PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1M4 niwi**,,. . Rifb»nott6 ^ aindeal^^^p^ Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion dote. In the event of an error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be lioble for only the portion of the od which is in error. In cose of an error, notify the Classified Department ot once. Call Classified Display Ads 815 385-0170. Private Party ft Commercial line Ads 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678 2581 Poyment in advance must be made for these ads •Babysitting 'Business Opportunites 'Business Services "Gorge Soles 'Moving Soles 'Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms. Appts. to Share 'Situations Wonted 'Sublease. Re-rent. etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent DIRECTORY Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 o.m. - 5:00 p.m. <#> 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Frae Pro* PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Nawspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extrq 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon/Republican News 'Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycamore New* •Cary Grove Clarion 'Borrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirk land News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citiren Tri- County Shopper * DEADLINES: RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER READERS MON. 5 P.M. MON. 5 P.M. WED. 5 P.M. DISPLAY MON. 12 NOON MON. 12 NOON WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries & tot* Card of Thanks . Notices Cor Pools Lost & Found Personals Instruction ~:t Auctions 02 03 05 10 11 . 1 2 1*3 . 1 8 Help Wanted Child Care 19 iNlursery Schools. ' 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wontod / 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Soles , 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment...... 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats . 38 Musical Instruments .... .*. . 39 Cameras. . . ., ^ 40 Aviation. .... . ,... . ... . '.. , . .. . 41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment 47 farm ft Dairy . . .' . . 48 Livestock 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 ( Business Opportunity. . 66 Real Estate Sales Wonted to Buy .69 Business Property 70 Open House *. 71 Real Estate „ 72 Condominiums for Sole 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sole 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent. 78 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent. . 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent. „. ..; .-. 82 Stores. Office & Industrial to Rent . . 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent. ,.......... 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale. 86 Wanted to Buy \, 87 Auto Parts & Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans. I. .90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles...... 91 Recreotion Vehicles. 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 02 Cemeteries &Lots 12 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK 4 UNION CEMETARY Choice lots available as low as $775, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 115/459 0547 4 . CEMETARY LOTS, In original plat, McHenry County Memorial Cemetary. Call 31?/669 5441. after 4:30pm. 03 Card of Thanks WE WISH TO THANK all our friends for the cards on our 35th wedding anniversary. It sure helped to make It a memorable diy. Lew & Irma Blomgren 05 Notices "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934 9733 PLASTERING " Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1468 ' -f 8.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and all other pro blems of life. Call for an appointment. 1108 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL. 60120. 