PAGE IS - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, ISM 11^1^ %|l, nfa fi rt#ip ffamiw 4A HOUSEKEEPERS. Good >, Apply In person, Crystol ,„_j Nursing Horn*, 335 N. II- fcniosSt., Crystal Loko. HrtpWufd 24 U aI m W t n i j g j nvip TVflnTfg WANTED Nurses and LPN's All Shifts Anyone interested in becoming , nurse aide, come see us. Crystal Pines Nursing Home 335 N. Illinois St. Crystal Lake ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT /PERSONNEL National service organization eks a person with good typ- |ing/ office skills. Some person nel background helpful. Salary Upen. Send resume to: Suite W. 1375 Remington Rd. Schaumburg, IL, 40195 • OFFICE HELP, part time, 3 0 I to 25 hours a week, flexible I hours, typing, but no shorthand required. Woodstock location. I Send resumes to P. 0. Box 41, I Woodstock, IL6098. ! PART TIME SALES. Thurs A Fri. l Spm; Sat., 9-5:30pm; some moving and lifting of desks Brand Equipment A Supply, 137 N. Main,' Crystal Lake. 815/455-4350 WANTED: MATURE person or couple for household A yard work + help with kennel, physical demands moderate, salary + 1 bedroom apart ment, inc. utilities, private en trance, sheltered parking, ref. required. Richmond area. 615/344-0417. EXPERIENCED TV Techni cian. Good pay with vacations, holidays and hospital Insurance paid. Truax, Orsan A Graff TV, 1073 N. Liberty St., Elgin. 312/742-8220 SHIPPING CLERK & Receiv ing Assistant, full time, perma is m PC BOARD DESIGNERS Itt HH MM CNN* '•MM, COI It Ml fMr MM IK AlCmldy 815/568-8001 1 MOTION CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION 1MN. Stale Street Marengo, Illinois MIS eqwl opportunity employer m/t/y/h CRYSTAL LAKE Country Club It seeking full-time day waitresses. Coll Dottle after 5 pm. 815/459-1237 SECRETARY Light filing A typing. Apply In - ilfilahiMi II • I iffni M«e pirwn wc/winon jniowsr( 1711 Sands Rd., Crystal Laka. 815/455-0074. BARTENDER, Part time ft weekends. No experience necessary. Apply In person. Fireside^ Inn, Rte. 31 at Ringweod Rd. Rlngwood. SECRETARY * Immediate opening for full time position. Word processing experience required. IBM Display Writer preferred. Shor thand 4 bookkeeping knowledge a big plus. Send resume A salary history to Stearns Management Com pony, 909 West Main St., Barr Ington, IL60010. EXCELLENT SECOND Job cleaning offices in the Barr- Ington area 2 or 3 nights per week. No Experience Necesaary. Servlc 312/381-4468 Servlcemaster, JL DENTAL ASSISTANT, ex cerienced, chair side, full time. Modern Crystal Lake office, Or eat hours, great salary, •15/459-3740. CARPENTERS, full time,' round, rough A trim. Call bet nent, day shift ony. Apply in person, Varley Products Co., I Ridefield Subdivision, Crystal i Lake, 815/459-2545. year Non union. Call between 6:30- 8:30pm, 815/653-5886. WAITRESSES, experienced for full or part time hours. Call for Interview, Woodstock Coun- try Club, 815/338-2191. SALES, full time, in growing Fox Valley Men's Clothing chain. Experience preferred but not necessary. Call Brad at Krusoe & Cummins 815/455 1230. FULL & PART TIME Person to tend bar & wait tables. Days/night shifts. Call for an appointment, ask for Rusty, 815/385 1002. ' DAY CARE TEACHER Need ed. Part time afternoons, ex perience preferred. 312/526- 6122 CONSUMER OPINIONS Join Questions & Answers in gathering consumer opinions. Flexible hours. No selling. Apply to Questions & Answers Spring Hill Mall or call 312/428-0887 PARTTIME SECRETARY To provide secretarial service in faculty office during late afternoon and evening hours Mon.-Thurs. 3:30-10:30pm. For additional information, contact personnel office, McHenry County Colleee, 015/4553700 EO/AA Employer M/F NOW HIRING Cooks, bartenders, waitresses A kitchen help. Full & part time. Apply In person only, Punjabi s Restaurant, 123 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL. SCHOOL MONITORS. Part- Time Positions open In Barr inoton, ideal for housewives or retirees. 