PAGE 9 • PLAINDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY. OCTORER », 1*4 24 H«lp Wanted HOUSEWIVES MOONLIGHTERS f STUDENTS « Are you in need of a sup- J plementary income? Can b* yog wor|t Monday thru Fri- -- day evenings from 5:15 un- J fit 9:15, plus Saturday mor- 1^, nings from 9:00 until 1:00? If so, please call Mrs. Hayes at 815/455-4800 after U 6:00pm. * WOULD YOU LIKE To share wr your day to help a senior in their home? Chore/housekeepers and " homemakers needed Im-fi? mediately In the Barrington, * Waucorma, Mundelein and _ Oeertield areas. Part time t positions available. We offer flexible hours Mon.-Frl. Call 312/360-0236 between 8 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Equal Opportunity i Employer. _ ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS _ Full or part time - Flexible % hours - Apply in person. Four ii ' Seasons Cleaners, 924 Stone Hill Center, Fox River Grove. BEAUTY SALON in Carpentersviile moving to new center on Rte. 72 & 25, next to .p Dominic's. Hiring, Hair- u dresser, Manicurist, Pedlcurlst, /Make-up Artist and Shampoo Girls. •« Call: MARY 312/639-1021 CERTIFYING NURSING ^ Assistants. As a result ot the •0 new addition opening soon, we „ will be enlarging our present " statt. Nursing assistants cer- - titled class will start 10/29/84 thru 11/21/84 tor those hired for full or part time positions. Cert- tied nursing assistants are of welcome to apply. Competitive *v wage package and excellent fr * inge benefits. Contact Joan •r. Mackeben RN, Director of Nur- i sing, Monday thru Friday, 8 to •!r 4. After 4 pm., Contact Kim ?» Mollitor RN, Nursing Super visor to set up«an appointment for an Interview. Valley Hi Nur sing Home for McHenry Coun- ty. 815/338-0312, Equal Op v portunity Employer. GOOD PAY - SHORT DAY •*' Counter help needed. Apply <* after 2 p.m., The Crossroads Restaurant, 7608 Virginia, \ Crystal Lake EXPERIENCED Carpenters for Non-Unibn work. Call 615/344-1751 or 815/344-4606. 1t. TOOL ROOM Machinest, min. ' 5 yrs. exp. Apply in person Staple Center Mfg., 6711 Sands ^ Rd., Crystal Lake. 24 Halp Wantad 24 Help Wanted BUSY LAW office in Cary re quires person for general office Including duties of receptionist, traffic clerk & light bookkeep ing, full time, 9 to 5. Call 312/639-5535. GENERAL OFFICE- well groomed, reliable individual w/ accurate secretarial skills & pleasant personality; prefer non- smoker. Some days, eves 8> Sat. morns., 4-20 hrs. per wk. Send resume to Box AMZ, Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. SUCCESS! Unhappy' with your j$b? Unhappy With yourself? Let me help you find your way to suc cess. Earning -potential of 1200,000 or more. Call for ap pointment t after 6 pm & weekends, 815/568-8144. 2 MECHANICS, experienced Algonquin Imports. Call 312/658-4100. BARTENDER, experienced, full time, evenings & weekends. 312/428-8000. SEMI DRIVERS WANTED Short hauls, out son* nights, should live <;lose to terminal. Fulhbenefits 20 cents per mile to start + stop pay. 2 yrs. semi driving experience desired. KOU BEN EC MOTOR SERVICE, INC. 3/4 mile south of Huntley on Rte. 47. 312/669-3342 FREEGEDCLASSES ; U46 Central School Call 312/888-5179 BUS BOY/DISHWASHER Part time, evening position for clean cut high school Junior or Senior, at private East Dundee Supper Club. * 312/426-7710 PART TIME A famous company since 1937 that has continously provided a quality service, electrolysis, needs a part time dermaticlan. Crystal Lake location. Will train. Need person with poise and dexterity. Could become a full time position. Call 815/455- 0990. METALWORKERS Looking for people experienced in layout, welding, fabricating or installing of sheet metal pro ducts. Contact Bildon In dustries, 5002 Rlckert, Crystal Lake, IL. 815/455-6912 CAR-X MUFFLER Experienced mechanic or trainee needed. Salary + bonus, overtime available. Ap ply Weekdays and Saturdays at; , 393 Virginia Crystal Lake NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. starting salary 8, benefits. Free meals & park ing. We will train. Apply in per son Monday thru Friday, 8:30 to 5, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. PERSONS to work In wood working shop in McHenry. Ex perience helpful. No age limit, so you retirees give us a call too, full or part time, 815/728- 1885. . