Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1984, p. 9

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V PAGE 9- PLAINDEALEK - FRIDAY, AUUUST 31,1*94 R rtcllenry- • amdealeiA tft# Cofttti <m lassified Advortisors, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, •he paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in orrof. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-384-0170. Private Party S Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 o.m -5:00 p.m. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Shaw Fraa Pratt Newspaper Group Payment in advance must be made for these ads: 'Babysitting 'Business Opportunites 'Business Services 'Gorge Sales 'Moving Sales 'Out of Show Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms, Appts. to Shore 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease, Re-rent. etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gozette 'Marengo Boacon/Ropublkon News 'Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycamore Ntfws •Cary-Grove Clarion 'Barrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindeoler •Genoa-Kingston-Kirk land News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries & Lots. Card of Thanks... Notices. Car Pools Lost ft Foond Personals Instruction Auctions 02 .03 05 . 10 . 1 1 . 12 13 . 18 Help Wanted Child Core 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation .41 Pets ft Equipment 44 Horses ft Equipment 47 Farm ft Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy i 69 Business Property 70 Open House -rr 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sole .74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sole 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent Homes to Rent Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent Forms, Farmland to Rent. .80 . 8 1 .82 .83 .84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors ft Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles...... 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551 - Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931-Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystol Loke 568-Marengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Loke 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvord Cemeter 02 itarlas & Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK & UNION CEMETARY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 ' 03 Card of Thanks THANKS St. JUDE for prayers answered. YJ. THANK YOU to all who were concerned ft called during our sons recent .surgery. The Michael Scheoir Family. Prayer to the Holy Spirit Oh Holy Spirit, Thou who are all knowing, who brightens every path that I may reach my ideal Thou who giveth me the divine gift of forgiving and forgetting wrongs done unto me and who in eveiy instinct uf my life art with me I'd like this short dialogue to affirm rhy gratitude for ill of your blesstaijs, and reaffirm once again that I never want to part from Thee though the illusion of material things abounds My desire is to be with Thee and aH of my loved ones in perpetual grace Thank you for your mercy on me and mine Person should pray 3 days con secuiivcly without revealing petition Within 3 days grace will be attained regardless of how difficult petition may be Publish this prayer once grace attained Grateful for many requests granted EDM OS Notice* V"P«EE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 ADULT DAY CARE Program for Seniors. Call Family Alliance, 815/330 3590 05 Notlctt 05 Notices 11 Lost 4 Found 13 ROBERT M. RADOSH In memory of our son and brother, Robert M. Radosh, who left us 5 years ago, August 1979. Everyone who met you, liked you; everyone who knew you, loved you. The memories you left behind, time cannot erase. Only God knows why he needed you so soon. Only God knows why he let us have you for such a short time. You left behind the image of yourself in your sons, but you took with you a part of your family. We think of you and remember you every day of our lives. You wished no one a last goodbye; ma^ihrtVfftMthe best,- because you never saw us cry. Gritvisg Porenh, Brothers, Sisler, and Sons LOST: Black Lab female, 7 months old, in vicinity of Rt. 170 & Mill Stream Rd. near Marengo, answers to Ashes. Reward, please call 815/568- 6305. LOST DIAMOND RING, Mar quls, Crystal Lake. If found call, 312/397-4083 eves. Hand­ some Reward. FOUND Parakeet, 3 mi. east of Cary 312/039-2218 PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1008 KITTEN FOUND, white w/gray markings, vicinity Col­ lege l> Uteg Streets, Crystal Lake. Call 459-7570 after 0 pm. LOST Grey Cockatlel male. Woodstock area, yellow face. Any Information wouj " ' predated. Reward/ 815/338- 4380. LOST CAT, 8/20, Crystal Lake Central area. Solid gray female shorthail-. 