Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1984, p. 10

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SECTION 1. P«|« It. PLAINDEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1984 PLAINDEALER HERALD assified Office Hrs M-F 8 30 a.m. • 5 00 p.m. - - - -*• 3 UNES, 5 DAYS •8.80 Shaw Fr#« Press PRIVATF. PARTY LINK ADS Newspaper Group Advortisars. please check your od the FIRST insertion dote. In the event of an error or ommission the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In cose of on error, notify the Classified Department at once. Coll Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party 8 Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- Richmond 678 2581 Payment in odvance must be mode for these ads: 'Babysitting •Business Opportunites 'Business Service* 'Gorge Sales "Moving Soles *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Areo •Political "Rooms Appts to Shore •Situations Wanted "Sublease. Re-rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rent; arid (Woodstock) "The Haartd (Crystal LakafCary- Qiovs) *Ths HsrsM (Cardinal Free Praaa) • Elgin Harald •Rich­ mond Qetefle •tyeamora Now* •Tha Haratd-Plalndaalar • nampvnirv available: •HaraM-CRtsan, Saturday Extra and Shoppar Sendee. Oar haipiat, aourtaoaa atalf la at your eervice available DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries g Lots. : . .02 Card of TKdnfcs 03 Notices * •. . . ." .05 Car Pools 10 lost 4 Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions ..; 18 Help Wanted Child Core. 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted. 23 Help Wonted. 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales.. 33 Merchandise Under S50 °4 Antiques .... 35 Bicycle* S Sport* Equipment 36 Lown I Garden Equipment 37 Boot* 38 Musical Instruments. 39 Camera*.. ZVi-, 40 Aviation ........ 41 Pet* ft Equipment. 44 Horse* B Equipment 47 Farm B Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Mochinery B Equipment. 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate. 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sole 74 Lots B Acreage.... 7 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale .77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Shoro Apartments to Rent. Homes to Rent Condominiums B Townhome* to Rent. Store*. Office B Industrial to Rent Forms, Formlond to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent ,./79 . . .B0 .. .Bl 83 .84 .85 Automotive Autos for Sale. 86 Wanted to Buy.,.. is r • • • ®7 Auto Port* B Accessories 88 Trucks, Troctors B Trailers 89 Vans..... Motorcycles B Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381-Barrington 382-Barrington 426- Dundee 551 Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 931-Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 499-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard Cemeteries BiLots 11 Lost & Found 12 Personals 19 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARKS UNION CEMETARY Choke lot* available as low as WS, Including perpe, *1 car*. Catholic section.T m . »1V4J»-0M7 i> Card of Thanks THANKS to St. Jude & Biassed Virgin Mofhar, for prayars -- '.M.E.L. Notices ATTENTION: BRIDES leva money on bridal gowns, brldesmeld dresses, silk flowers, Miltatlons S ac- caMorla*. Sill Flowar & Bridal Craatlows. 