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERIJ FULLTIME Must have minimum of 1 year experience in ac counts payable. Please call personnel for appoint ment. 312/639-2361 Coilcraft; Cary IL PART-TIME /Mornings. Salary basis. Dependable transporta tion required. Monday through Friday, 15 hours per week. Call Steve at 312/4260655, Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group. •JOB HUNTING?* Let Janet Marsh Teach You How To Find a Job! CALL JANET MARSH, MSW •815/338-8621• SERVICEMASTER Full time, steady employment. Carpet, furniture, floor & Wall cleaning. No experience necessary. Working In Crystal Lake, Barrington & McHfnry areas. 312/381-1620 EXPERIENCED PRESSER COUNTER PERSON, Mornings Part Time Apply In person: Crystal Cleaners 52 E. Brink Crystal Lake 815/459-9803 ARTISTIC COLOR Clinicians needed. Complete training pro gram available. Choose own hours. Call Jamie at 312/631- 6379 • FAST GROWING accounting firm in McHenry County area needs experienced CPA. Part nership potential available. Good benefits & working condi tions. Send resume to BOX A N A, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. WE HAVE JOBS... ...If you are a high energy person who prefers challenges fo boring rou tine. We want motivated, goal-oriented individuals who are looking for career opportunities and are dedicated to company, as well as personal, success. Full time positions are eligible for medical and life insurance, paid vacations, holidays and profit-sharing. If you possess the required skills for any of these positions or believe your background and previous experience qualify you, please apply at any of the Shaw Free Press Newspapers or send a resume. Successful candidates fcill be contacted for interviews.' ... EDITORIAL SPORTS STRINGER: Part time position responsible for covering high • school athletfts* wl^iOg6FeMts^p*h«|eito mrf^atherlng statistics for county teamsi4injlj with area teams pre ferred. Must B?SW™WOT^we^WnW™na ftWnffle enough to handle last m«slq0M|^St..Ed^lence>lth Wfpm camera preferred. Car ne cessary. PosffiffiTavaiiabfe^WO©OStOCK *nd CA*PEI4T€RSVILLE office. NEWS STRINGERS: Part time. Will do news coverage of area events as assigned. All you need, is reliable transportation, be willing to work flex ible hours and have some previous writing experience. Position available immediately at CARPENTERSVILLE office. EDITORIAL CLERK: Full time (30-40 hrs.) position available for ener getic person to cover editorial department during morning hours. Res ponsibilities include typing copy, answering calls and alerting reporters to news events. Must type 45 50 wpm accurately, possess good grammar skills and enjoy working with the public. Some writing ability also pre ferred. Available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. CLASSIFIED PRIVATE PARTY ADVISOR: Part time position for energetic indi vidual with sales and customer relations ability. Must be able to type (mlnumum 40 wpm), possess good spelling skills and can keep compo sure under deadline pressure. Responsibilities Include taking private party classified ads, answering informational calls and other various du ties. Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8:30-5:00. Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. TELEMARKETING SALES REP: Full time position responsible for tele phone sales of classified ads and special promotions, maintaining ac count files and CRT typesetting. Candidates must possess accurate typ ing ability of 45 wpm, excellent spelllno skills, and sales ability. Position requires energetic person who enjoys working with public and can deal with deadline pressures. Available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. ADVERTISING PRODUCTION TYPESETTER: Part-time and full-time positions requiring accurate typing of 40-45 wpm with the abflity tdMearn quickly and use a common sense approach to the job. Responsible for typesetting ads and some edi torial. Part time position require Monday night hours. Both positions available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. LAYOUT ARTIST: Full time position assisting advertising