815/459-1079. LOST mlnature white poodle, 1 yr. old white female, vicinity Lakeshore/ Woodland Dr. Area, Crystal Lake, 8/28. Heartbroken kids- large ' reward. Call 815/459-9228. 12 Psrsonals STAN'S HAULING We haul all. Just give us a call. 815/338-0074 Free Estimates. 10 Car Pools RIDE NEEDED Round trip, Woodstock to Crystal Lake, weekdays (have 9-5 job). Call 815/338-3418 eves. 11 Lost fc Found FOUND, male, Benji type, brown w/black back, 815/385- 0170ask for Pam. LOST-- LAB MIX, 8/18, N. Riverside Dr., McHenry. Med. size male, long hair. Child's pet- reward. Call 815/385-0381. Truly Caring Service*, INc. offsrs: HOME CARE FOR ELDCRtY \ 'JK. or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week Mesl Preparation Also available: Shopping Nursing Care Lfght Housekeeping Registered Nurses Laundry Lie. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services I15-56S-54M Private duty in Iwspttelt er nvrsinv tomes , 1M w Washington St., f Rm. Ml. IMW Washington St., Marengo, IL licensed S Sonde* Employment Agency PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-llamf And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2*9 ATTENTION I Looking for 50 people to par­ ticipate In weight loss pro­ gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas­ ed. 312/058-8429. God, Jesus, Mother Mary, St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Therese and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for favors granted and to be granted. John ever. guarantee WANTED 5-man team tor Thursday, 7 pm. • Men's bowl­ ing league at Masl's, West Dundee, 314/426-9645. « Lose Weight Now Ask Me How 10-29 pounds in 30 days. Money back guarantee. Call Nancy or Bill at 815/455-0390 HYPNOSIS. Cassette tapes for weight loes. Limited time offer only. Send S12.95 check or money order to Jacqueline Pro- ductions, P.O. Box 281, Carpentersville, IL. 00110. ASK FOR Michelle Nichols at Hair Design In Dundee. Frl. 3-7, S5 cuts. Expires 9/15/84. 312/426-5002. THANKS to Blessed Virgin, Sacred Heart, St. Jude. 8i St. Anthony for favors received. I. AC. Red Raspberries Now Ready! SiBgka" Open: Tuesday & Thursday, Sat. & Sun.- 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Concord Grapes Coming Sept. 10 For pre-plcked orders or more Information cell: 815/338-0287 Heider's Berry Farr 2 miles east of Woodstock on Route 120 1/2 mile north on Queen Anne Road Instruction 19 Child Care 19 COLLEGE EXAM PREP ACT/PSAT/SAT Begins September 5 EFFECTIVE READING/ STUDY SKILLS •Junior/Senior High Begins September 10 Learner Support Programs, Inc. 815/459-0931 312/381 8418 PIANO INSTRUCTOR, experienced teacher, 312/428- 8912. TUTORING available, my MCHenry home, teacher w/11 years experience, certified in learning disabilities. 815/385- 8127. SCULPTURED NAIL CLASSES STARTING SEPTEMBER 24 Offered Through McHenry County College asses will be held at the L LICENSED child care by lov­ ing mother in Crystal Lake, full or part-time, days S eves., drop-Ins welcome, reasonable. Call 815/455-0911. EXPERIENCED Day Care, my home, Monday-Friday, McHenry/Johnsburg area. 815/344-2078. PRE SCHOOL TEACHER will babysit near Crystal Lake Cen­ tral School, meals, activities, in-door playroom & outdoor play equip. 815/455-5002 after 1 pm. MOTHER OF 2 will babysit days. Low rates. West School area. 815/455-5008 Classes will be held at the Lun- dahl Jr. High in Crystal Lake Monday evenings, for 5 ses­ sions, from 7 pm to 9 pm. The class includes a starter kit. For additional information, call: JOYCEHUBER 312/658-2019 1» Child Care LOVING & Reliable mother will babysit In McHenry home weekdays. References. For in­ formation call 815/344-4443 EXPERIENCED PreSchool director & teacher offering child care In my Cary home. Walking distance from Oak Knoll School. 