Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Oct 1984, p. 12

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PACK 12 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12,1984 Leguls Legal notice , PUBLIC NOTICE VlllMeof McCultotn Lake: Ordinance 1168 which amends Ordinances 114, 65, 93 and 99, Section1, providing for the dates and times of meeting of the Village Board and The Rules of Order, of the Village of Mc- Cgllom Lake, McHenry County, Illinois was passed and approv­ ed Oct 9, 1984 and is available y for Inspection at the Clerk's of fice during hours DawnM Miller Village Clerk (Published In the McHenry Plain**!* Herald, Oct. 11, 1914) mm Logal notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION NO. 10757 APPLE BANK FOR SAVINGS f k « CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK Plaintiff, LARRY L. HELD -- • '• T y ) CASE NO. •w 84 C 5419 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that is pursuance of a decree entered in the above entitled Court in said cause on 9-10-84. I, Eugene Crane, special Commissioner for the Northern District ,of Illinois, Eastern Division, will on Oct. 25, 1984 at the hpyr of 1:00 p.m. at the front door of the County building located in the mail lobby of 2200 N. Seminary Street, Woodstock, IL. sell <o the highest bidder for :ash, fti remises the following described pi situated in McHENRY, County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to 1984 general taxes and to any special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate. Upon the sale being mar the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale vtfiici will entitle the purchaser to a deed on a specified date unless the property is redeemed according to law. Said property is described as follows, to wit: Lot 17 in Block 3 in Sunnyside Estates Unit No. 3, a Subdivision of part of Section 7, Township 45 N., Range,?, E. of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof'recorded 2-9 49 as Doc. No. 218139 in Book 10 of Plats, page 108, as amended by Instrument recorded 11 -3-54 as Doc. No. 285296, in McHenry County, IL c k a, 1422 Channel Beach Drive, McHenry, IL. Dated this 17th day of September, 1964. FISHER & FISHER Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60602 312 372 4784 Et^ene Crane Special Commissioner of the United States ' District Court Northern District of llinois f No. 03309 (Pub. 9-21,9-28, 105 & 100 2, 1984) No. 840494 GET RESULTS! TRY CLASSIFIED CALL 344-4800 TO PLACE YOUR AD! Legal notice ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION F00 THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,1984 (SECTION 10-17 OF THE SCHOOL CODE OF ILLINOIS) McHenry Community Consolidated School District #15 3926 West Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 ASSCTI Current Assets Cash Petty Ca»>. Imprest Funds Investments Total Assets LIABILITIES AND Ft" t \LANCE Centred Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES Reserved Fund Balance Unreserved Fund Cala ice TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO FUND BALANCE Acct. No t Educational Operations Building I, Maintenance Bond And Interest Trans portation Municipal Retirement 100 •* , - 101 10} (77,417) 100 13.751 (222) (11,053) 13,061 105 2,SCO 110 1,526,764 !,4S1,927 240,313 324.134 175,773 175,551 327,273 316,220 112,410 126,441 Site and Construction 703 704 DESCRIPTION Receipts/Revenues and Transfers Local Source* State Sources Fedaral Sources * TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES ANO TRANSFERS % 1000 3000 4000 7D.1D6 1,173,741 1.451,027 4,152,374 1,740,453 »0,32* 6,101,156 6,250 6,250 13,927 303,957 324,134 541,412 541,412 175,551 175,551 316,220 3)6,220 126,441 126,4(1 56,604 56,604 311,076 227,436 . 