PAGE 19- PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14,1*M Neighborhood news ' Bauer families awarded float trophy fourth year in a row The Bauer families of Ringwood again entered a family float in the Johnsburg "Sauf und sDjel" parade. Their float was titled, "Ringwood Salutes the Olympics" and it consisted of two wagons with the grandchildren of Georgia and Rog Bauer and Dorothy and Urban Bauer representing Olympic participants. Katy Christopher 385-8037 Doris Low 653-9262 On the first wagon was Jason Chambers and Paul Huff as farmers, stopped by their tractors in the field, to watch the torch bearer, Chad Bauer, as he passed their area to the Olympics. The police escort was Matthew Huff on his motor cycle. The second wagon was the Olympic stadium with the large torch symbol. The boxer in the ring was Steven Bauer; weight lifter, Scott Chambers; swimmer, Nichole Huff; gymnast, Christy Chambers; and marathon runner, Courtney SchmitL. All were dressed in costumes to represent what they were doing. These are the children of Kevin and Lynn Bauer, Sandy and Jim Huff, John and Pam Chambers and Larry and Noreen Schmitt. Lots of time, labor and ingenuity is used by the Bauer clan for their floats. They use whatever is available in the basement and the barns and their imagination and do not go out and buy a lot of materials. The imagination of this lamily is fantastic and they work well together; especially to be able to bring home the "Best of Parade" trophy for the fourth year in a row. Congratulations to the Bauers and their families. CHURCH-WIDE PICNIC The United Methodist Youth of Greenwood-Ringwood parish will sponsor the annual picnic for the two churches Sunday, Sept. 23, at noon, in Petersen Park. Meat and rolls will be supplied by the youth group and each family is asked to bring a dish to share, table service and beverage. FALL RUMMAGE SALE If you are cleaning closets and cupboards this fall and have some good resalable items you would like to donate to a worthy cause, the ladies of the Ringwood United Methodist Church will be holding their fall rummage" sale Oct. 19 and 20. More details will be out at a later date. Items can be brought to the chfirch that week, Oct. 15 through 17. TRAVELERS Shirley and Bill Cristy were in Decatur last weekend, visiting their daughter, Sherri, who is a sophomore at Millikin University. Patty, Art and Katy Christopher attended the wedding of Susan Kane in Hartford, Conn., Sept 1. Susan became the bride of Paul Perreault and they are now living in Arlington Heights. The Christophers had a good visit with the Kanes, • former residents of McCullom Lake, as well as doing some sight-seeing. They stopped at Niagara Falls on the wav east, visited Stur- bridge Village in Massachusetts, Mystic Seaport and Old Saybrook on the coast. The folks also spent an af ternoon with Marion Kane's parents, Betty and Glenn Sarner of Colchester, Ct. 75th BIRTHDAY Curly Skidmore celebrated her seventy-fifth birthday by taking her birthday club out to lunch Friday, Sept. 7, to the Warsaw Inn, the actual birth date being Saturday, Sept. 8. Those present Friday were her sister Elsie Pacey, Sweetie and Vera Frank and Lester and Henrietta Hawley all of Twin Lakes, Wis. Also, Tom and Laurie Madden, Ethelyn and Laurence Stenzjel of Wilmot, Wis. and Joe Freund of McHenry. Everyone enjoyed a lovely lunch, then all gathered back at Curly's house here in Ringwood for a good visit, and later in the afternoon birthday cake, ice cream, coffee and lemonade were served. It was a very enjoyable day. SURPRISE PARTY Sunday, Sept. 8, Jackie and Ron Creutz had a Surprise birth day party for her mother, Curly Skidmore. Son Edward and Diane and family, including Donna and hubby Jim, Janice and hubby Terry, Denise and friend Dwight, and Nicky, all came down from Mountain, Wis. Saturday night to be here Sunday. As the day went on, there were relatives and friends from Powers Lake, Green Bay and Wilmot and Twin Lakes, Wis; Richmond, Grayslake, Fox Lake, McHenry and Chicago. A real nice time was had by all who attended to help Curly celebrate