?DAYS ONLY SALES STARTS 10:00 AM TUES. OCT. 16, 1984 SALE ENDS 9:00 PM MON. OCT. 22,1984 PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL INDUSTRY TRAINING CLASS STARTS OCT. 22 • 15-week course • Day & evening classes • Over 170 hours of in-depth training • Hands on computer facilities Approved bi the Illinois State Board ol Education. Owned tad operated by one of the Premier Retail Travel Agencies in minors 31E. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815)459-3500 SAVINGS LIKE NEVER BEFORE. LOWEST PRICES EVER ALL REMNANTS REGARDLESS OF ORIGI NAL PRICE ARE MARKED DOWN TO SALrPRIQES SHOWN. NONE HIGHER STUDIO ONE ONLY vv VALUES UP TO 240.60 : ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP » ww wname of who neonoat I WriL VIDEOTAPE YOUK SPECIAL OCCASBSTI ALL REMNANTS 12x11* ON SUC OMULE Artesian VALUESW VERSA COVE WALL SURROUND White %79w Colors Available ALL REMNANTS 12x17° ON SALE NOW iCC ONLY VALUES UPT0440.00 12x19° ONSALE _ now 4 7( ONLY 11 % VALUES UP TO SOO.OO Beauty winner... budget price! KINKCAD SH0WER6LIDE™ Bath Enclosure-Series 600 •ft Decorator-styled-- thrifty price » •to Tempered safety glass--textured pattern •to Silver-anodized aluminum frame resists corrosion Fingertip door control Easy-mount design--install it yourself a Fits standard tubs . Reg. $132.00 I -- L yviwi »" During our super Remnant Sale N0^- COUPONS from previoi promotions can beaccepted.^^ DUE TO TREMENDOUS SUCCESS OF THE PREVIOUS REMNANT COSTBUSTER SALE, MAYFAIR CARPETS IS PROUD TO MAKE THESE FANTASTIC SAVINGS AVAILABLE AGAIN BY POPULAR DEMAND. OVER 3000 ROOM SIZE REMNANTS IN STOCK Mtiiiiiii Mc HENRY Lumber 4O30 WEST MAIN ST. McHCnOY, ILLINOIS 385-4600 CONVENIENf SHOPPING HOURS: AAON FRI. 8:00 6:00. SATURDAY .7:30-4:00. SUNDAY HOURS 9:00 1 00 stores