J :•! MM>K\I,J »UU;KAI I) i'RiOAV.u(TOBr.K.r», IHXI 24 MatpWwited CHICAGO CORPORATION Rert Time $7.00 per hr. RmII Time $360 per wwK. Mr. Adams 312/449-1920 PROOF READER Ei^erlenced in Graphic Arts, and SHIFT 3:31 to 12 Midnight Excellent company benefits. Call to schedule appointment 815/459-9450 GRAFTEKPRESS *704 S. Pingree Rd. Crystal Lake, IL. PART TIME, 10am-5pm, Retail Shop, various duties; Part time, fam-ipm, Chocolate WppwTralnee App'y in per son: Mellum s Confectionary, 'UN. Benton, Woodstock. PHARMACY TECHNICIANS Northern Illinois Medical Canter needs Pharmacy Technicians to work 4 or 5 days per week. Days, evenings or night shift available. Ex- preferred but not Contact: Nerthern II. Medical Center Human Resourse Dept. 115/344 5000 ext. 3M0 PART TIME- Possible Full Time position available In Crystal Lake firm for In dividual with experience In assambllng & wiring electro mechanical machinery. Please call tlV 439-7155. COLEMAN'S Famous tor Create Your Own ^ ww m uisnwainino person- nel. Apply In person. Weekdays 1:31 -3p.m. 7320 Rt. 31 Crystal Lake Halp Wanted Nil PEP Immediately, dMth erpenist tor • weeks on jr- W tatoresled caN lis/331 OWNYOUR OWN business In Crystal Lake a McHenry In multi MBVI raining provided. "Send rtawnato Box A M T, Shaw f5»Prws Newspapers, P.O. tsnm Crystal lake, II, Mou. PURCHASING AGENT INVENTORY CONTROL Acmslve individual with pur chasing, receiving & expediting awansnce. Send resume to: window Well Protoctor, Inc. P.O. Box 1937 Crystal Lake, IL 40014 FACTORY Ws are a well established manufacturer of quality shaft seals with asr openings for MACHINE CH OPERATOR NCLATHER NIGHT SHIFT Must be able to read blueprints and use precision measuring Helpmenl. Experience on NC equipment eplur UNIVERSAL GRINDER Macnlna shop experience is re wired. LAND IS Cylindrical or Blanch* d surface grinding ex psrtonce a plus. Must be able to read blueprints and use preci slon measuring equipment Rexnord offers a good •alary and comprehensive benefits package including sick days, medical/ life in surance and more. Call for appointment: Personnel 312/537 lioo REXNORD Mechanical Power Olv. Seal Operation *34 Glen Ave. Wheeling, IL 60090 <ewl^portwilly«mpleyefw/> NURSING ASSISTANT POSITIONS available for all shift? We will-certify you with no obligation Call or apply in person at: Royal Terrace 803RoydlDr. McHenry 815/344-2600 ^ Equal Opportunity Employer STAFF ACCOUNTANT Assist In preparation of monthly financial loumai entries, special analysis, review and update of accounting procedures, and some Internal auditing. BS dsgree In accounting, with good scholarship required. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER resportslMffttos In manufacturing processes forms products. Interface with manufacturing marketing personnel. Prefer 2 to 5 years experience In related field. PRODUCTION ENGINEER Protect work involving new equipment, purchases, testing and Installation. Bachelor's Degree In General or Mechanical Engineering preferred. SR. TAX ACCOUNTANT | Assist In preparation of company's federal, state and local Income and franchise tax returns, calculations of | the income tax provision and some tax research. BS Degree In accounting and