sales depart ment with layout and design. Prevtous ad production experience re quired. Position relies heavily on creativity and organizational abilities. Does not require free hand drawing, but would be a plus. Position avail able at CARPENTE RSVILLE office. MAILROOM DRIVERS: Position required good driving record with some experience driving a straight truck preferred. Class C license would be an extra plus. Must be able to understand map directions and navigate in city traffic. Duties include bundle delivery to carriers, commercial deliveries and miscellaneous warehouse duties. Flexible hours based on work load. Position available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. MAILROOM HELP: Immediate openings for help in our mailroom col lating newspapers and other miscellaneous mailroom duties. Must be -able to work flexible hours dependent upon work load. Position requires dependeable, energetic persons. Some lifting required. Available at CAR PENTERSVILLE office. CIRCULATION BUNDLE DRIVERS: Early morning positions for dependable Indi viduals. Requires delivery of carrier bundles and service checks of /out«. Reliable transportation necessary (will need larger car, truck or van) and the ability to deal with young people and. adults. Positions available in CRYSTAL LAKE area from 3-5 a.m. Monday-Friday and in CARPENTERSVILLE from5a.m.-7a.m. Monday-Friday. MORNING SERVICE REP: Early riser needed part time Mondays-Fri day 5:30-10 a.m. and a few hours on Wednesday afternoons. Responsible for covering carrier routes due to Illness or vacation and regular custom ers satisfaction checks. Available at CARPE NTE RSVILLE offlci. DISTRICT MANAGERS: Sharp, out goinglndividuals with sales abilities are needed to trafh, recruit and motivate carriers within an assigned ter ritory. Prefer career-oriented individuals with desire for future advance ment. Experience in working with young people preferred. Must be ener getic and self-motivated. Available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. •PHONE SALES: If you have a pleasant phone voice and enjoy working with people, we have a part time position in our phone room. You are responsible for contacting area residents for subscription sales. Evening hours only at the CARPE NTE RSVI LLE office. BRIVER: Sharp, out going individual to supply, collect & sell our pro duct to area establishments. Approximately 15 hours per week (before 6 AM) to deliver newspapers to store outlets for resale and develop new outlets. Pay based on profit from sales. Dependable car1 a must, as well as initiative. Ideal for retiree. Available at CARPENTERSVILLE offjce. No phone calls, please. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP smaw ratepniss newspaper croup ?50 Williams ftoad • Caipentwsville II »•«»I I UUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY* '• III 24 Help Wanted Skilled Nursing Home CHALLENGING POSITIONS AVAILABLE Art you Interested in ioining a team dedicated to providing quality care for the tldtriy? We hove the right opportunity for you! ' Licensed Nurses AND Certified Nurses Aides 47) West Terra Cotta Crystal Lake, Illinois60014 (115) 455-0550 PART TIME general help for shoe repair shop In Spring Hill Mall. Call 312/426-2330. OVER THE ROAD SEMI DRIVERS At least 2 yrs. semi-driving ex perience necessary, out 1 to 3 weeks at a time, pay by mileage or percentage, full benefits. KOUBENEC MOTOR SERVICE, INC. 3/4 mile south of Huntley on Rte. 47. 312/669 3342 WELDER FABRICATOR, job shop experience preferred. S6.50/hr. & up. Call Jim Small, 312/639-0575. GENERAL OFFICE 6. Pur chasing; good typing necessary; computer/word processor knowledge desirable. Call KBI, 312/658-8561. PROGRAMMER/ ANALIST IBM SYS-38 State Of The Arts Shop. Two leading manufac turers in the area are seeking RPG experience. Check on a better career opportunity through: PROFESSIONAL SEARCH . 