97,123 319,574 97,123 100 200 400 500 ft," vf wnmill/Espendlturoe and Transfers Instructions Supporting Services Nonprogrammed Charges TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS/EX PENDITURES AND TRANSFERS E xcess of Receipts/Revenues and Transfers Over (Under) Disbursements/E xpenditures and Transfers Fum* balances, July 1,1903 i •. i.- Ottter Changes In F und '•ifa - Increase (Decrease) Fund Balance, June 30, 1904 (I) Contract Payable GENERAL Size of district in square miles 41.5 Number of attendance centers 6 Number of full-time certificated employees 152V, Number of part-time certificated employees 5 Number of full-time non-certificated employees Number of part-time non-certificated employees . . . .44 Averaae daily attendance 2,511 NUMBER OF PUPILS ENROLLED PER GRADE Pre-Kindergarten, 20; Kindergarten, 373; First, 319; Second, 292, Third, 280; Fourth, 269; Fifth, 276; Sixth, 313; Seventh, 341; Eighth, 310; Special 48.. Total Elementary .. 2,841 Total in District 2,841 TAX RATE BY FUND (IN %) Educational, 1.38%; Operations, Bldg. and Maintenance, .250%; Bond and Interest, .189%; Working Cash, .050%; Transportation, .150%; Municipal Retirement, .050%; Fire Prevention and Safety, .050%, Tort Immunity, .018%, Special Education Building, .020%. District Assessed Valuation $175,314,123 Assessed Valuation per A.D.A. Pupil .... $49,818. Total bonded Indebtedness June 30, $740,000 Percent of bonding power obligated currently Basis of Valuation Used Cost Cost Cost 3.956,616 1,027,471 434,495 . 5,410,502 470,275 470,275 324,060 324,060 (12,192) m 175,451 1,451,927 609,606 (62,676) C < 171,896 7,558 4 79,344 * P 316,220 06,904 10,219 116,222 114,441 4.617 42,240 14,4)6 Assets Land Bulldiqas Equipment Value of Capital Assets $399,729 5,279,388 700,882 GROSS PAYMENT FOR CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL Salary Range - Lou Than $10,000: Gail Anderson, Barbara Bauer, John Bazan, Michael Bazan, Jullanne Cepulls, Richard Clineman, Loretta Coatar, Eva Cordrey, Shirley Craeger, Jody Cruse, Cynthia Denny, Barbara Dodds, Alan Oomlnic, Nancy Du Rei, Dennis Edwards, Mary Eiserfaan, Alexandra Elliott, Sharon Fair- child, Mary Finch, Terry Flnlayson, Steven Foster, Zelma Fritz, Debra Goins, Judith Gray, Mary Greco, Sheila Halasz, Diane Hamil, Nancy Inger, Ellen Jania, Janice Kalvaitls, Mary Kasprzak, Mary Kemmer, Mary J. Kiefer, Bar bara Kurth, Jeanne Kuziel, Joyce Kyle, Julie larkin, Betsy Les, Pamela Low, Gail Luciano, Marcella Lynott, Nancy Macarl, Laurel Markison, Mary McGuire, Roberta Mullen, Marie Muschal, Carol Netting, Kelly Piiner. Margaret Pritchard, Carol Rankin, Jerry Rankin, Stephanie Raynor, Alene Redlin, Frances Schneider, Rosemary Schneider, Leslie Schubert, Linda Seaborn, Anne Seaton, Don Seaton, Mary Ann Sharp, Gretchen Singer, Susan Snow, Lorraine Tacke, Evelyn Traskaski, Anne Uttich, Susan VanKanegan, Nancy Wells Salary Range - $10,000 - $14,999: Kathleen Alford, Margo Barartowski, Ronald Bingman, Elaine S. Bottari, Nancy Bunt, Patricia Caldwell, Roy Chamberlin, JoAnn Cuda, Carol Dixon, Joyce Dreher, Michael Dreher, Diane Ericson, Janet Gene, Fred Goerlng, Sanda Hef felfinger, Melinda Hodge, Dorothy Hollander, Glenna House, Mark Jadzak, Mary J. Kittl, Carol Koltz, Sally Larkin, Elizabeth Lolli, JoAnn March, Patricia McCrystal, Marilyn Miller, Thomas Mitchell, Cheryl O'Callahan, Faye Park, Linda Partenheimer, Carol Pogue, Linda Pohlman, Barbara Popovich, Leah Prasse, Ter ranee Reilly, John Rigby, James Roth, Deborah Sanders, Linda Santeler, Sharon Shafer, Linda Sherman, Marilyn Showalter, Kathleen Stark, Penelope