several years tax compliance I experience preferred. * . FORMS LIBRARIAN Prepare portfolios of forms samples tor use by sales representatives. Code Incoming forms set business forms library from manufacturing plants. Uarco Incorporated West County Line Rd. iBarrington 312/381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F field f to ^ nipupmo NEEDED .... «hu«haraanlst f J* « "Wlfwtid Immediately, •t tor a weeks on- call 115/330- LC2£LL "r' BUNDLE ROUTE PRIVER Ior early AM delivery Lake. 2 hours per tfiru Friday. Must car or Lake WlCVi i Crystal Lake. 7K3 Pyott Rd., Wantadtofkiy flNMR Wurliher Juke boxes, eM sill machines plus assr*"-1 WANTEPTOBUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, •rasa. Batteries. Aluminum, AjIIIImBIIi Radiators. Gold & m*r.i «. C Metal Co., 24 St., Crystal Lake, fL.MonthruFrl -atoS, Sat # ta4.lt|/4M-4449. •UY, KLL or TRAPE Gum Old Shells and rotated Hems. IIS/331 4731. WANTED TO BUY: POLES, 10-It" diameter. •15/305-0025 WANTED: Lionel. American Flyer Trains & old toys & baseball cards 115/675 6379 altar 5:30pm. WANTED: beys bdrm. set w/desk, I13/33I-M31. RECYCLE Aluminum Cans (23t/lb. crush fdt. (llt/lb. uncrushed); WlMpepn (1</Ib); Glass (Mb.). Wed., Thurs., FrL 2- Jpm; Sat. 9:00-noon. 5005 Rte. Ski li Bike, Crystal Lake. County Defenders, G0LD&SILVER Catat, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS ft INVESTMENTS 3M Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois •15/4S5-6190 NX. COIN 4 STAMP CO. WE BUY Si SELL ••Crystal Lake Plaza •••I15/459 3940"* U Mlac.MtUnndlsa a Misc. Merchandise EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Gifts far all occasions. Pecoupaged Egos, Music Boms, Jewelry, Glffs. Open weekdeys Call first for eves. * •eskeiWls, 415/4SS-4IM, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. REPLACE your old furnace wllh a new High Efficiency natural gas fired furnace. Harold Johnson Heating 4 Air Conditioning, I1S/459-007I. USED FURNITURE tor sale. Large variety, reasonable. prtcis. Weiler's Furn. Factory OMtot. 4612 W. Rt. 176 (on Rf. WE Vk block W. of 3D, Crystal Lake. SIS/459 3363. MATTR^SES from 129.99. Linen Outlet Mattress Li- W-S. .• Hebron •15/248 . Thurs. & Fri., 10 - 6; Sat DESIGNERS/DRAFTSMAN, drafting supplies now in stock clear print, drafting film. etc. Radon's, Crystal Lake. 815/459 1141 KANE COUNT? FLEAMARKET Kane County Fairgrounds St. Charles. SUNDAY OCTOBER 7th 7A.M.-4 P.M. Antiques, Collectible Coins And Junque "Over 100 Dealers Welcome Country Breakfast Served ADMISSION S2.00 312/232 6264 KASTLE SKIS 193cm., boots-size 10V] & poles. $80. 312/695-0775 RAILROAD TIES, S3.98/each. Landscape limbers, bulk grass t pasture seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm & Lawn, 815/338 4200 Attention Phonograph Collector Lost your phone number, am in terested in the 5 p h o n o g r a p h s . Please call again! " Larry at Seven Acres Museum Union, IL 815-923-2214 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Fumlture»Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 63 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake If AM to 5 PM - Mon Sat 815/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) FANT ASY FESTIVAL Costume/Ma^lc Centre. 