Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1984, p. 11

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SECTION I - Page 11 - PL A IN DEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1984 yain rwip vviiiivu SCHOOL LIBRARIAN, January 7-ie, to replace cur- rfffT mnwiwi wiw w wwny o 1 • Uf, nil, ** ntip VTirTTfo RAPIDLY GROWING Barr ington company inkino Quail * ty consious individuals for in our pro- • lot A and • S:M p.m. Container irtinotonlm IS Crpmmertlolj of On McHoary Cm DMECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Oiilijiiil̂ oppoitooRy lor » ponon ieterested ia Mm AoM of MNc NomI m tto Director ol FeMc HooNh Nanlng Division tab Ooportmial of Hoodk. Ro^akomoats I Grodestien from a Scheei of HaniM ta (to Wtoeis Oepartrnent of Registration I Mnols Rcensere at a Registered Nam. a Master's Degree InAdwInhtrstion. epktemtfogy. resesrck ft dWcal eerda|, pies 2 yoon faR time eiperience in o family conforod Roniai Program la a Community NoaRh Agency, or a •oeWsDograe la NariMi wkick indados a practice* in PaMc HeoNfc Horsing, adraacod preparation In adminWratian ft HpanWan ft 4 yoon experience In a fanaraRiad family caatarod Horsing Proeram In a CammaaRy Health Agency. '",0W ** dapaadiaj an goalifeatfoes. ft an an «eol opportunity omptmr. feyooe Interest la oppfytng should land a resume, capy of transcripts 4 *52. *25? ̂ "• kt«** <• the Oaportment at 2200 Herth Seminary Am.. Woodstock R. MOM or coN IIVIM-2040, £it 120. We wtt ho accept* appHcatiees lot tkb pooMoo thraefh Horamher IS, IM4. CARPENTER-HELPER ad . Immediately. Soma ok Mrfanca nocoooary. J12/4W FAST PACE comport* Is look is 'usvEksti rmm to. _ - P O Box 10W, CryotatLalm, II. asm. KMTAL receptionist/ assis tant/ hygientsf. fait or part ttma (aoma Sato, ft 1 eye/ wk. lajjulred). Paopta oriented. Ex­ perience preferred. Rapty to Bck ANF; Shaw Fraa Praaa Newspapers, PO Box 2S0, CryttalTafcO, IL 000U CRYSTAL LAKE COUNTRY Clubto looking for night waitresses. Call Roee aftar 5 p.m. 01S/49M237 SOCIAL WORKER BHingMi, Spanish spaaking for Dopartmant of Chll- dran ft Family Services, Laka ft McHanry County, casa toad of abusad ft neglected children ft their famillas. Completion of bachelor's degree ft 4 years experience or a master's degree ft 2 years. Salary range, $17,340$}?,600. Contact Diane Broke 312/356-1011 OFFICE CREDIT CORRESPONDENT Facilitate the collection of post due accounts by pkone and wrttten contact with customers and salesperson. Re­ view customers for credit worthiness throu|h study of In­ formation provided by credit services and customers. PURCHASING CLERK Maintain pricinf records. Correspond witk contract sap- pliers. Provide statistical and analytical support, to corpo­ rate parchasinf department. SECRETARY Maintain corporate purchasint files and manuals. Type confidential correspondance. Requires good phone skills. ON CALL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT orkeypunch/verify experience. On caN work ap to 20 kours per week in corporate headquarters. I Uarco Incorporated W*Bt County Line Rd. Harrington 312/381-7000 ;Bp<Oapoibndty Iwplayai M KEY PUNCH OPERATOR We have an Immediate opening for an experienced IBM- lit key punch operator to work AAbnday through Friday. Our company offers • good starting salary plus a company paid benefits package. Far an interview ap- Mk|«i|aa*«| nlanaa m|| jmmf aaror-**•»* nfl|ra irvwiirnvni, pvnw can wi perxmnvi oinci. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 SIS/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F i ;'i IMMEDIATE OPENINGS • DRILL PRESS OPERATOR (2nd shift) We are seeking an individual with at least 2 years experience working on a drill press or other lite machinery. Must have setup and operating background. o TURRET LATHE SETUP (2nd shift) At least 2 years experience making minor setups and operate CNC turning centers. »'ais 1st shift) Minimum 2 years experience setting up and eperating horizontal and vertical mills. We offer an excellent starting salary, full company benefits and a modern working atmosphere. Please apply in person to fill out an application: Personnel Department CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP. 891 Feehanville Drive* Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 - equal opportunity employer m/f JOURNEYMAN MACHINISTS 2nd •Mft: 5pm-l:30am laCi ear staff. ISTS \ MMdtib H •mlalmam 2 years experience hi on autematod j£NwM|eof Mackine Tootinc end outomotod •uncuvt ssitfy opportunities Owtsct Ponoftiiol foe iinmediitt coeiidofitioa' (312)639.1681 , //// til Ntttumt Higflwtr Fm Kim Gtwm, IL tOOil bqaol oppDitaoH) napiaya m/f W®illwO DENTAL ASSISTANT Cnalrstdo experience, flexible hours, Crystal Lake office. Send rooume to: Box ANE.c/o Foe Prase Newspapers. P.O. Bob MO, Crystal Like ILHM4 Crystal Ina M Railroad Ave., Cryolal Lake. HS/4SMaw Persona to make contlnous part time local restaurant reports i firm. Oerol Marketing, P.O. Box S444 Long Baach, CA, 15^85552 , ilalftyaaM a WlrfWT IWII nVVDVD. inSUTVO/ reliable car a must. Call before noon. Iis/as-MM. MAINTENENCE MAN _____ tor Crystal Lake Apt. Complex. Must be exp. In heating, air condv ft refrigeration. Call Brenda at 015/4S5-<tt40, bet­ ween PamfcSpm. PART TIME Poaitian available In cafeteria. $3.45 par hour. Call •IS/49-9000 Ext. m0 Mon-Frl H: 30-1:31p.m. HIGH SCHOOL District 195, Crystal Lake. Full time custo dlan. Excellent fringes. Apply ft: Personnel Office, 4Sw. Franklin, Crystal Laka. FIBERGLASS manufacturer In Spring Grove wants ex­ perienced individual familiar wtth fiberglass tooling, lay-up ft chopper. Good pay, plus benefits. Call Riley at I1SW5- tm. MS Eastwood Drive (Rt. 47), IL. WANTED: Experienced Den­ tal Assistants full time. McHonry area. Send resume to B o x A N I , M c H e n r y Plaindooler, 3112 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.40050. WAITRESS SNIghtsftldayk Cail312/43»7000 UmLa nim r| %A JANITOR VILLAGE OF CAR Y Require local mature iack-of- all-fi radî NTM* ^?*sSS? 5"U5s^? HALL Cary, IL 40013 PecNry MACHINE OPERATOR NC LATHE NIGHT SHIFT REXNORD, a well-established manufacturer of ouallty mechanical shaft seals Is seek­ ing a skilled NC Lathe ~ ' Must be able to read Operator. A blueprints measuring equipment. Ex- pertonce on NC omilpmont a Bllic Cto'i offer a good salary and comprehensive benefits package Including sick days, medtcal/llfe insurance and more. Call for appointment: Personnel 312/537-8100 REXNORD Mechanical Power Dlv. Seal Open &34 Glen Ave. Wheeling, IL 400*0 Wheel Ina, I <appartuiwy m/1 HAIRSYTLISTS NEEDED For extremely busy salon in Spring Hill Mall. Advance training program and base pay guaranteed. Current llllonois Beauty Operating, license re- qutroo. Call LlMa Klatt at 312/4244355. System 7 Spring HUI Mall West Dundee PRESS PACKERS To assemble boxes and pack business forms. Candidates must be dependable and quality minded. Job requires continual lifting of up to JO-lbs. per carton and standing tor long periods of time. We offer a good starting salary ond excellent benefits. Personnel 176 W. Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 600)4 815/455-3800 f(|Data Documents v i A Pitney Bowes Company Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer SHEET METAL&WELDER Fabrication of primarily stainless steel part pf kits. McHonry otm. OSGOOO INDUSTRIES 312/4004017 SHEEF METAL ft WELDER Fabrication ef primarily 3IS/4PMIT7 WAITRESSES- Full ft part time, ail shifts available. Call B j|J4 fOT flppOinTvTvOTv# IIW Lin i Restaurant, Weodstock, •IS/330-0110. E X P E R I E N C E D H a i r - ortmn. wotk TOT ywrnvi vn plaooomt surroundmga. Rent your own station. Sand roaewes to: SiloiMNea, 4719 W. Elm SfH McHenry. IL., PRESSMAN, experienced ft capable of producing quality work on Chief Press. Apply in arson SportDecals. Us E. Terra Cotta Ave.. Crystal EFFICIENT MACHINIST to compliment our small staff. Experienced w/ lathes, mills, grinders. Experience w/ CNC tylpW<W? nntTiTi. ciii ̂. _IElglry». 