Talluto, Elizabeth Thompson, Rosemary Turk, Esther Vadnais, Ceneca Van Tassell, Susan Warren, Sherry Wedell, Twila Weichle, Joan Werth, Susan Wirch. Salary Ranoe - $17,000 - $24,999: Marian Alford, Migdalia Ambrose, Richard Anderson, Virginia Bailey, Mary Lou Barry, Judy Bell, Kathleen Biggerstaff, Elmer Boeldt, Roxanne Brassart, Diana Brown, Constance Bunting, Janet Byrnes, Valerie Orby, Alicia Casey, James Cesaroni, Kay Collins, Mary Kay Loonrad. Susan Cox, Jacklyn Crosby, Susan Danko. Jerald Eiserman, Patricia Faellaci, Carol Fuller. Maridy Galioto, Muriel Gilmore. Marlene Goetschel, John Griffith, Marlene Grit flth, Patricia Guizetta, Margaret Hall, Paul Hanson, Dwight Hibicke, Donald Hodges, Dolores Hoover, Ruth Hubbard, Kathleen Hughes, Colleen Jackson, Nancy Johnson, Nor ma Jones, Albert Jovanovlc. Martha Kangas, Ma-y Ellen Karp, Linda Kaszniak. Harriett Kern, Janice Knight, Judy Krabbenhoft, Carol Kramer, Anthony Kryc, Dorothy Kuta. Greg lofgren, Patricia Lofgren. Jeanne LcWq, Patricia Lybarger, Diana Maas, Paula MacGllvray. Richard Matta, Howard McHugh, David Miller, Janice Natzke, Ergi. 'v<"nnnor. Kevlfi O'Connor, Timothy O'Toole, Mary Pro kuski, Marjorie Rabbltt, June Reeves, Audrey Regner, Nancy Sanders, Patricia Seaton, Bar bara Smiley, Donna Stanlsh, JoAnn Stumbris, Jane Thomas, Mary Ellen Thro, Louise Verene, Eugene Vitale, Donald Weichle, Marcia Wolf, Lorna Wolff. Salary Rang* Over $25,000: John Armstrong, Dolores Bolger, Daniel DeRoche, Richard Farmer, Henry Kenyon, Mildred Krauz, William LandH, James LaShelle, Eloise Lelghty, Eugene Marls, John Nilles, Edmund Sobotkiewicz, Oscar Sola, Karl Stueben, Donald Toole, Janet Vierke, James Warren. GROSS PAYMENT FOR NON-CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL Salary Range - Leu Than $10,000: Deborah Acred, Marlon Adams, Loretta Alheit, Christine Amore, Susan Banktqn, Monica Becker, Terese Behrle, Pamela Bellon, Diane Birkenkamp, Helen Bimingham, Mary Bitterman, Sharon Boger, Pegoy Boggs, Dolores Bown, Regina Cameron, Shirley Carlson, Dorothy Comstock, Diane Conaghan, Margaret Davidson, Mary De ja, Maria Derengovyski, Suzanne Deveraux, Alfred Dledrich, Marie Diedrich, Patricia Dledrich, Genevieve Dowe, Maadaline Dowe, Diane Doyen, Janice Druml, Deborah Dur- renberg, Marilyn Ehlen, Katherine Elkins, Marilyn Etherldae, Jeanette Everett, Nancy Farwell, Cheryl Flam, Cynthia Fultz, Sharon Gacek, Donna Gates, Norma Gathman, Eugene Gorman, Marcelene Gough, Kenneth Grissom. Marlene Gurske, Rosalie Hancock Linda Hastings, Christine Hauck, Thomas Hickey, Nancy Hodges, Suzanne Homo, Jeffrey Hunt, Daniel Jackson, Susan Jones, Daniel Kalash, John Kenyon, Carol Ketchum, Kenneth Klein, Kimberlee Kohn, Patricia Kollenkark, Victor Konieczski, Cathie LaBay, Louise LaMotta, Brian Landis, Greta Larsen, April Letizia, Beverly Longhway, Kathy Lundy, Debra Mack, Shirley Mann, Charles Martin, Roy McClennan, Catherine McConnell, Sheryl McCoy, Rose Merkel, Clafre Miller, Coralie Miller, Veronica Mullins, Keith Nelson, Viola Nickels, Connie Nleml, Mary O'Nell, Terry Parejko, Stanley Parlow, Judy Pedersen, Mary Pierce, Helen Pltzen, Diane Polidori, Barbara Powers, Sharon Price, Linda Prince, Cindy Rankin, ThoWlas Raynor, Cassandra Rhode, Kenneth Roby, Elaine Rogers, Mary Ann Schadt, Donna Schepp, Jacolyn Sheehan, Doug Sijersen, Eileen Sima, Carol Simon, Louise Simons, David Smith, Grace Smith, Virginia Stasiak, John Strittmat ter, James Thennes, Dorothy Virgens, Patricia Wade, Patricia Wagner, Jeanette Walker, Joyce Weber, Richard Weber, Lucille Wingart, Irene Weiss, Kathleen Wendt, Anna Wenk, Judy Wldhalm, Susan Wlenholtz, Cheryl Wright, Marston Wrubiewski, James Wynveen Thomas