015/330-1*0?. FLAN YOUR Part la* with us. Punlabtsef Woodstock has barv gvat facilities tor weddings, en- nlversarles, birthdays 4 HALLOWEEN, Christmas par- Mas. etc,. Up to 75 jeojjieFor oo)y call "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS U HOUR HOT LINE 312/9344233 WANTED FLEA Markat Pooler! tor Inside pole barn, Public fraa, dealer's OM/day. Reoister by 11/3/14. call 312/iSa-Slfo. CJ.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has Mpad many paople with pro* ~ such as love, buslnau, marrlaaa and 11 other pro- btomsoTllfo. CaN tor an appointment. 11M Dundee AvaTllgln, II. M102. 311/9311193. 00 YOU HAVE problems managing your dabtsT Con- IMmMm counseling ivilliblt. jjlto ara a dabt management s budget couneallng, non-profit erganliatlon. oii/3aa-S757. MORNING STAR Shoe Repair, Wy | ,n, .. , . •-W. JfTTinon, YvOOOSTOCR# 19 ra ipenlna ---ONLY part time. From Oct. 22, hours will be Man., Tuas. 4 Frl., 10 - 5:30. M. J.' A-MMACULATE CARPETCLEANING A Floor Maintenance . Carptet cleaning special I 3 Rms.-t3t.9S / Reg. ISM£ 312/43M5M. WANTED: Students tor begin­ ning pottery lessons at Mcnonry County College. Thurs. eves- car pool avail. Dave Trambet. 015/470-3542 FOUND: Black S white kitty. Declawed, in the 1500 block of Madison St., Woodstock. Followed kids home from Nor- thwood School. Call to Identify. 115/330-4042 LOST COCKAPOO In Prairie Grove/Burton's Bridge area on 10/20, 5 yr. old neutered female, 12" high, white w/black around eyes & base of tail, curly hair 1 or 2 Inches long, long fluffy tail. Responds to Nikl, calf 815/459-070), Reward. LOST: Wedding Ring; 10/13, with Inscription " Werner 1914", Pearl St. at Rlverside; 312/497-4405. LOST: Black Shepherd, male, 10 yrs. old, collar, answers to Boron ft Red Dobermen, female, collar, answers to Man- dy, Northwest side of Woodstock. Reward. 015/330- 0451 LOST Mack S white, short haired, male kitten, 4 mas. old, wearing white flea collar. Vicinity, Clay St., missing since 10/14. Call 015/330-3329. 12 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 015/330-0000. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-11am. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 015/305-2199 SICK OF being overweight? Tired of drugs S starvation diets that don t work? Want to gain weight? Want to be healthy? Want to have energy? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, call Dave at 015/499-2232. All natural bar­ bel based. 13 Instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/450- 2019. PIANO LESSONS * BA Degree In Music Deborah -015/344-1706 REAL ESTATE PRELICENSING COURSE Essex Costello Real Estate Co., host Bolger Academy Of Real Estate Call Bill Essex $ . for details 815/459-3066 SCULPTURED NAILS 3 yrs. experience. Strong I natural looking. Nail biters welcome. Call Joyce forapp't. 312/450-2019. HOME COMPUTER OWNERS Do you have a personal com­ puter just sitting there collec­ ting dust? Want to learn how to use It, In your own home, at your own pace, at a very reasonable price? Call Com­ puter Eose for more info. 015/455-3735 APPLES Golden Delicious S other varieties. Sweat cider • Thunder Grove Orchard, 3016 Deorpass. Marengo, 015/540-0620. NOTICE of Intent to dispose of abandoned S unclaimed pro­ perty. The Kom, Inc., 7209 Tickler Blvd., Crystal Lake. WW donete to The Salvation Army on or after Nov. 15, the toltowlng personal property. •Lot M». Property of Cathy Sorenson- Misc. household CatMM: Property of John P. f got!