•AGE 14 • PLAINDEALER HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12,1984 21 Situations Wanted PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified Office Hrs M f 8 30 o.m. • 5 00 p.in 3 LINES. 5 DAYS / $8.80 I-UIVUI I'AHTVUNI;.\DS Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Adv#fti%9tt. pl*a%« thwk you' oH th» fIRIT insertion dot*. In th« event of on error or ommis&ion •he paper will be re«poh«ible Ut ONI Y the lint incorrect insertion. The new*poper shall be Noble for only the portion ol the ml whlf h it in error In cote ol on error notify the Classified Deportment at once. Coll Classified Dupley Art* III US 0170 Private Porty t Commercial line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond*?! IMl •Sentinel-Herald (Woodetock) •The Heartd Grove) *The Herald (Cardunal Free Free*) Poyment in odvonce mull b» Serv ices •Gorge le les *Mhv> Appts to Share •litueliettt t trior lei these ads *ftobysitting 'Business Opportunity* •Business •4le» *Owt ol Ihow Free Press Circulation Area •Politico! •Hooms lonl tlubleese Re rent. etc. 'Wonted to Buy "Wonted to Rent. I (Crystal LakefCary- ___ •Elgin Herald •Alch- Gazette •Sycamore News •The Herald#lalndealer • Genoe-Klngaton-Kirkland News •Hampahire Reg later. Alao available: •Horald-Cltlion, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous ataff la at your aervlce available V DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. MON Si. 5 P.M. . 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 3 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FR1. PLAINDEALER JTED. iS WED. 12 NOON 24 Help WenfMf 34 AUTO BRAKES Your Home/Mine-Reasonable _ Call Chrls-312/63t-44W .LICENSED COSMETO LOGIST will do hair & make up for that special occasion. Call Linda, 8IS/43M926. QUALITY CARPET Cleanii RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton A WSS. Help ilALHAk Wanted Associates. 312/428- leaning afford >!5/45»-7l94 after 5 pm. NATURAL SCULPTURED Nails by Robin. House calls B. $11.00. < made. .Call 115/455-0069. Announcements Cemetories ft Lots Cord of Thanks . Notices Cor Pools Lost 6 Found Personals . .. Instruction Auctions 02 03 05 10 11 12 13 18 Help Wanted Child Core <*19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wonted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted Help Wonted 21 .22 23 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous Merchandise. Garage Soles Merchandise Under $50 Antiques Bicycles t Sports Equipment. 36 Lawn t Garden Equipment 37 Boots .*. . .38' Musicol Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation 4V Pets A Equipment .. 44 Horses 8 Equipment 47 Farm 4 Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery 8 Equipment. S3 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 ..70 ..71 ..72 ..73 ..74 . 7 5 . 7 6 ..77 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent..; 81 Condominiums 4 Townhomes to Rent.....! ,....82 Stores, Office 4 Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sola. 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts & Accessories 88 Trucks, Troctors ft Trailers 89 Vans. 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehjcles. 93 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT CLEANING LADY Homes ft small businesses. Ex pe r i enced , exce l l en t references. Call Cathy. 815/338-4846*815/344-3714 GOOD HOUSE Cleaning available. Day time only. McHenry* area. 9 am to 3:30 pm. Ask for Kim; 815/385-0067. Household |ialn U/antarf ntip nflnTOQ WANTED: ftary Poppins. Working mother looking for older woman to come into my home to care for 2 boys (3 ft 5). Can come & go, need to be there for bus. Will negotiate salary. 