Wynveen, Marie Yurevich, Cheryl Zabroski, William Miller. Salary Range: $10,000 • $14,999: Gerhard Abraham, Greg Alderson, Gerald Becker, Jr., Sally'Belzer, Brenda Collins, Bernadette Cumm ings, Armando Forti, Irvln Freund, John Johnson, Donald Miller, Rita Thenr >s, Dale Rada, Kathleen Schaffer, Elayne Schultz. Salary Range: $'7,000 • $24,909: Gerald Becker, Herbert Brossman, Gerard Justen, Edith Nlmsgern, Vernon Relnboldt. SalaryJlange: Over $25,000: None VENDOR PUBLICATION REPORT AC Dyna-Tite Corp., 1,404 75; Ace Hardware, 3,822.13; Alexander Grant & Co., 3,500.00, Allen dale, 2,470.34, Althoff Industries, 2,494 44, The American Appraisal Co, 495.00; American Bindery, 1,405 44; American Computer Equip­ ment, 2,207.38, American Guid Serv. Inc , 503 84, American Lock Co., 849.44, American TV Appl Madison, 8,334.00; Anderson Pest Control, 1,090.00, Auto Clutch Parts Serv , 2,944 54, Aves, 1,214 95, Barber Colman Co., 1,442 26; Becker Food Co., Inc., 4,294.71; Beckley Cardy Co, 1,427.43; Berry Tire Company, 2,712.57, Blue Bird Coach Sales Inc , 34,237.20, Bolotin Inc , 3,217.50, BoncoskyOII, 2,953 19; Botts Welding «. Truck Serv., 974.29, Geo R Breber Music Co. Inc , 513.85, H E Buch 81 Son, 4,170.18, BUch Bros Plumbing Heating, 1,944 73, Bunge's Tire Center, 1,582.50, Burlington Wholesale Foods, 43,847 70, Buss Ford Sales, 943 99, Carey Elec trie Contracting, 823.04, Cary Dairy, 34,421.27, Center On Deafness, 4,752.84, Central Baptist Chldr Home, 2,111 28, Chem Rite Products Co., 1.259 08; Commonwealth Edison, 142,489.83, Communication Skill Bldrs., 502 08, Country Mutual Ins. Co., 39,531.78; Creative Learning Assoc , Inc , 835 89. Cv's Custom Paint. 2.975.00. O & J Automotive. 835 98; Mary Jo Decker, 430.00; Dennis Curtis Boiler Repair, 1,345 60; Diamond Chemical Co., Inc., 5,492.15; A B Die* Company, 549.24; Edward Don & Company, 733.19, Easter Seal Society, 4,875.11; Eastwood Manor Water Co., 2,444.30; Ebsco Subscr. Ser­ vices, 990.83; Economy Business Machines, 881.00; Edwards Brothers Roofing, 5,100.00; The E Iton Corporation, 5,797.71. Engineered Roofing Co., 43,989.00; Terry O. Ernsf Architect, 5,989.35, Exchange Natl Bank- Chicago, 144,017.75; Fairway Software Cora, 993.44; Flaghouse Inc., 410.11; Gordon Flesch Co., Inc., 2,424.49; Follett Library Book Co., 444.25; Fox Industries, 2,919.29; Fox Valley Andlo-Visual, 1,840.18; Fox Valley Flrei Safety, 1,584.14, George P. Freund Inc., 977.57; Fuel Inl. & Elec. Inc., 1,433.79, GCS Service Inc., 595.30; Gestetner Corporation, 1,544.20; Ginn and Com­ pany, 1,744.62; Globe Book Company Inc., 1,847.04; GM Audio-Visual Service, 1,090.47; Hayden's Sport Center, 1,007.40; Holt Rlnehart & Winston, 7.471.44; Hornsby's Store Inc. *34, 540.59; Houghton Mifflin Company, 25,959.02; Jos. H. Huemann & Sons, 938.84; Huemann Water Conditioning, 1,319.45; Huntington Laboratories Inc., 2,140.40; IBM Corporation, 3,340.48; Ideas Prof Computer Ctr., 754.00; III. Assn. of School Boards, 2,203.50; ill. Mun. Retire­ ment Fund, 83,130.05; Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 18,387.44; Illinois Delta Dental Serv., 3,053.00; Inlander Steindler Paper Co., 1,199.20; Interna­ tional Decorators, 4,808.12; Interstate Battery Systems, 887.r Jack's Maintenance, 714.32; Kappus Bread Co., 4,834.04, Laidlaw Brothers, 985.94; Lakeland Distributors Inc., 1,557.45; Lakeshore Curriculum Matls., 443.79; Larkin Home For Children, 53,214.24; J S Latta Com­ pany, 19,874.43; Leach Enterprises, 7,009.09; Lowery McDonnell Company, 4,453.50; Main Paint 81 Decorating Inc., 850.52; McDougal Llt- tell 1 Co., 14,009.24, McGraw-Hill Book Com- rpany, 1,253.57, McHenry County Film Library, 1,475.00; McHenry