1038 Prescott Rockford, IL 61108 815/399-1776 All inquiries held strictly con fidential. All fees company- paid. 24 t-a^a-- tai A. _ -a "•ip ffflnTfu IMMEDIATE OPENING for part time office person, 5 day week, flexible hours, boOkkeep ing experience necessary, com puter knowledge a plus. Call for an appointment, 815/459-9252. INDUSTRIAL CLEANING . We ere accepting applica tions tor a general clean ing person. Duties will in clude daily cleaning ot all offices, lobby area, cafeteria and restrooms. Windows, walls and lights will be included on a rotating basis. If you have previous industrial clean ing experience, take pride in what you do, and have a PROVEN HISTORY OF RELIABILITY, please ap ply in person to: COILS, INC. 11716 Algonquin Rd. Huntley, IL 60142 , tqml opportunity employer m/f Manufacturing NIGHT SUPERVISOR We are accepting applications for a second shift supervisor. Qualifications for this opening include basic supervisory skills, and/or several years ex perience as an aggressive lead person. A machining background Is necessary ana setup experience would be a definite plus. We are willing to train the per son with a proven record of stability and personal drive. Submit your resume or a letter stating your qualifications in cluding a salary history to: Box Anb Shaw Free Press P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 •quel opportunity employer m/f ELECTRICIAN, small con tractor in Cary -needs person with 2 .yrs. mln. experience. 312/639-0520,7 pm to 9 pm. TRUCKTIRE SERVICE/MAN Must know farm and fluid-filled tires. Good benefits. Call for appointment.1 Phil or John Lavelle. 312/395-2345 AntiochTire, Inc. Ant ioc h LAUNDROMAT ATTEN DANT, part time. Must be dependable, hardworking, neat. Ideal for high school stu dent w/early dismissal. Apply In person, Neighborhood Laun dry, 106 Nbnh River, East Dundee. IOEAL PART TIME JOB Teach and sell needlecraft gifts and accessories. Will Train. 815/459-6751 PART TIME, Rogers Jewelers, Crystal Point Mall, Crystal Lake, average 15 to 20 hours a week. Must be 18 yrs. or older. Apply within. MAINTENANCE • SECOND SHIFT Must be able to repair presses, welder fabric- tor & some electrical trouble shooting. Excel lent pay plus company paid benefit package. To apply, please contact our personnel de partment. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. BrinkSt., Harvard, IL 60033 815l943-74il ( AnEqualOpportunity Employer,M/F « • ELECTRICIAN Experienced in residential con struction. Able to work without supervision. HARRISON ELECTRIC 815/385-9376 NURSING ASSISTANT POSITIONS v available for all shifts. We will certify you with no obligation. Call or apply in person at: Royal Terrace 803 Royal Dr. McHenry } 815 344 2600 Equal Opportunity E mployer SOCIAL WORKER Bilingual, Spanish speaking for Department of Chil dren & Family Services, Lake & McHenry County, case load of abused & neglected children & their families. Completion of bachelor's degree & 4 years experience or a master's degree & 2 years. Salary range, $17,340-$19,600. Contact Diane Breske 312/356-1011 24 Help Wanted u KEY PUNCH OPERATOR We have an immediate opening tor an experienced IBM- 139 key punch operator to work Monday through Friday. Our corripany offers a good starting salary plus a company paid benefits package. FIT an Interview ap pointment, please call our personnel office. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F CUSTODIAN Fulltime, 3-11 p.m. J0HNSBURG HIGH SCHOOL Contact Mr. Rob Gough 815/385-9233 Secretarial ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Administrative Secretary This positiee reports directly to the Eicacathw Vice President aMI interacts with all levels el personnel within the or- gaeiMtioa. Qualified applicants must have 3 to 5 years secretarial experience, he highly ertan- itad with excellent typing, shorthand end word ptoces- ling tfcWi. We oiler a comprehensive benefits package and compe titive salary. Contact or send resume to: Hemaa Resource Department (•15)344 5000. Ext. 32(0 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER , 4201 Medical Cantor Drive McHenry, IL (0050 equal •ppertunily employer m/1 DRAFTSMAN FI& years experience in com- merlcal cooking equipment. Send resume to: K.K.O., Inc., 100 Grove St., Capron, IL, <1012. Attn: Joanne Ferwerda INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER With 5 years experience. Send resume to: K.K.O., Inc., 100 Grove St., Capron, IL 61012. Attn: Joanne Ferwerda HELP WANTED: Service Writer. A tutl time person wanted for service writer 8, warranty administrator. GM warranty experience prefer red. Good salary & bonus plan. Hospitalization & paid holidays. Call Gary Lang or Dave Schmltt for appointment, 815/385-2100, 908 N. Front St. McHenry. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Expanding progressive company needs machinists for: BRIDGEPORT MILL HARDINGE LATHE HARDINGECNC SETUP&OPERATE Close tolerance work from blueprint to finished pro duct. Challenging work, long term employment, company benefits. Apply at: J&K Precision Mfg. Inc. McHenry, Illinois •••815/344-1460*** MECHANIC With 3 years experience. Send resume or apply in person. K.K.O., Inc., 100 Grove St., Capron, IL, 61012. Attn: Joanne Ferwerda PART TIME Help wanted, day time hours. Apply in person between I0:30am-4pm, at Beef Villa, 3709 W. Elm St., McHenry. FULL TIME. Person for shooting preserve. Must have pmaf JoiMin<f*jifwWence. Call 81S/338 4240. , , LEGAL SECRETARY Part time, legal experience needed, flexible hours, 312/428 7330 HAIR SYTLIST, Ha[r Dimen sions is relocating and expan ding. Stylist must be experienc ed and have a following. 3 new stations available Nov. 1st. 815/344-5510. WANTED EXPERIENCED Hairdressers; experienced, mature receptionist; ex perienced shampoo girl; for busy shop, open 7 days a week. Call between 9am-2pim, ask for Beda, 312/658-7576. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 47 4 155 are looking for. school bus drivers. Applications are being taken at the transportation facility located next to South High School, 1204 South McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake, II. HOT DOG restaurant - Lake Barrington. Need counter peo ple to alternate open & close, 8> work lunch, 5-6 days. Must be available 'o start sometime Nov. Shifts 7:30 am - 2 pm.; 11 am-3:30 pm. Also need extra person Noon - 2 pm. Call eves, between 8 8, 9:30, Mon. thru Fri., 312/639-1257. CLEAN-UP. Afternoons and Saturdays. Apply in person. Cadieux's Bakery, 19 N. Williams St., Crystal Lake. . COMPUTER LAB TECH., mln. 2 yrs. work or education In computer programming. Knowledge of Basic and Cobol required. IBM assembler language. CICS, DL/1. UNIX operating system* desirable; 815,000. Send letter of applica tion 4. resume, by Oct. 24, to Jean Evlnger, Elgin Communi ty College, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin, 11.60120. ECC,lsanAA/EEO. QUALITY CONTROL Inspec tor, rinc die casting. Ex perience preferred. Familiari ty with measuring instruments. Serv-Ali Die 8, Tool Company, Crystal Lake, 815/459-2900. BARTENDER. Part time nights 8, weekends. Call Manager, Woodstock Country Club. 815/338 2191 3T Wanted to Buy » «-i- A--a ntip WinTva HAIRSYTLISTS NEEDED For extremely busy salon in Spring Hill Melt. Advance training program and base pay guaranteed. Current llllonols Beauty Operating license re quired. Call Linda Klatt at 312/426-63SS. System? Spring Hill AMI West Dundee BUS GIRL Waitress Trainee Part Time Town Pump Restaurant Dundee MECHANIC • (Experienced) Must have own tools. . Car thru medium truck. Fleet experience helpful but not necessary. Pay commensurate with abili ty. Benefits after proba tion period. 815/459-6662 TELEMARKETING Local Schaumburg company s e e k s e x p e r i e n c e d telemarkting rep. Can earn bet ween $8 & $10/ nr.- salary plus commission. Afternoon shift available. Call for interview. "•312/397-7676*" TIRE BUSTER, full or part time. Apply in person: County Tire 4i Supply, 7718 Virginia Rd- Crystal Lake PART TIME persons needed to deliver Chicago Tribunes 7 days a week. Early morning hours. Must be reliable and have reliable vehicle. Call 815/338 6067, Mon. thru Sat., 7 am to Noon. •••FULL 4 PART TIME"* Excellent working conditions in our phone room. No sales Involved- appointment setting and survey work. Must be 16 or over, students welcome. Hour ly wage plus bonus. Earn up to $6 per hour. Call For Interview 815/338 3962 P A R T T t M E F I oro r Maintenance in Woodstock, 7 to 10 am dally, $4 per hour. Call Mr. Mlllsat 312/358-0779. .EXPERIENCED Injection Molding Foreman needed. Must be able to troubleshoot. Also needed, Experienced Mold Set Up person. Apply In person: Harwood Plastics, 765 Church Rd., Elgin WANTED: Carpenter ex perienced in building