- Misc. household goods. Car Pools WANTED RIDE to Autotrol in Crystal Lake, to begin work at Pjckad up at Waiden Oaks. Woodstock, return home a(5prn, Call Mon. Thurs., after 1:30 pm., Frl.- Sun. days or nights, 0l5/330-*513. I! Loot it Found POUND: FERRET. Plstakee r Itmaaiaa, 10/15/04. 015/344-0097 POUNO COCKAPOO Mix, Mack w/seme grey, 30 lb*., black flea collar, affectionate t dee. vie. ef Barl fldta. Crysta eves., 015/455-41 vie. of BarllnaRd., Colony ital Lake. Call 193. LOST PACKAGE w/malling address vie. af Central High School oarkhw lot. Crystal Lake. REWARo015/459-95e0. POUNO: Ring neck dove, Ttain. 10/10, In the vicinity of *|, d«- it A »_ tjj.. J.iftrL Man linn of, in wQQOtvpCR 011/330-3595 AiWKIIAMI9 CAROLYN SGNUmM I1S-943-5072 n/mnmcK 111-943-3419 JOHN COPLEY I1S-943-4103 ATTENTION I Looking for 50 people to par­ ticipate in weight lo*s pro­ gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas­ ed. 312/450-0429. MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-0695 E X E R C I S E C L A S S E S (Medium)- Mon., Wed. & Frl., 9-10 em; 10-11 am. 1st Class Free- 02/ class. Led by instruc tor. Music, wall to wall carpeting, machines, air cond., no contracts. AEROBICS on Tuas., 7-0 pm. Ask about other times & days. 1st Class Free, 02.50/ class. Instructuctor- Putt. 4105 E. Wonder Lake, Rd., Wonder Lake. 015/72*0045 or 720-0004. Single-Divorced-Wldowtfd Get reedy for the fun & excite­ ment of e new relotionshlp. Eligible people are weltlno to meet you. Confidential. Car 312/742-7545 or write listings BOX42-E, South Elgin, IL 60177. I PRAY to God & the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Mother, Saint Jude, St. Anthony, S St Theresa that prayers will be granted. John ft Family. IF YOU HAVE 10 to 150 lbs. to lose & would like to earn S400 01500 par mo., call 312/639-0306 FAT CAT 130 Has finally gottai a TV With more than 2 colors) THE END. Come on back. D. & S. KNITTING & CROCHETING Lessons; beginning or advanc­ ed; left or right handed; Classes starting soon; 312/420- 6000 ask for Lillian West. If Child Care CHILD CARE, licenced for 3 yrs in Dundee, ref. Your child deserves the best. Full & part time, 312/420-7411. MOTHER of 2 will babysit eve., in my Crystal Lake home. 015/455-3173. LOVING MOM available for child care. Newborn & up, In my Crystal Lake home. Oli/459-5373. TLC FOR YOUR Child In my Woodstock home. Days or Nights. 015/337-0019 BABYSITTING with lots of TLC. Fenced In back yard. Day/night. 01.00/hr. Lakeland Park area. 015/305-3472. Child Care 21 Situations Wanted BABYSITTING, full or part time weekdays in my Crystal Lake home. Within walking distance of Central grade school for offer school hours. Michelle, 015/455-5260. MOTHER OF TWO - Will babysit in my Sunnyside home; prefer days. Call 015/344-2076. MOTHE R OF 2 will do babysit ting in her Algonquin home, full or part time; 312/650-9103. WILL BABYSIT any age! My C r y s t a l L a k e h o m e 015/459-0906. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE Mom, TLC for babies & tod­ dlers, meals; 312/639-1055. Cary. I WILL babysit In my home, days or nights, hot meals and TLC provided. 015/675-0001. 21 Situations Wanted RESUME SERVICE 4 all typ­ ing needs. Diana's Business Service, 015/455-4445. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, 020. Additional rooms, 010 ea., 5 yrs. ex- perlence. 015/943-4793. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 015/450-7194 after 5 pm. CARPiNTER 4 HANDYMAN No job too small. Reasonable rates. Bob Hoidon. 312/742-9063. D.J.-woddlng, schools, etc. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also. 312/504-0002 eves. D.J. 4000 watt, 012,000 sound tth lights 4 records /504-0N2. for all. 312/5 DON JOHNSON Decorating Inferior Pointing 4 Papering 015/330-4050? NURSING, housekeeping, shopping 4 errands. 015/459-9030 WILL DO Ironing In my Carpentersvllle home, 312/4U- 4149. THOROUGH Housecleaning. No lob too big or too small. Ret. Call Lynda 015/455-5250. RELIABLE LAnv will clean for reasonable fee. 015/455- 5610. Call Barb. FAMILY FARM DAY Hay rides/pony rides Fun, Food, Visit animals Sunday, Oct. 28,12-5 pm. OUR FARM 6703 W. Bull Valley Rd., AAcHenry, IL 815/344-0951 A SIXTY CJUMHTf j*aa« i f f . Remove the dirty culprits, soot, and creosote, which collect In chimneys and cause chimney fires. GENE'S CHIMENY SERVICE 815-943-4927 ESTATE AUCTION Sun., Oct. 2Sthf 1984 1:04 P.M. Preview-Noon To Ba Hold At: Th« Hilton Hotel. Wrigley Dr., Lake Geneva, Wl. 53147 Sfcooa'i Lola Geeeta Auction Co., lac. proudly presents the estate of Mr. I Mrs. P. ZaeMorf oad FURNITURE Derby Ook; $. toil Top Ooifc; Oak Can*} Glau China Cabinet w/Mirron; hoosior Gobi- aat; Raaoinaace Renvoi Caurtini Bench w/Canod Uoa Heads; jbeiolOa Iniotd Diaiac Table; Wad- Mr Cbak; Ook Stackrai Bookcase; Victorian Porter Toblo w/Ctess Claw Foot; Country Kitcboa Table; Oak Morris Cbok; Wicker Baby Begy; Oak Library Table; Oak Rocker; Wicker Rocker; Over 59 lots Mora. MASSWARL 6-fie Blue Caps B Saucers; Victorian Castor Sat; Red Win| Crocks; Gorman Teapot; 6100a I Brawn Hoaewsro Pitchers; Tin ABCs Plate-Circs 1S96; today Carnival 6leu Baal; Gar- aoa Saw I boomer; Grope B Loaf Carnival Disb Signed North wood; IS Iridescent Water Goblets; Ovor lOTots More. ITEMS OF INTEREST: Signed Chandler chalk picture; Paper-macho rabbits; Viatece clothing; Stamp 4 Butterfly coMacMoa; Cost iroa wood cook Move; Oak Treadle Sewiag machiae; Turkish water pipe; Primitim Xiw^4 * piy ̂Mlo^ ̂ ESTATE JEWELRY: 1* ct Aatioue Dtemoad Riag; Cultured Peart Necklace; Diamoad Stud Ear- rteK Brae Nate; Rings; Pendants; Eamralds; Rabies; Soppbires; Over 3S Lots Mere. OLD SLOTS' 5': 10* sad 21* Mills Slate. ' ORIENTAL CARPETS: Hemedea; Tabriz; Chinese; All siies plus ruaaers. COINS: Sihar DoHors; Nichols; Wheat Poaaieo; Proof Sots; Quarters; aver 30 Lots More. CALL: Sheen s lake Geaova Auction Co., Inc., laho Geaeva Wi. 53147. (414)241704S) Rooorvotmas accepted Cash or Approved Checks Bid No. Sl-00. Consignments new being oc- PROFESSIONAL PAINTER looking