312/639-8154. LOVING MOTHER & nurse will babysit for your infant in my Lakeland Bark, McHenry home, days. 815A64-3897. E, PHI CHILD CARE, Rill or Part Time. Drop-ins, day, evening. Have day care experience. Reas. Rates. 312/039-5457. BABYSITTER NEEDED Inoor home. Hrs. flexible. 815/499-2107, anytime. LOVING 8. reliable mother will babysit. Holiday Hills, (McHenry home) weekdays, ref., for Infor., 815/344-3190. LOVING MOM is looking for children to watch. Any hours, In Crystal Lake area. Call Anytime. 815/455-5997 WILL BABYSIT in my home, 2 yrs. & over, fenced in back yard, call Carol, 312/428-3353. CHRISTIAN CENTER In Crystal Lake has Day Care openings, full or part time, ages 2-0; Nursery School open, ings, ages 3-4. Call 8 am-4.30 pm, Mon.-Frl., 815/459-7578. MY FOX RIDGE HOME S40.00/week 815/344-1774 NURTURING MOM, will watch your children in my Crystal Lake home. Near Coventry school. Reasonable rates, 815/459-8018. EXPERIENCED Day Care, my home, Monday-Friday, McHenry/Johnsburg area. 815/344-2078. II Auctions REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., SEPT. 8,1984 1:30 P.M. N. of Garden Prairie. II on Garden Prairie Rd.. to end of Rd.. W mi. to Caoron Rd.. N. 2 mi. to auction site, or S. of Capron. II.. on Capron Rd. to Angling Rd. % ml East This 425 acre Boone County Farm to be sold at Auction is one of Boone County's finest Farm will be sold in five (5) Parcels. Parctl No. 1--160 acres with a very nice house, garage, machine sheds, corn crib, silos, horse barn, & cattle feeding yards. Parctl No. 2 - WEST SIDE OF Capron Rd., 75 acres Bare land. Parcal No. 3 - North side of Angling Rd., 42.7 acres, bare land. Parcal No. 4 -North of building site along Angling Rd., 67.2 acres, bare land. Parcal No. 5- Corner of Capron & Orth Rds., 78 acres, bare land. Parcels will be sold separately, and not offered as one (1) parcet Sellers will furnish a recent plat of Survey on all parcels except 160 acres (Parcel NO. 1), and will furnish merchantable title and title insurance commitment. Taxas: Seller will pay 1984 taxes due in 1985. Tamts: 10% down day of sale, balance & possession in 60 days or less. Possession in 60 days except that land which has 1984 crops to be harvested. Possession when crips are harvested. OWNER, SIDNEY FRYE ESTATE Executor of Estate'; Trust Dept of Belvidere Natio- al Bank & Trust Co., of Belvidere Phone (815) 544-2400 Attorney for Estate: Johnson, Tobin & Ramon (815)544-0316 Auctioneers: Jerry Mare (815) 547-7543 Eugene Frederick For farther information or inspection, call auctioneer. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. Child pre WILL DO Babysitting in my Old Carpentersville home. 312/428-1713 EXPERIENCED Child Care, my home, loa. Inside play room, Ige. fenced in yard wltn playhouse, very clean cond. 1 Opening starting Sept. School months only. References. 815/459-0005. OPENING for 1 part time child. Afternoons only. Refs. & TLC. For info call 815/459-3003 CHILD CARE In my Algonquin ' no, full-time or part-time, exc. ref., 312/058-8550. 21 Situations Wanted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Weed Chopping, Finish Grading, Sodding or Seeding, Call: 815/459-8945. 21 Situations Wantad 23 Household Halp Wantad WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional 810 ea., 5 yrs. perience. 815/943-4793. PAINTING ft PAPERING Fully Inswred-Fraa Estimates Don Johnson-015/330-4050 HOUSE PAINTING. exterior, t Inferior. Reasonable rates, 815/455-3559. QUALITY CARPET Clean! at prices you can 815/459-7194 after 5 pm leaning afford. PAINTING Inferior I exterior. IS yrs. ex­ perience, guaranteed work, free estimates. Call after 0 pm, 815/385-7144. PROFESSIONAL HANDY MAN Call for Free Estimate 815/455-0510 after 2 pm. DUSTBUSTERS Dependable duo to clean your ne. 815/459-0721 or 459-5030 ESTABLISHED Life A8.H In­ surance agent looking for 1 or 2 successful agents to form associated partnership for pur­ pose of sharing office space, secretarial, office equipment fc etc., in Algonquin. Has G.A. contract to share with A+ mutual company. Contact Terry Marynlw, 312/058-9251. HOUSECLEANING Reasonable. sis/sas-aaoa. RESUME SERVICE a all typ­ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-0005. TYPING In my home, fast, accurate, reasonable, 815/455-3991. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean Ing - reliable cleaning team. 312/039-0922 HOUSECLEANING By Chls. Reliable, efficient, 8 yrs. ex­ perience, good refs. 312/526- 9730. WILL DO Typing in my home. 55-00 wpm. 015/459-2747 24 Halp Wantad PERSON WANTED To work in local hardware store. Basic hardware knowledge helpful. Apply in person at: ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. ELM ST. McHENRY 015/305-3000 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS WANTED Northwest Suburbs R # D THIEL, INC. 1700 Rand Road Palatine 312/359-7150 Who in the restaurant industry offers exclusive benefits like these? Nobody but WAG'S RESTAURANTS! Major Benefits: 2 Weeks Paid Vacation Major Medical 6 Paid Holidays Profit Sharing/Retirement Plan Employee Discounts Walgreen's & Wags Stock Purchase Plan portunities for Advancement i re seeking motivated individuals oUqwing positions: COOKS Prep Cooks (Will Train) * Line Cooks All Shifts Open Full & Part Time WAITRESSES 2nd & 3rd Shift Full & Part Time HOSTESSES 1st & 2nd Shift Apply in Person: « WAG'S RESTAURANTS 6606 N.W. Highway 4JMW.tlrri$t. Crystal Lake McHenry Equal Opportunity Employer ALGONQUIN Housekeeper Sitter. My home, 7 yr. old boy. Mon.-Frl., 2:304pm. 015/305-2100, deys 312/050 7144, eves. Gd. pay. (Frank). RECENT widower needs woman to provide child care In his Woodstock home for 2 pre school children. Light housekeeping also required. Approx. 7am - 0pm. Live-In ar­ rangement possible. Must be experienced & provide references. Between 10-3, call 015/338-7979. LOVING MOM Or Granny LITH home to in my UTM I care for my 2 & 3 yr. olds. 1-2 days/wk. during school day. Must be reliable. 312/050-3399. 24 Kelp Wantad OFFICE Part Time, Including 1 evening and Saturdays. Health- professional office seeking hardworking, enthusiastic self- starter. You will en|oy ex­ cellent benefits along with varied and interesting work. Requirements: Good phone voice, typing, calculator skills, neat hand writing. If this sounds like the oportunity you are seeking, please send resume to: Box A L R Shaw/Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 00014 fold, stuff, seaTft stamp. 11500/100,015/338-4577. Household Halp Wantad BABYSITTER, Responsible person to care for 4Vi yr. old boy, 2-3 days per week, West Wonder Lake area. 815/053-9040 after5:30pm. WE NEED a loving, dable, mature sitter. In our Winding Creek home, for three small children. Tuesday half- day, Friday full day, alternate Wmk*' Call 015/305-5743. HOUSEKEEPER To live In tor two adults. Gd. home, own room B bath. Top pay. Able to drive our car preferred. Refs. required. Call 312/742-0040. HOUSEKEEPER, cook, live in, to care for elderly woman 5 or 0 days per week. References required. Call after 0 pm 015/459-2517 SITTER WANTED Occasional 4-5 hrs. day max. in my Trout Valley home, S2.50/hr. Must drive. 312/039-1278. BABYSITTER needed, 1 fulltime & 1 parttime in your home or mine, $70 wk., 312/426- 3281. FLEXIBLE BABYSITTER needed In my Crystal Lake home. 3-4 full days per week. Lots of TLC required for 0 mo. old girl. Interested moms or grandmas, call 815/455-0210 between 9 am & 5 pm CLEANING TEAM will do houses, apts., office buildings A new constructed houses. Also house sit. Call 312/050-3229 or 050-4434. SITTER for 10 mo. boy, 2Vi days a week. Refs., 015/455-1500 after 0 pm. 24 Halp Wantad PART AND FULL TIME Cen earn part time $7/hr. S1440/mo. Students welcome Mr. Alagna, 312/449 1920. RETAIL SALES Bright intelligent computer literate sales person wanted. Flexible hours. Apply In Person at, The Protecto Catalog Show Room, 2292 N. Pepper Rd. Barrington, IL. 312/302-5100. AVON Now there are two ways to earn an Impressive income. Call 015/459-5757. AVON Have territories In your area Call Ann, 312/420-0470 CARPENTERS, Growing con ng for e carpenters. Apply at Cunat WANTED MEDICAL Assistant In Doctors office. In Wonder Lake area. Previous medical experience mandltory. For fur­ ther informetion call 015/455-. MAJOR APPLIANCE A Refrigeration Technician. Minimum 5 years