312/741-7424, aok tor Don. PART TIME - Full Time Telemarketing. Hourly plus commission. Willing to train. Must be dependable. 312/354- 4403 or 524-2*4 x INTERPRETER SEDOM Is seeking the services of an Interpreter to work with primary- Intermediate age deaf/hard of hearing students In the Crystal Lake area. Salary based on experience and training. Excellent fringe benefits. Please contact Barry Lamb, Assistant Director/ Pro­ grams ft Services, 1200 ciausaen Drive, Woodstock, IL 400N, 115/330-3422. C A S H I E R FULL T I M E Exp., mature individual to work full time. Must be able to work some evs. ft some weekends. Pleasant working cond., exc. benefits, apply In person, Barrlngton Ace Hard­ ware, 11* W. N.W. Highway. Barrlngton, II. Id HolpWanlod . 34 Hwfp Wartfad "Urn C I O i MimHr--*Train#* ~ ' Poctory Part Time Town Pump Restaur ant FLOYD'S REST, now taking applications far part time waitress. Apply bi person. Rt. 31, O W N E R O P E R A T O R S Tandem axel tractors Mat wttt pass DOT Specs. Must be w/flat bed frei#it. SI loaded ml. or more to tractor; loeded mi. or more to tractor w/42 ft. flat- bed traHor; Sl.tJ leaded ml. or more to tractor w/45 ft. flat bed traitor. Go to work Immediately, call 015-540 UK Country Wide Trucking,, " - «.i • NEEDCASHI We need to |ob out homework, someone w/workshep facilities needed to bulid wooden planters, benches 4 bird houses. We provide material, you provide the labor. CaM Art, 312/5511010. R E T A I L M A N A G E M E N T Position available. Experience nacaoeery. Salary common ourate with experience. Send rooume to: Retail Manage­ ment, BOX ZKA c/o Sentinel Herald, W S. Jefferson St., Woodstock, IL 490*0. SALESMARKETING REPRESENTATIVE 124,500 Guaranteed Incc Direct soles or In- home ex­ perience preferred, but not wcnnfy. \ 400/997-9902 BOOKKEEPER, full time, full charge. Call tor Interview, Mem-4pm. Tueedoy, day, Thursday only. eroo. 015/3054434. Tueaday, Wednes Mcltonry PERMANENT Part-time, 24 hour Convenient Store/Gas sta tlon needs mature, dependable people. Varied duties ft hours. Must enfoy working w/people. Previous cash handling ex­ perience helpful. Apply In per son, 3IW W. Elm SCMcHonry. TOOL MAKERS. EuMriencod only. 50 hour week. Strom berg Tool Co., 015/330-4004. WAITRESS/WAITER, part time evening ft Sturdays, day. Apply In person Pizza Hut, 2e4 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, II 40014. UNIVERSAL GRINDER If you have machine shop ex perionce, you're perfect for this opening with a wellastablished manufacturer of quality mechenlcel shaft seals. Rex nerd Is seeking a Univervii Grinder capabto ef reading bluoprlntf and using precision mooeuring equipment LAN DIS cylindrical or Blanchard surface grinding experience a Wo offer a good salary and comprehensive benefits sasifligkta,s?,nsi more. Call tor appointment Personnel 312/537-1100 REXNORD Mechanical Power Olv Seal Operation * 434 Glen Ave. Wheeling, IL 4009C im«' toP«rtwilt> wwpNyir m/i CAR WASHER ft Porter. Must have valid drivers license. Call Rich Huebnor, 015/305 7200 toll Bulck OWs. *03 N t #« ** «« -J-I »I.| WtCe^WmjT* MitcMI Front St. K-MART HAIR OESIGN SALON Positions available for ex perlenced hairdressers, full or part time. Call Sonja 115/459-0405 SET UP PEOPLE. Wise Hamlin Ptasfks Is looking for set-up people tor 2nd and shifts. Must be dependable & 312/497 a^good work record SECOND SHIFT Foreman, WIse-Hamlln Plastics is look "?9 tor a person that knows all phases of Injection molding Dependable ft good work record. 312/407-2040 ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS Full or aart time - Flexible hours - Apply in person. Four Seasons Cleaners. 