backhand has become one of the easiest shots in the game to learn. Not only is it easy to learn, it is easy to learn correctly and maintain hitting correctly. The two-handed backhand grip starts with the Eastern "shake hands" forehand grip. The opposite hand is then wrapped around the handle right next to the other hand. • BOTH HANDS ARE TOUCHING, there are no gaps between hands, and both are spread comfortably along the entire handle. On some rackets, the opposite hand overlaps onto the racket frame off of the leather grip. In hitting the two-handed backhand, the simplest stroke is going to be the most solid and consistent stroke. No loops or extra frills with the two-hander. What is needed is a good ready position with the feet comfortably apart, the toes pointing straight ahead, the knees slightly flexed, and the racket held with the two-handed backhand grip pointing straight ahead. From the ready position, the player will make a rapid shoulder, turn the instant the ball is perceived going to the backhand side. The * right shoulder will quickly turn to the left and the racket will pul) back to the left hip. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KEEP the arms relaxed and the hands:: somewhat close to the body when making the turn. It's also im portant to keep the racket and hands near the hip. This will enable the player to stroke through the oncoming ball with the racket*' moving from "low to high." That "low to high" hitting is the key to achieving good topspin and" solid two-handed backhands. 1 • Once the shoulders are turned, the feet will naturally want to' pivot. Take a slight cross-step with the right foot out towards the net. The player should now be turned sideways to the net with the racquet low at the hip. Since we've run out of space already this week, you'll have to hold this position until next week, dear readers. At that time we'll show you how to finish hitting the stroke. Hopefully, the Hittenblastems won't talk so much and we'll be able to complete the lesson. 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