432 Virginia Rt. 14 - Crystal Lake. 81S/445-4910 October Hours, M-P; M. Sat., 9 5. Sun.; 12-5. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles; REFRIGERATOR, double tor .frost free, like new, reas. Hi/MS-3375 or 312/695-0775. DELUXE 6 pc. luggage set n/whaels, beautifully con structed. Never used. $45. llt/MS-1215. 14 Help Wanted Pioneer Center for the exceptional has Mm foHowtng positions open arftt Nov. 1st, \ni Our &ons «rr fbr a new re- sldwrHal facility for developmeptly dts- *W*<I*JfVU-TS«lCASE WORKERS Hours are 4-12 midnight, Monday-Thursday; 19 MI Friday. Bachelor's degree In Mental Health FlaM required or 3 years of experience In the Mental Health Field. . t tWl'IMK MNIT0RM AMTENANCE To work days. 1FUU-TME 3rd SHIFT SUPERVISOR Hours: midnight toSam, Sunday Thursday. * lmU-TRRE SECRETARY Office experience helpful. IPART-TRIE CASEWORKER! AIDE To work mornings, 30 hours per wetl. 2HOUSEPARENTS To work I weekend per month. 8pm Flrdoy to IJpm Sunday. Please contact Connie Meschlnl iiMdwitlil Services Dkoctor 815/344-1230 for further Information regarding these positions and to srrsngesn interview date KENNMORE ELtCTRIC stave, gold, $200 or best offer. 311/658 6338 WINDOW SHUTTERS Ben sen, exterior, color bik, 15 by 36, 3 yrs. old, $5 a pr 11?'H9 COUNTRY STYLE Couch W0»Stuffed back, rolled aims. IS. Exc cond., $175 nglish oak ladies $129 815/943-6048, after 6 SALT SALE Pell'*' gr,id»> $4.75/80 lb. Every 'si S,if. mo Huemantt Water, ko? N Chapel Hill Rd Johnslairg it. 813/385 3093 1/2 PRICE SALE 1 LITTLE CHRlSTOf'Hf K RESALE SHOP 281 King St Crystal Ldki> All Clothing From 2nd F loor Toes. Oct 2 Sat Od « Open 10 AM to .1PM KARO-- SUN kerosem. heale* Omni 105, original cai ton s?60. Ilka new, firm *1 io. ? w • iv 5362 GIRL'S 5 PIECt white Bedroom Fui nilore, 815/3S5 0509 ciHer 6pi»' BEDROOM SET. Sol«t Early American ft hiol qUss lighted headboard (tfygrri «=•?.#».) & dresser, w/qutw si«- »i tress A Spring A<irioii f & 1 3ht stands, new t? R0U v..'T I far $1,300/best otfei 311/197-6333 ask lor MicMI. . Evenings 815/455 tm. chlng nlqht stand $10 ler ftr i FIREWOOD, Sea^mwt: HVn deliver R & M Lawn Service, 815/344 05is ONE Ktoeler touch green, I H., modern, like ne* W5 ' f-nd tables, blond, step ilyle glass $15 ea I blond mat • • alstot each <.>r to (<ll .112 5447 -- , -- y DEN FUKNITliRF. -blatk vinyl couch, love sodl chair & otteman, •"? end t.rb'es, coflee table, stereo. $20ti 'ake* all' , Small pool tablet * .•?•) a, accessories SCtt <?leitiic ice cream maker ¥ 10 alter t |,m 312/428 1505 ^ FURNrtUREr table 4 chairs, $98.; queen sire malfre* & spr Ings, $50 . sitowet doors, $10 815/485-2636 32 Misc. Merchandise SLEEPER COUCH One..* site. Schweiger love seal sm dm. rm set w/ 2 chair s Ig din rm. set w/6 chairs; atl n cond. best offers After s pr„ 813/338 9556 I9S4 AJS 500 Twtn, 1950 be-.i 1962 BSA $800/best V PUCtt «S8/best; '72 Honda ?50 best; '76 Saab $i 500/.best 19® Gas stove, gr iy & wtiitp enamel w/4 burners, hiqh icy, $188/best. Call8'5 455 (Mi? POLARIS INDY 600, H3 a Hi update crankshaft «<Ht ni canvas cover, handle bat heaters, carbides, like r»»w $3,900 Lary ffo y recftner w/worklna heater «. vjbratei good cond . $50/otler 