Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1984, p. 18

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*> Awtoe for Sal* jiotos CUTLASS Sierra. 4 gWm.PTW «rW'rtW>, AUDI FOX. '77, 4 dr.. air. am/fm, bucket seats, front drive. Ziehen, exc body " asking $2250, SaSSS"' f---i M Autos For Ssla FORD EXP, 12. p/sp/b sun roof, am/fm stereo. air, reclin- I no stats, asking $5300 or b«st of far. 312/658 9202 eves 1982 FORD ESCORT GL. 4 door auto, air, p/s, p/b, exc cond. 39000 miles, original owner, $4450 . jgg|Hi.3$40 Autos For Salt 7? Pewter Corvette Coupe S6.000 815/385 8941 «, FORD LTD.76 wagon, new brakes, exhaust, tires, radiator, overhauled transmis­ sion, no rust, starts in all weather, $1100., 815/439 0467. M Autoa For Salt FORD LTD, 8 passenger, 1978 Country Squire wagon, stereo,air, cruise, landau in­ terior, very clean. $2100.; Call 815/459-1496. 78 TRANS AM. T top, 4 speed, low mileage, exc. cond.. best offer, 815/385-4213 SPECTACULAR FALL USED CAR SALE Winter Can't Be Far Behind! i! So, put yourself Into one of our reliable Used Cars while the prices are still HOT! 1075 CADILLAC 4 Door Hardtop, full power, equip­ ped runs good. *500 1979 AMC CONCORD 4 Door, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, air conditioning *1995 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY STATION WAGON 360, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning. *1200 1978 MERCURY BOBCAT 2 DOOR WAGON 4 cylinder, automtic, power steer­ ing. *900 1977 AMC JEEP CJ5 V8, 3 speed, power steering, stereo, four wheel drive. *2595 1977 CHEVY BLAZER 350, Automatic, power steering and brakes, four wheel drive. *1995 \ I 4 4 I \ 4 4 4 4 4 4 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 Door, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering. '1200 1976 BUICK LeSABRE 4 Door, V6, automatic, power steer­ ing and brakes, 66,000 miles. >1500 1976 FIAT 1315 MIRAFIORI 4 door, 4 cylinder, automatic >900 1975 DODGE DART 4 Door, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, 48,000 miles. •1000 ' 1969 DATSUN PICKUP 4 cylinder, 4 speed. *500 1969 AMC REBEL 4 Door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 70,000 miles. Serv ing the Woods tock a rea fo r 35 yea rs . " BENOY *800 Motor lufi Oiuililij ' i nouth 6S6 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK. ILL . 81 5 -338 -51 00 V ' ' h H i m i p m vV <6 Auto* For Sale '76 TRANS AM, runs good. $l8Q0/best Call 815/338-0789. PONTIAC CATALlNA. '75. 2 dr.. reliable runner. $150. •15/385-4494 CAMARO, '82, low miles, exc. cond.. am/fm stereo, air, V6, $7800/best offer, 815/459-8071 home, 815/455-1010 work. CHEVY BE LAIR, '74, aood work car, new shocks, rebuilt trans., good brakes, good run­ ner, 76.000 miles, needs bat­ tery, $600, 815/455-1996 after 6:30pm. PONTIAC LeMans, '76, sport coupe, bucket sea*s, am/fm cassette, new brakes J°00/best Offer, 815/455-V580. '79 CUTLASS SUPREME, good condition, asking $4500. Call after 5:30 pm.; 815/344-5806. TORINO GT Convertible, '70, runs well, needs some work, $300/Offer. 312/639-2484. '12 FIREBIRD, p.s., p.b., automatic, a/c„ am/fm stereo, perfect cond. $6900/best. Call 312/669-5598 after 5pm. OODGE 0ART, '76, Special Edition. 