312/931-1193 CRAFTERS WANTED, St. John's School, Johnsburg. Arts ft Crafts Show, October 6th. For more information, call $15/385 4105, ask for Irene. VOLLEY BALL PLAYERS receded for C.L. Park Dist. men's league. Call John after 7 pm, 815/455-2967. WANTED Parents with £hilden who are gifted academically are wanted, to discuss their frustrations & successes "if any" of getting a good education for their ^Children outside their homes 312/497 3876 Personals ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to par ticipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed Herbal Bas ed. 312/658 8429. OVER WEIGHT? Lose weight now! Need people who are serious about losing weiaht ft keeping It off. Guaranteed 10-29 lbs 1st mo. Call 312/426 9841. JOB HUNTING? Let Janet Marsh Teach You How To Find A Job! CALL JANETMARSH, MSW 815/338-8621 13 Instruction PIANO INSTRUCTOR, experienced teacher, 312/428- 8912. SCULPTURED NAIL CLASSES STARTING SEPTEMBER 24 Offered Through McHenry County College Classes will be held at the Lun- dahl Jr. High in Crystal Lake Monday evenings, for 5 ses sions, from 7 pm to 9 pm. The class includes a starter kit. For additional information, call: JOYCEHUBER 312/658-2019 CERAMIC CLASSES Goat your own pace. Home Studio-FRG/ALG area 312/658 6649 after 5 p.m. SIGN LANGUAGE class will begin Sept. 26, at 7 pm in Har vard Library. For sign-up or other info, contact Sharon Not en, 312/949-7597. P O R C E L A I N D O L L CLASSES; Make your own heirlooms; 815-653 6822. TUTORING Reading, math, grades 1-9. BIS/338 7213 Lost & Found 11LOST: July 16th, dark Tabby >Cat, white face, neutered. Woodstock. Ans. to Sneaky. 815/338 2322. *LOST CAT, female, solid gray, ^Vicinity First and South St., jwver been outside, timid. Call 312/551-1284. ,SPORT JACKET Lost vicinity ! Wheeler & Greenwood Ave , Labor Day. Blue check. 815/338-2272. ">BOYS BICYCLE Team Mur ••ray. Vicinity Oakland 1 Cemetary. 815/338 4411, after P4:30 pm - CAT LOST, Calico, mostly wht rrwith orange & grey spots. Short r/halr, may have collar & tags ion. Beloved family pet. Call 115/459-6523 after 3 p.m. • i LOST Long haired female cat. 5 yrs old., mostly white, black ' tally- light green eyes, front declawed. Garden Prairie Reward Ask for Char 312/766 0194 or 774 8985 19 Child Care 12 Personals PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 815/385 2999 FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-MM. OVERWEIGHT? 80% of the U.S. population Is overweight. We offer a natural way to lose 10 to 29 lbs. a month, eliminate cellulite ft improve your energy level. Ask about our weight gain program 815/385 >7623 or 815/459 5427 ONLY SUB STANDARD Auto Insureds need call. DUI. acci dent, moving violations Best possible rates, low monthly payments. 1 800/942 2709 MOTHER OF 2 will babysit days, low rates. West School area, my home. 815/455-5608. BABYSITTING By Christian mother. Full time only. Carpentersvllle. 312/551-1148. *"• CHILDCARE, In my home, full/part time. Call Sally, 815/385-8281. LOVING MPM wants to care for your cnild in my home. Flexible hrs., To fit your needs, planned activities to fit your chllds needs, ret. 312/639-4345. DAYCARE FOR your infant or toddler. Fulltime only. Call 312/658 5832. BABYSITTING, reliable mom will care for your child or in fant in my home. Days only, Crystal Lake North School area.. 815/455 1645. Will BABYSIT In my Crystal Lake home. Lots of TLC, full or part time, 7 am to 5 pm, 815/459-9177, Lori. EXPERIENCED MOM will babysit In her Fox River Grove home. Call 312/639 7532. MOTHER OF TWO will baby sit eveninga in my Crystal Lake home. Please call before 5 p.m., 815/455 3173 LICENSED DAY CARE, Meadowdale area home, hot meals, snacks, arts Si crafts. 312/426-8861. LOW COST Pre School Teacher will babysit near Central Schools. Meals, snacks, ac tivities, indoor & outdoor equip ment. 815/455-5662 after 1 p.m. EXPERIENCED Child care. Meals, Ige. play area. 312/639 3629 21 Situations Wanted ATTENTION Brides Let us help you make your greatest impact on that special day tnrough color analysis and our color formulated cosmetics. Call today for info, 815/344 1152. 