815/344-5796, eves. only. ORDER PACKER/ WAREHOUSE Growing computer company needs full time order packers. Must be flexible with hours. Apply In Parson Profecto Enterprises 22N049 Pepper Rd. Barrington, IL. PROOUCT TESTER Growing computer company needs full time product taster. Some typing skills and basic compu te r know ledge necessary. Apply in Person Protector Enterprises 22N049 Pepper Rd. Barrington, IL. MATERIAL HANDLER/ MACHINE OPERATOR 2nd Shift Must be In good physical condi tion to move materials to ft from production lines. Must be dependable ft efficient. Apply &NFORD CORPORATION ISOOMcConnell Rd. Woodstock, IL PART TIME STYLISTS salon in Spring Hill 23 GAS ATTENDANT, full or part time. Apply in person, Auto Glow Car Wash, 7 L. W. Bes Inger Dr., Carpentersvllle, IL. DE N T A L A S S I S T A N T , Minimum 3 yrs. experience. 35 hours per week. Also, Dental Hygienist needed 1 or 2 days per week. 115/3*5-1360 MATURE WOMAN full time, days, year round, to care for Infant-in my Foxrldge home, beginning Nov. 5. Call 815/385-9054. STORE MANAGER WANTED to operate nationally advertis ed ice cream store. Excellent opportunity for right person. Must be experienced In store management. McHenry area. Send resume to: BOX AMP, c/o Free Press Newspapers, vanced training proaram and ly guaranteed. Cuurent Illinois Beauty base pay i Illinois Beauty Operator's license required. Cell: LINDA KLATT at 312/426-6355 beteween 10 am and 5 pm. SYSTEMS "7" Spring Hill Mall West Dundee BODY MEN wanted. Must have experience at combine tion work, 50/50 commission ft benefits. Must do quality work. Apply In parson State Line Col lision, 12013 Maple Ave., Business Property Open House Real Estate Condominiums for Sale Townhomes for Sala......... Lots ft Acreage............ Mobile Homes Farms for Sale Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent. PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPl PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PA< THE 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE BABYSITTER NEEDED In «014 our Bull Valley home. 3 after noons a week for 5 years. Call 815/344-4444 after 6 pm. LAW OFFICE SECRETARY, Must be good with numbers, computer ft telephone. Part- -- time. Send resume to Box PJO. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. AMV, * McHenry Plaindaaler, 381-Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931 -Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 64^-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvord cemeteries •ft. Lots! Child Cere Child Care • WINDRIDGE/Cary, 2 plots. portfolio, headstones, park ef- « Wet, $2500. package deal I; 4 GRAVE PLOT m McHenry Memorial Park, Woodstock, Call collect. Gleason Phillips, 1- or IH/K3-4167 'T CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL ' PARK ft UNION CEMETAR Y Choke Ms available as low as j 8275, Including perpetual care, u Catholic section. Terms. . ' 815/459-0547 PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open f-l lam. and from 74pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 SCULPTURED NAILS Three yrs. experience. Strong ft natural looting. Nail biters welcome. Call Joyce for app't, 312/458-2019. HAVING TROUBLE Obtainlr THANKS TO St. Jude for prayers answered. 