815'Jt« 3780 ask for Ouke CROWN GAS RANGL. works tine, G.E. washing machine S7Starbott<, 815/336 168? SUZUKI, 1976. OS B0 q',K:d cond., $300/best offer RfM.in son Pro BMX Bike high chrome finish 20 lb weiqht exc. cond . $375, best offer Rnce drom sef 5 piet%i: Cofeco Vision, complel"; iikv new, $100 ; Guitar , 'ri, w/amp 8, case. Peavey nr cond. $250. Call any even11in after 6pm, 815/455 <wn DOUBLE BFD, gmxl imd, maffress, like new, shelf head board Some linen. $!7S/best. 8l5/385-:tff68 TRADE-IN SALE your sofa $181, your recllner $50, your kitchen table & chairs $50, ycnir mattress set Hi. Weiler s Fum. Factory Outlet 461/ A Rl. 176, Crystdl I dk»; 815/459- 3363. WATERS Or m 'iale j SsViiL- MATTRESS SALE, Twin set, $19.99; Full set, Yw vv, Qihh*i Set,$139 99 Delivery available Welter's Furniture Chitte', 46)7 W. Rt 176 (on BI i'r> bio. k W. of 31). Crystal Lake ' 815/459 3363 Attention Phonograph Collector Lost yout phone number, am in teresterf in the r) p h o n o g r a p h s Please call again! Larry at Seven Acres Museum Union, IL 815-923*2214 AAAJCR APPLIANCE'S WF VE GOl fM Refrigerators, Manges q*s" & elect'ic, washers dtyers portables & l>igers. Clean 8< like new at reason ible prices All complete) y i ocondi I iowd & guafaritt ed WAHL APPLIANCE CENTER >Al ESS SERVict IW Courts' Wcileni 1, II 015,185 187? 815 'WS 1196 LARGE SELECTION ot recw dl'loned ap^Mcuwos inchxilng #ir conditioners wi'tt wirr rn'y, Thompson's Appfiante, 875 338 5611 USED & NL«)»sks cliairs files, t>cokr jses, storage cabinets, banquet tabtff,, work benches, conference tables ani drafting iahies. I ,«ge seletf'on at txrdget pnees Brant Eqrip ment & Supply Cu , 13' N Main St:, Crystal lake 8'5 455 ,5.so LAWN SWtEPtR SISV. long carriage Itp'willer & stand, $25 SI//63» ^18 ANTIQUE D«ESSEP w tg mirror, oaK S775 7entfl\ retordplaye- S2S. 815/:».»« 3*»60 OINING ROOM ,el 4 . train, $195. 78 wall i ab'rnel S t Ml , 815/45* mt> HART 'jKIS 130,'CM. l.vrulia 170 Wodlngs I orna,tj II rwots. lOVi, Kerrna pole* Snow ready! $160 b^sl, 815 ):W 3?«J after 5 p m LIVING KtXJM Furniture ' l»*ces Must sell Best otter »15'455 6H9.S WATER 8EO, q' ern si o tluia i tion w/ptaltor m & maltress. j UtyjIVtPKM i 19' COLOR Ml ISU^ISHI I .V weith fm,'stere<' anin ha$ own woedcato.net ri moU control 7 yrs.oid. S5(J0 hi5- 6458 DINING ROOW I able, oval. ran wood, with pads, <if*»ns 38"X 92' like »iew, a' king SA5.; #15/4 5V SEASONED tlRfcWOOD $55 pe« 1act cor <1 8'.5 *138 UM5 it ler 8f>.rn DOUBLE BED, $40 Singe. console sewing machine S40; t assorted luggage US 338 «66 y • • j , j 100 ,^prip<.| Cart. Rate reiidy W^Nfy c: petit I ̂ e, S/00 815'338-8S66 • OFFICE Ot Sk metal. 30X60 formica top, 4 utility 8. 1 tile d»a*»rj_l35 815 459 3135 i CMFST F«t:P/EM, 23 It 8JO0, oMbr, 1|>, Udrnv corne' jrouptng set, $?tKi 8i5/65:i 4356 BASEBA' L Card SHOW Ciysj-il Lake Rf 1 ?o A Burton's Ilwrlge F ollr.w Signs Ck.i 6 JO 4 f'qr Into Aody Wiile 5 159 442.1 CHI fRtf/FR Sea,-> ICcU. It, $65 815344 ld/5 18 SPEED UIK I $10 Man * suede eiintp, coal like new. ,$4u. it/ 4?« m'. 4M/FW Steraiturntable -In solid wood console. 