Bu>tn-- Showc-- '84-f>«q» 11 Military bands to headline trade fair entertainment High School band concert, a hair- cutting program and magic show also are planned, \ The Air Force Band of the Midwest will play Friday, Sept. 14, from 6-8 p.m. at the Hansen Pavilion. The 566th will play Saturday evening from 6-8. A "Meet Your Candidates'* forum will begin the Hansen Pavilion agenda on Saturday, Sept. 15. County and state can didates will speak and answer questions. Outdoor entertainment will in clude a skydiving exhibition at 2 p.m. on Saturday, weather per mitting, and demonstrations of ultra-light aircraft and radio- controlled model airplanes during the day on Saturday and Sunday. The Woodstock High School band is going to play at the Hansen Pavilion at 4 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday's programs at the pavilion will begin at noon with a haircutting demonstration provid ed by House of Hair. At 1 p.m., various downtown stores will conduct a fashion show. The Woodstock Gym and Slim will provide a gymnastics exhibi tion at 2 p.m. at the pavilion, and at 3 p.m. Fantasy Festival of Crystal Lake is putting on a magic show. According to Brandstrom, the entertainment highlight of Business Showcase '84 will be the # military bands. The 566th Air Force Band is one of only 12 Air National Guard bands in the U.S. The unit had its beginnings as the band of the famous 33rd Infan try -Division of the Illinois Na tional^ Guard. In 1954, the band was deactivated. It was subse quently reorganized as the 566th band and stationed at Midway Airport in Chicago. contfnuwJ to page 12 SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT BOOTH D-8 & 9 LANDSCAPING. DESIGN / CONSTRUCTION I MAINTENANCE 66 Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 615/459-1087 DOUGLAS A. WILBRANDT A combined food and entertain ment area at the fairgrounds' Hansen Pavilion is one of the big attractions planned for Business Showcase '84, Woodstock's second annual trade fair. According to Diane Brand strom, chairman of the trade fair's entertainment committee and co-chairman, with Tom Neis, of the Taste of Woodstock com mittee, the trade fair organizers decided on a "theatre-in-the- round" concept for the food and entertainment features of the fair. "It will be a real nice evening or day out for the family," Brand strom, of D-B Enterprises, said of the plans to put the Taste of Woodstock and the entertainment at the Hansen Pavilion. Two military bands, the Air Force Band of the Midwest and the 566th Air Force Band of the Il linois Air National Guard, headline the entertainment lineup for Business Showcase '84. Brand strom said the entertainment committee worked for almost a year to line up the military bands. A candidates' forum, fashion show, gymnastics, a Woodstock wart FITNESS CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE CENTER • RACQUETBALL • NAUTttUS EQUIPMENT • AEROBICS • SAUNA • WHIRLPOOL •NURSERY * • HEALTH BAR • COCKTAIL LOUNGE • MASSAGE THERAPIST » SUNTANNING WOODSTOCK RACQUETBALL and FITNESS CENTER ( ( ( ( ( N c j n n ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) rad icome 1055 Lake Ave. Woodstock, IL 815/338 2949 /aA Communicates •Two Way / A\ Radios " •Cellular Car Phones •Business Telephone Systems the Booth F21 815/385-4224 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry, IL 60050