that special day. There was lots of good food and another beautiful birthday cake. A lot of visiting was done by all the relatives who hadn't seen each other for quite awhile and it was so enjoyable because it was for such a wonderful oc casion. f GRANDPARENTS DAY Johnathan Betts spent part of the past weekend with his grandparents, Bob and Martha Betts. Robin and Katie Kehoe spent the weekend with their grand parents, Walt and Doris Low. The kids all enjoyed their grandparents, I'm sure, but the grandparents also enjoyed the grandchildren. CONGRATULATIONS "Happy Birthday" to Ferol Tomlinson, Robert Mough, Rog Bauer and Fred Sellers on Sept. 21; and to Steven Gorski, Sept. 22. Sept. 23 is that special day for Jennifer McGowan; with Thomas Parsley, Jr., and Lewis Rutcliffe celebrating their- special day Sept. 24. Robert Beaman will add another candle to his cake Sept. 26. We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" to Art and Bev Kreutzer on Sept. 21; and to Bud and June Oxtoby. Sept. 26. We wish both couples many more years of wedded bliss. *" ' CALENDAR Sept. 16~Worship service-9 a.m.--Ringwood church Junior Church-9.15 a.m.-Ringwood church Sept. 20-Choir practice-7-30 p.m.-Ringwood church „ Sept. 23~Worship service~9 , a.m.-Ringwood church Junior church--9:15 a.m.-Ringwood church Sept. 27-Sewing Circle~10:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.-home of Ila Hogan. Oct. 19-20--SemiTAnntfal rummage sale--Ringwood church . Nov. 3-Annual bazaar- Ringwood church Nov. 10-Roast Beef Dinner- Ringwood church GOD BLESS Lakemoor/Lilymoor: Playground equipment is still assn. goal The Lakemoor Civic Im provement Association had been planning a Flea Market for several months, but due to lack of interest, the annual event which was to have been on Sept. 22, has been cancelled. Donna Hall reports that the playground equipment the C.I.A. had hoped to purchase with funds generated by th flea market, will still be one of the association's goals. Both Lakemoor beaches would have benefited with swings, slides and other play things. Other methods of funding are being planned, including a bake sale, which is always well received. The C.I.A. tries to provide stimulating enjoyment for all ages. The Christmas party will be held again this December, with a summer beach party for older youngsters. Want to join? Call 385-2673 or 385-7856, evenings only, for information. LILYMOOR ASSOCIATION RECONVENES The first fall meeting of the Lifymoor Association was held Monday, Sept. 10, at the McHenVy Nunda Library. Of ficers Wayne Meyer, Marion Vornkahl and Charlie Schmidt were present to report on the association's progress. Gravel has been put On the subdivision roads and most are in good condition. Snow plowing was discussed. There are many new residents in Lilymoor who will be asked to join the association, as it is by cooperation that the whole community benefits. The next meeting will be held Oct. 1, the first Monday of the month. Plan to be present to voice your concerns, and also to show appreciation to those members who have given so much of their time toward the improvement of Lilymoor. Margaret Karas 385-4934 L.L.L.L. With the installation of of ficers as the reason for extra celebration, the Lily Lake Ladies League enjoyed a dinner hosted by Ann Sosong, at their regular Wednesday night meeting Sept. 5. Along with the brought-in chicken and ribs, Ann made delicious zucchini bread and a cake. Winners in the bunco playing were hostess Ann, first prize; her mother, Sophie Paterson, second; and Connie O'Rourke, booby. Millie Zabroski won the special. Any ladies wishing to be a part of this fun group, should contact president Helen Para, or any of the other members. VOTER REGISTRATION A reminder to those who are over 18 and are not registered to vote. Oct. 1 is the deadline for registration in order to make your preference known at the November election. A change of name, becoming of age or change of address, are all reasons for registering. Where? Margaret Karas, librarian at the McHenry Nunda Library on Route 120 and Lily Lake Rd. is an official