# # SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PL/tlNDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUUUST 29, 1984 Petitions are now available for election to CUB bo&rd Sibling open house set at Memorial Xhe election of the first per manent board of directors of the Citizens Utility Board will be hold on Dec., 22, in accordance with an election schedule finalized by CUB's interim board. One member of the permanent CUB Board will be elected by the dues-paying CUB members in. each of Illinois' 22 Congressional Districts. Balloting will be conducted by mail. Members of the CUB Board administer and set policies of the statewide utility rate payers' watchdog group, which was organized under legislation passed by the Illinois General Assembly in 1983. The interim board of 11 including Lynne Donarski of McHenry, was named by the governor and Illinois' four legislative leaders earlier this year. In announcing the election schedule, board member Edna Summers, a former Evanston alderman, who chairs CUB's Election Committee, stressed that CUB will strictly enforce its guidelines. ; "The elected CUB Board will be truly representative of the concerns of utility ratepayers all over the state," said Summers. '!But we must see to it that the Candidates who are running conduct themselves well. That's the only way the new CUB board can retain the confidence of its members." Candidates seeking election will be required to submit nominating petitions containing the valid signatures of 30 CUB members in their Congressional District, or five percent of the total membership in that district, whichever is less. Petitions are now available from CUB. Petitions must be filed no later than Oct. 23, with certification scheduled to close on Nov. 1. Once candidates are certified, they will be provided with the names of fellow CUB members from their district. Ballots will be mailed to all CUB members on Dec. 3. The close of balloting will be at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 22. All candidates will be required to sign financial disclosure and ethics statements, and will be required to limit their campaign spending to $2,500. In addition,' candidates will be required to sign a statement which obliges them to utilize the CUB mem bership list for nothing more than proper campaign purposes. The penalty for improper or unauthorized use is potential forfeiture of a CUB Board position, should that candidate be elected. With few exceptions, any CUB member is eligible to run for the board, provided he or she is 18 years of age and has met all certification requirements. Under state law, however, the following persons are ineligible to run for the CUB Board or to serve on it: directors, officers, employees or agents of public utility companies or their im mediate families; elected public officials or candidates for elected public office; staff members or paid consultants of CUB; and state public officials, employees of the Illinois Commerce Commission, or governmental employees exempt from the Illinois Per sonnel Code. Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodatuck is sponsoring its eighth Sibling Open House. The program will be held Sunday, Sept. 16, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the hospital maternity unit. The program is planned for expectant parents and their children. It helps young children prepare for the birth of their new baby by becoming a part of the experience. By in cluding the children in the process, sibling rivalry seems to be lessened, said Pam Ofsanik, clinical coordinator for maternal and child health. Persons wishing more in formation on the Sibling Open House are invited to contact Pam Ofsanik, at 338-2500, ext. 395. Alcoholism/Substance Abuse Treatment Unit If drinking is a probiem...seek professional treatment • Medical assessment • Medical detoxification • Individual and group counseling • Family counseling Call us...if you want to talk about It 815/338-8448 SERVICE LINE : A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPIL Crystal Point Mall Is Proud to Host The McHenry County Extra Special SPECIAL Muscular Dystrophy Association TELETHON Labor Day Weekend PLEDGES WILL BE ACCEPTED ALL DAY AT THE TELETHON PHONE BANK AT CRYSTAL POINT MALL 14 and Mam Street Crystal Lake Mall Open 11 am to 4 pm Labor Day McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 r FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302-G West Crystal lake Rd McHenry, II60050 815-385-6400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesday. Call 815-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours:7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. week days (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to call? And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available 8t this centerl * NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone:800-972-6004 (For confidential conversations on problems dealinr with run away children) MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, bu.es or trains, Spon sored by Interstate Commerce Commission. I STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE • 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant? Need Help? Counseling Service 385-2999 24 hour Answering Service ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24-Hours Child Abuse Hotline TOLL FREE:800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 lOperaies five national lines Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys I NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P O Box 1607, Rockville. Md 20850 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for a sun-powered hot-water system! YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W. Elm St., McHenry Phone:344-3240 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youth and families NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled Valuable for those interested in buying a used car I MENTAL HEALTH 1-800-892-8900 Crisis Center Line for McHenry Co 24 hour Emergency number and professional stall will answer your call. Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Bo* 1 7400, Washington, D C 20041 Phone (703) 471-0404 ED AS A PUBLlt SERVICE TO McHENRY CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago, II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone:217-522-5514 j Answer to questions on government regulations McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct„ Woodstock, II60098 Phone (815) 338-7100 A Job Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED .. Robert G Lambourn, Executive Director Phone:344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-3311 McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a m to 4 30 p m PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES,INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation in civil cases to low income persons Landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial of benefits such as Social Security, Public Aid, Food Stamps, General Assistance & Unem ployment Insurance ^ SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Thursday 6 7pm For information call 338-8080 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHenry County ChapterlFor bereaved paientsl Call 385-5732 Camera Savings. Canon Sale 349.99 Reg. 390.90. JCPenney/Canon AE-1 program kit includes Canon AE-1 Program SLR 35mm camera with 50mm F/1.8 lens. Programmed automatic exposure, flash, LEO or manual settings, JCPenney 80-200mm zoom lens, dedicated strobe, gadget bag, more. Distributed by Canon (USA) Inc. Sale 160.00 Canon Super Sure Shot compact 35mm camera Auto-focus auto load/wind/rewind; auto flash. Distributed by Canon (USA) Inc. Canon AE Program cameras-Sale 219.99 Kodak MINOLTA Polaroid Sale 39.99 The new Kodak Disc 4100 camera is compact light a snap to use. Features protective cover/handle, and built-in flash. Kodak Disc 6100. Sale 52.99 Sale 249.99 Reg. 299.99. JCPenney/Minolta X-370 kit includes SLR 35mm camera with 50mm F/1.7 lens JCPenney80- 200mm F/4.5 zoom lens, automatic flash, gadget bag, neck strap lens cleaning kit cap keeper, more. Sale 239.99 Minolta X-700 fully automatic SLR 35mm camera with 50mm F/1.7 lens is simple to operate- just focus and shoot. Auto-exposure lock MINOLTA Only 59.99 Polaroid Sun 660 camera. Focuses automatically and gives sharp pictures instantly. Features built-in flash. No batteries needed. Polaroid One-Step"" Only 22.99 Sale 31.99 Press one button for instant color pictures with the Polaroid 600 LMS camera. With built-in electronic flash; never needs batteries Sale 119.99 MinoltaTalker35mm camera with F/2.8 lens features synthesized voice direction. Plus auto-focus, auto load/ advance/rewind; built-in flash. RICOH Sale 99.99 Ricoh AF-7 35mm auto-focus camera is an easy-to-use, mistake fr6e camera that features auto-load/wind/rewind. Plus built-in flash. j Special 9.99 A great price on our 10O page 3-ring magnetic photo album. Textured vinyl in assorted colors While they last. Sale 29.99 Reg. 49.99.7X35mm general purpose binocular features Rapid Touch Control tripod mount. Sale 49.99 Reg. 79.99.10X50mm nature binocular with tripod mount 25% off Sale 11.24 Reg. 14.99 ea Eveready* black vinyl camera casesfor all our best- selling 35mm cameras. Sale 79.99 Reg. 129.99. 80* 200mm F/4.5 zoom lens Most popular mounts 28-80mm F/3.5 zoom lens Reg. 149.99 Sale 99.99 Sale 33.74 Reg. 44.99. Sunpak* 821 full dedicated strobe. Sunpak* 933 fully dedicated Thyristor/ Bounce strobe. Reg. 74.99. Sale 56.24 50% off Frames. Save on regular price of M.W. Carr metal and wood frames in assorted sizes. Plus 50% off the regular price of Intercraft clear acrylic frames. While quantities last. Sale 4.29 Reg. 5.29. Kodak CVR- Disc-15 film, 2-pack Kodak C135-24 color print film, Sale 2.84 Reg. 3.09. Polaroid Sun 600 high speed film, single pack Sale 7.99 Reg 9 49. PolariodSX-70 Time Zero film, twin pk Reg. 8.79 Sale 7.99 Kodak Kodtcofcx MB fik» MSA* An eye for cafrieras at prices that click. All sale prices effective thru Saturday, September 1 st unless otherwise noted. Brickyard, Ford City, Fox Valley Center, Golf Mill, Joliet Mall, Lakehurst Lincoln Mall, Marquette Mall, North Riverside Park, Orland Square, Southlake Mali, Spring Hill Mall, Woodfield, Yorktown •• . V . ' ' V JCRsnney •1M4. J C P»nn#y Company. Inc