2 dr., buckets, plush in­ terior. $900/best. 815/385-1143 CHEVY CITATION, '10, Hat­ chback, 6 cvi., 4-spd., am/fm, G.M. rebuilt brakes, nice. $2,450.76 Flat 131,5-spd., sport coupe, >350,312/658-7960. - 'J7 CHEVY, 4 dr., runs, all original, 6 cyl., , must sell, $850/best. 815/338-4399 '77 Cadillac Coup DeVllle, 2 dr., full power, exc. condition, $3500.; 815/455-6593. MONTE CARLO,'77, all power, $2600. or best; 815/315-7577 & leave message, or 815/315-7537. '78 FORD LTD Wagon, 9 passenger, air, 72000 miles, straight * clean, $2375., after 6 pm, 115/455-4356. CHEVY IMPALA. '77, 2 dr., am/fm, tilt, 76,000 miles, good cond., $1875/best. 312/658-5987 CHEVY NOVA '74, runs good, $300 or best offer, 815/344-4719 before 7 p.m. MUSTANG '74, V-6, 4 spd., body rough, good runner. $400; 74 Capri, V-6, 4 spd. for parts, 815/315-2512. CADILLAC SDV, 1975. Rosewood. Sharp interior, mechanically AAA, fully equip­ ped, some rust, 1 B15/385-0906. , VWBEETLE/65 gas heater, stereo $250.; 815/338-1062. VW square back, '71, very good bodĵ needs oil seal & "clutch, 0/firm. 815/385-6878. OLDS CUTLASS 71, ner, needs exhaust, offer. 815/385-6878. run- or best VW SUPER BEETLE. 74, sunroof. very good cond. am/fm, owner, price 312/658-5216. snow tires, original iced to sell at 81295, u Autos For Sato '80 MONTE CARLO V-6, air, stereo tape. tilt, cruise. $5495. '78 Ford Mustang, 4 cylinder. 4 speed, low miles, S2S9S. '67 Galaxie 500 Convert able, 1 owner, 67000 miles. $2595. '77 Alfa Romeo GTV, 4 cyl- 5 speed, stereo, leather Inf., 44000 miles. $2995. '77 Pontiac Le Mans, 301 V-6, air, stereo, $1595. '77 Dodge Colt, 4 cylinder, 4 spd., redw/black int., $1595. 77 GMC pickup, 6 cyl., stick, $159S/bHf. '71 AMC Gremlin, 6 cylinder, auto., great work car, $395. '79 Electro Limited, loaded. $4395. •76 Toyota Corolla SR5 llfttoack, 5 speed, air, stereo tape, 81495. '78 Dodge Aspen 4 door, Many Options, $1295. 74 Mazda RX-4,6495. '77 Cutlass Supreme, 66000 miles, tilt, stereo. $2595. 75 AMC Hornet. 4 cyl., auto., new tires, $1093. 75 Datsun 710 wagon, 4 speed, 4 cyl., $995. Used Car Factory of Crystal Lake. Inc. 815/455-2670 74 CHEVY CAPRICE, very good running condition, some body damage, $550.; 312/663- >426. MONTE CARLO .'78, silver/fikl. cloth int., air, p.s, p.b., am/fm stereo, tilt, 305 V6, cruise, recent paint, $4,500, 312/639-6661 after 6 p.m. CHEVY CAPRICE/79, full FORD GRENADA78, 4 door. Mdan. * cylndr, -32.5- auto, p/s., p/b.. air, radio, lust tuned up, fully winterized!, new plugs, brakes, tie-rod, starter, exc. tires, great heater, fine cond., starts easy all year, must sell- Omarried- asking $2000; -9659 ̂ DATSUN 2MZ, '76. 2+1 very gd. cond., new brakes, tires, paint, exhaust, air, louver win­ dow, hood bonnet, mags, $4,500firm. 615/4556704, eves; 312/697-6333. 71 CORVETTE red/red, t-tops, tilt whl., tele, wheel, p.s., p.b., cust. Int., new tires, paint. A.C. - AM/FM, $6,900.312/̂ 9-6076. 73 FORD TORINO Wagon, one owner, 67000 mites, runs good, $160.; 615/459-6014. 77 DATSUN, 260Z, 2X2, air, p/b., OHC, fuel Infection, ask­ ing 82SOOO.; Call 815/36S-59M. CORVETTE, 1974, 65,000/best offer. 510 E. Calhoun, Woodstock. 615/336-7944. GRAN TORINO, '77, 4-dr., air. auto., exc. cond., 61,560, Mov Ing, 312/666-0763. CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille '65, dark burgundy, a real beauty with only 7600 miles. Save $3500. Priced $19,400. 312/742-4130 days. 312/4264374 after 5;30pm. PINTO. '78. 2 door hatchback, sunroof, am/fm, 46,000 miles, rebuilt engine, w/approx. 13,000, 4 cyl., 4 speed, 312/639- 0327. a. I If*" 'kit i CLIFFORD-COLBY! NOW YOU CAN OWN A NEW 1985 VOYAGER AND PAY AS LITTLE AS... $ 282 PER MONTH *2400 Down in Cash or Trade includes tax, title and license. No additional charges. NEW '85 VOYAGERS IN STOCK NOW .... 'V-1 emaming nn 7; )y}v f ac YOU GET MORE! AT CLIFF0R0C0LSY WHERE QUALITY COMES FlfcST! _ OpWlSund«yt 111» J October Orrty S1S/4S9-9000 61W. MAIN ST., CRYSTAL LAKE • Hours: Mon.-Thys. 9 to 9., Fri. 9-S, Sat. » to 5 ' • Autoa For Solo OLDS CUTLESS. LS/80, V-6, auto, am/fm, stereo 4 door, $3700.; 815/459 9273 after 6. HONDACIVIC. '78, red hatchback, $600, 815/455-5468. VW BEETLE, 70. 