Cty Glass & Mirror, 4,504.83; McHenry Dlst. 15 Imprest Acc., 24,142.94; McHenry Dlst. 15 MM Acct., 4,111,048.93; McHenry Dlst 15 Payroll Acc. 4,259,743.87. McHenry Electric & Supply, 2,029.80; McHenry Firestone, 3,919.32; McHenry H S Dlst 154, 33,972.49; McHenry Lumber, 1,428.75; McHenry Paint Glass, 413.25, The McHenry Plaindealer, 875.72; McHenry Postmaster, 500.00; McHenry Printing Services, 452.70; McHenry Sand 8> Gravel Co., 11,471.40, McHenry Savings 81 Loan, 5,144,000.00; McHenry State Bank, 178,050.00; McHenry-Woodstock Disposal, 9,203.88; City of McHenry, 902.38; City of McHenry, 3,438.55; Meadow Gold Ice Cream, 14,173.22; Means Services Inc., 1,049.71; Charles E. Merrill Publ. Co., 704.54,-Midwest Bus Sales Inc., 14,217.00; Miller Associates Ltd., 1,135.49; Donald W. Miller, 850.00; Minnesota Filler Co., 1,150.75; Modern Curriculum Press, 3,090.00; Mohawk Refrigeration, 485.52; Morrle & Sons Inc., 1,144.34; Mutual Benefit Life Ins., 2,092.88; National Electric Supply, 714.28; National Geographic Society, 1,044.35; North American Life Ins., Co., 9,902.30; Northern Communica­ tions, 1,833.51, Northern Illinois Gas, 123,473.27; Northern Illinois Mack Inc., 1,975.77; Northwest Auto Electric, 1,103.44, Overhead Door Com­ pany, 1,178.00, Perma Bound, 1,012.01; Physical Therapy Clinic, 770.00; Pioneer Office Forms, Inc., 5,157.14; Pitney Bowes, 1,907.82, Quill Cor­ poration, 1,321.26; Radicom Inc., 1,144.00; Radio & TV Servicing, 2,320.04; Rallton, 9,294.72; Rand McNally & Company, 741.34, Raycraft Septic, 770.00; The Reliable Corporation, 969.37; Ridgeway Academy, 1,249.10; Rldgeway Distributors, 3,339.59, Riveredge Hospital, 2,390.00, The Riverside Publishing Co., 1,323.73; Robbins Schwartz Nicholas, 9,037.49; Robert- shaw Controls Co., 705.89. Rochester Midland Corp., 540.40; Schmerler Ford, 45,500.00, Scholastic Magazines, 1,515.18; School Bus Parts, 824.44; School Health Supply Co., 425 90; Science Research Assoc. Inc., 3.437,70; Scott Foresman & Company, 4,107.56; Sears Roebuck & Co., 728 49; Sedom, 454,234 63; John Sexton 8. Co., 14,969.25; Shlck Supply It Equipment Co., 770 40; Simplex Time Recorder Co , 923 00. Soc For Visual Education, 617.83; St. , Rose Residence, 31,804.90; Stoffel Reihansperger Inc., 2,345.00, Suburban Oil Com­ pany, 127,214.47, Swanson Petroleum Products, 3,199.55, Teachers' Retirement System, 304,415 31; Teaching Resources, 504.08; Tidy Carpets & Rugs Inc., 2,103 70, Wm. Tonyan 8, Sons Inc., 15,350.34; Triad Business Forms Inc., 783 89, Union Oil Co. of California, 1,037.13, United Benefit Life Ins. Co., 209,411.53, United Fleetway, 608.10, Unteed Scaggs Fritch, 12,200.00, Valley ochl & Office Supply; 1,517.42; Washington National Ins Co., 20,554.00; Whitaker Carpenter Paper Co , 9,158.50; John C. Wirfs, 1,849 00; Wolverine Sports, 1,484.75; Woodward Ford, 12,790 91; X S Inc., 712 50, Xerox Corporation, 8,810.39, Xerox Education Publicat|pn, 3,147.94 (Published in the McHenry Plaindealer Herald Ort 12, 1984) Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE ' Public Notice is hereby given that on September 26, 1984, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post- office addresses of all of the persons owning, con­ ducting and transacting the business known as THOMAS INSURANCE AGENCY, located at 804 NORTH ' FRONT STREET McHENRY, IL 60050 Dated September 26. 1984. Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk. (Pub 10 5, 10 12 & 10 19 1984) No. 840512 egal notice IF YOU NEED A BEST FRIEND Check the PET SECTION in Classified , need a y c larger aquarium Now you'll be able to find exactly what you need In our EXPANDED Shaw-Free Press classifieds. That's because we now offer ARE A WIDE coverage! Our classified pages are so complete that we can match tenant and landlord, buyer and seller, worker and boss In a matter of days. And everyone knows that when you're hunting for a better job, a place to live, or even for a 19th century thingamabob -- you can never read too many of those helpful little classified ads. Enjoy! IhlofrHMll N»wip»M'Or»v» SHAW-FREE PRESS classifieds When you really need it you can't read too.much. PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHEN&Y COUNTY - IN PROBATE NO.I4-P-250 In the Matter of the E state of MAR 16 W. MU L L E R E, Deceased CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of MARIE W MULLERE of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on October i 1914, to HARRY P. STINESPRING, III, One First National Plaza, Suite 3190, Chicago, IL 40403 whose attorney is Stinespr ing, Lambert, Schroeder & Associates, One First National Plaza Suite 3190, Chicago, IL 40403. Claims against the estate may z>e filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL 40098 or with representative, or both, within 4 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. (s) Vernon W. Kays, Jr. (Clerk of the Circuit Court) (s)Marj&rieE Emerson (Deputy) (Pub. 10/12,10/19,10/24,19S4) M1003 Legal notice PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS NO. S4CH210 COMMERCIAL CREDIT SERVICES CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, Plaintiff vs. ROBERT W. COREY, individually and doing business as R COREY 8i CO.; LE THI COREY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS. Defendants NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry Coun ty, Illinois, by the Plaintiff against you and other Defendants praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows: Lot 3 in Block 3 in Lakeland Shores Unit 1, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and part of Lots 24 and 25 of the County Clerks Plat of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac cording to the Plat recorded July 18, 1957 as Document 325703, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as 1801 North Avenue, MCHenry, Illinois, and which said Mortgage was made by ROBERT W COREY jor, to COMMERCIAL CREDIT a Delaware Corporation, Mor Office of the Recorcter of Deeds of . J'as Document Number 845018 And for- such ether relief prayed; that Summons was duly issued out of the Circuit Court of McHenry County against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending NOW, THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU, the said above defendant file your Answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance herein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 12th day of November, 1984, default may be entered against you at anytime after that day and a Decree entered in ac cordance with the prayer of said Complaint DATED. Oct. 8,1984 •9 (s) Vernon W. Kays Jr. CLERKOF THE CIRCUITCOURT MCHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS MarfcF. Kalina GUERARD, KONEWKO&DRENK, LTD. 100 W. Roosevelt Road, A-l Wheaton, IL 40187 312/490 4313 Attorneys for Plaintiff (Published In the McHenry Plaindealer Herald, Oct. 12,1984 "I SS I T ' S A S U R E S H O T ! Get on the ball with our strategy! It's guaranteed to get you the nost advertising. results for your money! The rules are simple and your ultimate goaL.from buying to , selling will be achieved without busting your budget. So play the Classifieds you can't beat 'em! Just call one of our ad-visors to place your ad today! PLAINDEALER HERALD m LUMBER CO SUPER LOW PRICES As Usual at Totem Umber TRUCKLOADSALE!!! 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