3 hours per day, school days only. EOE. 312/885 0767 HE LI ARC WELDER Day Position. Full Benefits Hospital Insurance Apply In Person RENNERACO. ' 160 Chicago St. Cory, IL JANITORIAL SERVICE Needs experienced persons for floor work In retail stores In Crystal Lake area. Call bet ween 7 pm A 11 pm 312/629- 0400. PAINTERS WANTED, No ex perlence necessary. Rynlker Decorating, 312/658-7717. WAITERS-Waltresses. Full or part time, evenings. Students A nousewi person ( Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. ves welcome. Apply In Enrico's Restaurant, 64 WAITRESS Experienced. Days I A eves. Also Hostess, days. : Alex's Restaurant A Pub, ! 815/568-6788. HAIR STYLIST Hair Dimensions Styling Salon is expanding and has 3 new stations available. 815/344-5510 EDITORIAL POSITIONS We are seeking newspaper career oriented individuals for several editorial positions. Although a journalism degree is not required, experience is preferred. Ideal situation for recent graduates or part-time students seeking entry level position. SPORTS STRINGER: Part time position responsible for cover ing high school athletics, writing sports features, and gathering statistics for county teams. Knowledge of sports and familiarity with area teams preferred. Must be able to work weekends and flexible enough to handle last minute assignments. Experience with 35mm camera preferred. Car necessary. Position available at WOODSTOCK and CARPENTERSVILLE office. NEWS STRINGERS: Part time. Will do news coverage of area events as assigned. All you need is reliable transportation, be willing to work flexible hours and have some previous writing experience. Position available immediately at CARPENTERS VILLE office. * V <#> SHAW FHI PRESS NEWSPAPER 6R0UP SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville. IL 60110 EQUALOPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER * Mfa • I • M. A ntip WlmtG M LANDSCAPE FOREMAN, ex cellent position now open for experienced industrious per son. Experience In dick A brick patio construction a plus. Plow ing In winter, benefits, good pay. Laborer needed also. Ml for appointment. Goldman {jgaga*- *"d>t°cfc' . RECEPTIONIST/ * SECRETARY Crystal Lake law firm Is look ing for a person to do general office dutws including answer ing phone, schedulii Hfip vvSnTVO have skills. 6pm. 815/459-9155 MACHINE OPERATOR Experience running Injection molding or single needle sew ing machine helpful. Perma nent full time position. Many benefits, profit sharing, pen sion plan, etc. Light, clean work. Pleasant working condi tions. Alpha Plastics Tonyan Industral Park 3905 W J .Albany McHenry WOODSTOCK DXlRY QUEEN, part time eyenings. Apply In persons 310 Washington St. MECHANICS HELPER. To do light mechanical work. Will train. Full time. Apply In per son. Bob's Arco, Rt. 14 A 176, Crystal Lake. INSULATION INSTALLER i Expending our business. Need dependable help. Experience preferred but not necessary. ; Company benefits. 312/658- ! 4100,9-5, Mon. thru. Fri. I • FULL TIME OPENING • STAPLE PACKER i Good starting pty, company ' benefits. Staple Center, 6711 i Sands Road. Crystal Lake, IL. : SECRETARY Experienced, with excellent telephone A organizational skills. For small busy office- hrs. 7 am-3:30 pm. i Typing, 50 wmp. 312/893-1395. ! WAITRESS Part-time, eves. A weekends; Mature woman for Hostess part time, eves. A weekends; Pizza Drivers, eves. Must have own car. Apply in : Mast's, 93 W. Main, person: Dundee. RECEPTION-SECRETARY Full time. Never a dull moment describes this position! Qualified applicants must have a