6.K. 00 YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT ft KEEP IT OFF? Call Lynn At FltftTrfm For A Sensible Way Of Doing It 312/338-5146 NOT RESPONSIBLE for any daMs contracted by anyone buy myself as of 10/01/84. Timothy A. Graham. APPLES Golden Delicious, Splendor, Greening, many others. Sweet cider. Thunder Grove Orchard, 3014 Deerpass, Marengo, 815/568-8628. " THANKS 'SAINT Jude, The Sacred Heart of Jesus lor praysrs answered. P.P. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts other then my own, as of 18/11/84. Michael L. Mc Daniel. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 3.12/934-9233 ( piebrating 1 t 9r and ving More People F veryday Cal l : McHENRY C O U N T Y C O M P U T E R D A T I N G S E R V I C E 81 5-338-2290 u ' NAVINW I KUUDLC Obtaining Notices Health insurance? High blood can help. Contact John Holby at 1-800-942-2709 SINGLE •WIDOWED* DIVORCED Canfidentiai, dignified ft sim- St way to meet eligible new lends. Get our listing of local. people waiting to meet you. Our system works. Call or write: LISTINGS P.O. Box62-E South Elgin. 11.40177 312/742-7545 ARE YOU PORTUGUESE? Or of Portuguese descent? And •re Interested In the continuity of Portuguese traditions and culture. Please call or write to: Friends of Portugal, c/o Ike Bltton, 1230 Davis Rd., Woodstock, IL 40090. 815/338 1440 I 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more Info. 312/658- 2019. It Child Care FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free ft confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8000. MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-8695 RELIABLE MOM will babysit in Holiday Hills home. Ex cellent care. For information, call 815/344-3190 DIANAS DAY CARE, quality, dependable service, with ex porienco.. 815/419-3648 WILL BABYSIT Woodstock home, lp our Woodstock home, days, full and part time. 815/338-4M6 IB Auctions R E A L E S T A T E A U C T I O N DATE: SAT. OCTOBER 13th, TIME: 11 a.m. LOCATION: 1017 Duncan Ave., Elgin, IL REASON: To Settle Estate This larfe 2 story from* home with 8 rooms, city wa tor, sewer, hot water heat, end a fine location. Adjoin ln| lot 50 k 132. Real Estate will be sold in 1 parcels than tofether. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance upon closing and possession. Sold subject to executrix confirmation. For information, 312/695-038S. Executrix: Charlotte Henke Attorney for Real Estate: Thomas C. Rydell Auctioneer: DUKE RATH 312/695-0388 DEGREED Pre-School teacher has openings in her home for children 3 and up, full or part time. Greenwood School district bus stop. Planned ac tivities, hot lunch, snacks. 815/728-0793. /MATURE WOMAN to babysit for 1 year old girl In your McHenry area noma- occa sional eves, some days. Call 815/344 4723. CHILD CARE, in my McHenry home, full time, weekdays. Lots of T.L.C. References. 815/344-4523. MOTHER OF 2 will do babyslt- , full ting In my Algonquin or part time, 815/658-9103. NEED SITTER for Wed., Thurs., ft Fri. evenings, 4:30 to 10 pm, East Dundee ana; 312/426-9827. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE Mom, TLC for babies ft tod dlers, meals; 312/639-1055. Cry. 11 Situation* Wanted RESUME SERVICE ft all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. IT Auctions AUCTION LOCATED 2 MILES SE OP BLOOMINGDALE, ILL ON CORNER OF ARMY TRAIL .. GLEN ELLYN ROAD, ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER U. 12:00 NOON FARAM& LAWN EQUIP., HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, GUNS, TOYS.. COLLECTABLES JO 41 trader, 3 pi., sickle bar, enow plow, rear blade ft rote tiller; Mott mower; JD roto tiller; JD box scroper ft blade; JO