05 Notices Truly Caring Services, INc. offers; HOME CAR! FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week , Meal Preparation Also available:' Shopping Nursing Care l ight Housekeeping Registered Nurses laundry IJc. Practical Nurses Personal Care llome Care Assistants 74 Hr. Answering Services t1S-SM-54M Prtvat* 4wty In totatlal* f nurttn^ homn Rm. i»r. 10# W. WniilnftM St., Mirfdft, IL. 21 Situations Wanted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Weed Chopping, Finish Grading, Sodding or Seeding, Call: 815/459-8945. .. PAINTING Interior & exterior. 15 yrs. ex perience, guaranteed work, free estimates. Call after 6 pm, 815/385-7144. - RESUME SERVICE ft all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. WILL DO Typing in my home. 55-60 wpm. 815/459 2747 CUSTOM COMBINING corn & beans 815/385 4595. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex- perlence. 815/943-4793. D.J. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights & records for all. 312/584-0882. ATTENTION CAREER Women! Housecleanlng for McHenry, Woodstock, Rich mond areas. Satisfaction guaranteed. Discount for seniors ft desabled. 815/653- 9328. HOUSEKEEPER has opening for Tuesday. Woodstcok, Wonder Lake, McHenry, after 5 p.m., 815/728-1841. WILL DO ironing In my home. 815/459-3539. HOUSE PAINTING, exterior. Interior, reasonable rates, 815/455-3559. PAINTING ft Decorating, In terior or Exterior, by the iob or by the hour, large or small, Call Howie, days or eve., 815/923 2463. PAINTING & PAPERING Fully Insured-Free Estimates Don Johnson-815/338-4850 WILL CLEAN Your house Mon day or Wednesday. 815/344- 0937, after 4 pm. I WANT to be a plumber's apprentice-to learn the trade inside and out. Mike 815-459 4429. T • WHITE GLOVE expert housecleanlng. We do windows, homes, offices, stores, clean up before & after parties, etc., 815/459-8742. TIDY HOUSE House cleaning 8i party services 312/639 5180 PROFESSIONAL MOVING At a Do lt-Yourself Price Call for free estimate. J.B. Packing & Loading Serv. 815/338-3641 WILL DO House cleaning ft of fice cleaning, part time. Ex perienced. 815/728-1672 (Wonder Lake). HANDYMAN FOR HIRE ' Insured Painter 815/455-6516 after 2 p.m. NATURAL SCULPTURED Nails by Robin. House calls made. $18. Call 815/455-0869 TIRED OF shopping? No time? Better things to do? Will shop ft do errands for you. Helping Hands Services. 815/459 9030. 21 Situations Wanted HOUSECLEANING, mornings, $6/hour. Johnsburg McHenry area. After 1 pm, 815/385-9317. Household 23 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Sitter in my Sunnyside home, for 1 & 3 year old; Monday Friday, 8:15-2:45, $M.OO per week, paid holidays. After 3:30pm, 815/385-5862. BABYSITTER needed my home or yours, full time, must be exp., ref. for my 2 yr. old. With in walking distance of village hall, Fox River Grove., 312/787-2292. days. BABYSITTER WANTED for 16 mo. old boy, 2 1/2 days per week. Refs. required. 815/455 1588 EDITING/WRITING needs? For resumes, letters, business proposals, ads, direct mailings or anything requiring polished Si effective copy, call 815/923- 4563. PROFESSIONAL home care nurse, now available, call Sherry, 815/459 9030. LOOKING FOR mature, ex perienced baby sitter with ref. to sit 1 to 2 eve. per wk. Hrs., 5:30 to 9:30, in my home for 3 sm. children, ages 5, 2, & 6 months. 815/338-0522. BABYSITTER needed, my home, Tues., Wed., ft Frl., 4:30 to6:30,312/658 7330or 658-8255. RELIABLE BABYSITTER for occasional wk. nights & Sats., McHenry Shores. After 6 pm, 815/344-5656. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN, needs reliable babysitters for well behaved girls ages 4 8i 6. Must be dependable. Responsi ble teenagers would be accep table. Lakeland Park Subdivi sion. Call after 6 pm; 815/385- 5618. BABYSITTER, responsible person to care for an infant weekdays in my McHenry home. Must know CPR, 815/385-4586. BABYSITTER NEEDED full time nights, for two children in my home. Must be Over 18. 815/338-0847. MATURE LADY to care for two children ages 4 & 1; 2 to 3 days a week. 815/385-6307. BABYSITTER needed in my McHenry home. Hrs., 5:30 to 8 a.m., 815/385-2187, call after 2 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER To clean ap prox. 2 hrs./day in W. Dundee, Mon.