strong secretarial background, pleasant phone manners, A professional ap pearance a must. CRT ex perience helpful but will con sider training the right person. Hours flexible, (fall Pam, 312/382-1400. ACCOUNTING/ BOOKKEEPER Crystal Lake restaurant seeks full charge experienced book- Responsibilities Include ac counts payable, payroll, ac counts receivable A account Excellent opportunity for hard working Individual. Call Pam at 312/312-1400 to set up Interview. Respiratory Therapy Technicians Float Pool Certified Respiratory Therapy Technicians with a minimum of 2 years experience in respiratory therapy interested In ioining Illinois Medical Center's Float Pool 'In McHenry. Must be highly motivated and have critical care experience. W0 offer a competttve salary commensurate with ex- Cience. For more informs i contact: Human Resources Department 815/344-5000,Ext 3240 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 •quel opportunity tmploytr m/f J1 Wanted to Buy GOLD & SILVER Coins. Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS A INVESTMENTS 316 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 115/455-6190 aa Misc. Merchandise CHUMBLEY'S DC LI A Soda Shop Is fpw open. Offering SI .M luncheon specials. Includes sandwich of the day and a free medium drink. 101W. Main St., Cary. 312/639-8240 MUST SELL1970 LeMans $300, 125 watt home speakers, S300, •15/315-5960. REPLACE your old furnace with a new High Efficiency natural gas fired furnace. Harold Jonrtson Heating A Air Conditioning, 815/459-0078. LARGE SELECTION of recon dltloned appliances Including air conditioners with warranty, Thompson's Appliance, 125/330-5611. T Y P E W R I T E R a n d CALCULATOR Sales A Ser vice. Portable machines chemically cleaned for $29.95. Knuth's Office Supply, 228 Main St., Woodstock, IL. 115/338-3535. Knuth ice Supply 11 Wanted to Buy 71 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, casn 312/464-5661 USED A NEW desks, chairs, files, bookcases, storage cabinets, banquet tables, con ference tables and drafting tables. Large selection at budget prices. Brand Equip ment A supply Co., 137 N. Main WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Goid A Silver. T A C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Fri 8 to 5, Sat - 8 to 4.815/459-4445. DAYS SCRAP METAL Copper, aluminum, and other metals. Open daily, 7-6pm; Sundays 8-noon. 306 Briarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/459-7751 BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related items. 815/338-4731. PART TIME Weekend recep- tionist. Students, moonlighters welcome to apply. Immediate position available for Satur day/Sunday. General office receptionist. Qualified can didates must be able to handle busy phones A variety of general office duties. Profes sional appearance A phone manners a must for this PER MANENT week-end position. Call Pam, 312/382-1400. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Knowledgeable In All Phases Of Construction 312/639-0100 LOOKING FOR site to build, buy or rent a Billboard. 815/385- 1361. H.C. COIN A STAMP CO. WE BUY A SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza -rys ••<11 15/459-3940*" TABLE TOP desk for student, reasonable, please call after 6 p.m. 815/338-2361. SCRAP IRON METALS Aluminum Cans..27c lb. R.L.McNew Salvage 4 mi west of Dundee Gilberts, IL. ? 312/428-4821 PART TIME CUSTODIAN Late afternoon/early evening hours. Must be friendly & show initiative. Call or apply in person at: RINGW00D ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4600 North School Road Ringwood, IL 60072 815/728-0211 ™ Equal Opportunity Employer St., Crystal Lake, 815/455-4550 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furnlture*Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM - Mon-Sat 815/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) MOBILE CLASSROOMS, 20' x 40', ideal for churches A office buildings. 