PACE 4-PLAIN-DEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9. ISM Stepping down from the podiu Safety hints: My dear cousins. Mary and Louise, misinterpreted my mention of retirement from the Plamdealer What I said was God WiDmg. management willing, and readers trifling'". I trill try to complete 50 years on August 5. 1*5 They may have confused my announcement of retirement from M.C or toastxnaster ef forts So I Hear Looks tike Dick Babbitt p* 1 from the sports wrtioa He came through in great style. Dick told you of our with Nancy F%e. Dan IYiriey and the great one. Ttaney in furthering plans for the McHenry County Sports Day at the Historical Society in Union. habits while hauling camper put into the Fax Pirn Uiugiug fame to stream? oar lovdj Front to 1 CU>. today's to haul the largest drive K Brown by Earl Walsh I had explained my first assignment as such came when I *as 19 years old and now that I am nearing the age of 50 < V' it is time to hang up the mike. It has been fun. but from now jc I will sit back and listen. I kncr* younger men ' some only a little younger' who can do a bang-up job Maybe I am being presump tuous Who can tell if I will ever be asked again0 So So long It's been nice to know you I've got to be rolling along We hope our McHenry - Johnsburg area wffl tarn oat in great numbers and furnish plenty of ammunition for the , ^ear crowd to review. How in the world did you < -- get such a thought* Our river is The Johnsburg Tigers won the ̂ state baseball championship 1 recently rend a and that be a big peaceful Fa River -- great fori If vou have pictures or stories general recreation. That was erf McHenry County sports true way back mhea Today ft is history, get them to Nancy right * boater's paradise. Fm not a now. September is just aromd boater, bat have no i the week-end TIME OUT We just watched the wira*™ doOar race at Arlington Park. We watched it on TV. of coirae. Frankly. I didn't think nine- year-old John Henry could do it again He's a lot of horse. Nor did I think that female. Heroine, could outrun those big. strong males at a mile and a quarter distance. Females are taking over, even in horse racing. With the big political pow wows over, we are left with the same old story They are going to balance the budget. Liz Nolan, tbe "Happy Golfing" gal. tells about Card Cooney being tbe queen again at McHenry Country Club. Maybe it is too late for this vear. but a doubles team of of the Hie HOSPITAL BENEFIT Victory Memorial Hospital's Famous Chef Cuisine Benefit", wffl be held on Smday, Sept 9, at thejlobday Inn miMk Bench Resort from 2 to 6 p m. Mdre than ao restaurants will serve "gourmet specialties." Proceeds from the event will benefit Victory Memorial Hospital's Chemical Depen dency programs. «H5£tVf 70 LWfT «JA*T!T*! 0> SAL? 1TW RELLIIQUORS M MERCHANTS * FM WMES AMI UtMftS i&lOW laatelM IM4 i tail SUMMER WMMT \m THUBDlV H* IIP* Fl#ir»SA!UWAf IAH-11W S4JM0AYS fAA-ff* 4*10 W Rovto m. idfawy 385-3200 [ SALE BATES: VS., AN.29TMITIES., S9T. 4 You could win... $4A MILL ION DOLLARS 30 this week in L0TI0 LOTTO Avoid the long long lines. Ploy Lotto early this week! REGISTER FOR THE DRAFT... CAU 3*5-3200 FM BARREL ten trailer hears down the over the car's First-time camper haulers should practice turning or Uai ling prior to beginning their trip. When 1 mm ling, torn the wheel in the opposite from the direction you wantthe rear of the trailer to go. Remember that you are driviig a total weight much greater than normal. Ac celeration will be slngftah and you will require a longer to stop. To compensate, increase following distances. Whether you are a weekend. or plan to travel across the country this summer, make sore your car and trailer are compatible and drive carefully. remember my a i«_ the Fox at Baflv- O'-Greg. The water was shallow and so dear that she looked down and found the ting. I'm sure those alligators would brmg more than fame to our lovely stream. Any other ideas? SiH. FAMOUS LAST WORDS: A watched pot never boils. Special Student Subscription Rate i The McHenry PlaindeaieT l Mil W EWn $»tmi { McHenry H. *0050 j Stud»rrt Nam# 1 Address Starting School Date Ending School Date Of MID-YEAR Hevblein| Cocktails bdstiag two new druks! *W Lmi Hmi led IN •V SmUtcti Seagrams House of Imported Stuart Vodka Scotch J99 900 1.75 UTRES Rr* AC DtTAILS OH DISPLAY IN STQRt Wine Time Citrus Coolers iron California mgienook Neville ̂ a*s r * 12 7QZ BOTTHS EYBtTtAT iaW PRICES! CociCob Diet Coke hd««lU Coca Cola Dief Coke tcfdar m fctf Decaffeinated Coke «2 QZ CANS 2UTREBTL f.JSDEP 5 16 0Z BOTTLB Take us back to college wi th you th is fa l l . . . The McHenry Plaindealer Any student away at collage wonts to know the news from homo. And there s no better way to got rt than with a regular subscrip tion to the paper. That s why we offer special rates to students I the school year (9 months subscription • Sept. thru AAoy). 0 REG. *27 OUTSTANDING VALUES ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE Big Savings Now! We are SLASHING PRICES on 1984 Model TVs to make room for 1985 Zenith Color TVs now rolling in. That's Good News for you ..Save up to $200, on fine quality Portables, Table models and Consoles! 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