195, coffee 8IS/38S en«L table, tike new, $150 I8SW63 !F MAGOHNf * itsl* 1 seat rerkei, railroad lantern, Whrll/ler utgan misc. items 8i5/nt«4*?j LAUIfcS tinei <lothmq, A'tra Suedr* full 'enqtl. coat I mat thing jk' » oorgandy, s 1 I?. Aotwm Ho/.- 'tiink jacket, btiftr oviitandlnq cond call h 15/45V 0585 after 6pm 3? Mis* Merchandise PINE HU1CM rop anliqi » teble lamp oak vwupi cSaic, pine laddr'i tvv k ctian l piece l(J9V4^e. 815/4 9-658$ atii-r 6 DR»' SltJk, pot table d*sli washer, fu. coal 815 08^965 SNOW BLOWER tor Sears 10 ll.p tractor Poor t#' lires n'Kwnted on t-V rims Lot* ot miles left 815/4S9 too? USF.D la f4 X ' tl st^l gacaae 'Vic# $101^, 815 <85 8*61 2 W'.)«tO SERIES Tkkets - Best otter a?k lor 5cntt 3'2 '428 7814. ETHAN «llFN traditional 8 Couch, retenl'y t '.overbed, 6350 llim. 815/459 6 709 TUBULE BED $35. chain »a*. $125 bug ktiters. $20 8. $30. fan, $25 ai'ilicial Xihas free, $10; humidifier. $20 Weber I eleclric.gi dls. $20 & 130 ^ pi*.nit table $20 10 elttrk hea'er. $25 3 ' ego Sjpace set;. $20 , V1 639 4«JI SKI BOOT'S sue 8, 1 year old. MO.; ladles ski boot's sue f. iklis 6. poles $50. olhei mist sklls 8, boofs. $.1 to $8 Misc. let skates. S3 to $5, 312 639 4031 OLO FASIIIONF O- home rars ed beel. hand let4 corn. No druos or stimulants Money back guarantee 6H per lb half Or whole 815 3.18 8112, Valley Vtew i arnv FAIRFIELD wing .h a i r s , blue 8, beige, Flexsteel sola, beige, modern wtiite bdrm sel, rom p l e f e T . / . a n d s t e r e o w/cablnet, like new 815 344 55^ FULL SIZF bed complete, white provincial Id'nwer chest 8. mirror, gas powered trim m e r & w e e d s p r a y e i Homemade Cabbage P a t chdolls, pretmles, A clothes, 8IS/338 4059 MOVING SALE Washer 8 dryer, apfliances, lum'ture. everything must go 815 'm 6078 SOLAR IS HE RE' Let Sun Wise Sol.tr System, cut yoor beating bills by 30 50%. Call Cascade Htatimj 312/639 6 >60 WASHING MACH'NES 2. Electric diyer relrigeialor; 815,338 459/ MOVING SALE, 10 piece oofr dining room set, Si/00, organ 11200, end tallies. V>'J each. Lamps, picture* retng., $25; air compressor $300 8I5//28 Ma6._ MINKCAPF 4 mink lx>a $50. each 312/639 4031 SE AR S F1 oslless Refrigerator I5.2tu It. Gold S?9o 815/459 6706 CEILING FAN 4 Seasons, 5 blade, never been used, $50, 311,587 6022 anytime. I'ATlO*DOORS Anderson 8 , wood, good eondillon, never u*. ed; Call after 6, #15 '385 8816. BEDROOM St. I Solid wik, e.* ly Ameritan, 6' high gldss lighted headbpard (queen si/el 81 dresser With queen ti/e mat Armoire 8. I L«tfl 32 Ml»c. Merchandise sr PES, 7 pi *6 * 84 green I pi /2 < 64 orange epM weave $15 ee Antioue' brass cod. 96 la IM' (IP 75 * 36 66e«oralor mirror »/» lcJ/455 m SOFA 80 n 3 cushion and easy 4halr w ottoman From estate Exc.cond 112/65#/860 APPLE II E Computer Twin DtK drive 80 (0l 178 K memory surge piotector, 7enlth amber screen, $IS00 HI/658 7318 alter tpm WEDOING DRESS, w veil, at cessories Never wor ., %i 7, $108,312/639 I6vI af>t 5pm SLEEPER SOFA l»rown & hM plakt Ik^ culori. Qood 1 orvli tk>n.$it0 , MS 45' 640i. WHY PAY MORF ? Twin sire mattress sets $«9 Foil site mailtsets, $109 Quean size ma'tlress sel, SIR?, Bonfc Beds complete wllh mat tresses . $189 Lenny F me Furniture "> ;• 312/742 7801 LOVE SEAT & CHAIR Set, like new, maize brocade and pecan $250 312/619 s«|7 T2 Mtsc. Merchandise EARLY AMFPICAN t Iv 1 m lufrt sola .jtieen si;.