snow blower; 2 wheel farm trailer; slip scoop; 2 rotary mowers; fert. spreader; air comp; barn timb ers; wooden pegs; wood paneling; wheel barrow; socket sets; Sears chain saw; sodering equip.; snow fence; (toets; much old lumber; tires; rabbit cedes; baskets; 2 seats lor van; FX6' bldg. Hoosier cab.; cherry drop leaf teble; 2 oak rockers; sm. drop left! table w/2 chairs, picture frames; oak hloh chair; terns; crocks; coffee grinder; spool Me; wicker rocker; 3 pc. bedroom set; New Home cab sewing machine; RCA color T.V.; maple desk; wood hall tree; humidifier; glass front oak bookcase; oek kitchen set w/S chairs; Frig, elec stove; G.E. refrlo.; linens ft quilts; Panasonic Stereo equip, w/ speakers; Ruby alassware; kit. utensils ft dishes; trunk; egg cases; coo- keo clock; wooden bowl; milk cons; scythes; neck yokes; redios; kegs; blue jars; Lionel Trains ft accesso ries; JD Farm Toys; metal toys; hockey ft baseball equip. 10 sp. Huffy bike; rocking horse; Remington Mo del 10 pump gun; 410; 22 rifle W/clip; ant. 22 Crook 2 copper boilers; lan- ioI twin bed; perlor la- Home •evens; ant. pellet gun; ft much more. RAY STARK Auctioneer: Gordon Stade, McHenry, III. 01S-3I5-7032 Clerk ft Cashier: Gordon Stade Auction Service RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1«S2 11 I Lost Si Found Johnsburg /McHenry, small FOUND, vie Hlfh School. black/white poodle mixture, male. 815/385-4961. LOST. Prescription sun glasses In blue plastic case weekend of 2fst. Vk i sun pi< i weeke Sept. 21st. Vicinity of Williams "St. 815/459 4672-around 6 p.m. FOUND: Tennis Racquet. Call for I.Dm 312/428 2665 FOUND small gray tiger striped kitten, golden brown face, female. Call 312/639 7800 ask for Tonya. CAT FOUND 18/06. Sunnyside area. Orange ft white tiger Stripe aduTt female. Very friendly. Owner please call 811/344 4567. BLACK and WHITE short haired Shih-tiu. male, white flea caller, friendly. College Hill ft Rte. 31. Answers to Lin coln. Cell 815/459-5787, or 455 3868. reward. LOST: Geld Money Clip ft cash. At K-Mart. Sat. Oct. 6. Money dip has sentimental value, keep the money. Return money dip, REWARD!, 815/4594342. Morris type cat, In if. 120. male. FOUND McHenry around R 3 years old, affectionate, 815/720-0666. LOST-REWARO: Long haired black ft white cat. Description: face black with white mustache, body all Week; stomach all white. Four white paws. 312/426 6685. FOUND KITTEN, vicinity of McHenry fire station, 815/385-0147. LOST DOG: Our beloved Fan ny missing since Monday night. 18 mo. old Shepherd/Cdttie mix, black with tan teet and White chest. Vicinity of Crystal Springs Rd. S300 REWARD! Linda. 815/336 7610 or 312/686 5524 BLONDE 12 wk. old male pup py. lost area of Johnsburg Rd. ft Riverside Dr.. 815/385-2661 eftorap.m. LOST. Wk.. gray, brown long hatred Tabby male. White ft stomach. Madison, vkinty. 815/338-6374. A U C T I O N REAL ESTATE, FURNITURE, ANTIQUES To settle the estate of the late Helen Palmer, will hold public auction located In Perenchlo'T Woods Subdivision, 21301 Robin Rd.. Harvard, Illinois. South of Harvard on Rt. 14 in back of the Heritage House. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 12:30 pm. HELEN PALMER ESTATE REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLO AT APPROXIMATELY 2:00 pm. Two bedroom brick ranch on .5 of an acre. Two car attached garage, natural gas forced air fur- nace (newer), fireplace, stove, carpeting. TERMS: 10% down the day of sale, balance at closing Seller will furnish executor's deed, etc. Sale subject to approval by executor. HOUSE MAY BE SEEN PREVIOUS TO DAY OF AUCTION BY CALLING: BRICKLEY REALTY 30 N. Ayer St., Harvard. IL 81S-M3-5375 ANTIQUES A COLLECTIBLES: several RCA Victor; old musical alarm clock- Old records, set of 8 Bavarian dishes; Rosewood 'pieces; walnut bed; porcelain coffee pot: wooden high chair; wicker stool; corner shelf; 2 cross cut saws; possible other pieces. FURNITURE: Davenport; end table; 3 casual chairs; floor lamp-table lamps; Zenith console color TV w/rotor; Duncan Phyfe table, 2 chairs; Zenith stereophonic; numerous straight chairs some cane bottom, wrought iron glass top kit chen table, 4 chairs; wicker sewing box on legs; sewing machine in table; jewelry; radios; pic ture frames; Friaidaire refrigerator, top freezer, like new; Norelco coffee maker; elec. broom; Electrolux w/attachments; ironing ^F.RD- »tool: Underwood typewriter I table; English printed dishes; odds St ends dishes; knitting St crochet needles; cedar chest; beddine, linens, towels; dresser; chest; I beveled mirrors; books; single roll-away bed; day bed; wood bed tray; vaporizer humidifi luggage; bathroom scale; matching Fngidaire washer & dryer. OTHER: Insinkerator trash compactor; 2 log chains, 2 step ladders; garbage cans w/cart; tire air tester; misc. tools; lawn chain; ~ equipment; walker: <H' ' bicycle; croquet set; XMAI W portable seat. OTHER ITEMS. »VFR.,0NEER,': EU*ENE Fredrick, SM7; Jerry Marrs. ' CLERKS: Marrs Auction Service TERMS: Cash or Check W/LB. er; elec. 815-B43- Farm Loan Serv ice, Inc . AUCTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 11:00 am. FRANK 1. MILLER, OWNER • 4304 N. Spring Grove Rd., Johnsburg. IL LOCATION: Take Hwy. 31 3 ml. N. of McHenry to Johnsburg Rd.. then go E. 2 ml. to North Spring Grove Rd.. then N. to 1st farm on right. REASON: Job transfer to Memphis. Lunch on grounds. NOTE: Most of this equipment was bought new and was used on a 120 acre hobby farm. ALWAYS HOUSED AND EXTRA CLEAN! LIVESTOCK: 12 Crossbred steer & heifer calves, S00 lb. to 600 lb. TRACTORS A EQUIPMENT: Case 1370 difeel w/cab & air, frt. wts., 20.8x38 duals (1317 hrs.); Sstoh 650G tractor w/loader. wader blade, one row cultivator and Woods «T RM55 mower (595 hrs.); Case 1830 gas Uni-loadcr (370 hrs.); JD A tractor w/4 row cultivator; Case 8000 6x16" auto reset plow; JD 210 14' wheel disc; JD 16' cultimulcher (like new); JD 16' 3 pt. field cultivator: 4 sec. 20' drag w/carrier; JD 7000 4 row 38" planter w/dry fert., insect. & soybean units; MM 10' grain drill w/grass seed; NH 479 9' haybine; NH 4S6 side rake; NH 276 PTO baler; NH 18' hay elevator w/motor; 218' HD flat racks w/8 ton gears; 16V HD flat rack w/stone box & 8 ton gear; NH 36 green chopper; gredn feeder w/gear; NH 354 mixermill; NH 5,12 manure spreader; NI1 row pull picker; 2 2S0 bu. gravity boxes w/12 ton gears; 225 bu. gravity box w/io ton gear; 165 bu. gravity bqx w/6 ton gear; JD snow blower; 3 pt. post hole digger; Int. chopper w/L row corn ha.; Int. 2 row cultivator; 8* tan dem disc; 1980 Kiefer Built 16' tandem axle cat tle trailer; 1972 Ford % ton van; Troy Bilt 7 hp. rototiller; stock tanks; feed bunks; 4 nyd. rams- 2 sec. wire crib; 10.5x34 tractor tire (new); Dr. Scratch cattle duster; cattle oiler; calf scale- Delta radial arm saw; Toro 16" snow blower; Lawn Boy 16" snow blower; 2 Sunbeam elec snow blowers; wooden pulleys; Greenhouse items incl. new containers, pots, flats, heat mat & greenhouse benches. ANTIQUES IT HOUSEHOLD To Be Sold at Beginning bf Sale: Horse drawn buggy; oak buf fet; iron & wooden beds; kitchcn cabinet w/flour bin; mission oak library table; commode; 2 glass showcases; dressers; treadle sewing machine; china cabinet; chairs; tables; dishes; crocks; graniteware; & much more. OLD BARN: Approx. 