-Frl. $4/hr. 312/428-7930, 6 8 pm. BABYSITTER WANTED for 10 mo. old boy, drop in schedule during the day. Crystal Lake area. 815/455 1817 before noon. HIGH SCHOOL Student needed to babysit 2-3 days per week, 2:30-6:30pm. Must be good with children. 312/658-6378 BABYSITTER for infant in my Crystal Lake home. Mon,Tues, Thurs, Frl; 8:30 4:30. Must have experience and references. 815/455-0459. LOVING MOM to babysit after school. Sunrise Ridge area. 815/728-0166 after 6 pm. EXPERIENCED Babysitter needed in my home for 4 & 2 yr. old bovs. 8-5 pm, Mon.-Fri. Call 312/426-2021, after 6 pm. 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton Si Associates. 312/428 9255. MAJOR APPLIANCE & Refrigeration Technician. Minimum 5 years experience. Apply In person, Thompson Ap pflance, 318 Clay Street, Woodstock, o MACHINE OPERATOR - good starting pay/company benefits. Apply in person Staple Center, 6711 Sands Rd., Crystal Lake. 13 Instruction COUNTRYSIDE DOG OBEDIENCE "SPECIALIZING IN RESULTS OFFERING: • BEGINNERS ^NOVICE • OPEN > • UTILITY CLASS IDEAL TRAINING FACILITY CONVENIENT LOCATION NEW CLASS STARTS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26,1984 FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT JULI CEPULIS 815/38*0272 •i i i----miI m a 24 Help Wanted ASSISTANT to Crystal Lake eye doctor. Full time position, avail. Sept 17. Must have general office skills. Call Now! 815/455-0212, weekdays 8 am-4 pm. DENTAL ASSISTANT Minimum 5 yrs experience, 35 hours per week. Also, Dental Hygienist needed 1 or 2 days per week. 815/385-1360 HOMEMAKERS, Moms & Dads. Part time job for full time^ay. Fun & easy selling oil paintings. Call Maureen, 815/455-4085 or Carol, 815/459 2308. AVON Now there are two ways to earn an impressive income. Call 815/459-5757. BROKER/MANAGER Wanted for real estate office. National franchise affilltation, excellent opportunity for the right person. For further in formation, call Allen Moll at ERA Advantage Real Estate of Illinois, Ltd., 4507 W. Elm St., McHenry, IL. 815/385 9394. 24 Help Wanted JOBS JOBS JOBS. Fast growing company. Can earn: Part time, $7/hr., Full time, $360/wk. Students welcome. Mr. Alagna, 312/449-1920 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ assistant/ hygienist. Ex perience preferred. Days & 1 eve. 8i some Sats. People oriented. Reply to Box A L X, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. starting salary & benefits. Free meals & park ing. We will train. Apply in per son, Mon. thru Frl., 8:30 am to5 pm. Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. TECHNICI AN, for pest control, part time, Elgin, will train, retired OK, 312/885 3356. NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS For Fall Help for Lawn Care, full time. DEAN SMITH LAWN CARE Call 815/385-4847 after 6pm CURRENCY EXCHANGE Help Wanted. Mature person, experienced cashier, part- time, AM & PM hours. Could lead to full time. Apply in per son, Monday-Friday, 9-4pm. 4614 AW. Elm St., McHenry. FULL TIME billing position available in trucking company. Experience with CRT entry and/ or working with tariffs would be preferred- Fringe benefits include pension plan At hospitalization, send resume to Koubenec Motor Service, Rt. 47, Huntley, IL. 60142. PERSON to help wash cars & various other small jobs, part time. Could work into full time. Apply in person. Tidy Car, 5409 East Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake. PHYSICAL THERAPIST RPTs ft PT Assists. Excellent salary, flexible hours. Full & part-time positions. Come grow with us. 312/680-2582. PARKING LOT Supervisor, part time, McHenry West High School, 10:30am lpm. Call 815/385-7077. CHRISTMAS HELP Womens's Apparel Shop in Spr ing Hill Mall looking for full and part time Sales Help. Some week ends. Hours flexible. Call: 312/428-4366. Ask for Fran. AUTO SALVAGE Yard Parts Man, experienced, with tools. 815/675 2591. 