- sltet^r. toordtnailng w mo »<atk r halt 2 •nd table*., toltet l.tltle 7 lamps, free sla ving Ch.-val minor, all Utr new Carol, 312/6J9 5S85ot .17-619 IW8 FURNIIUHTSAI I Most m 'leverythlnq J1I/596-3/II .»tt 4 30pm MOVINt" Alt Sole & 2 chaos i; ,s Re. liner ,19 B&W! V & stand $4i) k dm rmsetsl50, 5 pc kit then set $75, 5 pi «ltd maple bdrm set $750, 7 wood bookcases S4S e.t w.tll j.l.tgltr A ornament, tables lamf>s. Chairs, elect portable \twiog mach $t> 5 gal watet tugs $210 ea , Bowllnq hall leather bee A shoes J15 Lnyirte anely7e"> sto ele< t hedge Shears, like new $25. F * lg plurnbet', vise $15 grease itap $8. Shop vac $15. ftusc lien s A ioarden tools Cash only 815/338 |l»0.' Moving Sale S'ars 7 hp 7 tltoe Snow hldeaem cond, US6 dining r i.*»m w*l & Irs. table break front $R50 , CLOSE -OUT SAl F' Monarch Mirror Closet Doses, all sires available Call Mirror Wholesaler s. 312/639 »t>A8 WOOD0URNING SIOVE Large too*, air tight, good burner Used for 4 seasons, SM/besI 815'338-6874 OAK FIREWOOD, $55 a face cord SI5/$4y 8162 815 544 2411 ilART S.iving tor SAN FA Sl.op early tor Xmas * save HI'*, in »(• shops during Oc rtubei 1 rails nTreasure, trout Park Blvd & Duncan, Elgin Tuesday Saturday, II 3 CHUMBLEV S OELI K Soda Stoop Is now open OWermg$i 88 luncheon specials. Includes sandwich ol the day and a hee ntedlwm drink. 101 W. Main St.. Cary 312/6IV 8240 chelri oNke desk.$50 815/455 49 W 20GAL. FISIITANk complete w/eccessories. $175 Pry B ir. $7$; 6 it X Mas Tree$8 00 312' 497 4.140 BE LL A HOWL LI movie camera A projector, $150, playpen. S25, swing, $10, High chair, $11 dressing tat.le. $10, car 8«at $10 infant tiothei, $20 815/648 4056 e-MAPPT GRAMS-- SINGING TL1 EGRAMS Female Belly Dancers ••»3I2 888 .»«)••• • gftmsnrmz&z* cream color formica oMic | ------>--------- -- BALLOOH bOUOUETS lor all occasions Have "Peggy Pig" deliver today* Costumed deliveries avail -7 day* a week. B'oom I r. Balloons 815,459 RAVE. ATTN: j PARK DISTRICTS, GOLF COURSES and ' MUNCIPALITIES ; We have 6 acres ol SHADE j TREES to be removed trom leased property this (all I Varieties are Emerald Queen Maple Honey Locust, Autumn t Purple Ash, Green Ash, Red Maple. S ilver Maple. Ar i borvltae and Scotch Pirre Sues j of deciduous trees ace :i 1/?' to S" caliper Evergt misarefl' to ; 10' Minimum qvdiitity pur choso Is 10 plants ! ADAMFRI1Z . NURSERY -- 312/436 5101 ! REFRIGERATOR. 15 cu It 1 avocado. S200 Call alter 3pm., 815/ 3»5 8204 OOOO FURNI1URE: touch A I chairs, you name the price it's j ywsl 312/63V B339 ARS GAS Range, 40 older ' ' ' 820.; (olor formica nil it" desks, 2 w/L's A one without Good cond, $50/ea w, L S7ntor other. 312/6974333 day^ Ask for Michelle CONVERSATIOl/ PI I, io pt new still bo«ed/-100'), anlrun njfkm oak tcwtrucllon Cost $099 Sell $850 Can deli,ei 312/741 5729 GAS RANGE, 30 f,ipp,.n avacado. $45.; UprlgM freeiet, 16 cu ft. Frigidaire $200 , 81$/45$ 6014 HOUSE SALE Or I 4th 9th Furrtlture, stereo t(>nsole. olu tetorjs, frames, clothes houseful ol mist items/ 815/4J9 18i3or459 7994 REFRIGERATOR, harvest aold. $200. Old oak sthool hMKherS desk, S200; dating rnt labte need» work. S50, chest frerztt, good .vonting order, $75,317/658 4708 SINGER FASHION MATE sewing machine v,/ .over A acc $100, best 815 344 5812 alter 5prit USE I) OFF ICE f UPNt f'JRt Reasonably priced 815/455 1148 HIDE A BED A 4 piece bedroom suite Call 815/459 7931 GE REFRIGERATOR. 