30x50'. To be torn down for lumber. TERMS: SEE CASHIER I AUCTIONEER: Bill Stade REP.: Tom La lor CLEIIK: Bill Bectstra RO TrU M CL,„nn WL 4 1 A .~J O NEED YOUR house cleaned? Call Lynda, ret., 815/455-5250. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, 810 ea., 5 yrs. ex perience. 815/943-4793. • SCULPTURED NAILS, manicures ft pedicures; Vteki; 815/455-1048. $L3; By BROOMS AWAY Housecleanlng. Reliable Cleaning Service. Call 815/459-7690 OCCASIONAL SITTER need ed. day or night, must drive, North ot Woodstock; 815/648- 3097. BABYSITTER NEEDED tull time In my Carpentersvllle home for 2 children. Must be mature ft have own transporta- tlon. Call 312/428-4364. BABYSITTER, reliable, own trans., 2 to 3 times a week. Must have reft.. Ideal for retired person, 815/455-6379. BABYSITTER NEEDED, full ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459-5757 LEGAL SECRETARY General Practice law firm located in Fox River Grove is seektng an experienced eecretary (2 years minimum) ceilent typ with exi mer skills. 312/i gram- & part time. West school area only. C) 5877 Call afters p.m. 815/455- CUSTOMER SERVICE REP 40 hrs., benefits. Requires typ ing, phone personality, filing and desire to learn unique business. Salary commen surate with experience. Send resume to: Box A M S, Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. BABYSITTER NEEDED In your clean Crystal Lake home. 7 mo. old girl needs lots of T.L.C., /Aon.-Frl. during business hours. Interested moms or grandmas call 815/455-6210 between 10 a.m. ft 4 p.m. AAATURE BABYSITTER full time days, 3 children, your home or mine. North Shore area, ref. required. 815/455- 2675.* MATURE BABYSITTER need ed in my home, 3 children, part time nights ft some week ends, navi Must have 815/459-5936. transportation. IB Auctions . NIELSEN AUCTION Discontinue Farming. Located 3 miles southeast of Volo, III. 3 miles North of Wauconda being 1% miles South of Cilmer Rd., on Gossell Rd. in Valentines lAkes'Estates. SATURDAY - OCIOBER 13th AT 11:00 A.M. BED • 600 Bates Mixed Hsy - ? 3 Yrs bid. 100 Bales Straw THC10K I WW MOUH1 • ID <0» Dm* Indor >/» f.. 3 ft I Dub. fori DM M4R Tncte 1/lNfcr BET Hot - ) Buckcti ID T Tractor ID 8 Tractor DC 400 Cycle Ptaater .'Bwtor 10 IS' UtiMklw K S/lf Se» MM 9000 to. K II' One 10 10' «M Doc. SC CrtN Iced Chopper INC &) In Ctew* IHC in tot Otff* « !#CI »«• ciiwcr HC Ikter, a**, m (6 PTO later fits I hr Parts. *1 Mom Case Ran A Bar Rake. NI 1 Mm to* Peter. (0 « lot 3 Pi Mat) NR. 3 Pi Pel Hole D«tr II Eltt ./Draj litt 50 6 bp 37 (ale fat tejer, X' M fancier t/Iratspert 20 Mwn Vpt. GeM 50121 SHI IMoa4m| •i|M. Ml Knots t Racks Greco feed Nap* 2<rarfj Beets t/Getrs. Rare Bei tope. 200 U Iterjlass F*U Sfra»er Case PIO Speeder, ID Spreader. 2 Sac SM One HcC S' (rat M eo Sled. 10 < N» too Planter Case S^e OH Rake. IC.fieU fafceta. » M2 1 2/U Plots ID Pel Disc ID 2 I 4 Bn Cttlmtorv IHC too* •«. Wert fine Qewer •/Hater Startae lettf Spreader "«m" 2 meet Iiader. D6t SMNHWC Ira*. IM Gal Need Mer la* 3 TEE tot Cits U10 Mod MM Hat t Feed lotto. Creep Feeder. 2ft 1 3N G* Fori LAOTA. ID fatpler Cement Hirer ( Sm> to. US Gran Blower, F Mtipacter. liae Spreader GEM Blowr T Pipe. Pctep lacks Porta* «rr Compressor. SM Posts. Wit. 2Dnc Blade Skarpeters Motor 1 Grader. I hi HJD Hames. 3 Um T Gates. RM Gilts. 