for Inferior work. Quolify work, ref., reasonable rotes.115/4704330. • SCULPTURED NAILS, 015; manicures B pedicures; By Vlckl; 015/455-1040. R.C.S. ALARMS Burglar, Fire, B Hold up systems. Reliable & Affordable. Save on Ins. premiums. For Info, call collect 312/099-1935 H A N D Y M A N W H . L D o C e r p e n t r y , e l e c t r i c a l , wallpapering, painting, etc. Call affer4:M p.m. 015/330-4422 AMBITIOUS 6 Personable female looking for full time p o s i t i o n a } , l e a s i n g agent/manager. Experienced B licensed. 015/453-5 .̂ CLEANING. HOMOS, offices, apartments. References ovaltable. Dependable, reasonable rates. 015/095-30P9 v- SECRETARIAL BUSINESS Services ̂ Japing, cesslng, bookkeeping B special projects. 24 hours, 015/704-5053. IT SttuatlonB Wantad NEED YOUR house cleaned? Am reliable end Good I Cell Trlsh. Ref.; 015/459-5504 Household 23 Help Wanted NEED RESPONSIBLE person to supervise children In my AAcHenry home from 3 pm to 4 pm, J days a week. Eest Cam­ pus areo. Coll 015/344-0440 after 0:30 pm. CHILD CARE NEEDED for 7 month old girl, approximately 25-30 hrs. per week In your Cary home. Call after 5 pm, 312/439- 0095. BABYSITTER in my home. May bring your child, port time, 2 to 3 days a week, 14 month old boy needs TLC; 015/330-0512, after 5:30. WANTED, mature person to bebysit for a three months old Infant. Beginning Jan. 21, 1905, hrs.: 0:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon., Wed., Thurs., B Frl., 1 p.m. to 0:30 p.m. on Tues., ref. re­ quired. Please call 015/330- BABYSITTER NEEDED.' form 3 p.m.-l a.m., Mi my ' Carpentersvllle home. Occe- slonol weekends. Looking tor who would like to person,\ supplement her Income. 312/551-1041. POWERS AUCTION SERVICE TO MMEFKLB NAB - OTSUL UK, iL MM BHS.rSVERS.MEV.rMEK I13MB.14II •NnvirnM nSCNMCR HQS UK C8MPIETE C10SEQUT MICTION DATE: MONDAY OCT. 29 TIME: 10:00 a.m. MM «J ran i* twine IW» MM to r»tit« tnm MM fxm (qwpMat liunak Ilk* tto. 72 -iMt «f tto. 47. I nin to SMwto. II M tfc* «HI ita «( toM. 1*401 IK 7?,Mtorto.lL 0 1 1 . 4 5 5 1 4 0 0 I f l f l i a i t l O O t Call IEAI ESTATE: 117 4214421 IE: }• k* **14 *1 1:00 *'el*ck. *a4 k*Mfep *to«t M*. 72 witt 414 tod •( IM* hmtot*. S 3 M«|. MM k*t M2 toM *1 mi (r*nto(* *. Cut Sid* 0t A**rMHMtoty S tens wrn to* MWIML It A Iwc* M' i ISO' *M tf*d MWMI. *M ewereto n*«t m4 tim A 4F I II' AN mm M* * tr I t4 IK«d *r«* Rt4i*M M4 6M f«c«4 *4» k**L 200 Ae». ttottrit, KWI 0 Umm, B*«t to ISM. (2) tmn ir I ir **4 14' • IB". (2) Oukrwrn. |2 -A 1177 Ptttra* SO* > K 7*to ShtO. Ctoo ifu, 17V • iV SU4to( 4mn. (2) 14' i 14' OwkM* two. Unk* 4**i. 100 *•» ttocfric. B*tk b*IWi*|> »'* » i*T food condftton' (2) 1000 SdNC* * * f*» <wtk*> toiet, CMtoct Pmn AKIIM S*mct. C*N IIS 4SS-14H. S*a*i raatnM Ik* h|kl I* *cc*ft *f r***vt *> *N Ml. mt w if* fto* S«*|tot ktockto*. M OH in. l/4"l/4" r«Ui Ink. 1/4-.J/4" OIM (II) DIMM CtkiMto, S Iw MM W/21 Sun, T tw SSMm. 2 It. > ifl. 0**ck •/« H*M C**»«tlM*to. VA1 21 S<M V*tt Am* Tntot, VA1 20 Sun V*It Amp IMDI. 200 SM T«M4I» T**l*». ET <00 IK IM Owtll Ittk. M*4d ISO FMRTEA FDMR limai U|kt. Akto* Itowi| lifM. ktoM T SI1S S«tn B*n*fj Start* T**tof. N1S3S Sa*» w Gail m4 Cm4 Tnto). Modal lOIKtl Equip CMtratot Im totoi iMtoc. M*M 212 Mw^mU* Battery Ckat|*i. Mod*4 V3SA NiDtid SMtwi Qmt*. ItoM 144 n*M Irwict Ck*c|*r iMtot. 