815/459-9405. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices, Weller's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (oA Rt. 176 V* block W. of 31), Crystal Lake. 815/459-3363. MATTRESS SALE, Twin set. $89.99; Full Set, 899.99; Queen Set, $139.99. Delivery available., Welter's Furniture Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rt. 176 '/> Block W. of 31), Crystal Lake, 815/459-3363. SANTA WORKSHOP Booked by 9/22 gets free rental suit. Call Fantasy Festival Costume/Magic Centre, 432 Virginia, Crystal Lake. 815/455- 4910. , COPIERS, new A used, plain paper A coded paper, sales, service, supplies. Valley Office Systems, 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake, 815/455-3050. HANGING CHAIRS, Rattan, 8150/both; formica rectagular table, seats 8 or more, w/bench, $85.; oak church pew, $150.; stereo, turntable w/speekers, $75.; 815/653-5876 after 6pm. FIREWOOD, Seasoned. We deliver. RAM Lawn Service, 815/344-0515. CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers the Clown for Parties, Picnics, and Helium Balloon Deliveries. Puppets, Magic A Morel 815/923-HEAR •••HAPPY GRAMS*** SINGING TELEGRAMS Male A Female Belly Dancers •••312/888 Jelly U 3060" KITCHEN TABLE and 4 chairs, 36 in formica butcher block w/folding sides, exc. cond. Great for small kitchen. 8120.312/658-6973 WATER BED & sheets, 6 mon ths old, baby furniture, hamster trail, pictures, A more. 815/344 5423, ask for Deb bie. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER, side-by-side, 19 cu. ft., harvest gold, exc. cond., $275, 815/385 5616. CIRCULATION OPENINGS The circulation department of any newspaper is always the most rapidly changing department. Constant growth creates immediate openings in all levels of operation. Because of this growth and advancements, we are seeking applicants for the following positions. MORNING SERVICE REP: Early riser needed part time Monday-Fri day 5:30-10 a.m. and a few hours on Wednesday afternoons. Responsible for covering carrier routes due to illness or vacation and regular custom ers satisfaction checks. Available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. CARRIER COUNSELOR: Part time position of 20-25 hours per week as sisting District Managers with hiring, traning and delivery of Elgin Her ald. Fxcellent for. student or housewife. Must enjoy working with young people / mailable at CAftPENTERSVILLE Office. DISTRICT SUPERVISOR: Looking for energetic, career oriented indi viduals to train, recru:« *nd motivate our carriers. Must enjoy working with young people and adults. Full time positions with flexible hours. PHONE SALES: If you have a pleasant phone voice and enjoy working with people, we have a part time position in our phone room. You are responsible for contacting area residents for subscription sales. Evening hours only at the CARPENTE RSVILLE offic®- MORNING RECEPTIONIST: Part time position Mon.-Pri. from 5 8 a.m. Responsible for phone and office duties. Must have organizational skills and be able jo work well with customers. Available at CARPENTE RS VILLE office. DRIVER: Sharp, out-going individual to supply, collect A sell our pro duct to area establishments Approximately 15 hdurs per week (before 6 AM) to deliver newspapers to store outlets for resale, and develop new outlets Pay based on profit from sales. Dependable car a must, as well as initiative. Ideal for retiree. AvailableatCARPENTERSVILLE office. Apply in person. No phone calls please. SHAW FOCC PMSS NEWSPAPERCOOUP SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville. IL 60110 EQUALOPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER HELP WANTED Part Time Circulation Sales People Hours approximately 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Involves crew selling door to door with carriers and selling subscriptions on your own. A reliable car is a must. Apply in person. McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street - McHenry, IL 60050 MOTOR ROUTE DRIVERS Early morning Route Drivers wanted to deliver carrier bundles and single papers in the Subur ban McHenry areas. Papers can be picked up after 9:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday for delivery no later than 5:00 am Wednesday and Friday. A small economical car is a plus. Mature, reliable persons please call: 815/385-0178 McHenry Plaindealer SMAW ritcpfttss Circulation NEWSPAPER AROUP 8:30 am to 5:30 pm 33 rVeisc* fworcnonoiio GAS STOVE, 2 ovons. never us ed, S375. 815/459-0248 HANG GLIDER with helmet A harness; 47" wht. vanity, never used; elec. lawn mower, anti que pedestal sink, 815/455-2357 after 5 p.m. or 4»->72 1-3 p m POOL TABLES by Brunswick, new A used, from $679. Delivered w/ accessories. 312/639-5660. PIN8ALL MACHINES by Brunswick, floor models. Half Pricel Call 312/639-5660. PERM WAVES S10 Off, Coach House Hairdresser* 115 W. Washington, Algonquin. 312/658 5770. Good thru SEWING MACHINES Special purchase New Home heevy duty FREEARM w/auto button holer A stretch stitches, cover, 25 yr. warranty. Lists $499.95, Sale price $199.95 WITH THIS AD. Quantities Ltd. Voss Vacuum A Sewing, Marengo, II. 115/5*17477. CANNISTE RVACUUMw/powe r noules, brand new In carton. $99 95 Quantities LTD. Voss Vacuum A Sewing, Marengo, IL. 815/568 7477. CELLULAR CAR Telephones, sales A service of all maior brands. Prompt, reliable, reasonable. UNICOMM, INC. 312/382-7997 WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, $89; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set, S1I9; Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742 7001 COUCH, brown leather, $150, 815/344-1456. WAREHOUSE SALE 700 Bonded St. Streamwood 4 Cres-cors hot boxes, $450 each; 1 Norris milk machine with shake mixers, $100, 4 Blodgett model 1100, $1400 takes all; 3 GE Pizza ovens- stackable, $150; 1 Ross Temp M Mtec. Merchandise USED REFRIGERATOR, runs r, looks good, best offer, old refrig«rator/freezer, frost ^ree, $150 Old school d paint, 115. Call latter 5pm. 115/455-6652 J ?UEEN SIZE bod, S1S0; SCM lectrlc Typewriter, $100. I after 115/455-4306 al 5pm flaker w/4 heads pop system, ifrfg. "ikery display case-refrigerated, self $750; 2 Raetone refrig. w/split doors, $400 eech; 1 Bake contained, $950; 1 walk In 4 X 5 Masterbullt, self contained, $1000; 1 Hobart grinder, $325; 1 Hobart dishwasher, model CRS-66, with dish table, $500, 1 Blakesley dishwasher, model 1M w/booster heater and dish table, $750. 312/130-3460 or 312 2700, ask for Dick, Ron or Al. ONAN GENERATOR 4,000 watt, $1,000. 815/385-7682 TWO 11x16 overhead garage doors, with track A springs, wooden, 815/338-0997 or 943 7276. CABBAGE PATCH doll outfits. Call 815/395-3057 after 2 p.m. to order. BABY BUGGY, Hedstrom, 3 in l, exc. cond., $75; designer wooden blinds, $50, 815/455- 0360. POOL TABLE, rx4', w/ptng pong surface. r >15/385-4260 DINETTE TABLE, A 4 chairs, wood A wrought iron, good cond., $40. After 5 pm, 1157499- 5594 POOL TABLE Edgebrook Brunswick, exc. cond. $3S0/best; lovely, beige wing chair, sioo/best. 8)3^459-8490. SEARS CABINET sewing machine, almost new, and queen sofa sleeper, exc. cond., $45each. Call 815/385-1288. VELVET CHAIRS, gold (2), $35/ ea,; hosp. walker, $15; Wood high chair, $30. 