100' faWe. Steel Work hod. OH Raodrrerkm Beock T/ioes Qt> Linker 1 Bwteraf S«pp<res fawete Forms. IU [Ik Sar. M TOE Tde. ? HP Cos topic. PWP lack Cattle Otters Stock Tanks 2 MMTETION Udders, Better? Ckor|er Prcsstre Greaser. Mortar Bo> Huts I Staples. IM lets HTARI lan Mom. In test I4a| Mow. feel Table len«|too 12 Cham Sat. 2 Old M| Hap Cases ID Walkiaf to. Sat Hones. Dreaches Forks. Slwris ( VIBERG N. NIELSEN - Owner Henry J. Kiiper, Auctioneer WISCONSIN SALES CORP. . Union Grove, WL 414-878-2421 MACHINIST Applicant should have tome technical school training and 5 yaars experience running metal lathe, vertical mills, grinders, etc. Ability to read and understand Schematics and Blueprints a must. Sand resume including salary history or come In to fflfrout an application. No Phone Calls Please. Computer Resources Inc. Cary Point Industrial Park 150 Chicago St. Cary, IL. 40013 An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. ftrtlng salary ft benefits. Free meals ft park ing. We will train. Apply in per son Monday thru Friday, 8:30 fo 5, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. CHICAGO CORPORATION Fast growing company needs ambitious people. Can earn Part Time 87.00 per hr. N Full Time S3M per week. Mr. Adams 312/449-1WQ EARN CHRISTMAS S$$$l Homemakers, part time job for full timepay. Evenings. Fun ft aa4y selling oil paintings. Call Maureen, 815/455-4085 or Carol, 815/459-2308. CHRISTMAS FREE Earn Extra Cash, Sell Toys, HOUSE OF LLOYDS Free Kit Free Training 312/424-3409 312/742-3773 312/742-9413 312/742-4560 PUBLIC RELATIONS. Great position for mature person who en|oys people. Senior citizens welcome. 25 hrs. per week in cluding some evenings. Need car. EOE/MF. Write: P.i 117, Cary, ILM013 0. Box office. 3812 W. Elm St., .McHenry, II. <0050. RELIABLE PERSON willing to learn. Should be familiar with basic hand tools. Full time. Starting pay based on ex perience. Benefits Included. Apply in person, Woodstock Glass ft Mirror, 1401 S. Eastwood (Rt. 47), Woodstock, 815/338-5454 days. CARPENTERS, full time, for ft trim work. Some ex- necessary. 815/338- 47. PART TIME Hostess/Sales Person needed for new homes- Real Estate Sales. 11 A M. - 5 P.M., 1-3 days per week. Salary/Bonus. Applicant must be bright, reliable and per sonable. Jim Davis, Windsor Development Corp., Elgin. 312/741-0112. SUCCESS! Unhappy with your (ob? Unhappy with yourself? Let me help you find your way to suc cess. Earning potential of *200,000 or more. Call for ap pointment after 6 pm ft weekends, 815/568-8144. TOOL MAKERS SET-UP MEN Experienced wfth high speed •lael and carbide progressive dies making close fowranced parts. AAA Shop. Excellent working conditions and com pany benefits. Apply at: Brunk Tool Co. 1225 Sine St., Lake Geneva, Wl. 414/248-8873 SECRETARY, full time, typing ft filing skills required. Please apply in person. Suburban Bank of Cary Grove, 122 W. Main St., Cary, IL. . 20PENINGS Waitress ft Experienced Cashier. Apply in Person Int. House of Wine ft Cheese., Rt. 12, Richmond, IL. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Must have 3-5 years experience with injection molding machines. Must have good understanding of electric ft hydraulics. Excellent benefits. Call 312/742-1864 Ar imIi. Molding CARPENTERS, experienced. Year-round work. Call between 6 pm ft 9 pm, 815/455-0602. DENTAL HYGENIST Part time in busy Dentist 11302 WANTED DENTAL Assistant, experience preferred, but will frain If necessary. 815/385-0055 for an appointment. 