custom oak staircases for home. Same person needed for quality trim work In Marengo area. Call: Randy 815/923-2214 ELECTRONIC LAB TECHNICIAN Leading manufacturer of motors, and speed controls has an Immediate opening for a Laboratory Techni cian with 4+ years ex perience with motors, g e v n e r f r t p , r s a n d speedreducers. Must be ,»ffcr'W'tr<A)btesbdot, use electrical/electronic test equipment, and make needed repairs. Position requires 2 years technical school or col lege courses in electrical/electronic systems. Send resume with salary history to: Director of Personnel RAE CORPORATION 5801 W. Elm St. ' McHenry, IL 60050 equal opportunity employer m/1 Medical Opportunities MATERIALS MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR Suburban community hospital has ah excellent opportunity ftfr an individual with a minimum of 3 years experience In materials services that In cludes 1 year of supervisory responsibility. You will coor dinate activities In the Materials Services Depart ment and will need a knowledge of materials management concepts and pro cedures, and all aspects of hospital supplies, equipment and services. We provide a good salary and benefit pro gram. Please send reume ie complete confidence to: BOX ANC Shaw Free Press P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 equal opportunity employer m/l WAITRESS, experienced, afternoons, 2 pmto 8 pm. Apply in person days, Tues thru bat., 90 N. Williams St., Crystal Lake. H«<p Wanted ^ WANTED! WE BUY ANTIQUES! Furniture, Vlctrolas & Music Boxes, Tin Toys, Trains, Dolls, Tiffany Lamps, Other Old Lamps, Slot Machines, Juke Boxes, Military Uniforms (all wars), Weapons, Swords, Guns, Dag gers, 1933 World 's Fair Souvenirs, Architectural Items & Old Store Fixtures. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SELL? Hurry...Write or Call Now! We will also send a free Museum Brochure and Antique A' Attic Junk Brochure Visiting Hours: 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Everyday v> SEVEN ACRES < ANTIQUE YILLAGE A. MUSEUM ROUTE 20 & S. UNION RD., UNION, ILL. 815-923-2214 JSl TYPESETTERS Night Shift Good starting salary and t, excellent r _ benefits. Apply in person: BETTER GRAPHICS 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake 815/455-3830 Fectory „ , \ GENERAL FACTORY Qualifications for general factory include: the ability to work up to standards (Incentives), good hand dexterity, and a GOOD at tendance record. Please apply in person to: COILS, INC. ^1716 Algonquin Rd. f Huntley, IL 60142 Attn: Personnel Manager equ«\opportunlty employer m/t RETAIL SALES Mature person for retail sales in men's clothing store. Apply in person. GUNTER'S CLOTHING ^ 58 N. Williams Crystal Lake "*815/4594400"* CAREER OPPORTUNITY Country Companies has 2 open ings for full time career agents in McHenry County. Interested In a presently employed In dividual with a proven sucess pattern. Full tralnino and guaranteed starting income. Submit resume to: Stephen F. Andersson, P.O. Box 351. Woodstock, IL, 60098 AVON Now there are two ways to earn an Impressive Income. Call •1$/45»-5757. SECONOSHIFT Positions available for welders, fitters, shear operators, ex perience preferred. Hours are 4:30p.m.-1 a.m.; Mon. Frl. Ap ply or call between 9 a.m. & 3:30 p.m.; Mon.-Fri. A & L Welding & Fabricating, 790 F. Industrial Drive., Cery, IL 40013.312/439-1007 RECEPTIONIST Sales .receptionist trainee for retail, optical, store. tw*llent likes to deal with people. Good hours and benefits, pert time. .Apply in pe*on to Service Op tical, Crystal Point Mall, Crystal Lake, 115/499-2134. CARPENTERS APPREN TICE, full or pert time, ex perience preferred, 815/344- 2713,8am 8pm. WAITRESSES Full and Part time. Apply at: Crystal Inn, M Railroad Ave., Crystal Lake. 815/459-6698 Persons to make contlnous part time local restaurant reports for national research firm. Dorel Marketing, P.O. Box 5444, Long Beach, CA, 90805 PUBLISHING, part time. If you've had 2-to-5 years ex perience in promotion, clrc. &/or production, we'd like to talk about a 20 hour a week (but growing) position. PCI, Box 183, Cary, IL 60013. GENERAL OFFICE Experience in all office pro cedures, good typist, good with figures, familiar with CRT A keypunch. Experience with freight bills a plus. 312/639 8880, Mr. Hotton. RAPIDLY GROWING Barr Ington company seeking quali ty consious individuals for Inspector-packers in our pro duction department. 