18 Auctions ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, September 16,11 am 7 pc mahogany dining rm. . set/china cabinet, S pc maple kitchen iet; wingback chairs; walnut rocker rush seat ft back; 6 pc. walnut dining rm. set; cedar chest on legs; upright piano; Ham mond (The Piper) organ; cedar closet; 4 pc. wal nut bdrm. set; marble top tables; wringer washer; gas dryer; chest ft upright freezers; gas stove; refrigerators, kerosene shop stove; several good clean couches, oak bookcase; many old pic ture frames; depression & Noritake glassware; old dolls & toys; old American Flyer train; books; linens ft crochet work; horse collars, cameras; remaining antiques ft box lots from Wilson Estate; 1948 Straight 8 Olds-runs; 1980 Ford Van-stick, overdrive, 50,000 mi., nice, '81 15 ft. Ayr Waye sail boat & trailer, '76 Imperial Pontiac. Vehicles at 2 pm Duke Rath Auction Center 3 mi. W. of Elgin on Rta. 20 Termt: Cash, Matter or Vita 3121695-0388 REAL ESTATE AUCTION 285 ACRES-DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS-FARMLAND Auction Will Be Held At The American Legion Hall > In Maple Park, Illinois SATURDAY,OCTOBER 6,1984 ^ Commencing at 2:00 P.M / 285 ACRE IMPROVED FARM is property is situated along either side ol Route 38 directly SoVthwest ot Maple Paili lllinos in Coitland Iwp DeKalb County. The faifn will be offered in 2 parcels and then as a single unit and the hiwest bid per acre multiplied times the acreage indicated pet parcel aillce the indicated selling price All acreages as stated aie subiect to adiustment upon completion ol a suive PARCtV NO 1 Containing 128 acres (more or less) located in Section 36 of Coitland Iwp DeKalb County Illinois and lying South ol Route 38 hamng implements ot 2 35 000 bushel grain storage bins, coin Crib 44«72 machine shed and a story dwelling PARCEL NO 2 Containing 15? acres ( more or less) located in Sections 36 and 25 ol Cortland Imp DeKalb County Illinois and lying North ol Route 38 all tillable PARCtl NO 3 285 acres ( mure o< less) improved (aim as a single unit (Being all ol parcels I and 2 together ) 1 his excellent taim is located within 1 mile ol Maple Park 6 miles ol DeKalb or 50 miles West ol Chicago Illinois along Route 38 a principal Highway and West ol DeKalb Kane County line Ihe iaim is generally level and has A S C S tillable acres ol 27* with a recognized yield ot 136 8 bushel ol com Ihe piomment soil types are Catlm Flanagan Saybrooh Vugii and Batavia Ihe tarm is well diained with tiles installed within recent years! HRMS 10% down date of sale and the balance at closing which shall be on or before lanuary 15 1985 Possession will be given upon ^losing subiect to reserve of gram storage acceptable to the tenant title and dosing m the usual manner Final bid oi bids shall be subiect to reaction oi acceptanry by a maionty of the owners All announcements day of sale take precedence over advertisingh For further miration or an appointment to view the properties call or write Auctioneers as listed An agreement to purchase contiact wilt be available loi inspection with the Auctioneers or at a desgmated location within 14 days prior to sale Jate ' "* Formerly the Mayme Theis Farm JAMES, WILLIAM. RAYMOND AND HENRY THEIS, MARIE WILTSE. BETTY WESEMAN AND SHIRLEY SNYDER AUCTIONEERS Ron Espe, Steward 815-824 2377 Jim Meyer. Somonauk 815-498-2417 24 Holp Wanted u Help Wanted 24 F/ .RTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 695-Elgin 337-Woodstock 648-Hebron * 382-Barrington 697-Elgin 338-Woodstock 653 Wonder Lake 426-Dundee 740 Round Lake 344-McHenry 678-Richmond 551 -Dundee 741 -Elgin 385-McHenry 728-Wonder Lake 639-Cory 742 Elgin 455 Crystal Lake 895-Sycamore 669-Huntley 888-Elgin 459-Crystal Lake 923-Union 683-Hompshire 931-Elgin 568-Marengo 943-Harvard MAINTENANCE MAN poal tlon tor Women's Apparel Shop In Spring Hill Matl. Ideal for retired person. Hours flexible. Call: 312/428-4364, Ask for Fran. PART TIME RN or LPN tor local Pediatrician's office. Send resume to Box SE 1, * AAcHenry Plaindealer, 3112 W. Elm St., AAcHenry. RN OR LPN positions available. Excellent startino salary & benefits, free meals & parking. Apply in person. Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, AAon. Thru Frl., 1:30 am to 5 pm. TECHNICIAN-Part time. TV service. 312/638-5522. AFTER SCHOOL JOBS Dundee/C'Vllle students. If you are 13 through 16, you're job waits In product promotions and sales. Friendly self confi dent, talkative people make $45 to $60 a week and more for the right person. Call: MR. HUNTER 312/428-6364 today. WANTED: TIRE Installer, full or part time. Apply in person at 7218 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake REGISTERED NURSES, part time. Apply in person Sunset Manor, 920 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced I phone collectors. Working 1 World, Crystal Lake, 815/455 i 4490. • . . | NEEDED NOW Maintenance i & General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. BUILDING AAANAGER We are looking for a depen dable person to manage a PERSON FAMILIAR with electrical materials to work 50 hour week In electrical shop. "C" license preferred. Ex perience with tools & machinery required. Send resume to Box AMA, % McHepry Plaindealer, 3812 W- Elm St., McHenry. It 60050. PUBLIC RELATIONS Assis tant. Good typina skills, per sonable, college student will be preferred. 10-20 hrs per week. Easter Seals for McHenry County. 815/338-1707 GENERAL HELPER. Assis tant in patient care. Some clerical. Must be over 55 years and low Income. 20 hrs per week. Easter Seals for AAcHenry County, 815/338-1707 REGISTERED NURSE. 2 years experience in community health required. 15-20 hrs per week. Easter Seals for AAcHenry County, 815/338-1707 IS YOUR month running out of $$? If you can spare 3or 4 hours away from home 2 to 3 times a weex, Queen's Way To Fashion will help you earn extra In come. No investment, collec ting, or delivery. Call 815/459- 2113or 815/385-8488. COORDINATOR Our nursing service is in need of an on call coordinator to schedule our staff in the even ings and on weekends. Must be flexible, like people, and be well organized. Call our office to schedule an appt: Quality Care 312/742-9370. quality building complex. Work includes general janitorial work and equipment maintenance. Write- Box ZFA Building c/o Daily Sentinel P.O. Box 709 Woodstock, IL 60098 815/338-9183 aft. 8 p.m. SECRETARY/NURSE, needed in Crystal Lake AAedical office. Send complete resume to: Box A L Z, Shaw Fress Press Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. ! GENERAL FACTORY WORKER Full time day shift, 4 day i work week, full benefits package. Apply to ! GK INDUSTRIES 6204 Factory Road Crystal Lake, IL GENERAL OFFICE, entry level position, mature person w/abllity to work In a fast pac ed environment. Please call Joan for appointment, 312/382- 5244, Protecto Enterprizes Inc., Barrington, IL. LIGHT ASEMBLY ° . FULLTIME APPLY AT: JECO INDUSTRIES 28W05 Industrial Barrington, IL (Near Rte. 14& Pepper Rd.) QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN Full time poslton open for ex perienced Q.C. worker, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Good attendance record a must. Starting pay $4.50 per hour. .. For interview call: JOANNE LUNDSTROM 312/639-0585 Computer Resources Inc. Cary Point Industrial Park 150 Chicago St. Cary, IL. Equal Optwrtunlty Employer SEPTEMBER'S •Sanitation Personnel •Bus Boys •Waitressess/Waiters Both day & evening hours, full 8i part time are available. Ex perience preferred. Apply in person. 6305 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake APPLY NOW! Full & part time positions are now open in our housekeeping department. Apply in person to Martinetti's AAotel, 6305 Nor- thwest Hwy. in Crystal Lake. TRADE BINDERY Seeks take charge person to supervise ap prox. 10 people. Must know folding, cutting, McCain saddle binder. Must be able to train people as we grow. Steady employment, salary determin ed by experience. EOE. Call 414/857 7997. PRESS OPERATORS & assemblers, for day shift. App ly to Ellison Industries, 12104 Rt. 173, Hebron, IL., or call Philip 815/648-2818. SALESPERSON for