2 kp Motor I M*uitt> Tntot tot (Mtrtton. ItodK 3/1 Ak Iftfd tlmck, **clw«ll H An l***ct WrMck. H" Inptct S*CM SM, J/4" Impact S*ckM SM. 3 F lufCMll *Md Ait OiK Cnodn, li*c*to PmMt Ct**M CM. VMntint G**t lub* Pomp ktoc 0* trwdm. SekiMdn StM. Hjdt* ShMtk Tcttot, n 4000 NU Dtj OinM Tack Tim*t 0*| OitMl CimpriiiM* Iwtot, OMkimp C*Mto| Intot, VMOyk* 4 To* Flatr tock. H 4 a 2 tw n**t totk. MMT Itow T*Mi tar Fold TW s*tm Iitcton. Tot Mattot Of MMMMtof, E*tiM Sto*4. Hydtaolic Ptau Stood. Smitk C«tti*f and WMdiiu Torek 4" OtiH riots, ViM. Hpd. Track J acta, (5) Wotk Soockot, Tomic* 04 Mkiomotot. MiDtt FoHi I I MicnmMm. US* 12 aieiMMtn, SUrntt 4 S Miei*m«t*t, Nr« In tot* I Mid* MiciMMtot MihraakM H" Drill. 3/1 Skill Drill. Black 4 D*ck*r H" atfwsr ss «*M*t, MMal Ion ktockto*. 141 lickm** Tiro Ckan(*i. 1300 A*ao Prawn Stoam CtaMtr CM. CfctorM* Tit* (mm. Ait C*mptttt*t w/2 kp mM*r, KAR 31 Cam pntiMM l*t|* IMt Oto, M Omm Ur|* SMI Bi*. (1) KAI Add A Ftam* StoM Oram htt 2170 Un*» Sptctoi Tractor T*dt Strict 10. 2IM Uim 10 Tractor Fr*M Orto* Alt). StoM* PMtor Kit, CMck Futwr* IS t Up. NDA 7S02 2115 CMck FiMnr* M04I40 SMoctor S*Md Ptttwt* Corrf* KM. SpftiiMt SockM Al«*i*( At kit. CMck AdiMlMI Sp*C*r. DMI Ctolck FUtar*. Ail* CMIar kmowr, DrH*r*«ti«l PtoM 0d*|*. NHne** Pr*ck*r|« Ml. VM** lip Q»ick Cmptot. Sp*iu*r WrtiKkn MMric Sfttom Cfkadtt StoM. «to*«l Spiitdl* WtMck. P tit*. kw< Cr*n* Ctonwr CrtlUMM Tap 4 0i* SM. OMkamp Ptp Rmt T*M SM. Act ktotric Tip I Di* SM Mk Sill SM It*****. *" Orm IPT S*ck*U 1/4" N*mb*r Stamp Art. R* dvcid H**q Only Pip* Cotton 1/0-2". *" Thin W*M Condoil loadn. It" 00 Tvlii| |m |̂i UiNMfMl StaMlm siMl Hdt Cattif 41 tmn M *ccvm*totia* M toMi tar F*rd Tractott 0 E«n» MOOT toott tat IMO a» 4*1 tractors Many mmiMtm tor tkap M*. All ia |a*d caaditia* 1MB Mi UK 1075 Fnd M*dM 7N C0E Mactomrr Ttack. Oac 1979 Motor 1941 Wiltaa 41 It Onto TtMtat, 1971 LTD Fnd Car. I9U 1/4 Tan Fnd Pick**. 1177 Fnd 1/4 Taa EtdaMto* Vaa. 1171 LTD Fnd Cn. 1979 Fnd 1/4 Taa 2S0 Pickup. 1900 UO FndCn. 1MB ICBBTBKIM (BMP Fnd 4S40 tractor. L**dr 4 lockkM Fnd IMI a/laadn. 1 pi 4 PS. Fnd 1710 UMHi Tractor w/200 Hn (2) Ilia Fnd Trocton Fnd 1210 Troctor ROPS tar ltd 1210. 1710. 1)10 (2) M404 N**ds MMWI. M 721 Nanh Mo.or. RM MO Noodi Mow**. RM 50 Rtaadt Mom (4) MS4 Rtaadi Mowtrj 1100 FickK* 8mrh |M. MMt M*Mr Alkrackt lata Cat* MMcM lad. 7HP US Saddi»| Chap pn. 717 0 !ia*» Rn* Naad. Fnd Sa**r OtoMt. laL Hob* 4 DaMt Ml Itow Hal taad Taa* SpiMlir. II It. Ottta Hood 4' MMt BaMr Mown. 711 Latdn. PntaMa CMtta Ckato. Sitaf* OtoMt. 42" Otod* Otrnr S IS Plow Itawnd C*m RatoNtor. 114 Mi Mann. Etadric WH*M Napaa. 21" SP.N Ran bo* Htatpa Saaw Btown Htk* Saaw Otown. Elactric Stortor •tow HMtoad Eaaip.: Etactric Coatral lata P«k Kit. S/lt Scrtaa. Wafoa Hitch Adaptor Pkf. Uppn Btator H*adn Hnfkt Co.trot 0M* Ckatn Fnkt Mt. Sn**d*r. Sn**k land* M**| mar* part) tar N.H aad Fatd E*arp (4) 1MI Sin Ft* Ortwn Fito Cakiaatt. I Drown Fito Catomt Tap 4 Sid* Opialm Fa* CaktoM 1 Drawn Sid* D*n Fa* CakiaM (5) OHica Onto, 1 Staai. 