1st & 2nd shifts. Apply between 8:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Container Technologies, 152 Commercial, Barrington. 32 Misc. Morchandls* 24 HelpWwfed DENTAL recepttonlet/ assis tant/ hygienlsL.cWt er part time (some Sets. ewe/ wk. required (.People oriented. Ex perience preferred, Rerty to Box ANF, Shew Fije Press Newspapers, PO Bex 2*, Crystal Lake, IL, D6NTAL ASSISTANT Send resume *: Box AME. c/o Free Press Newspapers. P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake K. 40014 A R T / O E S I G N T r a i n e e . Creative person w/flair fer design. Work with people. Flex- ible hours. Celt 3t2/4V-27M. CHURCH SECRETARY wented In Dundee Busy, demanding, challenging church office needs energetic, creative take-cher|l secretary to staff our 1 secretary office and volunteers. 40 hour *«*ek, peid holidays, insurance and vacation. Cell 312/436-2161 for appointment end address *o send resume. j CRYSTAL LAKC COUNTRY Club is looking for night waitresses, tall *o«e after 5 p.m. 815/459-107 THE SPECIAL Education District of McHenry Countv is seeking pert time School Bus Drivers. Peid while you train. Contect; Ralph Peyne. Direc tor of Transportation, Special Educetion District of McHenry County, 1200 Claussen Drive, Woodstock, II. Phone: H5/33I- 3622. MEDICAL OFFICE needs pt. time help for clinical A front desk. Only those w/medldal exp. need epply. LPN or LVN preferred. Send Resume to: Box ANG, Shaw Free Press, PO Box 250, Crystel Lake. II. 60014. WAITRESS I 3 Nights 42 days Call 312/639-78O0 JANITOR VILLAGE OF CARY Require local mature |eck-of- all trades person with ex perience and good references. Excellent fringe benefits end starting salary of 86.25/hr. Pleaeeepply in person et: '^CARV VILLAGE HALL 255 Stoneoete Road Cery, ll 60013 Factory MACHINE OPERATOR NCLATH& NIGHT SHIFT REXNORD, a well established menufecturer of quality mechanical shatt seats is leek Ing |. skilled NC Lethe Operator. Must be able to reed blueprints and use precision meesuring equipment. Ex perience on Nt equipment e plus. We offer a good salary and comprehensive benefits package including sick days, medical/life insurance end more. Call for appointment : Personnel 312/537-1100 REXNORD Mechanical Power Dtv. Seal Operation 634 Glen Ave. Wheeling. IL 60090 equel opportunity employer m/f CARPENTER HELPER Need ed Immediately. Some ex perience necessary. 312/639 9409 .^jj FAIT PACE company (spook ing for eager people for 2nd ft 3rd shlmMO hrs/wk. Office skills It excellent phone voice e must. Medical background desired. Submit resume to. Miss Willlems, PO Box 1069, Crystal Lake. 11.60014. LIGHT FACTORY WORK E ve. shift, 4 pm to Midnight Mother's hours evailebie Call for Appointment SEQUOIAAUTOMATIC 815/439 4405 PART TIME Delivery Person for local warehouse distributor, approximately 4-5 hours per day. Call 815/385 0380. APPRENTICE WANTED tor Ceramic Tile, Carpet, Sheet Vinyl. Trade experience helpful, but will train. Cell 815/455 2127. "• -• EARLY MORNING newspeper delivery help needed. Insured, relieble cer e must. Call r noon, 815/385-1060. MAINTENENCE MAN I for Crystal Lake Apt. Complex. /Must be exp. In heeting, air cond., & refrigeration. Call Brende at oisfcs-osel, bet ween 9em8i 5pm. • -- PART TIME Position eveUaWe in cafeteria. $3.45 per hour. Call 8>u»4MfrsExt. 2220 Men-Frl 1fXl :30p.mS^ HIGH SCHOOL Dtsttlct 155, Crystel Leke. Full time custo dian. Excellent fringes. Apply at: Personnel Office, 45 w. Franklin, Crystal Lake. CLOSEOUT SALE WOODBURNING STOVES Cast Iron and Steel 100,000 BTU per hour capacity. S198or $179 Floor To Ceiling Store 1230 Davis Rd. Woodstock 815/338-1440 PUMPKINS (Only 8t lb.) APPLES CIDER (Red & Gold (We make Delicious) our own) Hours: Thru 0c4.31 Wkdays: 9-6 Wkends: 8-6 Phone (815)338-0736 Powell's * Apple Barnf ^ Location 1/2 mi. N. of Rte. 120on Greenwood Rd. in Woodstock also available. Mums, Indian Corn, Squesh, gourds, straw, cornstalks, homemade pumpkin bread, freeter jam, shrubs, dried arrangments, popcorn, honey.