evenings and weekends. Knowledge of TV and video preferred. Salary commensurate with ex perience. Apply in person, Nelson Electronics, Rte. 31 & Bull Valley Rd., AAcHenry SERVICE TECHNICIAN For photographic/medical film processors. Qualified person must have 1-2 yrs. experience. Contact Personnel Dept., Quality X-ray Co., 815/633-0366. INDUSTRIAL SALESCommis sion, est. territory. McHenry & Kane Co. 312/551-1223. LIGHT ASSEMBLY First ! Shift. Apply in person Illinois Carbon Products, 207 Berg St., Algonquin. , | BUS HELP WANTED, able to i work after school and {weekends. Experienced ! Waitresses, must be over 21. Part time Salad help, ex- ! perienced. Hostess, able to ! work flexible hours, prefer ex- I perlence but will train. Apply in I person, Tuesday thru Friday after 4pm, ask for Sue. McHenry Country Club, 820 N. John St., AAcHenry. 815/385- 1072. PRODUCTION MANAGER For metal stamping company. Candidate should be familiar with press scheduling and have good clerical and communica tions skills. Apply at: Brunk Tool Co., 1225 sage St., Lake Geneva Wl HAIR DRESSERS Wanted. Guaranteed salary & commis sion. AAany benefits. Call Pat at 312/428-9100 Ext. 255 NORTHWEST Security Service needs security guards for full time & part time for weekends Cary. Join Our Professional Team I mmediate Openings We are seeking: •R.N.'s 'L.P.N.'s 'Nurse's Aides 1 year experience, private duty or staff relief, all shifts available, full or part time. Flexible schedule. Top wages. For application 8, appt. call: Tempstaff Nursing Service 312/392-6167 equal opportunity employer PART TIME HANDYMAN Call Evenings 312/639-6869 POSTIION AVAILABLE for part time waitress. Apply in person. Int. House of Wine & Cheese, Rte. 12, Richmond, 815/678-7171. CARPENTER, experienced, reliable. Call after 6 pm., 815/338-8735. CERTIFIED LIFEGUARD for evenings & weekends. Camp Duncan YMCA. 312/546-6116. CERTIFIED LIFEGUARD for evenings Si weekends. Camp Duncan YMCA. 312/546-6116. SHINGLE ROOFER, Ex perience not necessary, own transportation needed 8i reliable. 815/385-0009. 2 YOUNG MEN for lawn maintenance, 815/385-8672. 18 Auctions AUCTION: LOCATED 5 MILES N6 OF McHENRY, OR 2 MILES NORTH OF JOHNSBURG, BEING ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF RINGWOOD AND SPRING GROVE ROADS, ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 11:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE, FARM EQUIPMENT AND COLLECTABLES 35.32 ACRE FARM , PARCEL NO. I: 5 acre* w/7 room hous* and cdm- pl*t* sot of farm buildings. Nicoly situatad on cor- nar of 2 wall travalad blacktop*, only % mil* wast of Johnsburg High School. 5 milas to Milwaukaa RR at Fox Laka. An attractive farmyard. Suitable for raising kids, livastock or an axcaptional location for a ratail vegetable or landscape nursery operation. Larga barn and several outbuildings, garage and silos. Natural gas available. New weli and saptic systam. Neat and well kept. PARCEL NO. 2: 30 acres cropland, some of McHenry county s best, all tillable, level and productive. PARCEL NO. 3: Combination of Parcels No. 1 and No. 2, 39.32 acres with 2400' road frontoge. OPEN HOUSE: Friday. S*pt«mb«r 14, 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. or appointment. TERMS: $5000 earnest money on each parcal in cash or cashiors checks on day of sale, to ba in- creased to 10% of purchasa price in 5 days. A 10% intarast contract available with 30% down payment. Call auctianaar for details. Complete list of equipment in next weeks paper. Auctioneer: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 ' RfSPICTIO AVtilOliS SINCE 1952 H«lp Wanted COLLECTORS EXPERIENCED. Must have good oral & written communic- fion skills. Enjoy a 40 hour work week - day 4 evening hours. Northwest locations. Call 312/397-7257 TEMPSTAFF INC. aqual opportunity amptoytr m/f PIZZA COOK 4 Prep Cook Experienced Call 312/639-7800 CERTIFIED TEACHER, for students on medical home bound program. Must be able to go to the students home several times a week. Contact Mrs. Skarzynski at McHenry East High