63.000 miles, runs good. $900,815/455-4431 PLYMOUTH, '72, satalite, 4 dr. sedan, runs good, asking $650, 615/365-1592. yw RABBIT, 74, air, auto., i engine, $750 or best offer, 344-0037. 815/: '75 OLDSAAOBILE CUTLASS (Supreme, air, p/b., p/s., 78000 miles, clean, $l500./best offer.; 615/455-2354. CHEVY IMPALA Wagon/78, air, cruise, am/fm, good condi­ tion, S2500.; 615/336-1065. GRAND MARQUIS Brougham, '60, full power, many extras, clean, $5,800- will take very trade. Call 815/365-7736. DUNE BUGGY; open body, metallic green, needs worn, $400./best offer, Call Marissa, 615/338-6109. DODGE SHELBY,'64, Charger, 4 months old, still under warranty, 4 cylinder, 5 speed/must sell, $8150. or best Offer; 815/336-4522 or 815/923 2501. SUPER BEETLE, VW, '73, stick, good tires, new brakes, good cond, $950,312/656-6797. TOYOTA CORONA '77, Luxur 5 spd $17QQ/best. 312/658-9110. Edition, >d. loadec VOLKSWAGON Super Beetle, 1979, good cond. 615/338-0676, after 4pm, calli JEEPCJS'79 6 cyl., 3 spd., power steering 6< brakes, tilt wheel, mint condi­ tion, new paint. Will sell with or without snowplow. 615/726-1604 DATSUN. 74, as Is, 6175. 531 Central Parkway, Apt. 314, Woodstock, IL. 73 MUSTANG CONVER- TABLE, V-6 auto, new top, low miles, exc. cond., Call 312/931-5460 after 6 ' TOYOTA Supra, '79, exc. cond.. Ingci after 6pm. OLDS CUTLASS/77, T-top, auto, air, am/fm stereo, exc. cond., 63600. or best offer; 815/336-1653 or 615/336-6256. DODGE DART Swinger, '73, P-S, p.b., air, cruise, low miles, nice car. 61,600, 815/344-SSf. CHEVY MALIBU,'76, 4 dr., 62.000/best offer, 815/344-0403. MUSTANG, 74, good work car, $600, 815/344-0403. FORD LTD, 73, Station Waoon, Country Squire, $200, 312/639-0905 after 6 pm. FIREBIRD ESPRIT.'79. auto., bik. w/red cloth Interior, Sony am/fm cassette, p.s., p.b., B.w.. air. flit, cruise, like new Eagle ST tires. Lost job, must sell immediately, asking $4,600, SIS/344-1263. 96 Autos For Solo AUDI 5,300, 78. silver auto, luxury options, $4,200. 815/45? 1634 CHEVY BeauvilleVan. '77, V8, $2,750, 815/455 4930 HONDA PRELUDE, '62,5spd., sun roof, stereo, tape, exc. cond., $7495,815/758-0848. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak­ ing over payments. From $46. nponfh & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL, '73, loaded, gold. Must be seen. $1700,815/385-2919. MUSTANG COBRA, '76, 47,000 miles, air, exc. cond., $J800/best. 815/728-0721 WASHER, G.E., washes/needs work. $50. 312/381-3326 VOLARE wagon '77 good run­ ner fair cond oes offer'815/385- 3395. 17 Wanted To Buy CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 WANTED: Dead or Alive. Cars, trucks, vans. Junks tow­ ed also. 815/728-1687. CHEVY- 1955, '56, or '58 2 door hardtop, reasonable. Call after 5 pm, 615/35-1697. WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/439-8159. Auto Parts & Accessories MEYER SNOWPLOW, 7 f/2 ft. hydro-turn. (G.M.) complete $700/best. 815/344-3612, Scott. 365-2042, Bob. VW PARTS, mostly'69 & newer, 815/385-0998 after 6 p.m. 1979 FIREBIRD FORMULA to strip all parts. Also, stripped parts from 1974 Dodge Colt. AfterS; 815/365-7960. FOUR McGUARD wire- rimmed wheels. Fit HR 78-15. Asking $100. Call 312/683-3528. PARTINGOUf: Chevy Suburban/76 '70 Arctic Cat 74 Yamaha; 312/639-0544. REBUILT 350 Chevy engine, over $600 in parts, Sacrifice, $450. Hank, 312/639-5585 or 312/639-3368. NOVA '74, 350 engine, & other parts, $150 ,or best offer, 615/338-9256. Trucks, tractors 99 & Trailers GREAT IN SNOW! Honda Civic CVCC, 1977, Hatchback. 4 sp., am-fm radio. Recent valve 'oh, brakes, radiator. 61,000. 115/653-9646. Pi leather int., axe. cond., $2J95/best. 815/344-3926. FORO LTD, 1977, 2 dr., 65,000 mL 8 cyl., 6600. 