2 Naad laaaa Cap; Mtctoa* (5) Addia» Mtckmw Elactric Tjpawrrtn MaaaM Typawritn. PMk Maat 0**k. (2) 2 Drawn CaStoMl Lnpa Sato. (2) OtoM Fraal Dnptoj CaSi aM*. (t) S SkMI Maptof Rack*. Oatdan S*pa. Itaad Praiactor. (I) ROPS 2 p«fl. Fr*at A Ran Fnd Rtairtti Fnd 11 _ to*4* Wppn w/r Aa»n. (4) Rtatd EaMnt. Fnd 42" SMW Tkrawn. Oac Fnd 7"aJ0' Aapar Fndt (7) M" Saaw Tkrowort (4) Fnd S kp. taw Tkrawart (4) Ford 2 kp. Saaw TkMwan Fnd ItompCart Ait Cimpinni. Itoator lattaryCknpn Nator Pomp OW; Maa) mat* iton* to* aaaMtaat to amaliaa NMB: AR itoam Mtttod tar dot M ttta Co* n paad ckack. roaon todloo Sonrteo, loo Poaors I Kite Powofi, taclioaoors. a I-- riouienoia Halp Wantad after n a.m. SEARCHING for mature, responsible. B rallablenanny to love B care for our toddler B new bom. 5 days e week in our Johnsburg homo, ref. required. Call 015/34*5304. before »p.m. CHILD CARE Caring mature woman wanted to care for our 3 children, In our McHenry home. Hours are variable, 2-3 days per wk., with occa­ sional overnight stay. No housekeeping duties, just loving child care re­ quired. Excellent wages & Working conditions. Apply: BoxANQl ." Shaw Free Press PO Box 250 % Crystal Lake, IL <0014 NURSES AIO needed for 24 hr. care, 5 days a week for stroke pet lent In her home, ref. re­ quired. Call after 5 p.m., 015/450-5352. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY mala babysitter for evenings, 2 children, call days 312/040-&27. BABYSITTER for 17 mo. boy. Refs., 2 days a week. 015/455- 1500 after 5 pm. BABYSITTER NEEDED, Sun­ nyside area, half days, for 5 yr. oitl 5 days week, 115/344-5404 after 4pm. MATURE BABYSITTER, full time days, my North Shore area home, 3 children, ref. req., starts Nov. 12; 015/455-3675. R E S P O N S I B L E P E R S O N needed to care for my t children In my McHenry home 2 afternoons a week from 3:45 pm to 4 pm. Call 015/344-5303. B A B Y S I T T E R i n m y Carpentersvllle home for 2 girls 0 B 4, one in school. 4 am fo 6 pm, own trans. B refs. req. 050/woek, 312/424-7097. BABYSITTER WANTED for 17 mo. twin girls, M/ W/ /F, 9 am- 4 pm, your home or mine. Algonquin/ Dundee area. 312/450-7420. 24 Halp Wantad D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T , Minimum 3 yrs. experience, 35 hours per week. Also, Dental Hyglenlst needed 1 or 2 days per week. 015/305-1360 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP 40 hrs., benefits. Requires typ­ ing, phone personality, filing and desire to learn unique business. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Send resume to: Box A M S, Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 00014. CHICAGO CORPORATION Fast growing company needs ambitious people. Can earn Part Time *7.00 per hr. Full Time 0360 pert Mr. Adams 312/449-1020 EARN CHRISTMASOOOOS ' * Homemakers, part tin ~ " futtthnei I easy selling oil paintl Maureen, 815/455 4005 015/45*7300 BODY MEN wantad. Must have experience at combina­ tion work, 50/50 commission B benefits. Must do quality work. Apply in person State Line Col­ lision, 12013 Maple Ave., NEEDED NOW • Maintenance B General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 015/455- 4490. NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World, 4490. Crystal Lake. 015/455- AVON Now there are two ways fo earn an impressive