815/455- 4107. DINING ROOM Set with 4 chairs and buffet. Solid oak, good cond., $500/best. Call after 5 pm. 815/455 5877 _ lining room set, 1920 era. Reflnlshea, exc. cond. Table, 4 upholstered chairs A buffet. S450/best. 2 Duncan Phyfe round rose mar ble top tables, $200/best. 1 large coffee table, $35. Elec dryer, $25. Gossip bench, cherry, $75. Glass top table, $40. Mediterra- nlan upholstered bench, $20. 30 gallon crock, $30. Crystal stem ware. selv. for 8, $100. Cell 312/658-6583 after 3 pm. LIVING ROOM set, 5 piece, colonial modern, solid pine, $350.312/639 3120 HANDMADE WROUGHT Iron Room Divider, $150. 815/385-6998 BUTCHER BLOCK teble, 42", Br. A green stripe couch, 10 HP tractor, Yamaha dirt bike, 815/455-6462. MOVING MUST sell. Smalt chest freezer, walnut dining table w/leaves, dressers, night stands, ladders, white dishes- Ironstone. service for 12 w/ac- cessories, open stock. Call 815/338-1279. QUEEN SIZE Sleeper Sofa, modern, velour, light beige w/ blue, $350, Loveseat to match, $100, walnut cocktail table, $75.. end table to match, $75.; Call Marge after 5pm, 815/385- 8527. QUEEN SOFA BED, kit. table, 2 lamps, 2 oval braided rugs, lounge chair, hanging swag lamp, Necso roaster, am/fm car radio with 8 track, never used. '74 Sport Toreno 312/639- 7095. PING-PONG Table, $40.00; 312/639 9263. AMANA freezer, 20 ft., 19yrs., $150, 815/385-7335 BEDROOM SE i oak American Dri it 5 PC •rew, exc. < WAREHOUSE SALE 5 pc. furn. set: Sofa, chair, 2 end tables, party ottoman, from $499, financing to fit your budget, 815/455-4116. CAMPER TOP, S'3" x rt". In sulated sides, alluminum, wood frame, side crank windows. Fits Datsun, longbed, $80, jlt/^-3528after 5 p.m. MATTRESSES from $29.99. Linen Outlet /Mattress Li quidators. Hebron- 815/248- 4320. Thurs. & Fri., 10 - 6; Sat. 10-5. DINING ROOM SET w/6 cane A upholstered chairs, lighted china cabinet, traditional sf ' pecan ing SI, uphi finish, IVj yrs. old style, . Ask- 250 (new- &.300); large upholstered red booth w/ walnut table, like new, $300; 24 In. white vanity/ sink. $35. Gall after 7 pm Mon.- Fri., 815/455- 3278. DESIGNERS/DRAFTSMAN, drafting supplies now in stock clear print, drafting film, etc. Roden's, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 1148 COPY MACHINE, plain paper, like new, superb quality, many features, cost $3,400. Sacrifice for $675,312/724-8467. TEAK BOOKCASE, swivel base, $350 original, unusual, $50,815/459-8242. dark cond Asking $600. Call 312/669-3142. CARPETING Plush red, 75 £ds. with pao. 25 vd* rown plush carpetiny, iitf with pa«T 815/385-2609. HOBART 410 slicer, good cond., 815/344-5578 ELECTRIC STOVE, white, good cond., Sl00.; Call betwoen ls.tpm.815/459-63W. DINING RM. SET, Early American, oak, walnut finish, 6 highback chairs, $250. Hutch, $250/best. Water bed, queen size, 12 drawers, heater, mir ror, very good cond., s600/besf, 312/639-8231. WICKER Chair A table, $50ea. Wicker wall shelf, $25, antique oak table, $300,4 chairs, $50 oa. Oak chair, $25. Queen size headboard, bed frame, $25. 815/338-4148. BIKE, girl's 10 spd, $55. Black A Decker, W' drill, $5. Firestone Town A Country snow tires on rims, P205/75R14 Radial*, used 1 season, S40/ea. Scoffs fertilizer spreader, like new, $20. Seaway 200 inflatable boat, never used, $12. Aquariums, 5 gal., $5, 10 gal., $10.815/455-0776 after 5 pm. MAGNAVOX Console stereo. Am/fm, 8 track, turntable. Perfect cond. Reasonable. 312/695 3375. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS WANTED Northwest Suburbs R&DTHIEL.INC. ^ ' ' ' 1700 Rand Road Palatine 312/359-7150 yi AA|a/> AAAT#4iaiuIIAA ™ WW Wi#fWIW ENGINESTAND.SK Pop com maker, $5 „ 815/338-0571. MICROWAVE, Color TV, Stereo. Bikes Must Sell 815/M+09* W A S H E R A D R Y E R . Whirlpool, electric. Good operating condition, twm- 2741 aft ar 6:31pm. ANTIQUE SOFA A*Chair, d e f i n i t e l y n e e d s r e - upholstering, Moke offer. 