312/381-3326 VW SUPER BEETLE, 74, runs good, 6450; also Ford 351 engine, short Mock w/heads, rebuilt, rever run, w/C4 auto., $350312/639-7241. MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74, 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer iacRs, excel, cond. 312/426-2047. ' CHEVY PICK-UP 71, 4 wheel dr., 3/4 ton, new motor, dutch, brakes, exhaust, more. $1500. 312/639-7716 after 5:30 p.m. FORD F 100, '81, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, 50,000 miles. Selling price: $4,500, afte 4 p.m., can 815/726-1310. new battery, good exhaust, tires, solid truck, $1100,815/344 5917after6p.m. Rich. WILLYS JEEP, .'57, good run­ ner, needs work, $450, 312/587- 6022 anytime. - '63 TOYOTA longbed pick-up, f/m cassette stereo, many SR5 cond., $5,650; optl 615, 90 Vans CHEVY VAN, '83. conversion, V6. low miles, loaded, capt. chairs, power, 815/459-5664, $12,500. FORD RV VAN, '77, 3/4 ton, $2,995/best. '77 Ford Van, 350,4 X 4 Pathfinder, has 'ire damage. $1800/best. 815/385- 5003 DODGE VAN, Cheap! , Fully carpeted, low miles 815/344-0697. PLYMOUTH '80 Voyager win­ dow van, p/s., p/b., auto, radio, like new exhaust system, 42000 miles; $5000/best; 615/385-2112. Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 SUZUKI RM125'83. Water cool ed, like new, never raced. $950/best offer. 312/6954775. 1982 YAMAHA YZ125, dirtbike. $600.615/455-3544. MOVING MUST sell. ^1984 Yamaha YI 125, mint cond.,,. never raced, $1200.; Classic '73 Triumph Trident, $1000. firm, in storage 5 years, needs tune- up. 81S/385-6244. V W TRIKE/68, Unfinished, many extras, best offer, 815/338-6469. SUPERGLIDE, '77, 1200 CC, 8300 miles, $3600, 815/338-8615 after 8 pm. HONDA TURBO 500, '83, 1,400 miles, adult driven, flawless, $3,900.815/338-6566. DIRT BIKE,'82, Macio, $500, 815/459-1747 after7p.m. KAWASAKI/79, KZ 200, 3000 miles, $350. or best; 312/639- 0109. ' 70 TRIUMPH TIGER, w/ex tras, clean, $1000., Call 815/385- 1378 before 3 pm. KAWASAKI 450,78, windjam­ mer, saddle seat, sliding backrest & many other extras, exc. cond. $875. or best offer, moving, must sell; 312/669-5754 ROAD RIDERS SPECIAL To be Auctioned on Sat., 6th'at 1:00 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, WOODSTOCK. Parking lot, Throe® & South St. 1979 YAMAHA 750 Motorcycle. Burgundy 6. Black w/Fehring. Low miles, adult ridden, Exc. cond. Blue Book value $1400. '61 YAMAHA, SS440, exc. cond., low miles, $1600.; 312/6394286 after 6 pm. 1976 K Z 650 SR, low mile $1200.; 1977 Gold Wing, $10 615/653-9434. 92 Recreational Vehicles APACHE CAMPER, 1972, f i be rg lass , no canvas , refrigerator, stove, sink, sleeps 5, recent mattresses, good cond., asking $1,000. 815/344 0660. FOR RENT: '84 motor home. Fall dates available. Low Rates. 815/678-4647 HILO TRAILER, 16 ft., 1970, model 1870 deluxe, sleeps 6, Mono-matk toilet, gas forced hot air heater, gas stove w /oven , re f r i ge ra to r , ir system, cond., $650., 815/726-1943. pressurized cold wa' Wonder Lake, to set up appt. MOTOR HOME, Pace Arrow, '75, 26 Vi ft., new generator, r, 2 air cond ~ " exc. cond. 1973 PORTA CABIN, pop-up, sleeps 6, stove, refrigerator, furnace, $1000., 312/426-7413. SELF CONTAINED camper trailer, 15* Highlander, makes into 3 bunks, stove, heater, refrigerator, makes ideal hun­ ting & fishing cabin, 6975.; 815/338-7615 after 6. • -r' '*» '-*-•« Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group t Now you'll be able to find exactly what you need in our EXPANDED Shaw-Free Press classifieds. That's because we now offer A R E A WID E coverage! Our classified pages are so complete that we can match tenant and landlord, buyer and seller, worker and boss in a matter of days. 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