income. Call 015/459-5757. HalpWfifd llaln Wan! f nvvp WWUVQ marketing network. Top Notch training. »*«»**»• missions. Bwiness brokerage services. Call Mr. Kaplan at 015/455-5515 NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, axe. starting Mc Henry Ave., Woodstock. REAL ESTATE SALES Poal lions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program JComml«ion advances paid for QMltflad listings B sales. Earn what y o u ' r e w o r t h w i t h E R A Household Realty. CallDoiores (Chick) Groh for confidential Interview. 312/639-2000 •uiMtoapn "pillI UralMm ̂ MnA P®»Tirn« • Irwl n WlVfan onO ouarantoad startino Income. Submit resime to. atophen F. Andarsson, P.O. Box 351, Ll6Ht FACTORY WORK Eva. shift, 4 pm to Midnight BB i Bfc n i *• *- r --- a*.t.f. # irUot s ovaiifloie Â|) AakMdkiaktdShAahl vfl'l fOo ^ppoinii SEQUOIA AUTOMATIC 015/459-4405 PART TIME Deilvary Parson for local warshouse distributor, approximately 4-5 hours per day. Call 015/305-0300. APPRENTICE WANTED for Ceramic THe, Carpet, Sheet Vinyl. Trade exparlance helpful, but will train. Call I1S/455-2127. EXPERIENCED LUMBER SALESMAN Edward Hines Lumbor has an opportunity position available immediately for a nelf-otarter to develop contractor sales in the far N.W. suburbs. • Salary plus Commission • Automobile Allowance • Insurance Benefit Package For Appointment tall KENTIMMINS 815-459-2700 EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. CRYSTAL LAKE INSIDE SALES/TRAINEE Bright, aggressive person needed to learn as an inside sales trainee. A knowledge of steel products, blueprint reading and speci­ fications, as Well as steel service center ex­ perience a definite plus. Must have good math ability and able to deal with outside sales contacts, purchasing & manufactur­ ing. You can expect an excellent salary, out­ standing company benefits as well as a fu­ ture career advancement. Please forward your salary requirements and confidential resume to Box ANH, Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Medical Opportunities COME GROW WITH usi RN's, LPN's, Nurses Aides Oar new Medical Can tar (located ia McHean, II- HaaH) has opeaiacs ia ear critical care suit, MICU aad SICU for fed time, part time oad float pool which affords flexible scheduling Excellent benefit package. Salary commeasaiati with experience. Contact Human Rasource Department (818)344-5000, Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center Orbo McHenry, II600S0 equal opportunity employer m/f HELP WANTED Port Time Circulation Sales People » Hours approximately 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Monday through Thursday.. Involves crew selling door to.door with carriers and selling subscriptions on your own. A reliable car is a must. Apply in person. PLAINDEALER HERALD 3812 W.i Elm Street - McHenry, IL 60050 MORNING PEOPLE NEEDED If you enjoy answering telephones and have a reliable car, we need you to help deliver paper shortages to our carriers., Hours are 5:30 am*a:30 am on Wednes­ day and Friday. a CALL 815-385-0178 PLAINDEALER HERALD CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm SMW rate pacss NCWSF APCR UOIIP «

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