experience. Apply in person, Thompson Ap­ pliance, 318 Clay Street, Woodstock. FULL a PART Time counter work at pizza snack bar. 815/455 1760 or 312/039-0013, ask for Laura or Bob. SOCIAL WORKER Wanted, Part-time, to provide counsel­ ing tor individuals, couples or families during evening hours. MSW preferred, or masters in counseling. Send resume to Cetholic Social Service, 207 N. Benton, Woodstock, IL 00090 RADIOGRAPHER ARRT Northern Illinois Medical Center, a progressive, growing community hospital and acute care trauma center, has a night a week opening for a Radiographer on the night shift. We offer a competitive salary commensrate with experience. For more information contact: Human Resources Department 815/344-5000, ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Dr. cHenry, IL 60050 tqual opportunity tmptoyr m/t tractor looking for experienced Bros., Inc., 5400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry. Several openings. DENTAL ASSISTANT Approx. 35 hrs. week. 5yrs.exp. minimum. Call: 815/385-1408 RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton 8> Associates. 312/428- 9255. SECRETARY for medical environment. Good phone skills and accurate typing required. An Equel Opportunity E mployer Send resume to: Box A L Q Shaw/Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 00014 NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, generel office, experienced phone collectors. Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. NEEDED NOW Maintenance & General Factory. Working World, CrystaSlake, 815/455- 4490. PART TIMEI teacher In grades 5 - 8. Teaching certificate req., St. John's Lutheran School, Algonquin. 312/658-9311. SHAMPOO PERSON, 3 days a week. Apply In Person Only. HAIR DESIGN 123 W- Main West Dundee, IL. FULL TIME experienced sheet metal shear operator & set up person. 3 to 5 yrs. production experience required. Com­ petitive starting wage, plus benefits. Apply B.C. Mathews Co., 500 Industrial Ave., Crystal Lake. Equal Opportuni­ ty Employer. CASHIER For lunch. Green's Dundee Dogs, 116 Penny Rd., E.Dundee, 312/428 1303. HOUSEKEEPER/LAUNDRE SS for residential camp in Algonquin area. Part time, 20 hrs./wk. Machine sewing skills a plus. Contact Jane Pirsig, 312/461-0000. P A R T T I M E f l o o r maintenance in Wodstock, 7 to 10 am daily, S4 per hour. Call Mr. Mills at 312/358-0779. NURSING ASSISTANT POSITIONS available for all shifts. We will certify you with no obligation. Call or apply in person at: > Royal Terrace 803 Royal Dr. McHenry 815/344-2600 Equal Opportunity E mployer APPLICATIONS ENGINEER Our manufacturing department has an op­ portunity for a degreed engineer (ME, IE, or EE). This person will have responsibility to improve the manufacturing techniques related to our current products and address specific unique customer requirements. Sa­ fety, OSHA and EPA conformants will be as­ signed responsibilities. 5 years experience in a manufacturing environment is desira­ ble. Please send your resume^ with salary his­ tory and requirement, in confidence, to V.P.. .Employee Relations. j Gordon E Temperature Measurement Claud S. Gordon Co. S710 Kenosha Street P.O. Box 500 Richmond, Illinois 60071 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H OF'ICC tODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER template project responsibilities In developing and Improved manufacturing processes and forms products. Interface with manufac- and marketing personnel. Prefer 2 te S experience In related field. IDUCTION ENGINEER ct work Involving new equipment purchases, iting and Installation. Bachelor's Degree In go* ral er mechanical engineering preferred. TAX ACCOUNTANT In preparation of company's federal, state local Income and franchise tax returns, caico- ef the Income taa prevision and some tax BS Degree In accounting and several tai compMance experience requk od FORMS LIBRARIAN portfolios ef forms samples for use by sales representatives. Code ir. coming forms te business forms library from manufacturing CALL SECRETARY AND IttuRD PROCESSOR good typing and grammar ivido technical training Jirco Incorporated f«it County Line Rd. larrlngton 112/381*7000

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