School, 815/385-1145. PERMANENT PART TIME Telephone operator needed to work a fast-paced message sta tlon. 2 evenings per week, 4pm 8pm or 5pm -10pm; 2 after noons per week, 12pm-5pm; and 1 weekend day. Must be flexible, have pleasant mature voice, be dependable, have good handwriting, and good disposition. Apply at 474 Virginia, (white house on cor ner of Dole & Virginia St.) 815/459-7133 - • • , FULL 81 PART TIME Excellent working conditions in our phone room. No sales Involved- appointment setting & survey work. Hourly wage + bonus; earn up to $6 per hour Call For Interview 815/338 3962 SECURITY OFFICERS Crystal Lake and Dundee areas. Full & part time posi tions available. Stanley Smith Security, 312/885-0767. EOE MOTOR ROUTE Driver wanted to deliver the Sun Times, 7 morns a week, 2V» hours a day. Must be reliable with a dependable vehicle. 815/344-3885 between 9 6pm. LOT PERSON, Full time, ex perlence preferred. 7:30am - 4:30pm. Clifford Colby Chrysler Plymouth, 815/459 9000. Ask for Curt. PART TIME SALES Person, Knowledge of sewing & fabric helpful, tall Gristmill, 312/426- 6455. • " - WAITRESSES, experienced. All shifts open. Apply in person, Tareydale Restaurant, Rt. 31 & 176, Crystal Lake. NOW HIRING, bartenders, waitresses, bus persons & cooks. Apply in person after 2 pm, Phllly's Sporis Bar & Grill, 5016 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake. WOOD WORKER, experienced In furniture building. Full or part time. Long term potential. Experienced Only. Call for an appointment, 312/658-6037. YOU CAN BE A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL If you believe you'd enjoy the challenge 8, freedom that comes from determining your own future & earning power, a career In real estate may be ex actly what you are looking for. Our management team will train you 8i show you how. Ex perienced 8i non experienced may apply. Call John Harding or Tom Harding, Harding Real Estate, Woodstock II. •• 815/338-3850 •• RETAIL SALES Mature individual for retail sales in men's clothing store. Apply in person. GUNTER'S CLOTHING 58 N.Williams Crystal Lake 815/459-6400 P A R T T I M E C h u r c h SocrEtyy, 15-20 hours per week, t" years experience preferred, $4.00-$4.50/per hour. Call 312/639 3959 between 9am WANTED: DENTAL Assis tant, experience preferred, but will train if necessary. Call 815/385-0055 for an appoint ment. MECHANIC, experienced, to work on all model cars. Must have own tools 8, own transpor tation, refs. Apply in person, Quality Auto Center, 9003 Rt. 12, Richmond, IL. SALES PERSON, experienced, full or part time. Must have transportation & refs. Apply in person. Quality Auto Center, 9003 Rt. 12, Richmond, IL. WAREHOUSE MANAGER Algonquin company has a career opportunity for a qualified Warehouse Manager. Responsibilities include shTpp ing Si receiving, inventory con trol. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact Tim Mugler, 312/658 8584. HOUSEWIVES MOONLIGHTERS STUDENTS Are you in need of a supplemen tary income? Can you work Monday thru Friday evenings from 5:15 until 9:15, plus Satur day mornings from 9:00 until 1:00? If so please call Mrs. Hayes at 815/455 4800 after 6:00pm. LANDSCAPE PERSONNEL Due to recent growth of our company, we have developed openings in all facets of land scape maintenance & construc tlon. Individuals must be dependable, aggressive, cons cientious & possess a profes sional attitude. Common sense & the willingness to learn a must. Wages based on ex perience 8i education. Call 312/639-1025 TELLERS' Union National Bank of Elgin Is seeking part-time tellers to work approx imately 20 to 25 hours per week. Schedule & hours flexible. Experien.ce preferred. Please call Nancy Driscoll 312/888-7500 For interview appointment. UNION NATIONAL BANK 0FELGW 1 Fountain Square Plaza Elgin, IL Equal Opportunity Employer M/F MARIAN CENTRAL Catholic High School seeks Illinois Cer titled High School Teachers as substitutes for the 1984-85 academic year. Please call John Burke, Assistant Prin dpal, between 1 8. 4 pm at 815/338 4220.