815/344-0453 WAITERS/ WAITRESSES, Jailhouse Saloon, part time, weekends. Must be 21 years old. Apply in person, 101 Johnson St., Woodstock. NOW ACCEPTING Applica tions for full time working foreman who has the ability to *wk with people ft to perform •» auto appearance services. Apply in person at Tidy Car. 5409 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake. 815/455-2003. AUCTION 7th ANNUAL JALL AUCTION - POWER SALES, INC. MIL- MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 - TIME: 10:00 UM. SHARP Uc*«:Tlb **• "J ̂IIL 3 mite to Rd, then 1/2 mil* •est , INFORMATION: 815-455-1496 or 115-338-1364 assJZX&Z m 30 TRACTORS: 81 JD 4440 Cab, air, power (NEW)! •WFT-TO JD 4«30iCab, air, quad. IH DEFCAB, dual hyd , 3 pi. JD 4020 D, wf, 3 pt. AC 185 D, 3 PT . WF . JP 2510 Cab. wf, 700 actual hrs. 1208 WF, 3Dt . Oliver 1850 Cab, wf, 3 pt. NICE. AC XT-1W Cab, D, 3 pt. JD 4010 D 3 pt wf. Ford 3000 D. 77 IH 250 Ldr. Tractor J Hydro. 3 pt, ROPS. Case 770 D, Cab, 3 pt. AC D- 17 Series VI. MF Super 90. Ford 8n & 9n. Case : §30 D, Ldr, 3 pt. Case 930 D. Oliver 1250 Ldr : Tractor. IH 400 Ldr, nf, fh. IH 404 Utility. IH - Super A A cult. IH Super C ft Cult. CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: Ford 4500 Ldr ! Backhoe. Case 580 Ldr. Backhoe. Case 1830 SK,D LDR. IH 250 Ldr. Tractor 4 41 bucket, D, 3 pt. MF 40 Forklift 21' lift side shift. Case 1150 Crawler Ldr. 4 IT 1 bucket. Case W-9 4 WD Ldr. Case 1818 Skid Ldr. AC D-15 Ldr. Backhoe. AC ^ HD-4 Crawler Ldr. MF 202 Ldr. Trictor. CAT. i 12 9T Motor Grader. 1978 Owens 24' Gooseneck Trailer (Like New). Melroe 610 Bobcat. (2) ! DynaWeld 6T Trailers. Hyster S-25-A shop Forklift. 1953 LaCrosse 30T LoBoy Trailer. JD 60 skid Ldr. TILLAGE EQUIP: Kewanee No. 218 Hyd. Fold 22H Disk (DEMO). Case 24' DOT Hyd. Fold Disk. JD 1100 20' Field cult. Glencoe 21' Hyd ! Fold Field Cult. AC No. 600 NoTill 6-row Plan-' T«"- Glencoe 5 shank Soil Saver (DEMO). Miller 12* Offset Disk. Lely 12' Power Harrow JD 110 13* Disk. White 253 13' Disk. JD RM 4 row Cult. IH 55 Chisel Plow. JD 12* 3 pt. Chisel1 Plow. IB 470 Wing Disk. Case 12* Offset Disk. NOBLE 6 row Cult IH 153 6 row Cult. Kewanee 1020 Hyd. Fold Disk 21'. White 5400 6 row Plan- to*. JD 7000 4 row Planter NICE! IH 7i0 5x16» Plow, JD 1450 4x20 Plow. JD 2450 7x16 On land ' Plow. | COMBINES A HEADS: JD 4400 w/Grain 6 4 I GAS IH 206 Combine w/2 row & Grain. j NH 962 4 row Corn Heads. AC LM 4-38 Cor-1 nhead. JD244 Cornhead. (2) JD 2 row chopper heads for 38 Chopper. HAY it FORAGE EQUIPMENT: NH ^J?ATLI(J9^ER-NH 56 Hay Rake. MF No. 12 Baler. IH WOHaybine. Ford4MF3pt. Sickle Haybine SUCK MOVER JD <85 REPOSSESSED EQUIPMENT PROM FINANCE OC. WILL BE SOLD REGAR- h ?? 0F.PRICE ATI O'CLOCK. There are 2 line* of equipment: ?ST 15>42?.W/158JIT- 5!?18-JD 4010 D. NF, hyd. (old cult. JD L«05I» SSSf Kovar ® Cutl. JD 0200 13' Grain Drill WTLER Some Misc. Items. No. *o. 12 Lawn Mower. DISK' FFI 71^5X16 Plow." IH 400 Cyclo Planter 4 row. JD RM 4 row Cult. IH 37 Baler IH aao ^YBINE Set of 10:M0 Dual, 4 5** SJ? ON,V"Y *»« wew S pt. Scraper Blades. New 6' K 7' Box ROTOTILLER. (5) MF * I0"1,3 PT-Plows. Roseman Rake. (2) New I Rake. (2) New 10T E - P®?* Misc. Gravity Boxes 500 Gal ISBFJISN ILSNL1"! )2i,SCTA W'4-SS Duals. (2) J MANY Misc. Tires, Duals Weights, Hyd. Cylinders, PAULS, Buckets (8) New 12.5 Lx 15 tires. Set of new 18*4-38 TIR** TRUCKS: 1979 Chev. K-30 1 ton Truck w/Air J}'000 H Stake Bed, Hyd lift sate! w/irTift 1975IH THOFTOS ̂T1"* 1977 Ford 051 MVJXS AUTOL»7<L 0>e». C-, NOTE: THIS 18 A PARTIAL LISTING SIJEUECT'TOCHANGE DU^VOI>AILY BUWNE88