924 Stone HHI Cantor, Fox River Grove Modine Manufacturing Co., a world leader In the heat transfer industry, has a position available In Hi Rlnowood. IL facility for a 2nd Shift Mainte­ nance Electrician. To qualify, applicants should have a minimum of 2 yaan experience with production machinery and Mtoral plant electrical set-ups. Experience to I Phese , 440 electrical systems Is highly desirable. Familiarity with punch prettes, spot welders end conveyer systems a plus. ",1 •' " We offer a competitive wage and benefits package plus the opportunity to join a growth oriented company- Ptoase forward your resume/letter or stop in and fill out an application at: AA M O D I N E I MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ringwood Road (2 miles north ot Route 120) Ringwood, IL 40050 equal mpertunlty wnptoyer m/f MAINTENANCE • SECOND SHIFT Must be able to repair presses, welder fabric- tor & some electrical trouble shooting. Excel­ lent pay plus company paid benefit package. To apply, please contact our personnel de­ partment. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815/943*7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F SERVICE TECHNICIANS *»t*ieldsitteMi j .9>nerwq Leading maeufadurer of< tlieatrictf llghtinf control aysteme has an Ifnmediate opening for an experienced technician for our service de­ partment. This position involves start-up & de­ monstration of equipment as well as repair on a nationwide basis. For an Interview, please contact Mrs. Wallace MAJOR CONTROL PRODUCTS, INC. 312-639-8200 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F MOLDING MACHINE OPERATOR Now taking applications at our Lakemoor facility Must be able to work full lime any shlll. Above average starting pay, paid holidays, paid vacations among company paid benefits. - Please apply in person at: CHROMA CORPORATION 32S Wagner Road (Lakemoor) McHanry, Illinois ELECTRICIAN Experienced in residential con­ struction. Able to work without supervision. HARRISON ELECTRIC X9r.H li«£, 815/385-9376 MOTOR ROUTE DRIVERS The Sentinel-Herald is looking for motor route drivers. Hours are between 1:30 p. m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for approximately Vh hours. Ideal for housewives and senior citizens. A small economical car is a plus. Apply In person at the Sentinel-Herald 109 S. Jefferson St., Woodstock, IL 60098 DESIGN ENGINEER ELECTRONIC , CIRCUITS The testes! pewit* division of Werner Electric, toothy to ttoreftfo, in«te$ yea to |oto its talented teem as a Design Engineer. You'll work on o dynamic product tow that includes electronic control tor brakes, dutches, octuotors ond stop ir ton atom with the design of pMocltcuic prooucis. The successful cendidote will base o BSEE ond 4-7 yoots experience in design of ana- h| areata. Previous oxport- poaents is desire ̂ -<pe». once in power sw*m.«% cir­ cuits, esooNtM. YouH enjoy o climate can. doctor to corner growth, en aacshsst jSStonr end keeetit packageincluding -»deteried mm For taniidetatioa call iinne. t w wmnwwe»nm( or seed four resume to: AlCaeaMy 815/568-8001 MOTION CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION 1JSSN . Slel*S«rM< , llllnort««IJJ meortwutr «!>pl»nr m/l/»/» HOME IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PAINTING SECRETARIAL DRYWALL ATTENTION Experienced Secretary/Book­ keeper will do your cor­ respondence. booVkeeping, mailings, etc. in my home. Dependable ai Confidential •15/315-3197 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Specializing in developing your computer software packages to business needs FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ti SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT •15/315-7712 BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions 'Baths •Remodeling •Decks •Garages •Aluminum SidTog & Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME m/Bseras CONTRACTORS e f f y Carpenter/Contractor D/B/A Frank Fkek & Sons 27 yrs. exp. in home build­ ing and remodeling. Quality. Service & Pride Free Estimates Phone: I1S/3M-S12* or 115/3851383 BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residentiai-Commercial-lndustrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands ot satisfied customers.' SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid *New Drives •Resurfacing •Perking Lots •Seal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Grayslake, IL tmm S0MMER DRYWALL •installation& Finishing •Patchwork & Spray-on-ceilings 115/344-1156 FIREWOOD ECONOMY GARDEN CENTER Oak, MS delivered Attacked HQ delivered Ik dumped ISO picked up 312/551-1111 GENERAL REMODELING &H0ME REPAIRS • Kitchens & Baths •Wolmanized Decks •Electrical & Paneling 'Custom Cedar Shutters •Wallpaper & Ceramic Tile NoJobTooSrriall. HARRY VIEZENS CONST. 815/385-2847 (Developer of the prestigious Val-Mar Estates, McHenry HOME IMPROVEMENT l o T H O M E J&L IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Sotfit*Fascia»Gutters Roofina*Decks Low Prices a Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed a Insured •SI5/455-4226* If No Answer, Call •15/459-3118, Ext. Z GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 Professional installation available • S75 (incls. service. & lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 LAWN CARE GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Yard Cloon up VfcoKfl Complti* LiwviS8rvta & Design IIS/455-5536 LIMOUSINES FRANK HAWKINS LIMOUSINES WE DOINGS & CHARTERS 115/315-395 PAINTING GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Peinting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work a materials 115/455-5536 RKK DECORATING Commercial a Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly a Professionally Done Ask For Roger-015/4S5-01f0 PAINTING KISHWAUKEE CUSTOM DECORATING s S S S S s Interior Specialists We'll save you time a money a help you choose the right colors! Professional Painting, Papering t Woodstelnlng Stanley C.Jozefalk 115/̂ 23-4333 Woodstock, Illinois PAINTING it DECORATING BECK'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners, Businesses Contractors, Decorators 312/A5H27I McHENRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Low Cost: •Spay, nueter a vacination •Dog spay & nueter, M0.00 •Cat spay S30 •Cat nueter, S30 •Rabies Vacination $6.00 •Cat a Dog Vacination s6.00 1815/385-0031 PLUMBING FOUR SEASONS Bathroom Remodeling Hot Water Heaters 815/338-8106 No Job Too Large or Small LOW PRICES - CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 10% Discount for senior citizens. REMODELING t COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years Mc Henry County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION •15/344-1432 115/315-4544,115/344-0740 ROOFING * SUNSHINE ROOFING •10 Yrs. Shingle Expertise •QualityMaterials •Insured •Free Estimates •AH work guaranteed 115/385-0009 THIRD BEAR Business Services Group Professional Word Processing and Information Services 815/3444287 SEWING ft VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service a Parts Household a Industrial in-Home Service Free Pickup a Delivery KEENER I. SON . 115/721-0472 TEXTURED CEILINGS SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service Get on our list now! ^§15/455-5536 WATER /s, CONDITIONING introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 115/1*3344 QUALITY- WATER CONDITIONING • (LMtei te Heme 0«nw») WINDOW WASHING WINDOWWASHING IN a OUT HIGH & LOW Residential Commercial GRANDPRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOO RESTORATION Accurate and careful resfora Hon of antiques, furniture and kitchen caoinets. Also chair regiueing •15/315-4024 To Place Your Dial*A*Service Ad PHONE 815-344-4800

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