21 cu H., Copper tone $250; GF 30 in eteclrlc range. $280 Both like Floral 88 in. sot^, S30 Call 5 pm, 815/459 46'16 GIRL'S WHITE Canopy bed | w, double dresser mirrcti, I night stand, box spring & mal J tress, $280 815/385 13/6 I FRANKLIN 30" woodburntng I stove $' SO.,- Phone after 5 pm. I 615/336 >.163 J DOKORDER 1140, 10 l<teel 1 le reel tape deck, $450/oller; ' Sunn Conceit Bass Amp, | $J»/offer After 6pm 815/455 vat _ t COPIERS, new & used ytain paper 1 coded paper, sales, service, supplies VaHev Office Systems. 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake (Master rh,ncje & ( Visa) 815/455 3050 {KITCHEN TABU Iv chairs. SS8 Simmons mallress and lx>x spring. $» Color T V $25; and carl, $10 Guitar, $50 Piay pen. $2$. Car Seat. $ 15.81 •>' 344 180/ I COPY MACHINE, plrtln p.tpttr, ! like new. superl .jualily. nt.my leeluros. cost $3 400 Sat rifica I **ws. mm* iu«/ COUCH A saltee, S50 Dining rm set. hutch, ^ clvttrs, \X)0 or best offer . 8'5,'338 48/s ' T Y P E W R I T E R a n d ICALCULAIOR Sales K Ser I vice. Portable machines : chemically t leaned for $79 95. 1 Knuth's Otltce Supply. 778 Main St., Woodstock, IL 1 815/M8 3535 j KINDl !NG Di led Hickory ^ | Lb Bag. $150 Call "15/648 I 2491. I WOODCN STORMS 8. Screens Mae's oveuoat, like, now s 1. ' 38R A nearly new s/ 50 Like . new men's work shoes, I7W, j 815, JU8 363V | 500 GALLON Underground gas , [ tank with Gas Boy electric I pump. S250, 7 bottom plow with i 3 point hitch, $125 T I awn I roller with 3 poml hitch, $115, I Jflhn Deere- 6U with mounted log titter and bo?/ saw, Yl.'JOO, 6" mown with 3 patnl htfrK $475. :>4" Uorer blade for 1 tmornattonal Cub. $U0 Call 81S/459 »4i after 4 00 p »n 3> riar age Soles RUAAMAGF SALF ,'Alcj St Mar<| Ocl.4, 9 4,Oc» 5. 0 8 Oct 6 9 l?noor» $100 l^g sale m Sat MOVING SALE McHenry 901 Hampton Cour t Oct 8thA5tW8. 9 5 i FwreHure, U»t»y tWm*. .tntioue dteesar. mtsc splitter Woods AGE SALE/Alqon<yuin srgaret Mar y Cnurth 15S HubbardSI CAPY 5fi W Ad,t Oc t 4.5,6 •» 4 Batov lurn. toys, games, loots, A mist. THIRD Anneal C rail Mi. 'wmq j »'00 :> Holfywo<»l lllvd McHenry Stinres Sat . Oct. 6.7 5 j Care bears, clowns, cabbage p«tch clothes, tolk art WONDER L At.E I Corner AI den 8. Wtj 1 v, (tod ' Saf Sun , 10/6 H. J; 9 6 Multi Fomily j Somotlitriglor F v>;ryonef | CRYSTALLAKl ? Family 422 James St; eel Oct 4. 5, 6. 9 5 iCIothlnu. living >oon than , (TV, radio, steceo. law mower, tnm* Wower. bo .ks g^mes, bowling ball, mist • JACOBS JR.tl AoS Annual Gai ag>* Sale Frt , Oct 5; 9-5 Sal .Oct t>, 9 I Jacobs H S Fieldhoitse £ HOME IMPROVEMENT I AWN CAKE WATKH CONDITIONINt COMPUTER ISOFTWAREl GARAGE DOORS HOME IMPKOVKMKNT PETCAKE BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT , SAND A GRAVEL Spreading A Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO-8T5/459-W92 BLACKTOP | ALLAN'S * BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50c/Sq. Ft. tior grading & blacktopp iffe only, on driveways (her 1,000 sq. ft. >Par Parking Lots 