registrar. When? Any weekday afternoon after 2, Friday and Saturday mornings after 10, or Monday and Thursday evenings until 8. Remember- Oct. 2 is too late. SUMMER VISITORS Demitri Peliwan of Lilymoor, spent many hours clearing the road sides, burning debris and making his area more attractive so that visitors from Europe, who had never been in our country .before, would be pleased with what they saw. A former neighbor of Mr. Peliwan's in Romania, whom he hadn't seen for 42 years, was the special guest. They recognized each other, showing that even 42 years doesn't change some of us too much. Joining in the trip were the neighbor's wife and a relative of Demitri's. There were many other guests during the Romanians'stay. All added to the visitors' happiness, so they did not feel the trip cost more money than was received' in pleasure. The weather cooperated, too, so the five weeks spent in the states and Canada went quickly, giving the travelers much to tell about on their return to Romania. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Jesse LiChard, a senior at East Campus High School, had had a busy summer in which he made some important decisions. He will be completing his senior year in mid-term, but will receive his diploma with the rest of his class in May. Jesse is working toward a future where he will be known as Dr. LiChard, and being aware of the long schooling needed, has joined the air force as his first step toward a college education. Jesse's first trip to downtown Chicago was under the auspices of the air force. He and the other young men wishing to be a part of their country's armed forces, spent an overnight at the Americana Congress Hotel, which was an exciting time for Jesse. The next day, after a hurry-up-and-wait physical, the young men were sworn into the air force under the delayed entry program. The big project at the LiChard home this summer was building a garage, in which all family members were involved. What with working at the Longhorn Restaurant, and now with school activities, including being editor of the East Side Story, Jesse's busy summer is continuing into the remainder of the year. It is good to hear of the positive plans some of our young people are making. We wish Jesse continued success in school and in the air force. CELEBRATIONS Fred Thornton of Lilymoor will be wished health and happiness on his birthday, Sept. 16. Two other Iilymoorites recognize their day on the 17th, Sherrill Weber and Wayne Meyer. Mark Betancourt adds a year on the 18th; and wishes for peace to go Sara Watkins of Hidden Valley Acres the same day. Harold Nixon, Jr., starts his third year in the twenties on the 19th. Judy Bird, who cooks Italian, first saw the light of day a few years back on the 20th of September. Wishes for anniversary joy go to James and Margaret Chambers of Fritzsche Estates, who were married Sept. 15. GOD BLESS Johnsburg library to tax At its regular meeting on Sept. 4 the Board of Trustees of the Johnsburg District Library approved the Budget and Ap propriation Ordinance for 1984- 1985. In accord with Illinois Statutes, a special meeting of the board will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 18, to adopt the levy ordinance for the library. The meeting will be held at the Johnburg District Library and will begin at 7 p.m. The meeting, and all board meetings, are open to the public. J VPEL » 19 th HOLE' ... .vri mrkr 14FR( AY N1GI IT SI PTTMBER 14 FROM 8PM •DANCING.»M DRINKS , _ coupon --r;:? » . HOir ONI* COUPON Range •U»~«'SS3&«. 'IRES SEPT IV 1*8* COUPON • Friday Fl*h^ pYer<S»* Smelt o* £rod. Soup - featuring ia»<e yoU caN £AT • CHAPEL HILL - COUNTRY ClAJf -tdm „oo N. CHAPEL HILL RC MCHENRY 813-385-0333 HI *••• American} _ Fall! ^Fashion Mm# SATURDAY * ptember 15 11:30 am A 1:30 pm • Exciting New * parel For Every * Family Member * If you need a whole wardrobe, or just a J, few items, come see our show, you'll find fhem here! TREES LAWNS SHRUBS IBULBSI Center Court of Mall **** IsCrystol Point fflol MM MM «*!*»; OflUUM. In-M. MM*. 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