815/653 96». • t HERCULOR goldpattera Ear- ly American couch. S3M8 or ,~t Ceii nvm- . 4721 after 5.00 pm Ladies tan like new London Fog trench coot w/zlp-out lining, size 16, cost $190., asking SM0.; ,' Coll 31I/S51-1fa after 6 pm or FROSTLESS Refridgerator, 19 cu. ft., Avacado, 5 yrs old. S250Cal1815/344-3341( 4BEARSTICKE Orleans. Oct. 312/639-8632. f TORO SHREDDER Bagger, $175. Homeilte 24 In chalnsaw. $195. Guitar amp.. S7S. 3 mat ching end tables. $10 each. An- y tique 4 ft. GM rofrloeretor. •> white porcellan, $75. Konmore electric dryer, SM>. Cord table LS10.I * chairs, $10.815/455^683 MATRESS/BOX Springs, queen size, shoots, blanket, bad curtains, $84.; 815/338 sr LIVING ROOM or Rdc Room lot, 4 pc.. Brown naugahyde, $300. Matching chest of drawers A dresser, 160. Large > desk, all wood, $50. 312/M»- , 3467. * CHAIN LINK Fence, four 50 ft. rolls, 11 gouge, never used, $25 -- roll. Compourv4 l, 26 in. draw per roll. Compound bow, loft hand, 26 in. draw length, one. cond., $130/firm. Combination windows, t double sot. 00. 815/344-4537 WATER BEO, king size w/heater, i sets shoots, $300. 312/639-4952, after 6 pm. CARPET, Llv. rm„ A hell,, rust, bdrm., 1 gold, A 1 green, raWnu."" ' SCHWIMM AIR DYNE, osier-, c else bicycle, mint cond., $400 . firm, 815/459-8871. O RECONDITIONED Color TV's; I consoles A portables, most.' sizes, from $125. Truax, Orsan ' A Graff TV. 1073 N. Liberty St., ' Elgin. 312/742-8220 COLDSPOT REFRG.. self ! defrosting,. 19 cu,', $100. Lorgio > snow blower, $200., small snow ? blower, used very little; $173., 11 10x11 carpets, one pink, on« > green, $25. ea. 4 old wooden chairs, $15. ee. Call Sit. 9-5; > 815/568-6742. CONSOLE STEREO by. Magna vox In dark frultwood , w/am/fm A tape deck, recently reconditioned. Exc. cond.. S250, 815/459 3943. ALTEC LANSING ir in. floor speaks Very efficient, oxc. one, walnut cabinets, like now. $600. Evenings, 81V459-4228 GAS RANGE, Copportone, dW. good cond., remodeling, S125. After 5 pm, 815/455 5820. POOL TABLE, 1 ft., ell ec cessories Ihcl.. plus o ping pong table to be used |n combination with pool toMe. 173 815/459* 4197 offers p>ft. f HOT TUB A alt acceseorles. $550/best. 815/338-8363 DUNCAN PHYFE dining room table w/3 leaves A 6 chairs, $350.; beauty shop equi., sham poo choir A bowl, hair dryer, 312/609-5921 CONCORD GRAPES, by fhl pound or by the bushel. 815/38$ ELECTRIC stove, self clean ing, wht., $60, very good cond.', 815/455-1797. •: WOODEN SHELVING A mlsc office equipment. Saturday Sept. 15. 7607 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake. ^ HIGH BUCKET SEATS, brown velour, like new, 8300/polr. 32 In. running boards, never used, $60. Coll after 6 pm. 312/658- 7198 EXERCISE BIKE, excellent condition, M0; 3 pc. Semsonlfe lugoge, good cond.. $4$, 815/385-1024. ZENITH 25" Console color TV 2 tone gold sofa, off white crocheted bedspread. Gd. cond. 815/38S-6im AM/FM STEREO 8 track, $100, CB radio, $25. Call 815/459-7459 between 1-Spm CANOPY CRIB Mattress, dresser A changing table. Moloyo maple. 2 sets linens. $480. Pine high choir, $25. Call Debbie, 312/952-0700 or 669 aw, FULLY EQUIPPED Hot dog trailer. Now In operation or can be moved to your location. $12,000.312/697-3180,9-3 pm. ORGANIC VEGETABLES: Tomatoes, celery, peppers. mellons A more. 815/923-2287. TAPPAN GAS Range, exc. cond., white, $75.00. 815/728-0977 REFRIGERATOR, Meglc Chef, 19 cu. ft., frost-free, gold, good cond., $100,312/639-9203. GRANDMA'S ges stove. Gray/White enamel. It works. $100.815/455-0632 ARE YOB A MORNING PERSON? We need people to answer phones and deliver paper shortages to our carriers. The hours are 5:30 am-8:30 am on Wednesday and Fridby. Auto mobile a must. CALL 815-385-0178 McHENRY PLAINDEALER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm snowreu retss 00600