'New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching Resurfacing •Seakoating •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3940 Call Now & Save BUSINESS SERVICE v ATTENTION Small Business Owners perienced Secretary/Book per will do your cor spondence, bookkeeping, tilings, etc. in my home. ifcConfMantlal Service • 11*3*3197 Specializing In your computer nAmti packages to bualnati FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED 815/357712 CONSTRUCTlbW BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Home* 'Kitchens •Remodeling 'Decks •Garaoes •Atumlnum Slml SeflNs EXRfRT CARMENT1Y CALL ANYTIME •13/3M-0MS DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation A Finishing •Patchwork A Spray on Ceilings 815/344-1956 GET READY FOR WINTER BEFORE IT ARRIVES Garage Door Serviced & Lubricated for only $38.00. Electric Garage Door Opener & Radio Controls Serviced tor only $19.00 extra. Total saving of $19.00. Parts & material needed extra. Call SWANS0N GARAGE D00R 815/385-4830 OARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubi it died) $145.95 Professional installation available - S75 (Incls. service. A lubrication of garage door 1 BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/38^7219 RlMor.'fc i INO DFCORA1ING PAINTING & CUSTOM BUIL T OECKS Free Esliniales Ca" AERO CONS'RUCTION 815/385 00V2 A J * L Kiinj.O' "i/ry A KiXit" V Gfl1' »q«"j A Aiunnm ni' sottil»F a* • M'Olitt # R'xtlnu-Di'i.k l.ov, Prii f, ?. f r«-p f sii »'t^ "OI"le(! H I'lM •UlS 4m* II No Answet, C.< •15/45V 3<J88. Ext d.i> .f.> , GRAND PRf. tONTRACTINt > ard Clear up Meekly Mainteianc Complete Lawn Service & Design 815/455-5536 I' \IN I'lNfi I.ANDSl 'AHINi; THINK UREEN LANDSCAPING I, LAWN MAINTENANCE Prepare your lawn & trees for tho winter season •l.KAr RtMlvAL'FERIil 1,'iNfj •DEf HATCHING FIREWOOD y doOfted Wisconsin Red Odk FULLY INSURED 815/3854103 ORANL (.0MTRAC1JNG I' ufit.i g i'at. hiny ti npaue' ing W ni,r icpii.r' 'Milify v»Ofk t- n .tlff lals IteleftK.e!' 815/455 ^536 M(HfcNRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Low i ost •Spay niietei 1 vatinntwii •D09 H nueler, 6() •C <' Spay SJ(t •C «l nyfter VJQ 9 'RabM1. Vaviinalion S< 00 •' at 8, Dog Vactuation 00 815/385-0031 HOOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING • II Single t Xpert •Qn,|!i'y ("^dlp' l.l's • i»'-..ireil •1 'e.' E • A'1 v f k. 815/385 0009 FAINTING '.)f ( ORAllNG ommef^lal & Residential jf>,.i.i.iive Prn c Inter iofPainting & Wall Paper ino Guaranteed Work Quickly 8> Professionally Done Ask For Roger «I5/4S5 0IW SEWTNC, & Y ACL'I'M' KKf'Alll SEWINGWA.i INE * VACUUM CLEANER Sa'es Se» vnf 8. Pai ts • Household t induct' .a1 In I tfll'H' >e« v ice ^ree Pitkcp A Delivery KEENER&S0N , 815/728-0672 Introdoc lot y Of let RENT A QUALITY WAVER SOFTENEK *oi $1 0(1 Per Montn 1 of ttie I irSt 3 Months • all Collect 8I5/J38 3W4 DUALITY WATFU CONDITIONING W!NIX>W WASHING -ml WINDOW WASHING IN f, CHH " HIGH % i OW Rf">id<Milicil Conimcrc lal GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 915/455 5536 WOOL) RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate in. Ju'i'restor. lion of antiques, furniture rnd Kit^tiri* (abinet1. AKa khan reglueing: 815/315-4024